HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973 07_OPWA_Series 1973 Bonds_1973.10.09 LAW OFFICES ..JOHANNING AND HUDSON OKLAHOMA CITY HIRSH 7 WHEREAS, TIffi OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS .AUTIIORITY, a public trust, was created, pur- suant to Title 60, Oklahoma Statutes 1971, Sections 176-180, inclusive, for the purpose of providing utility services and facilities within and near the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, which said purpose is an authorized and proper function of said City, the beneficiary of said Trust; and RESOWfION WHEREAS, it is necessary and in the best interests of the Trust Estate that Revenue Bonds of the Authority in the aggregate principal amount of $310,000.00 be sold and issued to implement a project consisting of con- structing a,'ld improvLl1g the water and sanitary sewer systems and facilities o'WIled by the City of Owasso, OklahOIna, a"l1d leased to the Authority, said Bonds to be designated 'The Owasso Public Works Authority Water and Sewer System Revenue Bonds, Series 1973", dated November 1, 1973, to be issued pursuant to a certain Bond Indenture denominated 'The Owasso Public Works Authority Series 1973 Revenue Bond Indenture", prepared by Financial Legal Counsel of, the Authority to be entered into between the Trustees of the Authority and The First National Bank and Trust Company of Tulsa, dated November 1, 1973; and WHEREAS, The First National Bank and Trust Company of Tulsa, Oklahoma, and R. J. Edwards, Inc., Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, have offered to purchase the aforesaid Series 1973 Bonds of the "~thority at par plus accrued interest to date of delivery of said Bonds; OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY SECTION 1. It hereby is detennined to be necessary and i,'l the best interests of the Trust Estate that the aforesaid offer of The First National Bank and Trust Company of Tulsa, Oklahoma, and R. J. Edwards, Inc., be accepted and that the abovementioned Series 1973 Bonds of the Authority be issued and sold to them at a price of par plus accrued interest to date of delivery of said Bonds. Said Bonds shall be expressed to mature within twenty-seven (27) years from the date thereof, and shall bear interest at an average n:.te of Six and One-half (6 1/2%) percentum per annum, all in accordance with the terms of a Contract hereinafter described, and competltlve bidding on the aforesaid Bonds is expressly waived. TIffi TIffi TRUSTEES OF BY IT RESOLVED BE SECTION 2. The Chairman and Secretary of Trustees hereby are authorized and directed to execute, attest and affix the seal of the Authority to: Ca) a Contract with The First National Bank and T~JSt Company of Tulsa, and R. J. Edwards, Inc., for the sale of the aforesaid Bonds, the form of which is now on file with the Secretary of Trustees and hereby is LAW OFFICES HIRSH. .JOHANNiNG AND HUDSON OKI...AHOMA CITY approved; (b) the aforesaid Bond Indenture, the Certificate of Trustees therein referred to, receipt for the proceeds of the aforesaid Bonds and all instruments and certificates of whatsoever nature, necessary or in- cidental to effecting the issuance and delivery of the aforesaid Bonds and to detennine the fonn and substance of each thereof; and (c) the aforesaid Bonds, and to deliver all of the foregoing to the persons and entitles entitled thereto. , .ADOPTED this day of ATTEST (Seal) LAW OFFICES HIRSH, JOHANNING AND HUDSON OKLAHOMA CITY I ~ the undersigned Secretary of Trustees of THE OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AlITHORITI hereby certify that the foregoing is a true, correct and complete copy of a Resolution adopted by the Trustees of said Authority at a meeting held on the date therein stated as the same appears in the Minutes of said meeting on file in my office as a part of the official records thereof. (Seal)