HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957.12.12_City Council Minutesz.
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Decem'per 12, 1957
Council met in regular session at 7:00 P,~~:, at To-r;n C7_erk's Office.
Present: C. 1~. Sheldon Pres. of Board
'Jayne Beane Trustee
Floyd r'lour:c:oy rustee
G]_enn Corr~bs Trustee
'lbsent: ~~one
i~Jinutes of the last regular meeting read and aprrcved as reao_.
Treasurer's report:
General i~ and ~ 4g~~~ .7
Street & !!lley X0'/,00
Sinlzing Fund 15184,45
'~Jater Fund 3748 .lc
°e ter Deposit ~ and 3405.05
Sen."er Fu:ld 354.17
The follo~~Jing claims presented:
rienry C. Bradley lly.vl
Tom Johnson 2.50
Harold Charney 50.00
Doyle Carter 30.00
','Vilson :K. Lattimore i2_y,cil
Richard Ernissee 3'1,50
Henry C. Bradley l1y.01
_M"Jilson R. Lattimore 12y,01
Utilities accounting Ce. y82.15
Owasso Lumber Co. 6.30
Josephine Dowrey 4,58
Public :service Co. 15.00
~~ ~~ ~~ -
~~ ~~ ~~ t~ , y2
~~ ~~ ~ .oo
P~ounger Hardware 4,30
D-~ Sunray Oil Co. 4'75,1.y
Oklahoma. ?dat' 1 Gas Co . ~ , `J5
n n n n 1 .50
S. '`J. Bell `I'ele~~hore 1-'+.55
Sinclair Oil Co . ?7 , ~;,0
'eel. R. suer 5.00
Floyd Kyzer 5,00
^merican F,xchah~e Bank 3~.,2y
R. ??, Keith 10,00
`:'~~'estern Ituto X4,54
Vaughn Chemical Co. 143.00
First Nat' i Bark
Trust Co. 4023.04
Collinsvil7_e Nei.^~s 20.2
va~al Roles ~3,?2
^_11;: n's Service tati_on 3.Oy
P~iotior. made by Beane to accept claims as read, seco~.ded by F1our~:;oy,
motion carried.
Dec. 12, l~?j%, Cont.
:Motion made by Flournoy to anrrove Trailor Park to be located e~a.st of
the Sinclair Station on Tots 1 & 2, Block 25, O.T.; providing a Plat
to be tiresented passes a~uroval of the -koard. ~~ecor~ded b,y Beane, rr:otion
The City attorney for the Tov~n of O~~ra.sso advises against usina~ i:~:oney don-
ated to mair_ta.in cemetery. to _~urchase a,~ditional land.
Motion b,y Combs to appoint Lyle Smithers to the T04"1n Clerk's position,
if he urill consider same. Seconded by Flournoy, r.~~oti,~n carried.
Board agrees to a.~prove Chris'-mas bonus of '`%x.00 to all employees.
°: ~ z
!;~~otiorl to adjourn made by Fl_o~zrnoy, seconded by Beane an.~? meeting adjourned.
~~~proved: attet:
Ares. of Board
_. own r1_erk
December 30, 1G5`7
Council. met in special session 7:~0 P.~_, at To~san Clerk's Office.
:Present: ";ayne Reane Trustee
Glenn Combs Trustee
~, . ~''+ . ~hel.d.on Prey . of Board.
"bsent: Floyd Flournoy
h'ur-~ose: To consider Floyd Flournoy note and se.^,er indebtedness of
Ivadell. addition, to the To?~,~n of O~,r;asso, Okla. brior to annexation to the
i'!otion made b,y Combs to relieve Flo~,~d Flournoy from his note and se~.ver
assessment indebtedness to the Town of O:~aasso, Ocla. of Ivadell ~?ddition,
prior to annexation to the ?'o~:~rn. ~'econded by Reane, motion carried.
.Motion made by Combs to set eater tap Gad meter for Cat~~o.ic Church on
~:ast si de of Kansas :street. ',";ester rates to be doub~-~ for outside city
limits, Tai to be ~/4~~ size. :seconded by Beane, motion carried.
~'~~otion to adjourn made by Combs, seconded by Beagle and meeting; adjourned.
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_'r s, of Board ~:~n Clerk