HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980 03_OPWA_Increasing Water Rates_1980.02.05 OJ{I.lllEfO:0!ll\ l?~ RESOJ~IJTI Ir'JCI<~E~I\S II~G E~R R?j.TES CH,f1",RGES S ter ra.tes reased the Ci"c a ahoma, vvate led to O'\rvasso PuJ:>l ic orde to r; the e.d ,~ ~ 01ila~SS() ;.J Ie , as , a asso r' to suf- '- ,- to oIJerate and continue ser\lice to 1ifiJORKS PUBLIC i of BY THE OT,f\7.AS SO th as be ~c: a~ to tile J:"a.tes ff , Tb.at vvati2 TJ! : ncrease its ()f , . , - lstleej del to stabl lrh.ere th.e aj- . rates end,clr Inonth i serv tIle thin as that th.e 1 the water system siness located of Ot,vasso? connect 1::? ,are of eo. on.e +- c' i\_0 1 , f provided the monthl ss than porate tb,e ter regardless of . , "CX1e such . . "" v:;Ja.ter faetereu. shall not at of con.D.ect f ~ \ff1.1. per per r .per 35 61 7 26 6 ') J. 1 ~.>;.. @ 10 1 .J.,'iSi 10 $ F i r"s t 0"'1' 4- \_~\.... ex:t ext 1 ons e f )7 the fol ing i delivered during each to the water tern of household or bus ness, houses fated of Owasso, Oklahoma fleet ; prov d the rnonthl tha.D. the th s , ~me te :ce no t be " corl v'later shE3.1 J:1e the conn,ect ID.Ore tb.an one 1 i tea to lts vlat.er of th,- SLIC.h, se 1 () "'v e r gal gallons n per per per 35 61 7 (:-1 OJ.. 30 l@ , ..LQ L r/IOI'J'TliL ~{ $ Dz\TPQ 1.'I...t.-:l...':...l.....11...." 1 ga~l lIons al TE1:Z First Next 1>Je t 1 O\7e r ~ (0 0 ~ <:t x- !"'- OJ ~o X Q; M o E CD ca E ~ 2:; ~ 0J 0;: 0 00 o ,m o - ~ ~ CL S o 1-.. the established the fal ing of water delivered during each connect to the water system of c~ Tllere he "-. t(::s the alen.()1a.r Cl. eacrJ :2;: ru ~,.J ~ .~ o 0 ,'--"" (f.l ,~c ~ )-. z ;~ ~ CC<.n <( :c z uo W 0--1 , o (Y'" <:( on,e oV' business outs ~ '- te ts Ovvasso f Oklahoma, as e ter ITle a+-- such connect " provided that ' "- of the a.ruO t of 'vv8.te?C ffi.etered fi the .IT10ll th,ly r each ct shal L less than t.he chclrge se r!10N~~I-1L Y) ~ :J R' ,) 1. 55 16 78 6 2 2 2 .1'" Y L~ext l~'Jext f\fex 1. the fol ing uni- ered during eacb, water system of the j or business, Juses, ated out- of O\i\7aSSO 1 Oklahoma connect provi ,~ raetered F the at tl1 y s established c1el 4- L teL sha~ll a.re tITtle of conne tr1arl ted to its of ~ , ne ea. ell Tfiore -~ 1 er Juete the C'Oflnect O'ver 11h.e~ce charge gal gal gal min er per per 5 81 55 81 6 2 2 2 $ ~" J~ '- O'\ler ula.r a this '.> ::::~ ,:J 2 ~ (D 0 := ~ co 00 x m (") o E CD co 0 N .r:. l""... ~ ~ &3 o ..;; +-' 0 - !.f) t::; o m a.. $ o ~ ~ ro ~. V, ~ z UJ I- (j) Z o UJ ...J ~' .~ <C Z 0:: <C ::c C) CJ .-3 o cc <t J.-