HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003.02.25_Board of Adjustment AgendaBL TI E OF THE MEETING OF HE OWASSO BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT .AT TAI Ev PLACE. No'nKCE FILED B!/ $y1' 1, -z,E Regular 1'ebruary , r00 s v��� 6:00 M Owasso Comintialky C ent'4 €, 301 S Cf`da17 Robert M oa rc, City Planner Filed 7'3:l flio o ic; o{ The Owasso { 1$v; (I'lerk : it posted at the 3yorlh tminince, to City 2.3all at 100 Pm oil tfic 08` day � � �'�:�93'flg�i,_i`5iy 200"), Robert Moor - - �- - - - City Plamner OWASSO BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT 'i uesday ;Febria ry 25, 200'), 6:00 PM Owasso Coirin-ainitly Center, 301 S. Cedar 2. 11oII Ca II 3. .4ppro al of Minates from the .1antiar y, 28, 2003 RegLdar Meeting, BOARD OF ADRS T M ;NT PUBLIC HEARING OB0A-03-02 Allison reg jcap QiL bah-d . frt Aso, _ "s9 fnco -- A request for a Special et -ption of the Owasso honing Cole, Section 1002, AreEawide Special Exception Uses, TO ALLOW FOR A NON -PERM 1 N-f VENDOR IN A COTWRCIAI., SHOPPING 1 IS'nUC ' on property ,meal CS (Conuneroial Shopping, District). ne proposed use of the property is as a gardening and :plant mpply store. The subject property is described as Lot 1, Block 1, Clark playa Fourtlj, an addition to the City of Ov asso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, furrier described as 118151;. 86h St. lei., Owasso, Oklahoma,. 6. OBOE 03- — JlL es t & behalf ®_ f Tulsa Teachers CA-edit Union -- A request for a Variance of the Owasso Zoning Code, Appendix F. Owasso Sign Ordinance, Section 11021, usinoss Sips and Outdoor Advertising, T ALLOW FOR. THE CONSTRUCTION F A SIGN WITH A SQtj,NREi FOOTAGE #P,,f EXCESS OF TIHE MAXIMUM 150 SQUYvRE FEET' ALLOWED on prolr rty zoned C (Corruaroroial Shopping District), The sut jor;t property is described as I...,ot I, Block 1, Tulsa '1 e c,l -wrs Credit Union, an additior to he City of Owasso, TLllsa Cot,,.nty, Oklalronna, f urth.e r described ors 11.7215. E, 96"' St. N,, Ovvas so., Oklahoma, 1. �' � a � ������ �B ��R���e ���� � ����� ��ce OBO s I ome Residential A recru €.,st for ,r -Varlance of the Owasso Zoning Code, Chapter 4,. Sr,r, €r €err 430, Bulk and Areal Requirements in Residential District., TO AILi.,OW FOR I-11, C;RU_,' A'_4Y1ON OF A Loir WITH A, WiffI H 5.74 FEET []`'.S THAN .l. If'; 65 FOOT IrillNlMUl'll. I,011l WIDTH REQU11. -ED orl pi-rg)Cl`(j zorr l PIJEVRS -3 (Planned ITuit Developrri(,rit %Ita�sirllcrriial Single FEuDililv High Den ,61-v District), Thu sut?j ;c, pr°ope -fly is described as Let 4, Block. 7, Preston I..,aike 11 Addition, an addition to the Ckv of Owasso-Tulsa COLlllti, Ok ahoina, further described as 1.5.322 E: 89"' Pl, N., Ow_,asso, OK ?. Polk 1 nDiscussion Discussion of the Board of Adjustment's 1. -)()Ii v relater; to Non-permanent Vwndcl�r Requests, 9. Other BusHICISs 10, Adjourrrrrrull: `1 A S COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT the C711- ha. tejcei e(l a request 1 "ro a Allison And- eoh, a' �pp,"AVcAntt On Deh a.ff o a, s Ba'.;7 i�,,c 16, a Sp ec I a 1 Ex,,e t1'oni o0f' i11,e 0; A'f"iss o ii`01- ,,Irig Co,1e, Sextion1 002 , A9 eaAc s 0 Special .l'„ ceptio i Uses, i A1.,1,OW FOR A NON N P ER_ ✓ Ai .,I a l VENDOR IN A "t MN!,.sRCii i SHOPPING DISTRICT on prol)crty zoned CS (Conicfier ial Shopt)'11 District). They applicana is proposing to use tie site tar the sale of gardening andplant LC ATI O1 11-le subject property -is described as Lot 1, lock _t, Clark Plaza Fourth, and iurdier desc it ed as 11815 E 86tH t- N., Owasso, OK. EX1S1P11`14G LAND USE kotrl Supermarket� SUICROU.NDING LAND USE ,.w.Shopping 'orrli� Retail Center South, Retail -- Shopping; tenter East: Itesidential -- Single Fainl.ly West: Detail - Shopping Center PRESENT ZONING CS (Commercial Shopping Center District) SUMMUNDING ZONING North: C (Commercial Shopping; Center District) South: C (Commercial Shopping; Center District) East: RS -3 (Residential Single Family High Density District) Nest: CS (Commercial Shopping ;enter District) APPLICABLE REGULATIONS Owasso Zoning Code, Section 620 w Accessory Uses Permitted in Commercial Districts, Section 1002 - Areawide Special Exception Uses and Section(s) 1400 through 1490 Board of Adjustment. SITE SPECIFIC HISTORY A survey of the records housed at the Community Development Department indicates tilat this particular vendor has been allowed to operate at this location with prier Board of Adjustment approvals. ANALYSIS According to the Owasso Zoning Code, the Board of Adjustment may grant a special exception after finding that the special exception will be in harmony with the spirit and intent of the code, and I;vill not be injurious to the neighborhood or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. Provided that the =hoard in granting a :special exception shall. prescribe appropriate conditions and safeguards, and may require such evidence and guarantee or bonds as it may Been -r necessary to enforce compliance with the conditions attached. The applicant is requesting a special exception born the Owasso Zoning Code to allow for a non, - ertrranent vendor in a corn r er6 l shoivirrp, district. The proposed use i.s for the sale of.° landscaping and plaan't rnater°ials. A site map Is included ,rAnth your packets. Staff believes 1had all cr it e9da have be ri tnet relative title to the special exception lil: g °tia, ge in the Owasso Zoning C ode. Staff fh.i s t1rait the application is consistent with stated intertl of the zoning code and will not be inpi:r'9.trr.ls to the nelghf3oi°1 ooc].. or otlfr.,rwis e detr Unental to the public welfare. [_,ettenrs were raraarl €;dt to all property owners within thre e-£raindred (300) fleet of the suljeCt property off February 6, 2003 rind the r"egi: ±e'st as advertised in the O�� aI .; o Reporter ort Felrruar_r''Y 3, , 003. Staff 'lsas; received no phorr.e calls or cor"ri,,`.Sprl'r: =d: °nce i egard'i Ing this request;. Staff would recommend, however, that certain restrictions or requirements be placed upor:r the applicant. Section 620.2, Owasso Zoning Cade, states that all accessory structures ir-r cor:nmercial districts must meet the r inlinuni btuldIng setback liar; of the applicable zonin district:, "fire t'`S (Commercial Shopping District) zoning classification has, a nri:ni4num fifty (50) ;fret building setback liar,. It would appear that previous non -pear anent vendor rpplications have r�o't adld.lrrssed der, been "re(juraedl. to addre;.sr this lssu . Staff I'aecor"r"lr`;'lendsi, however that the l.)r-.drvislons or Section 620.2 be errfor"ced on this and all future;; non-, e,r'inar.i.ion-i vendor requests 'lift all of-Bort to provide s7oine consistency n y in the deri.sity and location of nd:rrr•°9. Grna.r=:rrnerit vendors. WWI- ISSUCS that should be addrossed:, by this Board are related to ssgna , trash receptacles . � W and thin length oftrrne that the use of the property is allowed, Staff wo ld i°ecorn ie.r)d that all ignage ldrr° the use must be rrptrr ed ley ;lty toff arm. thai on -site trash receptacles must be provided by the applicant. Additionally, staff would recommend that the special exception use cease on July 3Is', 2003. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of BOA- 03-02, subject to following conditions: 1. The special exception use is discontinued no later than July 31$r, 2003. 2. All signage be reviewed by the Cit-/ Planner to ensure the strict adherence to the Owasso Sign Code. 3. The structure for which the special exception is sought must tweet the minimum fifty (50) foot building setback line of the CS zoning district. 4. The applicant must provide on-site trash receptacles. C"—Ffy J y T" .M / S'S Ate_ ,Oa BO<X ; 180 OW ASS03 00 q) F � ? 9 � a ,'.5 X (9;" 8) 2-12-49.9-7 S E CIAX53_ cR, �� x �] „ 5 _ 5p, �� Li p' %' .)S ' 4 at � �� IN ...,'��e a�. jR7i...1 m, _ F ,., 5,� "�5, rr �j 7a 3�i de" 4i�� TQB E SuPMEt- W"i 0111terprctation ofZorarrat iew., tla t l _ ]l a ey., ;retatiori of!rarrirag Nfap [,',.,,'][Appeal f'r-orr_e Building huspector - � ���.l�p�ral tacder t:�x,� proms 3AOr:is ��� Ala�pter 1.�j �C t, 11 1] scribe below the specfflc s c)f yum request. N14iort.',' applicable, "indicate p r"trrlr nt uses, dF.E,< Ott C „,, dr kt� t.l:,1t? iyr” cac', Please attach any plot plans, photoo-niph's oondf other .t,3` i, 'Lat7, ii' t(i3rt t10XI at will ass' it I; # "'! �3oJt i XI "i di - :,n- mli -ing dhe merits 1, "yotL ,L�;;Cjuest, x, i,vja e and Ad =ss of Record Uwuer As applicant, what is your interost iri filus property? C— Dre.serrt ovrwr DAuent for Owner onu,chaser F��0 - ]Attorney fix t�` caner Address or Gent %° anie of persona Addxe,ss I CERTIFY THAr THE SUMMI'TTED INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT al Location of Subject Pr°ope o be billecl. for publieadon Y . , �5 -,—/. Please submittlic completed application fora and application fee of $50 along with a Certified 300' Radiras��m. Report (available fTom an abstract eorrapany) and other supplemental documents to the City Planner on or before the first day d the month in which the regr.rest is to be hard by the Doar�do ° "his i-S a qu- 131- judicill proceeding' The applico t Off° applicant's agent ust_,bq Ee ant at the hearing to receive approval, i is OF 1U 1111111 ;Ij; BOA -',\/fE TT DATE .. - _ , . .. m _ �...a PRESp,I�d f USE ZONING DIS-Til� FEE APPROVED . ... . _ Ct) JL- L cl 9 C E) 0 cr) co Z5 ,. r, (Y) \] Ct) JL- L cl 9 C wall IALII ; t that Part Of tho al/4 aW14 Of SeCtIon 20, Tow-nahip 21 North� R�nqe 114 East ot the lndi&n Sao* and Meridjant TUISa COOMY, Oklahoma, acc*VdIng to the official VC Werament Survey thereof; more partioujarly described 00 f011OWS, Be, in-rArng &t & point in the Outherly Wnda& * t said SE/4 IN/4, 690�SCI f@vt troll the SOuthfast Coma thereof; ha = 3 89 degrees 54'00"W Wnq tts ScutherlY boundary Of said STIA SN/4 a d's"C@ of SOM00 feet; thende N ga a WM6 N 49 degreVIII, dimtanolk of 323 78 feet; �99 fast to a point in Who 58149"t a distancs Of 537 1 in sn)t T AIM 2 Z XXI 18 southwooterly line of Lot 0 Blow 1, , I ruima an Addition to tKe CIA Of 0"00 accCV4 off J0jal re- County$ okjahoas� dianq to the corded plot (which point is 25-JO feet from North- of L 'at 9) ? Ao degrees westerly, Cornor "jIgned 01,11Q &Ion th9 Sant OMI&Y line of tots 5 thru 9 and tpart Of LO t 9, Block 1, IORES UXIS 11 a d Man& of 3 OS, S 2 4%-0- degrees IV. 01,55"W along tha WaSt line of Lots I thru 4, 010c I a distarce of 435-03 feet tO ths i, THREE T-1kIMS I qn-A'are feet point of Winning; 00" aininq 312,70S 09 or 737872 Was, Jaunuaiv 2, 2003 City of (")Ykiasso: 134cas-I tv,,;c this; 'O's I)CMU0.823,1011 to -asc.; tbo lot I spav" ft" cut)"An"I'd "ao'x"�aat for t"' e po- ose of -ple,"unts acrid du� g"the sll ring, S-1-ricerely, A I le,.ii M � I Is Senior Vic-, Pres-iderA Ras ar's, Inc. 21110 West Chown t-amm "rahlecluoh, Olklahorn-va 74-46,41, 918-466-1472 roaassorsxc)m 19EXT. 1'"y' /k " NO,r10E OF' A MEARING BEFORE. THE BOARD OF Case Number OBOA-03 ) ­02- d Notice s hereby iPVCi 1,11W. ei p IP, ILK' ain,, will [te fteld i bc ij(. a. slat. South Owasso Board Of" iW�Llstirmmll in". Clue Owasso CoirnmmAintV Cer--dcr, 301 Owasso, O . ,. ' Fit PM the 25th day f' February, 2003. At that trait "e; and place the Owasso Board of Adjustment will cottsider a request from Allison Ar_tc1rooli, appli.carit, for a Special Exception to the Owasso Zoinng Code, Chapter 10, Sect.ion 1002, Areavvidc Special Exception Uses, TO AJIUDW FOR SHOPP-ING DISTIUCT on a property zoned C'S (Commercial Shoppirg Center District) described as Lot 1, Block -1, Cl,9-.rlc Plaza Fourth, rth, an Addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, State of Oklahorna, fiurtheii described as .11815 E. 086') St, N., Owasso, Oklahoma. All persons ns inter steel in the above, rnS„rn)o1i€ d matter are lmer by notified to be pry sent at t,he,, bone rnentioned time and. place in order to o7° ;v _r t; their s Y l :t iii s fbi r }c inst sarit.€ . in 111; office of the City Planner, 1.1.1 1 , Main Street, Owasso, 012dahoma, 74055, or by calling 376-1543, Dated at Owasso, 01clahoina, flux 60s d y of February, 700:). Robert Moore City Planner City qf Owasso 3 North a Street —a (9,13) 376- X5.40 IA�:_ 11 18} 376­1_-;59'7 Notice is hereby given that a public hearing e.ng will. be "held before the Owasso Board of Adju.stmerrt in the Owasso Community Center, 301 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahorrra at 6 :00 PM on the 25 "' day of February, 2003, At that time and place the Owasso Board of t' djustrrreat will consider a req-uest frorrr Alll_son � ndireoli, applicant, for a Special Exception to the Owasso Zoning Code, Chapter 10, Section 1001, Areavvide Special Exception Uses, " O ALLOW OR NON-P ',RMANTE T VENDOR. . I A. CONfME C1AL SHOPPING Dis,r1l1c], on a property zoned 'CS (Cor- mrrercial Shopping (,-'enter District), 'f1re s;,tbjectproperty is described as ft1llows Lot 1, Block 1; Clark Plaza Fourth, art t' ddit or). to 1:1w City of Owasso, Tulsa County, State of 01,d horr.a, farther described as 1181.5 E, 86"' St, N, , Owasso, Oklahoma, a, As an abutting or nearby property =owner, yore. are being notified so -that you may be able to express your vices or concerns regarding this request, If you are unable to attend this meeting, please forward any conurrents your may have in writing to the Owasso Corxrmunity Development Department, PO Boy 180, Owasso., OK 4055. These comments will be presented to the Board of Adjustment members at the scheduled public hearing by the Corrrrrruaity Development ;staff. Information and wraps showing the property location may be inspected in the office of the City Planer, 111 North Main Street, Owasso, Oklahoma, 74055 or by calling 376-- 1543. This is your only personal notification of this request. Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma, this 6th clay of February, 1003 ,sincerely, Robert Moore City Planner :' F OWASSO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OBOA -, 3 -03 �L � i Owasso t so � srd s 3„ c Nancy a> �`�/e � � �� a, f' tx% ,1tJ u vvvr.,s,;,a3 sl�t,� 'i'i�<:.,«,.,a, /t. U, t.� �..,�.J.aeiws., - <e_ w .�.I vi,w'�acay ac �`.��t�scc�u��i, Asia c��,�t��t`�� has esoi' Inc.., 'or s: Snc,, 7 l F xc eptli n of the Owa swo Zor41iig Code, Section 1002, t raaYOJidu, -, , p Specs Exception Uses, O Al,l,�, "��� FOR A it ON. #���,l�i�i � F� _ �' /t,l 11_X') IN A COJI U EMClAL S1-M1'l':l.i G DISTRICT' on property zoned CS ( ori-i n rciE l Shoppi110, Center ffis _nct). J" he prolpo ed Use 05 3 10' p 1'0PC1_1 y is as a snow-cone vendor. LOCA, i© The ,inject property -is described as of i, i 1oc,� 1 Clark , ar erza Fourth, arid ffirthordescribed as 11 815 E. 8 6"' St. N., Owasso, OK, XIST NG LAND USE _etail -- Supermaret S RRUN ING LAND USE North Retail Shopping Center Sough: Detail -- Shopping Center Fast: 'residential - Single Farri.ily West: st: c,�2, Retai l _ Shopping C,c9ltcr PRESE,NT Z NIN CS (Commercial Shopping ( "enter District) SUMROUNDINIG ZONING North: CS (Commercial Shopping Center District) South: CS (Commercial Stropping Center District;) East: R.S -3 (Residential Single Family High Density District) West: CS (Commercial Shopping Center District) APPLICABLE REGULATIONS Owasso Zoning Code Section 620 -ll Accessory Uses Perrnitted in Commercial Districts, Section 1002 a Areawide Special Exception Uses and Section(s) 1 100 through 1490 - Board of Adjustment. SITE SPECIFIC HISTORY A survey of the records housed at the "Community Development Department indicates that this particular vendor has been allowed to operate at this location with prior Board of Adjustment approvals. ANALYSIS According to the Owasso Zoning Code, the Board of adjustment may grant a special exception after finding that the special exception will be in harmony with the spirit and intent of the code, and will not be injurious to the neighborhood or otherwise debrirnental to the public welfare. Provided that the Board in granting a special exception shall prescribe appropriate conditions and safeguards, and may require such evidence and guarantee or bonds as it may deern necessary to enforce compliance with the conditions attached. The applicant is requesting a special exception from the Owasso Zoning Code to alloy for a ror pernanert vendor in a conrerrral shopping district. The triolios(.A use of the property is as a snow -cone vendor, A site map is included with your packets, Staff believes that all criteria have been met relative to the special exception larrr -rime in the Owasso .Zoning; Code. Staff finds that the application is consistent with :sated intent of the a;fjiflti � f.t9tie arid 't;^,f.ftt not be ?i1;1,1110a €J to the ilesx,lil3f.3r3roorl or o3,heivs /fvje d( ✓Lill.tlef3tal to the public welfare. Letters were inalled to all property owners Within. three-hunch.ed (300) feet of the object property on Feb uaryf 6, 2003 arid the 's_° li.lest was advertised in the OxvvEl:,. °se Reporter on February I_3. 2003, Staff dims received nm phone: calls or d'rI rs"nd pct;, request, r "�:,far('�.111g this re�ju�...i.,, Staff "would recommend, however, that certain restrict r. SCALE. USE OF THIS MAP IS WITHOUT W UUZ I TY OR [tFPRESENTAIIObt BY 174E CITY OF OWASSO 'AUNITY GEVELOPNIEN7 DEPAEt 'MFN'I'OF ITS ACCURACY. F IWA- W �t ` ' _emu Ta —o 6 , C7TY OFO wASSO ....... ---- X -'WASSO. OKLAIHONG 0 5 5 (9 18) 2 72 -2 10, BOX 130 A 74 J 51 1 A X (9 1 9 2T, 4 997 SPECIAL F.X(',' "I"AT-1 ONOR -APPEAL, A, W LR, "A -11,3 O,X,--� 1, S I TE-1 TI-BE FOLLOWENFG Vfll ,,-'kCT10N REQUT-E-SICED Special E.-meer)tion --- Section -11terpretati011 of Zoning Use -0-12it No of Zoning -)L/J.ap ,J-,.,-]A-f,)Peal firum Dullding Inspector JAppeal. tInder the Pro Chapter 1, 2, Section ViSions of Describe belax, the specifics of your request, Where applicable, indicate pert' Inef-At uses, distances, diniension-9 pus r -P ..,lease adbacli any plot plans, plhotogf:�,rj,)Eis firid other faxtaal inl5cm1lat' ciYr d"at m)"D assi Is tbe - 11 - .1, 9',, A- -ti, 59Jz, -9-P IT, 1") k, -n-Al" 1 t-19.11 14 L-4 ame ancoducss of Record 01N-ner Address Or General Locatio-v of Subject Pro As applicant, what is your interest in tU property? E]Present ovvwr [:]A-ent for ommer [---]Purchaser ether DAttorney F .cE or Name of person to bille for publication phone U b W an eL- I Mailing Address I -CERTIVYTHAT THE SUHMrrrED lrIIFORMAT ION IS TRUE AqD CORRECT I Signiture P , lease subTrLitt-he completed application form and application fee of $50 along with a Cel`416�d-3'00' Rad1L1S­-­'- R- -- port (avallible from an abstract company) and other supplemental (JOCURIC11ts to die City Planner on or before dic first day of the month in whicb the request is to be lie rid by the Board. This ls� quasi-judicial proceeding. T'hc appliewt or appHcant's agent Rmust be at the hearing to receive approval, -e—R r -e S F0 mi ALI- V, E 0 �? �' �II�E�e�I1Jl���, �,�I�;ji�� � � irk, l,l,������1 {it���� � 1� 40A MEFUNG P-R-ESENI'USE 1-f Ai DATE 1. ZO-NING I o WhIorn It IN/1'ay Coiwern: A cr-i a n� PtA L as, in, o r c, 't w r �t y I rl[ �C I t, S (C C-3, e"S L any corn-plaints or j rtcpa.rdiing he pla,cement ofthe flowe, ient or tl(,,,,- I lavvaiian Ice sta.,,-i,,-1 o-a our property, Flincy fitavt - b,--- te.nantS, faint' Vie_ c-litiorial qLlf...'S'll'ons, n--ua,,,y bt.,, addrf.;ssed t,.-) at the S lncerel,,Y,. PhVi lif), -El s, C, nl ar) Store 2 6) I Reasor's, Inc. 200 West Dhocta�,Aj "."31-Clahorno 74464 918 - :15 6 -- 14 j12 ireasors, corn "EXHIBIT A" NOTICE OF' A F1FArU--tNG BEFORE ITIE, BOARD OF' ADJTJSTI\/LF,,P,I'f OFTIdE, CITY OF OWASSO, 0KJ--,,V-10J\/1A. Case NUmber OBOA-03-03 N4,)1,15 e is hiefeby giventhai a public hea..1-ir-t, will be hcld kcf�-- 4k- - i g UA Owasst-�y Boand, uL , Ad, n ju, t , n, i, tDo Owasso C"Orr"Inu,".fity cenu,'r, U) South Cedai-, Owasso, Oldlaho-rria a 6:00 PM oin the 25th day of Februaxy, 20033. Aot that finic, and place the Owasso Board of Adjustment will consider a recluest firo).-ri, Nancy Wood, applicant, a Special Exception to the Owasso Zoning Code, Chapter 10, Secti(XI 1002, Areawide Special Exception 1-Jses, TO ALLOW FOR A NON- PEMVLA,NENT VENDOR EN A COMMERCUkL SSROPPING DISTRTICT on a property zoned CS (Coninn-ercial Shopping Center District) described as Lot 1, Block 1, Clark Plaza, Fourth, an Addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma, tuirther descfibed as 1. 18 1. 5 E. 86" St. N. . Owasso, Oklahoma. Afl. persons interested in the otl)ovc inerfi-ioned i-mmer are hereby riotified to be present at the above mentioned time i;�nd place in order to present their ax Liments for or aqgainsl. sarne, Inforr.nation artdintps showing the pr4,,-,,;per[y location rlay be i�nspccted in the office of the City Platurer, I U N. Main Street, Owasso, Oklahoma, 74-055, or by calling 376-1543, Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma, ibis 6" dayy of February, 2003. Robert Moore City Planner (`4y of Owasso 1.11' North �V`d�abr Street RO Box 180 Of a? � ,15 Owasso, ���. � � ' sso 1 v r 9 ( 9tt3) 37 ! 5 40 FA-X (918) 376-1,97 Inspections-376-1L.5, 2 3 vi. t��,° a � " ✓'tisat3'ra ;�1:i "i3 .: ?_)X( 10 PROPERTY OWNER. I. —Nouce Is rtereby given that a public hearing will be held. before the Owasso Board of Adjustment in the Owasso Corrrraun ty Center, 301 South Cedar., Owasso, Oklahonra at 6:00 PM on the 25 day of February, 2003. At that time and place,: the Owasso Board of Adjustment will consider a. request from Nancy Wood, applicant:, fors Special Exception to the Owasso Zoning Code, Chapter 10, Section 1002, Areawide Special Exception Uses, TO ALLOW FOR. A. i ONu,P rRAi ANFIrNT VENDOR IN A Ct MNIERCIAL SHOPPING DISTP -ICT on sa property I;o ?ed CS (Corr ercial Shopping 'C efitter Distri A). 'f fs ,' s(,l.l°3jie(.t pio perty is described as Lot :t, 1,' lock r., Clark Plaza Fourth, an Addition.. to tilt-; City of Owasso, T u1sa (,oS.t.i` ty, State of Oklahoma, further described as 1.18, 5 E� 86"' St. N,, Owasso, Oklahor-ria, As arr abuating or nearby property owner, you are being notified so that you may be able to ,express your views or concerns regarding this request. If you are liftable to attend this meeting, please forward any comments you may have in writing to the (Owasso Community Development Department, PO Box 180, Owasso, OK 74055. These comments will. be presented to the board of Adjustment members at the scheduled public hearing by the Corxrrnunity Development Staff. Information and naps showing the property location may be inspected in the office of the City Planner, 111. North Taira Street, Owasso, Oklahoma, 74055 or by calling 376d1543, 'This is your only personal notification of this request. Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma, this 6th day of February, 2003. Sincerely, Robert Moore City Planner CITY OF OWASSO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OBOA 03-04 STAFF REPOTC-11" BACKGROUND '1Fi. .r +„ 4. , of Owasso has ,ago, request V . a s � s s a $R ° gi s a I— a3 E ., Cr, .; ?) .8 s. +Jr ,, Ja@`'an 4 roir' =:he ��� "lasso %��n3 nq _ <�.F, Appendix ,. I' ; Owasso Sign Ord'i iance, Section 1.021, i.,isiness Signs and ���Li��oor �H.C�'�I'erti frig, '1'() r�1_,i_<��t��1 16 r #11 �.�,�i'�'S "-I Rfl, -- :`1 it, �,l- �,��' tN s,��. ' 1 WI TI-1 s s SQUARE -F -00 � ' G ,� �,,,; (Cornmerx ial Shopping Cents L" HIA). LOCATION The subject property is described as got 1, Block 1, Tulsa 'tt,acher Credit 1Jraiora, further described as 1 i 25 t' 96'11 St. N., Owasso, OK. EXISTIN.Q LAND USE -A,edit Union Pdr�rtl� � �Ia�,araaw e m �w South: Vacant last: Vacant - Detention Facility West: Resa.dent:aal — Single 3'a -mily PRESENT ZONING CS (Commercial Shopping 131st ict) North: -.�A (Agricultural General District) South: AG (Agricultural General District) East: CS (Commercial Shopping District) West;: A (Agricultural General District) APPLICABLE GULAG IONS f�wasso Zoning Code, ppen ix , Owasso Sign Ordinance, Section 1.021, Business Signs and Outdoor Advertising and Section(s) 1400 through 1490 " Board of Adjustment. T'he Owasso Sign Cade passed by City Council on December 17, 2002 is not applicable to this request as the application `vZlas grade prior to the e0ective date of the new code. SITE SPECIFIC His,rogy A survey of the records housed at the Community Development Department indicates that no site - specific history related to variance or special exception requests exist. ANALYSIS Accordin"o to the Owasso Grating Code, the Beard. of Adjustment rrnay grant a, variance upon irnd.in;gy that: 1. The slpplical9.din of the, orchn lnd e to the partic,.utar piece of property y €iVd Uld create an unnecessary hardshi'D.,, 1 Such conditions are £ ectiliar to the particula ple c of Dr0 .,nlJ UlVolved, and 3. ire ie;i it grranted; would not cause substantial de:tr;i'rno.. -it to the public good, or tionpair the purposes and intent of the o dllrian .; or dlrt;., Comprehensive rprehe;nsiv Plan. The a plgt.c_ri s, §i;qdle.£ ting -3 variance fironrt Il-ic Owasso Zo.'n ng Code de to allow f"or @,ic 4, -.n structlon of a sign with a square footage fifty e &yllt; and one -half '58.5) re.Ti C,.x_ceyw of the inaxirr urn one - fitinidr ed. f i fiy (0 0) 0) sdtuare feet, affowedf. Uri the C (C-or -nr"r ercial Shopping district). Staff be it ves that all relevant criteria have been rriet..Particular to the hardship criteria, staff has been ledl to believe that the addition of the marquee quee was planned at the time the original permit was approved. Former staff gave the applicant certain verbal assurances that the rnardluoe would be allowed regardless of time date of the application. And, although current: staff would disagree with. any verbal concession in obvious violation of the req3. i- M.Ti.ents Of the, zoning cot'ae, sta {41 fe el` that a n 9�rariecesss .'t°y hardahip flap be=rern created. d ct ndld`l. _�� lr assuring itrca tppllcat"nt thitt the yYl`t�ii'�1uee would aft; all��t7 edi and then st co.,Xu°ine ding denial of till=%. ciplad and dr 3CrL feels r+ a z tlrats` �r.?f{rtrUlnt enough action lla_.> occurred to t%*I�i,Y`I'rl�li, the sil:3pt "d:)''JE %1 d :ii. the request. Furthermore, the applicant has stated that the reasoning for the request was based on the need to advertise special events and promotions and that by not allowing the construction of the marquee an unnecessary hardship would be created. Staff would tend to agree. However, staff would argue that by Board of Adjustment approval of the construction of the marquee that the business would no longer have a need for any additional te;rnporary signs such as banners, flags and/or stripe signs. Wherefore, staff° would recommend that the Board of Adjustment in approving this application would restrict the use of temporary signape on the property. Second, staff feels that the conditions brought before this Board could reasonably be considered exceptional and peculiar to this particular piece of property. Staff does not jpically consider° tyre r.,ircurnstances surrounding the hardship criteria to be sufficient to prove that the conditions brought before the Board are peculiar to this particular piece of property. However, staff is unaware of any instance where a verbal agreement for approval has been made and the permit was consequently decried. Wherefore, staff feels that the conditions surrounding this application are sufficient to grant the variance request. Finally, staff feels that by granting relief in this instance the result would not cause substantial detriment to the public good, or impair the purposes and intent of the ordinance or the Comprehensive Flan. Previous verbal approval was received concerning, the location of the marquee sign and staff finds no facts that would indicate the contrary. Letters were mailed to all property olAr Hers Within three - hundred (300) feet of the subject property on F= ebruary 6, 2003 and the request ,,vas advertised in the Owasso Reporter on February 13, 2003. Staff received several phone calls of a questioning nature and not in opposition of the request. ��;r�f�a r S�, - eS>orrirliencls aj`3prov-iii o1 OBOA..03..4, allowing fb1 the construction of a sign in i. >ce.` <u, o °tire; 150 foot maxlnni n allowed in tizE,-:: CS (Commorc;i ai Shopping District) subsea to the ., That any and all tomporary £ €r, ,c: on'l the :1ubic cL i?i,operty is prohibited. yp, f. � ?hat' all t'ouip4'3rary i lint,`„ be iE',Sna3v, d the property prior to releasing flie sign $ it or ( oristi"?,ctlori, 1.._. General Area Map. , O OA 03- 0 i Application, Copy of Legal Advertisement. 4.. Copy of -Letters Send, to Stir..o kind ing Property Owners. TRUESCM E. USE OF THIS MAP IS WI'ITIOUT WARRANTY OR ItEPRESENFATIOD: BY'I'FiE CITY OF OWASSO CO,%M,'Nq rY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OF ITS ACCURACY. 03130 j" .� CITY OF OWASSO P.O. BOX 180 OWASSO, OKLAHOM 740 A 55 (913) 272 -2251 FAX (918) 272 -4997 BOARD OF , d.11 , ) 0J_, ....::Y✓ !i1 ..l BE S J3? I A.,D BY A +t J ,x'31`1 ,. es( ribe � tbo I t e ,s }JvC 2 1 G Jt >L3:(' (��.a.il est �!`1JI3.cn app11caC)1:'; lil�:.�ld:;�;lk ()¢ ` i.7iC,Yll; I25C C�.fl�it,ClS f. si;tls i7..;io1_i ere. arly plot l:)laris pllo og-n deter - lining dhe rn tits of your ICquesL i. ou'r:;t racituo in oirriation tllat w iii assist the 130'ard In PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION . .._vf 'W. ✓, � � Y a> f ante and Address of Record Owner Address of Geneiat d oc�j{ioxi of 'Subject -P oPo ty As applicant, �� l at is your interest to alias jJ7ope ly ? � ��`am of hc,i oo to be billed i`of public attar) Phone $ resent �e y e i � �` � Purchase Other e ,Mailing Address lAttorne y7 for Owner The Board o- tdjuf ftrient is a lowed to approv varitances only after deterfi'9aaing from tlac evidence and argiannents � a �I fed ��aa the , conditions listed below d��,existo._.Please describe how �r Ur re 1q��.��tt��t�� ��a�la ��tl�e�� ����9�t��r��.o l . �ppli atz r of the zoning oadnlani r rc C'luftortaofit to this particular property will create unnecessary hrafdshq , ��' a �'�� s ��� 3 I '� � • J` / r,� �� `rte r " r �! 9 9h �.._ , ; � � � v � �s., , r �' s } ' i :, �✓`....�...�i. g / ? `�N fly �J"�3.1 / HY€j,��"��... � �..u.,Y >'r.Gm....mn.,.,/ _�{a'�. Lw �,7�ry 2. rl'lteior' oorfClfttoffs pocrah.ar to this proporty✓lifch do not apply to other properties in the same zoning district 7jJ ./ `�'.`?� Yw-'�✓ j l y�. �^�; � / °"4 r u � � ��' '` 0 3` ' �' � 3 �^ r � ✓ ! �-� •w -tea'/ F� >w/r fS Yi'^3.,...�3d- ',.��� ^✓ %3Jy.i -:5 �' �Y.v,.u.d.;i; ✓''��" 3'' ^�5`�� Y'r % °J .WESI..,.d�'i `i�:.,✓ 3. The v Unce, if granted, will not cau L antial detriment to the public good or impair the purpose and intent of the zoning ordinance or the com- orehensive elan. f CERTIFY TIAT THE SUBMI`r'rED INFORMATION I5 TRUE AND CORRECT Please sub aiT the completed application form and application foe of $75 along1with a Certified 300' Radius Report (available from an abstract company) and other supplemental docurradiits to the City Planner cii or before the first dray of the month in which the request is to be heard by the Board. This is a quasijudi&M proceeding. The applicant or applicant's agent must be present at the heaving to receive approval. �i G1 �i1 li�tli lj1 {�� iil� df; SIT Er OFIdEuSE'lj BOA rIN/fEE NiG i��`.Pp. PRESENT USE_. SUBLMIT kt E _ __ __ ZONING DIS',MICT' FEE RI Ct `P NUMBER_ � _._ _m _ _. APPROVED..-..-.---- ------- DENTED eo I I Jj FIELD VEHIRY MANUFACTURE & INSTALL 1 (ONE) DJF SIGN 063 ALUMINUM PAH'IT GREEN MAP 4 24510 181, FILLf-.R 3" RETAINER FLEX FACE HOLLY GREEN ,2108 SACKGrioijItL) WHITE COPY I-E-17ER C&LEAF GREEN ,12030 063 ALUNIINLI'M PAIN - ['GAELN MAP ;';245 10 IW R L LER T' RE YAIMEF; 3/161 'MI-11i E PLEX. ijEN vl,,,,, 'Ail 0 iL. cu i CU i I IANG BAR .... . ..... 053 ALUMINUM PAIN I- GREEN. NIAP 4 24510 8"FILLER " NF LA I N ER 3116"LEXAMWITH 4l.I\1E-S0F8"LETTER 'i,&JT GREEN ;NAP ;b 2n5 !0 120V EJ EGMICALSERVICE MSIGN BY 0-11 I-IEFIS DIM 36'DIA CONCRETE E PIER 5 gds. CONCRETE SHMILAR "C) 60K CONSTM ---------- FIELD VEHIRY MANUFACTURE & INSTALL 1 (ONE) DJF SIGN 063 ALUMINUM PAH'IT GREEN MAP 4 24510 181, FILLf-.R 3" RETAINER FLEX FACE HOLLY GREEN ,2108 SACKGrioijItL) WHITE COPY I-E-17ER C&LEAF GREEN ,12030 063 ALUNIINLI'M PAIN - ['GAELN MAP ;';245 10 IW R L LER T' RE YAIMEF; 3/161 'MI-11i E PLEX. ijEN vl,,,,, 'Ail 0 iL. cu i CU i I IANG BAR .... . ..... 053 ALUMINUM PAIN I- GREEN. NIAP 4 24510 8"FILLER " NF LA I N ER 3116"LEXAMWITH 4l.I\1E-S0F8"LETTER 'i,&JT GREEN ;NAP ;b 2n5 !0 120V EJ EGMICALSERVICE MSIGN BY 0-11 I-IEFIS DIM 36'DIA CONCRETE E PIER 5 gds. CONCRETE SHMILAR "C) 60K CONSTM i3E IT A" No3;3oa as, ihetcby ;Ivca ti'i a 3„ eI_ac hearing will I D 11:1a0 xd s,fffire ttj 7/) 7 ,. r "e5�.caus�..,� 3AoiAt fad 4�5 t,..a��c.3 ✓r�.sA z�.1ii - v£sfi✓ %,�x1 +r�����ii(O i���. ✓i��3. in 11, iiLS/ "i"C'a i,:z .sir _� orit Cedar, Owasso, 01daalia:9rrra �. ��:i)�3 $ I'��. �7s, 3.�rs l`�a ;�i ��rsy Ea;'`. Februta y, 2003), t"'$_t haa,t d,l =i e and place the Owasso Board of Aojuss,(ataer) will consider rl '3'equest. firom James Adair, applica;a3;, on behalf of the ' uls a Teachers Credit 17nlarir fi r. ar Variance rain fi -orri the Owasso Zoriirkg Code, Appendix F, Owasso S.Igni Ordina-r-ice, TO SQUARE FOOTAGE N EXCESS OF TYIE NIAM UM 150 SQUARE IA-PA "T LLOW on as property zoned CS (Corri-mer vial Shopping Center District) described as Lot I., Block l., Tul "rcs chicrs! ,'relit LJalcarr, an Addition to the City f0wasso julsa COLInly, Suite ,of Oklaal_li7rna, fl.r.i °l`,her described as 11725 E, 96"' St. N., Owasso, ,9 l Iasi orna3,. All persons interested in the above rr.i(ayfio ied inarter are hereby r-lotified Li, be presei t at the above 'anentione d'i rail;; and place in order to 3r r:a ; their car "yLirrr 'r'as ai:)i"' or same Information and rrrralrs showing the pi-o erty location rrrary lbe inspected in he office of the City Pl nrter, 1. i I N. Main Sim t, Owasso, Oklahonn a, 4055, or by calling 3)76- 543. Dated it Owasso, Oklahorna, this 6"' glary of February, 2003 Robert Moore City Planner Dep I'll. J�N o r,th.1"Ifalin S t t �7 X10 :. 13J Owa,sso, OK 74055 'lly qf Owasso NOTICE TO PROPERTY (913) 3764540 ^:? (k) 13) 3 6 -139:% Inspections 33 6 1.: 4 a ava.aE,Q % aati, a,, .�,y t,�v,..,xi it:16t §, cl pfAUipi„ d't4.,taA riy 'vV Ait i3 s.tY,'74.a o�,re dru wasso Board of djustr_rrent in the Owas so Corr inanity Center, 301 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahora:ra at 6:00 PM on the 25"' play of February, 2003. At that time and glace the Owasso hoard of Adjustment will consider a request from Jarrres lair, applicant, on behalf of the Tulsa Teachers Credit Union for a Variance from the Owasso Zoning Code, appendix F, Owasso 3i rt Ordinance, TO ALLOW FOR THE CONSTIRUCTION OF A SIGN WITH A SQUAR-E FOOTAGE 58.5 14'EET IN Xf 'EISS OF THE i; :t` AXI MUM 5 QIJARIU_U -1i'E ET ALLOWED ors a property brie' S 'Cor orr r c�al Shopping 4 f rater istric.t )i-je sri-1 ect property is describ it a s follow: Lot: f, Block 1, 1 tilsa Teachor., Credit '1Jnioir, air dition to the City or 0was ;o, f'utsa. County, State of Oklahoma, Further described as 1.1725 q , r 6"' St, N_ Owasso, Oklahonna. As an abutting or nearby property r. wi- er, you are being notified so that you may be able to express your views or concerns regarding this request. if you are unable to attend this meeting, please forward any comments you may have in writing to the Owasso Cor-urrrunity Development Department, PO Box :130, Owasso, OK 74055. These comments will be presented to the Board of Adjustment members at. the scheduled public hearing by the Co°rni- nurnity Development Staff. Information and snaps shoring the property location may be inspected in the office of the City Planner, f f 1 North Main Street, Owasso, Oklahoma, 14055 or by calling 376-1543 . This is your only personal notification of this request. Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma, this 6th play of February, 2003. Sincerely, Robert Moore City Planner CITY OF OWASSO COMMUNIT'Y DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OBOA -- 03-05 STAFF'REPOWTO' BACKGROUND '_Fhe City of Owasso has receli-t,,ed a _reqtiest ff'rom 0apitod _Hmanes Reside-nfial C?.­-&,uqe;p, 1_,!,C apph c-ant on behalf of Shninnons 11ornes IResidenfial Grouip, frior a Varlance fi-oitc3. the OWMSO Zoning Code, Chapter 4, Section 430, Bulk and Area RequI-renients in Residential Districts, '1`0 401-LOW FOR ]HYTE,, CR-ENFION OF' A w,r wrni A WIDTFI, 5.74 FEE'F 1., SS TUAil 1111,,' 65 F001' MID,1_00UM Lar ill ­l-i 11 QUMZED w) property zoned VIIJI) /RS 3 (Planned 1,Jrill irq);le Fattilly High Density Distilct), LOCATION The subject pi-opeay is descr-lbed as ILot 4, Blodk 7, Preston Lakes It Addition, Iftirt1her descil'bed,-,ts 15322 E. 89"' Pl. N., Owasso, K. EXISTING LAND USIE Vacant SURROUNDING LAND USE North: Residentlal -- Slingle FaniAJy South: Vacant East: Residential - Single Farritly West: Vautnt PRESENT ZONING PUD/RS-3 (Planned Unit Ilevelopinentf'lteslc.l(,,ntlaI Single Farrilly High Density Distri-e) SUMIQUINDING ZONING North: PUD/RS-3 (Planned Unit Develop ment/Res identi al Sli-igle Farrilly High Density District) South.- PUD/RS-3 (Planned TJnit DevelopmentiResidential Single Family High Density District) East: PUD/RS-3 (131anned lJnit Develop rnent/Res identi al Single Family High Dons 1,0j District) West: PUD/RS-3 (Planned Unit Develop ment/11 es idential Single Family High Density District) APPLICABLE REGULA,rIONS, Owasso Zoning Code, Chapter 4, Section 430, Bulk and Area Requirements in Residential Districts and Section(s) 1.400 through 1490 - Board of Adjustment. SITE SPECIFIC HISTORY A survey of the records housed at the Community Development Department indicates that no site-speci ic history related to variance or special exception requests exist. According to the Owasso Zoning Code, the Board of Adjustment may grant a variance upon finding that: 1. `Flee application of the ordfliance to the particular piece of property would create art rrrinecessary hardsh' 2, Such conditions are peculiar to the particular pled; of propei ( %� irivolved,- and 3. Relief, if granted, would not cause s"tibst.aritial detrir aent to the public good, ,,or U.n.pr =sir the purposes arid rrltent of the orilir"rci.rlce or th..e t,.onriprelrei ive; Plan. The applicant is requesting a vat-lance if or "n thc,, Owasso Zo-rung Code to allow for the creation of a lot with a width 5.74 feet less than the 3t;,qulre 65 -uninli-rium lot wlidth allowed. in rl, e 11UD /R sj (Plcaninted U.nrt De vel.opji- i(;f3t/P�esiderifi a . i.n le F arnfly High lJon it,y l stri.ct). the nature of the request i's the result of the incorrect p acei:iieril of a single. rarrrr.y stnuicture on Lot 5, Block 7. The structure was placed approximately .03 feet beyond the western properly 'boundar % of Lot s, thus requir"i.rr.l lot rsplit aippr'oval by the Owasso Planning Corriiir.:issi.ort. Staff believes tha -a. all relevant criter %a have been Irr.et. 'fl.he applicant tias Informed staff that the cause of the nilstake was the rMilt; of locatIng the lbirrrdatiori according to the; property/ pins to the south. During the initial "pad-work"', the property pins locaied aloe :a.,. 8r�t -, place NF, were removed, The la3r:rr'ri amori was l r lled `cCon —i the south by t.lie property pins which are located d a pY "o iii fEl ':s feet 1a the ✓e.,51; of 'tlx4s Lot y Block 7, propert, uig lt; � ni incorrect pxacer aerA of the structure. Staff feels that in this particular ,instance, by not approving the 3°equiest to ininimize dic, lot ;✓rrr'tlr rerlairr" t;ra r t or ": i ,ot arid. ley a fti "rct apphcatron rl' I orrrrr ; ordunance, an unnecessary hardship will be created. if approval is not received, the linari.cial burden of the builder's mistake will fall upon the purchaser of Lot s. In addition to purchasing a single lot and home, the buyer would be required to purchase an additional lot. Additionally and without Board approval, this particular piece of property would not be keeping with the consistency of the development in that Lot 5 would have a western side yard of approximately sixty -- -five (65) feet. Staff feels that the impact of this over -sized side yard world be far more inconsistent with the spirit and intent of the zoning code rather than the reduction of the width on Lot 4. Staff also feels that the conditions brought before this Board could reasonably be considered exceptional and peculiar to this particular" piece of property. The applicant has applied for and received. City of Owasso planning Commission approval for a lot split of Lot 4, dock 7 on Monday, February 10, 2003. In that approval, the Planning Commission required that the applicant receive Board of Adjustment approval on the creation of lot 4. Staff feels that by the requirement imposed by the Planning Commission, peculiar circumstances were created on this particular property. Staff is unaware of any instance where one approving body has required approval of another City body as a condition of the original approval and where that approval was not received. Finally, staff feels that by granting relief in this instance the result would not cause substantial detriment to the public good, or impair- the purposes and intent of the ordinance or the Compreheusive flan. Staff has been made aware of several house plans that will fit on the subject tract while still meeting the rninimum setback requirements of the PUD/RS-3 zoning district. Furthermore. the house plans offered as evidence to staff -would also meet the nrininium -Foundation and architectural requirements of the Preston Lakes IT Addition. L,etters were nrial"Ied to all property ov✓ners Within threc-hundred ('300) -ficel of the sub,�eci property on Februa:r ' y 6, 2003 and the request was advertised In the Owasso Reporter on February B, 2003, Staff received several phone calls of a questioning natuire and. not M o-,pposlinon. of the r 11 J- RECOMMENDATION to recommends approval of OBOA-03-05, aflowint, I ' tbr the creation of a lot wlthi a widtli 5.74 Boo less thax--i reqUffed 65 fi)oi lot widih In I.L.te Io-1D/RS3 (Planned 1"arr ill y 1118. De.n.slity District), ATTACHMENTS L General Area Map I OBOA-03-05 Application, 3. Copy of Legal Advertisetnent. 4, Copy oft ,etters Sent to SUITOUnd-Ing Property Own.ers. E4. 96th St. N. [.OYJOA-__ CITY OF OWASSO P.O. BOX 180 OWASS , OKLAHOMA 4055 (918) 272-2251. FAX (918) 272-4997 t I`HE FOL1 0 W NG 1t=al 0RMA T I0 N ] O B E S ( JTP PII,I E 1) Bar A P hh,1I, ANT ,L)e,c('_be below the spc,f i-6cs o7` youi request, Where applicable, _- idlc,at< pertinent uses, distances, dirrrsrisions, ,etc, fl:,.se attach any plot plaib ls, Y3 .o!ogra� ., ";i.�f���i� f. �a 1 r 7.1.:C3ifbtT ?atA vn that will assist the Board in d, tcrniii ding th e of yolit 'req i£cst. .. - PROPERTY LEGAL DESCROPTION Name and Address of Record Ojs✓ er Address or (".3' en€ ral I,ocati s)a of Subject Property As applicant, what is yotir t nterest in this property' s Nye of person to be billed i"or pablif atioil p1lcu L_f Present Ourrter [_jAgerit for Owner 0 I �1l u£ chaser [_]Other M trlhig Address _ [� Attorney for Owner � � s£ 'he Board of Adjustment is allowed to approve variances ply otter determining i°x°ow the evidence and arguments _1,- L�LgteA that the conditions lsted belovy do exist Meng describe hoer ygIljr �p� �s� �q�lsfr�s each art these conditions 1, Application of the zoning ordinance requirements to this partic-alar property, will create unnecessary hardship. 2. There are conditions peculiar to this property which do not apply to other properties in the sarne zoning district, 3. The variance, if granted, will not cause substantial detriment to the public good or impair the purpose and intent of the zoning ordinance or the comprehensive plan, H I CI;RT Y THAT THE SUBMITTED INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRE, OT Please submit the completed application forma and application fee of $75 along with a Certified 300' Radius� Report (available from an abstract company) and other supplemental documents to the City Planner on or before the fast day of the month in which the request is to be heard by the Board. This is a quasi - judicial proceeding, The applicant or applicant's agent Mu§ hg presei)Ut at the hearing to receive approval. FOR MITEW BOA MEETING DATE SUBMITTAL DATE EE I sC:EfPT NUi*ilS3E `OFFICE r T- ® PRESENT USE ClN IITIUt T_ ___._. I APPROVED DENTED FAX NO. o 3416067 Nano 31. 2003 04 e 18PM P2 �6 ct r7 � o �4 Calm, /l e °4 I's K, ov q; 4'KV 11060 DATE 12/06/02- e z� w __ 'Land ServAces, hica 0WA80.OK. 74017 N'.' Ow�' � 6®980274, C..tx, NO. 2m ryI%I 6118)214-ow so DATE 6IM101 1 0.2 1 ac. yew w' >�° c� °'t� w! g 3:94° �3, y° �R' _ �0', i° +1 • ,�7 �U ty °° 0.19 ac. �aa rs 6,91, ° '� Y 27- 20 C. �, X: e� E��Y 69,56° ©.19 ac.� � m �/£ 52 17. t29.�9 �iF �� �v cv 0.2_1 ac.� °�° ° C2 16 IN 0.2% ac. ° -�� �'. r ���� . 0.23 ac. � "�a �, ® "�� ��2' a� � 0.21 ac :ZO r' 5 � • �� 18 f, 50 0 ar 0.21 ac. � °�g� OV 0.25 ac � 11, Y, %Q z Z3•� ° a• e�r� 124 93' ,r 1 7� 0.19 ac.i �a f3 Y ` 0.27 a 177 i,i a�l�e 0 20 aC, �7 ��t�vS� ;. E <n "r01 Ci �.. w. aJ 139' 7 DU ,, P h "z fi .gin °<y 0 2: ctJ,. ' 7R"�1 �) °'t� 6` i,. \ `�tiY 0 lap- a 02 _$ �ti a" 0 2 c a Ol . tf sg� 1 a� F= s 7 {� .: <i ��. 0.2 Yc �� V 1 t� �') c� 2a � r� 0,22 ac a, 4 'i "_ 91, 1 EAS is Io Y C . Cf 0.1 �3 1� sG a U. _ l 0.20 i Y �O° e��� l 0.2 � ac. �� 1 �. � °� < ' 47',p , c�� & c tJ° c. °� FAY °00 � ° i i�°• N 0 % 2 a , 1 ia� 12 � �m � 106 31'0C1" ° - 0 2 `> o,c' & 0 '1200 ` > r 126A8' 40 ° iy a 8 �� {� �� 0 1 �3 r,c, j 1 a .� � a) 0.22 r�; s,.� E $ p�.. �ry 0.25 ac- lb.3 p i O� g 0 2 4 O c f r: ��w � 0 e i °2. 1 ,.�. i a C �e � UOI Cl 21 ac. 3 19-1 %0 a �_ °� ° . . 39 0.18 sac. ° 0.2.0 ac. �k> 22,4'5® �� S a 0.23 ac. 0C. �'� °° °� ��� .. �w ° °. 1` 0.20 0C. T 0.21 aa.� 3 �� c.23 ac.� ,. A e� 0.20 ac.,- . °� 0.19 ac. ragq� �~ 25 �" iF > .9 0.26 ac. � ° CO " � �� 0.'19 a 14 _.._ �. U. ac. 6� 0 0..2.6 ac. q ���o lb 36 � �� a' 013 G ti P ". 4664° 5 �" " . 0.19 a �9 � c. ' s�4a � y 0 0.18 ac. � �� 0.21 crc �� �� " ol X0.19 ac. Aki y Co ®�� "EXITL131T A" NOTICE OF A. 1-MAIUNCT BETORE 11-11-7 BOAJU) OF Case Number OBON-0'3-05 Notice is hei-e-by giveja that a public hearing, will be held belbre tbc Owasso Board of A�Jjus8.n ent in tic Giivasso Comnla!_ ity Comta;z, -301 So t'n Cedar, Owasso, 01k.lab. ma at 6:00 I'M. on the 25th Tay of Febr, uary, 200"'). At ifaat, i:3_me place the Owasso Board of <adjustn�ion't will corisider a request iom CaDital tlorness Residential Camp, a pfica t, on behail of Sirnmons Hoirics Resideritial GrOUD I'l —W fa Variance firm the Owasso Zoning Coda, Chapter 4, Sep , tion.. 430, Bulk and -ea Reel firemeats in Residential Districts, TO ALLOW Sitip desc-ribed as Lot fir, Block 7, Preston 1,akes 1.1, an Addition to the City of Owasso, 'ruts,,,, c.,ount.y, State of O l�ahorria �� :,rtla�,r. dc.s�:dbe as 153322 E 89 th Pt N., Owasso, All persons liati,9: s -1t d 219 the above rticritioned rnat "ter are hereby notified -to be presei t at the above mentioned thne arid pl acle in order to present their arguments ent;s fim, or against, STt-n ; In- Cormation and ma- s showing the properly location rn ay be Irispectced in the office of the City Planner, 1I1 N, Main Street, Owasso, Oklahoma, 'I4i by calling ,376-1543. Dated at Owasso, Oklaboma, this "' day of February, 200' . z- & 11obeii Moore City Planner City of Owasso Department of Comwnuni�y Develppznent it 1.. ! a:, l 1 Street P.O. B o .s. 1.80 Owasso, OK 7. 0 3G, r 9iG � 03) 1 - 15,14 0 FAX (918) 376-1597 Notice is hereby given that a ptiblia hearing will be held before the Owasso Boat-d o Adjustment in the Owasso Cornrtrar. pity Center, 301 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma at 6.00 PM on the 25"' Try of February, 2003, At that time anal place the Owasso Board of Adjustment will consider a request from Capital_ Florrros Residential Group, applicant, on behalf of Sirornons Homes Residential Group for a Variance from the,, Owasso Zoning Code, Chapter 4, Section 4.30 Bulk and. Area Requirements in Residential Districts, TO ALLOW FOR THE MINIMUM LOT WIDTH -REQUIRED on a property zoned 13UD/RS.. -3 (Planned Unit Development/Residential in le Family High Density District.). The subject property is described as follows: Lot 4, Bloch 7, Preston Lakes 11, an c1dition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, .Static; of Oklahoma, further described as 1. tr3 Z2 l- 89"' PL N., Owasso, Oklahoma, As an abutting or -nearby property owner, you are ;being notified so that you may be able to express your views or concerns regarding this request. if your are usable to attend this meeting, please; forward any corrrr"rirents you may have in writing to the Owasso Conmrtanity Development Department, PO Box 180, Owasso, OK 74055. These comments will be presented to the Board of Adjustment rnernbers at the scheduled public hearing by the Corru- nunity Development: Staff. Information and gaps showing the property location may be inspected in the office of the City Planner, 111 North main Street, Owasso, Oklahoma, 74055 or by calling 316 -1543. 'this is your only personal notification of this request. Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma, this 6th clay of February, 2003. Sincerely, Robert Moore City Planner MEMORANDUM J-1 inn Rt CBE T MOOR -< cr rry..P Lt J.4 .'. � :-lay. DATF,z 14"', 12003 BACKGROUND After reviewing sever al special except ion requests, staff feels it has become necesmir to .'la -rlty the Board d., � i °�� that � n r o Ar11ustnient�s policy/ relative to non-permanent vendors, It has come to the att€;intjo of staff ihat the ,,1 of special exceptio-ri �:7ppl;et3fi, 1iJx = 3"1 �i.rT�y :$� 31 i 1+ °:.t1 evi: � ty t£ f i,", s Sao sd include &;3,O1 iter'ris as haridbags and accessory cloffiinoo , 1- shirt' sales ,arid various T,� rl, artil{)rk. Many ot_ the above irientior -led types of vendors could remove sales and revenue from. established 'd sinesses, Therefore, `htal"I s intent 1s not to effectively charge the Beards policy, d:7u'l, to initiale orn- review guidelines s ell are effort to protect local, established businesses within he City, According to the files housed at: the Community Developrnerrt: Department, previous applications for special exceptions have given laity; thought or concession to what. effect their temporary business may have on are established, permanent business. It would appear that i lust those businesses within three-hundred (300 ) feet of the request. Staff recommends that if tiny non - permanent vendor proposes a use that is similar to an established business, that request should be denied simply on the merits that an approval would not protect the City's established businesses.