HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973 44_Owasso Public Works Public Trust_1973.01.11CFFICES AND HUCSCN 0KL_AHCMA CITY RESCLUTION, NO. A RESOLTJJTION RELATING TO A PUBLIC TRUST FOR 7HE KEEP= OF 7HE CITY OF OWASSO AuND DECLAR- ING AN alERGENTCY BE IT =50=1 BY = COUNCIL OF Ti CITY OF GlaSS1702 0KLAFOMA: 17 ( CE171ICIN 1. The governing body of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, hereby does accept, for and cn behalf of said municipality, the bene- ficial interest in the public trust designated as The Owasso Public Works Authority, provided for in the Declaration of Trust of said public trust, for the ccmureh.e-nsive purpose of furthering, and providing funds for the 4 function _? :Eirt-'rerin1c; of any authorised or proper func -1 of the said municipality, ir,-.1Ludi:ng but not 1:Lmited to the furnishing and supplying, of utility ser,;7CeS and facilities in the =iciralit-,,, and in-reasonable proximity t.-e-reto, and for purposes collateral thereto in all res-cects in accord- ance with said Declaration of Trust; and the 114'aycr of tie - p 1-ity hereby is authorized and directed to endorse such acceptance of a r4 beneficial interest on said Declaration of Trust for and on belialf of the municipality and the governing body thereof® ­7 0 1 SEC71 ICN 2. D-v reason of the need for the :Lmediate prese-ria-40- I L-L j of peace, health and safety, an emergency hereby is declared to exist and this Resciut-icn shall be e-Efective mediately urn its adoption. I ADO P711 .ED, this day of 19 y� S7 FF'iC�S , �.jANNI NG AND HUMSON ic ®KL.AHom A CITY the undersigned, duly qualified and acting Cleric of the City of 0�%Usso, Ckjahcma, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true, correct and ccm- " e$e copy of a Resolution of the governing body of said municipality y adopted. at a meeting of the governing body thereof held on the date therein stated as the same appears in the minutes of said meeting on file br;y office as a part of the official records thereof. Y Clerk,, Cit7,,pf aasso, ..L G°TA °7 k _h L",%w CFFIC=s .jC�ANNING ANC �LJICSCN, OKLAHOMA C!7Y Ucon motion of V. D. Duncan seconded by Haro ld D . Lar7 e that the Resolution oe adiqptetl t -e roil was called w:--t7 'tl�e 1011 -result: Aye: Peel, Large, Dur-can and Movie. 17 Nay None and U-C-07 motion of f faro ld D. Lane seconded by V. D. Duncan qies o J or t L.Ar.e era,-!­,:IIencv was 'ralaa upon separately ancl aTMrCVe,_1 by the result: Aye: Peel, Large, Duncan and Mowe-.7 Nay: None (Other Proceedings) (Seal) J/-Z-) Clerg, L7ity or C�wasso, Okiario-ma R .;01_4ANNING AND I-iUCSON 'OKL-AHC)MA CITY j='dersig-ned,.duly qualified and acting Clerk of .the City of Owasso, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true, co=ect and complete ckl- cc-ov meeting of the aove=.,ng body of said municipality the Ilinu+4-*--s of a m. . g 0 1 stated, insofar as the same -relates to the intro- on the date therein staL old CI appear of record ion, reading and adoption of a Resolution, as the same a di;c � C:� my office as said Clerk® (Sea-j Clerk.' its o 0;qassb, Okianoma.