HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979.07.23_OPWA Minutes_EmergencyOn Monday, July 23, 1979, the Owasso Public Works
in Emergency Session, in Council Chambers at City
Notice of Emergency Meeting and Agenda posted on
letin Board at 11:15 AM on July 20, 1979, and by
a part hereof.
Present: Boyd Spencer, Chairman
Robbie Fickle, Vice Chairman
Don Thompson, Trustee
Al Lambert, Trustee
Wayne Meyer, City Manager
Wauhilleau Webb, Recording Secretary
Absent: Robert Wrestler, Trustee
Harold Charney, City Attorney
Authority met
Hall, per the
City Hall Bul-
reference made
The meeting was called to order at 7:08 PM with Chairman Spencer
City Manager explained the purpose of the Emergency Meeting is
due to over fourteen water breaks and the need for the Trustees
to discuss and possibly take action on replacement of these
water lines in Nichols Heights, Smithview and Marywood additions,
located on Cedar from 4th Street to llth Street, Birch from 8th
Street to llth Street, and Dogwood from 8th Street to 86th Street
City Manager and Public Works Director gave Trustees maps show-
ing the problem areas and brought to their attention areas with
4" and 2" lines that will also be problem areas in the future.
They also gave Trustees the project broken into four phases,
which they felt were the priority order to be repaired, with
each phase showing an estimated cost breakdown. The cost of
pipe was estimated on 6" JM plastic thick wall 160 psi 2" thick-
ness, with an alternate 160 psi pipe that is less expensive.
The recommended phases are:
Phase I
to llth Street
on Cedar
Phase II
to llth Street
on Birch
Phase III
to 8th Street
on Cedar
Phase IV
to 86th Street
on Dogwood
Mr. Thompson asked if the plastic pipe has a tracer, to which
Mr. Williams replied no. Mrs. Fickle questioned if the citizens
would be without water during this laying of new lines, and Mr.
Williams replied no, we would leave the old lines. Mr. Thompson
raised the question of how many breaks we might possibly have
with service lines and Mr. Williams said probably none as those
lines are copper.
Mr. Spencer commented he felt the estimate of $400.00 per drive-
way repair was too high. Mr. Williams said the $400.00 includes
Owasso Public_�Works-_Authority-
July :23--1979_
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labor -and material and his opinion was it would be easier to do
the entire driveway rather than just a couple of feet. Mrs.
Fickle said if we have an overage in the estimate, such as the
driveways, it is all well and good.
Mr. Lambert asked Mr. Williams if his plan of 4" of sand under
the pipe and 6" of sand on top of pipe in an 18" ditch would be
enough bedding. Mr. Williams answered yes, as that is the ac-
ceptable amount.
Mr. Thompson questioned the priority of Dogwood, as in his opin-
ion Ash should take priority. Mr. Meyer said he was not aware
we had any problems on Ash. Mr. Williams said yes, we had more
breaks on Ash than Dogwood. Mr. Thompson then questioned if the
proposed phases are only where we had the breaks. Mr. Williams
said that is all we are looking at now.
Mrs. Fickle said she felt the emergency situation is that we
only have this one water source which caused the problem and the
emergency is getting water and how we are going to loop into the
other source of water to get additional water and not duplicate
any steps in this project when we do the project of additional
water source. Mr. Williams responded that it is two separate
emergencies as we don't need additional water until we have the
water lines to handle it.
Mr. Meyer said the total 5 fee635tof and pipe
wouldcbe as
mended phases would b ,
Ash 8th to llth $12,043.28
Birch 8th to llth 12,513.65 (fire hydrant needed here)
Cedar 8th to llth 12,043.28
Cedar 6th to 8th 9,036.05
Cedar 4th to 6th 9,036.05
Dogwood 8th to 86th 13,485.34
Total Cost $68,157.65
Mr. Williams advised Trustees that when pipe was purchased for
Graceland acres there was a surplus ordered of 2,873 feet. The
pipe is 6�� transite. It was estimated if this pipe was used it
would save approximately $10,630.00 on this proposed project.
Don Thompson asked if we could use the transite pipe ontoanwhich r
the new connection to our new source of water supply,
Mr. Williams said no, as it is the wrong size.
Owasso Public Works Authority
July 23, 1979
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Mr. Thompson asked Mr. Williams what his recommendation would
be on pipe if we did not have the 2,873 feet of transite on
hand. Mr. Williams commented we do not let contractors use the
160 psi that was used in the proposed estimate. It was felt
the City should not use materials we would not allow contrac-
tors to use. Mr. Thompson asked Mrs. Fickle how she felt about
it and she replied she did not care to comment since her hus-
band is in the pipe business and she would not want to influence
the Board. She did comment she felt the Board should follow the
same guidelines set out for contractors.
Mr. Williams said the City Engineers have looked at the pro-
posal and have approved it. Mr. Spencer said he did not see
how the City can do all that has been proposed by the City Man-
ager. Mr. Thompson said we have enough pipe on hand to do
Cedar and that is where we have our greatest problem. Mr.
Spencer said when this meeting was called Cedar was his only
Mr. Meyer advised the Trustees of the options they would have in
financing this project, and they are as follows:
1. As of June 30, 1979, Owasso Public Works Authority had
a surplus of $61,000.00.
2. $10,000 CE, due April 1980.
3. Contingency fund under last revenue financing.
4. Borrow total amount from bank and pay back in monthly
5. Revenue Bonds.
The City Manager's recommendation was to take the $10,000.00 CD,
use $30,000.00 of the $61,000.00 surplus, and borrow the balance
from the bank.
Mr. Thompson questioned if we could borrow it from the bank just
as we needed it. Mr. Meyer said he did not know, but he knows
there once was a loan with the bank that we were not even
charged any interest.
Mr. Spencer said that he thinks Mr. Meyer's recommendation is a
good one, but he still recommends just doing Birch at this time.
Mr. Meyer said in that case he would just recommend borrowing
Owasso Public Works Authority
July 23, 1979
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the money. Mrs. Fickle commented perhaps we would have enough
accrued by the time we need it to pay for the project when it
was completed.
Mr. Meyer said with using the transite pipe we have on hand we O
could deduct approximately $7,700.00 from the project, leaving
a total of $61,478.00.
Mr. Spencer commented he has been in touch with the Farm Home
Administration and the Authority would qualify for a loan
through them at 4,% interest.
Mr. Williams was asked about his equipment to do this job and
he said he has two backhoes which are not in too good condition.
Mrs. Fickle asked how long it will take to do the project on
Cedar from 4th to 86th and Mr. Williams said he did not really
know, but maybe he could average 100 feet a day. Mr. Lambert
asked how many people he could commit to the project and Mr.
Williams said three. Mr. Lambert said perhaps we could lease
some more equipment or hire the digging. Mr. Williams said he
would prefer we do our own digging and he would like to do about
a block at a time. Mr. Lambert asked if the old line will be
pulled up to which Mr. Williams said no.
Motion was made by Don Thompson, seconded by Al Lambert, to de-
clare an emergency and begin systematically doing the projects
as outlined by City Manager, that being, Ash between 8th and
llth, Birch between 8th and llth, Cedar between 4th
and Dogwood between 8th and 86th, beginning project
feet of available transite pipe and waive bids on additional
materials needed, with financing to begin with an estimate of
$30,000 from the surplus carryover and a line of credit estab-
lished from the bank for $30,000, only to be used as needed and
only after the $10,000 CD has been drawn and used with prefer-
ence given to obtaining the additional funds from Owasso Public
Works Authority general operating funds before credit or CD is
Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Thompson, Lambert, Mrs. Fickle
Nays - None
Motion passed.
Motion was made by Don Thompson, seconded by Al Lambert, in
structing City Manager to get three written quotes, if possible,
for purchase of all supplies.
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July 23, 1979
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Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Thompson, Lambert, Mrs. Fickle
Nays - None
Motion passed.
Motion was made by Don Thompson, seconded by Robbie Fickle, di-
recting City Manager to write HUD indicating to them we have an
emergency with breakage of existing water lines and our project
has become delayed and we will finish the HUD project within a
180 day period.
Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Thompson, Lambert, Mrs. Fickle
Nays - None
Motion passed.
Motion was made by Al Lambert, seconded by Don Thompson, direct-
ing City Manager to look into a lease/purchase of a new 12 yard
dump truck and new backhoe capable of digging 15 feet.
Ayes - Messrs. Spencer, Thompson, Lambert, Mrs. Fickle
Nays - None
Motion passed.
Chair adjourned Owasso Public Works Authority at 9:35 PM.