HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003.04.22_Board of Adjustment AgendaRecord Book PUBLIC NOTICE F THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO BOA11D OF ADJUSTMENT T VPE OF MEETING, DATE: : TIME PLAN El NOYTICE FILED gy Regular April 2'."', 2003 . -00 PM 0,vv ss) flil #tit x,fs, f _: fi ;:'y i0_1. S. cclai,. Eric Wiles 3 :.0 lid 1_b .)lz.cT: fji [11C; _uv�iass � 1.x,.11 S .;i :�b`,.3 posted ,. !r�€ „',t �.. {.,. ' I „.7xa:,.,£, .,i a..,3i�/ %sr fl a, 3�lJ �% it h z / ..; 1 ja "Y 2001 ' Eric Wiles ril 22 2003, 6:00 PlNA! A.G T=?N DA Order 2. Roll tall 1, Approval of"Mmutes fi:om the March 259 2003 Regular Meeting. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT PUBLIC HEARING 4. BOA -03 -0 -- Bifl McBee -- A request for a Special Exception TO ALLOW FOR THE PLACEMENT OF A CARPORT ITEHIN' TH r I 'DiUM 20' FRON'T' YARD, SETBACK R__EQ IRE'D on prOperty -zoned S - -3 (Single Far Ty Residential). The Subject property is located at 12105 East 79tH Court North, 5. A -03 -10 — Albro Daniel -- A request fbr a Special Exception O .LOW Old THE, PLACEMENT OF A ,cy oR T Vv1TTf N `T,ETE MINIMUM 213' FRON I" YARD SETBACK QUIET on property zoned RS -3 (Single Farrrdy Residential). The subject property is located at 305 South Main, 6. OBOE- 03,11 — Gene ayf`i -A -- A request fir a Special Exception TO ALLOW FOR HE PLACEMENT T Off' A TEMPORARY SNOW CONE T1STT ESS sir, property zoned CG (General Commercial). The subject property is located at the northeast corner of the Corner Stoma Center located at 1241OV2 East 866' Sheet: North. 7, OBO-A-03-12 -, The Brown. Schools of Oklahoma --- A request -Ibr a cont-inuattion of a Special Exception'TO ALLOW.A CARE .110N IF, on property znned 01., (Of-Ifice Low Intensity District), The subject property is located at 4.25 East 22 nd Street, The use was ori�g -nall I C - - 11 2002. gi y appro /.,d in. April OBOA-03-13 - Shoxing, Barbe-'r -- A re uestt r a Special I I OW F'I'-)R, IFT 4 -IF: A 11EMPOR-ARY SNOW M,,TE B-(..JSfNESS on property zor)e(,-.l Cs jccl g H520 Non' h Garxijett R , 9, 0"'J-Mv 13-u"'Siness M ;i: O 1 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENI CITY OF OWASSO FROM,,, ERICIVYMES ,OWY M.I , l TY DE yil E I, l.',' z`,I 1 I' D 1 i ,-�_ ; O BACKGROUND- MI i_ al l'VITcl�'ee has sub' (ratted 3i application to t -11e Board of l�.dj�,lstr- eirt, 1- -or ""special e's.c(",J:i60 '3. to pcm)it a carport in tf e fl.'o -'i r vrd o't a resideniial property ?� 105 1a -s 79"' Co r °oly Til;; zorlinig adkD -w s special exceptions like this in a,l " "1i1a, ter L ect of 240,2.1-, """Perrnitted 14,..$b` >tr c iiii3.`. >s The legal description of the property is Lot °Mirty-seven (37), Block Twelve (12), f?l_, M CRIEEK ESTATES l IRS ` ADDt:rf ION. The tract is 8,855 square tee t in size. The exisfing, land use is sir2gle. family residential for the subject propert -y and all surrounding properties. Accordingly, the subject property and all surrounding properties are zoned ,9-3 Single Family Residential. The applicant requests a Special Exception to allow a carport. The Code requires that if a carport is proposed to be placed within 15 f- et of a front property line, then a special exception is required, The proposed carport would be 20 feet wide by 25 feet long, The property's fi °ont setback to the house is 5 feet, exactly the distance deeded by the carport, The edge of the carport would be right on the edge of the property line. Special Exceptions, unlike -variances, do not require that the property owner prove that a hardship exists. The Board of Adjustment t is free to g_rani a. special exception whenever it `eels that the community nity will not be harmed by the application, Legal advertisement for the application has been published in the newspaper. Notices of the public hearing were railed to all owners of property within 300 feet of the subject site. Though no official complaints or objec tions have been ;bled with the department, the staff did receive one phone call -from 'While the staff does wt support tf3f place. ie[`it of wIl11in required ftont ya,d , l the staff also f de into wish to 3rfbibit reasonable Y3ve Ye ,Afom being : d by n y f9�i`vaaf a > a . 1 f f)ts� aiif a ' E a 3( pr(-pt,- fics, c. `3 to f! ra h 1�:�/ � i i4;31� toe rt( her qm ct ,e7g(. :bo if t1� ;i "i. -,-,& 3f, f;f oaf, the tf a fc,r all t f,,n awn,[ fia� �. �faard f�?: ��ba �4a. ;� df a :;�, COD >id a a, f public,, ``���-�s -ri-i� alts c b ot"I't ttl: a"J -,) jic pi,1u €i Prior to 3 "l'ak -,i $ #r (?f f`;l;ifal?. t, €.f�3a. :t i:fl ` am)fic,"„f, a3., Case IN/lap 2. Notice of Public 1-fearin J. 4. Appheat-ifori a , r i z , I i i i u� g �r "I E, Cr WA } _. .. ' D us -' h-ern. 1 C t — s f — i .. '.l d f S j; NICYTICE OF' A HEARING BEFORIE' 'r FIE BOARD OF A—DJUSTIN/fENTOF ary OF OVVzkSS0, 0K-T-/-\jj0j\ Case Number OBOA-03-09 Notice is I-,crcby gJI/Tri that a pubLic hcaring, will bc-, held bcfbre t-he, O� a Board of Acliusuner-A in the Owasso Co.'a-a-ri-m--tity, Center, 301 Soutb (I"eclauf.,, Owasso, Oklabonx,-3, at 6:00 P)1/1 on tbe 22"1 clay of April, 2003, At that ti-ane, and place the Owaisso Doon d of' AcIju - ill St f. lerut vv i a rcqi.�cst from. BfIf McBee fior a Specd,--d EXceptiorl. to ,�k-LIDW I'OR "'t][JEE PI-jACEMENT 0-1,J'A CAkI?3J.-IT)-Rj. VVIIIIIJ,14 'nuut,, mmu% vUM 2`0 -,!--'R,ONT )INPIP OD. a propefly zoncd R.S--3 (Sizagle Fau.t-ijly Res-Idential.), -'located liat 12105 E '79 th Court North. All persons interested in, flae abovc roentioned PrMatter ar: herle-by notified to b"o, present ad, td -he above nf.-ientioned tiun artd place in order to preser.tt. thtir argutr - R - ainst saanie, , ntc_Iats Jbl 01C, C-1181 fial'brix)ki,tion aind maps shovvit-ig tbe, property I catio�rtiriay -b j- in ttx. Corn-t-nunity Developrneiat Deparb-nent, 11. 1 N. Nfaj i-,� Street, Owcasso, Oklaffiorna, 7-4,055, or by callinq, 376- 1545, Daaed fit Owasso, 01ch-duocoa, this 20'h day, of lVarch, 2003, Eric Wiles Corramu-nity Developtnent Director YMO EMT 5WH FEW E LEGEND WMA IT, E � I LAND 510 PU F, Y:1 511,2 OAS. i T L!F(.',-`!- CESCF,'jFTi0N AS PROI/lDHD: FUU NO. LaL Th trLy-sovQn (37) , E took Twulvo ( 121 ELM CREEK ESTATES FIRST ADNTION, BLOUS 12 TURV 11, a Subdt,j sign Lo the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, SCaLq of Okjahuma, mcurdtng to the recorded Pim thmveoE, and known m 12105 Enst 744 Courr SURVEYOR'S SFATEMENF S�!i -W — § -;4ztlt ✓ .N T mwmm 01 �nm nO TWU WnMXPXt WO MME ME or -3 P AT SHCI.11� AY EC PR Bl' �'OR T MAY "i'U( FCR THE V'!,I fE NE R.1( TIZI, 2 No Pay now TUQ HEPY1 OR 77 [0,B 0 �k 61, TY OF 0 A _So P 0, A90X L"M 0W'_'.'kSS0, (91_Y1) 212 -22 1 1: A_ 13) 2/2--,J,99,,-/ PROPERI"Y'LE GA_L D1,_9 C-TUT T10'rN A/1 7 Name of Record Owner, or General Locador.t of Stib ect Property As applicant, vhat is YoUr in'terost ka fWs property9 ire en O'M'cr DAtg 'ent for Owner [II Rtu-chaser Elother [--]Attorney fer Owner Name of person to be billed for priblication n Phone W>1 2 Mailing Address -S I CERTIFY Tj­JAT'rHE SUBMrj­rED INFORMATION IS TRUE AND MIXECT ig Wre j Please submitthe completed application form and application fee of $50 along with a Certified 300' Radius Report (availible fronj an abstract company) and othcr supplemental documents to the City Planner on or before t1he first day aFt1w month in which tie request is to be heard by the Board. This is a quasi-judicial Proceedin'g. The applicant o-r appIlicant's agent Rjust bt-present at the hearing to receive approv, In . 1a !I'� °il << ' �i` i� !� � � ��1 ' � ; �� ; ! , ........... ��,f� l �.z° #.,� r��l �� j � � �I� � I,�. lal °I° EWE 11111iJ111111 11 1!0iiW1H1I;111!1111M _V_' I D OA '1JEE-rr,,,X3 DATE PRJ-�SENT USE 2 LMIm, f -r- rA L D ATE 70-PITI-NG DIS'T'k-,'- -FEE ----- ------ APP-ROVED ... . ....... U CtAl, Ar", BOARD OF ARTU""'IF-A -p TA`__ 'J .1 "k,"RPRE AL LL 0 LL, 0 ACTION R-EQ)II-ESTED "Zo Use Ur_ip No, o nin a g a I JAppe, ftvr, D�L_ilding J& spectr)r C.'. ],Appeal ander the Proyisjolls A,,)f o,r Zc)jjij-j I -, yap iv Cf. Desc-ribe bela- 1 th.e specifics of yc)ci-requc,,,st WJ'at',,'re applicable, Dodicate 1- Usc.'s, eNstances, d'ollu"nsion's, atiaw1h, an.y plot play.'.is, pliotograph.s,; via­id' otber tac�q­Ij� ' " ad, in-tor 4 thJ,t is, s-'ric its t'& you'r recIt-1'est" s a.s the 13o.,ard 2 x PROPERI"Y'LE GA_L D1,_9 C-TUT T10'rN A/1 7 Name of Record Owner, or General Locador.t of Stib ect Property As applicant, vhat is YoUr in'terost ka fWs property9 ire en O'M'cr DAtg 'ent for Owner [II Rtu-chaser Elother [--]Attorney fer Owner Name of person to be billed for priblication n Phone W>1 2 Mailing Address -S I CERTIFY Tj­JAT'rHE SUBMrj­rED INFORMATION IS TRUE AND MIXECT ig Wre j Please submitthe completed application form and application fee of $50 along with a Certified 300' Radius Report (availible fronj an abstract company) and othcr supplemental documents to the City Planner on or before t1he first day aFt1w month in which tie request is to be heard by the Board. This is a quasi-judicial Proceedin'g. The applicant o-r appIlicant's agent Rjust bt-present at the hearing to receive approv, In . 1a !I'� °il << ' �i` i� !� � � ��1 ' � ; �� ; ! , ........... ��,f� l �.z° #.,� r��l �� j � � �I� � I,�. lal °I° EWE 11111iJ111111 11 1!0iiW1H1I;111!1111M _V_' I D OA '1JEE-rr,,,X3 DATE PRJ-�SENT USE 2 LMIm, f -r- rA L D ATE 70-PITI-NG DIS'T'k-,'- -FEE ----- ------ APP-ROVED ... . ....... MENTORANDUM 'ro. BOAR-D, OF AD-FUSTMENT CITY OF OWASSO d"OM )N / 1 ) 1 ,. fat ` .J BJE5. T,,, tyE WA 0 C; . 3 QU 1 S T - UR A SME,(' ,0AJ.d EXCEPTIONTO A11,0W VIA"", "", S. _`l , Y "'0", M-.,. ri.✓io Dar r€ ..3x57.13. u f z >p AC .i,Sola totbe Board of GV 93Y 3i ri Ar. % -3. !i i 1,.<`�e", e��f..1{1�S.dL9 pe- -i it a ( 9 .., ort in t i€' fro.r. t y1xd of a -t: s1deniti l p9o'':e -rt` at 305 Sohath Ma -ho Street, The Zoning Code adli ?'Y?I.:> lt,'; s� ;�;�,� <�� he legal description. ol:the property is ilac South. 112, of Lot Six (6)., Edoclk hirty (30), OWASS ORI(GINALTOWNSITE. The tract is approxinnately 6,000 square 1-iect in size, une existing Lr e, is single-f�ly residential lbr the sL�bject property. Properties to the north aund west display a rrzj°'t rc of commercial and industrial uses, vilhidc properties to the im- m- ediatc north, the east arid south are a nnixture of vacant and residential. land uses and all scar rou- ding properties, The subject tract if, .S Residential Single R-arrrily, as arc tracts imrrzediatcly north, and 'further cast and south. Tracts to the raeM block north and -west are zoned CH High Intensity Commercial and IL Low Intensity Industrial. ANALYSIS: The applicant requests a Special Exception to allow a carport" The Code requires that if a carport is proposed to be placed within 15 feet of a fr -ont property line, then a special exception is required. The pro-posed carport would be 10 feet vide by 18 feet long, The property's fr °ont setback to the house is unknown, but appears to °tom at least 20 feet. he edge of the carport would be at least two feet °ors the edge of the property lire, Special Exceptions, unlike variances, do not require that the property owner prove that a hardship exists. The Board of Adjustment is free to grant a special exception whenev€ r° it feels that the community wi-11 not be harmed by the application. Legal advertisement for the application has been published in the newspaper. Notices of the public hearin were mailed to afl. owners of property wide 4300 feet of the subject site, No official cornplaints or objections have been. fled mAth the depart -nienf9 and the staff receive no phone calls, While the staff does not 3uj)p r, th ¢"� plac ern r -A of b uddi ig � ifl�xi. . equiTe fi'out ;yard setbacks, the ,,a1.2: also does not wish to pgolliblUt r%,a i°a.)a,iabte at Ic'st-ri1cmt tiom being 3-mide by Owasso hL)r.t3ti>vvale# "s ix-1 the condition o them: .5[operd.es, <, jori; as ?lac' a=,%4.str'.teri@ does 1i {) e it �J�`17 � � i r tip' proper ; �� s. l-le :;fore, fl." , Staff rec;4: ?mrim 3.dis fl "'at the Board of AC'jt�,`'3C(1 �1:� r r� .,134: t .tS�:% �J I.b�ta t,i> i151`3�ill.,, �txr ( " 5 g the ii -. 7ion Z32J.o to 1J ")�.flki g a f i1-t':sii.0t, � +.�ito aL this Sri �il:tcadort, AT'- CIIEMENTS I . Case teal": 2. Notice of Public fleas °3_r�g 3 ._j- -) Hcaf n OBOA 03- Albro Daniel NORTH M,W IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY AND IS N01' INTENDED TO REPRESEN f AN ACCURATE AND SCALE. USE OE THIS MAY IS VgTHOUT WAlU ANTY OR REPRTSEi`7CAlIONBY1'HE CI'fYOE O II SSO ,IUNITY DEV ELOPIAF, N'f DEPART,IAY7IJT' OP ITS ACCURACY. CITY F OWASSO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 111 Nor h Main Street PH: (918) 376 -1500 P.O. Box 180 FAX: (918) 3161597 Owasso, Old 74055 1 www.cityofowasso.00m NOTICE OF A ff-.ARfNG BEFOIU-.-,' THE, BOARD OF -A-E)JT,-)'STNT,F NTOFITTE, CT TY OF M/KNSSO, OK-LAHONLA- 117 a s e 171,11,11 na, b e!- 0 MCII.Ik - 0 31 - 10 Ncitice --is her-by given t1tat a., pub" hea.ri-ng will bc,,, Imeld, bc-i c, Re th Owasso Board of Adjusti-nient -- the Owasso Comrninnity Cei:ver, 301 -ta, t e and place the Ov)iisso Board ,--)f Adjusti.,net-,,,u, Rd` -00I At d, Jin 'considier a requ'est fii,orn Albro Daniel Ibr a Special Exception iru AM,0),`/ F0, 1111., PLACENLEWl' 01' A, (-.'A.R-'qI.-I0RT wrrir-,I-F,� 13"1 a properry zo-.,t--ied RS -3 (S),ij.-igle M-audly M, sjder,,tihl.), it at 305 South Mahn. All persor,,s iritexested ffi. the above nientior)ed miafter are Inereby r-iod red to be 1-,)resedt at the above mentloned, di and pla,�.;e in order t,-) presenti-I-i irarp le ti), or sarnt.. ras 11, finf6rciniatiort rfj.,),-()s shomifing the property locan'10i im, the Counrnumity, De-veloprnexflt Depaxtmc,,,ra, I 1 -1 45, Owasso, Oklahoma, 7-4055, or by callffi�-,- 376 15 h � Datedat Owasso, Old'ahomath),325' Eric,wks Community Developrinient Director ni-ay bfo ij.--,ispected N. Pvlaln. Street, t)0A-_t_v w F" airy � 'Yo A' O+ BOX 180 C`, ,x7A'SSU0, 0 1 A v 0-i VfAA 74055 "91 r3) -,2-2251 1 X .M.. (9 14)27%49 7 s.3 ..7 Y r.. *,i.,, �� _.y ,�.,�J`�.1 C �� S`t a9 �,t /'� �... S, ���t.& '� � ''�'1r.. i '3 .. OR APPEAL, q w m PY $C,1 7" N 1,AU t Q U�fibS1 E tial) t w e pt`l �rJ Section i paz o 'Use nit �. � = Or Zoox�ftig xr.< rpretation of Tap rrrld lsptrr �d r . � pal Jrrorr , ��r:�� of Chapter below, e sPe rfrc s of your r °eldest, hei.- l.)ph o rble, irtdicat Describe scribe � 1 J t't179x Zvi i> s list ( -!ir 7 �iUCiSz 13hrrPhasc a?3tach. any plot pl rr1 9 piJotor rn 1i : � f1d offi r __rc;t�JaJ. ir:,.fo i atio,,r i.2.i. t y�rJ'i >, , r d-11, ..s Board . ;. Ji 9a, :2 wSi s ofyr3 r _recjilesto s 1.,E GAL DESC.1U, JPTI ;a .e arA address OfRerord Owner" i IT As D)pLicant, what is your interest in tWs propevcy? j resew 01",vuer [jAgent for Owner orlircbiser 00ther ElAtior°my for Owner Z, Address or General 1 C�t,aGrc)n OfSrJbject Propt�ry Ndarnq of person to be billed for pubilca_d`Oi .ku T'Ir ®lic __ v Mailing Address ER MY TH iT HE SUMMn -TED INFO NATION IS TR E AND CORRECT SlgultHr e Please -srb:x it the completed application farina and application fee of $50 along with a Certified 300' l�adrrrs Report (available rc�xxr an abstract company) and other supplemental dcr�;r7r�xr.ents t10 the City Plaxirer oil or before the first da_y of the month in which the request is to be heard by the Board. This is 2 quasi - judicial prose ,dinlg, : °laypt or j_REese at tie lr�arin to receive 2provalo ffiffI ��� I RUM ����� ILI I i,1.�� �'��e� ���? '�. � -�i, � 1 ►� ,� ►,ilt�:���.,�1 i� r�i�rt��,l l I,I, �I ��, r�i <<� �il�,�r�l�,li UD)TITr LDATE T°E p�ER, �. PR-E,SENT USE ZONING DT.S PF� wvw._ APPROVED _�_ -.�.� MEMORANDUM TO BOARD OF ADJUSVVITENT e �g /� Q R Qg, gg S cif <,° ^3 CIA1, �7 .j p �d'�7 ..� 4j_,..ry J, , ® �. s. -74i.. [".. � .:.�" s^ r f`fi in.. ,t t7 �� 1.r..� 1!'. 'a _ :�. kiU." . e S / DISTRICT' 1 3 'll_�� ',. „a.,A X.,(�, /a Rt lS -� 16,2003 Mr. Gene May-fileld has st.i-bafitte d an ripplictl'I kn - -+.. to the Board o AcIj strfi r-it --[or a special excep'tion to pce,rrntt a terfipo are snow Corte buisirx,,ss on con— .inner ial `,X'0 (Ay tit UND' ' it'r"_cast eori. er o if s, C )-- ? ," Stork Center loo ttd to 32/1110%t 1'c s t 86111 St ect Nord.-).. tft Zo nft fb special _r l t;xt,t;pt(on. tea; t �r> lit ���,ctiorj 1002 "1 re + to 0l Special %F,It ep bon Uses", The legal description, offl--�e property is Lot One,, (1), Bloc "l`wo (2), ELM CREEK CE -,' NTER., The tract is approximately seven acres .in. skz , fbc- ex -ding Janet use is corrinnerc al for dhe subject property. Surrounefing properties display a mixture of office uses. h— s�bjec tract is CG General Cormnx-,rclal. AN,A., S The applicant requests a. Special Exception to a:.Uow a non-permanent snow cone stand in the parldng lot of the Cornerstone Shopping Center at the, northeast corner of the property. The proposed use has operated at this site for a nwriber of years. Special Exceptions, unlll�,e variances, do not require that the property owner prove that a hardship exists. The Board of Adjustment is flee to grant a special exception whenever It eels that the community will not be harmed by the- appllcation. The staff has reviewed the proposed location of t%s vendor service and has no concerns regarding the request. Surrounding property owners have been contacted and the Community Development Department has received no objections to the request. Additionally, the required legal ad was published in the Owasso reporter and is attached for your hitbri atiorrr and review. The staff vvould acorn end, however, trot s-,ignage relating to the speck use be lirnited to t qt m /bich is affixed to the -non-permanent stri-icture, itself. Addiitionally, the staH 1 /vould also recomnle d that a-. trash receptade be provided gindng hours of operation. E n(l that the tenaq)ora y structuve be rernoved no later than Octobx -r 1 � 200 4,.. it ,' 'fit , .l { „c F.,{ z)1 o l q T C p F t ec` i ¥ i d,,., .,;1 ' 313 request est i ? f$ the Ibj1 ()I "rq S:; in(,- Hjz3.3a' s3 . Sip n;'” -> 3191,.:.: 3 .,f) WtAclf is affixed to dne st uc1,i.nr£; '�st,_lf 3. +y<Y_Y3ovad Cs i., i.,eti-ire rjo 3sAer v °fan Octol3'.r ) 1, 200,`' 1. Case as 1 ap an w.,� %Ar.; >. "pored rx9., �� 7s°�� ?�f`�,e �...o} ��,a _is"i �.:: �,..�'; f ;3�.:a' ( }r ;�,� �� .1�,��„�r'.ti � °y !w� ,.; NOTICE OF A T-YF,'VUTNG BEFOfU,' TFM, BOARD OF' ADJUI STMENTOFTHIE'CITY OF MKASSO, OKLAHONTA Case. Nam.,Rbei- OBOA-03-11 Noticc, is .Iereby, giyeri, that a public hearing will h.eld bt.,U)m the Owasso Bo,..trd of.Adjust-rcient in, the, Owasso Cofnrn1,1i-,I8 C enter 301 Y- South (-'edar, 0wasso., Ok-lahown-ja at, 6:00 PM oo, t1he 2v'0'3', AL iliat micl place the Owasso, Boarcl ol"Adjustizx-,,,rit mifll conside.r' a recluc,,st frory- - -,-. M� lc im, Gene c -y Special Exceptior, A1 1,0W FOR TELF', PLACE-TVIENT17 0-Ifl' A ,SET-VIPORARY SNOW COMIT,. BUSI .1-�'SS ot,,,. a projperty zorled CG ((,--�erjeraj Conimercial use), located at the sout ast corner of 861 Stree't North atacl 1.23 "1 East Avernie, A-11 persoris, interested in the above mentio-r-ted n--is t-ter are lacrel�y notified to be present at the. abo-v(.-,,,, -roentio.-oed timm, arid placebfi order to prem"A their argLtmej.-As fbr or af iJnsll- sarae, and maps showii),g the property to cahion riiay lbe ir?,sp,(-.. c1(-.,d 4). the Co.orimt.a.-I.ity Devel.oprrient Deparbr,,-ent., 1, JI N, Maill S me, Owasso, OPjal-ionia, 74055, or;'--�y calFhaj, 76-154. f DaAed at, 0,wasso, Ok lath orna, 03is 25' of 1° /1a e''1, 200'3. Eric `Kles Co--rn(YYL�rdty Development Diwector e y 0 Mr- Gene May-field 906d E 27th Place Oklahorna 741.29 I)ear Mr, Mayfield: Pern— .zission, is given to, M. "t (.3,enc May-fiehl, r.,mtriager of % snow cooh;, Ou 3t es.s riarned Eskimo S o, to place his buildirig on the Northeast co-raer of , the ��a��'� e .., *orie Cent r located ed a 12/1. 10 "/-? Es:,3 86th North, Owasso, OK, "n..c. location of %b_1s'teinporaxy li3Lk:7Yness would be R)r approxhinately 4 months beginning in, May o1 00') through September o4`2003" `Dom8nic Sokolosky President of Corner Stone Center, Inc. _done Mayfiel' Manager of Eskimo Sno MEMORANDUM CITY OF 01NASSO FROM, ERIC WITLES .s.>B`i,9A- 043°42. A RE 1JEST FOR A ����.� ti���l��x �.,.�s �j,l����s'7� � �° i� it TION IM A � � � � .`�_r.�'�.` {_ t , .{T �1 � � R � � .i. fir' �} f�,r; R ,, 2$�����,, A. a,i� e.f ��. s 9 1 � � r' t �3� "4 D i E .t apt. ril i � 200 1''frh 1 t(,-si 7.1�3Ufg �ss ttlt:; Brown Schools of 1�1 %3'(°i3)it7� -has s;.sbrnitte(l an c��:)p1'icattion is; me Board of Adjustine,at sor° at pernoari. 8 7st COD. nUla ion o 3 °sl ei 1.3( exception g .main ed in , /kp it 2002 to s,71l %?w ar) r;doilesclent hoi} ie tr2 a�1 "i 01., �1t� #r�! Intenslii f Office 'onil ,lt3 istr ,t. h property i lt >�;r,te(l at /125 East 22"' Str et No- th., 1 l I1.9rr C11, odd all-lows fbr Tee ' 1 s .� (;S fJa >t s � t u; th}E � #:. ; t l� 7tr.:,t< r>> Section, 510 ""Principal l Uses Perraitki d in Off o f 9b, tri .s, PROPERTY C11A-11ACTERISTICS- ,l u, legal desc;r iptlor-r of the property is 1 the w st J 50 l£ et of 1,01 on (1), Block one (1), 3-1ERTlAGE ADDl'l ON. The tract. is almost 2/3 acre in size,. The emisting land use is an adolescent biome, church sits on property to the north, and lard immediately east and south exhibits a :milt re of corrme rci1 and office rises, vacant land is imr- nediately west acrd ffirether east of the site. F-uxther west: of the subject tract is a single fly residential stxhdh✓lsion. The, subject tract (acrd, the tract imrrrediartely to the east) is OL Low Intensity Office, AG gr°ic ultura~I zoning lies to the north arrcl. fbrther° east, CG General Commercial i,; to the south, while property to the merest is RS-3 Sir -rgle f'arrrily .esidentia L ANALYSIS, Bro -ixrn Schools received a special exception to use the site for an adolescent home a year ago, 'fhe to me serves non — adjudicated children between the ages of 14 and 11 with rrrild disabilities or menial challenges. Brown Schools is a private organization operating wider contract to the State Department of Hrrman Ser -vices, operating under the mules and regulations established by the Depar° went of Human Services (DFIS), "fhe staff has researched the records ®f ffie property and no complaints about tyre property have been received by the Owasso police Department or the Code Enforcement Officer during the past year, Special Exceptions, unlike variances, do not require that the property owner prove that a hardy .) emiists. 'The Board of Adjust etat is ftee to p,1ant a special exceptio-n whenever it Rees, that the community Wilt not -be; harmed by the applikatiori, 31i.; staff finds that the t stabliiislyme ..t is a necessai`y service to tht —,' ,oii"ii_=',Li11t.% and t1lai tae, o <lf,io ..'the s,-,.— cc is oT)t {it�,WS1'i9 flei ta,! to the surZ'L u.n. diri " r{ip,mitt's,. I ££ , 1 ,,ie s�.s, #�$ (,_; {,f�S1lt.I��:�;�7�1 � t:isj�rl'1rirkit_t o tt)t� Special �,�f..e;�l�?C3 -E�., #,iiS.,Ael tq -,)jp o i 1p, l.J: {, ,m .ti;.- as li'3ng as i ?, Case Map .2 -Notice of Public Hem-ihig, 41. A.r pl ic i;,:ionii " 96th MID o -,_. SUBJECT 2 :PR,O.PE-RT gg Ator h;l E. Owasso i Jr_ High! . Stmet -North. y i i NOTICE OF A -HEARING BEFORE THE BOARD OF' ADJUSTIMENT OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAFIMMA. Case Nuu-nber OBOA-03-42 Notice is hereby glverr that a public hear-Un, will be held before the Owasso Board of Adjustment in the Owasso Corturiu,ixrity Cer.itcr, 301, South Cechu', Owasso, Oklahorna at 6:00 PM. on 11-ic, 22"da-v of Aprfl; 2003, At that tflne and Pl,'Ic(" the 13oard o"l- Adljtjsa�i-.ie,.it will consider a requc'st frorn Browti Scho), Olkk,flhorna, Kevin Buroc,`.�s as aRent, for a contimtatim-i of a Special F -'� -T� EXICTIP11,1011 J11, 11-1E OWASSO, ZONIN11." C-14 kX1 a. CJj S EC, "I- 1 (-1-1 INIT 1d-) `R 1-� A,WTT PCT X0) /N .J-DALLyA-1-i-110, UKs to allo wa. care hori.-ic hi. an, 01, (Office Lig-fit) clistrict, The M ent ,..ise is an. "Adolescent Home", locawd at 4-25 E�`.ast 22"! Str,eel- ]-he -use was approved in April 2002, All pei-sons interested in tfie above rri.endoned rnartef are ftere4by imui.fied 1-0 be pvcseja, at the above, rill r)-dorlc(l ti,,nc arxl place ii,) -)rcjer to p1''::>`111 their ,aru!,rnents for or a(mir-ist sax-ac. Infbririatio'a 2:(1 1. mtaps showing the property location L) inspected iri the Corrununity Dcvclopr-nent De par tunent, Ili N, I.Main Strect, Owasso, Oklal-wi.ria.,, 14055, or by calli-no 376 -15,t,55 Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma, thIsT" (lay of .April., 200'3), Eric Wiles Com.-ounity Developnient Director The Brown SCh001S of Oklahoma Continued SPeciRl Exception Request for -Development iiof A-dolescerit Home flu Owasso 4/0112003 t e e l 1t4; 'Jo Pill %Itlo(1 t) b rf;1`v i � d 4jIv; L 1111 {trt 11 l)C;tGbt C'It 1;11( stns{ � C3`(� 7� lv,n' i 7 , -Ir �tbdily or n c hall challerl��;s acrd h avc been rindel � t`vod thr�o�ty ilotl� 'he �_. c',uc, of l tilolrltl Specifically in slit; i °ol[1x�w�ast .�_t portion of ��1� state, thcr alf Flo aacilitics th<lt are ��nll `I; to take in and work �,ti ith tlgis population. In addrt%on there are not C-1100 01-1 foster care hornes r)t sFIt 1te1 °s to care for the chit {i.1"crl Wb.o have been renlove 11 onr d2ctr parents bowies due to abuse and I rrcy;o is lt ;, The ultimate., foals o the pro t srional s ; l,,o inter act wt e n are, to prepare s t t ;rA1 f t° t i a,., adults to i The Lfrown .Schools of CAlahorna is smongly committed to providing Prograrrirning to the developrizerltally delayed adolescent through a wide variety of services in such areas as: Academic ue, with � ... __ Crihc l f hin in , Mat Cora rts, eading/WritingCotzzntmrtyAwareness Cor%1.rlttra;[yResol .revs, Co_nsui_rite skills l',ru�ci y yt 1aAttsic, Art, and C u- stoirrs, Cultures aracl Holidays Fitness, Rhytunic MoYt1n r , Aerobics hWd m Lid rrt lr rtrr� A r lred ac iden -J , r „ -- � 4 C' , 1�ootJ l�r �0 a,�tt.�orr fl:;�al�l �.rraic.;j't.: r real Ic�7t> Personal aurl sc) ial icijt, ar)r(,r)t �,orwrrr rrir,��riorr ;( ll?l.ol0 3 y Introduction to c:omprlter°s The chill an will reside at the Caerli y and will always b rrlc�N ort i � a T_ r and trra�r °pit �t.ca o'/ SCa11i` �. iltltl� s in th {. c o`.ur.t11,u111 y ";'tll be )art of ill) xo jr'ar ! to ll l) teach and ray (u,,.:thLC:; ,'h, kills ie aarnur in the progia1_tii.. r�..�„ Ile allowance of this pro darn to be d vc Wped in Ric W sso area will have ecoriorjc, arnr fic atiorr for: the (11 of'0w asmy f.:i"rir tr;r.;n (13) job,,.,, will be avail {c>Ir: Niue to the cat)erling of U"s fsac rlity wit an c slay ate d Salary, \A /a ;c s grad Benefits of S30%000 per ye an Mc r revenue nue tha flows No the coormundy hic Jude $200,000 - pet, year inc hic r f ood cost, Mtl , pmasa ;e is c s etc" he C�w asso school district receives ceives ftmcfinl,. for r )Cl ";9 child c ra[ci"ing the school sy'Stc in, as t1 f: Il as taxation of the property that will be occupied, A secondary econorraic inr0ac�t rrhor�lcl he r� �hzeri ir) t1:rc t)rc- eruploy, er- trai�.irlg of individuals who could enter the work force in jobs that traditionally may be difficult to hire qualified staff x OBOA _ CITY OF OWASSO P.O. BOA. 180 OWASSO, OKLAHWL\ 74055 (91g) 272 -2251 FAX (918) 272 -=4997 THE, t O-1 I OM /1 N G At TI O,, RTQU,3`?ST-- "ts I 1pc,cr af E-..vce.ptZOn — Section-- O ''sc I..!rat "\1o. ]Appr <al ffori BUildiu0 lr spe for INITRITYrATION ll(�3� . I ltxt ipr;.t<a.i.ior, of /offinn_: I .,x' jh�tc rpretation of /onfng Nlap (_�t�ppc,al urfd::r f11. Pao I, >ions oI Chapter 12, Section 'Describe below tile spc ernes of your rc quest, Where applicable, indicate pertinent use s, disc inc;cs; dimensions, etc. Pleasc att 3+ li •. u 7 ��Ii� plot plans, photographs and oth f;tctu.al rnforn� tlon that cvl11 assist the Board in cictmuuning the merits of youl rcquest. PROPI°"i3. "I '~r' LEG,' d4_, DE SC,Rfi ° 1 ION I , arn0 Mier '+iOces5 of Kc;corci O�,vtfca iddf ss oa _rcn r al l oc a iou o Subic c t Property t ai 11' 9 E r �: fi r9 C7 As applicant What Is your rntcrc st rn t17rs pope tV9/1 � f�� Name of person to be bided for pubhcat oca L —]Present Owncl DAgent for Owner ( _JPurchrrscr �Othct l tit. �� __1A'tornc,v for Own or iMailfny address I CERTIFY IL Y Clit SUBMITTED INFO M � I ION IS RUE AND CO.RRECT S1 maiur "ie 'Tu 9 S a. Phone Please submit the completed application form and application fee of $50 along with a Certified 300 Radius Report (available from all abstract company) and other supplenlcntal documents to the City Planner on or before the first day of the month in which the rcqucst is to be heard by the Board. This is a quasi - judicial proceedzrh The applicant or applicant's agent must b at the hearing to receive approvilla FOR INTERNAL OFFICE USE BOA NTEE"I ING DATE - - -- T -__ PRESENT USE SUBMITTAL DATE _ _. .ZONING FEE RECEIPT MEMORANDUM To. BOARD OF ADJUSTM/lENT CITY OF OWASSO 1"ROM,, ERICIVVELES Coj�/T3, PvIENT DIRECTOR I— 0PI[N PAP 9 DN'114- 'Llow A NON-TERN/IANA. N1'VENDOR. 11-,�,J A CS DISTRICT DATE,; i6iprfll 7,200-,,� BACKGROUND- Ms. Sbonna Bar-Ke,'r has subrnitted an application to the Board ofPi-d -.— 11 L ,jushner)t ffir a speciad exceptio, 'o perrni),', a tero-por iory snow co.rx, busin(llss on corrinnercM., propel. .Y as th.e souffiv"Icst corner of 116 Street 11 North and Gariaev JF?,oad. 'rhe Zonfi- Cocle allows fcn' 's� k -009, 11P, -pecial exceptions like this in Secik)r� "Arca-- xide Special Exce =pfio--,n Uses", P ROPE RVY CIL-kRACTERISTICS., The lega ]. descrij,)tiola of the property is Lot One (1), Block Or)e (1), S110PPIN(".] CENTER AT HIGHWAYS 169 Al\HD 20, 17.hfc, tract is approximately file acres in sh7e. he existing larid use is corcurnercial for the subject property. S-uxro-unding properties display a iniviure of coiantnercial and church uses. The subject tract is CS Commercial Shopping District. AINALYSIS. uie applicant requests a Special Exception to allow a non-permanent snow co-ne stand in arl li(fig the p, lot of the Super H grocery store at the southwest corner of 86' Street North and 123' East Avenue. Wae this applicant is new to the site, snow cone stands have inhabited the German Corners area in the past. Special Exceptions, unlike variances, do not require that the property owner prove that a hardship exists. The Board of Adjustrnent is flee to grant a special exception whenever it feels that the community will not be harmed by the application. 'The staff has reviewed the proposed location of this vendor service and has no concerns regarding the request. Surrounding property owners have been contacted and the Community Development Department has received no objections to the request. Additionally, the required legal ad was published in the Owasso Reporter and is attached for your information and review, The staff-would recornrraend, however, that uil cage relating to the specific use be limited to that which is affixed to that:, aor - per°rnaneWt structure itself Additionally, the staff -vmld also recur rend. that a trash receptacle be provided clr ing7 ho (.j s of operation a-rid that flee ten -4m ra 3trucia ire be rein o { ed no later than October 1", 1003: R1`a;C` OiIMEl TDA ON, i.3, s?e'.,t If t,'I?4 tll;r ft t?3{ i() /... o£. ?,;1e S e. ..;l:_1 5: 4; .aJ :4; 1zt, `# rich the, li)flo liti$✓ 1 rr,,rk --d to aaiat .vhiicb, is af.li,( d o Ifltg. , IALIa lLH —, rasa;l_t, 4. ra h receptacle be provided is 1 inn hours o operation n j 5 <.raa,���a 3a # l,silFlakat3 A;..�a�J a <,� J .��(_t (ICU 'r r_9 aks� t � ar � vve /, 11 . y , Case bvlop 31) S e #I'e' ; n t :>fIs dlk'3t._°t, "1".�/ .ti.. / >00'3' a 1 �r i } 't- 1 r° � a __._.. PROP.1"ATY i '406th" Stree't North GENERAL AREA MAP444-03 0130. 03-13 I io Shomia Barber NORTH MAP IS FOR rNPORMATIONAL PURPOSES OM.Y AND IS NOT INPE�WF.D TO REPRESENT AN ACCURATE AND SCALE. USE OF THIS MAP IS PJITfIOU'r WARRANTY OR REPRESENrA :IION BY THE' CITY OF OWASSO gUNiTY DEVr.I,OP:'vIENT DEPARTN[li, 'f OP rM ACCUR -kCY. ITT OF OWASSO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEWF DEPARTMENT 111 Nost(a klain Street PH: (918) 376 -1500 P.O. Box 180 1 A3{: (918) 376 -1597 Owasso, til4 74055 www'.city0fowasso.com NOTICE OF A. HEARING BEFORE THE BOARD OF Case Number OBOA-03-1.3 i otice :is he, by given that a. pUblic hearflng will be p:i.eld be1'one, the Owasso Board of Adjus Te t in the Owasso ( on -u ittrifty Center, 30'.1 o ith Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma at 6:00 I'M or.) Lire )did day os° April, 2001 At that lr_irle ar-d j.)iac the J w sso Gard o1. Adju.stment will ci)'risi et a request frorn. Slionna & Brian Barber 01 A a It,MPOR:"?,,RY SNOW CONI.�, B on a p' 3 r`tv zoned CS (General Slio-pphuY), Jocated at 11520 North Ganiett Road. All persons interested ested iii the above mentio -net ixiatt r are hereby t by notified to be present: at the above ri1.e ni.J.one i time and place ia order to present their rt�tferas for o tgarna1 same. tr"111:)r- ination £.:.ad unaps 5hov...,in the property jf)catio t jxt iy be inspected In tiro 1 0 r1- -f .1Urlilty Dt.velopmt; iii. Dt artr"a exit, ;t 1 1 N, M.lit.i Street, Owasso, 0.klsipt!, -rna., `74055, or by c%i it „ "7.g 376- 3 1-5-11-5, Dated at Owasso, Okl'.a11{ ina, this "tray of April, 200" "j. Coo-- ar:rl:ur ity Development Director April 7, 2001`3 Brian and Soi-iwia Barb(",-Ir Asso(-'Jates cl,b.,a, IR,ar-n Coi-, - ritry Shaved Ice) hiave r---r.).y permission', to pla(-I,e a shaved ice the SUper U-1 Foods parkini,g lot loc-.,at(-,.d at I 1520' N. Garr,wl"'I. t oact ''iriderstanid tt)(. sfa.,,nd will b operai.-ing or nnniay th.rot-igh, Septer-r,,be-r of 2003, VVI"fl.]. operE-,i).-fi-r-,),g ]--tot-irs of 11 2 r,.I(...)Orl to 8 p.ryl,. Monday fl"irot-igt -i Sattirday (3-1-3 on s(chool days). Sincerely, Q 6P David James Store Manager Super H Foods