HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003.01.28_Board of Adjustment AgendaOwasso Board of Adjustment OF C c el OF` THE January 28, 6:00 PM I i c el OF` THE January 28, 6:00 PM I i 11 LI C NOTICE OFTHE MEETING F THE OWASSO BOARD OF ADJUSTNIENT D ATE TIME PL,A,C' ; ICE FILED B-'V Regular Jartuary 28, 200" 6M O U P M Owasso Con-irlui:llt / C ', "iiC _30l S. �. r., eflat Robert "Moore City Planner i il.ed In the office o1 the Owasso City Clei-1 ,,ind posted. at tht' rlortl`i entrance llce to (.. i y [-fall a ,0 i 3 Y1 C)(7 i -lie 1 lay of Ja.nu« ay, 200.3. Robert Nlooz e City Planner OWA.SSO BO ARD OF AOJtJSTME N F l tiesdity, Jar7unry 28, ; 003.. 6:00 l'M Owasso C_'oxnrnun.7ay C:enter., 3O1 S Cedar .AGENDA. "al I to Order %. Roll. Call 3. Approval of N inutes l orn the November >6; >002 Re(l:Ular _- v:leetincy BOAR-D, OFADJUST",VIENT PUBLIC HEARING 4 OBOA- •03-01 — Sac 5_ and Associates, Inc., an belialf of the Ball Ramsey Trust — A regUest for a Variance of the Owasso Zoning Code, Section 630, Bulk and Area eduirements in Commercial Districts, TO ALLOW FOR THE CONSTRUCT1ON OF All ATTACHED AWNING EXTENDING jkPP ROXINT TELY 43 FEET WT3`HEN A 50 FOOT BUILDING SETBACK LINT E on property zoned CS (Commercial Shopping Center) District. The subject property is described as Lot 3, Block 1, Owasso Commercial Center, an addition to the City of Owasso, 'Tulsa County, Oklahoma, further described as 11501 E. 76`' St. N., Ov asso, Oklahoma. 5, Other Business 6� Adjournrient CITY OF OWASSO COMMUNITY DEVELOPA/tENT DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT' BACKGROUND The City of Owasso has i°c,Ls,1.'ved arequest "f-rom Saack r.id Assoi"hdtes, .hic., appl t,amt, on b hat o d -1 ; bill Ramsey ]_'rust, tor a Variance froni. the Owasso Zoflin Code, Se(:Y.loll 630, Bulk arid Area Requirt icietIts in (om.rnerc•ial Districts, TO Ai ,1,0W 1 OR 1 HE (_ O X,. IR(1C`1 ION OF F';I''.1 x''a.TTA EI ) A WN l (I EXTENDJING ATPR X MA' 1._�"T_,Y 43 1 E 1 W1' %.1llN .r° 50 FOOT BU ilN SETBACK _tNE on proper y zoned C'S (C;onunercial hoppin— g Center 3istrict), LOC r IC1?N The sit'lg1ec t property is described as Lot: 3, Bloc k 1, Owasso b_orn.rn rc:ial ("'enter, further described as 11501. E. 76"' St:. iii., Owasso, OK, EXISTING LAND USE Vacant Retail Convenience Store Nortria Retail ­ Restaiarant South: Retail - Restaurant East: Retail -- restaurant West: lbublIc; - Highway 1.69 PRESENT ZONING. CS (Cor7`mcrcial Shopping District). SUIVROUNDINCI ZONING North: CS (C:onnnercial Shopping, District) South: CH (Commercial High Intensity District) East: CS (Commercial Shopping District) West: CS (Commercial Shopping District) across 1- 1ighway 169 APPLICABLE REGULATIONS Owasso ironing Code, Section 630 - Bulk and Area Requirements in Commercial Districts, and Section(s) 14-00 through 1490 - Board of Adjustment. SITE SPECIFIC HISTORY A sur`vev of the records housed at the Community Development Department indicates that no site - specific history related to variance or special exception requests exist. ANALYSIS According to the Owasso :Zoning Code, the Board of Adjustnrent may grant a var Lance upon finding that„ ("! Y �5 9 F y. '{ . _ t (� 9 1 fs e a lic-do n of the oid'irance to Li e �J�arti6 tilaf p cif✓ o property YV\ l" create an ' ip I� i "l i'.�A.a. unnecessary hardship; 2, git.ch condition..s acre peculiar to the pas ticular° piece ofproperty invol cd; and , Relief if mranted, would not cause Substantial detriment to the public good, or pi,ii. poses and n -itent ofthc ordinance or the Cornprehiensive flail, The applicant Is requcsfiri.g a variance from the Owasso Zoning Code to allow for the colistriictlol "i of an attached awning extending app o`aii- nately forty -three (43) feel. within a silty (50) toot b r.ilding setback brie • _ tajff believ €;s that all relevant criteria ha"v. -., been rice "i, First, particular to the hardship criteria and if the true and correct building setback lures were applied, the location of the awning would force the site into further non - conforming status. In other words, by rnovi.ng the awning to a point behind the building setback line not only would additions to the rear or side be limited and require further planning board petitions, but also the site Would not meet the City's parking requirements as shown. f 'parking were allowed along the boundaries of the property to the south. and west, pedestrians would be forced to "walk through Incoming traffic. Second, staff te, + ✓1 4.I'?ar.t the conditions brought bef6re this Board' could reasonably be c.onsi is re c "l. e_xc.eptional and peculiar to this particular piece of °property. With the unique boundaries of thy; property (bound on the ,vest and south. by Oklahoma Department of Traiispor ation right:- ofway), the full utilisation of'the site is drarnaticaliy limited. the applicant is proposing; a use that will attempt to compensate for the u- ni- queness of the property by utilize the existing structure. However, for the property to become fi.rlly functional as a bank site and assuming that an awning is a necessary component o1`su.ccess-rul bank sites, an awning is necessary to provide for the use of the teller lanes during increment weather. Finally, staff feels that by granting relief in this instance the result would not cause substantial detriment to the public good, or impair the purposes and intent of the ordinance or the Comprehensive plan. The site was previously occupied by the Quick Trip Corporation who had, without Board of Adjustment approval, and encroachment into the building setback line by the canopy covering the gasoline pumps, Letters were mailed to all property owners within three - hundred (300) feet of the subject property on .January 10, 2003 and the request was advertised in the Owasso Reporter on January 16, 2003. Staff received several phone calls of a questioning nature and not in opposition of the request. RE COMMENDATION Therefore, staff reconunends approval of OBOA- 03 -01, allowing for the construction of an awning forty -three (43) feet within a fifty (50) foot building setback line, ATTA ° i ICITS I . ,..General Area Map. 2. OB : A- 03 - -01 Application. 3, Copy of Legal Advertisement. 4. Copy oi'Letter,,�,'�eiittoSLif-rotjndi--Q(-, Proneav Owners. a [OBOA- > ' PRA, BOX 180 OW SSO, OKLAHOMA 7405 (91 8) 272 -2251 FAX (918) 272-4997 pa. TWil. BOARDOFA.Dius,rMENT ZONING VARIANCE HE xfO1J., LOW] ( ", INFORMATION �10 BE SUPPLIED Y APPL9CAN IF Describe below the specifies of your request. Where e applic2,able, indicate pfftirlCtlt uses, distances, dltnerisiC'n etc, Please ,.attach any plot plans, photographs and, othicr P ctual inf n- matio:ri that ,,ill assist the Board in det rniiffin the merits of your request. c>_al_lp4t rattached ,awn no to exxitend over the buildilx setback 1_irt�. 'icf�� c�..w._.. eiWiili '�. tUverina the drive throe h teller lanes and allows use durlaq, inclement weather, PROPERTY ]LEGAL DESCRWTUDN See Attached. Narne and Address of Record Owner 74153 Q.11. J, Ramsey gust, Pa :,13ox 355.7, ululsa,OK As applicv). what s your interest in this property-_. []P esen f rner° 6 I-ent for Owi.ier purchaser. - 1 th r -]Attorney tor° Owner Address or General Location of Subject Property \l1:` Corner of llwy...169_and 76th Street North Name of person to be YrrJicd for _om u_ _wa,. � ot - aW. Z Kathy f hont� on - Arves Bank [6a 1-1 m Oi a Mailing Address 502 S. Main, Tulsa, Olt 74103 The Board of Adjustment is allowed to appr °o e variances kop y after deten.ninint froni tine evidence and arYgunlenis,.,.,_. � that the conditions listed below do exist. ..,Please describe.how _y 3 of these condrtloias.: 1. Application of the zoning ordinance requirements to this particulars property will create unnecessary hardship, A,wnl Qyel :_ drive :Lhrcuc{h teller, lanes is necessary for this site to be d,-yi —Lqreci Awnirn allows use of teller- lanes during inclement weather'. 2. There are conditions peculiar to this property which do not apply to other properties in the same zoning district. ty is bounded by 76th and the Flwya 169 Service; Load using the 50' building setback leaves very 1=;ttle room for a structure, Bank is going to utilize the existing structure, 3. The � °ar ance, if granted, will not cause substantial detriment to the public good or impair the purpose and intew, ,-,f the zoning ordinance or the comprehensive plan. Previous occupant, QuikTrip, had its awning fully located beyond the building line. 1 CFRTIi � � �" THE �rJ�3 wHTTED INFORMATION Ts TRUE Ar, ��£R4R�CT sign at - '� ' � ? Please submit the completed application form and application fee of $75 along with a Certified 300' Radius Report (available from an abstract company) and other supplemental documents to the City Planner on or before the first day of the month in which the request is to be heard by the Board. This is a quasi - judicial proceeding. The appli a nt or applicant's agent Mus t be present at the hearing to receive approval, SUBMITTAL DATE FEE RECEIPT NUMB PRESENT USE ZONING DISTRICT _ _ APP1�.C)VE -,.,,.__ DENIED LEGAL DESCRIPT (01NN LOT 3, BLOCK 1, -OWASSO COMMERCIAL CENTER", AN ADDITION TO THE CITY 0E' OVONSSO, TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA, A THI_,�; S/2 SW/4 SW/40F SECTION 29, T-21-N, R-14-E AND .A PIEC' _'_', OF G'ROIR41) LYTNG lN TliE SW /4 OF THE SW/4 Of'' SECTION 29, T-21-M, R-14-E, TULSa COUNTY, OKLAHOMA, BEING A, PAR'!U 0,11]" H I C,_,'&_fW,AY FILED iN BOOK 2966 lU PAGES 1472 AND 4'/6 AND BEING MORE PA.RTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, TO-WIT: BEG .1- AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 3, BLOCK 1; THENCE DUE WEST FOR A DISTANCE OF 181.47 FEET; THENCE N 00005'00" E AND PARALLEL TO THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 3, BLOCK I FOR A DISTANCE OF' 138.3S THENCE S 89055'00" E FOR it DISTANCE OF 30.00 FEET T0 THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 3, BLOCK 1; THENCE S 0000SW0 n W AND ALONG THE' WEST 1,1NE OF SAID LOT 3, BLOCK 1 FOR A DIVRA SIC E OF 125.45 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 3, BLOCK 1; THENCE S 85009'00" E FOR It DISTANCE OF 152.00 1;,.10'r TO THE POINT OF" BEGINNING, WITH THE ENTIRE TRACT CONTAINING 2-7,408 SQUAKE FEET. LRSOO (44) UMASTy 7 1 ffiank-Owasso.dw, NOTICE OF A, 11EARING BEFORE T11E BOARD OF Case Nun ber OB A- 1 P'4oticc ?_sit ;i' 13y ya iEtt tlla.i: ci 3'f..1)tit., laealr1 ji /111 )a:, 1 --t� (6 ��'�,ibre ail a a � t �)w--s- z , �Vi /t .�.it7 A?.Js1.3_?..S {3,1 i-it.; ustrllent -n -the it.1,. so 1 o3tlit .�(.1111.Ly v.�;�,I.i4,$.;.t�> 301 S13tith ('edar, Owasso, O1t1a1"i.i3ma at 6 :00 PM oil the 28"' clay of January, 2003, At t'11at time and 131aice the Owasso Board of Adjustment will consider a. request from Sack a ncl Associates, tes, 1.;ta —, on behalf o1` the Bill l�_arnsey Trust, for a �, aariaance lrtirn the Owasso Zoninla ("'ode, Section 630, Bulk and Area Requirements in Conirierci<al i)istrI ts, O A111,0 1 FOR THE CONSTRUCIRON OF AN ATTACHED AWNING EXTENDING APPROXIMATELY 43 FEE,r WITHIN A 50 FOOT BUILDING SETBACK LINE on property zoned CS (Coo- fil- nerciaal Shopping Centel) District, The subject property is described as 1.,ot 3, Block 1, Owasso Commercial Center, a ri, addition to the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, further described as :x.1301 E, '76"' it. f=,,l Owasso, Oklahoma, All persons interested. in the 'above rnenttoned matter are hereby ! L i notified to t e present sent aat tilt.", above #nelationed tune and place in r order to resent their a� �'o��.r1�-�y��t or or against same, Information and maps showing the property location may be inspected in the office of the City Planner, 11.1. N. Main Street, Owasso, Oklahoma, 74055, or by calling 376 - 154.3. Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma, this 10" day of January, 2003. Robert Moore City Planner ity of Owasso Department o mmunity Developme 111 North Main Street RO. Box 130 Ow-asso, OK 7405,5 Novi.CETO PROPERTY OWNER, (913) 376 -15 FAX (918) 376-1597 lnsp ct;i ais -37 -1541 w°vvw.ch -y owasso.'Conl 1 1otiic,., ?.s hereoy giive n tihaa a publiic, hl-ari nt7 will be he'd before the Owasso, Boar, of Adjrastrrrent. hn the Owasso Corxarr unity Center, 301 South Cedar, Owasso, Okla.honna. at 6 :00 PM on the 8"' clay of January, 2003. At that time and place, the Owasso Board of Adjustrrrerrt will consider a request froiri Sack and associates, Inc., on befa.alf of the Bill Ramsey Trust, for a Variance frorn the Owasso honing Code, Section 630, Healy and Area Requirements in Commercial Districts, TO ALLOW FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN ATTACHED SETBACK LIME' on property zoned CS (Corgi ie c,ial Shopping Center) IDistricta The subject property is described as follows: Lot 3, Block 1, Owasso Commercial Cente-r, a_ra addition to the City of Owasso, '.fa is a ;;oaa_rat;y, Oklahoma, further desgcribecl. as 11.5111 E 76"' St. - Owasso, Oklahoma As an abaattan-, or nearby property owner, you are teeing notified so that you may be able to express your views or concerns rb, garclinl this request. If you are unable to attend this meeting, please forward any cornrnents you may have in writing to the Owasso Community nity Development Department, PO fox 180, Owasso, OK 74055. These comments will be presented to the Board of Adjustment members at the scheduled public hearing by the Coryununity Development Staff. Information a-ad rasps showing the property location may be inspected in the office of the City Planner, III North /lain Street, Owasso, Oklahoma, 74055 or by calling 376 -1543. This is your only personal notification of this request. Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma, this IOtla clay of January, 2003. Sincerely, Robert Moore