HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015.08.18_OPGA AgendaRECEIVED All!i 14 7015 PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE City Clerk's Office OWASSO PUBLIC GOLF AUTHORITY Council Chambers, Old Central Building 109 N Birch, Owasso, OK 74055 Regular Meeting Tuesday, August 18, 2015 - 6:30 pm 1. Call to Order Chair Jeri Moberly 2. Roll Call 3. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for approval of the Consent Agenda. (All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the Trustees to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Trustee may, however, remove an item from the Consent Agenda by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non -debatable.) A. Approve minutes • August 4, 2015 Regular Meeting • August 11, 2015 Regular Meeting B. Approve claims C. Receive monthly budget status report 4. Consideration and appropriate action relating to items removed from the Consent Agenda 5. Report from OPGA Manager • Quarterly Golf Report 6. Report from OPGA Attorney 7. New Business (New Business is any item of business which could not have been foreseen at the time of posting of the agenda) 8. Adjournment Notice of Public Meeting filed in the office of the City Clerk and Agenda posted at City Hall bulletin board at 6:00 pm on Friday, August 14, 2015. Lisa Wilson, City Clerk's Office OWASSO PUBLIC GOLF AUTHORITY MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, August 4, 2015 The Owasso Public Golf Authority met in regular session on Tuesday, August 4, 2015, in the Council Chambers at Old Central, 109 N Birch, Owasso, Oklahoma per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 6:00 pm on Friday, July 31, 2015. 1. Cali to Order Chair Jeri Moberly called the meeting to order at 7:28 pm. 2. Roll Call Present Absent Vice -Chair- Lyndell Dunn Chair - Jeri Moberly Trustee - Doug Bonebrake Trustee - Bill Bush Trustee - Chris Kelley A quorum was declared present. Staff: Authority Manager - Warren Lehr Authority Attorney - Julie Lombardi 3. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for approval of the Consent Agenda. (All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the Trustees to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Trustee may, however, remove an item from the Consent Agenda by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non -debatable.) A. Approve minutes - July 21, 2015 Regular Meeting B. Approve claims Dr. Kelley moved, seconded by Mr. Bonebrake to approve the Consent Agenda with claims totaling $31,988.84. Also, included for review was the payroll report for 7/25/15. YEA: Bonebrake, Bush, Kelley, Dunn NAY: None Motion carried: 4-0 4. Consideration and appropriate action relating to items removed from the Consent Agenda None 5. Report from OPGA Manager None b. Report from OPGA Attorney None 7. New Business None Owasso Public Golf Authority August 4, 2015 Page 2 8. Adjournment Mr. Bush moved, seconded by Mr. Bonebrake to adjourn the meeting. YEA: Bonebrake, Bush, Kelley, Dunn NAY: None Motion carried 4-0 and the meeting adjourned at 7:29 pm. Lyndell Dunn, Vice -Chair Lisa Wilson, Minute Clerk OWASSO CITY COUNCIL, OPWA & OPGA MINUTES OF JOINT REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, August 11, 2015 The Owasso City Council, Owasso Public Works Authority, and Owasso Public Golf Authority met in a joint regular meeting on Tuesday, August 11, 2015 in the Council Chambers at Old Central, 109 N Birch Street, Owasso, Oklahoma per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 6:00 pm on Friday, August 7, 2015. 1. Call to Order Vice Mayor Dunn called the meeting to order at 6:05 pm. Present Vice-Mayor/Vice Chair- Lyndell Dunn Councilor/Trustee - Doug Bonebrake Councilor/Trustee - Bill Bush Councilor/Trustee - Chris Kelley A quorum was declared present. Absent Mayor/Chair- Jeri Moberly 2. Discussion relating to Community Development items A. Planned Unit Development Amendment- Morrow Place B. Tax -Credit Senior Housing - Request for Resolution of Support Bronce Stephenson presented the items and discussion was held. It was further explained that items 2A and 2B would be placed on the August 18, 2015 Council agenda for consideration and action. 3. Discussion relating to a Professional Services Agreement- PDG (SK Trail & Splash Parks) Larry Langford presented the item and discussion was held. It was further explained this item would be placed on the August 18, 2015 Council agenda for consideration and action. 4. Discussion relating to Policy Amendments -Sales Tax Watchdog Committee Julie Stevens presented the item and discussion was held. It was further explained this item would be placed on the August 18, 2015 Council consent agenda for consideration and action. S. Discussion relating to Finance Department item A. Water and Sewer Rate Changes Linda Jones presented the item and discussion was held. It was further explained that action items would be placed on the August 18, 2015 OPWA and Council agendas for consideration and action. 6. Discussion relating to City Attorney items A. Part 2, Section 2-41 1, Rules of Debate - Ordinance Amendment B. Resolution - Juvenile Court Julie Lombardi presented each item and discussion was held. It was further explained item 6A would be placed on the September 1, 2015 Council agenda for consideration and action and item 6B would be placed on the August 18, 2015 Council agenda for consideration and action. Owasso City Council/OPWA/OPGA August 11, 2015 Page 2 7. Discussion relating to City Manager items • Radio System Update • Sales Tax Report • City Manager Report Larry White advised that an item would be placed on the September worksession to discuss a proposal to purchase equipment for the Radio System Upgrade Project. Linda Jones presented the monthly sales tax report. Warren Lehr advised that bids were opened earlier in the afternoon for the storefront glass and glazing portion of the New City Hall Remodel Project and a staff recommendation will be presented for consideration and action at the August 18, 2015 Council meeting. B. City Council/Trustee comments and inquiries Council members expressed appreciation for the monthly development update and discussed the various ways they have utilized the information in the community. Council members discussed the dedication ceremony for the Macy's Fulfillment Center. 9. Adjournment Vice Mayor Dunn adjourned the meeting at 7:53 pm. Lyndell Dunn, Vice Mayor/Vice Chair Juliann M. Stevens, Minute Clerk rlaime T.IQ+ 8/18/2015 Budget Unit Title Vendor Name Payable Description PaymentAmount OPGA JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WALMART-FOOD 24236 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SYSCO-FOOD 676.42 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TAYLORMADE-MERCHANDISE 102.84 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WALMART-FOOD 39.33 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SYSCO-FOOD 609.01 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK JAVA DAVE'S-COFFEE 103.90 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK JAVA DAVE'S-COFFEE 41.94 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WALMART-FOOD 43.98 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK GRT PLAINS -BEVERAGE ORDER 364.13 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK GIRT PLAINS -BEVERAGE ORDER 469.58 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TITLEIST-MERCHANDISE 117.60 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TITLEIST-MERCHANDISE 430.22 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TITLEIST-MERCHANDISE 457.78 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TITLEIST-MERCHANDISE 1,156,52 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TITLEIST-MERCHANDISE 154.96 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TITLEIST-MERCHANDISE 674.40 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TITLEIST-MERCHANDISE 924.48 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TITLEIST-MERCHANDISE 105.85 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TITLEIST-MERCHANDISE 49.12 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TITLEIST-MERCHANDISE 924,48 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TITLEIST-MERCHANDISE 231.73 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TITLEIST-MERCHANDISE 105.85 BGR DAILY ACCT. REIMB GOLF PETTY CASH 980.94 BGR DAILY ACCT. REIMB GOLF PETTY CASH 433.85 BRIGHTON COLLECTIBLES, INC IMERCHANDISE 28.04 TOTAL OPGA 9,469.31 GOLF SHOP JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OFFICE DEPOT -SUPPLIES 44,98 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TITLEIST-RANGE BALLS 3,300.00 TOTAL GOLF SHOP 3,344.98 CART OPERATIONS JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TEXOMA-SCORING PENCILS 379.66 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TIMMONS OIL -FUEL 1,265.99 YAMAHA MOTOR CORPORATION, USA CART LEASE 3,595.49 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ATWOODS-SUPPLIES 10.66 TOTAL CART OPERATIONS 5,251.80 COURSE MAINT J & P VENTURES, LLC CART PATH REPAIR 1,587.60 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP AIR FRESHENER 2.00 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP AIR FRESHENER 2.00 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP SHOP TOWELS 12.05 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP SHOPTOWELS 11.19 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP UNIFORM SERVICE 15.55 Page 1 Claims List 8/18/2015 Budget Unit Title Vendor Name Payable Description Payment Amount COURSE MAINT.. UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP UNIFORM SERVICE 15.55 BWI COMPANIES, INC WETTING AGENT 508.50 WATER UTILITIES SERVICES, INC IRRIGATION FITTINGS 162.76 CITY GARAGE LABOR/OVERHEAD -AUG, 201 65.33 WATER UTILITIES SERVICES, INC IRRIGATION FITTINGS 15.16 JESCO PRODUCTS, INC TRASH CANS 314.35 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ROBERTSON-TIRES 171.50 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ROBERTSON-TIRE 429.96 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES-WIRE FLAGS 7.98 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK IBT INC-CHAIN 102.72 ONEOK, INC OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS NATURAL GAS USAGE 39.85 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OREILLYS-MOTOR OIL 53.95 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK HARRELLS-GROWTH REGULATOR 457.59 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK INNOVATIVE TURF -FERTILIZE 135.01 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ATWOODS-MUCK BOOTS 99.99 AT&T LONG DISTANCE PHONE BILL 0.09 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WIRELESS TECH -RADIO REPAI 145.12 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WINFIELD-HERBICIDE 108.15 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WINFIELD-INSECTICIDE 153.61 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WINFIELD-FERTILIZER 11.73 VERIZON WIRELESS WIRELESS CONNECTION 40.01 TOTAL COURSE MAINT 4,669.30 FOOD & BEV JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SYSCO-SUPPLIES 36.65 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SYSCOSUPPLIES 371.63 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ABLE KITCHEN -SUPPLIES 11.99 TOTAL FOOD & BEV 420.27 GOLF ADMIN JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES-SUPPLIES 54.85 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK COX-WIFI 170.90 AT&T LONG DISTANCE PHONE BILL 1.44 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WASTE MGMT-REFUSE SERVICE 256.67 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OFFICE DEPOT -SHREDDER 54.98 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES-SUPPLIES 86.86 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TITLEIST-PROMOTIONAL ITEM 402.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SOONER QUALITY -A/C REPAIR 1,657.68 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK MURPHY SANITARY -SUPPLIES 367.38 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK USPS-SHIPPING 147.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK COURSETRENDS-HOSTING 300.00 ONEOK, INC OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS NATURAL GAS USAGE 259.75 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK UPS STORE -FOLDING SVCS 10.89 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SOONER QUALITY -A/C REPAIR 1,657.68 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WOOT-LAPTOP 304.99 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK AMAZON -HARD DRIVE 131.94 Page 2 Claims List 8/18/2015 Budget Unit Title Vendor Name Payable Description jPaymentAmountl GOLF ADMIN... JJPMORGAN CHASE BANK SQUARETRADE-WARRANTY 54.99 TOTAL GOLFADMIN 5,920.00 FUND GRAND TOTAL 29,075.E OPGA GRAND TOTAL $29,075.66 Page 3 OWASSO PUBLIC GOLF AUTHORITY PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 08/08/16 Department Payroll Expenses Total Expenses Golf Shop Operations 3,261.25 4,813.22 Cart Operations 2,500.34 2,807.43 Golf Course Operations 13,373.87 18,575.85 Food & Beverage 4,428.74 5,848.78 General & Administration 3,177.90 4,827.51 FUND TOTAL 26,742.10 36,872.79 CITY OF OWASSO OWASSO PUBLIC GOLF AUTHORITY Statement of Revenues 8 Expenses As of July 31, 2015 OPERATING REVENUES: Golf shop fees Merchandise sales COS -- merchandise Cart Rental Food & beverage COS -- food & beverage Other Revenue TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES OPERATING EXPENSES: Golf Shop Cart Operations Golf Course Maintenance Food & Beverage Golf Administration TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES -RATING INCOME (LOSS) Transfer from General TOTAL OTHER REVENUES NET INCOME (LOSS) FUND BALANCE (Budgetary Basis) Beginning Balance Ending Balance Month To -Date July 31, 2015 Year To -Date Percent Budget of Budget 51,444 51,444 $ 572,300 8.99% 14,641 14,641 140,000 10.4 6% (10,500) (10,500) (100,000) 10.507o 14,108 14,108 125,000 1 1.29% 14,814 14,814 189,300 7.83% (9,364) (9,364) (86,000) 10.89% 85 85 700 12.12% $ 75,228 $ 75,228 $ 841,300 8.947. $ (9,770) $ (9,770) $ (133,227) 7.33% (8,854) (8,854) (102,792) 8.61 % (67,651) (67,651) (583,959) 11.58% (10,784) (10,784) (126,559) 8.52% (16,528) (16,528) (224,364) 7.37% $ (1 13,587) $ (113,587) $ (1,170,901) 9.70% $ (38,359) $ (38,359) $ (329,601) $ $ $ 350,000 0.00% $ $ $ 350,000 0.00% $ (38,359) $ (38,359) $ 20,399 (3,502,970) (3,502,970) $ (3,541,329) $ (3,482,571)