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2012.05.10_OEDA Agenda
IYN- t. F Aa:,:I NG: DAH: T I All f:: 43LACE: i 13 ,^?�, r" yea, ". T,`'rli'`". VCS' `��7 9 iiN 0 fir.;;:: �3 g is %$:�'� LO iNAUIi AUTI ; {.�RIT e uIalT tiMay .i0, 2012 Owasso City 3 <AJ, Lovier 9 e),.- 117 IN. Main 0"vasso, Oklahoma Julie Stevens – ,iiivienco Room Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin beard at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May B, 2012. Chelsea M.E. Harkins, E -onom Development Director AGENDA Call to Order Mr. Sokolosky, Chairman 2. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for Trustee approval of the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the Trustees to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Trustee may, however, remove an item from the Consent Agenda by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non - debatable. A. Approval of minutes of the April 12, 2012 Regular Meeting. Attachment B. Approval of claims. Attachment C. Acceptance of the monthly financial report. 3. Report from the Public Works Director Mr. Stevens A. Report from the Community Development Director Mr. fritschen 5. Report from Economic Development Director Ms. Harkins b. Report from OEDA Manager Mr. Ray OEDA April 12, 2012 Pace 2 Report from OOEDA Trustees 8. New Business (New Business is any item of business which could not have been foreseen at the time o£ posting of the agenda.) 9. Adjournment MEETING OF fHE O ?NASSO FCO^10i1 IC DEVELOPiI11'EN AUTHORITY DAINUTES OF MEETING Thursday, April 12, 2012 The Owasso Economic Development Authority met in regular session on Thursday, April 12, 2012 in fhe Lower Level Conference Room at City Hall per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Nall bulletin board cat 5:00 PM on Tuesday, April 10, 2012. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER & ROLL CALL_ Chairman Sokolosky called the meeting to order at 10:04 AM. PRESENT Dee Sokolosky, Chairman Frank Enzbrenner, Vice Chairman Gary Akin, Trustee Bryan Spriggs, Trustee Steve Cataudella, Trustee David Charney, Truster; Dirk Thomas, Trustee A quorum was declared present. ABSENT None. ITEM 2: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR TRUSTEE APPROVAL OF THE OEDA CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of minutes of the February 9, 2012 Regular Meeting B. Approval of claims C. Acceptance of the monthly financial report Mr. Cataudella moved to approve the consent agenda, seconded by Mr. Enzbrenner. AYE: Sokolosky, Enzbrenner, Akin, Cataudella, Charney, Spriggs, Thomas NAY: None ABSTAIN: Motion carried 7 -0. ITEM 3: REPORT FROM PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR Mr. Stevens reviewed the status of various Public Works Department projects. ITEM 4: REPORT FROM THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Mr. Fritschen presented the March Building Permit Report, ITEM 5: REPORT FROM ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Ms. Harkins provided information related to various economic development activities. ITEM 6: REPORT FROM OEDA MANAGER Mr. Ray gave an update on the status of US -169 funding. ITEM 7: REPORT FROM OEDA TRUSTEES No report. ITEM 8: NEW BUSINESS None. April 12, 2012 I] EM 9: ADJOURNMENT Dr. Thomas moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Mr. Enzbrenner. AYE: Sokolosky, Enzbrenner, Akin, Cataudella, Charney, Spriggs, Thomas NAY: None ABSTAIN: Motion carried 7 -0. At 10:57 AM, the meeting adjourned. -2- Juliann Stevens, Minute Clerk TO: THE HONORA-31LE Cv[Alffi1jIX`J A-ND TRUSTEES OINIASSO ECONOPOIC DEVROHMEN-1 AUTHIOR17Y ROM: CHELSEA i1A.r. HARKINS ECOi\]CIAAlC DFVILONVIENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: CLAHNIS, OEDA DATE: May fO, 2012 No Claims for April 2012. Owasso Economic Development Authority Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Fund Net Assets For the Month Ending April 30, 2012 Operating Revenues Operating Expenses: Materials & supplies Services & other charges Capital outlay Total Operating Expenses Operating Income (Loss) Non - Operating Revenues (Expenses): Investment income Promissory note revenue RAN debt service & other costs Total non - operating revenues (expenses) Net income (loss) before contributions and transfers Transfer to general fund Change in net assets Total net assets - beginning Total net assets - ending MTD YTD $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.67 0.00 0.00 0.67 g1 11 I oi 1. .:I _..- $0.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 (5,000.00) M HIM AM NUM 0.67 6.80 (5,000.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.67 6.80 (5,000.00) 9,038.20 9,038.20 $9,045.00 $4,038.20 PRC)+JECT STATUS REPORT City of 0\,vasso Public Works Department As of May 2, 2012 E 8011 Street North Widening (from Main Street to N. Memorial i�rive - Funding for the construction of this project is a result of a "matching grant "; 80% ODOT funding and 20% City funding. - ODOT awarded the contract to BECCO of Tulsa, Oklahoma in the amount of $6.9 million. Public Meeting was held on March 15, 2012 @ 6:30 pm at the Bailey Ranch Golf Course. 8 citizens attended, as well as representatives from ODOT, Tulsa County and BECCO. Official construction time began April 2, 2012. Phase I Road Improvements - Memorial to Mingo - April 2, 2012 to August 1, 2012. Phase II Road Improvements - Mingo to Main Street -- August 1, 2012 to November 4, 2012. The contractor has mobilized to the site and began the installation of the water line. Approximately 1,400' of new pipe has been installed. The water line is the last of the utilities needing relocation prior to the road improvements and bridge replacement taking place. © E. 106TH Street North and Garnett Road Intersection Improvement Project - A $750,000 grant from ODOT was approved February 2009. - On March 24, 2009, Council awarded an engineering design contract to PSA Dewberry. - ONG and AEP -PSO have completed their utility relocations. - Cox and AT &T will have their utility relocations complete by end of next week. - ODOT anticipates bid advertisement to occur in July with construction beginning in October 2012. ® Santa Fe Lift Station and Force Main Improvements - February 2010, City Council awarded an engineering agreement in the amount of $145,874 to Greely and Hansen Engineering. - November 2011, OPWA Trustees awarded a construction contract to W.N. Couch in the amount of $2,636,700. - Crews have completed all but 300' of the new force main pipe installation. All testing has been completed on the installed pipe and the use of the new 20" line from the temporary lift station will commence once the connection is made. Demolition of the existing lift station has been completed and the initial concrete pour for the new wet well facility took place on Thursday, April 26th. This project is currently on schedule and within budget. Three Lakes Stormwater Channel Improvements - Project includes widening and shaping of the north /south channel east of US Hwy 169, from to 83rd Street North southward to the end of the existing concrete channel. - The engineering design is being performed by the City of Owasso's Engineering Division. Currently, the design is 90% complete. - In April 2012, AT &T mobilized and completed the relocation of their utility. In March 2012, united States Army Corp of Engineering's began reviewing the engineering plans. in nild- April, USACE determined this project will need a nationwide permit which requires .ether agencies to review and approve the design. Comments from other agencies have been solicited. On average, the review period typically takes 60 -90 days. Thus, it approved, bid advertisement would possibly occur in June 2012. © East 106th Street North Water Improvements - Project includes extending 12" water line from 106th Street North /N. 110th East Avenue to 106th Street North and Mingo Road. - The engineering design was performed by the City of Owasso's Engineering Division. Currently, the design is 100% complete. - Materials have been purchased and the water line alignment has been surveyed. Water Division anticipates pipe installation to begin within the next week. • E. 76th Street North Widening (from U.S. Hwyl69 to N. 129th East Avenue - In October 2010, the City received notice that INCOG selected the project to receive federal funding in the amount of $2,090,000 for engineering, right -of -way and utility relocation costs. A 20% required match will be funded through the City of Owasso's Capital Improvement Fund. This phase of the project is targeted for federal assistance in FY 2014 or sooner, depending on funding availability. - In October 2011, the City received notice that INCOG selected the project to receive federal funding in the amount of $3,470,000 for construction and administration costs. A 20% required match will be funded through the City of Owasso's Capital Improvement Fund. This phase of the project will be targeted for federal assistance in FY 2015 or sooner, depending on funding availability. - In February 2012, ODOT officials informed City staff of funds available in the Federal Surface Transportation Fund for the planning phase of E. 76th Street North Widening Project. - In March, INCOG presented this project to its members for consideration to receive funding in 2012 for the engineering design. Project was approved by the Technical Advisory and Transportation Policy Committees. In April 2012, the recommendation was submitted to the INCOG Board of Directors for consideration and approval. The project was approved by the members. Therefore, the selection process for professional services Is scheduled to begin in May 2012. • FY2011 -2012 Street Rehabilitation Project - The City Council awarded a construction contract in the amount of $368,059 to Tri -Star Construction during the March 20, 2012 meeting. - Staff will be conducting a pre- construction meeting with the contractor in early May. Construction is scheduled to begin in mid -May. f: UMDENTIA], SINGLE �AMILY NEW f-'ONZSTRUCTIOiNt MONT H END M-TORT A;)ffll.2M2 Month 2003 2004 2005 2006 11007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 I January 54 30 31 22 1-3 ---25-15 117 1$ 19 2 rob Vary 3 March 38 75 65 50 25 35 30 46 14 27 4 April 35 h7 _. b3 5 o 5 May 29 31 43 36 60 23 27 30 20 6 J6 51 :12; 2� 2 ...... 7 July 32 34 7.7 23 24 2 8 1 7 20 9 September 52 64 35 12 17 40 90 11 12 loo 4 T ... . .. 11 November 35 31 32 13 26 10 13 Totals 479 528 5118 336 301 267 303 246 179 87 YTi) 168 202 211 165 104 123 68 87 APRIL YEAR-TO-DATE COUNT 250 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- ------------------ 200 ---------------- ------------------ ---------------------- ---------------------- --------------------- 50 ---- ------- --- --F - --------------- ------ — ----------------- ---------------------------------- -------------------- 100 ------ 50 ------- -- 0 2003 i 2004 '2005 2006 2007 2008 L I : 200 2010 2011 01 APRIL 168 202 211 1 8 110 -6 87 4 --- - ----- -- 14,000,000 1I---------------- 12,000,000 --------------- - 10,000,000 ------ 8,000,000 ------ 6,000,000 ------ 4,000,000 ------ 2,000,000 L 1 - - - - -- 0 — —1,1 1 4 200 11,084, 45.000,000 r---- 30,000,000 APRIL YEAR-TO-DATE DOLLARS —20-09 — v --- 2010 2011 2012 668 12,692,815 13,092,707 .555 1 10,512,975 ..... ----- ------ TOTAL NEW CONSTRUCTION DOLLARS FOR EACH YEAR 2008 i 2009 27,364 316 F ------- [___34,767,829 - -- --------------------------- ------- ----------- ------- 2010 2011 2012 34,805960 _._1 , ,4- 21464,855 I 10512975 CITY OF 01JIV -1SStO RESIDENTIAL LOT INVEE;1TdORY STATUS April 30, 2012 SUBDIVISION Burberry Place (6/09) Camelot Estates (4/07) Carrington Pointe 1 (1/11) Champions East (05/08) Champions West (5/08) Country Estates III (3/99) Country Estates VI (11/03) Crescent Ridge (02/08) Fairways V (8/99) Fairways VI (12/00) Falls at Garrett Creek (12/05) Falls at Garrett Creek Amended (12/05) Honey Creek (4/02) Keys Landing (3/08) Lake Valley IV (5/2010) Lakes at Bailey Ranch (10/07) Maple Glen (12/08) Maple Glen II (1/11) Nottingham Estates IV (8/01) Nottingham Estates V (3/01) Nottingham Hill (6/09) Preston Lakes (12100) Preston Lakes III (10/04) Remington Park II (11/04) Sawgrass Park II (04105) The Summit at Southern Links (6/97) Watercolours (12/02) TOTALS OF LOTS 89 139 171 66 45 61 37 101 71 42 85 24 202 131 114 235 98 93 20 44 58 272 147 84 96 31 40 2596 # DEVELOPED 43 50 43 6 2 58 36 93 57 40 84 22 198 96 69 176 94 56 17 43 8 243 144 82 94 26 31 1911 # AVAILABLE 46 89 128 60 43 3 1 8 14 2 1 2 4 35 45 59 4 37 3 1 50 29 3 2 2 5 9 685 Wat- rcclous(12102) 1Te Summit al Southern Links (3/97) Sawomss Park II (04105) Remington Park 11 (11104) Preston lakes 111 (10104) Preston Lakes (12N0) Nottingham Hill (6/09)' Nottingham Estates V (3 /01) Nottingham Estates IV (8101) Maple Glen II (1111) Maple Glen(12108) Lakes at Bailey Ranch (10/07) Lake Valley IV (512010) Keys Landing (3108) Honey Creek (4102) Falls at Garrett Creek Amended (12/05) Falls at Garrett Creek (12105) Fairraays VI (12100) Fairways V (8199) Crescent Ridge (02/08) Country Estates VI (11103) Country Estates 111 (3/99) Champions West (5/08) Champions East (05 108) Carrington Pointe 1 (1111) Camelot Estates (4107) Burberry Place (6/09) CITY OF (RIASSi? 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 11 Lots Developed 0 Total Lots COMMERCIAL NEW CONSTRUCTION MONTH END REPORT APRIL 2012 Month 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 1 January 0 0 1 2 9 4 4 1 1 3 1 2 ..... ....... . 3 March 3 1 2 1 14 2 0 1 3 0 0 4F . . ... . . I I ..... 41, ...... .. . ... 5 May 4 1 1 3 2 1 1 2 ..... . . 1 2 6 . ..... .... ...... Ibq .... w ... q, 7 July 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 . ....... .. ....... .... .... .. 9 September 2. 0 0 .......... 11 November 1 1 3 0 1 1 2 2 1 To-ta15 ---23 12 23 23 43 48 20 9 10 11 2 YTO 5 3 11 12 24 9 10 3 6 6 2 APRIL YEAR-TO-DATE COUNT 30 25 20 15 10 PRIL 2002 2003 _2004 5 0 2006 2007 2008 2009 2.010 __2012 24 9 NAME ADDRESS APPLICATION DATE OPI NIIN1 1 0MfE COn!1PLf T;: APRIL 9901 N, Owasso Exp. 2/6/2012 2/16/2012 Yes Luna De Noche 9500 N 129 E Ave #130 4/5/2012 4/12/2012 Yes Golden Dragon Taekwondo 13720 E 86 St N 402012 4/9/2012 Yes Blue Phoenix 9500 N 129 E Ave # 4/10/2012 412.612012_ Yes MARCH 12409 E. 96th E. Ave. 10/31/2011 10/31/2011 Yes Duffy's 11610 E 86 St N 3/5/2012 3/10/2012 Yes Life Church 14008 E 96 St N 5/2/2011 3/312012 Yes Edward .Jones 9540 N Garnett 112212012 3/22/2012 Yes Dayana's Hair Salon 11622 E 86 St N 3/2/2012 3/20/2012 Yes Iglesia Pentecostal 12111 N Garnett 3/22/2012 3/22/2012 Yes Idol Nails & Spa 12412 E 86 St N 3/14/2012 3/17/2012 Yes FEBRUARY 2012 Pot Hotel 8355 N, Owasso Exp. 2/1/2012 2/3/2012 Yes Green Hill Funeral Home 9901 N, Owasso Exp. 2/6/2012 2/16/2012 Yes Akira Sushi Bar 9455 N Owasso Exp. r #E 1/15/2012 2/10/2012 Yes Family Animal Medicine 9200 N. Garnett 2/22/2012 2/2212012 Yes Owasso Medical Campus 12455 N. 100 E. Ave. #300 2/29/2012 2/29/2012 Yes JANUARY 2012 DECEMBER 2011 Dog Daycare & Kennel 8355 N. Owasso Expy 12/1/2011 12/1/2011 Yes NOVENIBER2011 Ma's Cafe 11691 N. Garnett Rd. 11/14/2011 11/14/2011 Yes Boomerang Diner 13720 E. 86 St. N. #190 11/16/2011 11/16 /2011 Yes Creative Clips 12711 E. 86 PI. N. #108 11/15/2011 11/30/2011 Yes OCTOBER 2011 9540 N. Garnett Rd. # 2/18/2011 7/31/2011 Yes O'Reilly Auto Parts 13318 E, 116th St. N. 10/31/2011 10/31/2011 Yes Top Cut 12409 E. 96th E. Ave. 10/31/2011 10/31/2011 Yes SEPTEMBER 2011 Fire In The Hole 126 S. Main St. 9/1/2011 9/23/2011 Yes AUGUST 2011 Catholic Diocese Church 1002 North Forest Drive 8/8/2011 8/30/2011 Yes Panda Express 12403 E. 96th St. N. 1/3/2011 8/30/2011 Yes JULY 2011 Yes Cat Clinic 9540 N. Garnett Rd. # 2/18/2011 7/31/2011 Yes Engineering Firm 302 E. 51h Ave # 7/1/2011 7/31/2011 Yes Better Sound Owasso 9045 N 121 E Ave #1100 7/15/2011 7/18/2011 Yes JUNE 2011 Davita Dialysis 9521 N Owasso Exp. Charlie's Chicken 11651 E. 76th St. MAY 2011 Loren & CW Houk 8819 N. 145th E. Ave. More2Love 117E S. Main St. 1/7/2011 6/22/2011 Yes 3/412011 6/28/2011 Yes 5/12/2011 6/15/2011 Yes 5/24/2011 512812011 Yes PERMIT'S APPLIED FOR IN APRIL 2012 ADDRESS BUILDER AD13 /f,ONE VALUE A.S.F. PERMIT0 DATE 403 W 2nd Ave Stay Green GBC /IL $ 30,000 4200 12- 0401 -C 4/4/2012 7410 B83 PIN _ Winkley Homes CARPI /RS3 $ 142,010 2582 12- 0402 -X 4i9/2012 15209 E 110 Pl N Simmons I[omes LVIV/RS3 ILVIII/RS3 $ 105,722 1922 12- 0403 -X 419/2012 10700 N 153 E Ave Simmons IIomes 38 Building Permits $ 123,805 2251 12- 0404 -X 4/9/2012 9208 N 104 E Ave Granite Fiberglass FWIII /RS3 $ 20,000 576 12- 0405 -X 4/9/2012 9500 N 129 E Ave Sign World OLT /CS $ 5,200 72 12- 0406 -S 4/9/2012 11809 E 105 PI N Simmons Homes BBP /R.S3 $ 142,340 2588 12- 0407 -X 4/10/2012 13720 E 86 StN Rainbow Signs RENCTR /CS $ 3,000 28 12- 0408 -S 4110/2012 9216 N 132 E Ave Granite Fiberglass WURS2 $ 25,000 629 12- 0409 -P 4/10/2012 12213 E 70 St N Strategic Builders KL/RS3 $ 137,500 2500 12- 0410 -X 4/11 /2012 12001 E 69 St N Strategic Builders KDR83 $ 159,500 2900 12- 0411 -X 4/11/2012 12306 E 69 St N Strategic Builders KL/RS3 $ 148,500 2700 12- 0412 -X 4/11/2012 13109 E 95 Ct N Atlantis Pools WL/RS2 $ 30,000 739 12- 0413 -P 4/12/2012 9505 E 92 St N Executive Homes LBR/RS3 $ 160,000 3239 12- 0414 -X 4/12/2012 7618 E 83 StN Denham Homes CARPI /RS3 $ 148,500 2700 12- 0415 -X 4/16/2012 7502 E 83 PI N Winkley Homes CARPI/RS3 $ 142,000 2582 12- 0416 -X 4/18/2012 8401 N 77 E Ave Money Homes CARPI /RS3 $ 148,500 2700 12- 0417 -X 4/18/2012 7501 E 84 StN Money Homes CARPI /RS3 $ 143,000 2600 12- 0418 -X 4/18/2012 14003 E 89 PIN Advanced Pools SC /RS3 $ 20,000 500 12- 0419 -P 4/18/2012 9204 N 93 E Ave Fiesta Pools LBR/RS3 $ 19,877 544 12- 0420 -P 4/23/2012 9112N133EAve Fiesta Pools CARPI /RS3 $ 21,232 576 12- 0421 -P 4/23/2012 11713 E 105 PIN Simmons Homes BBP /RS3 $ 119,820 2577 12- 0422 -X 4/23/2012 15313 E 110 PIN Simmons Homes LVIV/RS3 $ 91,320 1922 12- 0423 -X 4/23/2012 10901 N 118 E Ave Simmons IIomes MGIURS3 $ 106,315 1933 12- 0424 -X 4/24/2012 9530 N Garnett A -Max Signs CC /CS $ 7,500 177 12. 0425 -5 4/25/2012 1704 N Elm St Golden Hamner AI-I3 /RS3 $ 12,600 420 12- 0426 -X 4/25/2012 13502 E 116 StN " - Oil Capital Neon GC /CS 1 $ 27,500 304 1 12- 0427 -S 4/25/2012 9305 N 95 E Pl Executive Homes LBR/RS3 $ 320,000 3687 12- 0428 -X 4/26/2012 9203 N 93 E Ave Executive Homes LBR/RS3 $ 154,385 2807 12- 0429 -X 4/26/2012 9504 E 92 St N Executive Homes LBR/RS3 $ 154,385 2807 12 -0430 -X 4/26/2012 9400 E 91 St N Executive Homes LBR/RS3 $ 166,650 3030 12- 0431 -X 4/26/2012 10902 N 117 E PI Capital Homes MGII/RS3 $ 80,000 1456 12- 0432 -X 4/27/2012 11008 N 117 E PI Capital Homes MGIi /RS3 $ 84,970 1670 12- 0433 -X 4/27/2012 10916 N 117 E Ave Capital Homes MGII /RS3 $ 75,139 1295 12- 0434 -X 4/27/2012 10910 N 117 E Ave Capital Homes MGIURS3 $ 77,632 1377 12- 0435 -X 4/27/2012 15008 E I10 PlN Capital IIomes LVIV /RS3 $ 82,131 1547 12- 0436 -X 4/27/2012 15204 E 110 StN Capital IIomes LVIV/RS3 $ 96,280 1604 12- 0437 -X 4/27/2012 15001 E 110 StN Capital Homes LVIV/RS3 $ 78,886 1458 12- 0438 -X 4/27/2012 26 Single Family $ 3,389,290 60,434 SgFt 1 Residential Addition $ 12,600 420 SgFt 1 Commercial Remodel $ 30,000 4,200 S Ft 4 Signs $ 43,200 581 SgFt 6 Pool $ 136,109 3,564 SgFt 38 Building Permits $ 3,611,199 69,199 SgFt