HomeMy WebLinkAbout1081_OZ 16-04_ 13707 E 96th St N_AG to RS-3TULSA COUNTY CLERK - PAT KEY �o Doc p 2016014 Page(s): 6 03: 06/27/2016 03:16:57 PM Receipt p 16 -35186 okcaKO�`P Fee: $ 23.00 CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA ORDINANCE 1081 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ZONING APPLICATION NUMBER OZ -16 -04 CHANGING THE ZONING OF PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE WEST HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (W /2 SW /4 SW /4 SE /4) OF SECTION FIVE (16), TOWNSHIP TWENTY -ONE (21) NORTH, RANGE FOURTEEN (14) EAST OF THE INDIAN BASE AND MERIDIAN, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, ACCORDING TO THE U.S. GOVERNMENT SURVEY THEREOF, PROVIDED THAT FROM AND AFTER THE PASSAGE AND PUBLICATION OF THIS ORDINANCE THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN SHALL BE REZONED TO RS -3, AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. WHEREAS, public hearings have been held regarding the request for rezoning of the property herein described, and WHEREAS, the Owasso City Council has considered the recommendation of the Owasso Planning Commission and all statements for or against the rezoning of the property referenced in OZ- 16 -04. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, THAT TO WIT: The West Half of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (W /2 SW /4 SW /4 SE /4) of Section Sixteen (16), Township Twenty -one (2 1) North, Range Fourteen (14) East of the Indian Base and Meridian, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma, according to the U.S. Government Survey thereof, LESS the East One Hundred Thirty -two (132) feet thereof and LESS the South Thirty -three (33) feet thereof, be, and the same is hereby zoned from AG (AGRICULTURAL) TO RS -3 (Residential Single - Family) District Section 1. All ordinances or parts of ordinances, in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict only. Section 2. If any part or parts of this ordinance are deemed unconstitutional, invalid or ineffective, the remaining portion shall not be affected but shall remain in full force and effect. Section 3. The provisions of this ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days from the date of final passage as provided by state law. Section 4. That there be filed in the office of the County Clerk of Tulsa County, Oklahoma, a true and correct copy of this Ordinance and correct map. PASSED AND APPROVED this 21st day of June, 2016. r,�,( OF C; � NC Sherry Bisho�/City Cler OkCAH00 (SEAL) APP R ED AS TO FORM: Loulza4cU Julie ombardi, City Attorney OZ 16 -04 I i I I 1 I 1 I w ✓ .Inrclr I i I ri _ / I nor 6°' i I I I I I I I - - I Y✓ I I IFTTV: I I \ -� _ _ 1" = 752 ft Smalygo Properties 05/06/2016 'i s `: xw +r This map represents a visual display of related geographic information. Data provided hereon is not a guarantee of actual field conditions. To he sure of complete accuracy. please contact Owasso staff for the most up -to -date information. OZ 16 -04 y N 1" 752 ft Smalygo 05/06/2016 `�� Properties s This map represents a visual display of related geographic information. Data provided hereon is not a guarantee of actual field conditions. To be sure of complete accuracy. please contact Owasso staff for the most up -to -date information. Ohl RD II AG G -} w 1W /le om CG IPUq?06i0�11 CS RS -1 AG E cs 0117 es AG I cs Om OZ 16 -04 Ili1pi , log HOW, Ad atill LEGEND Lana use "egoNes ® CorteriucUl - Fxlv,LglRegimN EmpbyrtcM Neyeao-lroMl elixM Use (Light Dlfim, Colrmerckl SNpppig, AluMea N img, SF McuSIne. All.MS aame leIM) PaM1NteRp4m - %UidlnsaWemfYNneI F c %skkle]I MMJe IzmiM a en nws* Tm l(A=c N Mrig. aupenes. OMCesl / /i, US1a90reM1ry USViC ® •GlennfAvAdAigpn Speaal DISIriC1 "DOwMOwn OevelWmem Dnled ubject Tract IDDyI Flo d$.r &keroNal — CFlamlee Su"nSYreal ompete SUe¢I Frs6ng apl JL FR SUa Eusmg wlxm sNwal _ FMum PUNic 5tlgpl .r Cirilon Nrs4ip Q Fuluie Palk aM ibJeJinntil Shp © lUaglnl 0 PC hi, Pry v wt . ttt Cemelery ubject Tract Weekly Group CITY OF OWASSO/LEGALS Alin JULIE STEVENS PO BOX 180 OWASSO, OK 74055 BrahnNmwle4ge, • Cw,ela Nrairan anasm Pwner • W�nvinMe LM SRErp leaGi - SFNlwkbvrul Tuka9uaeeaa 6leyl Nnn OKLAHOMA WEEKLY GROUP P.O. BOX 26945 RICHMOND, VA 23261 -6472 Account Number 1015023 Date June 29, 2016 Date Category Description Ad Size Total Cost 06129/2016 Legal Notices ORD NO. 1081 2 x 75.00 CL 96.00 262360 Published in the Owasso Reporter, Owasso, Tulsa Coun- ty, Oklahoma, June 29, 2016. CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA ORDINANCE 10131 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ZONING APPLICA- TION NUMBER OZ -16 -04 CHANGING THE ZONING OF PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE WEST HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTH- WEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (W)2 SWA SW /4 SE/4) OF SECTION FIVE (16), TOWNSHIP TWENTY -ONE (21) NORTH, RANGE FOURTEEN (14) EAST OF THE INDIAN BASE AND MERIDIAN, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, ACCORDING TO THE U.S. GOVERN- MENT SURVEY THEREOF, PROVIDED THAT FROM AND AFTER THE PASSAGE AND PUBLICA- TION OF THIS ORDINANCE THE PROPERTY DE- SCRIBED HEREIN SHALL BE REZONED TO RS -3, AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH WHEREAS, public hearings have been held regarding the request for rezoning of the property herein described, and WHEREAS, The Owasso City Council has considered the recommendation of The Owasso Planning Commis- sion and all statements for or against the rezoning of the Property referenced in OZ- 16.04. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUN- CIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, THAT TO WIT: The West Half of the Southwest Quarter of the South- west Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (W/2 SW /4 SW /4 SE 14) of Section Sixteen (16), Township Twenty - one (21) North, Range Fourteen (14) East of the Indi- an Base and Meridian, Tulsa County, State of Oklaho- ma, according to the U.S. Government Survey there- of, LESS the East One Hundred Thirty -two (132) feet thereof and LESS the South Thirty -three (33) feet thereof be, and the same is hereby zoned from AG (AGRI- CULTURAL) TO RS -3 (Residential Single - Family) District Section 1. All ordinances or parts of ordinances, in con- flict with this ordinance are hereby repealed to the ex- tent of the conflict only. Section 2. If any part or parts of this ordinance are deemed unconstitutional, Invalid or ineffective, the re- maining portion shall not be affected but shall remain in full force and effect. Section 3. The provisions of this ordinance shall be- come effective thirty (30) days from the date of final passage as Provided by state low. Section 4, That there be flied in the office of the Coun- ty Clerk of Tulsa County, Oklahoma, a true and correct copy of this Ordinance and correct map. PASSED AND APPROVED this 21st day of June, 2016. /s/LyndelI Dunn, Mayor /s/ Sherry Bishop, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: /s/ Julie Lombardi, City Attorney Proof of Publication I, of lawful age, being duly sworn, am a legal representative of Owasso Reporter of Owasso, Oklahoma, a Weekly newspaper of general circulation in Tulsa, Oklahoma, a newspaper qualified to publish legal notices, advertisements and publications as provided in Section 106 or Title 25, Oklahoma Statutes 1971 and 1982 as amended, and thereafter, and complies with all other requirements of the laws of Oklahoma with reference to legal publications. That said notice, a true copy of which is attached hereto was published in the regular edition of said newspaper during the period and time of publication and not in a supplement, on the DATE(S) LISTED BELOW 0629/2016 Newspaper reference�0000262360 Le6al11 presentative Sworn to and subscribed before me this date: '7 Y Notary Notary Public in for = STATE OF OKLAHOMA Commission #08009333 Expires: September 10, 2016 My Commission expires: THIS IS NOT A BILL. PLEASE PAY FROM INVOICE. THANK YOU O City Wi} o mits. ut Li TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Owasso FROM: Bronce L. Stephenson, MPA Director of Community Development APPROV "p BY TRUST�SS MAY p 3 �p1ti SUBJECT: Ordinance 1081, Rezoning (OZ- 16 -04) - 13707 E 96th St N DATE: June 17, 2016 BACKGROUND: The City of Owasso received a rezoning application for a property located at 13707 E 96th St N, one lot west of Christ's Church of Owasso. The property is 2.85 acres in size, and the applicant requests zoning to be changed from AG (Agriculture) to RS -3 (Residential Single - Family). SURROUNDING ZONING: Direction "Zoning Use Land Use Plan Jurisdiction North RE (Residential Undeveloped Residentia l City of Number oflReserve Areas Estate Within PUD? N/A Owasso N/A RS -2 Cit of Owasso Applicable`Paybacks Storm siren fee of $35 /acre Potential Elm Creek Sanitary Sewer 1,580.00 /Acre South (Residential Single Family Homes Residential City of Single-Family) Owasso East AG Single - Family Residential City of (Agriculture) Agriculture/Residential Owasso West AG Single - Family Residential City of A riculture A riculture /Residential Owasso SUBJECT PROPERTY /PROJECT DATA: Pro ert Size 2.85 acres Current Zonin AG A riculture Pro osed`Use Residential lots /Blocks N/A Land Use Plan Residential Number oflReserve Areas N/A Within PUD? N/A Within Overly District? N/A Water Provider Cit of Owasso Applicable`Paybacks Storm siren fee of $35 /acre Potential Elm Creek Sanitary Sewer 1,580.00 /Acre Streets ublic or' rivate N/A U&I TSE R The applicant for this property has requested the zoning of RS -3 (Residential Single- Family) zoning be applied to the property which can be done if the proposed zoning conforms to the Owasso 2030 Land Use Master Plan. In this case, the Land Use Master Plan calls for residential uses in this location so applying RS -3 zoning to the property would be appropriate. After reviewing the surrounding area, this proposed residential zoning fits with the area's predominant residential development. Although there are more intense uses in the surrounding area and approved higher density residential development to the east of the subject property, staff believes this type of development will fit well with the residential character of the area. Any development that occurs on the subject property must adhere to all subdivision, zoning, and engineering requirements including, but not limited to, paved streets, landscaping, and sidewalks. The City of Owasso will provide sanitary sewer and water to the property. PLANNING COMMISSION: The Owasso Planning Commission considered this item at their meeting on June 13, 2016 and voted unanimously to recommend approval of the rezoning. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Ordinance 1081, rezoning the subject property from AG to RS -3. ATTACHMENTS: Ordinance 1081 Area Map Aerial Map Zoning Map Land Use Plan