HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003.03.25_Board of Adjustment AgendaPUBLIC N O1 -'ICE OF THE MEETING Oar `TAE OWASSO OAL OF ADJUSTMENT PYi11EE T.f.s� G. Regular O ATE. March 2,5 ", 200.3 TIME. 6;00 PM e A Owasso C omitunny i1enter, 30 - ,{ dar NO ;t.. E 1+ is '3'.,D _''z`.Y` , Rob tt l` bore City Planner F_ e. iii ttic office o th(: Owasso City 'C'lerk an. l post (1 at the north critra.nce, to Cicy f all at `00 PrA on the 18"11 day of March, 200.3. Robert Moore w --------- n City Planner Tuesday, March 2 —'5, 2003, 6:00 ISM Owasso C,orrt.rr u i.ity C e i. er, 301 S, a eda.i Call to Orde., Roll Call Approval of minutes from the February 25, X003 Regular Meeting. BOAR. F ADJUSTMENT PUBLIC.HEA ING 4 O OA- 03 -06— National Steak Processors _Ing - -- A request for a Variance from the Owasso Zoning Code, Chapter 7, Section 730, Bulk and Area Requirements in Industrial Districts, TO ALLOW FOR THE C0NSTRUCTI0N OF A BUILDING ADDITION WITHIN THE MINIMUM 50 FOOT BUILDING SETBACK LINE REQUIRED on property zoned IL, (Industrial tight District), 'The subject property is described as a part of the E/2 of the NE /4 of Section 31, Township 21 North, Range 14 East of the Indian Base and Meridian, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma, further described, as 301 E, 5`t' Ave,, Owasso, Oklahoma. O OA -03 -0i – 'Tim and fancy Wood4 a Lficant on behalf of easor's Inca -- A request for a Variance from the Owasso Zoning Code, Chapter 6, Section 630, Bulk and Area Requirements in Commercial Districts, TO ALLOW FOR THE LOCATION OF AN ACCESSORY BUILDING WITHIN THE MINIMUM 50 FOOT BUILDING SETBACK LINE REQUIRED on property zoned CS (Commercial Shopping, District). The subject property is described as Lot 1, Block 1, Clark Plaza Fourth, an addition to the City of Owasso, Tu1sa County, Oklahoma, further described as 11815 E. 86"' St. N., Owasso, Oklahoma, �� a� �� � �_A ° fi' a�a a' c o -, A regLICSt for a Variance "eor tho �wa� o oa oc� hapter fey citoa 6�0, ulk and Kra Requirements in Commercial i��riot�9 i' I IC>� � q�, T � '�° £'I� %d ACCESSORY JI��,DING IWI'� H iN " ITE i 1�.1i'✓1 t3 g� �l f IJ f,1 11 't� L -l_ £; QUIRE � oil PMPerty zoned CS (Cozfirnercial loop �t��z ij_ l�E� spa 7c �t ro r3y m cesc ibc d as Lot 1, Block 1, Clark Playa Fourth, an addition to the City of Owasso., 'rulsa Unutty, Oklahozaia, further described as 1181'5 F;, t =r�� ��� �� ,i i.J�'ri ;iJ, tJ�d�.g7Ciwi a, . Wher Business C ITY OF OWASSO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT O BOA , ­ 03-06 STAFF REPORT BACKGROUND 'rh_e City of Owasso has reccived ,,, request on-i Malional steahc Prwnessmrs", lliw, applicant/oNv,nue,r, for a Vauiance - oin the Owasso Zor.nng Co &,,, Q.,kapter 7, Section 730., Bulk and Area Requirements in Industrial DistrIcts7 D-) Al",LOW FOR T111-11 CON S17MUCTION 011' A BIAIIDEX(Ji ADDYfJ.()N r1Vfl"H11_N ?V EV-4-tiM 50FOOT BUI1_,DIN-6- SET-11-3ACK 11,1NE _R'.EQ(.fHRl_`,D onproixeriv zotiedlff, f1ridustrial Li hi Districi) 1 9 LOCATION I'lie subject propeny is described as a part of the E/' of th(-',, of Section 3 J., Townshap 21 North, Range 14 East of 1he hidiari Base and Meridiari, Ih,'dsa County, StaAe of Okladix,'mia, further described as 301 E. 5"' Ave., 0,,wasso, Y,,. Exis'rING LAN- D USE SURROUNDfNG LAND USE North: Residential South: Industrial East: Vacant West Industrial PRESENT ZONING 11— (Industrial Light District) SURROUNDING ZONING North: RM-1 (Residential Multi Family Low Density District) South: IL. (Industrial Light District) East: H, (industrial Light District) West: IL (Industrial Light District) APPLICABLE REGULATIONS Owasso Zoning Code, Chapter 7, Section 730, Bulk and Area Requirements in Industri'al Districts and Section(s) 1400 through 1490 - Board of Adjustment, SITE SPECIFIC HISTORY A survey of the records housed at the Community Development Department indicates that no site-specific history related to variance or special exception requests exist. ANALYSIS According to the Owasso Zomng, Code, the Board of Adjustment may grant a variance upon finding, that: 1. 'rho application of the ordinance to the particular piece of property would create an rainecessary hardship; 2. Such conditions wre peculiar to the particular piece; ofpropen~ty involved; mid 3 3' Q Y 9 belie d° , if ranted, would not, cause substarAiar detrirrrent ter the public good, or r.rupai the prrrtt. uses grad intent of the, ord.inarice or t-he Comprehensive Plan. r .r. .y 1?.na xi����ar..,:,as��, z... xe��r�s�£s ie°�y ;�$ �I�'i.$s..atr��;�; san����. i:�e O`tie'st.�t,�oin� ,9���rtx�.'��y �.�.Ed.�, t�'° E�ll�ii,�i; sir t_a�c con a"ru�:"6, i ..�f §p?sgii ,Bd& y d 3r sdb" with' g a tEtgg,; 3,ri 6 Y Oat X asw 3 85.8�i nPZy a .�9., r,'.iu { r.a. 't. in, theffl., (Indusurial Light District), Staff believes that all relewunt critexia 3"irFve been ina ern phis, Particular instance, by not ptirt,:r nr'ri; the; r`is�i est, to al.levi to th, �r�Rnl(lrri 'b set line, a;). uniaf;cess 4ry lr {.rdrhrp '� ill be created, 1 lie qpplica ux has nfbii- ed staff that- the nature of the request is related to the rntei -i al workings of the company's operations rather than the building shell itself, And, although it is apparent that there are other areas on the property where the construction of the addition could occur, the integrity of internal process would. be Interrupted. The internal flow of the meat process requires that the arlditlon be constructed iri.. thy' location as shovin on the attached plot plan. Without the variance, tiro addition to tiie building and tire creation of now jobs will sirnply riot occur. Staff also feels that the conditions brought b 3d:3re th s Board could ren sor;kalbly be considered �° �xce, pt o ns.'. peculiar to this articul�'rr pi�a'c o property, used on the talusual curve ri gar$ Avfe'., staff l els tb t t1rus property is a- typical of the types of _indu ,trial lots within the City. Suit ° v,/ uld like to poirut out, 'that fhere is a dif fer°ence in depth from die 5"' Ave. sire t, frowtage of rrpprox rn tely (40 feet firorn the southeast corner of th lot try th �nrtlr�v�s"t corne- of tlrc lot, Staff feels that the curv,1line ur street fr- ontage created by the construction of 5"" Ave. is a sufficient enough c.i.rcunista"r'ice to Warn,"a t the approval of thy; request, Finally, staff feels that by granting re lief in this instance the result would trot cause substantial detriment to the public good, or impair the purposes and intent of the ordinance or the Comprehensive Plan, As mentioned above, with the addition to the building owned by National Steak Processors, several additional jobs will be created. in Owasso. And, ire this time, of economic uncertainty staff feels that the manner in which the new jobs are created would most certainly outweigh any negative impact that the creation may have. Letters were rrrailed to all property owners within three - hundred (300) feet of the subject property on March 6, 2003 and the request was advertised in the Owasso Reporter on March 13, 2003. Staff received one phone call of a questioning mature but not in opposition of the rearrest. RECOMMENDATION t —recommends approval of OBOA- 03 -•06, allowing for the construction of a building addition with the nuinlimurn 50 foot building setback lira required ire the IL (Industrial Fight District). A` NT 1. rreral Area Map. 2. BOA -03-06 Application, 3. Copy of Legal Advertisement. ent. 4, Copy of Letters Sent to Surrounding Property Owners., GENERAL 3...15 -03 OBOA 03-06 NATIONAL STEAK PROCESSORS , INC. NORTH THIS MAP IS PDX INFOR IIATIONAI. PURPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT INFENDED TO REPRESENT AN ACCURNM AND TRUE SCALE. USE OP TIES MAP IS WITHOUT WARRANTY OR REPRE&ENPATYON. BY'II-IE CTT'YOE OWASSO CONDAUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OE ITS ACCURACY. CITY OF OWASSO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMLNT DEPARTMENT 111 Noith Main Street Pit: (918) 376 -1500 P.O. Box 180 FAX: (918) 376 -1597 Owasso, OIL 744 "VI- ow.rityofoWasso'com P [OBO,',-_-- CITY OF OWASSO T. P 0 13 0 " 180 0 WA S SO, . OKi. A 1iO?v1A 4055 (913) 2 72 ?251 FA (913) -2T2 •199'7 l t1E i'01 i_,i:>VVING is =,5'ORM: i t0'; O Bit; SU'PPl-IE:D BY PP L, I C A'NT Dcscrib� below the spec ific,,s of vol-i, request. Where applicable, indicate pertinent uses, distances, dinicrtslons, eta;. FIease attad, an), plot plans, photographs and otrwn- tactual inionnation that will assist the 1.3oaid in detcriT inin� the merits ofyour request. R.e. � q uiei. � : variance i_r_- o- rri building �y..._ e _ t ). c_.c�_..0 ._.t _. _.,. to allow __e x ar s. e .f. Jt? of building " a.s r,1-aourn orz .Qtot: t�_7.ar, attached hereto as l;�tth: %.bt t; £� P t C P ER,I_.E' i.I?C;A1_, Dr at;f fP f3 :3 �i `1ee at.t: ached ���xh- ib7.tt "B" Nail, and Address of ccorc (wnerNatttcina Sttea. P °ror _;aaor <� 1_�.s.�.� _::�0.]. T;� •>r�i�v��� Qaa„�x��a��2iC - yn 'Ippliwa nt, ry halt is wool interest in this property? E]I' rest nt Ovviwr [ .� Ai;ent tot' O �ner E]Purcho -'ier (Other �X;Attorney for 0%�mcr Address or Uoreral Location of 5ubp ct Property Natlon.aJ. Scecak ;?roc r>>so.rs, Inc., 301 E0 5th Ave,, Owasso, Olc 7 W'5 Nan-te oftrerson to be billed for piat>lic aC2o3a Phony _Brenda D i et if eld _ J 274 8 87 21.6 Mailing Address — _ _. ve., Owasso, OK 74055 -1 he Board of Adjustawnt is aIIwvv €(Ito approve variances oats' sifter determining f'roni Cihe� evidence and ardiurnents f?d;.e cra %cd_C9�aai the conditions listed belmy coo exist Pic a§eFdes Hbe ho y, tfaa )ec taest satin ies tztch of then conditions, I . Application of tide zoning ordinance requirements to this particular property will Create unnecessary hardship. Du_e_ to._ location of curve in road (5th Avenue) ert is raiarrower— causi --I __..,... bui din- serbacic to encroach furl her into property which does not allow for e nnsiori of bu11ding_ 2. I'here are conditions peculiar to this property which do not apply to other properties in the sarne zoning�y���� district. Curve in 5th avenue and Location of exsstinp, facil..1ties 3. The variance, if' granted, will riot cause substantial detriment to the public; good or impair the purpose and intent of the zoning ordinance or the comprehensive plan. This s an industrial ial area grid the epatzs I on will create additional. jobs _ _.. _. _« _ .. ll _ jobs _..___._._._.._ and benefit the coinmun t:y ! CIERTIFY THATTHE SUBMITTED INFORMATION IsTRU ANDCORiRECT Signature Please submit the completed application form and application fee of S75 along with a Certified 300' Radius Report (available from an abstract company) and other supplemental documents to the City Planner on or before the first day of the month in which the request is to be heard by the Board. This is a quasi- judicial proceeding. Tlie applicant or applicant's agent incase be present at the hearing to receive approval, FOR.INTERNAL OFFICE-USE BO!N MEETING UATE � _ � _ _. ._ PRF,3c%rl � U B!MIT rAt D C( _ -- - _ _ ZONING I)IS1'R1C1 I €.l RE:C IPT NUMBER APPROVED __ l)ENfED h EXHIBIT "B" (Legal Description) 2 it if ( of l nu] W t is par: of L e East Half' of fihc � (`tu , � i.J ! x:. /f:�) f) �' ( y (/ (( qp ( j7 �y I 5��, .,y 0.r e 1 ) I_) ➢ �,f �.��ayi%�14 lhip !, 'Y� I :sI.,tJ .S . (21 ) f ��.�r -b"' ) ��.J,._,k ��..., .� 4J�l,t� i?:•oo'nt (14) t - f 4,,, bd �, �.f '(1,1 1,.�Eqxj s� 0T, "Ba's"', and hjn6dia, A& Qru, Sm, of Oklahoma, according to r��,.." l r.��d�f f� SY. � ,.m.,or ." i"?5f aloe �s�t �.. ...� ..?.ati ... t.�, :ir ,�F.,y v ... g .♦<'�`Q' a:.. ,� �v,il �.. Ld,)ta�. 6'� -.°.d ro��v�b4 sy {, �✓ y ���ad„ r _ at r.W SCILU WCSt _sc r �f the of said Section 31 thence due Nord's, alga the i t 5rC,fy line of said ZIT E,/4 for 884J2 fact to Cie Poll-IT 0 B GININM NG of said, a cd of land,; th Vic"' co-r1L. `dY)ing due, N[ $'h aloi-ig said Westm., y firl , for 702.1.,-3 f��, Y�lm c, X39"48'40" 1 «st for 5,52. 00 thence dur, Sautlai and par lle., with the Weer ,;.ly ji�1� 0 da e E: /r NE 04 Mr 468 . O fees ; ?,.1 t MIC-1 89 "49'12" Easr Bor 23.00 i S' , "39"51" f ( . 4 8 as tilt z cc. SCUM C�9 ' �,�� O!)" `+S`��les 4,, 1,84, �. o a ` of f�� � � l�a� �%� 9 �e �I C h Westexly and Northwesterly along a curve uD the rig,,n with a c,- mt --na, ung e of 36"2545 " a tri a radlus of 340,00 W, fox 2M8 8 SF to a poi Sr of l sv+.' , e curve; thence N v rty and for I,6 :,O d to a point o t,' 'ge )c yJ, f.�"�.nc,:� du `l�l�{:,?�1, a4 tf,. s-aid ' Ta-n / ,-t.c �C:) ° 40 �00 fe. � , r, � I I I A rr C/O __j CCC,j < Z 0 I'LIii I I 9vEML MIT A." CITY 01-' O SSO, Zl� LA- 1-1.0 -m- A, Notice z> here 'by giver-1 that °f- p ? v _a2 - 1 be xe� , Gmi asso Board of < d 3aa.; €.�aa�aa -3, h.i the Owasso Coirvrnuradt yJ Car, er, 30 iWaa -cloy 20103, : p.t that tame an place the Owasso Boardl o Chapter 7, Section 730, Bulk an -&,r Requirements ents in Industrial Districts, TO A-LLOW FOR 'r1H CONSTRUCTION Of, A U `I.,I J -fig SETBACK UNE, 11EQU- -'D on a property zone J fl, a u t ria I Jg fat Distri t) described as a trail of t he of the N /,,,,�. of Sec-fi si 31, To-im s1fip 21 Nortb, Puingge 14 East of the Base a maa°ac iml, 1'salsa County, State )i'° Okla -ory) , fi3rthke descr-ibed as 0 -w r-t(' A�,je., Owasso, Oklahoma, All persons a- 3.teirested in the above tn ntiorm -aft Triatter are hereby riotified 'to be present at the above mentioned and place kiorder to present their axgurnemts tbr or against qam Information and maps sho'w-hig ffic property location may be �ospe tcd Oldahoma, 74055, or by calling 376-1543. Dated at Owasso, 01dahoma, this 6"' day of Marc h, 2003, Hobert Moore City Planner De ISM 0 sox 180 Y of Owasso SrU i �A�6 (913) 376-1540 ' A (918) 316 59 77r „17 VXHa Vol oW"'I3 ;90 c:c�a l?, 4�.,JY li..., y.a.. PROPERTY OWNER, Notice is hereby givers that a public; hearing will. be l:reld before the Owasso 1loarcl of Adjustment in the Owasso Coar-m-aar.rr.ity Center, 301 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma at 6:00 M oar. the 25"' day of March, 2003. At that time and place the Owasso Board of Adjaastmeat will c onskler a request from National Steak Processors, Inc., applicant /owner, for a Variance, p-on the Owasso Zoning Code, Chapter I, Section 730, Bulk and Area Requirements ire 1rwastrial Districts, TO A1"JLC" "W -TU' R 1-111E ( -,'0NS 'RTjG ' ON OF A BUILDING ADDITION W:11 "111N 1':HE MINIMUM 50 FOOT BUILDING SETBACK BACK _.,INE dQUIR rD on a property zoned 11, (1ndlust iai Light District), "1-11c so °blcet property is clescribed as follows: A part of the E/2 of the NE/ 4, of S ectic>rr 11, Township 21 North, Range 1,11 East of the Indian Base aracl. Meridian, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma, further described as 101 E 5" Ave., Owasso, Oklahoma, As an abutting or nearby property owner, you are being notified so that you may be able to express your views or concerns regarding this request. If you are unable to attend this i- neetirr , please forward any oom- rrents you may have in writing to the Owasso Con- imunity Development Department, PO Boas 140, Owasso, OK 74055. 'these comments will be presented to the Board of Adjustment mernbers at the scheduled public; hearing by the Community Development Staff. Information and neaps showing the property location may be inspected in the office of the City Flamer, 111 forth Main Street, Owasso, Oklahoma, 74055 or by calling 376-1543. `phis is your only personal notification of this request. Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma, this 6th day of Marsh, 2003, Sincerely, Hobert Moore City plarrrrer° CITY F OWASSO � COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT S'FAFF REPORT BACKGROUND The City of Ow,@ ,x.) has -t,Gc(,-,jved a -exviest f`rorr), Tim �-,ind Nancy Wood, appi"Icant omq 630, Bulk and AT-(,-,a R.eqt-nrenie.i-As in Comm-erclia-1, Districts, TO ALLOW FOR "' LOCATION OF AN ACCESSORY B1.1111T)ING WIT11IN 111­11--1, WINMAUM 50 FOOT' IJI ,D 1.14G SE 's ."B. (,-.''_ L]NIE REQ(, RED on property zo- -f.,ed CS (Comm-orcial SI;,op i.n. LOCATION si��Ject property is described as I-lot 1, Block 1, ('Iark.plaza Fowrth, an Additionk to the city of 6.,vass , ,nds Count, > u,t6✓ of Oklahoma, hrlh.er described as 1c;1 5 E. 86"' ;a3 " ": ICJ., Owasso, OK- SURROUNDING LAND USE North: Retatil Smith: Retail East: Residential IA /est: detail ANALYSIS According to the Owasso Zoning Code, the Board of Adjustment may grant ad vaariarrrce upon finding that, 1. 1'lie application of t1he ordillance to the itri , 3 lar piece of property would create aro rrran}ecessaary hardship. %:. Stich .�� °r�drtady s etc � s�,�ir ar t.� tl %, �a �da,��,�.al. rh piece �t pr °c.���0 :.�s�r�al. aed1 and ' �nd not -' -;osesda'stt ta �et:re t to tl e; public, g o , +, rta�sz r 11-m- "x dh i dda a' 3 pt,- -r cst s and intent of the o,r!.la,oranc.e o -the Corr lhens_ivle Plan- 110 a- l -)pli ar.'a is requesting r` '?l�:d� B:`_4�; fd"oin §ho Owasso tr o�alp "dg Code to allow f 3, 1lu-, idsd a ion of an.. aLccc sso y building within me Y.nlirnr 3,an. 50 foot buildfl -ig setback line required in the C (Commercial Shopping Di.strict '). Staff believes dlra$t; all releva -it crite'ri have been rnet, l "he strict application of flne 4oni3r ordinance in this particular instance will create an unr"rece ssary hardship upon the al -)plica int. Ibis applicant has been allowed to locate on this particular lot for several yearns. And, until recently the i.rrterprewtiorr of the zoning ordinance by staff has allowed an accessory building to locate �A ithirr the building setback line. With this interpretation by staff, the arpplicaurt has beten. given certain assi- irairices to a3a).ong other things, locate utifities,, establish as eats'nal custorrre:d base and utilize the aesta" %mom facilities within the Reaasoiys store. S L),.I(- `'eels that 'without notnccaalon to the aapplid a-m of staff's ;inte jpr tati.on of the zoning s ode c id a strict t aypplicaation of th's ir"r.ter ret:arhon, the wpplicant would be forced im -necessarily into a hardship situation, Staff also feels that the conditions brought hefer°e this Boa-,rd could reasonably be considered exceptid r:r .l. and peculiar to this particular piece of property, The applicant hays been allowed to locate in the sage location for many years bar,sed simply on the original design of -the Rearsor's parking lot. When the original site plan was approved for the Re or's Stare, the,, parking lot" was designed voith az sufficient number of spaces to allow for as reduction 'in those same spaces by an accessory structure. By forcing the applicant to locate in ar manner consistent with the 50 foot building setback line, the accessory structure would locate somewhere in the middle of the existing parking lot. Not to mention the obvious impediment to parking lot traffic flow, staff believes the peculiarity of the design of the parking lot is sufficient to prove the necessity of the request. Finally, staff feels that by granting relief in this instance the result would not cause substantial detriment to the public good, or impair the purposes and intent of the ordinance or the Comprehensive Plan. As stated, this vendor as well as other's have been allowed to locate on this property in a manner consistent with the application before us. Letters were mailed to all property owners Vlith three- hundred (300) feet of the subject property on Mauch 6, 2003 and the request was advertised in the Owasso Reporter on arch 13, 2003. Staff has received no phone calls or correspondence regarding the request, RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of OBOAw03 -0 7, allowing for the location of are accessory building Avithin the minirrrunn 50 foot building setback lire required in the C (Commercial Shopping district). ATYACHMENTS I. General Area Map. I OBOA-03-07 Application, I 'Copy ofLegal Advertiseinent. 4, 03-py of Letters Sent to S-u-i-rounding Property Ovvncrs, - 4 --7 WP t Al " i GENERAL s 3«15-03 OBOA 03-07 10 TIM AMID NANCY Y WOOD NORTH NAM' 13 FOR INFORMATION.,' i. PURPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT INTENDED TO REPRESEL"P AN ACCURATE AND SCALD. USE OF MS NIAP I5 W11HOUT WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION BY THE CYTYOr OWASSO \AUWIW DMIELOPIME:NT DEPARTMENT OF ITS ACCURACY- CITY OF OWASSO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DI;PARTMF T'T 111 North Main BtIeei PH: (918) 376-1500 P.O. Box 180 FAX: (918) 376 -1597 Owasso, OK 7A055 ���✓.eityofos +fassO.coa�t �A 0 CITY OF 0TVASIS � m, .RO. BOX 180 OWASSO, OKLAHOMA 740 918 1I2 -2251 FAX 9[8 172il4997 ) - ( ) R 5 fit. J�. L � �a.�� �a I)J 'i.) S .,� l� ��...)y�1 Fps Z . -� I� ...�! .J � d f ,1 11-D tf)C) LOWIN( s IN1 —iORNI A T ION C) BE SUPPLIED BYAPP It At l' Describe b lo,.,v the pc rl)(.,,s cal lfOUr 1 (,7U St WIle r{ aj)i_Pirc able indicate pertinent uts . 3 fll,st )i4:) izirriensioiis; etc. Please a}U clr any .plot plait s, photo,,ra +l_)hs aricA othtei° factual information tliait will assist the i3oard In d' terrr7iiiing dak Inn its X51 yoU d ll.tiest a�,�., DESCRIPTION „ ...._ �. _.._��� � �„ P �����t � X- ��� L k�� Naime and lrc t ss of 'Record Owner As applicant what is your interest yt in this t ed )ropy9 t ie cnt3sv,:) rAgeriP for tan rrt c [_']Purchaser tticsrney for Owners Address or : en rt( t arc atioi of bra tcc r Pi €)larrty, of'peison t be billed for public ,aci ri 1'hoare Msihrr Address The Board of zkdjustment is allowed to appro've approve variances gn �Iy after deter °nanlng firojil the evidence and ar nRnesrts w� l r cited that the conditions listed below goo exist._ lease describe h��� IL_ ���e��_��41����� ���r� OU�1����,���s1i��r��as ,. L App Iicadc_n of the zoning ordinarice reeluirenisnts to this particular property wall create urnnec°essary hardship. There are conditions peculiar to this property which do not apply to other properties in the sa ine zoning district, 3. The variarice, if granted, will not cause substantial detriment to the public good or impair the purpose and of tl -ie zoning ordinance or the comprehensive plan, I CERTIFY TD, %7r THE SUB?v1rr1 °ED INFORMATION Is TRUE AND 7�)RREEZT Signature Please submit the completed application form and application fee of $75 along with a Certified 300' Radius Report (available from an abstract company) and other supplemental documents to the City Planner an or before the first dayof the month in which the request is to be heard by the Board. This is a quasi - judicial proceeding, The applieai t or applicant's agent � igg bg Epsent at the hearing to receive approval, i 1 �`� t r f �°�~C r BOA 'IME NTCi DATE t'RESEN LISA; Std BLN/17 f-FAL DATE__ ZONING DISTRICT 1” L The zoritng ordinance requirements create an unnecessary hardship by, li-raiting time to address the char�ge of 1-riterpretation of the zoning codes. Isla-r-ad Sno has operated fi3r over eight years h,3, the City of 'h Owijsso at fl-.,�e presera location, of 8611 street and, 1. 1 77 east,,,,,k.vej.-,,i,ue -uti:fil the everit-rig (,-A February 25, 3002, no r,wt ficattion had. been provided rega-r4ing of changle of J ir),te.'rpretatim'i, of t'he zomng ordinance. 'rhe 1-hrulited tirue associated with thIs charige Jin-pairs the ability of Island Sao to properly seek out alternatives to this location prior to beginn-hig operatiu-n for 2003. In adffition. access to ut-Hities, such as, electric arld -winer -%vvithir,- the Reasor's parld-rig lot is rtot available at other areas witbi-ti. 1-The Reasor's par-k-11,ig lot. With limited time, no such alterr-u-i-itives could be established prior to beglyninihng operation.. g, 2. Several cori-ditio3iris exist atthe Property, witich do riot apply to other properties in the same zorting distriot.. 11- he first condition that is emu que to this property is that Reasor's proAdes access to restrooms, -vAdnicb. is a required to operate lu Tulsa County. 'Without the avafl, ability of these facilities, Tulsa County Health codes co-tfld not be met. This condition only exists due to an agreement with Reasor's. parking lot are peculiar to this property, and do -not apply- to other properties in the same zon-ing district. 3. The approval of this vxriance does not cause substa,raiifl detriments to the ptitblic good or-h-nPdir fl')'.e purpose and. intera of the zoning ordina-rxe of the I P compre,--'�.ensive lau. 16t,)r che follo-wing reasons. The current location at the corner of 86111 street ',u�id 1. 17`1 east avenue aflows sulfficient set back from bot-1--t abattirig st-reets to provide a good view of the intersectior-i of the two merging streets as well as, provIding safe, efficient access to the Reasor's store. The relocaflor3 requirements of the zonhig code wo-Uld create ari. unsafe conchitioria for the public. The currera locatlmii provides dre best alter-native for pti..blic safety�,, ni.e curre-ril loc',atiorj). does not (--'reate c tutter adoit-ig", 8WI, street, bu-t provides a desirable, uxuque product for th(j area that ca-iii. be served-frorn a clean, well-lighted. f cility that ugfilizes professionally desigi.-,ied ar-n/vork to e�rffiaaace the location, sg -ir r " Notice Is =ie,r ebb ;ale as that a �a�a��h� aa�:r'aa s�� / � e hel d b ;t ➢ra, the Owasso Board of Adaatsa6aaa rit in fl he Oi'tletsso Comaaaauatity Cent.— 01 South C'ed ar, Owasso, Oklahoma m: 6:00 y bd_ on the 2„5th d.a.y of Pvlbrch, 00 :3, At that finri : and place a Ala=; 'r,,-;quest Owasso Board of -A asrA e -ot k �%t3,ly p!a3�'�( yvU �cx sa e a o a hIn a,u s 4u - cy a�gp,,A�a ig Code, Chapter 6., Section 620, Accessory 'Uses Pa; ru&ted baa Conirnercial Dishicts, TO ALLOW FOR '11H LOC"ATION Of" AN, ACCESSORY BUHIMING WITIHIN _' k', MI-NIMUN FOOT BUILDING . T- 10JACK LINE REQ11HRE'D on a ropes, zor,,,ed CS (Comix).evcial Shopping Ceriter District) described as 1,ot 1, Black 1, ClaqA> Plaza Fouardh., iaa -Addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa S . � Owasso, 0 :Jaah_oaaia. /All persons hiterestcd in the above nie#'Aioned matter aare:, heicluj la``s`�rtrt�__��gied t e press �r�j Lit the ����of�,�.��,y ��R�entipoyyn�^ed thue anfl place as order to pre-sent their a.i �a.aan aat s _4()a &.. r against sf.6.�3ne, - fiCkon action and maps sho-Wing tae rope ty location may be gaspected jai the o ce of the City ����aamer, 11.1 M :� /fafin t 1, ��� sso, Oklahoma, 4055, or by callig 376 -1543, Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma, ;his 6' (Jay of March, 2003. Rabat; Moore City Pimine r yll qf On/w .par ftme t qf Co wyu9LLd�y Development 111 North NLAIr -i. Su -e / i _ "``, (9 13) 37 :540 0. Box 180 1-16 /,fir "srar �al.'Y� {1 ;r ✓:r,,>��` ?;i7�s,i NOT ' ` , T PROPERTY OWNER. Notice is hereby given that a public nearing will be held before the Owasso hoard ofAdjustinent in the Owasso Community (,-,'enter, 301 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma at 6:00 PM on the 25t" day of March, 2003 At that time and place the Owasso Board of Adjustment will consider a request from l'i.m and Nancy Wood, .ipplicara(s), on behalf of R<=asor's Inc;,.. owner-, for a Variance frorn. the Owasso Zoning Code, Chapter 6, Section 620, Accessory Uses Permitted. in Commercial Districts, TO A_1:.LOW 4'01R.'r][11?' ,OCAnON OF AN ACCE SORY BUILDING WFjrH1N 111E MINIMUM 0 .14'00'l:' BOI;l..,DING SETBACK. LINE ty +QLf1 R-� D on a property zorra:,ti CS (Commercial rcial tioppin Ce-i tet District), ':l'he subject property is described as follows: Lot J,l3lock, d., (I'laik Plaza f'orixth, ran. Ad lido) to the City of0wasso "$_`ul s, C;s U11ty, St —. tte of Oklahoma, ftu"3.h'er described as 11815 F`, 86`1' St. N., Owasso, Okta o'n -ia, As an abt.itfinf or nearby property owner, you are being notified so that you inay be male to express your views or cor.icern.s regarding this request. If you are unable to attend this rneeting, please forward any cormnents you may have in writing to the Owasso Community Development Department, PO Box 180, Owasso, OK 74055, These comments will be presented to the Board ofAdjustment members at the scheduled public hearing by the Community Development Staff. Information and wraps shearing the property location may be inspected in the office of the City Planner, .111 North Main Street, Owasso, Oklahoma, 74.055 or by calling 376 - 1543). This is your only personal notification of this request. Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma, this 6th clay of March, 2003. Sincerely, Hobert Moore City Planner ' ITYOF OWASSO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT BACKGROUND "fhe City of Owasso has rexul.ved a r«qi_ts, , t " -' orn. Afliswu. Andreo i, applica t oci bel dl of eas is Ine, X 33' a Variance fi-orr' the Ow, so Zoning Code, Chapter. 6, ect-i(yo 630, Bu,1is -arid .rA,, "a Rfe- luirs;ments ii Commercial Districts, 'rO ALLOW 1:='0R. THE l_OCA1 -10N O AN ACi ESSORY I'1'1"'1 1\1 T A�; MINIMUM 50 FOOT BUILDING,, LOCATION The subject property is described as, lj_ot, i, Block 1, Clark Plaza Fou ch, an Addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa Cotmty, State of Oklahorna, fin Sher described d a. 118,15 K 86 "' St;. N., EXIS"FUNG LAND USE 1-LA114D -USE South: Retail it ,sW: Residential Wcst Retail PRESENTZONING C (Commercial Shopping Center District) SURROUNDING NIN North: C (Commercial Shopping Center District) South: C (Corr arch] Shopping Center District) Fast: S -3 (Residential Single Family High Density District) West: CS (Commercial Shopping Center District) APPLICABLE + ULA wvasso omn Code, Chapter 6, Section 630, ells and Area Requirements in Commercial Districts and Section(s) 1400 through 1490 - Board of Adjustment SITE SPECIFIC HISTORY A survey of the records housed at the Community Development Department indicates that this vendor has received Special Exception approval for the use of the property as a non- permanent- anent vendor. ANALYSIS Accordni i to the Owasso Zoning Code, the Board of Adjustment may great a variance upon finding that: I . The application of the, ordinance to t-he particular piece of property 'would create an unnecessary hardship; I Such conditions are peculiar to the particular piece of property involved-, and 1 3, Relic-- if granted, would not cause, substant] al detri rnent to the putific good, or ir pair t1he purposes and lutent of the ordinance or the Plan, 11-to applicant is i,eqUeStirig a varixlccc�, ftors, d-te Owasso Zoning Code to all iw f",or the bcialon of an accesso- buffl di.ng withi-ni-I-ic" 50 g se-bback l""ne -requ'a--red iii, the CS (Corni-nercial Shcyppifflg Distiiict). Staff' believes that all relevant criteria ha ./ beer, rn.et, 'The strict a-, pficatior) of the zo-ning ordlna.rico� it) ithis particular Instance "I'Vill create an 'un-necessary hardship UPOD, the aq)PI-Icant, I.Ins applIcarit has been allowed to locate on this pariticular let lbr several ycats, .1"I'l.nd, unifl, - I he Intei, -Lki acce recerify t. -pretatiort of the zoning ordinaince by staff hpvs� allowed � %sory building to locate within -the building setback lff'le, With this interpretation by staff-, the ap pliI cant has been given cortani assurances to arnong other flaings, locate utilities, establish a seasonal customer base and utilize the restroom. facilities within. the Reasor's store, Staft" Ill'oels that w ' hout 'f" 9 it noti -ication to the applicant of staff's intorl.,netation of the zoom code and a strict ai-pplicatIon of fbis Mtcr retation, the applicjarrt would be forced iin.riccessarily' into a hardship sittiation, Stad"T' also feels that tlic condit-ions brougIA bef'bre this Board could roasonably be consld%red exceptional and peculiar to this particular piece of properiy The applicant has been allowed to locate In the s,,ame location for naany years based sUnply on the original des4gn of the Reasor"s parking lot. When the original, site plar-i vvas a- as( I I pproved for the Re )r's Store, tile parking lot was designed with a sufficient ni-n-riber of spaces to allow f'br a reduction in those sanic spaces by an accessory structure, By forcing the applicant cant tc locate in a manner consistent WIVII the 50 Foot build setback line, the accessory sti-ucturo would locate sornewhere in the middle of the existing parking lot. Not to niantion the obvious impediment to parking lot traffic flow, staff believes the peculiarity of the design of the parking lot is sufficient to prove the necessity of the request. Finally, staff feels that by granting relief in this instance the result- would not cause substantial detriment to the public good, or impair the purposes and intent of the ordinance or the Comprehensive Plan. As stated, this vendor as well as others have been allowed to locate on this property in a manner consistent with the application before us. Letters were mailed to all property owners within three-hundred (300) feet of the subject property on March 6, 2003 mid the request was advertised in the Owasso Reporter on March 13, 2003. Staff has received no phone calls or correspondence regarding the request. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of OBOA-03-08, allowing for the location of an accessory building within the minimum 50 foot building setback line required in the CS (Cornmercial Shopping District). ATTACHMENTS I. General Area Map. I OBOA-03-08 -A-pplicatioll, .1 3. C'opy of 1.1egal -An-civeruse.knent 4, Cojpy c-& Letters Scritto Surrounding Property Ovmcrs. GENERAL ' 3- -15 °03 0130A -0 ALLISON ANDREOLI NORTH THIS MAP IS P072INrORAIATIONAL PURPOSES ONI.Y AM IS NOT WrE �t� D£'D TO REPRESENT AN ACCURATE AND TRUE SCALE. USE OF TFITS MAP IS WITHOUT W ARRANT Y OR RLI�RESENUXIION BY THE CITY Or OWASSO COMMUNITY DEVrJ OPhgENT DEPARTAIENT OF ITS ACCURACY. CITY OFOWASSO COMMUNITY Y ICE VELOP MENT DEPARTMENT 1I I North Main Street PH: (918) 376-1500 P.0, Box 180 FAX: (918) 376 -1597 Owasso, OK 74055 1 www.cityoiowasso.coni -- 0 9P�L%5 .. - 1 , I — s s , j W J, . 0, all J' { f t tt ,,q��ggq1 GENERAL ' 3- -15 °03 0130A -0 ALLISON ANDREOLI NORTH THIS MAP IS P072INrORAIATIONAL PURPOSES ONI.Y AM IS NOT WrE �t� D£'D TO REPRESENT AN ACCURATE AND TRUE SCALE. USE OF TFITS MAP IS WITHOUT W ARRANT Y OR RLI�RESENUXIION BY THE CITY Or OWASSO COMMUNITY DEVrJ OPhgENT DEPARTAIENT OF ITS ACCURACY. CITY OFOWASSO COMMUNITY Y ICE VELOP MENT DEPARTMENT 1I I North Main Street PH: (918) 376-1500 P.0, Box 180 FAX: (918) 376 -1597 Owasso, OK 74055 1 www.cityoiowasso.coni C Yy pf p;Vh S3pz ww rG� i/ [OBOA 0 - P.O. BOX 1803 OWASSO, OK1,AI-fOlYtA 74055 (918) 272-2251 FAX (918) 272- 997 BOARD OF ADJUS-IMENT ZONING- VARIANCE ITI x, FOLLOWING INFORMATION TO 13E SUPPLIED BY APPLICANT De7E;i"ibe below the specifics ofyoctr request, Where applicable, tC1t,1icate 1-➢ertiPlent lass, dlstaiu.,es, chrPie-risions; f:i,T;, t.' t;21S. cl.ttac(t any plot plans, ])ilk } {,(3g1'ap1t3 a17+] oth(`.t'factual 1 "i "lta}i`7 "ilati.ot ":k dhaf, will assist the Bi3r.?rd flfi � iE Sdi4Ininp the Jric Sig'ol yuuu W! 1) C I" Cr 3 PROPERTY , JE Naujae ar l Address or°' o ord Qwner r w As applicant, wb t is your interest in this property? �wrter -- r _]Attorney for Owner Address or General Location or SUNect Property �! _.. Na ne of per Yo a to be lrillt d for publication. plaon Mailing Address,- The Board of Adjustment is allowed to approve variances k ly after deternnnrntrng from the evidence and argu meats the conditions listed below do exist. Please desc _ i� ,ho of these € ond tlonns: 1, Application of the zoning ordinance requirenrrents to this particular property will ornate unnecessary hardship. 2. Where are conditions peculiar to this property which do not apply to other properties in the saute zoning district, 1 The variance, if granted, will not caLISC substantial dettiment to the public good or impair the purpose and intent of the zoning ofdinance or the corm rehensive plan, 9 CERTIFY THAT THE SUBMITTED INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT E=gxl—atu;e,/J�� Please submit the completed application form and application fee of $75 along with a Certified 300' radius Deport (available from an abstract company) and other supplemental docurnents to the City Planner on or before the first day of the month in which the request is to be heard by the Board. This is a quasi - judicial proceeding, Tlie applicant or applicant's agent must rg_�ent at the hearing to receive approval. �ii t {i{� k � a t Is , t it{ i i£i f 1 EE ! }t 1, i !� n tt } p sii�tji �;I r:tri ;••`: t- t i,i i! "`I }:, f + } { - -_ I _f _'� I._....__ii � ? } I i }� E E ,1,f� 7it ,It i ����� a €�����i �; t.�1,E i1�I�E ;�!,� �jl! { {E I }��►1F;1 �' }�; __ . -- NTT fkAPIM? Request 1. aril requesting a variance to zoning code 620.2 to erect a 20x60' tent In the southeast corner of the l?easor's parking lot located at l l81J E. 86th" St. north. The tent, to be erected approximately parking spaces from the sout,Ii. west :Cot € ntranec; would be in the sani.e; location that it has been for g < Its purpose �voulcl be for the seasorial sales of`be d.l.iri€ and cor�taine.j. plants and the last �i.,�ni years, , i,l.otry'er s and a small selectr.cn:_r. or Rar-deri rtg, supplies fro rT: i. y{ mid1.°° i1�/ hard ;l /(1 /C�iro��.4rf1t1[?�fl3id uly, the ty15,d;al el,u � tion of the sp ! 12, 1.lid dt rAi.lSg se o t, (r'll % ✓as ye ...,4.l.df, chef photo #�l.l�. ll)ca ion —/ Conditimas 2 1_) fopplie atlorl of the zoning ordiri .rice, i',` applie,c . i ill. cause 'l. nrl+.,cesy�3rV li ards)- tip Fhe established location within the Re,aso:r°'s lot provides access to c� stablished utilities. Our electrical outtl;t and phoQd servi.ce would have to be moved if we are rd Cl # rdl to chanp e the position of the tent an(.,[ giver), that oui, sales season begi °ri, just (lays fr °ora. the date of this > meeting, we would {.ie rtr "fable; to install additional utilities in a timely fashion and. world loose sales in `4,vha.t is already a short season" 1-n addition, our access to water, vital to maintaining our plants, wou:t.ld�. be limited it rot unavailable in " " the alternative locations pr"oposec# and discussed. with Mr. Moore, the City Planner, Our water access provided by Reasors, comes fionri a spigot located sari the south corner of the building. We run 8809 of Bose down to the south end of the lot and along they ctir'b to the teri location, It l;, routed i_tr this inner to keep it out of any parking spaces so that it will not be parked on, ca,11ttrig off the flow, and to fi rnit any tripping hazard i, rhe, water pressure is limited as it is now arid would not be sufficient if the hoses have to be ext.ended. In addition, running tl'ae;, hose to a si.te Iii. the center of the lot would:). re loin... us to rtin the hose through several parking areas and would undoti.btedly cauuse:, fire dltlen.t loss of water access ar)d therefore product losses, 2) "fhe conditions peculiar to this property, which do not apply to other properties in the same zoning district, have to do primarily with visibility and security. Both Reasors and Texaco are open 4 hours a day. Because of this, the bright lighting in the lot, and the relatively high traffic volume in this location, we have had very little theft of product and no vandalism at the tent site. We cannot lock the flowers up at night or close doors we don't have so we rely on the characteristics of the location to provide security and in the nine years that I have operated the business at this location, this prat Lice has proven sound. When a similar business attempted to do the same in the Cornerstone shops ping plaza, just one block away, other merchants in the tenter reported acts of vandalism to the board, including plant containers thr. °own through a window. Our relatively close proximity to Texaco in the established location and the distance to the Reasors storefront make it visually obvious when a car or people are near the tent at night. The employees at Texaco are thoughtful enough to keep a watchful eye on us at night and have on at least one occasion that 1 am aware of, called the police when they saw people running through the tent late one night. in addition, because of our leasing agreement with Reasors, our customers are provided the use of Reasors restroom facilities and we use Reasors compactors to dispose of any trash collected in our onsite container. .3)1 do not believe that the variance, if granted, will cause substantial detriment to the public good or impair the intent of the zoning ordinance or the comprehensive plan, The established location of the business in the Reasors parking lot was chosen with the public good in mind and with the cinder -. standing from the city of Owasso that there were no impediments to our setting up at this location, The reinterpretation of the zoning code at issue was Just brought to our attention at the February board of adjustments meeting, leaving insufficient time to make arrangements to change the business location for this season. Additionally, we have found after nine years that the tent location in the lot has the least impact on traffic flow through the lot and utilizes the parking spaces least desirable to the customers pfatr-onizing the businesses on. �thlyyYe((property, VOu�r delivery trucks, some semi's, have c.enough 1 d °o it SA {J t1y1I so birh,Lrr1 1ZJ Vu 11 VVay -1. L5.3 1VL to park vvl A.irle Vg4re unload plants and. .I.Zt) block cars in any of the par -king spaces or block the entire throughway, Jh.i_s would not be the case if we were to move to another of the discussed locations within the loi. 1I he annual display of spring flowers along. 86th st. has been rZAC t year after" year sV' %th e thri sras,'ai fi,orn the residents of 0wasso and ol,',_r o a aa_;or Ora; nevel., C)'L'oI.9 YlC !. ):;).Zpl r 3i;£ >' of posed. C,. li'1y hazaird CO the public, , l C)l f }13. Lrr1dC,r stand the need to Unpose a `et lack ff`orn tloe right of way to insure,, that if the road needs to be wid. ened at some point, there will be r"io bodldl rn s so glow; to the roadway as to create a hazard or to break LI }) the plar]iit,d visLlal 1.7l.irr61 °r:1ir.Cy of t }7s, street, .1. l..fl. ;ow of no such plans for the `wrde;i')irif? C)7. 864L fit. r, a inn PD the proposed. season o:E, oC etipancy and I would estimate that o,,,ir historical and proposed. location is no closer to the center of 86th. St. than the perrr_ranent structure over the gas pumps at the Texaco across the street, the A'11\4 machines at p.(.:'B Bank, or the building housing the Chicken Restaurant it). front of the pose: office. There has been sabstantial growth in. Owasso in the last nine years and though A&M Flowers is by definition a `'Nonpermanent Accessory Vendor" and. the business is Structured as such because the product we sell is only saleable during the planting ;season, we corr.srder or.rrselves a, permanent part of`Owasso'Fs ()usines,s community. We have always attempted to add. 9.o the available plant oa4 ngs in Owasso orri . not, to step oi-i the toes of those year round. businesses ` l"ering some of the same products, We do net carry the shrubs and trees available at die: local nto series and always recoi- na_rei d that tlZose; items be purchased fi °one the local bast nesses, l ). addition, we sCapport, state ride rrl.al.l. businesses C) purchasing as rrl�.r.c'h of our s'tf)cl {. as Possible from in state independent growers, We collect additional salts tax revenue for Owasso and draw nanny c'ustorners fr°orci Tulsa and have had r:rrany yearly customers frorn as Ear away as Kansas, Last year we had 12 employees and [d of ther°rr. were Owasso residents, Reasor's management has stated on several_ occasions that we are a welcorrred enhancement to their business, I believe that this enhancement offers them an additional competitive edge given that two additional grocery stores have opened in Owasso since we first began to do business here, The growth in Owasso has sup_ ported our business and that of the year round nurseries. I have met with Sir. Moore, the City planer, and have discussed possible alternatives for next spring, but I ask you to grant the variance for this year for the reasons stated above and with the understanding that if I had any idea that there was a coning issue with the location of tray spring business within a time frame that would allow me to plan for an alternative this spring I would have done so. In addition, I ask that the proposed policy changes to be recommended by Mr. Moore concerning restricting approval of requests made to the board by nonpermant businesses, not be included in your decision on this request as they were not in effect at the time of this application. Thank you for your consideration. Alison Bennett Andreoli A &M Flowers MKIDII YAM, All that part Of the SJ/4 SW/4 of Section 20, Township 21 North� an 14 last of the indiaTI Base and MerI Tulea COUKY, Ckjahoma, according tO ths OfficiAl U" G""Ma "Sure ey thereof more particularly McribOd *I E0110", "witt Esellill,lIq g1t a point in the Southorly boundary of said SZ/4 SW/ 4, SO= f0st tram the Gouthesl& i q thence 3 89 dograss BOOM QlOng corner thersO th* southarlY boundary of maid 92/4 SW/4 a dist=s reet; thenda ti zeja degrees C",05"11 'Al diotance of 32348 feet; thanc* N 49 d0grQ09 58641"t a diStAncs Of 537" t feet to a point in the soutnwastarly line of M n ion to t 9, SlacX to THREE LAXIS 11, a Addiths 4wity of Owasso., Tulsa County, OkIQ accordinq to the official re- corded plat (which point is 2,00 feet from North''. westerly Corner og jAt 9) thence 8 40 degrees 01111or along the Southwesterly line of Lots 5 thru 9 and part of Lot 9e IQ)& 1, THAERM ILMIS Ile a distance 'of 3os.00 foaq thanae 9 � ,ara degrees 0115S, along the Went line of Lots I thru 4, 810OX 1, TVxtZSjAXXS 11 a distarcm Of 43543 feet to the point of beginning; cantaininq 312,735 MqUare fe*t or 7,17972 acr@S,, "EXHIBIT A" CITY (DJU-0WASSO, Case Number OBOA-0,31-08 Owassc,, Board ofAdi-usunent in the Owasso Cor.T.-II., unity 30-11. South Cedar, Osxisso, Okjalyornna at, 6:00 PM on ub 25th day of A&u m , 2003, At that fi ae, and place e thc; Owasso Board. oa..Adj'duistr -nuit Chapter 6, Section 620, Accessory se Per-mitted in Corr erci L�I f])istfiets, A-11,0W FOR TIN LOCATION 0-1`1' AIN[ ACCESSONYBUILDING WIT-11-UN THE IVIINJEW-UNI 50 FOOT BUfL,DfNG SETBACK _INE REQUHRED on a property coned. 9., .,lark x.,ti Fou db; ar). r ddaiori 9d.> the City of O-wamo, ,Rdsa Cotuaty, State of Oklahoma, flurther o Owasso, Oklahomm. a A , d °`�`��a,a hytefi d guexI � u a as. above unen d om -A m nt:, t are. y , -ed to be prcs ,8wt at the adl ove rnemtio d.. 3kne adnd place did. order , "o present their argaments for or against sarne. Infiormation and maps showing the,, propet ty location may be inspected in the office of he City Plam r, I I I N, Main Street:, Owasso, Okland m,� 4055, or by ca llira 376-1543, Darted at Owasso, Ol ahorna t1 s "' day ofMarch, 200 Robert Moore City Pla-Imer "'Ity qf Owasso 111 North IM01"in Street 1RO. quo s 180 OK 740'5`5 1" l s � i (913) 376-1540 1nsped. tioi -is- :3 7'6.1542 WW- r C i rid a: Was o; ;o�`13. Notice is hereby g iveri. that a public (tearing will be held befirre the Owasso Board of Adju.strrrent i_n. the Owasso Community f "enter, 301 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma, at 6 :00 PM on the 25th clay of Marcie., 2003. At that time and place the Owasso Board of Adjustment will consider a. request Erorn Allison Andreoli, applicant, or- behalf of Reasor's lire,, owner, for a Variance from the Owasso Zoning; Code, Chapter G, Section 620, .`accessory Uses Permitted in Corcrdrrerc;ial Districts, TO ALLOW FOR THE LOCATION OF AN A("CESSORY BUILDING' WITHIN THE i i INIi' IJI' 1 50 FOOT B111.M NG SETBACK LINE REQUIRED on a property tuned CS (Cornmrcial Shopping Center Distric t). ffe srtbje;t proper ty is described as ollows: Lot '11., l oc t, Clark P a�a t:ot°��, rr �cdit�on to the t rty of Owasso, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma., lrrrther. described as 11815 E. 86" St, N., Owasso, Oklahoma, As an abu.tti_ng, or nearby property owner, you are being, notified so that you may be able to express your views or concerns regarding this request, If you are unable to attend this rneetinao please forward any comments you may have in writing to the Owasso Community Development Department, PO Box 180, Owasso, Old 74055. `these comments will be presented to the board of Adjustment members at the scheduled public hearing by the Community Development Staff. Information and Wraps showing the property location may he inspected in the office of the City Planner, 111 North Main Street, Owasso, Oklahoma, 7 055 or by calling 376-1543 . 'his is your only personal notification of this request. :Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma, this fitly clay of March, 00')a Sincerely, Robert Moore City Planner