HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003.05.15_Board of Adjustment AgendaPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEE,rING O E ASSO BOARD OF A J Us,rMENT TYPE OF MEETING-. DA` Ev ` j ME: NOTICE FILED BY: 'IT-11"E', ', Regular May 27, 2003 } 00 PM Enic Wiles C o-imra ?ruty 1 "'sled i -! the i.'ffice offs,,, Owasso o Ci.l,y Clerk k did posted at the he oft''" ,ni3 ,j-nce '.o City i afl.. at 00 PM f3ti th 14' fl day o 2003) ."., N ✓` Eric Wiles 1.:� -e sciay, May f 7, 2003, 6:00 :'t'l(/�i L�Jr1�Jaefi Co. � if34�y Center, 301 ,`. Q edvi.',.., AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 1, A- pproval of Minutes F -ro m tlm, March 5, 200') 1e_cgulax MMetro& BOARD A MENT LIB" HEARING 4. A- 3- —. Bifl McBee — A request for a Special Exception TO ALLOW FOR J71 PLACE NT OF A C. OR T WITIHIN THE kffNIMUM 20' FROTNT YA D SETBACK EQUI on property zoned RS-3 (Single Fatnily Residential). ° lie subject property is located at 12105 E, ast 79 ' Couxt North. 5. OA -03-10 Albro Dank] — A request for a Special Exception TO ALLOW FOR THE PLACEMENT OF A CARPORT O WITHIT THE MfNIMUNT 209 FRONT YARD SETBACK REQUIRED on pro `rty.oned -3 (Single Family Residential). Tlie subject property is located at 305 South Main. 6. OBOE - 3- 11.—.� enq Mayfield -- A request for a Special Exception TO ALLOW FOR. THE PLACEMENT OF A TEMPORARY SNOW CONE BUSINESS on property zoned C (General Com-n arc l)o The subject property is located at the, northeast comer of thee Corner Stone Center located at 1 24101/,, East 86'11 Street Nortk I, A -03 -12 - The Brown School, of OkJahoma _." A request for a continuation of° a Special Exception TO ALLOW A CAJIE PIONIE on property zoned 01, (Office Low Intensity District), The sujec t property is located at 425 gas 2"d Street. 1'he uiose., w1aS origirt, By approved. h).. f)r.i1 2002 8. OBOA-0343 — Shonna Barber -­ A request fior a Special Exceptio-nTO /-VUJ,0 W' FOR. THE ( o t-nniercial shox)ginf ", 1 1l . le a. ;, t proi'-,)Crty is baaled at -11520 N) ",s. "5 Garnett j , 9e �f 3 o � Jets �. A. ivgt� -vst Ibi a Special ���' c j)t). :rj. 1 0 Al_,I_ )MV I 'lAl T H_ ,�,�``�� g r l 3., +��'� _ ?1� 3_al. '�.� SNOW _2 �'i ,'3u �( '� % �`'d'a�� 2Z_ zz^����,j�,,./l°xWa C ry�t;,j�3`;' �bU 'ST E S 0.,cl F i 5 r �'�„ a 1 3Ya €Ji° x f3,> ,y�, ple � i_m,> C_-1 '1 s l "_ tdd {� _7ss 109501 ) ilt 116 4 v d Other Busiviess MEMO T TO: BOARD OF ADJUSVUENT w N y ?i' t f r san A.;..JS I�lfro fill lvkBee h - &s srrbmitited a��. applicatiorr to the Board. of Ad'rrst�-ricrrt for a sp €��a. �; �e do to p rri =ddt a carp"il ir the iron yard ;P a re- siteDial property a 12105 a 9' ,"'oixrc North. I'll l °,roan Code allows s lbr sp<„diaad exceptions, like his in CI13�'9c. ;1', €,4 a " }(? .11/402.1 -i. ` a�£ 11't�itted�. � Err Obst#'2. fiction s99.. t :rc legal description of the property is f.,ot 'r:hiry -seve (3'7),, Block T"'we -J "le (121, ELM CREEK lw,STAT S ffRS'i ADD-HON. The tract is 8,855 sdlraarc feet in she. The, existirr,p; I-,In.cl . ��� �� sin k;9, f trYfly residential for the subject property and all surr wider properties. Accordingly, the subject property and all surrounding properties are zoned RS-3 S rglc family Residential RUNIM The applicant requests a Special Exception to allow a carport. The Code requires that if a carport ixs proposed to be placed within 15 feet of a front property line, them a special exception is required. The proposed carport -wo ld be 20 feet wide by 25 feet long. The property's front setback to the horlsc i a nearby property ownex° expresshig dissatisfaction -with the application, RECOMMENDATION.- hfle the ,staff does not support the s lacej.:€ ant of uil lij-i s w thin tv.,qu_red fi.,ont. ,-,I d setbacks, fla jyj. a ye CO-n Yt16iY? of, ttle'ir Proper ieS' as lcmg as the irry st rao. 13 does rao �rnpacl na,3.ghborhig; properties. tl:'C staff ret-rra€t3'. ldS shit thic Board 2 f zj€str).-jil31 co,.'!,1d€S PU#7E € Its r' ' C I UN E N I'S 1. Case MTp 2.. Notice of��� Bc --flea-ring 3. Plat of i 5 _ y 4. rqpplicat on r DEPARTMENT OBOA 0 -0 ILL MCBEE NORTH I I I North Main Street PH: (918) 376-1500 q 7 ...._...__ THIS MWY [S FOR INFORiflATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT INTEND D TO REPRESEW AN ACCYR2AM AMID Owasso, OK 14055 6lVdw'city01f0'VVaSS0.com TRUE SCALE, USG OF THIS &J" IS WITHOUT SV.4RRANTY OR REPRLSEI'MATION By THE CITY OF 0"VASSO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPAXI'MENT OF ITS ACCURACY. • I i i j _. ii 0 r y s T ' mc t PROP R j -V. Mills - e JE - _ 6 ti ti I r 1 I { - i u � J --- ------- t f _ 4 DEPARTMENT OBOA 0 -0 ILL MCBEE NORTH I I I North Main Street PH: (918) 376-1500 P.O. sox 180 FAX: (918) 376-1597 THIS MWY [S FOR INFORiflATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT INTEND D TO REPRESEW AN ACCYR2AM AMID Owasso, OK 14055 6lVdw'city01f0'VVaSS0.com TRUE SCALE, USG OF THIS &J" IS WITHOUT SV.4RRANTY OR REPRLSEI'MATION By THE CITY OF 0"VASSO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPAXI'MENT OF ITS ACCURACY. NOTICE OF' A ARP G BEFO R1=; THE BOARD OF Case IN . umber OBOA403-09 Notice is fereby ;iver.f that a pub.fic lmd rc n..g vvUl be held - before, tljd Owasso i 1C z f t3 d t i f P1d Owasso Sot,fth Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoi.ria at 6:00 PPS ,/a oft. fa 2 "" day std /Aqx— t,, 2001 At that dint and place dne,' ;vs. sso Boa - -t -d () f Adjustrnent vvibl, consider a f°equiest fi-o ra Bdl McBee R)r a Special Exception. to AILLOA/V FOR THE PLACEmENr Of' A( a ,)ropy r ty zoncedl.1 16-3 (Sinp gle Farnii�y did t l), d rt .td at 12105 a , "' . :f.7tifie to txe at -he above - e- nat% dnd th me and. place n order er to pre sd it their arg>U Ltents 6r or against SOU -100. f d)f_ l���at�.di;n and1 nrjaPS' `!10-- iffiilg fA1d; rOJ CrtY ldif...tltl<9ff nay, 1 x finsp d : ,d ki the ("Onlinunity Devd;flo Yi°ld°;nt Depa- <,Yner -it',, I 11 N kla1n Street, Dotted ed t € yiiv f so, Ok%a htJi:nFi, this 20,h day of Mardh, 001'.' . Eric, Wilcs Como tuu its DdWveloparne -it DireC or it F L,� LEGAL GESCRIPD-IN ',S PROVIDED; Lut Th i rty-sovon ( 27 ), DIM Twelve C 12 1 ELH t. FIRST ADD ETION, ULOCKS 12 THRU 13, a Suhdivisiun to the GUY uf Owasso, Tulsa County, C' (D jc recorded Plat thereaE, — -- -------- _' LEGEND QQI EMT 5WH nAU TU"A DMUMA 741,16 (910) 66.31-892t 77-- J, D UND SUFHVE" RIS INSPECTIC) m R1­P,T1' FOk "R LOX,] PURPOS'EEB TO—WE My I � A Ld ns I F it F L,� LEGAL GESCRIPD-IN ',S PROVIDED; Lut Th i rty-sovon ( 27 ), DIM Twelve C 12 1 ELH t. FIRST ADD ETION, ULOCKS 12 THRU 13, a Suhdivisiun to the GUY uf Owasso, Tulsa County, "Le "r Ohlahuma, nccurdlng to the recorded Plat thereaE, and known as 1003 EnM 7M Court n-fLh, 77-- it F L,� LEGAL GESCRIPD-IN ',S PROVIDED; Lut Th i rty-sovon ( 27 ), DIM Twelve C 12 1 ELH CRUK ESTATES FIRST ADD ETION, ULOCKS 12 THRU 13, a Suhdivisiun to the GUY uf Owasso, Tulsa County, "Le "r Ohlahuma, nccurdlng to the recorded Plat thereaE, and known as 1003 EnM 7M Court n-fLh, SURVEYOR'S sTArEMENF ICI a v; or 1T ifSl,'_ 73SA?'.""F NOT FIE A J,_, 11 OP UA�IL per Tint- "WWMO:� An 0 `0WASSO 1, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P,'1 WX 130 OW'' SSO, OKLAH A 4 55(918)272-225 -1 FAX (913) 272-4997 SPECIA-1., EXCj_p)jj ON' 'ERPRE AM: EA11, 1B 0AR-1)(1)"b" ADJUS,"FAK ------- N T AC1710 f ,D ction— of zoij L'rse Unit No jo� I,c, t t EIAPP,Oal fron Diffldrrig 1rispector E-JInteipretabon ()f ZcjT,,),i_rl E.]APpeal under dw PrOvis"01's of Chaptler 12, se(�fj 011 9 i'W"ap Describe belaw the spe,itics of your reqiiest, Wherc applicable, inoicf Ises, (fiSt-"r0X'eS', 0MG. Please arcaclh any Plot plans, ph0tc)g)x;aph1s moict otber t jr� MEOW assist �,b qu,", r-nerits of youx, ret:13ttest". _e Board A J x PRONERTY LE GAL DES CREPT10N ��O/ �Z- x ",fame and Ad&ess of Record Ojmc5 Address or General Jai' �dd, L eCt Property As appliclut, what is your intere—st—in _t_U prep er_­____'_' n c ­rlo n to be a 1 01 p ,NProsent Owwr ['_'_JAqent for Owner Narne of person to be billed for publicadon f N W I opurchaser Mailing Address ElAttorne fao-%vner y e 7 e7; A CERTIFY THAr THE SUHtMrITED INFORMATION IS TRUE AM cor, �r, �s i �n7ii u r e Please, subraitthe completed application form and application fee of $50 along w h a t ertj i C f led 300' RadiLIS Report (available from an abstr-act company) and other supplemental documelits to the City Planner oil or befor- -die Cirst day at the month in whicb the request is to be heard by the Board. This is a q1R.Asi-judicial proceeding, The applicalt or Appflcant,s agent IKUst tg_ 1: eut at the hearing to receive approval, :3 R_ _q!_ r3 -11 .�ff �t�I�f��� Itf { I �, �� Ill � � + � �� I t(� it , E l,i� :��,tf� f((IIIIf 1I,Eo�f �� f j,� E, :!� s �,� ti,(, Hii; 0 A A, 1 E- E -T FING D A T E PRESr-,'NT USE SUBMIT-rALDA'IT ,� � ►rya }�� I, ��� � �� �_ �a ► (�,� (11 . ��� .ae�,�����.�,_����,�����,�..� _ ��a,�• �I�i���r�lit�f �ri�il�, ��i( ��I; �! �! ,���,���i�Il��i�(��i���,�i�l��; �t _R_31CL-jp,FN ZONFNG ...... ....... 6 - - ----- -------- APPROVFM - ----- ---- ___ JENILD MEMORANDUM 'ro. 130ARD OF ADJUSTMENT ITROM ERIC WILES i 3 Y`j��°�i 4 ,m �k�_x� �t� �� �� -. �` a t� S3 {3�1 ��j r -0� �� {t ➢g,� Z�`��,� � ! � k'')i t�� 7�� s� � ar �,���1 �.J �.) �� i � � . �.:, �.�4+✓'`a`.II _ ,*.�- �� ✓' ���� x A �2,.iLr�I .J �_a:\'� �. � ��..�s�,C2. ��. s,l d ...., �. PJ .�_„ _ �., �... tl. z � �2 �.�t i 3.J l� � ,. �..dk� i � A 4 R ON C. ' DAM /upris try, 003 Mr. Albrca D a en has st.- .d -)ff H d are appilication to the Bot; r of Adjustment 5-b a ;3p cial emeption to permit za car °yport in the kont yard of residential pro p(cAy :it 305 South Main Street, The Zor-ling Code allows ffir e r)ecial a°,i+ceptioris filk ; this io. a at-f"A ,r, Seed`. cmi 240. 21 "Pe rmi ed Y�r d Ot3.J; f.i.,ictios ).s", PROPERTY MAURACTURISTICS. The legal eccription cal'-tile property is The South /2, of Lot `T. K ()y Mock lb rty (:y j, OWAS is sin le- flaaraily residential for the subject property, Properties to the north rail 'v est display a n- fbture of con -n aerc ial and industrial rases while; properties to tla,; ire -wne i &ate north, the east sand. south are a rnixtaare of vacant and residential land uses and all surrounding properties. The subject tract is RS-3 Residential Single Family, as are tracts immediately meth, and further cast and south. ':bracts to the next block -north and merest are zoned CFI High Intensity Commerci l uxl 1L Low Intensity l daastrkA The applicant: requests a Special Exception to allow a carport. The Code requires that if a carport is proposed to be placed within 15 feet of a front property lime, they a special exception is required. The proposed carport would. be 101�et wile by 18 feet long. The property's front setback to the house is wiknown, but appears to be at least 20 feet. The edge of the carport ,�Arould be; at lest two feet f°oe the edge of the property lime. Special Exceptions, unlike variances, do not require that the property owner prove that a hardship exists. The Board of Adjustment is free to grant a special exception whenever it feels that the community will not be harmed by the application, -Legal advertisement for the application has been published kii the newspaper. Notices of the public; hearing were mailed to all owners of property within 300 feet of the subject site. No official complairyts o � o jections have been fli ed ith he department, and the stiff - 'received no phone caffs. REEOMMENDATIOM WhR( - -, the statfF does not sulq)ort the plac 6?:erft of 9t:mUdings wid3 �,,u rcqtmired front yard setbacks, the staff aX —,o does not wish to prohibit reasonable duvesui`rent - Fro,-(n bviin g made by OWu2,s SO -h.0I .I( -'; V) /'DC -rS i.3?. comdAiOn of h h properties, p„t'ties, s .11o`g as §iae inuvestnx -m does not, b"n �J,c neig�"!b i "t1 fi9�.��.��erties ,.e. :r , rly prelic:; � ouri TIODt" 31,31111', lia,i����a`�;, t��., ��tt -�1�. i;;,�;�7?'S��';�A�s ��3.�a�; t3i�; 3_ »Ss�c�.t�,� £;a� 1'����i�>9tCiEaUI °fit d,,o��.a��.e sra.o." to s:° ic2 i.: mazy dtecisiori abou.-i- thi, ajf?pltf aa ton- A` TA _EVE +;N 'SA 1, Case Ma 2, Notice of Public Hleaxh-ig 3, Appllcatio NOTICE OF A EARIN "ORE THE BZ` AIU) O Ca-se Number OBOA-03-10 Notice is he.reby given thfa a public hearfing -will be held 'be-ffire the Owasso Board ofAdjiustmefft hi. the(Masso Cornint-ri-,lity Center, 301 Sou.-th Cedar, Owasso) Oklahoma at 6:00 PM on the 22"' d.ay ofA --ril, 200' -r Au that "th- -x.ie A)rid place tJ,`3t; Ovvas so Boared of < djt.lslrn" era �iAjifl ✓ _1"R NIU YO FRONT Yi 1 D SETI BACK. ][?T'Q UIRED on a property .',3.75. edl `S —' -,I- 1 r.'z aiz /r I�a.sa+heas.�a�ij, �.9.aoe�tm�:.-1 ,Af ,.10 All persons ia4,c,i`ested in he above., i:tien -t one - � tr;iat-ter we 'r1 relay noti-fi-ed to be present adt' tht- above 3.,-fientionod th-fle arall place in order to present their ar property loc;,ati(on tf),ty be inspected s e �.ta the Comm- tis -93y Deire lopzn.vn De a: trix nt, I I I N. Maita St red., �`° �..:� wasso,klahor a, 7;3.055,orby 376-4545,, D.a,ted. aa Owasso, Ok9�ahoun a, this , 25 day o March, 2003, Eric Mies OBOA- CUT F 0 > V SS ............... .............. r m,... I P OIOX 180 OWAS O, OK Ai %ONI(A 74055 (918) " 2;2-2/251 FAX (913) 272-4997 , �� . , _ . ij OR API EA -4 ACTION REQUESTED [..]Spacial xce -a.i io .. Set. troi .n . Use Unit No �..� lr r rprot" tioax. of onixx 1. "CXt ao. �Intorpx °etatxorl of Zonlrx��.a�i�ap 1x1 1 , o . fixxxlcl x lx.i pe 'c x ,.,� . "xp , l txx:xdex, th �'ro ac�rx ��t �;laapt€r 12, Sec;tiox ". Describe be1ow the specifics of your request, Wher applicable, indic ate perti lent 1,ise distances, dim ns -ions, etc,., Pkase rltdacb. any plot Plans, ptiotog- a1)1is rid other I.ac£xi1 fine ) -rn tion filawill. ass, sd )`i the Board 9 o J, L vi Name arA Address of Record Owner Asapplicant, what is yota interest in this property? a,,-resent Owner [jAgent for Owner llrclmser Other L]A tior v for Gwner Address or General Location of Sul.sject px °opexty A C Na p of person to be. billed for pubixcatxoaa �hora� Mailing J ddxess I CERTIM THAT THE SUHMMED INFORMATION IS TRUE AND 'CORRECT I Signaftire Please submit the completed application fora and application fee of $50 along with a Cenci ied 300' ..Radius Report (Wailaxble from an abstmet company) and Other supplemental documents to the City Tanner on or before the firs day of the month in whicb the request is to be heard by the Board. This is a quasi - judicial proceeding. The p Uc. -ant or applicalut,s agent LI�tjt r °ese�t at the hearing to receive approval, _i >i.i. t f Mitt ,r I �IP ##It'li t IlI��I EI 11III� I ( �1f j(( ,� �i���(�(a' ', �; , ► ►�� i��il�, �if �(' I }it BOA MEETUNG DATE..�_ n..� �.� �.. <_�..w PRESENT USE MEMORANDUM Ct 1 M 1N 1 fit; V', ,,O PMEi'(.1 "P�)r�9-1,:C 'O . BACKGROUIND. 1V h . Asti €, Mayfield-bas Ian r zzts cl . x appt ,v t1.z to the Board of 1 djust:zraent f.b asp c i al exception to pern A a. tcrnp ra-t s -now con.c business on corny ncrcial property ry at tlae northeast corner o she Coiner St ',), Sto.'r,),e Center located at 12410% 1, ``' Street North. ? ,ia1r 1;'� dle �,.1t����� s f6 speelal. z €, tJ � . 1 :1.z6; � z; . s r� :1 1 "F � z, ak /icle Special The legal description of the p rol..yerty 1s of � n(- (1)., Block '1 "wo (2), ,;1'.M CREEK C01\41 11�t (-, ,NTERA `fhe tract is appro- xdrmatcly seven acres in size, 'The existing land tis_ 1s commercial for the subject prope,ay, t),rro rridir.ig l)i.,o ei.. -t1es di,,jp1 ,-iy a i-.ti1xtz c of coy inertial and office uses, he subject t_rart 1s CG General Corn rciaL d S . 'Phe applicant requests a Special Exception to allow a non-permanent snow core stand in the parkii lot of the Cornerstone Shopping Center at the southeast cor=ner of 86" Street North and 123d last Avenue. The proposed use has operated at this site for a number of yemrse Special Exceptions, unlike variances, do riot require that the property owner prove that a haxdshila exists. The Board of Adjustment is free to grant a special exception when ver it f L that thy; ct nu- nunity not be har°rned by the application, 'The staff has reviewed the proposed location of this vendor service and has no concerns regarding the request. Surrounding properly owners have been contacted and the Conarntmity Development Department bas received no objections to the request. additionally, the required legal ad. was published in the Owasso Reporter and is attached for your inforniation and review, The stiff would recommend, however, that slga gge relating to the spee e use be lhnited to that which is armed to the non - permanent structuxe itself. Additio affy, the staff would also recommend that a trash receptacle be provided dLning hOU:rs of operation and ttkit the teinpora -%y structure Iv, removed rio 'WE, C OM MENIDATION., t3€ staff ffil }`Sr?h) co 'n d9,f.ons c S .i-ia Vii:' fivi a d to ihm, 1. -Rich is affixed to dac., frSP.t.uctuk.w..., itself h £ a,et:7ta , €> €'€ll €.€ (l €.f1La,n a7:i €). c }f7''f (d ?f`). Ren-i€ va' o terq })o � ?� _ t 1.1C ,i.i. €ry no gate than f��€ told 7: t., 2i�Y�,°) Case Ma 2. Notice of Ii, -.i .6.c Hearing 3. Cori`e, Apo °t-d. €,nc f- €3il.l. Cd)i "'i; f,r aton. e 4.. ,d,'a.f, %,t dated Mi.1`f..9, 4, 200,33 4, A-pplication. =z ,y - - - - - - -- 4 NOTICE OF A 11EAV��, fG BEFORE THE� BOARD OF' A1DJ[JS`TLV-rENT0F THE CITY OF OViASSO, OKLARM&L-V Cabe Nuinbu- OBOA-03-11. Notice is fx.,,reby given that a publk,-, heatirig �,%/-;Jj. [-x held befbne the 'I J, Cfl J Owa,sso Board of Adjustrnent ij.-). the Owasso Con;-ununf[-�v (­,'J-,--t,--, Sr Lah (11'e t, Owasso, 0 A- h-thorna, at. 6:00 RIM orj� tf-,ie 22' clay of Ai.-m.-ii, 200'3', At tf?,all tjjj-,tc arld. phace thee Owasso Bo (.-d of will consider a re(j_UCSJ-, )or Ge,(,),e -,%,-faytield -flor a Special Exception to "'EMENT OF A 'M'kV[11`10RARY A]-J,,0'VV k"OR ITIE PLAIC SNOW CONE Btlf SJ-,,TE'SS on a propeity zoned CG use); located at tht, sotitilk--lasi conm-'r off'810Sixeet '11111,0rdl ,ml East AN, -Mt persons interested in the; al-,-,,ove rne, ioned niaffler are lic.,reby riod,fied to Px-, present at the atx)ve n--ter.,aioned tiunc.,,atrld place in. order to preserit their ax--g-urrm--As for or algainst samle . jflkmnafio-n. an rnal-,)s A -q?, t-he, propej,'iy localliort be ir) the Cou.m.-m. Develop-n-iTnat I I I N. Mah.-.,, Street, Owasso, Oklahoma, 74-055, or by calli-cig 3'76-15-45 Dated at Owasso, Oklahmna, this 25"' day of �Marcj--� 200' Eric Iffiles Comratmity Developraent Director 'Yo Eskimo Sno 9064 E 27th Place Dear TVI.r. . Mai, f'field. Peelms sio is gi'+ eri.. to Mr, (-Icne Mayfield, - `na-r1s,4ic�i i.1) snow cone [-,,usincss narr,,cd E:ykinio Sri , to �3.la z`, his bUlldin� n �,�.��: Northeast t o n �l of �7 e � die 'C 3s'➢ 1�er ,,Yto�ne (.-'P i�`e iticatecl, at 1 ,'Izi 10 '? East l; 86th Noi.` h, Owasso, OK, The location ofuhis lernporafy business would be f"or approximately A. months bepi-aniuru, in A/by of 20035 tbxotiol-h Septu(ibcr of 200-3 ). President of Corner Stone Center, Inc. Gene Manager of Eskimo Brea MEMORANDUM J TO RD Oda, ADJUSTMENT (_.I'0.,..x M<1, r'QJ'. Y DEVIU e `ys Md IfN ' D�. U CTO DATE, ,��9'3�drii 17 /001j 1. BACKGROUND. I%AA'o )Kevin Burgess of the Brown Schools N3i Mh).hoana has sutxvUttedadi appl'icatioun 4,o the Board o.B: Asjustryerit for a pen— nanenf. continu atior'. of a special (.,-x ,poor)- gratnted i's'l. 2002 to aflo i41 an ztrl lest €;rrt ho-_nae in crn 01, Lo v,/ )nIt;nsi,J j� flfice zon 9 distrk,,t. property is located at 42115 Easll 22"1 treet North. 'I'lie, Zorr, ing Code allows f6r speck ),11. exc(ptiori > fi e this in chapter 5, S�, ,icon. glib .._. "p -r llf 'ipal. (J' c s flerrr3i ie d in Offlo. Districts". PROPERYY CHARACTERISTICS. The legal desertption oftht property _is °l ire Yrest 150 feet. ofLot or-ie (1)., Block one (1), lll_�,1 I AG AJJDITION. The tract is ahanost 2/3-acre kn. size, "fhe eAsting land use is an adolescent house. A church sits on property to the north, and lard t uriedlately east and s dth extribits a r tare of commercial and office uses. Va -cant land is immediately west and further east of the sxteo Further west of the subject tract is a sale thmi y residential subdivision, The subject tract (kind the tract immediately to the east:) is 01, Low Intensity O eeo AG Agricultural zoning lies to the north and f -ur -er° east. CG General Corr ereial is to the south, while property to the west is RS-3 Single Family Residential. Brown Schools received a special exception to use the site for an adolescent home a year ago. The horne serves non - adjudicated children between the ages of 14 and 17 with mild disabilities or nIenW challenges. Brown Schools is a private organization operating under contract to the State Department of Humari Services, operating under the rules and regulations established by the Department of Human Services ( S). "fhe staff has researched the records of the property and- no complaints abort the property have been received by the Owasso police Department or the Code Enforcement Officer during the past year. Special lj<weptions, iur ike variances, Flo not require that the property owner prove that a hardy -MP exists. The Board of Adjustment is ee to grant a special exceptIon whenever it feels that the communky will not 1, barmled by the application. The sta-f" id s that tale c",sueblishment is ' er 6r- uningy a Accessary sT Iii e to tl'l comnryuuti y aruj that the lccat #orl, o the service is riot def— fig snAW to the sw ouLi(IRig properties,. staff r$;d°orn— -ric ids approval of the Special E--w ptiOD, Chen.c13y .,�pj r 9° irV , �y, ; us ,,-i)r ..I s loom �.; rSd. w-.6F under the o3 Srfgi on. s fl' Tic D f A? Schools i . ktat 1rn(„ AITACHIWEINT S: 1. Case Map 2. Notice of Public - aring 3. Corre spo de =i-ce It'SS.r Bro%;vn 7d,btools daa d ,Zup if t, 2003' d, Pkpplicatkni. | i <. ' / m1wcjxxn' Jr High' ~' / NOTICE OF A HEARING BEFORE THE BOARD OF Case Nurnber OBO k —,03 -1 ) Notisce. is Hereby given that ;a. l))iulic hearing will 'be held before the Owasso Board of A.a:l.jt,�.sairir:i.t .� tlx:, �..��,'� s� f saar7i °i.iir� o �` it( -j-, 301 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma at 6:00 PM orn lily 22"' - Ia.',, of April, 200'3', At that thi)e aad place the Owasso ]113owd of' Ad-j six-ae-ca will co isii.le ° sa rcgie st fte)ii) i:a) owia. Schools of O141siliC)1'CI.Ei; Kt`,vlt.i a {!;i yc _3s, as at�(.:11t, for i1 cora.1;1Y1.i7 a).).e ":8. of ca. Sjpe C isl.( eeepttCn 11:° "I 'l t; ti ASS ZONING, CHAPTER. l° Tf:,R. f., S ,t .l1 {._il° 1002 AftT. "I V%fDE SPEC-A.11.1 Cl.,P'.HO N .lSES'y to allow a care f)oi))e; in Home", OL (Office 1.,.ls;ht) rflstiic , l he �:tirrent use is ca,la "Adolescent � force` , locaited at 425 Eas ;t "! Street, The use kvas approved in April 2002. All pel soils tiitere steel in the above i "nent.iori.e d" matter sire hereby -to if7.ed to be pre -st -ra at the above (t7erui{3ned. ahne n(l r la J in order u.) present their ar4 >,u.rnents i.b7" or against t s a:tne, '(i).forinat oil and maps scat win the property ioeiatio -n r_n ay be inspected. d. in the Con.)rntinity Develcjpni. nt De piartriterit, L11 M :G113. Street, Owasso, O1c lc ior)I1, 74055, or by calling 3176.,,1545, Dated at Owasso, Oklala)arna, tli_i.s 7" day of April, 2003, Eric Wiles Co rr unity Developrnent Director 4/01/2003 Need I He popcti 3.tior7 to t c scrve:t are c;hi)dt° 3i1 f't, ecvr tltC ttUes cat 1. r1c.l. l l vritlt ttri 1 c1.is tl ility o:t° mental el clr<:dlz: °noes and l:tavc been i .rttcier° scr ved dte State; of fil hdtonia, Specifically in they Northeastern portion of the state, there are rt_t.o tacilittes that are willitlg to take is and v>rc iilt this population, in ad.c%rio there are rcf erctgl. foster ct: homes �r shelters to care or frclldrer who have jeci r d crovc d t fron- dl.erx paxertts homes dice to abuse; and neglect issues. � he ultimate goals of.t e 1c s,s %onal.s who interact �✓,rid°t these chj�ildren. rr°e, to prepare then) (c_rr, fil a ad.uf.ts to 'be productive tivr h ah ty rilcmt)ears of our cc> :t­trrtLIuuy, MASS 1011 The 13rowa `schools of Oklahotna mission statement "save, lives, Itctij, fa�trilics, create; hope", ']"his is tl -ie; same, mission that will be the primary focus in the Owasso f4cdity. Purpose The purpose or oponin- a facility in Owasso is to provide statc-or the art services to help adolescents with. mild mental_ retardation or other developmental, emotional and. behavioral challenges to lead meaningful, productive and dignified byes and to hecorne a productive member of society as an adult, This prograrn will also strive to re -unite families whether biological or adoptive and give them the tools necessary to care for the child in a ri -iore traditional home setting. Program p is The Brown Schools of Oklahoma are dedicated to providing instruction that promotes emotional as well as educational growth for adolescents with disabilities. The facility staff will work in tandelri with each child, helping them to achieve greater independence by assisting them to live, and work in their own community enjoying the same options and choices as persons without disabilities, The Brown Schools of Oklahoma is strongly corninitted to provid' ing progammino, to tl-le developmentally delayed adolescent throu-h a wide variety of services ' ID �D i in such. areas as: A.cadcm'c Growth Critical Thinking, Math Concepts) R(-,-ading/Wi-' I.Alno Qgf ui�qjCfl, yA w ti e ri e a s Coi-i-iniLini-tyresoLirces, Consurner skills Enrichr-nent ill! and Custonis, Cullures and Holidays -- --------- ---- Fitness Fitness, Rhyd-w. movemcait, Acro'bles J-i1.4qpendent livir)Q Applied aca.-Wei)aics, Few.'[ llrepar itlon, Ifealdh covicepts Social Skills Personal and so(,,lal ad, JUSUIOCrIf, t chriolw4v I rit ro d tict, to--n to t,.; ,,..)ru'putcrs The chilctreii will r(-slcic at the faclliiy arid will. always be n.-Ion' , ItOl-ed A "-'d sttpc-rvisefJ by st,aff. Otitings iii. the conin-ainity will be a tai t of the prograr)n to heln teach and Wf i JA I i'7P, the skills learned in. the program. -X401,40MIC The 1,11 low laric c o""t-his progrxrri to be developed in the Owasso area, will have ecorlomic notn'tification for the City of'Owa.sso, Thiriceri, (13)jobs will lac; avalla6leclue to the opening of this facility with ar). estimated. Salary, Wal-es and Benefits of $300,0()() per year-. Other revere to that, flows into t.fic, corn-r-o frilclude $200,000 c y , i - , r ca.t ncludin-,-, f-bod Cost, supplies5 utilities, p"Irchased services, etc, 'T"'he Owasso schoo'l district receive 1, s hiding for cash. child entertrig the school systern, as well as taxat' will be 11�1 occupied. iorl, of the property that A secondary economic impact shoald. be realized in the pre-eniplOY-Ment trajinn- of' individuals who could enter the work force in jobs that traditionally Ynay be chffi c u I t to hire qualified staff-. O7,k CITY OF 0 WASSO ? P.O, BOX 180 OWA.SSO, OKLAHOMA 7405.E (918) _27-2-2-951 FAX (918) 272-4997 .f "'GF'v Ca t PVC,. r s � � �°, CIAL '' .�... '_ _� " O BOARD ?A � �l 01' r_' � 3� `� ) S' ' -f N v Ii.11-4., �e� � I .t�� 9 f��a `�PR : 1 rA v � _,✓ R AP i- ..... Tf I E 9, 'OLLOv EN 1N° RI MA 10 IIt BL SI PF11.# E B BV, kPPLICANT ACTION 14,'i1QliES'I'E;1 (� l5pecial Exception - st ci otl 3o, of -_ trprev own -ext CTse linat lNo, ___.. [ lInterp9etation of /onmg_ Nfap _ f Appeal front Buddan lnspec_tol )Appoal. under the Arovisaons of Chapter 12, Sccition Describc below the spe iftcs of your rc;qucst. Where applicable, indicate pe.runen.t Lts4,s, distances, dimensions., c:ic. Please attach any plot plans, photographs and other factual in orn-,.ati.on that will assist the Board in dcterrnrrttn <�, the ni (its of +/our r'Cuesi:. PROPERTY LEGAL DI: yCRIP 1_'ION 1� �_...,_..�rt� .._....?�y -Maine and Address o f Record d Ou ner 1 A,s applicant, What IS your interest in this popc;rty?�, t_1Present Owncr (.a A -ent for Owner [_11'urchaser KjOthe j r;,�"'P_ [-,.-]Attorney for Owner Address or General Location of Suhfcc t Property %,�}, �3s..:.. any "ii° I1 Marne ofperson to he balled for publication Phollc Mailing AddslsS6V I CERTIFY THAT THE sUMMITTED I;4FoI3MATION is TRUE AND CORRECT I Sign attire Please submit the coanpleted application form and application fee of $50 along with a Certified 300' Radius Report (available, from an abstract company) and other supplemental docUments to the City Planner on or before the first day of the month in which the request is to be heard by the Board. This is a qnasijudicial proceedin1g, The applicant or applicant's went must bI_ Meseta at the bearing to receive approval, BOA MEETING DA`l'E�._. � PRESENT USE SUBMITTAL DATE, � ZONING DIS RICT - F'EE RECEIPT' NUMBER. APPROVED_ MEMORANDUM TO: BOAMI) Off' ADJUSTMENT CITY OF OWASSO FROM-., ERI IC WILES COMMUNI'IfY DEVF�,1.,OPMENI'Dl.-4�-,tl�'�,C'I'OR SIUBJECI'n OBOA-03-13, A REQU-E'} A SP10."XIAL ALI , ,OW A NON-PE-1 AN',k,,NTVKkHq)0R ITN! A CS DISTIUCT DAIV: ADrIl 1.7, 200") BACKGROUNk Ms. Stionmi Bert e(' lias sUbrrjittedq___,ri application to the, Board fib-ir a sl.)eci�-d ex(.-,eption io pcxrait a terfrpoya. SU()W ("Onpe business 0-a coirrna,-,rcial property,tt the sotAt-Livoest coracr of 16th Street North. and GF-ITMAt Ib3ad, The Zo6rngy Code allows Ibr spt,%ial exceptior)s like thi_,,; in Sep�cfion 1002 9C­Wide Special xaeption. Us PROPERTY QUIAIIACIFErdST ICS., Vhe legal descrij.-Ydoni of the property is -11ILot Once, (1), Block One (1), SHOPPING CENTER Al` . is THMIJUIWAYS 169 AND 20, The tract is approxnnat ty live acres fi -i size The existing land use cornmercial for the subject property. Stirrounding properties display a r� ixwre of conir-nercial arxi cl-rurch uses. The subject tract is CS Cornrrrercial Shoppin,(2, District. ANALYSIS 'rhe applicant requests a Special Exception to allow a non-permanent snow cone stand irl the parking lot of the Super 11 grocery store, at the southwest corner of 86"' Street North and 173rd East Avenue. While this applicant is new to the site, snow cone stands have Wiabited the German Corners area in the past. Special Exceptions, unlike variances, do not require that the property owner prove that a hardship exists. The Board of Adjustment is ftee to gre-wt a special exception whenever it feels that the community will not be harmed by the application. The staff has reviewed the proposed location of this vendor service and la s no concerns regarding the request. Surrounding property ovaiers have been contacted and the Community Development Depailment has received no objections to the reqpest. Additionally, the required legal ad was published in the Owasso Reporter and is attached for your information and review. The staff would. recommerid, however, that sigjiage relating to the, specific use be Emited to that which is affixed to the non-permanerA stiucture itself Additionally, the staff would also recommend that a crash recqptacle Ix- pro-6cled during I-m-urs of operatiori and tbat the temporary strLICtUre 1-3'C ren'loved xio lateic tbar� October I st, 200' ) NDATION� -COTI 'riw Proval of Specid ExceptJoin- request mAth U11he, 9."c"41owing 1, Sig-jr g Vigo ficnited to O'b"d, w"hic.h. is afh74g d ikc) the,,san-icture itself 2, 'J.'rasl-i.receptacle bo provided during b.ow;s ofoperation. 3. R.c--,imc lofit -i ,,) va, -r-n-j.,,-)ora-,,y stnicture im later than Octolxr 1., 2002 ATTACHIVIENT&, I. Case Map 2, Notbe, of Pul-Aic Headrig Corr eponclence fi,onr Supe, I H I oods da.-ted A1r3 7, 00") 4L Applicatiori a pom a Y i -..... _ GENERAL AREA MAP4-14-03 OA 03-1 MAP IS FOR INFORMNI°IONAL PURPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT INn,2,DEll TORt RESENT AN ACC,,UMTF AI,D SCALE. USF OF "finS MAY IS WITHOUT IV SRRAN'PC OR RITRESENTA'IYON BYTIIE CITY OF OSUASSO ✓iU,ffTY Dr VF,I,OPl ffiNT MPARTMEM OF ITS ACCURACY. CITY OF OWASSO COMM-UNITY DEVI-",LOPrvffiWF DEPARTMENT I I I Korth Main Street I PH: (918!) 376 -1500 P.O. Box 180 T �X. (918) 376 -1597 Owasso, OK 74055 www.cityof'o- wasso.com NOTICE OF A HEARING BEFORE THE BOARD O ADJUSTMENTOFTHE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, Case Number OBOA-03-13 Notice is hereby giveij that a puli:iie li.eaxitig wii.i (-;9 meld before tine Owasso Board of Adjustment in the Owasso C;oinmuri ty Center, 301 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahorna at 6�00 PM o-ii. the 221"' day of April, 003, At tt at tiffle and place the Owasso Board of Adit',t suri.e at will consider a request froi i. Siiorina & Brian ffiir er for a Special Exceptica,.i to ALLOW FOR. PLACEIVIEN11' OF A. r_t,,M_'1-10R.ARY SNOW C"ONE BUSINESS on a property zone d CS (General h '(it)i.` ➢pini ), foc aced at 11520 t . on h G- ;r­ u Road, All persons interested esteel ir:i `fit "le above n-iendor-ted matter are hei c by ri -ocifi ed to be preseialf at th.e above iuentioneC firrie and place ii,. Order to present their arguments for or against saine, Infor i atiou- .aad +Baps s iOwi. ig the 4Jrop(rly to a.tiort ',:;fl.s,?ay/ be inspected hi the, t;orarf.jaunit:y Develo inent Departm x31:, � i � N, Main Street, Owasso, 0 l.al"3.orna, 74055, or by calling 376­15.45 2Jatccu at Owasso, Oklah{3is`I�,,,, tiiJs u day a:31 /lifil- 2i0.t. Eric Wiles Community Development Director LOBOA-_ IYO CITY O WAS , F 0 i� 0- RO, BOX 180 OWASSO, OKLAIJONIA 74055 (918) 272-22,51 F kX (918) 272-4997 "' SPE 1A1, IACJ`11 Pf ION 11 TRPI-1.1- j7,17ATION OR. A.-P-111c, A BOARD INI THIF r OLLOWING IN FORMATIONTO BE SUPPLIED BY APPLfCA:%,TT �Spccial Exception -- Section of Zon I ext Use tilt _too ' pretation of'Zonin.11 Map N-ppeal ftorn 1-3tulding lnspcctor -al Under thc- Provisioris ofchaptcr 12, Section Describe below the specifics of your reqLAC.St. Whc.(-c applicable, 'indicate pertincrit uses, distances, dimensions, etc;. Please attach any plot plans, photographs and other fiactual information that will assist the, Board in detcrtninnig the merits of your rcqiiest. ---f rV_: h ------ - - - ----- PROPERTY L.E(,,,Al-,, D111SCRIP1140 Niuric and Address of Record 0\xppr Address or General Location of Subject 11toperty As applicant, what is yotir interest it). this pa oiler Name of pet-son to be billed for publication one ]Present Owner g n i A, i AN ye f for 0 vi er _-.5-u- _L" n, Mailing Address [_]Purchaser rO, the. 71 ElAttorney for Owner 0 C) KI 19--_-/dJ!,) s I CERTIFY THATTHE SU&MITTED INF0101ATION ISTRUEAND CORREC-r t"'I I atdi , Please submit the completed application form and application fee of $50 along with a Certified 300' Radius Report (available from an abstract company) and other supplemental documents to the City Planner on or before the first day of the month in which the request is to be heard by the Board. This is a quasi-judicial proc eedin,g, The applicant or applicant's agent Mywitp t, Lp at the hearing to receive approval. FOR LNTERNAL OFFICE USE BOA MEETING PRESENT SUBMITTAL ZONING DISTRICT-­­­ FEE RECEIPT APPROVED _- -DENIED Following describes our request for Special Exception: Brian & Shonna Barber 0-3 Associates LLC, d.b,a. Rarn Country Stlaved Ice) have obtained permission from Super Id Foods to place a shaved ice s anal in their parking lot frorn May 200.3 through Sept.ernber 2003, 0imensions of stand are apprcminnatedy (131 x 91, Building is whiIe with red trim and Ram Country Shaved Ice is painted on sides, 11) !E.3UiI(Jh`1g will be placed on nori,h end of property (.J..]. 6" Q ,1 i (("n a, corner of lhe d Super t-I parking iot adJaceril to -the F' i r, 1, r 1 of Owa so 11, @ '1 -It.' 1-1-1 ­­1 - 1 1 lh�ere, fis Ojenty U1 PCAVU� 'U,.trk1r-iyj -for, sh aved custorner�,-,; in Super H parking lot, A trash container will be placed beside shaved ice stand during hours of operation and emptied daily, Hours of operation will be, 11,2-8 Mon ­ Sat (3 8 on school days) MEMO R. DUA/1 R M1 { COMMUNITY D ', VEt_.-0PM'�i NT DUiI X e"3.. R, t c , ,r'. t 1 "S A. REiQ U& a.. FOR �}y SPECIAL Af-ILOW i %'1'° t Xi S' ct ; " f ` Sri?' 1 11 3:$ l 3plrr r' t ir. tS 3,hi;: J r'f; . i / aJ� lStD � .0 (Nr a" 3 , ; ?t b s 3 , t 9 % t {: perrnit a Lemp� ra--q,, sn -ow cone bti sines i on co-mmercial property ty VC 10950 as-1' 1 1 a=h S ect l orth, he ZorYng Cod '1lats special exc Jtr()U)3 hrs 9l tic113n 1002 d, s3<r Sal Exceptiofl Uses" The legal description of the. property is Lot Orrcj; (1), Block One (1), MOON COMMERCIAL f;EN"f:`ER. `f be tract is approxlrrratcly 11,880 sr�r ar°c feet in si_re. `l:'lrc subject site is bordered on the north by E. 116th Street Noy °t , while farther North 'lies the, Country Estates Addition, zoned R.S_,3 Residential Single,-Fanfdy. The tract is bordered on the South by an Lind- evclopcd property while farther south lies Woods Precision Products. Vacant properties tie east and, west of"the subject site° ANALYSIS; The applicant requests a Special Exception to allow a non-permanent snow cone stand in the par°ldn lot of the DiiTy Davvg Car Wash at 10950 E. 116' Street Nofth° This applicant is not new to the site; the snow corn stead operated on this property in 11702° Special Exceptions, unlike variances, do not require that the property owner prove that a hardship exists, The Bourg °d of Adjustment is fTee to gTant a special exception whenever it feels that the corrrr trrrity gill riot be banned by the application. The staff has revievicd the proposed location of this vendor service and has no corners regarding the request. Surrounding property omr ers hHve been contacted and the Corrm rr ty Development Department bas received no objections to the request, Additionally, the required legal -KI was published in the Owasso Reporter and is aitachcd for your information and review. he staff would aecorrunen(l, however, that si no- e relating, to t-be specific u be l to to rbat vir cli is affixed to tl^ie,, rion- permanent structure itselE Ad litio a!%, the staff -wo-uld. also recommend that a trash receptacle, L--o provided � erring ours �>l operation d, that the tm- yq,,)orary structure b r°" moved no later than October I s�', 2003. Rla 00MiNIEND T31.L M with ?.' c 1il 1(i "a,'sling corclitio-ts` Sig3iage finni.i,ed to th.aa ? tea. wIdS,h is sDa Cd [0 t.(at, Stlal€ t #.. +tsC)i 2. ; ;('a h i.�,�;� i cl <Wl. (: <; 'i) Ili �;' . tai °ib:i ho ti's € 9 olmration 1, Case Map 3, Application a I Ad I L ....... ................ 11 (fit) rlq A . . . . . . . . . . . LW Ign- ED (I L Al NctriCE OF A HEARJNG BEFORE TIM--, BOARD OF OF OWASSO, OKLAHOPVm, Case Munniber OBOA-03-14 Notice is hereby given that a pUblic hcaririp�' wil.1 be he,:Id, -beAbre dhe (xnier, 301 Oviasso Board of'.AdjustrDeD.1, irl tIll/ Owasso, COR-Unun-itz I souati ()cxfiaw, Ovvas'so, Oklaboma ai &00 , OM or, tbe. 27 day of A/b, y, x- "ac as rd of wi , 11 '003, All fl:vd., dwvtc ar o B, 11 1 P_ c ffie� Ow- consider a ixquest frorn Greg A,,ur fbr a Special to ALLOW FOR THE OF A TEMPORARY SNOW C'ONE DUSJP,,TFS8 on a zorx,�J ("S (Cox,. ri-,ttxcial shoppm,py cuitcdas dIx, 109,50East 1AW"Strec.1 North, g), 1) 1 1 All i,,evsnris it--i the . Ixowc _mcntiorif d tea, a�ve htrcll-W notificd to lie� premat alt the above" p1ace iri. ordler to present tfieirargumeras lbr or against sarim- Irif-br-r.--tati, n and Maps s]nowirIl,,, the property ImAlo-n.. be inspected, bo fl-me ('.,omunuunity Departi nt5 III N, Main Sirect, Owasso, Okial-imma, 74055, t,)r b, calbrap Dated, at. Ovvaisso, Lhis'28 day ol I AprE!, 20013, Eric, )N ih-;s corrmnu,nity De-vi lop'lilierd ?_J ff eclor [OBOA CITY OF, 0 WASSO RO, BOX 180 OWASSO, O1 AHOMA74055 (918) 272-2251 FAX (918) 272-4997 SPECIAL EXC'EPTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMEN'r ],NT-ER.P--�R' �'.'I"I",£ *,,.I"ION OR APPEA111 MC,110N REQ[TESTE.I.) I "ifterpretw6c)n ofzcmd 'T +" fflerprel- B 01 oiIing bolap e-al trorri. Buildifig, limpector 'L -,.peal under the Provisions of Chaptex, 1. 2, Sec-1,1011 __jApp, _]Ap Describe below the specifics of your request, Where applicable, indicatc pertirt rit ui�wss, dis-tavices, dlmerlsionS5 etc. Please au cli any plot plans, photograpbs and other fbetual fli-Ifonnation that will assist the Board 141 deternifi ring, the incrits of youn- re'qpcst, 'at3 is s, starld 4-1 the_j"git as ,-ts f the Didyl) -11ROPERTY LEGAL DES CRU"IFION Lot L Block L 6/door Comorcial Ccaitcr Nanic and Address of Record Owncx 1). 1 Gal 12719 N. 131" F. Ave.Collin vill.c.. OK As applicant., what is your interest in this property? [1present owiler [lAgent for Owner [Purcb-aser Mother Attorney for Owner Address or General Location of Subject Propeay 10950 E 116" St, North Name of" person to le, billed for publication -F Phone I\4 1 - ailing Address 15426 E. 104"' St M, OK 74055 I CET TIFYTHAT THE SUBMITTED INFORMATION IS TRUF1-kND C0'1; -E oature Please subunit the completed application form and application fee of $50 along with a Certified 300' Radius Report (available from an abstract company) and other supplemental documents to the City Planner on or before the first day of the nio nth in which the request is to be heard by the Board. This is a quasi-judicial procceding, The applicant or applicant's agent jpRstktp ept at the hearing to receive approval. FOR INTERNAL OFFICE USE 30A W-ETRiG DATE PRE SUBMITrAL DATE— ZONING F-EM RECEIPT I