HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984 06_Amended Fees for Community Development_1984.05.174 8 � " E 4I P� 'A 1 Is 29,V3,16 CITY OF OWASSO RESOLUTION NO® 84-06 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING AN AMENDED FEE SCHEDULE FOR FILING AND PROCESSING ANNEXATION, ZONING, PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT, BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT AND SUBDIVI- SION OF LAND APPLICATIONS WITHIN THE CITY OF OWASSO TERRITORIAL JURISDICTION® WHEREAS, the fees for filing and processing applications heard by the Owasso Planning Commission have remained unchanged since 1.974 and the sub- division fees have remained unchanged since 1981; and WHEREAS, the -cost of services rendered in processing these applica- tions has increased substantially since the fees were adopted; and WHEREAS, Section 1530.1, Owasso Zoning Code, Ord® 175, as amended by Ordinance 335 permits the Planning Commission to adopt fees, the amount of which shall be established by resolution adopted by the Planning Commission and approved by the City Council; and WHEREAS, on the 17th day of May 1984, the Owasso Planning Commission did hold a public hearing and did give public notice thereof, for the pur- pose of considering an increase of the fees to be paid by persons filing applications for annexation, rezoning, planned unit development, Board of Adjustment and subdivision of land; and WHEREAS, after due study and deliberation, it is deemed to be neces- sary that the present fee schedule be amended, in order to maintain proficiency in the processing of these applications and to recover a reason- able percentage of these expense incurred® NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, pursuant to the authorization set forth in revised ordinances, Section 1530.1, Owasso Zoning Code, Ord. 175 as amended by Ordinance 335 that the following fees shall be paid by persons filing and processing applications for annexations, rezoning, planned unit development, Board of Adjustment and subdivision of land® ANNFYATTnN 0 - 4.99 acres 5 - 9.99 acres 10 acres and above Ordinance Publication Fee M As billed by newspaper NOTE- The above fees do not include the cost of publication notice which shall be billed to the applicant. ZONING OR PUD 0 - .99 acres 1 - 4.99 acres 5 -19.99 acres 20 acres and above Abandonment of a Planned Unit Development Ordinance Publication Fee M As billed by newspaper NOTE The above fees do not include the cost of publication notice and posting of signs. All publication notices shall be billed to the applicant. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT A. Variance B. Special Exception NOTE- The above fees do not include the cost of publication notice which shall be billed to the applicant® SUBDIVISION OF LAND A. Sketch Plat B. Preliminary Plat C® Final Plat D. Lot Split E. Inspection Fees F. Engineering Fees G. Recreation Development Fee Costs of city engineer to re- view application are charged directly to applicant $75 per dwelling unit plus $25 per each bedroom in that unit H. Request to waive platting requirements $25 I. Request to change access points on $25 recorded plat J. Site Plan Review (-T� AA C_) $25 APPROVED, this day of 19$4® OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION Chairman ATTEST: Secretary ADOPTED, this 33j,7,­, day of 1984 by the Owasso City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, APPROVED, this day of 19840 Al t Y erk 'X AP P R-' , O AS TO FORM: j City -Attorney V4 AffidEvit Of Publication Published in the .Owasso Reporter, Owasso-, Tulsa CGunt i Oklahorna, a- STATE ATE O �° OKLAHOMA, , ULSA CO NT � v� , ss : July 5, i9 Bii! R. et erfor , of lawf =ul age, being 6.,uly sworn Cl�$'`k3Fi}WASSi? RES+OI t=ON No. A RESOLUTIGN" pTjNG AN and authorized, says that he is publisher o she .......... Al�EN#�Ei} FEE SCHEDULE FOR FILING AND 'PROCESSING Owasso .. ...................... a weekly ANNEX ,IE�t ZONING, PLANNE6 UNfT DEVELOP- MENT, BOARD OF ADJUST, newspaper prhited in the City of . Tulsa. ......... MENT- D� -S BDIVrSl oN OF LAND APPL2C:ri0NS WITHIN THE CITY OF OiASSO TERRI- Tulsa County, Oklahoma, oma, a newspaper quallified to TORIALJMSDZCTION. WHEREASz ,the' #ees for filing and publish regal 'wOces, advertisements and publications as processing app ea ns heard by the Owasso PlantiiEig "Commission have remained unohanged since 1974 and provided : Section r i 3s a til e 25, Oklahoma Statutes 1971 the subdtvJs'i08 fees have remained unchanged 1981; :. and WHEREAS" the -cost � of services as amended, and thereaRer, and complies with all other rendered in processing these apphca- tions has increased substantially since reQu> einents 31 the laws o Oklaiorn /.,t r „ed�n e i� 4`feeswereadopted- and WHEREAS, Section 1530.2, Owasso Zoning Cade, Ord. 175, as amended by iegak o ,b? cations. Ordinance 335 Permits the Planning Commission to adopt fees, the amount of which shall be established by reso- T at said notice, a true copy of which is attached lotion adoptedly the Planning Com- Mission and approved by the City Council; and hereto, was published in the regular edition of said WHEREAS; on the 17th day of may 1984, the' Eassa planning during the period and time of publication and mission diti l ld a public hearing and did give pnblienotice Thereof, for the ` purpose of 'i an uscrease of , not in a supplement, on tree following dates: the fees to 13e paid by persons filing apphcatioras, fir anxie ation, rezoning, iu i 9& planned, �� developsxsent. Board of .`mod r _ Adlusin�innt and saabdsyssion of land; . and WHEREAS, after due ,5 study and deliberation, it is i deemed to be neces- SuDscr ibed and sworn to before Tree this ... 5th ......... sary that the present fee schedule be amended, in order to; maintain !profi- ciency in the.. processing of these 4 applications and to recover a reason. able able percentap of these expense in- �,: y... ".: ... : . .... . ........... curred. y NOW,, THEREFOR i 1 � . .... SOLE pursuanWW % rrza tIon set for",,,- dices, Notary Public Section 1530;15 i a$ Code, Ord. 175 as arssetaded%y Ordinance 335 Jit7 commission expires: e t e be 13, 198 7 ” that the £olielwing eessis be paid by ... .. ............. . ..... .. persons filing and processing applica_ tieits for ann el€atPt'iikSy PUBLISHER'S FEE 64.52 planned unit developifienTx F$d�id 7f A,€uaiment and subdivisioxa ofiand. Ai+INE TION 04.99 acres . $25 5- 9.99acres : 50 10 -acres and above $100 , s N62 Ordinance Publication Fee As billed by newspaper NOTE: The above fees do not include the cost of publication notice 'which shall be billed to the applicant. ZONING OR PUD 0-.99 acres $75 1-4:99 acres 100 5- 19.99acres l 150 20 acres and above 2414E Abandonment of a Planned Unit Development $35 Ordinance Publication Fee As billed by newspaper NOTE: The above fees do not include the cost of publication notice and Posting of signs. All publication notices shall be billed to the applicant. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT A. Variance $75 R. Special Exception ;$50 NOTE: The above fees do not include 'r the cost of publication notice which shall be billed to the applicant. SUBDIVISION A. Sketch Plat 0 R. Preliminary Plat $50 plus 500 per lot over 100 lots C. Final Plat $100 phis 500 per lot over 1001Qts 3. Lotsplit $2e5 E. Inspection Fees As established by the City Council F. Engineering Fees Costs of city engineer to review application are Charged directly to G. Recreatian Development FeEplic�nt $75 per dwelling unit Pius $25 per each bedroom in that unit HI Request to waive platting re- quirements $2.5 1. Request to change access Points on recordedplat $25, J. Site Plan Review APPROVED, this 19th day of June 1984. ' OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION; Marilyn Finkle