HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973 01_OPWA_Regulations for Owasso Public Works Authority LAW OFFICE".~ .JOHANNING AND HUDSON OKLAHOMA CITY H IRS H, RESOLUTIO~ :\0. 1 -_. ,- AU1lIORITY WORKS OWASSO PUBLIC 11ffi IT I~SOLVED BY THE TRUSTEES OF BE Officers. The officers of the Authority shall be Chairman of Trustees, a Vice-Chainnan of Trustees (each of whom shall be a quaE Hed Trustee of the f\uthori ty), and a Secretary of Trustees ,. The person who currently shall be the pre~ siding officer of the governing body of the Beneficiary ~1unicipa1ity designated in the Declaration of Trust of the Authority shall, ex officio, be Chairman of Trustees, unless such person shall refuse, or fail for a reasonable time after qualifying as such presiding officer of the governing body of the Beneficiary Municipality, to qualify as a Trustee of the Authority, in which latter event ~ the qualified Trus- tees of the J\uthority shall select one of their number as Chairman of Trustees of the Authorityo The Vice-Chairman of Trustees shall be selected by the Trustees from their O\m number. a L SEaIO\! Tenps of Office. The terms of office of the aforesaid oificers ot--the Authority shall be co-extensive with their respective terms of office as members of the governing body of the Beneficiary 01unicipality, and until their respective successors as members of said governing body shall have qualified as Trustees of the Authori ty 0 2 SEO'IO~ Chairman of Trustees. The Chairman of Trustees shall preside at afiln2etlngs of the Trustees, shall subscribe the name of the Authority or the Trustees thereof to all writings evi- dencing the official action of the Trustees, and shall perform such other duties as the Trustees from time to time direct. 30 SEaION SEaION 4 Vice-Chainnan of Trustees 0 The Vice-Chairman of Trustees snaIl perfonn the Ciuties of the Olairman of Trustees in the event of the absence or temporary inability of the Chairman to do so, Secretary of Tnlstees The Secretary of Trustees shall be t11epersonwho currently shall be the duly qualified and acting clerk of the Beneficiary ~tmicipali ty. The Secretary of T tees shall make minutes of all meetings of the Trustees~ shall be the custodian of all records of the ,~lthority and of the official seal of the Authori ty, and shall authenticate with the official seal of the Authority all writings when such authentication shall be required or proper. rus- 5 - SEaION The following executive employees and shall have the duties respcc- .. Executive Emloveeso shall 1)e the nc'rsons set forth . 6 SEa ION tively LAW OFFICE::' JOHANNiNG AND HUDSON OKLAHOMA CITY HI R S H, (a) Treasurer 0 The person \vho currently shall be the Treasurer of the Beneficiary \illmicipality shall be the Treasurer of the Authority ~ unless the Trustees specifically employ some other per:" son. The Treasurer of the Authority shall be the custodian of the funds of the Authority~ under the direction of the Trusteese and shall give bond if and when required by the Trustees so to doo Assistant Secretaryo The Trustees may designate an Assistant Secretary of 'Irustees, The Assistant Secretary shall have of the powers of a deputy of the Secretary. all (c) General ~!aTJ.ager 0 If and so long as the government of the Beneflc'lary-;\lUn'idpality shall be administered by a ~!a.'1ager the person who currently shall be employed as such \!anager shall be employed as General ~lanager of the Authori ty $ wi th all powers of administration of t1e Puthority property and affairs, under super~ vision of the Trustees of the Authority t as such i\!anager has in relation to the property ::md affairs of the Beneficiary r.funicipality t under the Beneficiary Hunicipality; but, in the event t~ere shall be no such l\!aTlctger, then some person employed by the Trustees of the Authority shall be tJlre General Manager of the operations of t1. Authority $ with the p0\<lers and duties specified by the Trustees of the Authority, '" v (d) General COlIDseL The person who currently shall be the muniClpal attorney for b'1e Beneficiary Municipality shall be the General Counsel for t'1e Authority $ unless the Trustees other- wise employ some other attorney as suc.~o 70 Conroensation of Executive Emnl ore es 0 The compensation of the ... exec'U1:lve employeeso! tIle ~j\Utnorlty shall be fixed from time to time by the TnlStees ~ taking lnto consideration any compensation paid them by the Beneficiary i'olunicipali ty and any reduction of duties perfonned for the latter by reason of services perfonned for the Authority 0 Section 80 Quorum at Trustees ~'!eetinr!s A majority of all qualified ... TiusIees sl1alIconsl:ltul:e aquorum at all meetings of the Trustees~ but no action of the Trustees shall be binding upon the Authority unless authorized or directed by a majority of all Trustees ,~ho currently shall be qualiflcd as suc~: Provided, that t~e foregoing shall not be deemed a limitation or restriction of the acts of any Trustee or Trustees pursuant to express delegation of authority or duties by a majority of all Trustees who currently shall be qualified as sucho Sect ion .. (Seal) ATTEST