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1974.03.05_OPWA Minutes
14ARCH 5, 1974 The Owasso Public Works Authority met in regular session Tuesday evening, March 5, 1974 at 10:33 p.m. with Chairman Ross presiding. O PRESENT: Joe Ross Chairman W. W. VAnDall City Attorney Jerry Myers Vice -Chairman John Edelman City Engineer Robert Ball Trustee Ralph Schafer Owasso Reporter Dean Large Trustee Marcia G. Riggs City Clerk V. D. Duncan Trustee Josephine Downey Deputy Clerk Noble C. Campbell City Manager Glenna M. Anderson City Treasurer On a motion by Mr. Myers and a second by Mr. Duncan the minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. Ayes: Ross, Myers, Ball, Large, Duncan. Mr. Campbell related that there was a need to contract part of the sewer project (86th St. North Interceptor) because our equipment is inadequate to dig the trench as deep as needed. He related that there were two firms bidding; the low bidder being Triple C of Tulsa. On a motion by Mr. Myers and a second by Mr. Duncan the bid from Triple C was accepted. Ayes: Ross, Myers, Ball, Large, Duncan. Mr. Campbell reported that everything was going smoothly on the Tulsa -Owasso Water Main Extension and a completion date for the month of April has been set. On a motion by Mr. Myers and a second by Mr. Duncan the claims were approved as presented. Ayes: Ross, Myers, Ball, Large, Duncan. At 10:36 p.m., a motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Myers. Mr. Duncan seconded. Ayes: Ross, Myers, Ball, Large, Duncan. i i Joe Ross, Cha' an of the Board I •J zt� , r © Mac a G. Riggs, Secre y rf March 5 , 1974 O"ASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY EXPLNDI`I'URES PAID TO BE APPROVED: EXPENDITURES TO BE PAID 3/1 to 3/15: Pioneer Supply Co. 228.00 Oil Capital Trash 2,731.19 Stephens Industrial Supply 2.43 Okla. Municipal Ret. 427.23 Greer Electric 20.98 First Bank of Owasso 592.90 Western Uniform & Towel 109.45 Leonard Thompson 228.15 Muni -Chem Corp. 35.90 Jerry W. riewitt 205.45 Western Auto 18.49 L. D. Lang 205.50 Apco Oil Co. 8.25 Arnnie McGill 199.24 Howard Chevrolet 17.10 E. T. lempleton 200.49 Otasco 12.49 B.D. Hilburn 196.74 Southwestern Bell 17.70 Dorothy Allsup 175.42 Okla. Army Surplus 16.00 Melvin Southard 208.43 Owasso Lumber Co. 58.38 Phillip Day 195.02 Brake & Clutch Service Co. 11.00 Automatic Timing & Control 31.90 City Utility Service 1,546.44 American Family Life 11.70 Alderson Supply Co. 25.48 Blue Cross/Blue Shield 266.70 Tulsa Machine Works 135.00 Glenna M. Anderson 38.44 Solar Battery Co. 47.95 Public Service Co. 438.38 Lubrication Engineering 37.16 McKesson Chemical Co. 150.00 Tulsa Business Plachines 5.54 Okla. Natural Gas 54.66 Share Corp. 339.24 Standard Auto 210.88 Southwest Pieter & Supply Co. 295.26 EXPENDITURES TO BE PAID 3/16 to 3/31 : Communications Engineering 23.55 Central Scienific Co. 12.25 Leonard Thompson 228.15 W. S. & W. Development 124.76 Jerry W. Hewitt 209.25 Owasso Builders Supply 106.55 L. D. Lang 205.50 U. S. Post Office 200.00 Arnnie R. McGill 199.24 Meter Deposits Refunds 225.00 E. T. Templeton 203.49 Leonard E. Pride 51.27 B. D. Hilburn 199.74 Jerry W. Hewitt 95.80 Dorothy Allsup 175.42 L.D. Lang 98.42 Glenna M. Anderson 38.44 Arnnie McGill 133.45 Melvin Southard 208.43 E. T. Templeton 90.59 Phillip Day 195.02 B. D. Hilburn 84.70 Melvin Southard 55.76 Colonial Life & Acc. Ins. 36.00 Phillip Day 26.28