HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015 21_OneVoice_2015.10.20CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA RESOLUTION 2015 -21 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, SUPPORTING THE TULSA REGIONAL CHAMBER 2016 ONEVOICE LEGISLATIVE AGENDA. WHEREAS, the Tulsa region lead by the Tulsa Regional Chamber has built a Legislative Agenda for 2016; and WHEREAS, this agenda is taken to Washington, DC each year to present as OneVoice to members of congress and federal agencies; and WHEREAS, the power of OneVoice at the state legislature shows solidarity and needs for our region; and WHEREAS, there is a need to efficiently and coherently deliver regional messages to the state legislature; and WHEREAS, the OneVoice Agenda places significant emphasis on legislative priorities for the betterment of Owasso and Owasso citizens; and WHEREAS, the City of Owasso desires to support the Regional OneVoice Legislative Agenda efforts; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, that, fo -wit: The City of Owasso City Council hereby supports the Tulsa Regional Chamber 2016 OneVoice Legislative Agenda and the Tulsa region's effort to accomplish the goals set forth in the 2016 OneVoice Legislative Agenda. DATED this 20th day of October, 2015 *Job"erly, Mayor ATTEST: IAJtiY/\ She. rJy Bishop, City leirk y OF O (SEAL) 76 o-EALL APPROVE AS TO FORM: Juli mbardi, City Attorney O—T Citdy! out Limits. TO: The Honorable City of Owass( FROM: John W. Feary SUBJECT: Resolution 2015 -21, Endorsing the 2016 Tulsa Regional Chamber OneVoice Legislative Agenda DATE: October 16, 2015 BACKGROUND: The OneVoice Legislative Agenda is the regional advocacy effort lead by the Tulsa Regional Chamber. OneVoice includes more than 60 partners across the region, ranging from municipalities to chambers of commerce and community organizations, as well as, regional industry members. Through OneVoice, multiple task forces identify and prioritize key issues every year. In the summer, these issues were brought together at the Regional Legislative Summit, where attendees vote to define 10 state and 10 federal issues. These priorities are then shared with state legislators and members of Congress via the regional OneVoice Legislative Agenda each year. The 2016 OneVoice Agenda has a wide array of focal points inclusive of both private and public interests. In preparation for the upcoming year, several members of the Owasso Chamber of Commerce and city staff were task force members and chairs for the individual committees. Once the committees reached a consensus, the legislative summit was held wherein over 400 citizens, businesses, legislators, councilors, educators and community leaders met to determine 10 priorities for both the state and federal agendas. A vital part of the OneVoice process is the endorsement of the agenda by all community partners and local government entities affiliated and involved in the development of the agenda. The current Sr. Vice President of Government Affairs for the Tulsa Chamber, Nick Doctor, has requested, on behalf of the Tulsa Regional Chamber, that Owasso join in the endorsement of and advocacy for the 2016 OneVoice Legislative Agenda. The established 2016 State Priorities are: • Address the Teacher Shortage • Expand Insure Oklahoma • Build the Gilcrease Expressway • Municipal Funding Diversification • Criminal Justice Reform • Defend All Existing Road Funding & Dedicate Motor Vehicle Fees • Modernize Oklahoma's Adult Beverage Laws • Healthcare Workforce Expansion • Fund Behavioral Health & Substance Abuse Services • Simplify Graduation Requirements The established 2016 Federal priorities are: • Position Tulsa for F -35 Operations • Increased Appropriations for the McClellan -Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System • Multi -Year Reauthorization of Federal Surface Transportation Programs • Passage of the Marketplace Fairness Act • Arkansas River Corridor Development • Continue and Expand Funding for Graduate Medical Education • Long -term Insure Oklahoma Waiver Reauthorization • Reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act & the Higher Education Act • Federal Immigration Reform • Eliminate Restriction on Oil and Gas Exports PROPOSED ACTION: Staff recommends approval of Resolution 2015 -21 supporting the 2016 Tulsa Regional Chamber OneVoice Legislative Agenda. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution 2015 -21 2016 Tulsa Regional Chamber OneVoice Legislative Agenda SELT-I-1,601- 2016 OneVoice Legislative Agenda 2016 State Priorities Address the Teacher Shortage Improve the ability of Oklahoma's K -12 public schools to attract and retain effective teachers by increasing teacher pay, incentivizing education for new teachers, eliminating barriers for out -of -state teachers and returning retirees, and improving job satisfaction. Specifically, Oklahoma should increase its average teacher salary to a level competitive with surrounding states while exploring strategies to reform step pay increases. The state should also create a student loan debt forgiveness program; offer merit -based tuition waivers for aspiring teachers; add flexibility and affordability in obtaining teaching certifications; offer extra support for English Language Learner and special education teachers; and review statutes on teacher - student ratios. Oklahoma's ability to fill its growing teacher shortage with quality, effective teachers is crucial to the college and career success of its students and the sustainability of its workforce. Expand Insure Oklahoma j Expand Insure Oklahoma to reduce the number of uninsured Oklahomans by accepting federal funds. This will create a healthier workforce, which is paramount to an economically viable Oklahoma. Gilcrease Expressway Support the building of the Gilcrease Expressway, in particular the Arkansas River Bridge through a funding partnership with the City of Tulsa, Tulsa County, Oklahoma Department of Transportation, Oklahoma Turnpike Authority and tribal governments to expedite this long overdue transportation system. Municipal funding Diversification Support legislation to preserve and diversify sources of revenue available to municipalities. Key initiatives include preserving and strengthening cities' authority to promote economic develop activities within their borders; and supporting collaborative efforts by municipalities and telecommunications companies to identify a solution that reforms, upgrades, and funds 9 -1 -1 public safety services delivered by municipalities. Criminal Justice Reform Support sentencing reforms and rehabilitation programs that enable nonviolent offenders to reenter the workforce faster and reduce the financial strain on Oklahoma's criminal justice system. Overly - punitive measures for drug users and other nonviolent offenders have given Oklahoma one of the nation's highest incarceration rates, contributing to workforce shortages, harming economic growth and overburdening taxpayers. A stronger focus on rehabilitation would reduce recidivism, lessen the 1SW-10611 r- 2016 OneVoice Legislative Agenda burden on prisons and safety net programs and enable more ex- offenders to contribute meaningfully to Oklahoma's economy. Defend Existing Road Funding and Dedicate Motor Vehicle Fees Defend all existing road funding; prevent any diversion of monies; and support increased funding for transportation by developing an adequate, comprehensive funding strategy and financing plan to broaden the sources of funds and increase the total amount going to transportation statewide to support the Oklahoma Department of Transportation's Eight Year Plan, the County Improvement for Roads and Bridges Five Year Plan, the municipal Street and Alley Fund, and the expedited construction of Oklahoma's planned weigh stations. Support moving the remaining twenty -five percent of motor vehicle fees, which currently go into the state general revenue fund, to transportation priority areas which may include state highways, city and county roads and bridges, and public transit. Modernizing Oklahoma's Adult Beverage Laws Support efforts to comprehensively modernize Oklahoma's adult beverage laws to encourage economic development and job growth, meet market demand from our state's citizens, and create a competitive marketplace for Oklahoma's businesses. Specific measures should include: eliminating the distinction between low -point beer and stronger beer; permitting consumers to purchase beer and wine 7 days a week; and allowing direct -to- consumer sales for small brewers, wineries and distilleries to promote industry competition and growth. • Healthcare Workforce expansion Expand the healthcare workforce in urban and rural Oklahoma through the following means: 1) fully fund Physician Manpower Training Commission programs, including FQHC -based Teaching Health Center primary care residency programs; 2) expand the Oklahoma Hospital Residency Training Act to include community based training following the Teaching Health Center model; 3) utilize all available state and federal resources for existing Teaching Health Center residency programs; and 4) support reforms that will allow Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants with appropriate levels of training and experience to practice to the full extent of their license without the physical presence of a supervising physician. • Fund Behavioral Health and Substance Abuse Services Support enhanced funding for both in- patient and out - patient treatment programs for behavioral health and substance abuse services. This should include funding for the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services' 'Smart on Crime' initiative to reduce the need for incarceration by identifying and treating behavioral health and substance abuse issues at early diversion points within the criminal justice system. Now--,,zllol 1�� WIM 2016 OneVoice Legislative Agenda Simplify Graduation Requirements Simplify and strengthen Oklahoma's high school graduation requirements by replacing state - mandated end of instruction assessments with the ACT, while including multiple indicators of student success. This would reduce students' testing burden, allowing more time for classroom instruction; save costs for families, schools and the state; and align graduation requirements with a nationally - benchmarked measurement of student success that meets college and career expectations. 3, 2016 OneVoice Legislative Agenda 2016 Federal Priorities Position Tulsa for F -35 Operations Support the Tulsa Air National Guard Base in positioning the 138th Fighter Wing for selection as an operating location for the next generation fighter aircraft, the F -35 lightning 11. With an economic impact of more than $530 million to the community, the base employs more than 1,200 citizen soldiers and plays a key role in the defense of this nation and the continued vibrancy of the Tulsa region's economy. • McClellan -Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System Support increased appropriations for the McClellan -Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System (MKARNS) to overcome the approximate $100 million in critical maintenance backlog projects which, per definition of the Corps of Engineers, have a greater than 50% chance of failure within the next five years. A single failure threatens to shut down the full navigational system causing severe economic hardship for the businesses and consumers in Oklahoma who rely on the system. The economic impact to Oklahoma's economy from such a shutdown is estimated to be $2 million per day. Additionally, support efforts to establish an emergency response mechanism whereby industry, stakeholders, or States can assist in addressing an infrastructure failure on the waterway through public /private partnerships with the goal of reestablishing navigation as soon as possible. Multi -Year Surface Transportation Reauthorization Support the reauthorization of federal surface transportation programs (MAP -21), including robust measures to permanently and adequately fund the Highway Trust Fund and continued flexibility for a coordinated local- and state -based decision- making process. The economic success of our country relies upon the strength of our transportation infrastructure. States must have long -term predictability in planning to meet their infrastructure needs, and a sustainably funded Highway Trust Fund is critical to providing that infrastructure security. Of key importance are the following regional high - priority projects: widening of 1 -44 from 1 -244 east to the Will Rogers Turnpike; widening 1 -44 from the Arkansas River west to 1 -244 (Red Fork Expressway); expansion of U.S. 169 to six lanes north to State Highway 20; construction of a four -lane Port Road on Highway 266 from U.S. 169 to the Port of Catoosa, and from the Port of Catoosa to 1 -44; expansion of US -75 to six lanes from State Highway 11 to State Highway 67; and the implementation of high - priority transit corridors. • Collection of Online Sales /Use Taxes Support passage of the Marketplace Fairness Act or other federal legislation which will ensure that the sales and use taxes already owed from online purchases are fairly and effectively reported, collected, and remitted. F 2016 OneVoice Legislative Agenda Arkansas River Corridor Development j Support efforts to expedite the implementation of the Arkansas River Corridor Project for river infrastructure improvements. Allow federal match credit to be accrued for state and local expenditures in order to advance construction activity while preserving the Tulsa region's access to future federal funding for this federally authorized project. • Graduate Medical Education Support continued and expanded funding for Graduate Medical Education /Residency Programs through the following efforts: (1) restore full funding and establish permanency to the Teaching Health Center program in both rural and urban areas; (2) remove the cap on Medicare DGME and IME- funded positions; (3) and reallocate unused residency slots from other states to existing residency /fellowship programs, including THC programs, in Oklahoma with priority in current physician shortage areas. Long -term Insure Oklahoma Waiver Reauthorization Encourage flexibility in negotiations to grant a long -term reauthorization of Oklahoma's Section 1115 waiver for Insure Oklahoma. Uncertainty in the long -term future of Insure Oklahoma has hurt enrollment and resulted in the exclusion of thousands of Oklahomans who would be eligible for coverage even under current requirements. • ESEA and HEA Support the reauthorization of the Elementary Secondary Education Act (ESEA) and the Higher Education Act (HEA) and fully fund federal mandates. Federal Immigration Reform Support comprehensive immigration reform that enables the U.S. to attract the best and brightest talent from around the world. Steps should be taken to secure borders and establish reasonable, affordable and efficient visa policies that empowerAmerican businesses to hire essential workers and remove barriers for top talent to work in the U.S. Oppose further state legislation related to immigration reform. Eliminate Restrictions on Oil and Gas Exports Eliminate all federal restrictions on the export of domestically produced oil and gas. U.S. oil and gas production has grown significantly, but the current export restriction places an artificial ceiling on their growth. The export of oil and gas would provide a positive trade benefit to the U.S. economy, while strengthening domestic oil producers against their foreign competitors.