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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016.07.05_OPGA AgendaPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE RECEIVED OWASSO PUBLIC GOLF AUTHORITY JUL 01 2016 T Council Chambers, Old Central Building 109 N Birch, Owasso, OK 74055 Regular Meeting Tuesday, July 5, 2016 - 6:30 pm 1. Call to Order Chair Lyndell Dunn 2. Roll Call 3. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for approval of the Consent Agenda. (All matters listed under "Consent' are considered by the Trustees to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Trustee may, however, remove an item from the Consent Agenda by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non -debatable.) A. Approve minutes: • June 21, 2016, Regular Meeting B. Approve claims 4. Consideration and appropriate action relating to items removed from the Consent Agenda 5. Report from OPGA Manager 6. Report from OPGA Attorney 7. Official Notices to Authority (documents for acknowledgment or information only, no discussion or action will be taken) • Payroll Payment Reports: o Pay Period Ending Date 6/25/16 B. New Business (New Business is any item of business which could not have been foreseen at the time of posting of the agenda) 9. Adjournment Notice of Public Meeting filed in the office of the City Clerk and the Agenda posted at City Hall, I I I N Main, bulletin board at 6:00 pm on Friday, July 1, 2016. OWASSO PUBLIC GOLF AUTHORITY MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, June 21, 2016 The Owasso Public Golf Authority met in regular session on Tuesday, June 21, 2016 in the Council Chambers at Old Central, 109 N Birch, Owasso, Oklahoma per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 6:00 pm on Friday, June 17, 2016. 1. Call to Order Chair Lyndell Dunn called the meeting to order at 8:12 pm. 2. Roll Call Present Chair - Lyndell Dunn Trustee - Doug Bonebrake Trustee - Bill Bush Trustee -Jeri Moberly A quorum was declared present. Staff: Authority Manager - Warren Lehr Authority Attorney - Julie Lombardi Absent Vice -Chair - Chris Kelley 3. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for approval of the Consent Agenda. (All matters listed under "Consent' are considered by the Trustees to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Trustee may, however, remove an item from the Consent Agenda by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non -debatable.) A. Approve minutes: • June 7, 2016, Regular Meeting • June 14, 2016, Regular Meeting B. Approve claims Mr. Bonebrake moved, seconded by Ms. Moberly to approve the Consent Agenda with claims totaling $35,850.10. YEA: Bonebrake, Bush, Moberly, Dunn NAY: None Motion carried: 4-0 4. Consideration and appropriate action relating to items removed from the Consent Agenda None 5. Consideration and appropriate action approving Resolution 2016-02, adopting the FY 2016-2017 OPGA budget Linda Jones presented the item recommending approval of Resolution 2016-02. There were no comments from the audience. Mr. Bush moved, seconded by Ms. Moberly to approve Resolution 2016-02, as recommended. 6. Report from OPGA Manager None OPGA June 21, 2016 Page 2 7. Report from OPGA Attorney None 8. Official Notices to Authority (documents for acknowledgment or information only, no discussion or action will be taken) • Payroll Payment Reports: a Pay Period Ending Date 6/11/16 • Monthly Budget Status Report - May 2016 9. New Business (New Business is any item of business which could not have been foreseen at the time of posting of the agenda) None 10. Adjournment Mr. Bonebrake moved, seconded by Ms. Moberly to adjourn the meeting. YEA: Bonebrake, Bush, Moberly, Dunn NAY: None Motion carried 4-0 and the meeting adjourned at 8:13 pm. Lyndell Dunn, Chair Lisa Wilson, Minute Clerk Claims List 7/5/2016 Budget Unit Title Vendor Name Payable Description PaymentAmount OPGA IBGR DAILYACCT. IREIMB GOLF PETTY CASH 616.50 TOTAL OPGA 616.50 COURSE MAINT UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP AIR FRESHENER 16.40 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP SHOP TOWELS 11.19 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP UNIFORM SERVICE 15.39 BOARDTRONICS, INC. FUSES 30.63 JESCO PRODUCTS, INC TRASH CANS 172.00 WATER UTILITIES SERVICES, INC SPRINKLER HEAD 138.21 FELKINS ENTERPRISES, LLC PRINTED GIFT CERTIFICATES 180.00 TCF NATIONAL BANK EQUIPMENT LEASE 5,058.28 AMERICAN BACTERIAL SOLUTIONS LLC IPOND TREATMENTS 550.00 TOTAL COURSE MAINT - 6,172.10 GOLF ADMIN JOKC GOLF 1PROMOTIONAL CUPS 584.67 TOTAL GOLF ADMIN 584.67 7,373.2 FUND GRAND TOTAL OPGA GRAND TOTAL $7,373.27 Page 1 OWASSO PUBLIC GOLF AUTHORITY PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 06/25/16 Department Payroll Expenses Total Expenses Golf Shop Operations 3,055.60 4,590.78 Cart Operations 3,083.76 3,462.41 Golf Course Operations 14,016.18 19,761.51 Food & Beverage 3,907.42 5,536.10 General & Administration 3,282.51 4,955.89 FUND TOTAL 27,345.47 38,306.69