HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015 16_STP Funds (E 96th St N & N 145th E Ave)_2015.10.06CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA RESOLUTION 2015 -16 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A RESOLUTION SUBMITTING AN APPLICATION FOR FUNDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF OWASSO AND THE OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FOR THE EAST 96TH STREET NORTH AND NORTH 145TH EAST AVENUE INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS. WHEREAS, Surface Transportation Program Urbanized Area funds have been made available for transportation improvements within the Tulsa Transportation Management Area; and WHEREAS, The City of Owasso has selected a project described as follows: The Intersection Improvements at East 96th Street North and North 145th East Avenue Owasso Oklahoma; and WHEREAS, the selected project is consistent with the local comprehensive plan, including applicable Major Street and Highway Plan Element, and the Regional Transportation Plan; and WHEREAS, the engineer's preliminary estimate of cost is $2,812,000, and Federal participation under the terms of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA -LU) relating to Surface Transportation Program Urbanized Area funds are hereby requested for funding of 80 percent of the project cost; and WHEREAS, the City of Owasso proposes to match Owasso CIP funds for the 20% balance of the project costs; and WHEREAS, the City of Owasso will arrange a qualified Engineer licensed in the state of Oklahoma to furnish professional services in the preparation of detailed plans, specifications and estimates; and WHEREAS, the City of Owasso agrees to provide for satisfactory maintenance after completion, and to furnish the necessary right -of -way clear and unobstructed; and WHEREAS, the City of Owasso has required matching funds available and further agrees to deposit with the Oklahoma Department of Transportation said matching funds within thirty (30) days after approval by the Federal Highway Administration. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Indian Nations Council of Governments is hereby requested to program this project into the Transportation Improvement Program for the Tulsa Transportation Management Area; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That upon inclusion in the Transportation Improvement Program, the Oklahoma Transportation Commission is hereby requested to concur in the programming and selection of this project and to submit the same to the Federal Highway Administration for its approval. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved that the Mayor is authorized and directed to execute the above described agreement on behalf of the City of OWASSO. (024ZAM00,4'' `( OF P O Atfest: 11 da—mmuN i• rmzmi. / Julie mbardi, City Attorney ADOPTED this 6m day of October, 2015. -.Q •- • • , CITY OF OWASSO P.O. 180 Owasso, OK 74055 918.272.4959 www.cityofowasso.com E 96th STREET N & N 145TH E AVE INTERSECTION LOCATION MAP M/31/2M5 E The City Wit out Limits. APPROVED By COUNCIL TO: The Honorable Mayor and Council UL ( 0 b 2015 City Of Owasso FROM: H. Dwayne Henderson, P.E. City Engineer SUBJECT: Application for STP Funds 96th Street North /145th East Avenue Intersection Improvements DATE: October 2, 2015 BACKGROUND: The intersection at 961h Street North/] 451h East Avenue is owned and maintained by Tulsa County with 90h Street N east of the intersection being owned and maintained by Rogers County. It is currently the one of the most heavily traveled unimproved intersections in the Owasso area. Traffic counts in this area are tabulated below along with the projected counts for 2016 from a 2006 Traffic Analysis. Location Daily Traffic Daily Traffic Daily Traffic Daily Traffic Volume Volume Volume Volume (Projected (Vehicles per (Vehicles per (Vehicles per 2016 ADT) day 2015 ADT) day 2012 ADT) day 2006 ADT) 145th East Avenue, south of 96th Street 6,392 6,757 5,543 3,400 North 145th East Avenue, north of 96th Street 4,512 4,991 4,058 2,400 North 96th Street North, east of 145th East 8,460 5,764 4,891 4,500 Avenue 96th Street North, west of 145th East 10,904 8,925 7,530 5,800 Avenue 2015 data is showing an 18 % -23% increase in traffic from 2012 for the four legs of the intersection. Both legs of 1451h East Avenue have already exceeded what was projected by 2016 in a 2006 Traffic Analysis. In 2006, it was projected that the intersection would be a level -of- service "F" by 2016 based on the projected traffic flows and that the 4 -way stop control would have to be abandoned long before that time. The 4 -way stop is still the control for the intersection and it is estimated that both legs of 145th East Avenue have already exceeded the 2016 projected traffic flows. For perspective, a level -of- service "C" is a good operation for an intersection and it is normally considered acceptable in urban areas to have a level -of- service "D" during peak periods, but not below at a level -of- service "E" or "F ". The 2006 Traffic Analysis stated that the intersection capacity would need to increase within three years. The improvements should be planned as such that it handles the determined future 10 -year traffic growth of the area so as not to require an additional project for additional improvements within a few short years. While the traffic counts have not reached the 10 -year projections on the 961h Street North legs, the traffic counts on the 145th East Avenue legs already have exceeded the 10 -year growth projections. Furthermore, the current have surpassed the projections 3 -year years sooner than anticipated, putting it well behind schedule for immediate improvement needs. Owasso staff has prepared a conceptual plan and preliminary design report that will be submitted to INCOG for FY 2019 Surface Transportation Program (STP) funds. These funds are made available on an annual basis by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), through the Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT), for the implementation of eligible transportation improvements in the Tulsa Urbanized Area. INCOG administers the grant funding and has established a selection process for the distribution of STP funds. Priority funding is given to projects that meet federal regulations and help advance the Regional Transportation Plan through safety improvements and to projects that reduce traffic congestion. Proposed projects are evaluated for eligibility and priority based on a 100 - point rating system. On August 1, 2015, INCOG solicited for STP funding applications with a submittal deadline of October 16, 2015. PROPOSED RESOLUTION FOR CONSTRUCTION PHASE: Similar to the process utilized in obtaining federal funding assistance for the E 1061h St N and N 129th East Ave Intersection Improvements, a resolution is necessary in order to complete the application process. The 2015 application will request federal funding assistance for the construction of the roadway improvements. If this project is selected in December 2015, the funding for construction will be targeted in FY 2019 or sooner, depending on funding availability. CONCEPTUAL DESIGN SUMMARY: Both 961h Street North and 145th East Avenue are considered secondary arterials in Owasso. The intersection is a heavily used roadway that conveys residential, commercial and school traffic in the area, as well as commuter traffic to and from Owasso. The intersection is within one mile of Northeast Elementary to the north and Pamela Hodson Elementary to the south. It is also just a mile east of Owasso's heaviest commercial shopping activity, one of the busiest in suburban Tulsa. The intersection is one mile east of the most used access from and to US Highway 169 in Owasso and 2 miles south of State Highway 20. The proposed lane configuration is a 6 -lane roadway section including 2 -lanes in each direction with left and right turn lanes to expedite turning movements. Also included are sidewalks on each side of the intersection. Based on the conceptual design, the anticipated cost for construction of the proposed roadway improvements and construction administration is $2,812,000. Staff agrees that paying for Phase I (engineering design, right -of -way and utility relocations) locally and requesting ODOT funding to contribute to Phase II (construction) allows us the best chance of obtaining funding. This has been a successful formula for the last four years. ODOT funding for this project would be through the Surface Transportation Program, which would fund 80% of eligible construction costs, including administration during construction, while the local government funds 20 %. Based upon this information, the following is an estimate of the cost distribution: Project Segment Estimate ($x1000) ODOT Portion ($x1000) City of Owasso Portion x1000 Construction $2.604 $2.083 $0.521 Const. Administration $0.208 $0.166 $0.042 Utility Relocation $0.600 $0.000 $0.600 Right -of -way $0.766 $0.000 $0.766 Engineering $0.208 $0.000 $0.208 Total Project Cost $4.386 $2.249 1 $2.137 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Resolution 2015 -16 requesting ODOT to consider the construction phase of the E 96th St N and N 145th E Ave Intersection Improvements as a candidate for federal funding assistance through the Surface Transportation Program. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution 2015 -16 Location Map