HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012.07.10_Joint Meeting Agenda_CC_OPWA_OPGA_SpecialPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE JOINT MEETING OF THE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL, OPWA, AND OPGA TYPE OF MEETING: DATE: TIME: PLACE: Special July 10, 2012 6:00 p.m. Old Central Building 109 N. Birch JULAECEIVED.,,� 0 Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk an osted on th bulletin board at 6:00 PM on Friday, July 6, 2012. Sherry Bish ity Clerk AGENDA 1. Call to Order Mayor Doug Bonebrake 2. Discussion Relating to Operational Item3 Mr. Lehr Attachment #2 A. Application for STP Funds - 106th and Garnett B. Interlocal Agreement FY 13 Street Rehab Program C. Firing Range Bid Review D. Wildland Truck Purchase 3. Discussion relating to City Manager Items Mr. Ray Attachment #3 A. Owasso Public Golf Authority - Status of Public Trust B. Traffic Calming Devices C. Utility Billing Rate Structure D. Police Station Expansion Project E. Recording of City Council Meetings F. Mayor's Appointments to Citizen Boards and Committees G. City Manager Evaluation Process and Contract Timeline H. City Manager Report Tulsa's Future II Update CNG Update Sales Tax Report 4. Report from City Councilors 5. Adjournment NOTE. The City Manager quarterly evaluation typically takes place during the month of July. However, due to the length of the July meetings, the quarterly evaluation has been postponed until August. INEW he City W ut Limits. TO: The Honorable Mayor and Council City Of Owasso From: H. Dwayne Henderson, P.E. City Engineer Subject: Application for STP Funds East 106th Street North/North Garnett Road Date: July 6, 2012 BACKGROUND: In 2005, the City contracted with four (4) engineering firms to perform conceptual engineering studies for the intersections at East 106th Street North/North Garnett Road, East 106th Street North/North 145th East Avenue, East 96th Street North/North 145th East Avenue and East 96th Street North/North Mingo Road. Each intersection was planned for a 20 year growth. Once the studies were performed, staff recommended that the East 106th Street North/North Garnett Road be selected for funding by the Oklahoma Department of Transportation Small Cities Set -Aside funds. The small cities funds are used for cities that are not contiguous with a metropolitan area, which Owasso was not at that time. The project was designed and submitted to ODOT for review. The needed right-of-way for the project was obtained using the Federal Highway Administration Guidelines for land acquisition. Once the right-of-way was obtained, utility companies mobilized and relocated their utilities. Funding for the project through ODOT is limited to $750,000 in the Small Cities Set -Aside funds for construction. The City of Owasso paid for utility relocation, engineering fees, and right-of-way. However, with the recent adoption of Owasso into the urbanized area, Owasso is now eligible for Urbanized Surface Transportation Funds. Surface Transportation Program (STP) funds are made available on an annual basis by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), through the Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT), for the implementation of eligible transportation improvements in the Tulsa Urbanized Area. INCOG administers the grant funding and has established a selection process for the distribution of STP funds. Priority funding is given to projects that meet federal regulations and help advance the Regional Transportation Plan through safety improvements and to projects that reduce traffic congestion. Proposed projects are evaluated for eligibility and priority based on a 100-point rating system. Since Owasso has followed the federal guidelines for right-of-way acquisition, this project qualifies for the STP funds. The potential 80% ODOT/20% local match could save the City of Owasso approximately $900,000 on this project. In addition, Owasso can apply for these funds without jeopardizing the Small Cities funds. If the STP funds are obtained, the $750,000 will revert back to the Small Cities Program. PROPOSED RESOLUTION FOR CONSTRUCTION PHASE: In June 2012, INCOG issued applications for STP funds with a submittal deadline of July 27, 2012. Similar to the process utilized in obtaining federal funding assistance for the East 76th Street North roadway improvement project, a Council resolution is necessary in order to complete the application process. The 2012 application will request federal funding assistance for thg construction of the roadway improvements. If this project is selected in September 2012, thig funding for construction will be requested to move up to FY2012 from FY2016 so construction car begin. ♦ The East 106th Street North/North Garnett Road intersection is in a heavily trafficked area th conveys residential and commercial traffic, as well as commuter traffic to and from Owass This roadway accommodates a large percentage of local traffic and is significant in t - distribution of traffic to and from the Collinsville and German Corner areas to commercial are.] in Owasso. gg�7111M 1 Location Daily Traffic Volume Daily Traffic Volume (Vehicles per day 2006) (Vehicles per day 2012) 106TH Street North (West of Garnett) 1,600 5,159 106TH Street North (East of Garnett) 3,3QQ 4,463 North Garnett (South of 1 06th Street North) 7,300 13,597 North Garnett (North of 106th Street North) 7,900 13,354 The proposed lane configuration is a 5-lane roadway section with additional dedicated rilght- turn lanes. The intersection will be signalized. Based on recent estimates from the final plans, the anticipated cost for the construction is $2.1 million. ODOT funding for this project will be through the Surface Transportation Program, which will furrl� 80% of eligible project costs, while the local government funds 20%. Based upon this informatio the following is an estimate of the cost distriibution: Project Segment Estimate i millions) -------------------------- - OIDOT Port on mfil Hart) ---------------- City of Ilia wafto Portion to. MIMI Utility Relocation Engineering (8% li pull 'maul The proposed Resolution declares the City's intent to request federal funding assistance through the Surface Transportation Program Urbanized Area for the construction of the roadway improvements to East 106th Street North/North Garnett Road intersection. The consideration and appropriate action relating to a resolution requesting ODOT to consid the construction phase of the East 106th Street North/North Garnett Road intersection as candidate for federal funding assistance through the Surface Transportation Program wou require City Council approval. Staff expects to make a recommendation at the July 17, 201 meeting of the City Council. I rZ-VI-F-ITO-T.9 T"U IB A. Resolution - Draft B. Site Map tLl�t Owasso Public vVorks Department Engineering Div. P.O. 180 Owasso, OK 74055 918.272.4939 www.cityofowa.qso.com E 106th ST N & GARNETT RD • WIDENING PROJECT T rn • • • i i•' • _. RESOLUTION REQUESTINGFEDERAL-AID SURFACE TRANSPORTATIONPROGRAM URBANIZED AREA FOR CONSTRUCTION OF 1.TH STREET NORTHMORTH GARNETT ROAD ' • WHEREAS, Surface Transportation Program funds for urbanized areas have been made available for transportation improvements within approved Urban Areas; and, WHEREAS, The City of Owasso is submitting a project candidate described as follows: East 106TH Street North and North Garnett Road Intersection Improvements WHEREAS, the submitted project is consistent with the local comprehensive plan, including applicable Major Street and Highway Plan Element, and the Regional Transportation Plan; and, WHEREAS, the engineer's estimate for construction is $2.1 million, and Federal participation under the terms of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) relating to Surface Transportation Program Urbanized Area funds are hereby requested for funding of 80 percent of the project cost; and, WHEREAS, the City of Owasso proposes to use sales tax revenues as the source(s) of funds for the balance of the project costs; and, WHEREAS, the City of Owasso agrees, as a condition to receiving any Federal financial assistance from the Department of Transportation, that it will comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964,78 Stat. 252,42. U.S.C. 2000d et seq., and all requirements imposed by or pursuant to Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Department of Transportation, Subtitle A, Office of the Secretary, Part 21, "Nondiscrimination of Federally -Assisted Programs of the Department of Transportation -Effectuation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964'; and, WHEREAS, the City of Owasso agrees to become jointly responsible, with the Oklahoma Department of Transportation and the contractor as co - applicants, for meeting all Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requirements for storm water runoff from this project. Further, if required, the City of Owasso agrees to file jointly, with the Department and the contractor, the general National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit with the EPA which authorizes the storm water discharges associated with activity from the construction site identified in this resolution; and, a, WHEREAS, the City of Owasso further agrees to deposit with the Oklahoma Department of Transportation the matching funds required ninety (90) days prior to the contract letting date; and, WHEREAS, the City of Owasso further understands that acceptance of this resolution by the Department is not a commitment to federal funding, but only registers the City's interest and intent in participating in the program application n process. .J( NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, that the Oklahoma Transportation Commission is hereby requested to considerthe selection of project as • candidate for federal funding. ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney DATED this 17th day of July 2012 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Owasso FROM: John W. Feary Project Administrator SUBJECT: Tulsa County Inter -local Agreement 2012-2013 CIP Street Rehabilitation DATE: July 6, 2012 BACKGROUND: Included in FY 2012-2013 Budget, the Capital Improvements Fund allows for the expenditure of $1,000,000 in maintenance, repair, and/or resurfacing of residential and non-residential roadways throughout the city. Rehabilitation sites have been evaluated and prioritized in a comprehensive assessment of roadway conditions (both residential and non-residential). The selection process aims to maximize return on investment by increasing roadway lifecycle and minimizing future maintenance costs while enhancing overall roadway driving conditions and public safety. In order to further maximize return on investment, in May 2012, the City of Owasso requested assistance from Tulsa County in the completion of several roadway projects. Specifically, the request included the use of County labor and equipment for the paving and/or resurfacing of the previously selected roadway sections. The use of such equipment and labor is anticipated to significantly reduce overlay costs. In order to formalize responsibilities, an Agreement has been drafted with Tulsa County (see Attachment A) that includes the following: • The City of Owasso shall provide traffic control through its authorized agent/contractor; • Tulsa County shall provide all necessary trucking and labor for asphalt cement installation; • Duration of the Agreement shall be for a period equal to the time necessary to complete the project. Y FUNDING: Funding for the materials to be used by Tulsa County for the projects is included in the FY 2012- 2013 Capital Improvements Fund Budget. PROPOSED ACTION: The approval of an Inter -local Agreement with Tulsa County for paving assistance and 361 authorization of the Mayor to execute the Agreement would require City Council approval. Staff expects to make a recommendation at the July 17, 2012 meeting of the City Council. A. Overlay Sites (Red) B. Tulsa County Inter -local Agreement MPAIK FPKC hi Fli INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made the day of , 2012, by and between the Board of County Commissioners of Tulsa County, Oklahoma, hereinafter called "County" and the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, hereinafter called "City". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, by virtue of 69 O.S., 1981, Section 1903, the Board of County Commissioners is authorized to enter into agreements with municipalities to construct, improve, and repair any of the streets of such municipalities, and; WHEREAS, by virtue of 74 0. S. § 1008, the parties are authorized to enter into a contract for governmental services under the Interlocal Cooperation Act which sets forth the purposes, powers, rights, objectives and responsibilities of the contracting parties; WHEREAS, the County is desirous of participating in projects and the provision of services mutually advantageous to the County and other units of government; THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and conditions hereinafter contained, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. The duration of this Agreement shall be from the date of execution of this Agreement until the project is complete. 2. The purpose of this Agreement shall be to provide street resurfacing reimbursement for asphalt at various locations within the city limits of Owasso per the Owasso street repair at various locations project for FY 2012-2013. 3. The City shall provide traffic control. 4. The County shall provide trucking of asphalt and labor cost for installation of asphalt. P 5. This Agreement shall be effective from and after the date of execution hereof and is intended only for the purpose described in section 2 above. 6. The rights, duties and obligations under or arising from this Agreement shall not be rgm assigned by either party hereto without the express written consent of the other party. F1 Fs X. 11111MIESS WAEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seal tIlFs day of 2012. 401 ATTEST: CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: 6:N CITY OF OWASSO CITY AmT'i®RNEY 0 ATTEST: COUNTY CLERK 0 10,010y• MIJIMMKO-11M.1• 9 Fnl TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council City Of Owasso FROM: H. Dwayne Henderson, P.E. City Engineer SUBJECT: Owasso Police Multi -Use Training Facility Project Construction Bid Review DATE: July 6, 2012 BACKGROUND: On September 16, 2011, the City Council approved the Owasso Multi -Use Firearms Range Project. The project consists of a multi -use training facility to be constructed on nineteen acres of City of Owasso -owned property located south of the Owasso Waste Water Treatment Plant. The proposal is to build this facility over a four-year time period providing unlimited access to meet a variety of training needs for the Police Department. The City's Engineering Department designed the earthwork portion for the facility, to include the construction of the berms necessary to facilitate the firearms range and build an asphalt parking lot for the site as an alternate (see Attachment A). The Engineering staff worked with the Police Department in laying out the range so that a phased approach can be constructed as funds are made available. An advertisement for bids was published February 9 and February 16 for the construction of Phase I. The original bid opening occurred on March 9, 2012, with twelve (12) bidders participating. The low bidder was D Kerns Construction, Claremore, Oklahoma with a bid of $117,140.64. The budgeted amount for these improvements was $82,500. As a result, on March 20, 2012 Council rejected the bids. The Police Department proposed additional funds for the facility in the FY 2012-2013 budget. In June 2012, City Council approved additional funds for the construction of the first phase of the Owasso Multi -Use Firearms Range Project bringing the total budget amount to $150,000. On May 18 and May 25, the project was re -advertised. The re -bid occurred on June 25, 2012, with six (6) bidders participating. The low bidder was Earth Smart Construction with a base bid of $106,520.00 (for earthwork at the firing range) and a base plus alternate bid (adding a parking lot) of $143,520.00. BID ANAYLSIS: Six (6) contractors bid the project. The results are as follows: Bidder Base Bid Base Bid + Alf I 1. Earth Smart Construction $106,520.00 $143,520.00 2. Ira M. Green Construction $130,475.00 $152,275.00 3. Cherokee Priide Construction $143,630.00 $167,630.00 4. Trij-Star Construction $154,676.80 $178,879.00 5. Rick Scott Construction $270,108.97 $313,608.97 6. Cherokee Builders $295,930.50 $321,675.50 The construction contract would require City Council approval. Staff expects to make recommendation at the July 17, 2012 meeting of the City Council. I 20�� Iry 14 '41 V-A 04 r r A TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Owasso FROM: Christopher A. Garrett Fire Chief SUBJECT: Purchase of a New Wildland Vehicle DATE: July 6, 2012 BACKGROUND: It is the practice of fire department administrators to routinely inspect and evaluate the motor fleet in order to determine the operational capabilities of the vehicles assigned to the department. These evaluations are used as the basis for developing fleet procurement needs, which are then used for fire department planning and budgeting. Fire department vehicles are divided into two general categories: emergency response vehicles and support vehicles. Emergency response vehicles are further divided based on their operational purpose and capability: structural fire suppression, wildland fire suppression, and medical response/patient transport. Wildland emergency response vehicles are utilized for the extinguishment of grass, brush, and tree fires. Based upon the evaluation of the department's fleet of wildland fire suppression vehicles, fire administrators are proposing the purchase of one additional wildland vehicle. Firefighting efforts in wildland areas require different techniques, specialized equipment, and vehicles. These vehicles must be light enough to navigate various off road obstacles such as: forging small creeks, ditches, mud, and fields, and have the capacity to safely transport at least three firefighters. These specialized vehicles also must have the capability to carry an adequate amount of equipment and water to extinguish a wildland fire. Typically, this type of apparatus carries a small water pump, 200 gallons of water, and various hand tools such as: shovels, rakes, and a chain saw. The basic vehicle is usually a commercially produced, heavy-duty truck which is then modified. The modifications include: steel bumpers with brush guards to prevent vehicle damage, large contact area aggressive tread tires, low -maintenance lightweight wheels, and a winch that matches the vehicle's fully loaded weight. These modifications allow the vehicle to function efficiently, not only in wild land operations, but also during adverse weather events. These modified vehicles have the ability to navigate through the deep snow to rescue stranded motorists, and assist the ambulances during medical incidents, as demonstrated by the 2008 and 2009 model wildland vehicles during the crippling snow event of February 2011. HISTORY: From 1996 through 21308, the fire department became dependent upon wildland vehicles from surrounding communities to help extinguish wildland fires. To reverse the negative impact of minimal wildland fire suppression services upon the community, fire administrators determined that each fire station should house wildland suppression vehicles that were designed and equipped to handle off -road operations. In 2008, the department embarked upon the process to develop specifications to purchase a new wildland firefighting vehicle that functioned effectively in the off -road environment. The resulting project specifications addressed the challenges of wildland firefighting operations on the local terrain and subsequently, a light weight, versatile F-350 crew cab truck was purchased. The fire suppression package for this vehicle was purchased from various vendors and installed by fire department personnel. These actions reduced the overall cost of the apparatus and provided the department with a vehicle that could perform as required to extinguish wildland fires within the community. The total cost of the truck and fire suppreon package was $55,000. The fire department planned and budgeted to purchase another wildland vehicle in 2009. The project team evaluated the effectiveness of the wildland vehicle purchased in 2GO8 and determined that the 2008 F-350 crew cab was performing as intended. Some modifications to the fire suppression package were necessary and were included in the new vehicle's specifications. The project cost for the new apparatus was $65,13W. PROPOSED PURCHASE: 66 The project team evaluated the current configuration of the wildland fire suppression vehicles determine their ability to provide service to the community. Utilizing feedback from the fi department's operations personnel, it was determined that the 2009 model year wildla apparatus configuration performs as designed and provides superb functionality. In order provide effective services to the community from each fire station, the department proposes purchase a new wildland vehicle in the most current functional configuration. I 11 It 11111 ILMOM211 r-ITLZAI AMA MIXYMME ftowm 100- VM Purchasing Options: 1. State bid F-350 crew cab truck, $35,515.82. 2. Non -state bid F-350 crew cab truck directly from local vendors, $50,675.0.0. 3. Base model complete wildland vehicle, from a manufacturer, $92,500.00. The State of Oklahoma central purchasing process ensures accountability in public procuremel while optimizing taxpayer dollars through the use of statewide contracts. The State of Oklaho • solicits bids from multiple vendors on an annual basis to provide goods and services to the sta and local governments. The utilization of the state bid processes ensures the lowest possible c• to the government by leveraging volume purchasing in order to provide cost discounts. Sta - IS bid contract SW-035, end date October 31, 2012 was awarded to Bob Hurley Ford of Tuls Oklahoma. Within the state bid document, a suitable vehicle was awarded in the form of an 350 one ton, four wheel drive, crew cab, diesel engine, and accessory package for a cost $35,515.85. Although, the state bid contract end date is October 31, 2012, the vehicle manufacturer has notified all vendors that the cutoff date for production orders is on or before July 20, 2012. This rest(iction is due to the manufacturer's production schedule and their vehicle assembly time lines in preparation for the new model year vehicle production. There is an expected price After reviewing each of the three options, the project team found that Option #1 state bid truck, 4*110W 01, -10 The Fire Department Capital Budget includes funding for the purchase of a new wildland fire suppression vehicle in the amount of $80,000. This new wildland vehicle is a planned and budgeted purchase, ensuring the procurement is 10@% funded without financing the project. This project includes the purchase of a new F-350 crew cob chassis truck. The budgeted amount also includes funding for all equipment, chassis modifications, fire suppression package, emergency response items, etc. The purchase of these items will be completed separately from the F-350 vehicle purchase, utilizing various vendors to ensure the lowest overall cost possible. These items will be installed by fire department personnel or the city garage. This will result in a substantial cost savings, versus purchasing the installation services with the vehicle or items. 9*.•� �*k Staff intends to recommend City Council approval to purchase one (1) new F-350 crew cab truck from Bob Hurley Ford of Tulsa Oklahoma in the amount of $35,515.85. A. Bob Hurley Ford state bid price quote. B. Non -state bid F-350 crew cab price quote. C. Base price estimates, similar complete wildland vehicles. VAL x x -----0r�ginal Message ----- From: Stuckey, Mark fmailto:MSturke �ity�grvasso.coml Sent: Monday, May 7, 2012 0127 PM To: kennyd@)Wbhurleyford.com Subj6ct: Price Quote, Owasso Fire Department Kenny, What is the cut off date for ordering a F-350 crew cab 4wd from the state bid award? What type of time frame from order placement to delivery should we expect? Please provide a price quote for the following vehicle: ? F-350 ? Crew Cab ? Four Wheel Drive Base $2111,047.00 ? 172? Wheel Base, 8? bed ? Bright Red Paint, Autumn Red ? Vinyl Bucket Seats Front, Bench Rear ? Steel Color Interior ? Perf Equip PKG ? XL Trim ? Trailer Tow PKG, Hitch, Wiring, Receiver, Electric Brake Controller $211.25 Factory Brake Control ? Air Conditioner Incl. ? 6.4 L V8 Diesel $6,523.65 ? 5-speed Auto Trans Incl. Y ? Single Wheel Rear Axle <$518.70> ? 3.55 LTD Slip ***3.31 ELECTRONIC LOCKER*** $340.20 _ ? PWR Equip Group Incl. ? 11200# GVWR PKG Incl. ? Dual Alternator $330.75 ? AM/FM CD Player $298.75 ? Power Windows Incl. ? Power Locks Incl. ? Tilt Wheel Incl. ? Limited Slip/Locking Differential (seeAoave) ? Additional Key $30.45 ? Tinted Windows $262.50 ? Front Tow Hooks Incl. Total: $35,515.95 Add $109.20 for All Terrain Tiresl Assistant Chief Mark Stuckey Cell: 918-619-3717 M �t W. V, use I I IV IR ' Vu —IL I TOUD RrAwdmFnlw*wwcars 21 • PICKLW I r T#IW1 L LOCIC I'M VMFOLD Ma Amcm • MWX L4UTAWT,ALMrCLRWW 4WX COLP CoQPDWTEU CAMPIT �T W MEL FCONOMY RATINGS NOT RFO"IRF ON T141S VFHICLP I I --- I uvoews CEA27,&WeulDNB up ME z- z 1-1 Pp4r.9, WxfdwaTwuw 9T*ND*Iin Wr-wrJ r- Pnr.;: vaiOX IF M. VIM= VIG.fa'A&. TEBRtI6, I T173 L IF SM Sir so � E r- ;FT R$-=L- a hpE LTM" NO No 111 T ro R14MTNM iALUW ft T-OTIL-nP %.iMpt -L-TwRy O -TDWrmL D"T . I,W-4DTOTALA E4 . i,nA ow CRIK 12=3MM M 2 KTP LT. UK Isio, "....;Wix 21; ORW ;Aw 11 q 0 1p m To A I M-1 0 2011 F450 Brush Truck (New) I Texas Fire Trucks Page 2 of 5 2011 Ford F450 with the following features: Extra Cab N Red in color - standard from Ford 4 wheel drive - manual shift 60" cab to axle Diesel engine 5-speed Automatic transmission Ambulance prep package Air conditioning/heating Skid plates as standard from Ford Rear mud flaps r AM -FM radio 4.88 limited slip rear axle Gray interior bucket seats 17,950 GVVVR dual rear wheel XL trim package Sack up alarm Sotto Desk console for mounting of electronics to include, siren and emergency lighting control panel Master disconnect switch for all after market add-ons Steel front extended bumper with brush guard - painted black with front bumper turret nozzle with joy stick in the cab Receiver hitch on rear- painted black Stainless steel wheel inserts 2011 F450 Brush Truck (New)II Texas Fire Trucks Page 3 of 5 BODY 9' x 96" All aluminum truckbed, designed for a Ford F-450 with 60" Cab to axle dimenjion Upgrade flooring to 1 1/4" Tongue and groove smooth aluminum 6" Channel mounting sills, to allow for tray storage between 2" x 2" headache rack with light bar on top, light bar mount will be bolted on and will be 1/4" plate, 100W x 480L Diamond plate rear light skirt, with bumper, must be a grip strut bumper Hose storage in rear between mounting sills Manwell 241W x 22"D x 2111T w/tread plate door, to open into manwell Mounting hardware Driver's side above body box, 80L x 30T x 22D, 2 ROM roll -up doors Passenger's side above body box, 46L x 30T x 22D, 1 ROM roll -up door LED light upgrade for all DOT lights LED compartment lights Tank and Pump unit CET brand "skid unit" to contain the following: 400 gallons Water - poly construction 8 gallons foam CET brand DI-PFP-18 Briggs KHL-MR Fire Pump Quiet priming muffler Suction piping - steel 2.5" - female NST overboard - painted with 2.5" fire grade valve Tank to pump valve - 2.5" - with "T' handle extension Steel discharge manifold - painted to include the following discharges: 1.5" discharge to hose tray 2.5` discharge to rear 1" discharge for hose reel 1" discharge for work station 1" tank fill Scotty "Around the pump" foam system Lighted control panel Extra gas tank `F Emergency Equipment 47" LED lightbar which includes the following lightheads: 8 emergency LED light 4 diode lightheads - red in color 4 emergency LED light 4 diode lightheads - white in color 2 takedown LED 4 diode lightheads 2 alley (1 per side) light LED 4 diode lightheads 6 LED 4 diode IWhtheads as directional traffic advisor on rear of bar 2 - AXIXTECH LED front warning lights mounted on brush guard 2 - AXIXTECH LED rear warning 110ts mounted on rear of bed Q, 4 - AXIXTECH LED side warning lights mounted 2 per side (1 on cab and 1 on body per side) Electronic Oren - Siren speakgr mounted on front bumper Control switch panel mounted in console Miscellaneous Equipment 4" white reflective stripe applied to each side of the lower portion of the cab 3" Reflective vinyl lettering - limited to 60 letters $92, 500 http://www.texasfiretrucks.com/2025/wildland-trucks/2011-f450-brush-truck-new/ 5/10/2012 Tier Usage Rates Edmond Base - 1,000 2,000 - 3,000 4,000 - 10,000 11,000 or more Guthrie $ 5.78 Base - 2,000 $ 9.72 $ 4.75 3,000 - 5,000 $ 4.22 $ 5.15 6,000 - 9,000 $ 4.72 $ 5.75 10,000-19,000 $ 5.22 Over 19,000 $ 5.52 Sand Springs Base - 1,000 $ 9.25 2,000 - 50,000 $ 4.95 51,000 or more $ 5.89 Jenks Enid Base - 1,000 $ 12.48 Base - 1,000 1,001- 8,000 $ 4.60 2,000 - 6,000 8,001- 12,000 $ 4.65 7,000 or more 12,001- 18,000 $ 4.80 18,001- 25,000 $ 5.09 Over 25,000 $ 5.44 Norman $ 9.39 Base $ 4.00 $ 2.38 1,000 - 5,000 $ 2.00 $ 4.16 5,001 - 15,000 $ 2.10 15,001 - 20,000 $ 2.75 Over 20,000 $ 4.95 CNG UPDATE July 10, 2012 • The CNG Fueling station is operational and being utilized by city staff. There are several items to be completed before holding a grand -opening, such as completing the roof extension and brick on the north side, plus any additional punch list items, It is interesting to note that pictures of our new facility have been shown in the Tulsa World, the Daily Oklahoman, the OETA television station, channels b and 8 in Tulsa, and channel 9 in OKC promoting our use of "old-time" facility utilizing new technology and an Oklahoma fuel, I expect that, after the official opening, publicity and usage of the station will increase. • Grant Terms - As far as we know, the only grant term that has changed is the deadline for the conversion. That deadline was extended until August 30, 2012. It is now believed the deadline will be further extended by the Department of Commerce and Federal Government because of compliance issues across the country. For example, Owasso is converting two refuse vehicles however; the engines are not currently available. Other issues relating to parts and certification are common among grant recipients. • Vehicles Converted Fire - 3 converted ➢ 2008 Ford 250 Pickup ➢ 2005 Expedition ➢ 2012 Chevrolet Silverado 2500 Public Works - 4 converted ➢ 2008 Ford F250 ➢ 2009 Ford F250 ➢ 2012 Ford F150 ➢ 2012 Ford F350 Police Cars - 5 converted ➢ 2011 Ford Crown Victoria ➢ 2011 Ford Crown Victoria ➢ 2011 Ford Crown Victoria ➢ 2010 Ford Crown Victoria ➢ 2009 Ford Crown Victoria • NOTE: Five police vehicles have been converted to CNG. Three of the five vehicles will remain CNG and two vehicles (the 2009 and 2010) will be placed back on gasoline status. There is no unexpected liability on the three vehicles converted to CNG. These vehicles will remain CNG and will be assigned to police personnel (Chief, Deputy Chief, and Captain) to replace administrative vehicles. Police vehicle testing, performed by an independent firm, gave excellent comparison performance grades to the CNG vehicles compared to similarly equipped gasoline vehicles. While some differences were noted, overall, the CNG vehicle performed within the desired parameters. Nevertheless, the department will not utilize CNG vehicles for patrol/pursuit until such time as all safety concerns are addressed and further tested. • Vehicles To Be Converted; ➢ 2 -Refuse ➢ 2 -Public Works ➢ 2 -Fire Department ➢ 2 -Vans To be certified - 35 vehicles request for certification • Cost Not Covered by the Grant - At this time, costs not covered by the grant include the cost of returning two of the police vehicles to gasoline fuel. However, the staff has requested the expense to be considered under the grant.