HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014.11.13_OEDA AgendaJulie Stevens PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY TYPE OF MEETING: Regular DATE: November 13, 2014 TIME: 10:00 a.m. PLACE: Owasso City Hall, Lower Level Conference Room 111 N. Main Owasso, Oklahoma Notice and agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 5:00 PM on Tuesday, November 11, 2014. Chelsea .E. Levo, Economic Development Director AGENDA Call to Order Dr. Thomas, Chairman 2. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for Trustee approval of the Consent Agenda. All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the Trustees to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Trustee may, however, remove an item from the Consent Agenda by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non- debatable. A. Approval of minutes of the September 11, 2014 regular meeting Attachment S. Approval of claims Attachment C. Acceptance of the monthly financial reports Attachment 3. Consideration and appropriate action relating to items removed from the Consent Agenda 4. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a proposed Zoning Code Amendment and presentation of the Downtown Overlay District Mr. Stephenson Attachment 5. Report from OEDA Director Ms. Levo Attachment "Business Development Report • Monthly Building Report • Public Works Project Status Report • Monthly Sales Tax Report OEDA November 13, 2014 Page 2 6. Report from OEDA Manager Mr. Lehr 7. Report from OEDA Trustees 8. New Business (New Business is any item of business which could not have been foreseen at the time of posting of the agenda.) 9. Adjournment MEETING OF THE OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES OF MEETING Thursday, September 11, 2014 The Owasso Economic Development Authority met in regular session on Thursday, September 11, 2014 in the Lower Level Conference Room at City Hall per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda posted on the City Hall bulletin board at 5:00 PM on Tuesday, September 9, 2014. ITEM 1: CALL TO ORDER & ROLL CALL Dr. Thomas called the meeting to order at 10:00 AM. PRESENT ABSENT Dirk Thomas, Chairman None Dee Sokolosky, Vice Chairman Gary Akin, Secretary Jeri Moberly, Trustee David Charney, Trustee (arrived 10:02am) Frank Enzbrenner, Trustee Bryan Spriggs, Trustee A quorum was declared present. ITEM 2: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO A REQUEST FOR TRUSTEE APPROVAL OF THE OEDA CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of minutes of the August 14, 2014 Regular Meeting B. Approval of claims C. Acceptance of the monthly financial report Following discussion, Ms. Moberly moved to approve the consent agenda, seconded by Dr. Spriggs. AYE: Thomas, Sokolosky, Akin, Enzbrenner, Moberly, Spriggs NAY: None ABSTAIN: None Motion carried 6 -0. ITEM 3: CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATING TO ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA No action required ITEM 4: REPORT FROM OEDA DIRECTOR Chelsea Levo provided a business development report; Roger Stevens presented the Public Works project status update; Bronce Stephenson presented the Monthly Building Report for August; and Linda Jones presented the sales tax monthly report. Discussion was held. ITEM 5. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for an executive session for the purpose of discussing an economic development proposal to entice a business to locate in the Owasso area; such request pursuant to title 25 O.S. § 307(C)(10) Dr. Thomas moved to enter executive session, seconded by Dr. Spriggs. AYE: Thomas, Sokolosky, Akin, Charney, Enzbrenner, Moberly, Spriggs NAY: None ABSTAIN: None Motion carried 7 -0. September 11, 2014 At 10:30 am, the Trustees, along With Julie Lombardi, Warren Lehr, and Chelsea Levo entered into executive session. At 11:20 am, the Trustee returned to open session. ITEM 6: REPORT FROM OEDA MANAGER No Report ITEM 7: REPORT FROM OEDA TRUSTEES No Report ITEM 8: NEW BUSINESS None ITEM 9: ADJOURNMENT Ms. Moberly moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Mr. Chamey. AYE: Thomas, Sokolosky, Akin, Chamey, Enzbrenner, Moberly, Spriggs NAY: None ABSTAIN: None Motion carried 7 -0. At 11:29 AM, the meeting adjourned. Juliann M. Stevens, Minute Clerk -2- The City Wit out limits. TO: THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND TRUSTEES OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY FROM: CHELSEA M.E. LEVO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: CLAIMS, OEDA DATE: November 13, 2014 No claims for September or October 2014. Owasso Economic Development Authority Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Fund Net Assets For the Month Ending August 31, 2014 Operating Revenues Operating Expenses: Materials & supplies Services & other charges Capital outlay Total Operating Expenses Operating Income (Loss) Non - Operating Revenues (Expenses): Investment income Promissory note revenue RAN debt service & other costs Transfer from Hotel Tax Fund Total non - operating revenues (expenses) Net income (loss) before contributions and transfers Transfer to general fund Change in net assets Total net assets - beginning Total net assets - ending MTD YTD Bu_ dget $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 (5,000.00) 0.00 0.00 0.70 1.39 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $8.00 1.39 0.70 0.70 1.39 (4,992.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (4,992.00) 1.39 0.70 9,062.66 9,054.51 $4,062.51 $9,064.05 Owasso Economic Development Authority Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Fund Net Assets For the Month Ending September 30, 2014 Non - Operating Revenues (Expenses) Investment income MTD YTD Budoet Operating Revenues $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Operating Expenses: 0.67 Net income (loss) before contributions and Materials & supplies 0.00 0.00 0.00 Services & other charges 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 Capital outlay 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Operating Expenses 0.00 5,000.00 0.00 Operating Income (Loss) 0.00 (5,000.00) 0.00 Non - Operating Revenues (Expenses) Investment income 0.67 Promissory note revenue 0.00 RAN debt service & other costs 0.00 Transfer from Hotel Tax Fund 0.00 Total non - operating revenues (expenses) 0.67 Net income (loss) before contributions and transfers 0.67 Transfer to general fund 0.00 Change in net assets 0.67 Total net assets - beginning Total net assets - ending 2.06 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.06 $8.00 2.06 (4,992.00) 0.00 0.00 2.06 (4,992.00) 9,062.66 9,054.51 $9,06432 $4,062.51 T out Limits. TO: The Honorable Chair and Trustees Owasso Economic Development Authority FROM: Bronce L. Stephenson Director of Community Development SUBJECT: Proposed Zoning Code Amendment - Downtown Overlay District DATE: November 6, 2014 BACKGROUND: For a number of years, the community has looked at the downtown and Main Street Owasso area as an area that could be vibrant again. This is where Owasso began, with families investing everything they had in a vision for what the town could be. As we have grown, many eyes have continued to look north as we developed 86th Street, 96th Street and 116th Street.. Available land, strong leadership and opportunity have created unprecedented growth in our community, but as we have grown, some areas have been forgotten. The downtown Owasso area has been an area where interest has waned, rents have fallen and residents have stopped visiting. We are not unique, this has happened in older downtown areas across the nation. On the other hand, there is a growing desire to repopulate and redevelop these once vibrant areas with a new Vision. Main Streets across this State and across this nation have seen resurgence as many wish to rekindle what was once the most vibrant area of a community. Every survey performed and conversations around the community show a citizenry who wants an arts and entertainment district here in Owasso and wants a revitalized downtown. Owasso has so much to offer in its schools, safety, retail, home selection, faith community and much more. There remains a void for entertainment, socialization and 'something to do' for many in our community. Every night of the week and especially Friday and Saturday, many leave Owasso to enjoy the districts in other communities such as the Rose District in Broken Arrow, the Riverwalk in Jenks or the Blue Dome, Brookside or Brady District in Tulsa. These areas offer a mixture of food, arts, entertainment and nightlife, an area where Owasso falls short. We see millions of dollars leaving our community every year as people search for what Owasso lacks. Therein lies a great opportunity to revitalize the area where Owasso started on its journey to become the premier City in Oklahoma. There has been a great deal of momentum already in the revitalization of Main Street Owasso, with the opportunity for much more. The first step was the City's purchase of the former First Bank building that will serve as the new City Hall. This step has shown the public and the residents of the surrounding Original Town area that this section of town is not being abandoned and in fact, the civic presence should help to boost property values and shows the City's commitment to revitalizing the area. The second major step has been the Gathering on Main event that changes the face of the community once a month. Thousands of residents and visitors come together on Main Street on the first Thursday of the month to enjoy food, games, music, contests, dancing, movies, local artisans and so much more. This event has helped to give our community what they have been asking for, and as a direct result, has brought new businesses to Main Street that are now thriving. The next vital step is the creation of the Overlay to establish rules and regulations that protect the area, ensure quality development, and most importantly, deregulate portions of the zoning code in order to attract development. The development of the Wells property would be a key in the redevelopment of the area and would set the standard for mixed -use, higher density development. The development of a district name through branding, marketing and public investment will follow. This district would not seek to compete with Smith Farms, Willis Farms or our restaurants around town, rather to complement what these areas offer to Owasso and offer an alternative to those to choose to leave town to find what Owasso is missing. Quality of Life can be defined as many things, but one of the best definitions is 'Something for everyone.' This downtown overlay, combined with other positive factors in the community hopes to provide an increase in the Quality of Life for those who live, work and play in Owasso. OVERLAY PROPOSAL: The Overlay District hopes to accomplish much of the following through the new code language: • Encourage mixed use development (ground floor retail with offices and residences above). • Promote the area as a future arts and entertainment district. • Provide for enhanced architectural standards and promote high quality building materials such as brick, stone, stucco. Also, disallow metal buildings. • Increase property values. • Allow for zero lot line construction, pushing building close to the sidewalk to allow for a walkable pedestrian district. This places parking in the rear of the building and to public parking spaces along the street, and at new City Hall and the new Police headquarters. • Allow for infill of higher density residential housing to replace older blighted structures. • Promote duplex, triplex and townhome development, providing a higher density of residents to live close to the district. • Create a more attractive environment for new business investment by removing many development standards that are both costly and prohibitive (parking, landscaping, setbacks, use restrictions, etc.) • Promote infill development. TIMELINE: As with the other text amendments, the Downtown Overlay will follow a transparent process which seeks input from all interested stakeholders. Below is an updated schedule for proceeding with the text amendment for Chapter 8 of the Zoning Code, Planned Unit Developments and Overlay Districts. • October 13, 2014 - Presented the Overlay concept to the Planning Commission. • November 12, 2014 - Present the proposed draft amendments to the Planning Commission. • November 13, 2014 - Present the proposed draft amendments to the Owasso Economic Development Authority (OEDA). • December 2014 - Present the proposed amendments to the City Council. • January 2014 - Place draft language on City website and send out public notice. • February 2014 - Public hearing to collect citizen input. • March 2014 - Action by Planning Commission and City Council. REASON FOR THE PROPOSED CHANGE: These changes are being considered to protect and enhance the Main Street area and to set the table for redevelopment of the area. This will also serve as a Planning and Economic Development tool that can be utilized to promote new investment in a forgotten area of town. These changes are also consistent with the vision set forth by the Quality of Life Initiative and the GrOwasso Land Use Master Plan document. FITS] 1107: A This item is for discussion purposes and to solicit input from the OEDA. ATTACHMENTS: A. Draft - Downtown Overlay OT Citdy! out Limits. TO: THE HONORABLE CHAIR AND TRUSTEES OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY FROM: CHELSEA M.E. LEVO DIRECTOR OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUBJECT: DIRECTOR'S REPORT DATE: November 13, 2014 NEW BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT • Whataburger opened in late October and Hideaway Pizza opened this week in the Willis Farms Shopping Center. • Jimmy John's subs has received their certificate of occupancy and will open soon. • Sprouts has also started working on their site in the Willis Farms Shopping Center. • Wal -Mart Neighborhood Market will construct a store on land at the SE corner of 129 E Avenue and 116 Street N. The plans are in review. • SAHO's new building is going up on their site north of Plaza De Tores on 86th Street N. • K -MAC plat has been approved, which will add a fast food restaurant just east of McDonalds on 116 Street N. • Simple Simons Pizza location at German Corner will open this month. • Blondy's Pizza opened in late October in the former Napoli's location on the west service road between 76 Street N and 86 Street N. • Baskin Robbins is close to opening. BUSINESS RETENTION & EXPANSION (BR &E) Andolini's and Simmons Homes were recently honored by the Journal Record as one of "Tulsa's Fast 40" companies. The companies making the 2014 list of Tulsa's Fast 40 represent a variety of industries and offer a wide range of services. They were ranked based on percentage of revenue growth from 2011 to 2013. - See more at: htto : / /iournalrecord.com /tulsas- fast- 40 / #sthash rURCizl6.douf\ Small Business Saturday is on November 29, 2014. Falling between Black Friday and Cyber Monday, Small Business Saturday is essential to the preservation of the neighborhoods that compose the landscape of the local economy and enrich its unique culture. The Owasso City Council will proclaim November 29, 2014 as Small Business Saturday in Owasso at the Tuesday, November 18 City Council meeting. In 2013, 317 Mayors and City Officials joined together to support Small Business Saturday. Below are some highlights of the success Mayors helped create last year: • A remarkable 71 percent of Americans surveyed said they were aware of Small Business Saturday. • Those consumers who were aware of Small Business Saturday spent a total of $5.7 billion with independent merchants. Online tools and materials were leveraged more than 346,000 times by small business owners to help *get the word out about Small Business Saturday. More than 352,000 tweets were sent in support of Small Business Saturday in the month of November. For more information on Small Business Saturday, please see the attached information sheet attached. The City of Owasso is now publishing a quarterly online magazine called the City Connection. Please click and read the Fall 2014 edition http:// issuu. com /owassocity /docs /cityconnectionfal[2014 REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT • Rental car company Enterprise Holdings will soon move its 500 Tulsa -area operations employees to 177,000 square feet within Eastgate Metroplex. The move, which will vacate Enterprise's current center within the Cherokee Industrial Park, will be complete by June 2015. The Shared Services and Damage Recovery units will soon occupy the second and third floors of a former Dillard's location in the mix-used development. WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT The number of Tulsa -area residents who received associate's and bachelors degrees from local institutions increased 15.9 percent between 2010 and 2013 - the 4th - largest increase among the 57 metropolitan areas that participated in the three -year national Talent Dividend contest, organizers announced in late October. The contest, organized by CEOs for Cities, encouraged participating metropolitan areas to increase their postsecondary degree attainment over three years by lowering dropout rates, boosting college, and other post- secondary enrollment rates; and increasing the number of returning college students, especially adult learners. Area college students can now finish a college degree through Tulsa Community College and Rogers State University. The two schools signed a pact in early September allowing seamless transfer of credits between the two institutions for 10 degree tracks. TCC already has similar agreements in place with Oklahoma State University, the University of Oklahoma, Northeastern State University and others. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT INDUSTRY NEWS Workers compensation insurance premiums in the state are likely to decline as a result of filings by the industry's nonprofit rate - setting organization. The National Council on Compensation Insurance filed a loss cost reduction of 7.8 percent for the coming year. The reduction follows a 14.6 decline in 2013. Business leaders attribute the drop to the state's adoption of sweeping workers' compensation reform, including a switch to an administrative system. The Tax Foundation's State Business Tax Climate Index enables business leaders, government policymakers, and taxpayers to gauge how their states' tax systems compare. While there are many ways to show how much is collected in taxes by state governments, the Index is designed to show how well states structure their tax systems, and provides a road -map to improving these structures. See how Oklahoma measures compared to other states at http: / /toxfoundation ora /article /2015- state - business -tax- climate -index • This could be the most competitive holiday season in years for retailers as they scramble to serve increasingly finicky consumers, according to a survey AL conducted of 800 retailers at the 305 U.S. shopping centers it manages. Retailers are vying for a share of an anticipated $488.6 billion in shopping- center - related holiday sales, a relatively modest 4.5 percent increase over last year, according to ICSC. Approximately 70 percent of spending is done at the first two stores shoppers visit, perhaps helping to usher in an earlier shopping season as retailers try to use longer hours to grab those first shoppers, AL says. Nearly one -third of respondents to the survey indicated that their stores will stay open on Thanksgiving Day, and it is likely that shoppers will see even earlier openings on Black Friday. Read more at http: / /www.icsc.org /sct/ newsletters /article /retailers -v iII- rely -on- extended- hours- i m prove d- service -to- win -h of id av -sales / ro WHAT IS SMALL BUSINESS SATURDAY? Small Business Saturday sm was created in 2010 in response to small business owners' most pressing need: more customers. Falling between Black Friday and Cyber Monday, it's a day to support the local businesses that create jobs, boost the economy and preserve neighborhoods around the country. It has since become a nation -wide, well -known celebrated event on the national calendar with support from, elected officials, public and private organizations and millions of Facebook users. The fourth annual Small Business Saturday gave a boost to Main Street merchants and spurred millions of consumers to spend billions at independently -owned small businesses. This year Small Business Saturday will be held on November 29th and we are working to make it bigger than ever for small businesses. l .f, WHY SUPPORT SMALL BUSINESS SATURDAY? •Demonstrates commitment to the communities in which we do business DID YOU KNOW? • Creates goodwill within the communities where our employees work and live • When we support small business, jobs are created and local communities preserve their unique culture • The 23 million small businesses in America account for 54% of all U.S. sales' • Small businesses provide 55% of all jobs and 66% of all net new jobs since the 1970s 2 • 73% of local small business owners aware of Small Business. Saturday said they make it a point to hire employees, from their neighborhood 3 • When youshop -at independent, locally owned businesses, 52% of what you spend stays right in your community ° ,, c U.S. Small Business Administratlon (2012) s The American Express OPEN Small Business Saturday consumer Pulse (2013( • Amedcm Bcoksetisrs Association India Impact Study Series conducted by Gvlc Economics (2011 -20131 PEOPLE ACROSS THE NATION ARE SAYING ABOUT 2013 SMALL BUSINESS SATURDAY: "My shop saw a 40 percent increase in sales last small business Saturday, compared with the Saturday before Thanksgiving the year before and another 10% increase this year." - Annie Taylor, Leona Sue's flower shop, Scott, LA "Today's been a really big volume for us. I think we've had more sales today and people just stopping in to check us out than we've had probably in the last six months!" - Kimberly Gunn, Green Baybeez, De Pere, WI "I opened my doors at 9 a.m. and by 11 a.m. the store was full! The store saw about 60% more customers on Small Business Saturday compared to an average day." - Brian Ohrberg, ZONwerld, Des Moines, IA "Small Business Saturday is one of my best days of the year for sales, the store should bring in 75% more in sales than a typical Saturday." - Sarah Taby, Vintage Shop, Carlisle, PA "One in five people made a purchase on Small Business Saturday and STORY saw double the foot traffic and double the sales on Small Business Saturday." - Rachel Shechtman, STORY, New York, NY 2013 SMALL BUSINESS SATURDAY FACTS: • Millions of consumers shopped at independently -owned small business spending $5.7 billion on the day - up from $5.5 billion in 2012 • Consumer awareness of Small Business Saturday jumped to 71 percent compared to 67 percent during the same period a year ago • 43 U.S. Senators endorsed a resolution recognizing November 30, 2013 as Small Business Saturday and supporting efforts to encourage consumers to shop locally and increase awareness of the value of locally owned small businesses and the impact of locally owned small businesses on the economy of the United States" • Elected officials in all 50 states and Washington, D.C. - including President Obama and many senior government officials - championed Small Business Saturday • Nearly 370 small business advocate groups, public and private organizations supported the nationwide initiative, up from 350 in 2012 • One hundred sixty -six corporations, including FedEx, Foursquare, Twitter and the United States Postal Service, banded together with American Express to promote shopping at small businesses for Small Business Saturday • In November alone, more than 352,000 tweets were sent in support of Small Business Saturday, many using the hashtags #SmallBizSat and #ShopSmall, a 65% increase from the previous year JOIN THE COALITION: Building on the success of the previous three years, we plan to scale this year's Small Business Saturday by expanding the coalition of supporters and creating more local events around the country. This includes support from advocacy organizations that join the initiative to motivate constituents through incentives and offers to Shop Small on November 29, 2014. The coalition will be led by Women Impacting Public Policy, a business advocacy organization representing small businesses. Join Us! CONTACT INFO: Jason Lalak, Vice President, Women Impacting Public Policy (WIPP) I Phone: (415) 434 -4314 1 Email: JLalak @wipp.org RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY NEW CONSTRUCTION MONTH END REPORT OCTOBER 2014 Month 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 1 January 31 22 13 25 15 17 18 19 15 22 2 February 52 41 14 19 23 29 17 15 26 21 3 March 65 50 25 35 30 46 14. 27 27 31 4.Ap41 63 52 30 31 36 31 19 26 26 36 5 May 43 36 60 23 27 30 20 23 19 17 6 June 42 29 27 21 34 23 19 24 14 12 7 July 27 12 23 24 28 17 20 15 27 23 8 August 45 28 27 18 28 19 12 15 18 19 9 September 35 12 17 40 20 11 12 12 28 15 10 October 30 25 31 16 - 36 13 - 10 21 15 19 11 November 32 13 26 10 13 1 8 11 7 12 December 53 16 8 6 13 9 10. 16. 11 Totals 518 336 301 267 303 .246 179 224 238 215 YTD 433 307 267 251 277 236 161 197 220 215 OCTOBER YEAR -TO -DATE COUNT 500 —`—°•••— --- — ------ — ------ — --- — ------- ---- ------------- — ------------ _ -------------- _ ----------- — •— ----- • 400 .. — ........................ _— ........ __— ------- — ---- --•-- ----- — ............. - ---- -`-- ---- — ._------ 300 200 ----- --- -- ---- .._... r...--------- ---------- --- --------- --- --------- — '- ---"—• ----' -- -__. ._._ . -._.. ...._. ....... ---------•---'---'-- -- 100 -- ----- - -- ---_._ _'— ....... ....... ....... 0 2005 _ 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013. 2014 215 OCTOBER 433 307 267 251 277 236 161 197 i 220 OCTOBER YEAR -TO -DATE DOLLARS 40,000,000 35,000,000 — --- — .._ ° °"`•`— -------- w... ..__'_.°____..._. ..w_.- --- `— • °• ° °'— ------- —` - -__ 30,000,000 -_... . ..... — ••....... __�.. 25,000,000 _..`-` •`°-- •---` ° . ...... ............ .._.... __--••-- -- -- ' -- 20.000,000 15,000,000 - - -- - -- —"• —•- - ' -- ------ -- — ' 10,0001000 -- -- - -__..— ...,.__ 51000,000 —_ --- -_ °. ---_..__..— ------ - --- -- -- --- 0 QO10 2011 2012 2013 2014 OCTOBER _ 33,594,010 19,571,930 24,619,009 29,716,373 27,473,574 TOTAL NEW CONSTRUCTION DOLLARS FOR EACH YEAR 45,000,000 —•---- ' 300001000 - -- ---- -- `••`---•-- ------- — ----------- `—....---------- 15,000,000 _ °..___.__ ..._..__. .___. 2010 2011 2012 2013_ 2014 TOTAL 34,805,960 21,464,855 28,202;279 32,102,888 27,473,574 CITY OF OWASSO RESIDENTIAL LOT INVENTORY STATUS October 31, 2014 Burberry Place (6/09) Camelot Estates (4/07) Carrington Pointe 1 (1/11) Champions East (05/08) Champions West (5/08) Country Estates 111 (3/99) Country Estates VI (11/03) Crescent Ridge (02/08) Fairways V (8/99) Fairways VI (12/00) Falls at Garrett Creek (12/05) Falls at Garrett Creek Amended (12/05) Hickory Creek Honey Creek (4/02) Keys Landing (3 /08) Lake Valley IV (5/10) Lake Valley V (9/30) Lakes at Bailey Ranch (10/07) Maple Glen (12108) Maple Glen II (1/11) Maple Glen 111 (5/13) Maple Glen IV (6/2/14) Nottingham Estates IV (8/01) Nottingham Estates V (3/01) Nottingham Hill (6/09) Park Place at Preston Lakes Preston Lakes (12/00) Preston Lakes 111 (10104) Remington Park 11 (11104) Sawgrass Park 11 (04/05) The Summit at Southern Links (6/97) Watercolours (12/02) TOTALS # OF LOTS # DEVELOPED # AVAILABLE 89 87 2 139 102 37 171 153 18 66 8 58 45 17 28 61 58 3 37 36 1 101 93 8 71 66 5 42 41 1 85 84 1 24 23 1 50 8 42 202 198 4 131 113 18 114 112 2 78 60 18 235 232 3 98 95 3 93 89 4 43 39 4 92 23 69 20 17 3 44 43 1 58 13 45 93 44 49 272 243 29 147 144 3 84 82 2 96 94 2 31 26 5 40 31 9 2952 2474 478 Walercolours (12 /02) The Summit at Southern Links (6/97) Sawigrass Park It (04/05) Remington Park II (11 /04) Preston Lakes III (10104) Preston Lakes (12100) Park Place at Preston Lakes Nottingham Hill (6109) Nottingham Estates V (3/01) Nottingham Estates IV (8101) Maple Glen IV (6/2/14) Maple Glen III (5113) Maple Glen II (1111) Maple Glen (12108) Lakes at Bailey Ranch (10 /07) Lake Valley V (9/30) Lake Valley IV (5/10) Keys Landing (3 /08) Honay Creek (4102) Hickory Creek Falls at Garrett Creek Amended (12105) Fells at Garnett Creek (12105) Fairways VI (12100) Fairways V (8199) Crescent Ridge (02/08) Country Estates VI (11103) Country Estates III (3199) Champions West (5/08) Champions East (05/08) Carrington Pointe 1(1/11) Camelot Estates (4/07) Burberry Place (6109) CITY OF OWASSO 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 ■Lots Developed oTolal Lots COMMERCIAL NEW CONSTRUCTION MONTH END REPORT OCTOBER 2014 Month 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 1 January 1 2 9 4 4 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 February 5 5 0 3 2 0 1 1 1 1 0 3 March 2 1 14 2 0 1 3 0 0 0 1 4 April 3 4 1 0 4 1 1 1 0 1 0 5 May 1 3 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 0 0 6 June 4 3 4 1 1 2 0 0 2 1 2 7 July 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 8 August 3 1 7 3 1 0 0 2 2 0 3 9 September 1 2 1 28 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 October 0 1 3 4 1 0 0 1 0 4 0 11 November 3 0 1 1 1 2 2 1 0 1 12 December 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 totals 23 23 43 4B 20 9 10 11 7 11 7 YTD 20 22 41 46 18 7 7 10 7 9 7 OCCUPANCY PERMITS NAME ADDRESS APPLICATION OPENING COMPLETE DATE DATE OCTOBER 2014 13101 E 96 St N 11/12/2013 7/7/2014 Yes Whataburger 12903 -B E 96 St N 6/17/2014 10/6/2014 Yes Blondy's Pizza 7708 N Owasso Exp 10/6/2014 10/2712014 Yes Hideaway Pizza 12903 -A E 96 St N 3/5/2014 11/6/2014 Yes Jimmy John's Sandwhiches 9551 N Owasso Exp #102 8/13/2014 11/6/2014 Yes SEPTEMBER 2014 12700 E 100 St N #1 -24 2/26/2013 6/19/2014 Yes Rock Nutrition 7703 N Owasso Exp #11 6/18/2014 911/2014 Yes AUGUST 2014 Super 8 Hotel 11604 E 76 St N 2/26/2013 8/15/2014 Yes JULY 2014 Heartland Dental 13101 E 96 St N 11/12/2013 7/7/2014 Yes Bricktown Brewery 11909 E 96 St N 5/2912014 7/7/2014 Yes JUNE 2014 12455 N 100 E Ave 1/27/2014 5/14/2014 Yes Bite Perfect 12810 E 101 PI N #102 4/13/2013 6/3/2014 Yes Ichiban Steak House 9500 N 129 E Ave #100 3/19/2014 6/24/2014 Yes 91netyEight Apartments 12700 E 100 St N #1 -24 2/26/2013 6/19/2014 Yes Tulsa Bone & Joint 12455 E 100 St N #120 3/5/2014 6/11/2014 Yes Body by BJ 403 W 2 Ave #102 4/22/2014 6/13/2014 Yes Ok Baptist Children's Home 12760 E 74 St N 6/20/2013 6/30/2014 Yes MAY 2014 Garrett Creek Wine & Spirits 11560 N 135 E Ave #110 4/15/2014 5/6/2014 Yes RCB Bank 12200 E 96 St N 10/22/2013 5/14/2014 Yes St. John Medical Office 12455 N 100 E Ave 1/27/2014 5/14/2014 Yes St. Johns MOB 3rd Floor 12455 N 100 E Ave 9/30/2013 1/22/2014 Yes APRIL 2014 14100 E 86 St N 9/11/2013 1/24/2014 Yes Discount Tire 13321 E 116 St N 10/14/2013 4/30/2014 Yes Ledford Properties 425 E 22 St N 1/15/2014 4/4/2014 Yes Owasso Auto Spa /Dog Wash 9800 N 119 E Ave 2/21/2014 4114/2014 Yes MARCH 2014 Lindo Veracruz 301 W 12 St 2125/2014 3/5/2014 Yes FEBRUARY 2014 Gramma's Attic 11211 N Garnett Rd 2/24/2014 2/26/2014 Yes JANUARY 2014 Envi Spa 9455 N Owasso Exp #G 10122/2013 1/212014 Yes Raising Canes 13301 E 96 St N 7/8/2013 1/B/2014 Yes Simply Nutrition 1178 S Main St 1/9/2014 1/1312014 Yes St. Johns MOB 3rd Floor 12455 N 100 E Ave 9/30/2013 1/22/2014 Yes Friendship Baptist Church 14100 E 86 St N 9/11/2013 1/24/2014 Yes AAA Insurance 11519 N Garnett Rd 9/16/2013 1/28/2014 Yes DECEMBER 2013 NOVEMBER 2013 OCTOBER 2013 III ADDRESS BUILDER ADD /ZONE VALUE A.S.F. PERMIT# DATE 12010 E 110 Ct N Simmons Homes MGIV /RS3 $ 100,815 1,833 14- 1001 -X 10/3/2014 15515 E 87 PI N Simmons Homes PPPL /RS3 $ 142,725 2,595 14- 1002 -X 10/3/2014 10008 E 95 St N Baker Pools FIV /RS3 $ 32,000 435 14- 1003 -P 10/7/2014 11815 E 86 St N 31) Construction CPIV /CS $ 25,000 1,000 14- 1004 -C 10/7/2014 12334 E 86 St N John Benson ECCC /CG $ 6,000 2,000 14- 1005 -C 10/7/2014 12016 E 110 Ct N Simmons Homes MGIV /RS3 $ 105,710 1,922 14- 1006 -X 10/7/2014 12810 E 67 PI N Rausch Coleman HC /RS3 $ 125,180 2,276 14- 1007 -X 10/7/2014 6607 N 128 E Ave Rausch Coleman HC /RS3 $ 120,120 2,184 14- 1008 -X 10/7/2014 6606 N 128 E Ave Rausch Coleman HC /RS3 $ 118,415 2,153 14- 1009 -X 10/7/2014 6624 N 128 E Ave Rausch Coleman HC /RS3 $ 103,125 1,875 14- 1010 -X 10/7/2014 12801 E 67 PI N Rausch Coleman HC /RS3 $ 113,520 2,064 14- 1011 -X 10/7/2014 12803 E 67 PI N Rausch Coleman HC /RS3 $ 97,050 1,710 14- 1012 -X 10/7/2014 6616 N 128 E Ave Rausch Coleman HC /RS3 $ 119,515 2,173 14- 1013 -X 10/7/2014 14624 E 112 PI N Simmons Homes LVVPHI /RS3 $ 105,710 1,922 14- 1014 -X 10/17/2014 6619 N 128 E Ave Rausch Coleman HC /RS3 $ 118,415 2,153 14- 1015 -X 10/17/2014 10307 E 90 St N Homeowner FW /RS3 $ 500 18 14- 1016 -X 10/17/2014 11226 N Garnett Rd Lifepoint Baptist HA /CG $ 140,000 2,465 14- 1017 -C 10/17/2014 12336 E 86 St N Tim Miller Co. ECCC /CG $ 10,000 1,446 14- 1018 -C 10/17/2014 540 S Cedar St #E Simmons Homes OIPII /IL $ 100,000 2,100 14- 1019 -C 10/20/2014 550 S Cedar St #D Simmons Homes OIPII /IL $ 150,000 4,200 14- 1020 -C 10/20/2014 11205 N 148 E Ave Simmons Homes LVVPHII /RS3 $ 111,430 2,026 14- 1021 -X 10/20/2014 12336 E 86 St N A -Max Signs ECCC /CG $ 5,000 45 14- 1022 -S 10/20/2014 15521 E 87 St N Simmons Homes PPPL /RS3 $ 143,000 2,600 14- 1023 -X 10/27/2014 10912 N 117 E PI Capital Homes MGII /RS3 $ 107,580 1,956 14- 1024 -X 10/27/2014 12015 E 110 St N Capital Homes MGIII /RS3 $ 107,580 1,956 14- 1025 -X 10/27/2014 14138 E 88 St N Money Homes CE /RS3 $ 163,240 2,968 14- 1026 -X 10/30/2014 7404 E 84 St N Executive Homes CARPI /RS3 $ 159,115 2,893 14- 1027 -X 10/30/2014 7416 E 84 St N Executive Homes CARPI /RS3 $ 144,760 2,632 14- 1028 -X 10/30/2014 19 Single Family $ 2,307,005 41,891 SgFt 1 Residential Remodel $ 500 18 SgFt 6 Commercial Remodel $ 431,000 13,211 Sgft 1 Signs $ 5,000 45 SgFt 1 Pool $ 32,000 435 Sgft 28 Total Building Permits $ 2,775,505 55,600 SgFt CZfy of Owaiowll2 N. M&ai4-S* Owasso -, 0K 74055 PROJECT STATUS REPORT City of Owasso Public Works Department November 4, 2014 E 76th Street North Widening (from U.S. Hwv169 to N. 129th East Avenue) - In October 2010, the City received notice that INCOG selected the project to receive federal funding in the amount of $2,090,000 for engineering, right -of -way and utility relocation costs. A 20% required match will be funded through the City of Owasso's Capital Improvement Fund. - In October 2011, the City received notice that INCOG selected the project to receive federal funding in the amount of $3,470,000 for construction and administration costs. A 2070 required match will be funded through the City of Owasso's Capital Improvement Fund. - In February 2012, ODOT officials informed City staff of funds available in the Federal Surface Transportation Fund for the planning phase of E. 76th Street North Widening Project. - In March, INCOG presented this project to its members for consideration to receive funding in 2012 for the engineering design. Project was approved by the Technical Advisory, Transportation Policy Committee, and INCOG Board of Directors - Engineering agreement for Poe & Associates, Inc. of Tulsa, Oklahoma and funding agreement was approved at the May 7, 2013, Council Meeting. - The engineering design is approximately 60% complete - Staff anticipates the environmental study being approved by ODOT in December 2014. - Revised water line plans submitted week of 10/27/2014 to private utility companies for preparation of right -of -way plans. Ranch Creek Sanitary Sewer Improvements - May 2012, City Council awarded an engineering agreement in the amount of $175,000 to Kellogg Engineering Incorporated. - As part of an OWRB requirement, a Public Hearing over the environmental document was held June 13, 2013. Kellogg Engineering presented the engineering drafts of the proposed interceptor alignment for review by meeting attendees. In September 2013, Kellogg Engineering completed the engineering design. In October 2013, ODEQ approved engineering design and plans. On December 3, 2013, OPWA Trustees awarded a bid to Rosetta Construction, LLC, in the amount of $2,864,543. As of today, Rosetta Construction has installed approximately 11,000 LF of 30" sanitary sewer line. The project is approximately 80% complete with completion scheduled to occur in January 2015. Garnett Widening from E. 961 Street North to E. 1061 Street North) - In November 2012, Council approved an engineering agreement with Dewberry in the amount of $345,600. - A Public Meeting for the Garnett Widening project was held June 27, 2013 with City staff and representatives from PSA Dewberry to receive citizen comments regarding the design. In October 2013, INCOG presented this project to its members for consideration to receive federal funding in FY 2017 for the construction phase. Project was approved by the Technical Advisory and Transportation Policy Committees. On November 12, 2013, the INCOG Board of Directors approved federal funds to be allocated to this specific project in the year 2017 or sooner, if funding is available. The City of Owasso will receive $3.2 million in federal funds. The engineering design is approximately 80% complete. Environmental study continues to be reviewed by ODOT. Staff anticipates the study being approved by November 2014. Staff working on the design of subdivision entrance modifications and private utility companies are working on utility relocation plans. Hale Acres Offsite Sanitary Sewer Line Improvements - Sanitary sewer project is funded in the Wastewater Collection Operating Budget. As a result of inadequate slope, the offsite Hale Acres gravity sewer line is need of replacement. The estimated cost for such improvements is $270,000. - The Permit to Construct has been received from ODEQ. - Trustees awarded a construction contract to Triangle Construction in the amount of $359,879. - The contractor has installed 800 linear feet of 12 inch sewer line. The project is approximately 35% complete. Project completion is scheduled for January 2015. FY 2013 -2014 Street Rehabilitation Program - In August 2013, City Council approved the project priority list. - Funding in the amount of $1 million is included in the FY 2013 -2014 Capital Improvements Fund for this project. - 80% of the crack sealing portion of this project is complete. The Contractor will finish remaining areas, as weather permits. - Council awarded a construction contract to Tri -Star construction in the amount of $827,296. - Currently, staff is working on a confirmed date with Tulsa County to perform the overlay portion of the project. At this time, Tulsa County anticipates their start date to be around November 171h - 19th. This phase of work will take approximately 2 weeks to complete. FY 2014 -2015 Street Rehabilitation Program - In August 2014, City Council approved the project priority list. - Funding in the amount of $1 million is included in the FY 2014 -2015 Capital Improvements Fund for this project. - Project currently being designed with bid advertisement scheduled to occur in December 2014. E. 116'± Street North and 129th East Ave Intersection Improvement Proiect - Tulsa County and City of Owasso have partnered together to fund the engineering design, utility relocation and construction. - In August 2014, application for funding for the construction phase of this project was submitted to INCOG. If funded, the "matching grant" will result in a grant of 807o ODOT funding, 10% Tulsa County funding and 10% City funding. - In October 2014, INCOG Transportation Technical Advisory Committee and the Transportation Policy Committee voted to recommend this project as eligible to receive STP funds. The INCOG Board of Directors will meet on Thursday, November 131h to consider and take appropriate action related to the recommendation. If approved, federal funds for construction will be available in FY 2018, or sooner, if funding is available. As of October 27, 2014, WP Moore is approximately 30% complete with the project design. $2,500,000 $2,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 $0 Jul City of Owasso FY 2014 -2015 Monthly Sales Tax Comparisons Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Year -to -Date Sales Tax Totals $25,000,000 •o $20,000,000 $15,000,000 i A, •. $10,000,000 $5,000,000 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun City of Owasso Monthly Sales Tax Revenues Last Five Fiscal Years 2014 -2015 2013 -2014 2012 -2013 2011 -2012 2010 -2011 2009 -2010 Jul $ 1,865,193.66 $ 1,704,984.63 $ 1,630,956.50 $ 1,521,672.39 $ 1,465,552.57 $ 1,523,296.22 Aug 1,820,787.95 1,678,483.46 1,521,846.41 1,485,585.66 1,409,806.38 1,457,190.41 Sep 1,832,861.33 1,617,952.06 1,518,488.35 1,485,891.81 1,433,235.57 1,384,785.99 Oct 1,896,450.88 1,677,144.73 1,560,824.24 1,517,700.88 1,467,321.34 1,386,073.05 Nov 1,808,170.81 1,612,339.06 1,447,595.59 1,420,986.61 1,362,551.29 1,222,181.35 Dec 1,748,989.23 1,605,740.09 1,488,693.19 1,423,010.85 1,481,442.33 Jan 2,073,564.27 1,792,033.55 1,655,568.87 1,640,741.37 1,558,964.00 Feb 1,990,103.51 1,817,864.08 1,748,279.70 1,675,132.30 1,660,458.42 Mar 1,544,058.21 1,500,013.52 1,405,820.76 1,327,302.74 1,283,250.04 Apr 1,696,815.27 1,499,708.03 1,454,786.62 1,310,850.43 1,288,894.21 May 1,813,882.69 1,629,482.38 1,610,102.97 1,506,255.74 1,506,435.50 Jun 1,864,532.80 1,643,877.95 1,547,918.80 1,487,182.33 1,513,720.24 $ 9,223,464.63 $ 21,022,849.92 $ 19,168,430.69 $ 18,343,008.26 $ 17,528,942.91 $ 17,266,691.76 City of Owasso Sales Tax Report . Budget to Actual Comparison November 9, 2014 2014 -2015 2014 -2015 Actual Collections Budget Projections Over (Under) Projection Amount Percent Amount Percent Amount Percent Jul $ 1,865,193.66 8.4% $ 1,870,945.01 8.4% $ (5,751.35) -0.3% Aug 1,820,787.95 8.2% 1,817,102.12 8.2% 3,685.83 0.2% Sep 1,832,861.33 8.3% 1,787,552.87 8.1% 45,308.46 2.5% Oct 1,896,450.88 8.5% 1,833,447.25 8.3% 63,003.63 3.4% Nov 1,808,170.81 8.1% 1,743,972.52 7.9% 64,198.29 3.7% Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Totals $ 9,223,464.63 41.5% $ 9,053,019.77 40.8% $ 170,444.86 1.9% City of Owasso Sales Tax Report Two Year Comparison November 9, 2014 Note: Fiscal Year 2015 Sales Tax Budget is $22.2 million; FY'14 actual was $21 million. Fiscal 2014 -2015 Fiscal 2013 -2014 Increase or (Decrease) Percent Percent Amount of Budget Amount of Actual Amount Percent Jul $ 1,865,193.66 8.4% $ 1,704,984.63 8.1% $ 160,209.03 9.4% Aug 1,820,787.95 8.2% 1,678,483.46 8.0% 142,304.49 8.5% Sep 1,832,861.33 8.3% 1,617,952.06 7.7% 214,909.27 13.3% Oct 1,896,450.88 8.5% 1,677,144.73 8.0% 219,306.15 13.1% Nov 1,808,170.81 8.1% 1,612,339.06 7.7% 195,831.75 12.1% Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Totals $ 932,560.69 11.2% $8,290,903.94 39.4% $9,223,464.63 41.5% Note: Fiscal Year 2015 Sales Tax Budget is $22.2 million; FY'14 actual was $21 million. City of Owasso Monthly Use Tax Revenues Last Five Fiscal Years 2014 -2015 2013 -2014 2012 -2013 2011 -2012 2010 -2011 2009 -2010 Jul $ 50,297.74 $ 78,704.81 $ 33,564.91 $ 41,490.75 $ 42,547.09 $ 77,124.54 Aug 56,645.90 105,902.83 33,982.54 52,649.70 34,592.96 58,626.76 Sep 61,203.63 69,078.85 47,608.82 53,050.58 42,904.66 53,157.06 Oct 86,146.09 103,682.82 59,327.05 48,434.75 48,534.10 32,510.05 Nov 89,434.02 64,434.39 50,722.23 43,503.50 42,275.99 37,032.82 Dec 86,423.76 48,320.10 52,051.50 40,466.31 35,727.86 Jan 57,18106 60,594.21 47,738.06 52,885.66 47,548.94 Feb 75,453.77 78,302.28 55,670.54 54,867.98 45,714.97 Mar 50,120.99 57,199.16 44,139.56 39,200.77 30,888.31 Apr 55,506.56 30,576.98 29,496.59 45,286.77 50,504.67 May 63,673.80 51,093.50 55,835.13 44,615.83 53,407.77 Jun 42,884.09 75,138.73 41,989.03 33,512.24 57,883.91 $ 343,727.38 $ 853,049.73 $ 626,430.51 $ 566,049.69 $ 521,690.36 $ 580,127.66