HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984 03_Federal Cable Legislation_1984.02.21RESOU,7LION 1,70. 84- 03
7 S(T=Nq L I-IN, N7, OF MLAFOM.'S C(7-KTUE 70N 40L
A 1\1 F-SS-,- -
'11�1117_ P711,ESFPR�ATT11711-11 (7 U0320 7TS10,(_741TSE AUTHORITY TN ESSFATUAL.
71'- 7 P , provision of cable television service has proven to be a
voluable service to citizens of tle Cits of C sso, Oklahma;
7,77EFFAS, the CitV
0 f
.�f7a_SsO, '01-I.P.-loorea, has had the responsibilit%7
for -'ranc0ising cable television system in this City and for overse°insx
,e Ju-a_1,=.ntaticn of the franchises awarded by virtue of Ord,Laance No.
275 of the Cit-7 of (Ywasso, ok
adopted the 20th dm7 of Nicvemdber,
,.`Y Pe it is de err tint the presence of strong local 3' overn-
7ental role in. the overseeing of tie -F=03hise I agree Fients s woriked to
insure that contractual obligations are c=ied. o,._,,-, anad the pid1blic
interests served; and,
ITENTS, it is demed Nportant to the interests OF the City of
, _a, and the citizens thereof, that federal cable tele-
vision legislation be Jun, part to protect local regulatory
(.ut-hority over cable television service; and,
t'he Uinited States House of Representatives has been
deliberating on federal cable television legislation;
Tq_ CI-jy OF
SO, MINK1119 TMAT MflT,' `P` ' SSIC
7��N� T T)FL CATION BE T-M, 77?
WHIM VIDEFIN '' 2 107SLA:710N, C,, SIN= 'VIT70H T7 F.'_')'TUr)T,7INrG CC S-
Section 1. That local ark state goverrmnts not be lintited in their
option ✓ negotiate the definition of basic services and to regulate t3he
rates charged b cable television coananies for basic service, should
007 believe it to be _J,= tliae public interest;
Section 2. That at the tire of franchise reneml, cities be able to
o1bta-in reasona1b,71-e -u- gn-ades of syste 1hard-ware to "state of the art"
ste-n-,dards; be able to refuse renewal to an operator i,3�hich has 9'sv^iz^< poor
service during the life of the franchise; be able to negotiate th
ourc-hase price of a cable franchise -c,,A1h_P_n a 7unicipalit7 buys back a.
cable s7stem Or the system is transferred to a third party through a
forced sale; and that sayY cmirt review will -nem,': be. ".1le no-vo and court
review of renewal. or nnn-r-ene3f7al decisions be the same an that accor6s,
other legislative decisions;
Section 3. That all existing franchises and t:heir term,,Ls and. condid-Lans
in all franchise processes in -v.ihich, a request for proposals 11has been
issued be grandfathered,;
Section 4. That the legislation protect cities firm anti-trust liabilit 7?7
Or cowliance with federal law;
Section 5. That arn,7 11_r-�Ltp
Ltion on franchise fees rot apply to fees,
ci�rges and taxes charged! to or t a c9-ble operator as a part of a,
larger class, for examnle, Utility user taxes;
Section 6. That federal cable legislation no restrict the abilit:7 of
cities to require -pub."Lic, educational, govornmental and. Mased access to
cable television;
Section 7. That cable companies n-ot be provided with tin pcova- to
abrogate contractual obligations based on a unilateral assertion of a
N significant charge in circumstances"; and,
Section. 8. That local govc-1_7,-,,� '
.e7int not: be restricted from 7unicipal
cw,n,ership and or=ation_
That for the preservation of tin Tab lic peace, health, safety and.
welfare of the City of Owassc), 0,,< a s ., and the inhabitants thereof, an
e7ergency is deemed to exist warranting the irmediate effectiveness of
this resolution. ai:i d. the- y directf same to take affect upon passage
annd publication hereof
WESED AM AITTWAv this 21st By of February, 1984, in open
Meting with Ono e2norgenvy clause voted upan and passed separately,
City 0-5 f-Imasso, 01'-lahoma
Cil-77 of
-2mn, A
A CO-, s, City Attornev
CJ_'Lt7, of m Oklahon
The Honorable Mike Synar
Men• er • U. S. Congress
Longworth House Office Buildin;V
Room 1713
Washington D.C. 20515
Re: Aouse Energy and Conmerce Conmittee consideration of
4103-Federal Regulation • Cable Television
As Mayor of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, I would at the outset express
greetings to you on behalf of our city. Although I would wish such
expression, as well as an invitation to visit our fine city was the only
purpose for my corresponding, such, unfortunately, cannot at this tiTm
be the case.
The Honorable Mike Syna
eb ;! 1984
page II