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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016.05.03_OPGA AgendaPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO PUBLIC GOLF AUTHORITY Council Chambers, Old Central Building 109 N Birch, Owasso, OK 74055 Regular Meeting Tuesday, May 3, 2016 - 6:30 pm 1. Call to Order Chair Jeri Moberly 2. Roll Call 3. Election of Chair Chair Moberly 4. Election of Vice -Chair Chair RECEIVED APR';0 2016' City Clerk's Office 5. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for approval of the Consent Agenda. (All matters listed under "Consent' are considered by the Trustees to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Trustee may, however, remove an item from the Consent Agenda by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non -debatable.) A. Approve minutes: • April 5, 2016, Regular Meeting • April 12, 2016, Regular Meeting • April 25, 2016, Special Meeting B. Approve claims 6. Consideration and appropriate action relating to items removed from the Consent Agenda 7. Consideration and appropriate action relating to Resolution 2016-01, establishing cart fees and membership rates for Bailey Ranch Golf Course to be effective on May 15, 2016 Larry Langford Staff recommends approval of Resolution 2016-01. 8. Report from OPGA Manager 9. Report from OPGA Attorney 10. Official Notices to Authority (documents for acknowledgment or information only, no discussion or action will be taken) • Payroll Payment Reports: a Pay Period Ending Date 4/2/16 o Pay Period Ending Date 4/16/16 • Monthly Budget Status Report - March 2016 11. New Business (New Business is any item of business which could not have been foreseen at the time of posting of the agenda) OPGA May 3, 2016 Page 2 12. Adjournment Notice of Public Meeting filed in the office of the City Clerk and the Agenda posted at City Hall bulletin board at 6:00 pm on Friday, April 29, 2016. gin_ �2 Sherry Bish�City Clerk �� OWASSO PUBLIC GOLF AUTHORITY MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, April 5, 2016 The Owasso Public Golf Authority met in regular session on Tuesday, April 5, 2016, in the Council Chambers at Old Central, 109 N Birch, Owasso, Oklahoma per the Notice of Public Meeting and the Agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 6:00 pm on Friday, April 1, 2016, 1. Call to Order Chair Jeri Moberly called the meeting to order at 9:1 1 pm. 2. Roll Call Present Absent Chair- Jeri Moberly None Vice -Chair- Lyndell Dunn Trustee - Doug Bonebrake Trustee - Bill Bush Trustee - Chris Kelley A quorum was declared present. Staff: Authority Manager - Warren Lehr Authority Attorney - Julie Lombardi 3. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for approval of the Consent Agenda. (All matters listed under "Consent' are considered by the Trustees to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Trustee may, however, remove an item from the Consent Agenda by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non -debatable.) A. Approve minutes - March 15, 2016, Regular Meeting B. Approve claims Mr. Bush moved, seconded by Mr. Bonebrake to approve the Consent Agenda with claims totaling $57,631.23. YEA: Bonebrake, Bush, Dunn, Kelley, Moberly NAY: None Motion carried: 5-0 4. Consideration and appropriate action relating to items removed from the Consent Agenda None 5. Report from OPGA Manager Corey Burd presented the Quarterly Golf Report. Mr. Lehr acknowledged efforts of staff. 6. Report from OPGA Attorney None Owasso Public Golf Authority April 5, 2016 Page 2 7. Official Notices to Authority (documents for acknowledgment or information only, no discussion or action will be taken) • Payroll Payment Report - Pay Period Ending Date 3/19/2016 8. New Business (New Business is any item of business which could not have been foreseen at the time of posting of the agenda) None 9. Adjournment Mr. Bush moved, seconded by Mr. Bonebrake to adjourn the meeting. YEA: Bonebrake, Bush, Dunn, Kelley, Moberly NAY: None Motion carried 5-0 and the meeting adjourned at 9:34 pm. Jeri Moberly, Chair Lisa Wilson, Minute Clerk OWASSO CITY COUNCIL, OPWA & OPGA MINUTES OF JOINT REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, April 12, 2016 The Owasso City Council, Owasso Public Works Authority, and Owasso Public Golf Authority met in a joint regular meeting on Tuesday, April 12, 2016, in the Council Chambers at Old Central, 109 N Birch Street, Owasso, Oklahoma per the Notice of Public Meeting and the Agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 6:00 pm on Friday, April 8, 2016. 1. Call to Order Mayor/Chair Jeri Moberly called the meeting to order at 6:05 pm. Present Absent Mayor/Chair -Jeri Moberly Councilor/Trustee - Doug Bonebrake Vice-Mayor/Vice-Chair - Lyndell Dunn Councilor/Trustee - Bill Bush Councilor/Trustee - Chris Kelley (arrived at 6:10 pm) A quorum was declared present. 2. The meeting will recess and reconvene at the Wastewater Treatment Plant, 600 S Main St to tour the facility. Following the tour, the Councilors/Trustees will return to Council Chambers, 109 N Birch, to continue meeting. The Council/Trustees recessed the meeting at 6:05pm and reconvened the meeting at 7:06 pm. Councilor Kelley arrived at 6:1 Opm and did not attend the tour. 3. Discussion relating to Community Development items A. Annexation Request CA 16-02 - north side of E 76th St N approximately '/< mile west of N 161:i E Ave B. Final Plat Request - Charity Auto Sales (11595 E 1 16fh St N) Bronce Stephenson presented each item and discussion was held. It was explained that both requests would be on the May 3, 2016 Council agenda for consideration and action. 4. Discussion relating to rate increase of golf fees Sherry Bishop presented the item and discussion was held. It was explained that resolution would be on the May 3, 2016 OPGA agenda for consideration and action. 5. Discussion relating the FY 2017 Budget Sherry Bishop presented the item and discussion was held. It was explained that the required public hearing would be held during the June 7, 2016 Council meeting. 6. Discussion relating to City Manager contract and evaluation process and the City Attorney contract Michele Dempster presented the item and discussion was held. It was explained that an executive session would be placed on the May 10, 2016 worksession for an evaluation presentation by Greenwood Performance. It was further discussed that an executive session would be placed on the May 17, 2016 agenda to discuss the FY 2017 contract between the City and the City Attorney. Owasso City Council, OPWA & OPGA April 12,2016 Page 2 Discussion relating to City Manager items • Monthly sales tax report • City Manager report Linda Jones presented the monthly sales tax report and discussion was held. Under the City Manager Report, Mr. Lehr advised staff received notification from the City of Tulsa regarding an increase in the water rates to be effective October 1, 2016; staff continues to review quotes and furniture options for the City Hall remodel project; staff and members of the Planning Commission, City Council, and Board of Adjustment will attend an OML training on Friday, April 15, 2016; and provided an update on the City's annual free landfill day. Bronce Stephenson provided an update on the public downtown branding campaign and the Mowery development on 1 stand Main Street. 8. City Council/Trustee comments and inquiries Councilors expressed appreciation for the Wastewater Treatment Plant Tour and the opportunity to attend the OML training on Planning Commissions and Boards of Adjustment. 9. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 7:49 pm. Jeri Moberly, Mayor/ Chair Juliann M. Stevens, Minute Clerk OWASSO CITY COUNCIL, OPWA & OPGA MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING Monday, April 25, 2016 The Owasso City Council, Owasso Public Works Authority, and Owasso Public Golf Authority met in a special meeting on Monday, April 25, 2016, in the Council Chambers at Old Central, 109 N Birch Street, Owasso, Oklahoma per the Notice of Public Meeting and the Agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 5:00 pm on Wednesday, April 20, 2016. 1. Call to Order Mayor/Chair Jeri Moberly called the meeting to order at 8:02 am. 2. Roll Call Present Mayor/Chair- Jeri Moberly Councilor/Trustee - Doug Bonebrake Councilor/Trustee - Bill Bush Councilor/Trustee - Chris Kelley A quorum was declared present. Absent Vice-Mayor/Vice-Chair- Lyndell Dunn Staff: City Manager/Authority Manager- Warren Lehr City Attorney/Authority Attorney - Julie Lombardi 3. Consideration and appropriate action relating to approval of claims for the City, OPWA and OPGA Mr. Bonebrake moved, seconded by Dr. Kelley to approve the Consent Agenda with City claims totaling $691,183.38, OPWA claims totaling $387,392.76, and OPGA claims totaling $10,996.13. YEA: Bonebrake, Bush, Kelley, Moberly NAY: None Motion carried: 4-0 4. Adjournment Mr. Bush moved, seconded by Mr. Bonebrake to adjourn the meeting. YEA: Bonebrake, Bush, Kelley, Moberly NAY: None Motion carried 4-0 and the meeting adjourned at 8:03 am. Jeri Moberly, Mayor/Chair Lisa Wilson, Minute Clerk Claims List 5/3/2016 Budget Unit Title Vendor Name Payable Description PaymentAmount OPGA JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OAKLEY-MERCHANDISE 92.15 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OAKLEY-MERCHANDISE 72.75 - JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OAKLEY-MERCHANDISE 92.15 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OAKLEY-MERCHANDISE 76.58 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OAKLEY-MERCHANDISE 89.33 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OAKLEY-MERCHANDISE 104.33 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK NIKE-MERCHANDISE 42.58 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OAKLEY-MERCHANDISE 43.65 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SAMS CLUB -FOOD 88.42 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WALMART-FOOD 64.17 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SAMS CLUB -FOOD 75.14 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK REASORS-FOOD 14.10 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SAMS CLUB -FOOD 72.34 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK REASORS-FOOD 133.91 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK REASORS-FOOD 68.71 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK REASORS-FOOD 59.07 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TEXOMA GOLF -MERCHANDISE 73.61 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK PING -MERCHANDISE 52.73 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK CHICKFILA-FOOD 297.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SAMS CLUB -FOOD 187.93 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK EXECUTIVE COFFEE -BEVERAGE 72.94 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SAMS CLUB -FOOD 539.28 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SAMS CLUB -FOOD 659.80 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ALDI-FOOD 53.10 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SAMS CLUB -FOOD 142.02 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SYSCO-FOOD 530.43 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SAMS-FOOD 358.84 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SAMS CLUB -FOOD 261.45 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SYSCO-FOOD 369.90 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK EXECUTIVE COFFEE -BEVERAGE 37.95 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK GREAT PLAINS -BEVERAGES 571.83 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK GREAT PLAINS -BEVERAGE 118.90 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK GRT PLAINS-FOOD/BEVERAGE 277.90 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK GREAT PLAINS -BEVERAGE 223.50 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ACUSHNET-MERCHANDISE 510.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ACUSHNET-MERCHANDISE 1,040.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ACUSHNET-MERCHANDISE 34.09 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ACUSHNET-MERCHANDISE 232.55 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ACUSHNET-MERCHANDISE 997.59 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ACUSHNET-MERCHANDISE 1,157.30 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ACUSHNET-MERCHANDISE 111.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ACUSHNET-MERCHANDISE 40.49 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ACUSHNET-MERCHANDISE 58.16 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ACUSHNET-MERCHANDISE 665.77 Page 1 Claims List 5/3/2016 Budget Unit Title Vendor Name Payable Description PaymentAmount OPGA... JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ACUSHNET-MERCHANDISE 1,576.61 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ACUSHNET-MERCHANDISE 126.05 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ACUSHNET-MERCHANDISE 147.10 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ACUSHNET-MERCHANDISE 753.64 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ACUSHNET-MERCHANDISE 482.52 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ACUSHNET-MERCHANDISE 63.83 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ACUSHNET-MERCHANDISE 183.23 BRIGHTON COLLECTIBLES, INC MERCHANDISE 130.61 TOTAL OPGA 14,329.03 GOLF SHOP JPMORGAN CHASE BANK USPS-SHIPPING 12.80 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK PGA -TESTING FEE 100.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK RANGE SERV-RANGE MATS 1,549.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TEXOMA GOLF -RANGE BAGS 312.99 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK PING -SHOP SUPPLIES 28.98 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SCOREBOARD -SUPPLIES 140.00 TOTAL GOLF SHOP 2,143 77 CARTOPERATIONS JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OREILLY-BATTERY CABLE 7.49 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ACUSHNET-UNIFORM 70.32 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TIMMONS-CART FUEL 1,745.39 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TIMMONS OIL -FUEL 830.58 TOTAL CART OPERATIONS 2,653.78 COURSE MAINT HARRELUS, LLC HERBICIDE 1,386.75 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TIMMONS-MAINT FUEL 892.05 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK AMAZON-USB CABLE 9.25 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SITE ONE LANDSCAPE -MULCH 575.20 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SITE ONE LANDSCAPE -PLANTS 70.20 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES-STAKES 36.95 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP SHOP TOWELS 11.19 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP UNIFORM SERVICE 15.39 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP UNIFORM SERVICE 15.39 BOARDTRONICS, INC. FACEPLATE CABLE 40.73 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWESSUPPLIES 104.22 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OFFICE DEPOT-USB HUB 14.99 KEELING COMPANY ADAPTERS 35.83 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK PIONEER REVERE -PAINT 283.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES-BRASS FITTINGS 11.38 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK BEST PUMP -IRRIGATION PUMP 4,333.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OREILLY-BELTS 33.96 TCF NATIONAL BANK EQUIPMENT LEASE 5,058.28 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP JAIR FRESHENER/HAND SOAP 16.40 Page 2 Claims List 5/3/2016 Budget Unit Title Vendor Name Payable Description Payment Amount COURSE MAINT.. JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WALMART-CHROMECAST 38.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK INTERSTATE -BATTERY 52.40 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP AIR FRESHENER 2.00 HARRELL'S, LLC FERTILIZER 70.38 HOLLIDAY SAND & GRAVEL CO SAND 267.07 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP SHOP TOWELS 11.19 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LATHEM-PAYCLOCK SOFTWARE 207.35 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ROBERTSON-TIRE REPAIR 49.95 TOTAL COURSE MAINT 13,642.50 FOOD & BEV JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ALL MAINTENANCE -SUPPLIES 26.42 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SAMS CLUB -SUPPLIES 19.88 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SADDORIS-LINEN RENTAL 185.69 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SAMS CLUB -SUPPLIES 11.44 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SAMS CLUB -SUPPLIES 47.29 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SAMS CLUB -SUPPLIES 5222 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SAMS CLUB -SUPPLIES 102.84 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK HOBBY LOBBY -SUPPLIES 13.47 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SAMS CLUB -SUPPLIES 43.32 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SYSCOSUPPLIES 57.32 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SAMS CLUB -SUPPLIES 105.62 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SAMS-SUPPLIES 120.41 TOTAL FOOD & BEV 785.92 GOLFADMIN JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OFFICE DEPOT -STAMP 11.99 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK COX -CABLE 75.43 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK PGA -TESTING FEE 100.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ACUSHNET-GOLF BALLS 237.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES-SUPPLIES 10.61 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES-LOCKING BOX 79.98 TREASURER PETTY CASH BANK BAGS 126.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WASTE MGMT-REFUSE SERVICE 280.89 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ADMIRAL EXP-SUPPLIES 28.99 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK DLX-DEPOSIT SLIPS 89.57 GPS TECHNOLOGIES, INC MAY GPS LEASE 840.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK COURSETRENDS-WEB HOSTING 300.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK MURPHY SANITARY -SUPPLIES 311.97 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK IMURPHY SANITARY -SUPPLIES 524.02 TOTAL GOLF ADMIN 3,016.45 FUND GRAND TOTAL 36,571.4 Page 3 Claims List 5/3/2016 Budget Unit Title I Vendor Name Payable Description jPaymentAmount OPGA GRAND TOTAL $36,571.45i Page 4 nn'ity Wit out Limits. TO: The Honorable Chair and Trustees Owasso Public Golf Authority FROM: Larry Langford Recreation and Culture Director SUBJECT: Recommendation for OPGA Rate Increase DATE: April 29, 2016 BACKGROUND: On April 2, 2013, the Owasso City Council approved Resolution 2013-06 allowing the purchase of golf course equipment. The investment has permitted the maintenance staff to provide sustainable improvements to the course conditions. On September 3, 2013, the Owasso City Council awarded a lease to purchase a new fleet of golf carts which has translated to improved golfer experience and reduction in maintenance and cart down -time. The FY 2015-2016 golf budget included the addition of a GPS system which not only assists the golfer in obtaining position, it provides vehicle tracking, messaging, establishes geo-fence, monitors pace of play and incorporates a marketing element. To improve profitability and maintain financial responsibility, staff is recommending a $1.00 increase to cart rental fees (minus senior cart rentals), $10.00 per month increase to membership dues and $20.00 per month increase to corporate memberships. The proposed increase is not substantial but is justified by course and cart improvements and will assist in addressing increasing costs. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Resolution 2016-01, establishing cart fees and membership rates for Bailey Ranch Golf Course to be effective on May 15, 2016. ATTACHMENTS: OPGA Resolution 2016-01 Bailey Ranch Golf Club Proposed Fee Structure - May 2016 OWASSO PUBLIC GOLF AUTHORITY OPGA RESOLUTION 2016-01 A RESOLUTION OF THE OWASSO PUBLIC GOLF AUTHORITY ADOPTING CART FEES AND MEMBERSHIP RATES TO BE CHARGED AT BAILEY RANCH GOLF CLUB, AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TRUSTEES OF THE OWASSO PUBLIC GOLF AUTHORITY THAT: SECTION ONE: From and after the effective date as hereinafter set forth, the cart fees and membership rates charged by the Owasso Public Golf Authority at Bailey Ranch Golf Club be, and the same hereby are, established as follows, to -wit: CART FEE - Includes tax Regular Cart Fee, one rider $15.00 Twilight (after 3 pm) $13.00 Super Twilight (after 5 pm) $13.00 MEMBERSHIP Individual $165.00 Week Day (Mon.—Thur.) $120.00 Seasonal (5 months) $210.00 Family $210.00 Corporate $220.00 SECTION TWO: The rates hereby adopted shall become effective on the 19h day of May, 2016. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 3rd day of May by the Trustees of the Owasso Public Golf Authority. OPGA Chair ATTEST: Sherry Bishop, Authority Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: Julie Lombardi, Authority Attorney Bailey Ranch Golf Club Proposed Fee Structure - May 2016 GREEN FEES Regular 18 Holes Twilight (after 3 pm) Super Twilight (after 5 pm) Senior MEMBERSHIP Individual Week Day (Mon.-Thur.) Seasonal (5 months) Family Corporate EMPLOYEE Regular 18 Holes Twilight (after 3 pm) Super Twilight (after 5 pm) Cart Fee Juniors Multi -Play Card Complementary Rounds CARTS Regular 18 Holes Twilight (after 3 pm) Super Twilight (after 5 pm) Senior EXISTING RATE $ 30 $17 $12 $13 $ 155 $ 110 $ 200 $ 200 $ 200 EXISTING RATE $15 $10 $5 $10 EXISTING RATE Free w/Adult All Year Director Approval N/A N/A N/A N/A INCREASE N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $ 165 $ 120 $ 210 $ 210 $ 220 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Department Golf Shop Operations Cart Operations Golf Course Operations Food & Beverage General & Administration OWASSO PUBLIC GOLF AUTHORITY PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 04/02/16 Payroll Expenses 2,911.60 1,728.94 9,148.11 2,755.47 3,282.51 Total Expenses 4,440.87 1,941.26 14,326.84 4,237.54 4,952.39 FUND TOTAL 19,826.63 29,898.90 OWASSO PUBLIC GOLF AUTHORITY PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 04/16/16 Department Payroll Expenses Total Expenses Golf Shop Operations 2,942.79 4,475.90 Cart Operations 1,890.95 2,123.15 Golf Course Operations 9,476.79 14,688.69 Food & Beverage 3,243.66 4,785.22 General & Administration 3,282.51 4,952.39 FUND TOTAL 20,836.70 31,025.35 CITY OF OWASSO OWASSO PUBLIC GOLF AUTHORITY Statement of Revenues & Expenses As of March 31, 2016 OPERATING REVENUES: Golf shop fees Merchandise sales COS -- merchandise Cart Rental Food & beverage COS -- food & beverage Other Revenue TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES OPERATING EXPENSES: Golf Shop Cart Operations Golf Course Maintenance Food & Beverage Golf Administration TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) Transfer from General TOTAL OTHER REVENUES NET INCOME (LOSS) FUND BALANCE (Budgetary Basis) Beginning Balance Ending Balance Month To -Date March 31, 2016 Year To -Date Percent Budget of Budget 30,517 319,054 $ 572,300 55.75% 9,869 87,206 140,000 62.29% (20,062) (79,350) (100,000) 79.35% 8,021 79,576 125,000 63.66% 9,949 102,723 189,300 54.26% (4,158) (47,818) (86,000) 55,60% 59 511 700 73.04% $ 34,196 $ 461,903 $ 841,300 54.90% $ (14,404) $ (91,125) $ (133,227) 68.40% (11,476) (82,078) (102,792) 79.85% (52,568) (457,483) (583,959) 78.34% (8,610) (85,916) (126,559) 67.89% (19,334) (153,621) (224,364) 68.47% $ (106,393) $ (870,223) $ (1,170,901) 74,32% $ (72,197) $ (408,320) $ (329,601) $ 50,000 $ 250,000 $ 350,000 71.43% $ 50,000 $ 250,000 $ 350,000 71.43% $ (22,197) $ (158,320) $ 20,399 (3,512,420) (3,512,420) $ (3,670,740) $ (3,492,021)