HomeMy WebLinkAbout1059_Amending Section 2-411_Rules of DebateCITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA ORDINANCE 1059 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO PART TWO, ADMINISTRATION & GOVERNMENT, CHAPTER FOUR, RULES OF PROCEDURE FOR THE CITY COUNCIL, SECTION 2 -411, RULES OF DEBATE, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, AMENDING 2- 411(H) TO INCLUDE A PROVISION ESTABLISHING A MOTION TO REINTRODUCE A NEW ITEM OF BUSINESS WITHIN SIX (6) MONTHS OF THE CITY COUNCIL'S ORIGINAL VOTE ON AN ITEM. THIS ORDINANCE AMENDS PART 2, CHAPTER 4, SECTION 2 -411. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, THAT, TO -WIT: SECTION ONE (1): Part Two, Administration 8, Government, Chapter 4, Rules of Procedure for the City Council, Section 2-411, Rules of Debate, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, shall be amended as follows: SECTION TWO (2): SECTION 2-411 RULES OF DEBATE A. Mayor or vice -mayor may debate and vote. The mayor, vice -mayor or temporary chairman, as the case may be, may move, second and debate from the chair; subject only to such limitations of debate as are by these rules imposed on all members and shall not be deprived of any of the rights and privileges of a council member by reason of acting as the presiding officer. B. Getting the floor, improper references to be avoided, interruptions. Every member desiring to speak shall address the chair, and say, "Mr. Mayor ", and such member shall not proceed with the member's remarks until named and recognized by the presiding officer. If any member is speaking, or otherwise transgresses the rules of the city council, the mayor shall, or any member may, call such person to order, and the member called to order shall immediately cease, unless permitted to explain, and the council, if appealed to, shall decide without debate. If the decision be in favor of the member called to order, he shall be at liberty to proceed. If against him and the case requires, he shall be liable to the censure of the council. No person shall speak more than twice on the same question, unless Tulsa County Clerk - PAT KEY ,' 64 Doc # 2015080177 Page(s): 5 Recorded 0910 412 01 5 at 03:11 PM OkCAMOMP Receipt # 561259 Fee $21.00 CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA ORDINANCE 1059 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO PART TWO, ADMINISTRATION & GOVERNMENT, CHAPTER FOUR, RULES OF PROCEDURE FOR THE CITY COUNCIL, SECTION 2 -411, RULES OF DEBATE, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, AMENDING 2- 411(H) TO INCLUDE A PROVISION ESTABLISHING A MOTION TO REINTRODUCE A NEW ITEM OF BUSINESS WITHIN SIX (6) MONTHS OF THE CITY COUNCIL'S ORIGINAL VOTE ON AN ITEM. THIS ORDINANCE AMENDS PART 2, CHAPTER 4, SECTION 2 -411. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, THAT, TO -WIT: SECTION ONE (1): Part Two, Administration 8, Government, Chapter 4, Rules of Procedure for the City Council, Section 2-411, Rules of Debate, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, shall be amended as follows: SECTION TWO (2): SECTION 2-411 RULES OF DEBATE A. Mayor or vice -mayor may debate and vote. The mayor, vice -mayor or temporary chairman, as the case may be, may move, second and debate from the chair; subject only to such limitations of debate as are by these rules imposed on all members and shall not be deprived of any of the rights and privileges of a council member by reason of acting as the presiding officer. B. Getting the floor, improper references to be avoided, interruptions. Every member desiring to speak shall address the chair, and say, "Mr. Mayor ", and such member shall not proceed with the member's remarks until named and recognized by the presiding officer. If any member is speaking, or otherwise transgresses the rules of the city council, the mayor shall, or any member may, call such person to order, and the member called to order shall immediately cease, unless permitted to explain, and the council, if appealed to, shall decide without debate. If the decision be in favor of the member called to order, he shall be at liberty to proceed. If against him and the case requires, he shall be liable to the censure of the council. No person shall speak more than twice on the same question, unless permitted by the council. No member of the council shall leave his seat to speak to any other member of the council or any other person in the council chamber without first obtaining permission of the mayor. When the city council is in session, or when a member is speaking, or the city clerk is reading any paper to the city council, no member shall in any way disturb the proceedings of the city council. No member of the city council shall be permitted to talk upon any one given subject longer than five (5) minutes at any given meeting, except when permission be granted for an extension of time by a two - thirds (2/3) vote of the members present at such meeting of the council. No members of the council shall, at any time in addressing any meetings thereof, indulge in any personalities or indecorous language or in any matters or things not pertaining to the subject under discussion. The right of the floor of the council shall be accorded only to the members of the council and to the appointive officers of the city unless otherwise provided for herein. C. Privilege of closing debate. A council member moving for the adoption of an ordinance or resolution shall have the privilege of closing the debate thereon. In all other cases the closing of debate shall be governed by the presiding official unless by two - thirds (2/3) vote of the members present at such meeting the council decides to extend debate for a time certain. D. Motion to reconsider. A motion to reconsider may be made either immediately during the same session, or at a recessed and reconvened session thereof only. Such motion need not be made by one not of the prevailing side, and be seconded by any council member. Such motion shall take precedence over all other motions and it shall be debatable. E. Remarks of council members when entered in the minutes. Any council member may request, through the presiding official, the privilege of having an abstract of the council member's statement on any subject under consideration by the council entered in the minutes. If the council consents thereto, such statement shall be entered in the minutes. F. Synopsis of debate -when entered in the minutes. The city clerk may be directed by the presiding official, with consent of the council, to enter in the minutes a synopsis of discussion on any question coming regularly before the council. G. Motions. When a question before the council contains several propositions, any member may call for a division of the question so as to vote on each proposition separately. Unless such request for division is made, after preliminary discussion of an agenda item, the mayor shall, consistent with these 2 rules, call the matter for determination by the council. Subsequent to the mayor calling the matter for determination, the procedure shall be as follows: 1. Main motion. Any member of the council desiring to offer a motion on a particular agenda item shall so indicate by raising his or her hand to obtain the mayor's recognition. Subsequent to the mayor recognizing the member, the member will thereupon, in clear and concise terms, move to: a. Continue the matter; b. Table the matter indefinitely; c. Take a certain course of action; d. Approve for award a bid pending the signing of the contract and furnishing the required bond; e. Adoption of Ordinance and that the reading of the ordinance be waived; f. Adoption of Resolution and that the reading of the resolution be waived; g. Approve or reject the claim of in the amount of; or h. Approve consent agenda items. Thereafter, members desiring to second such motion shall so indicate to the mayor by raising the member's hand. Subsequent to the main motion receiving a second, the mayor shall call for a vote; whereupon, the city clerk shall in varying order, with the mayor being called last, call for a roll call vote. In all cases, the member making the motion, the member seconding the motion and the vote of the members thereon shall be entered in the minutes of the council. Every council member abstaining from voting on a motion or being silent to same shall be recorded as having cast a negative vote on such matter. 2. If no member offers a motion on an agenda item, the mayor shall again call for a. motion. If no motion is presented after the second calling, the mayor shall declare the item fails for lack of motion. Similarly, if no one seconds another member's motion, the mayor shall, after calling twice therefore, declare that the motion fails for lack of a second. 3. Upon a motion having been offered and seconded, the mayor shall call for a vote. 4. Any time prior to the mayor's calling for vote of the council, a member may move to amend the motion, which shall require a second. An amendment must be germane to the main motion and be accepted by the member making the main motion and the member seconding same, if applicable. 3 H. Items previously voted on by council. An item previously decided by the city council may be placed on the agenda as a new item of business only under the following circumstances: I. When the vote by the city council occurred at least six (6) months before the item again appears on the agenda; 2. When a motion to reintroduce the item is approved by a majority vote of the council within six (6) months of the council's original vote on the item. A motion to reintroduce may be placed on the same agenda as the item proposed for reintroduction. No item shall be proposed for reintroduction to the council more than two (2) times in a six (6) month period following the council's original vote on the item. 3. Annually, when council members have been sworn into office and the item was voted on by the previous council. 4. This section shall not apply to any matters dealing with initiation, prosecution, defense or settlement of litigation brought by or against the city, its employees or agencies. SECTION THREE (3): Repealer All ordinances, or parts of ordinances, in conflict with this ordinance are repealed to the extent of the conflict only. SECTION FOUR (4): Declaring an Effective Date The provisions of this ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days from the date of final passage as provided by state law. SECTION FIVE (5): Severability If any part or parts of this ordinance are held invalid or ineffective, the remaining portion shall not be affected but remain in full force and effect. SECTION SIX (6): Codification The City of Owasso Code of Ordinances is hereby amended as shown above and to be codified as Part 2, Chapter 4, Section 2-411. 4 PASSED by the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma on the 1 st day of September, 2015. eri oberly, Mayor ATTEST: Sherry BisFiop, City Cl �w OF o� S O (SEAL) � APPROVED as to form: Juli$Kombardi, City Attorney 5 CITY OF OWASSO /LEGALS ATTN: MARSHA HENSLEY PO BOX 180 OWASSO, OK 74055 Date Category 09/09/2015 legal Notices deport; Pubislaho Inthe tember%2015.,:Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, Sepkmber 4,1575. -CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA ORDINANCE 1059 AN ORDNANCE RELATING TO PART TWO, AD- MINISTRATION d GOVERNMENT, CHAPTER FOUR, RULES OF PROCEDURE FOR THE CITY COUNCIL. SECTION 2-611, RULES OF DEBATE, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF OWASSO. OKLAHOMA, AMENDING 54II(N).. TO INCLUDE A PROVISION ESTABLISNINGA M0- TIONTO REINTRODUCE A NEVI ITEM OF BUSI- NESS WITHIN SIX (6) MONTHS OF THE CITY COUNCIL'S ORIGINAL VOTE ON AN ITEM, THIS ORDINANCE AMENDS PART 2, CHAPTER 4. SECTION2-41L Sr 9T ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSD, OKLAHOMA, THAT, TO.WITC SECTION ONE (1); Part Tyro, Administration 8. G ty- emnlent , Chapter 4, But" of Procedure for the. City Cauncll. section "I, Rubs at Debar of-the Cade of Ordirionces M the City at Owasso, Wcnnoma, shall be amended as follows: IiECTIONTWO I2)f SECTION 2-411 RULES. OF DEBATE A. Mayor Or vlae-nICY" may debate and vale. The My ar me ngme aria pnYlllg6 of a ca 11 can w W M. son of acting a theprwicirN officer. city unless otherwise Provided for herein. C. Privilege of closing dabofe. A Council mamaar debate tar a fine clrfoin. 0. Motion fa racmeider. A motion to recomisi r may be E Remarks of council manatee when ordered in the mi. False Any council na mher may remrt.'through IM wesid- ing official, thorrivitega gF having an correct otthe Coundl membo'f ophFaanf an agar subiect sinter consideration by the cou dl Mitred in the miorlas. It fin Cadged mum's theratim setsstaismmt shill be xdarednthe iydmtm. F. Synapsis of delefe•when m4med ti the mmuNs. The cnrr chik may be directed by the Preekfing'alflcbL,,IM, cogent of the council, )a. onher in foemeathe .: synapsis : `of discueskin an any question wrong regularly before termination by the Council. Subsequent to the mover carries the matter for determination, the procedure shall be m folluwe: Id�� Group Description ORD NO. 1059 Broken Arrow Ledger • Cowala American Owasso Reporter - Weganer TnWne Sand Spriggs Leedom � Skanook Journal Tulsa Business &Legal News OKLAHOMA WEEKLY GROUP P.O. BOX 26472 RICHMOND, VA 23261 -6472 Account Number 1015023 Date September 09, 2015 Ad Size 2 x 214.00 CL terms, move to: -- - if Publication a.' CSrrtnuam.moHgn of h Table the matter indefinitely: c. Tale a certain - course Of action, d. Abpraw, for award . bid penning the sigton of iW con. tract and furnlahhne: the resolved boitr n, am a legal representative of e. Admil of ordinance Not r,_ and that the reading attbe Ordinance he waived; dahoma, a Weekly newspaper of L Adoolim of resolution Nw = and that $be ra ngre - Often rooNtionlas Iwdr 9: Apar"oer molt lm bimalin the ampod ati ar ahoma, a newspaper qualified to h. Apprcyecassava amsea iterns. " nents and publications as Thereafter, members: Corning to second such motion Total Cost 273.92 shall Far indicate to the mayor, by raising the member's - 25, Oklahoma Statutes 1971 and hand SubseaueM:m the main motion receiving a ffl> and - the moner shall aril for a vole; wharves., the city et, and complies with all other Clerk shall )n varyingOMer, with the Oiavor beige called fast coil far o rall call vote. In air cow, the member ahoma with reference to legal making the motion, the member "canding. the motlm and fie vote at the members thereto shall be entered in the minutes at the Council. Every council member ab- I true copy of which is attached staining from vohog to a motion or be)na snot to same shall ee recorded as having cast a negotive vote do such ',ular edition of said newspaper matter. - ublication and not in a 2 It no member alters a motlon an an agenda Item, the mayor shall agein.call for a. mallon. If m mailon is 09109/2015 Presented after the "Food calorie, the mayar shall declare the Own fails for lack Of motion. Shmilaty, it re, doe socows another member's motion, the mayor- shoiL,affer cagi irg D doe a oa twice ih®efora far , declare that the motion falls r lack o second, i5910 a 00 ao s 1 Upon a m W. loving been offered and seconded, the ,per 0 1 maw hall shall call for a votes. g \qp\ O A Ara time Prior in lie moor's calling far void of rte t 00, 1, � Fee a member may. mcm, to am oend. the nmgw, Which 111 shall resume a =Md. An amendment must be i ermane to the main matlun and beaccapled by the memberr mak- Ing fhe'an n motion mot the member seamialca some, B applicable, - y 6✓ H Iferre b mot cif item fore me this date: Prev ®b v a an b initiation, prosecution. defense or setllemere.ef- m @afim brought by ar agairnst the city. Its emplm ees W agencies. SECTION THREE In. Rep im All ardiromcm, or- Parts of ordinances, in conlici with this ordinance, :erg reamied to tae extent Of the conflict Only.'' SECTION FOUR (41c Declaring an I NeCl Ogle The provisions to this ardirsence Mall became, offs ve. ralrt tot) goys tram tha dale of teal: masbge ae Proven- `, THANK YOU SECTION FIVE. (5). Severmulty it any part w parts of this nrcilnance are held Invalid or ineffective, the remoWng portion shall not be affected hot : remain In full fareeard effect: . SECTION: SIX (6): . coeducation ' The City at Owasso Code al Ordinances if hereby famead -. ad' as shown _above, and to he codified as Part 2. Chapter 4..: SdCtim 2411. PASSED by the City COUNCIL Of the CnY of Owosee, Does- home an ban bit day at September, MS. k1jerl Moberly, Mayor. ATTESTf ISr Sherry. BLOOD, CIfV Clerk APPROVEDae to form:. /e/ Julie Lombardi, City Attorney L W�eklY Group CITY OF OWASSO /LEGALS ATTN: MARSHA HENSLEY PO BOX 180 OWASSO, OK 74055 Broken Armes Ledger - Cowata American Owasso Reponor • Wagoner Tribune Send Springs Leader - SIC tork Jaurnal Tulsa Business & Legal News OKLAHOMA WEEKLY GROUP P.O. BOX 26472 RICHMOND, VA 23261 -6472 Account Number 1015023 Date September 09, 2015 Date Category Description Ad Size Total Cost 09109/2015 Legal Notices ORD NO. 1059 15.9110 'ubiletetl in the Owasso Reporter, Owasso, Tulm County, Oklahoma, September 9, 2015. CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA ORDINANCE MS9 AN TO MINI TRIATION & RELATING ERNMENT,T CHAPTER FOUR, RULES OF PROCEDURE FOR THE CITY COUNCIL, SECTION 2411, RULES OF DEBATE, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, AMENDING 2411(1) TO T ON TOUREINTRODUCE A NEW ITEM OF BUSI- NESS WITHIN SIX (6) MONTHS OF THE CITY COUNCIL'S ORIGINAL VOTE ON AN ITEM, THIS ORDINANCE AMENDS PART 2, CHAPTER 4, SECTION 2411. BE IT ORDAINED BY THU COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, THAT, TO -WIT: SECTION ONE (1): Part Two, Administration A GoY- emment , Chapter 4. Rules Of Procedure tar the City Council, Section 2411. Rules of Debate, of the Cade of Ordinances m the City ut Oweene, Okahorna, shall be amended as fellows: SECTION 2411 CTIONTWO 12) %m ES OF DE&eTE A. MOY" ar vlcWt ayo, may debate and vote. The mayor, vice -navOr w temporary Chairman, as the case may be, may move, second old debate from the Glair; ,object only to such limitations of tlabete a, ore by these rules imposed an all members and shall not bin tlmrived al any of Ie rights and plvilsess of o Council m mber W rem ,an at aline as the preeding officer. B. Getting the floor, Improper references to be Irruptions Evert member desirlog to speak shall chair, and my, 'Mr. Moore, and such member need with the member's remarks until nor merited by the presiding Officer. it any me making, or otherwlee trmsgresee, the ruh, at mcil. the mayor shall, or am member may, r M 0n11 be Or cage requires Council. No I same queen. member of 11 any other me the council Ct the moor. \ a member Is Raw to Me disturb the P of the city C me ulvw su Bryan meetin an exher-Im my moonns decorous In Maine to 11 filar of he Mrs M the city Miss., terms, move to: a. Continuohematter; b. Table the matter Indefultely; c. Take a ratan course at action; d. Approve for award a bid Perd?ng the signing er the con - ,,,a and twol4rmg the reautred beau; e. Adoption of ordinance No __ MCI that tM reatlire 11-the ardimnce be waived; I. Adwhan of Resolution No, __ Cad that ties reading at the renolutimbe waived; g. Approve or retest thecialm of in the arravm at or It Almave caused agenda !tuns. Thereafter, members desfrtng to second such mouton shall so indicate to he mayor by tahtng the member's hand. Subsmoeut a the main moiler receiving a sec' and, the manor shell Cell far u vole; wherewer, the city clerk Shall in varying order, with the nMYYM being called last Gail her a roll coil vote. In oil cities, the member making the manse, the member seconding ibe Milan as the vote at the members thereon shall M entered h the minutes of the council. Every council nrombe' a? Staining from voting an a metier or being srlerd to Some than be recorded AS having Cast a 04201W vote an such matter. 2. It no member offers a motion an an Cunneen them, the mayor shall again Call tar a. motlon. If na motion !s prevented affer Me vecwd Collins, the mayor shell declare Me rum folls far lack of moil.. Similarly, If Ica ore cecende MleeethereivWre, declare lothat the motion flux far alack W a the mare, 0.11, second. 3. Upon a mollan having been offered and seconded, the nom ehall all ice a vote. ' Am time Prior to the MVM'e calling far vote of the council, a member may tore to amend the molar, which Shall maulre a second. An amandmmt must be Somers auction to the met. Ing the main motion and the member secandim -me, H applicable. H. MOM previously voted M by Council. An tier previously decided by the city Council may M placed an the agenda as anew item M Wetness only under Mo tol- 1 Wring circumstanCR[ qe, atlas permited to explain, and the , When the vote W The city c.ncll occurred pi least six ,fed tut Shall deride, Wiflaut debate. It (6) months before the item wain appears. the agenda; In favor of he member Called to order, Sorry to proceed, if Malrot him and ibe 2. When a moil. i neil within ix ( item I, months 01 M tl o 0 m Shen be cable to the cannot. at the = ;MUY vole of the council within sic i6) mates o uc Court sholl speak mare than twice on the Cn's "What rate on the tam. s motion to reintroduce MY unle,e permitted by the Council. No be paced . the same .end, as tie item prepared la rein - emmil Mall have Me seat to speak M troduction. No itmt Shut be prooasPA far reintroduction to her at Me Council w my Other poseur, In he caumi, mare Nan two (2) times to a Six 16) month Perrot mater without first obtaining P -Mesei e' of following the muud" Mieaol Yptean the (hem. m Ills city .oral le in session, or when »eking, or Me city clerk is reading any 1 AnaaeY, When council members hove bean sworn alp ty council, no member shall In MY way office and the item was voted an by the Previous COW61 :eedlnus A be cry council. No rnember net] Moo be Permitted to talk upon any A This section shelf not Me" to onY matters daBno wife em eager than five (5) minulm at am initiation, prosecution, defense or settlement of IIth efi. except When M miselm be granted far brought by M against the city. its employees M agencies. t time by a two-thirds (2A) vote of the rat at such meeting Of he COmClL No e .anal, Shall, M am time In addressing hereof, indulge in any personalities nr h" age M In any mat/Ms or Ming, net per - oblect under discussion. The right of tae mCIj bell be ­d t the au only off sere of the C. Privitege of closing debates A Council member mWlng or Me peoples, ot on ordinance or resolution :loll hove the Privilege of dosing ibe oebote tharwn. Inert tiler ones, he closing aF rebels shall b gm erAd by the prelate; officfnl poise by Iw6tlllyd, im) vote of the norm' We present at sudn medhg Me council decides to extend iebMe rot a itope o rtaen. o. Motion a remeaer. A moron to reconsider MY as MCI. either imMehately doling dx ame session, or al a m ceased and recMeered session thereof Only. Such motion need not he mods by one W of the prevailing sus, and as seconded by over oil other mature end it Sh.11 W d balalhleaka E. Remarks of council members when erdered in the mi- rules. Any Council member may reauagt through the oresd. he official, iM Privilege ot having an abstract of the Council rrembr'a datwnent an am subiect antler CmodxMaihn W MwoM,nSoon sta show, shat be eMored'In the minutes. i �Ilis F. Synapse, of dabalewhen entered In the mi.oNs. The city clerk may be directed by ibe Presiding aft"d, with Cmmet of Me council, a g der 1. the rnaut® a synbans at discussion an MY question pLning r.oul.rly before the council. G. Aftuans. When a question before the council con- Min, several Prowsetims, any member may coil tar a division of the quedtan so Oe to Yale M cash MopgsHian fepormshe. unless such reouest far clowstm is male. ol- ter PrelemeaiV discussion at an agenda tend the mayor sal' cststent with these rules, call the ,,ratter far de- by the caimcii. Collins thenmatter for dourT dtMwite Prwadare Stall be m (damn: 1. Main mot,.. Any member M the council desiring to offer p motion on a porli -im, agenda item Moil do IMe- cme W raising his or her hand to Obtain the mayor's re,. Mimilm. ber, Me m mMer will hereupon, h clear recognizing and concise SECTION THREE (3): Repealer All Ordamce9, or v rtf, of OrdaOaCes, in CMINla1 with this avdiance are renewed a the exlmt N the conflict only. SUCTION FOUR (O: De t"g M Effective Dale Thin Provisims vl this ordinal® shall became ~live thirty (30) days from Me dote at final p,,,ow, as Prova- ed by stale law. SUCTON MVE SeYerelHlity It any Part or Per t, ut MIS ordinance ore laid Imola on ineffective, the remelting portian shall net be affected bet remain in full force and effect. SUCTION SIX (61: CodMeUMm The CHY Of Owasso Code of Ordinances is hereby onwnd- ed as haven above and to be codified as Part 2. Chapter s, Section 2411. PASSED by (Ile City Council M the Cri, at Owasso, 01,11a, Mum an IN, Ist day ar September, 2015- Wier] Moberly, May" ATTESTI fs( ShtrrY Bishop, City Clerk APPROVED as a form /sI Julie Lombardi, City Attorney 2 x 214.00 CL 273.92 !of Publication am a legal representative of Ihoma, a Weekly newspaper of oma, a newspaper qualified to nts and publications as Oklahoma Statutes 1971 and and complies with all other oma with reference to legal ue copy of which is attached r edition of said newspaper ication and not in a ]9/09/2015 \ ` \WIIIIIIIW�r'i, T�.� o I a ARY \EP f#12010796' �7 F�p „BL1�OA a ? me this date: g'no'�"maIK,P \ °•. - l )tary Public ANK YOU Weekly Group J CITY OF OWASSO/LEGALS ATTN: MARSHA HENSLEY PO BOX 180 OWASSO, OK 74055 Broken Armes Ledger - Cawala American Owasso Reporter - Wagoner Tribune Sand Springs Leader - Skistook Journal Tulsa Buerness & Legal Naws OKLAHOMA WEEKLY GROUP P.O. BOX 26472 RICHMOND, VA 23261-6472 Account Number 1015023 Date September 09, 2015 Date Category Description Ad Size Total Cost 09/09/2015 Legal Notices ORD NO. 1059 155910 I tomb mew to: Published in the Owasso Reporter, O sesse, Tulm County, Oklahoma, September 9, 2015. CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA ORDINANCE 1059 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO PART TWO, AD- MINISTRATION & GOVERNMENT, CHAPTER FOUR, RULES OF PROCEDURE FOR THE CITY COUNCIL, SECTION 2411, RULES OF DEBATE, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF OWASSO. OKLAHOMA, AMENDING 2417CMI TO INCLUDE A PROVISION ESTABLISHING MO. TION TO REINTRODUCE A NEW ITEM OF BUSI- NESS WITHIN SIX (6) MONTHS OF THE CITY COUNCIL'S ORIGINAL VOTE ON AN ITEM. THIS ORDINANCE AMENDS PART 2, CHAPTER 6, SECTION 2411. RE IT ORDAI1460 BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, THAT, TO -WIT: SECTION ONE (1): Port Two, Administration & Gay - elea1CIH , Chapter 4, Rules of Procedure far the City CEUncli, Section 2-411, Rules of Debate, of the Cade of ordinances of the City of Owasso, Okhohwna, shall be amended as fallows: SECTION TWO 12): SECTION 2411 RULESOEDFQATF A. Mayor or ylcwhanyw may debate antl eale. The mayor, vico-mayor or temporary chpirmon, as the max may be, may move, sa aid and debate ham the chalr- subiect Only to such limitatione of debate m are by them rules imposed an all —hers and mail not M deprlyea of Cry at the rights and wirlleme m a council member by ma. son Of acting m the Prealdrg officer. B. GaHlnu the fimr, hammer rtfeencers to be armdnd, IniwruPtam. Emory member desiring to speck shall otltlress the chair, and spy, 'Mr. Mayor', and such member shall not Proceed with the member's remarks until armed and recognized by Hue presiding MCen, It any member Is croaking, or otherwise Irmsoresses the rules at the city council, the mayor sholl, or arty member may, all such person to order, antl the member rolled to ardor shall Immediately cease, unless Permitted to ..Plot., ond the council, if mpeaiod to, shall decide without debate. If Me decision be In favor of the member calletl to order, he shpll be at liberty to mooned, It against him mo, Me case raquirm, he shall be liable to the censure of Me Council. No mmem shall speak mare than twice . the some queeilon, unless Permitted by tine cumcii. Na member of the council shall awe his goal to speak to any other member of Me council or any other person in the council cil chamber without first abtoini permiaipn m the mayor. When the CHy Council is In xselm, air when a member Is smrakinp, or IM city Clerk Is reading any PaPer to the cHy council, no member shall in any way dislarb the pmceedic., of IM CRY Council. No member of the CITY counc t shell be permitted to talk upon any Me given subject bnger than flue (5) minimal, at any given meeting, SoCOPt when pwmisslon be granted for an exlenslan of tms by a tyro- thirra (2A) vote of Me members Present at such meeting m Me council. No members of the council shall, at any time In woressba dowwrous lonpuKe M In any natters m things rat Mr. taining to the whlect tartar disclosed.. The rlgnt of the floor of the council shall M accorded only to iM mem- bers of the council and to the apoulntlw officers W fine city unless of arwise provided for herein. C. Priviage of deans, debark, A council member mavire far me of.ptioa of an ardinm. or resolution stall hove the Prielage m closing the dabole Memen. In all her cows the cimfn9 of debme shall M gbeenuid by the w6Slding official alms by Iwath ,4, fWl vaN of he mem- bers, Rowan at such meeting the council dlcidne to extend debate for a time CortoM. a. C,i w ntlm/ro-11 r; b. Table the muter indaHmtaly; C. Take a,srmin Co.,. of action; tl. Morava for aware a bid pending the signing of the coo- trail and furnishing this reauam bond; e. Adulation of Ordinance Ne, — antl that the reeding of the ordnance be wuiwd; I. Adoption of Resolution No. _ also that tine reading of the resoluti. be waiwd; 9. Auerave or reiecl the claim of in the amount M;m R Approve [omens agenda items. Thereafter, members desiring to second such motion shall m indicate to Me maw, by ralfing the membWa hand. Subsequent to the man motion re®iving a goo- and, the mayor shall =11 for a vole; whereupon, the city Clerk shall in YCYfn9 order, with the mayor being called last, Coll f. o roll fall vote. In oil CoseS, the membw making the motion, the member semndlmg IM, Mohan and the vote Of Her members thereon shall be entered at the minutes of the Council Every wumfl member ab- Vointile from voting on a motion or being sflem to Sane, shall M recorded as having Cost a negative vote on such mater. 2, I1 no member offers a nattiest . an Camillo Nem, M. mayor shall audit call for a. motion. If m mount is Presented offer the second Calling, the mayor shall declare the Ntem tans far lack of motion. Similarly, if no ore second. maths, member's minim, the mayor shall, offer coINK take therefore, declare that the main. falls for lack al a second. 2 Uam a motion having been offered and seconded, the meant and] call fa a vote. d. Am time on" to the moor's calling for we, of the council a member may move to amend the motion, whkh shall reolulre a second, An amendment must be germane to the main nation and be.rmpled by the member mok- Ing the main motion and the member sesmtlllg game, it apaRmble. H. (tams previously vaNd . by council. A. Hem previously doodad by the city munch may be placed can the agenda . o new Isom m buviaeee mly under ihe td- lowing circumstances: L When the rate by the city council occurred at least su (d) months before the item again appears an the agenda; 2. When a motion a reintroduce the item is memwo by a rmlority nie of the Council within six (6) mundhs of the Coun- cil's original vain an the Item. A =if.. to reintroduce rmr W Placed! an the same agenda os the item Prepared far rem - troduclion. No item shall be wapaed for mintrodtdim to the council more than here (2) tines in a six (6) men% berud following the Conte l's original vote an the item. a Annually, wtwn council members haw been sworn into office and Me Item moos voted be by the previous council. 0. This se[Nm shall no apply to any natters doling Alh Initiation, Prosecution, defense or semiannual of litigation brought by or against the city, its amialmnse, or agencies. SECTION THREE (31: RePeoley All ort inmCos, air parts of ordinances, N cmtiicl with this ordimnce are repealed to the extent of the cannici only. SECTION FOUR (4); Declaring. ifladhe pole The Provisions of this orafromes stall became effective thirty (30) days irwn the sate m final Possilge as provid- M by state law. SECTION FIVE (5): srammo lity It any Part air parts of this ardnarae are Mitl Madu or Ineffective, the remoWn9 portion shoal act be affected bol remain in full force and effect. U. Mellon b rerneidor. A motion to recamitla my be mode rthh rr im eadiateW during an same Make, w at a re- SECTION SIX (tam C dt0catm caramel ceased aid reconeeneo session fhweaf only. suet, mriion City of Owasso Cain al Ordinamx is h o her" mend. meal not W made by one non of the Prevailing sae, and be ad as shown above and to be codified as, Port 2, Chapter mcmilid by a" council member. Such motion .mail take 1, S_edim 2-111. weciall over all other maters and N @loll M tlebeabla. PASSED by the City Council m Me Cay of Owosso. Oklo, E. Remarks of council members when andernd in lee mI' hand an the )at day at September, 2,15. notes. Any Council member may request, through the wesa- ing offs god, Ma r nyilege, of having an aWract of the council 154M Mabelly, Mawr berly, der .1sarla tatensnt on my suhisct antler c°mida mion by the Council ordered in the mimaftl. If the Council masohis ATTESTm ry CHy C1ene theretx sual statement shail be entered in the minutes. APPROVED as to form; F. Srmpste m debotcwhen adored in the mfnu ax The city clerk may he directed by IM prasidng alHcall, wind consent of Me council, to armor in the mmut® o symicam of die axiom on my auestfan coming regularly before iMe Council. G. Motions. When a question before the Council con- tains several PramAtions, any member may col for a division of the question sa as to vale an each empusitian seporalely. Unless such request for dwis'an is made, af- ter Preliminary discussion of an agentla item, the mayor shall, consistent with these rules. Call the mmler far de- terminal by the council. Subsequent to tie movor calling the matter for determination, the procedure doll be as follows: 1. Main center. Any member of Me council desiring to of e, a motion an a Particular agando item shall m Ind4 who by raising his air her hand to obtain the mayor's rec- COMMON. Subsequent to the !mayor reC09nizina the mem- ber, the member will themumn, in clear and Concise /xi JUIM Lombardi, City Attorney 2 x 214.00 CL 273.92 If of Publication n, am a legal representative of dahoma, a Weekly newspaper of 3homa, a newspaper qualified to nents and publications as 25, Oklahoma Statutes 1971 and at, and complies with all other @home with reference to legal I true copy of which is attached ular edition of said newspaper ublication and not in a 09/092015 Al . Cyr v eoo° 15910 to VgllC +�S �L °J ' ® p0 ( Q o�68'-c Pa �T O o° fore me this date: .J JA Notary Pub tic �;, -/C/ THANK YOU nTity Wit oui Limits. TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Owasso FROM: Julie Trout Lombardi City Attorney APPROVED gY COU NCtt, SEP p 8 zu15 SUBJECT: Ordinance 1059 Amending Section 2-411, Rules of Debate. DATE: August 28, 2015 BACKGROUND: Pursuant to a request by Councilor Bonebrake, staff began exploring options to amend Section 2 -41 1(H) of the Owasso Code of Ordinances several months ago. This provision currently states that an item previously decided by the City Council can only be placed on the agenda as a new item of business in the following situations: 1. When the vote by the City Council occurred at least six (6) months prior to the new item again appearing on the agenda, or, 2. Annually, when Council members have been sworn into office and the item was voted on by the previous council, or, 3. The item pertains to the initiation, prosecution, defense or settlement of litigation brought by or against the City, its employees or agencies. Both Councilor Bonebrake and staff desired to draft and propose an amendment to Section 2- 41 1(H) giving the Council additional flexibility to reintroduce and consider a new item of business even if it does not satisfy the above criteria. A specific and primary concern in drafting the proposed amendment was establishment of a method by which the Council may consider a new item of business when it is necessary or desirable to do so without compromising the ability to protect the agenda from flagrant abuses of process. Ordinance No. 1059 creates an additional exception in Section 2 -411 (H) that allows an item previously voted upon within a six (6) month period to be reintroduced to the Council if a motion to reintroduce is approved by a simple majority of councilors present. The proposed amendment additionally states that no item shall be proposed for reintroduction to the Council more than two (2) times in a six (6) month period following the Council's original vote on the item. A motion to reintroduce may be placed on the some agenda as the item proposed for reintroduction as a new item of business. This item was previously discussed by the Council at the July and August work sessions, and is now recommended for approval. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Ordinance 1059. ATTACHMENT: Proposed Ordinance 1059