HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007.02.12_Planning Commission MinutesOWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Monday, February 12, 2007 Owasso Old Central 109 North Birch, Owasso, Oklahoma MEMBERS P. , SENT Dan Draper Duane Coppick David Mines MEMBERS ABSENT Kevin Vanover Marilyn Hinkle The agenda for the regular meeting was posted at the north entrance to City gall on February 2, 2007 at 9:00 AM , 1. CALL TO ORIEL -- Duane Coppick called the meeting to order at 6:20 PM and declared a quorum present. 2. ROLL CALL 1 CONSIDER APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF JANUARY 8, 2007 REGULAR MEETING --The Commission reviewed. the .-ninutes of January 8, 2007 regular Meeting, Duane Coppick moved to approve the minutes, Dare Draper seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Inane Coppick - Yes David Vines Yes fan Draper ... Yes ,me motion was approved 3 -0. 4, Annexation OA 07-01 - A request to review and approve the annexation of approximately .33 acres, located north of East 86 "' Street North, just east of the Owasso High School. Tbis anrielation will be accompanied by a lot: tie, combining this small acreage with that of the Owasso High `school for the construction of a. new Vo -Ag facility. Duane Coppick pre„er.rtr.d the hear afld the staff -report. was reviewed. ` h.e development process was described 'the applicant is regijest%ng to annex: approximately 0.33 acres to combine this small acreage with the Owasso High School campus for the construction of a new Vo -Ag facility, setters were mailed to surrounding property owners and legal advertisement was published in the Owasso Reporter. The Annexation Corrunittee reviewed the request on ,tannary 24, 2007 and recommended approval of the annexation. Dan Draper moved to approve the annexation.; the motion was seconded by David Vines. A vote on the - notion. was recorded as follows: Duane Coppick - Yes OWASSO 1"1��.i�l ING COMMISSION February 12, 2001 Page Trio. 2 Dan Draper -- Yes David Vines - Yes The motion was approved 3 -0. 54 ®PM Amendment 04 -03 Owasso Medical Campus --- A request to review and approve an amendment to a proposed 66.42 acre mixed use planned Unit Development at the northwest corner of forth 129"' East Avenue and the Owasso Expressway, just north of the Owasso Market. Duane Coppick presented the item and the staff report was reviewed. The amendment to the original Owasso Medical. Campus PUD is to allow for a small portion of the site for commercial shopping uses. None of the newly proposed commercial property would be closer than 250' from the residential property lines of Bailey Ranch Estates 11. Most of the structures in the development will be low rise in nature, generally 1 to 2 stories in height. The applicant and their engineer conducted a neighborhood meeting to inform nearby residents of the proposal. Two households were present. The staff published legal notice of the request in the Owasso Reporter and mailed notices to property owners within a 300' radius, The staff recornrnends approval of the amendment, Mr, Michael Garrett with Four Points Development made a brief presentation. He discussed the existing surrounding; land use along with the proposed land use, Mr.. Jerry Ledford with Tulsa Engineer and Planning explained the possible land use for Tract H. Mr. Willis Roberts (991 P North 120 fast Avenue) desired clarification that 'Tract I would remain senior living /office use with no coi- nraercial ZODing , Duane Coppick moved to approve the amendment as stated, Tracts A, 1i;, D and 1T shall be governed by the use of OM (Office Medium) and CS (Coniri ercial Shopping) District, The use of CS (Commercial ,Shopping;) shall be added to Tract H. The emotion was seconded by Dan gaper, A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Duane Coppick - _fie„ Daii J.Jraper Yes David Vines Yes The motion was approvecl 3-0, fie. Lot Tie — Owasso School District .- A request to review and approve a lot tie of two loth, The applicant s proposing the combination of l.wo tracts of property allowing for the construction of a new Vo -leg; Building, located north of Bast M °i Street North, Just east of the Owasso High School, Duane Coppick presented the item and the staff report was reviewed. The surrounding land use and the development process were described. The applicant will be required to submit a site plan as well as a building permit. The request was reviewed by the Technical Advisory Comnuttee and was approved without condition. OWASSO PLANNING, COMMISSION February 12, 2007 Page No. 3 Dan Draper moved to approve the lot tie; the notion was seconded by David Vines. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Duane Coppick ._ Yes Dan Draper _ Yes David Mines - Yes The motion was approved 3 -0. 7a Preliminary Plat - Ginger Glee -- A request to review and approve a preliminary plat proposing 99 residential lots, on approximately 23.84 acres of property zoned C PUD 04 -04 (residential ,dingle Family), located on the east side of Garnett load 112- mile north. of East 106 "' Street forth. Duane Coppick presented the item and the staff report was reviewed, The development process was described. The applicant is requesting this review in order to facilitate 99 residential Tots, OD approximately 23.84 acres. The plat consists of an average lot size of 5,800 sq. ft. and contains a 3.49 acre reserve of green space and water detention, The request was reviewed at the regularly scheduled Technical Advisory Committee meeting oil. January 24, 2001 and had the following recomn- endati.ons: Indicate perimeter sidewalk adj OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION February J2, 2007 Page No. 4 Duane Coppick presented the item and the staff report was reviewed. The development process was explained. The applicant is requesting this review in order to facilitate 139 residential lots, on approximately 39.06 acres of property zoned 12S -3 (Residential Single - Family). This item was tabled at the December planning Corr_rxnission, and was sent back to the Owasso 'Technical Corinnittee for review. The two main concerns were a second access to the first phase of development for emergency accessibility and storm water detention. a temporary second access has been provided to the south of the property and detention for both phases has been provided. The request was reviewed at the regularly scheduled 'Technical advisory Committee meeting on January 24, 2007. At that meeting, the committee recommended approval of the site plan with the following recommendations: * Indicate perimeter sidewalk adjacent to N. 129 "' E. Ave. * Storm siren fee of $624.00 as well as $61,620.00 sanitary sewer payback are due at filing Include in language in covenants that prohibits additional fill on sots 1 10, dock 4 without a permit from the City of Owasso. Duane Coppick moved to approve the Final plat subject to the above 'Try C and Staff recommendations, Also subject to, the city engineers monitoring the detention as the phases are built. The motion was seconded by David Mines. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows:. Duane Coppick -- Yes Dan Draper . Yes David Vines . Yes The motion was approved 3 -0. 9. Final Plat . o_ de_l_ Centre e , A request to review and approve a final plat proposing 5 corrrrnercial lots in l block, on approximately 7.40 acres, located cast of forth Garnett Road just north of Bast 116 "' Street North. Duane Coppick presented. the itern and the star f r°eport was reviewed, 'h developme. -nt process was explained, The applicant is requesting this review r.o facilitate a. c;onu.nercial developnent. 'llrc; property is zoned. CS (Comniercial Shopping)., This item was tabled at the Decernber Planning Clorrimission and seat back to the Technical Review t:orxmrr.nitte e for review. The two concerns were Washington County Rural Water District water line locations, and the addition of a 50' building line along Garnett Road. The plat has been revised. The request was reviewed at the regularly scheduled 'Technical Advisory Committee meeting on January 24, 2007. at that meeting, the committee recommended approval of the final plat with the following recommendations Water hire plans need to be submitted to Public Works * Indicate a 20' utility easement on the south side of the property OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION February 12, 2007 Page No. 5 Additional easement language is needed in the covenants for utility providers ® The plat is subject to a $16 an acre storm siren fee Detention facilities for the development were discussed. Joe Nurre with the City Engineer' s office explained that the owner of this property does not want to create a portion of the subdivision as detention. The development will have parking lot detention; detention will be placed in a drainage easement area so that the structures remain with that property. Duane Coppick moved to approve the final plat subject to the above TIC and Staff recommendations; the motion was seconded by David Vines. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows; Duane Coppick -- fires Dan gaper Yes David Vines - Yes The motion was approved 3 -0. 10, Site flan - Cracker Barrel - c;, request to review and. approve a site plain proposing a 10,101 scl . ft, con- maerc,ial facility; located on the southeast of East 6 "' ,Street North arid the Owasso Expressway, j OWA SO PLANNING COMMISSION February 12, 2007 Page No. 6 David Mines - Yes The notion was approved 3-0. 11. Site flan - Forrest Creek Office 11 _. A request to review and approve a site plan proposing a 9,650 sq ft. connnercial facility, located on Lot 12, Block 1 of Forrest Creek Business park, west of the service road just north of the Arizona restaurant. Duane Coppick presented the item and the staff report was reviewed. The development process was explained. The applicant is requesting this review to facilitate a 9,650 sq ft building on one 0.68 acres tract. The property is zoned CG (Commercial General ), The development roust adhere to the City of Owasso's outdoor lighting, landscaping and sign codes. The Owasso 'Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the site plan on January 24.9 2007 and had the following comments: 0 Indicate a. fire hydrant at the southeast corner. Drainage issues were discussed. Also discussed was the possibility of a unified sign perrrrit in order to accornmoda.te all of the businesses in this development. Dan Draper ruoved to approve the site plait for Forrest Creek Office 11 su,l2jec.t to the above `t`AC and staff r°ecomfnendat +ons; the -- motion was seconded by David Vines, A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Duane: Coppick .., _ es Darr Draper . des David Mines -- Yes The motion was approved 3 - -0, 12, Site Pf an n Ow ass o_ Hip ��c_l��g��l ... A request to r =.v %ery arrc :l approve ?site plan proposing a. 299,33 sq, ft, educational additiori to the existing Owasso High ,School, located at the northeast corner of East st 86`' Street North and North 129"' East Avenue, Duarie Coppick presented the itern an(J the s €:aff r °eport was reviewed, 'l e, deve olrrrre-n process was expla.irred, 'The, applicant is requesting this review to facilitate an f17,027 sq. ft. educational addition on '70.112 acres, currently occupied by the Ifigh School and the 8 "' Grade Center. The addition will bring the total square footage of the High School to 299,334, with a lot: coverage increase of 3.80`'0. The Owasso Technical Advisory Comrrlrtree reviewed the site place or? .lanuafy 24, 2007 and had the following comments: 0 Storrxr water calculations inust be approved by the City Engineer, Mr. Danny Baldwin with Wallace Engineering was present to address any questions or coneerns. He stated that there might be a few changes made to the plans; possibly an D ASSO PLANNING COMMISSION February 1.2, 2007 Page No. 7 additional access point along East 86"' Street North. Duane Coppick moved to approve the site plan for the Owasso High School subject to the above TA.0 and Staff recommendations. Also subject to, coordinating all. access and entrance points with city staff and with the review and approval of the city engineering department. The motion was seconded by David Nines. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Duane Coppick - Yes Dan Draper - Yes David dines - Yes The motion was approved 3 -0. 13 Report on Monthly Building Permits Activity. 14. Report on Planning Items Previously Forwarded to City Council. 15, Discussion of Development 1rr and Near Owasso 16:� Aegoo:arnment -- Duane (:oppick r- roved, Dan Draper seconded, to adjourn, the meeting. A vote on the rrotiwi, was recorded as follows: i grans° Coppick . `'des Darr Draper _. Yes David Vines _. )-'-as The motion carried 3 -0 and the meeting was adjourned at 8:05 PM Chairperson sore `dice Chairperson -x - -- . ti. $ Date - -- -_�-