HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002.10.22_Board of Adjustment AgendaPUB11C NOTICE Off+ T MEETING OF THE OWASSO BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT TYPE", OF INJEE `zlING Regular DATE October 22, 2002 11/1E 6.00 PLN/I PLACE Owasso C,ornmt. nity C'eiit r, 301 > (_ dar NOTIC1, 11141,F ]IF) BY Robert i \iioore ,3{ TL '. ' tty 'lartner i il'4._ 1{l tl1(', vlal(;; l L the O,ic1,7;iti 1)Sft/ . : !I1C Yolll C,i.:a1 C to City .1a � t J } �i .l on the 9 CJ:, day of Octol3et 2002, �s r ---- .. _� Robert /)7C, City PlanneY. O WAS.U° O B01'kR.7J'' OF f I-) J tJ S M)E N _3_ LA 'sday, 10cLober 2 2, 20021 6:00 PIN /t: Owasso �_ of "t "1lRUl:il.t/ _ Cite]:`, 301 S. t f"(Jar AGENDA Ca It to Ord: r Roll Cail 3. _'approval of ijilinutes f-oin the September 24, 2002 Regular Meeting. BOARD OF ADJUSTMEN1 PUBLIC HEARING 4, O OA-02 -25 -,w Fim Roberson -- A request for a Variance of the Owasso Zoning Code, Section 430„ Bulls and Area Requirements in Residential Districts, TO REDUCE THE REQUIRED 20 FOOT REAR SETBACK TO 15 FEET in order to accommodate a rear covered porch on a property zoned RS -3 (Residential Single Family High Density District). The subject property is described as Lot 8, Block 2, Metro Heights 1, further described 9706 E. 110th Place North, Owasso. Ott.. 5. 0B0A -.02-26 -- _Randall Loescher — A request for a special Exception to the Owasso Zoning Code, Section 610, Principle Uses Permitted in Commercial Districts, TO ALLOW FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF MINI - STORAGE UNITS on a property zoned CS (Commercial Shopping. District). The subject property is described as Lot 1, Block 1, Hillside Estates, further described as the southwest corner of 116th Street North and 97th East Avenue, Owasso, OK. 6. Other Business Adjournment CITY OF OWAS O COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEN,r DEPARTMENT STAFF REPO The City o_. Owasso has recelvccl a 3't;qt.est firon Kim Roberson, ap;`�ficoaltt/ov -'te', for "l. V�rlance faon: she Owasso rolng, ('odic, Section �30 3c1 � and. Area aqt iire uie if, n Resi(.3c;ntial 3. istilc;ts '1[10 RED-UC$ THE R t_'Q JIR-1 l - 0 a R1 a1:.. 3l l.:tn �(.," . TO 1 H 1_, f Ali on-lee to ac;c oti), iodclte a real- Ico e d potc;lt on propen'ty zorie,d RS-3 (Rt s"Idf'lltial "-.34r.igle Family ily t l igh Density t ) istr icl) . f,OCA,r O The suble;ct property is described as Lot 8, Block 2, Metro Heights i, further cl(,s(,ribe(.-i as 9106 E. 110"' 1'lac Nort;h, Owasso, OK. EXISTING LAME' USE Residential _ SURROUNDING' LA-1N'--D- USE North. Residential - Single Family South: _Residential ._ Single Family l_?a.st:: Residential Single, Fatrtily West: Residential .... Reserve Area P-Pdfi',SEN'f ZONING R.S 3 (Residential Single Family High Density) SITRIZOUNDING ZONING North:..RSY3 (Residential Single Family Nigh Density) South.: R -Sa3 (Residential Single Family High Density) East: RS - -3 (Residential Single Family High Density) West: RS-3 (Residential Single Family High Density) APPLICABLE REGULATIONS Owasso Zoning Code, Section 430 - Bulb and area Requirements in Residential Districts and Section(s) 1400 through 1490 -- Board. of Adjustment. SITE SPECIFIC HISTORY A survey of the records housed at the Community Development Department indicates that no site - .specific history related to varianc€ or special exception requests exist. ANALYSIS According to the Owasso Zoning Code, the Board of Adjustment may grant a variance Upon finding that: I . The application of the ordinance to the particular piece of property would create an unnecessary hardship; 2, Such conditions are peculiar to the particular piece of property involved.', and 3. Relief', if- ranted, miould riot cause substantial detrirncent to the public mood, or impair the purposes and intent of the ordinance or the Comprehensive plan., I- The applicant is requesting a variance f orn the Owasso 'onntg (-'od to allow for an c istin 1 UH(ing to re nn aM r pp -oxi(n at ely five, ,,, - '1 r �, Iwca (%.l ie _fit 19.(h i;,ICtty 20) lvoi t its" setba,c :,: line, F tt:; rlicap is mcluded V,viti? your p it.,tcis, ..s3zl z ;1/c.— +liat ::iii iflevaiii, f; ?.."kn!cl have i.)c ,n ll1e'L [ rs by a stLsi t 1 {ti.t.rp ,,,tat n cq'ttlre i i zoo i my f ode and it v ti`(t3.nG ;:, approval . i riot i C,CC,I;ie 1i oni ':his Bo,:1rd, t1 "'t a!lf. ti fat lt{ rail:', cricrorB.- Ahmfent the applicant would be required to iel-nov the c vt aed porch f:mm fllz; tltc, ho:i ii, . Staff is unawarc of any instance where the Cli y has required the rcrnw /al o portions of any structure that, did riot contorm to the prov'islons of tilt'. "zoijhi�� C'f)C;'.fe, Second, staff feels the conditions brought bcef'ore this Board c;otald reasonably be considered exceptional and peculiar to this particular piece of property In site visits with the property owllcr, stuff was nnade aware of the Iricori'ect allgPliment of the road to which flit; structure, fronts, `there, appears to be a conflict. between the approved plat, inc;ludir7c"; the construction Crcly it?1:;U anc.1 the physical construction of'the 7:() 11I, ail�(titiG;l_ai of nc� lt)a(. 11Jp ,af" to bt app1'()x:iniatcely dirc% (i) ielet ffirlheic soutfi than as show ti on the plat. '.(.'he applicar_at 3'oticed the conflict and then "over , d-I. tsic d ay an additional two (2) 're t:, thereby causing the applicant, to locate the honi.ce five '5) feet into the rear setback: in a rai;:arin! i irlcoti_ i; a r 1: With 01C _pi"o isioli s of `section 430, O`r;asso .Zoning Code. Finally, staff feels that by granting relief in this instance the result would 1101: CaLISC Substantial detriment to the public food, or impair the pm-poses and intent of the ordinance or the Comprehensive Plan, Staff fiends to look for opposing; comments from suiroaandinx property owners for guidance in situations such as this. Letters were mailed to all property oWners -within three hundred ( 300) feet of the subject property oil October 9, 2002 and the request was advertised in the Owasso Reporter on October 10, 2002. No opposing connments or correspondence were received concerning the reclta.est. RE COMME, ATION Staff recommends approval of OBOA- 02-25, to reduce the required 20 foot rear setback to 15 feet in order to accommodate a rear covered porch on property zoned RS -3 (Residential Single Fancily High Density). AnACHMENTS 1. General Area leap 1 OBOA -02 -25 Application 3. Copy of Legal Advertisement 4. Copy of Letters gent to Surrounding Property Owners {ASP il�l}1 Sii7 ,',JGt1 ni dl , F1 dK C�j. i ts (� A PANY E - 9 2' C "ra, T 4 <T G ck' CSJ 7 TON'i JK Z i N ` e iA sA5Y Af A8(i Yj I € CITY OWASS0, TULSA COUNTY , U<U }10"A Asr I OM n3 s m r ,vas n flenchMAfk Surveying 3, tW,acrtlon Mao Land Services, lnr. R p, 9©'A d 1y T1u IOvffd �991+996HJ, M. 7amm �,�OY 6Yn tyP B, fi¢I�pi?Oln li N017 phiflei 9310,"i ) itG� xr2k all All, „cdA,: ,,e; ., secv c3 rs,.•,�rray lv�a �. lFa pl ^9 M ar.Hit Ili$ J�3Jh (J. �.a }lI tit z�, 23 a Y9�3 va i a in 4 n� � ( J -• r ..w I DIY ��I 2 a�'2 > �� nY '� a�YJ 'Y, j.4 �.a ro �IM9 car t zJ T 2rr ASR I 2� na9. -rY ��' �l �s ` ., ,.... 7j}¢3 ffi13 � A3 Y ,• 30 _„.y ,.• d d � �� SS 5r S.. #.. asYY i��„ �g lan (. L7)5 -}2939 1f 9.9 317171 , �> ! ! f it' tj f I..v) 1 u�. ( ��r+, L'3j`i /.... t7• y .fr �� 79 e,s� j It (9 {1 Ud i i °` slrr� i ao w,tls�97, .t u ] a' .. =Y i 9Y 1 a -q d # Ol ii? ��. �,si�, •g�°}t a, n t<� � � 4 a � �i��� Pii ,�:3 .� cs All j A qqc i , a a 14 as s $ S a a 2 S 1f3i T �rao,x el Rig o gyp'.. db���'i{�§ .rte B910 9 ➢d0 a9o9 35 a \ , . .. a� , Y i ��b�YU xaYJJY` H i L . 4' � � 1. >.» .. ,l'ttvt t0 J �,� I�Ut�,•_°.>_._.> 14:a � e _T,?. mJ :� 1 Y1+a' e, x� co ,Y vex ren 5a jai Jr� a"°`"' i Ong East 110th Striet North rtR Ut � I J 6.9W 15 G1 1UW •. •.,•. X60. /d Ul�� IS h-0 ® °a 1 0 �a� =• „�N k`.S ,$, y a,5�a BAs a � �� % � �' � w. „ 2fl@ � � 8912 w � AM s 922'22~ W s I �q I O O 11- !. CITY OF 0 WASSO P.O. BOAC 180 OWAISSO, C3Kr.,AtIO:A 74055 (918)^ 272­2251 FAX ((918) 272-4997 BOARD OFADJUSTMENT ZONING VARIANCE 1 t-IT FOLLOWING ,l ai;l01-0IA ION I`O BE SI I,i'i,lED BYAP 'i,U.ANT �- .z 1 )escxib , below the spy c ific.s of your re clue's". e's ", Where applicable, indicate eftiileni uses, distances, diific[isions, ,;..;(.t„ Please attach any plot plans, photographs and odier :(actual ll:l orrilarion that will assist tllc 'Boar,'J in ?::l.t t4 rroiriinf the merits of VJUr request. ra,r �- l� r r� y c�,��.��.�t I_2ll_C'.._� PROPERTY LEGAL WFSCRAPTION 1.0 - .3�a.«C!� k? J. -i.- - N,arne ind Address of Record O%vyie As applicai t, Sx liar, is yoti[ interest in this propeay' l Pxc.sciit O °„x ✓I eA f ff',Tt for Owner _Ptiiclias r 1-_wtlier Fl Attorney .. Address or Geiieral I_,ocatiori of Subject prop_:rty Marne of pe rson to be billed for pablicatioli Mailing 05 J_ e Board or Ad ushnen is allowed to € ppro e variances oniv aatea, determining from the evidence t: ml ii gn.ij ertts� tai' x� tl�_7t the conditions listed below do e_'Us Please d sc 'l e how s otn rra � t��� ��a������ each o these con(liflsn.s.,. I . Application of the zoning ordinance requiremcift s to this particular property will create unnecessai °y hardship. rC%. e q Gi J. r: e 2 There are conditions peculiar to this property which do not apply to other properties in the same; zoning district. ��.lie- r- _f_x_c)4u -_-L h e I The variance, if granted, will not cause substantial detriment to the public good or impair the purpose and intent of the zoning ordinance or the comprehensive plan. I CERTIFY THAT THE RNIATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT ISignature Tease submit the completed application form and application fee of $75 along with a Certified 300' Radius Report (available from an abstract company) and other supplemental documents to the City Planncr on or before the first day of the month in which the request is to be heard by the Board. This is a quasi - judicial proceedinlo. The applicant or applicant's agent jna t be pr� at the hearing to receive approval. BOA MEETING DA'TE PRESENT USE SUBMITTAL DATE— ____ - -- -- — ZONING DISTRICT -�— --------- FEE --- RECEIPT NUN/IBER___ -- -- - - - -._ .__.__. APPROVED____ DENIED on Aovd 9 "B- Lt Z., 03 A 11 -f, yyl o - -A, NOMAD' SA M,OZ 3w') d.71 ol 43 10,9 _w�� am-gig poom X,9z jj 7M NAGOS GOO NI 0 r+ P 4 x,13 AT A 2 ---------------- fry 1 I-A Omni F"m W 'Ac MOO' rya r 4,44 ti f'T ll"A" v x,13 AT A 2 ---------------- fry 1 I-A Omni F"m W 'Ac MOO' 00 -,-,]Dvd N.-A(105 tUOU v3T94oGoTG TP =90 zooUl-folma rya ti f'T 00 -,-,]Dvd N.-A(105 tUOU v3T94oGoTG TP =90 zooUl-folma "EXHIBIT A" NOTICE OF A Hf A-RI N BEFORE THE BOAR_ OF ADJUSTMENT OFTHE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA. Case Number f9BOA.02.23 a, Notice 1 ii(,rc'�iy { #�i� /�:�il 3. jai a ) #Abli�� il��al t�tt >, �,t11l1 �7f:', fl�,)�l i�ii�3t's 1.17r „° Owasso Board of Acllust.rn ni, in the Owasso Cor:nt -n miry Center, 01, �nlrtl3 G�ecl � as ., flt: t s l fin. day ✓.> - `,vu,a_ tee, �,�z, �.�` =�vct��:�; '�1�'i����a7.a. r�l i;.V1� ,. i$� v�.i §S`J� /,! 1�f ilC2.� of 2002. At that ,,:line and glace the Owasso Board of A{.J 3t:rri-e t will r. outs :ide a request f r°oin sif_ira Rober` ori, %a.la lic;airt, too a Variance to the Owasso oiri"tig Code, Section 4,30, Bulk and Area Requirements in Residential Districts,, JT) _ JDU1`( -,-E 'HE MEQLARTM 0 Mar IREAR SETBACK C 15 FEET IN on a property zc;rre RS -3 (Residential Single F ar:i_iily High Density District) described as Lot: 8, Bloch 2, Metro Heights 1, ftu:t er described bed as 9706 E 110” Place North, Owasso, Oklahoriia, 3 persoris rntc,ic, it tl in the above mentioned (: tti{al.i aI- , ii L <,by notified to be present at the albs =,/,. trie tioned time and place in r' order to present their ary a ie t6s for or against sa.[ric, lnf )rn- tatioii aacl rnaps showing the property location may bx. inspected in the office of t:l -jc City Pla:aner, l 11. N. Main Street, Owasso, Oklahoma, `71055, or by galling 376 -- 154-3. Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma, this "' day of' "O tuber, 2002. r� Robert Moore City Planner A' City m Owasso Department of C minunih (918) 3764,540 11.1 North Main Street P 76 k` :,., rill r (r,specrio rr:. 3 7 a... a5 . ,,,vs, v CitVoI'Dent sSo.b n-1 O eta 1," 1 Y 0 `, N 13 Notice 1;s 7ii reDy g ive.-o that a pub .ic hi ra 111.,; 'r.,vlll be held befo -te thc., Owasso Board ( f Adj st3ne-or D the i)4I+If�.;so �. o ri {rl nfity Cerit'r' 301 ,`' otAl:t Cc.d_Ir..li", Owasso, Oklahoma a at :00 PM t rr il:rc 22") day of October, 2002, At that time and place, the Owasso Boar °ccl. of Ad ,ji.:r <. >tment il consider a request from KH-ri Roberswr, applicant, for a I zr ianc;e to the Owasso Zoning Code, Section X130; Bulk and 'tree Regr:�ireirle,ats hi R sidential JF)isrric�s, ' O ED,_)(' -E ITUM WETQUIRED 213 IFOOT REAR SE1'B /XC_[(, TO S ], I ET IN 0.111 1°i T ACCOMMODATIT', A REAR COVERED POR1211 cwt a property zo -t)ed RS- 3 (R e ideiaial Sing 4 s:( -ally s-iiyh Density 1 "Inst lc:;t) 1-he s1 oijec l3rc�pr r 1 �I is described as''> allows` L,oii 8, lock 2, Metro Heights hts 1, frrr th r cles t,l3ed as 9706 E, l 10(` Place North, i.)wasso, Oklaltorrra, As an abuttirig or twarby property owner, YOU. are berrgg ): - notified so ttrat you r nay be able to express your° views or concerns regarding?, this request, l:t ywti are unable to atter.0 this meeting, please forward any corrrrrle crts you may :gave in writino to the Owasso Con- imunity Development Department, P0 Box 180, Owasso, OK 1=1035. ` flese comments will be presented to the Board of Adjus%rrrent members at the scheduled public; hearings, by the Community Development Staff. Information and maps showing the property location may be inspected in the office or` the City Planner, 111 North Main ,Street, Owasso, Oklahoma, 11055 or by calling; 3764543. This is your only personal notification of this request. Dal:ed at Owasso, Oklahoma, this 7th day of October, 2002. Sincerely, Hobert Moore City Planner CITY OWASSO COMMUNITY DE { ✓ E N T' E 1 MJ Y OBOA.. - 02-26 STAFTREPORT The Clt'y of Ow sso ?ta s received a re(iii t h-oiri R indla l Lesc.h.N a .. applicant, of "). tiehal.l {'O erry Collins for a Special l'x epti.on Of the Owasso Zo dn2 t.,ode, Sectimi 610, i i ciplt -i es , . In Co:il erci.al 1)1s i`;ctt �� A ? — OJ 101�¢ fllfl=, MINI S Chif1.t.7s sJi'''iI( 01).. )1Lipe' col,c,d. (Donn( le7eia.l TIOPprng Dist `lct). 1-1he Subject property is described as w t, 131oc1< -1., Ifillside Estates, furtl'1er, described as ihe southwest: c oj ner of 1.16"' Street North and 97"' East Aventte, Owasso, OK. EXISTING LAIN[j) USE Vacant North: Residential . S_,cmth: esidetltial... East; Vacant West: Resider-mat N� - As. � > `iigl; Family Single Family Single Fair1_ily PRESEN'r ZONING CS (Cornniercial Shopping District) SIJUIOUNIMING ZONING North: AG (Agricultural District) South: RS - -3 (residential Single family 1 -fig h Density District) East: AG (Agricultural District) West: AG (Agricultural District) APPLICABLE REGULATIONS Owasso Zoning Code, Section 610 - Principle Uses Permitted- in Commercial Districts and Section(s) 1400 through 1490 - Board of Adjustment, SITE SPECIFIC HISTORY A survey of the records housed at the Community Development Department indicates that no site - specific history related to variance or special exception requests exist. ANALYSIS According to the Owasso Zoning Code, the Board of Adji-istrnent may grant a special exception after finding that the special exception will be in harmony with the spirit and intent of the code, and will not be injurious to the neighborhood or otherwise; detrimental to the public welfare. Provided that the Board in granting a special exception shall prescribe appropriate conditions and safeguards, and may require such evidence and guarantee or bonds as it rrtay deem necessary to enl`orce compliance with the conditions attached. 1 ic. applicant rs requesting a special exception bona the Owasso Zoning 'ode to allow for.. the onstruc io "ta of a nuns- storage linit c;orr7.plex on properiv zoned CS ('Corivmercial 31.o`:13a, 3 Dist i'ctl r�� site A is , i`� 1izC:l Lli�l �..,tis v�iidr, 7,., �. �,,.__, J. f - Your packets. Allho1.t.g ! nornial y, ,review of this cipplic tio.'ri by the BC>w'd of A4: {j1,3stni +:;r "11 v'+✓4: idd hiclufh- d,, c i dc;4:f (3131;1_ Scion an(A C; )i7 +i1i4,n,, : ^, rtll.l3 "1 [o its', )tan a provIaL th 3. 5phc<ant I requesting ti-tat tie 1 „c; nic i Advisory _,orinnittee ( l Lip ) and the City of 0SVasso Plcrtar "ling Con 111; .orl re i il',w and approve the site plan prior tot suin (> bullthn-, pcm -i;ts, lus request was rnade pA m.-arily o3_it: of concerns from staffthat the ,>'ubi— itt;tid site plan did riot contain sL t- rcieri lrif 'brrnati.on to conduct a formal site plain review. Staff concurs with the applicant's rc qu st ivil.h the exception of once itein.. Staff feels that the screening cequirerrie( its that guide the Pl<anrung Conrixiission's approval would prove to be inadequate .tor this site. Staff requests that the Board or Aditastmen3 require a :masonry or brick wall, in liciii. o[ a wooden privacy fence, alone, the bou_ridaty of the; property prior to Plarinin,g t orrimIssion site ,Mari approval, 1 . °l.; applicant has i3;'en 21 add m' larC, of staff's prefir'ilit"ictry site plat l'IT"I"l.!`tlt its lI (. 111 til :lei cllonicc iris aboti oi)-site det;entiori; '_s.id( wall t.r,,qu.i3 rnc.r).ts and potential titili y and easc,rrl£; rit locations, .Staff feels that the S4.'.h'iew of the proposal by the 1 C and Plarming C'orrunission, with the stipulation that a n'ra onry or brick wall be requ1red by this Board, would provide stidre,ient assurance that the proposal .t, in harmony with the spirit arid Intent, of thc, ° ity's Zoning ordinance. Letters were mailed to all property owners wit'bin three hundred (1300) fe;c;t of they ;subjec, property on October p, 2002 and. the request was advertised in the Owasso liaeportcr on f' October 10, 2001. Based on the lack or corni-ients Froin the siir.`rotl.nding property owners, staff believes that the proposal would not be injurious to the neighborhood or be otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. RE COMME' ND ,riO N Staff recommends conditional approval of OBOA- 01 -269 allowing for the construction. of mirri -- storage units in a properly zoned. CS (Commercial Shopping; District) subject to the followin- conditions: 1. The applicant applies for and receives site plan approval from the City of Owasso Planning Commission. 1. The applicant is subject to all conditions imposed by the City of Owasso Technical Advisory Committee prior to the issuance of building permits. 3. The applicant is subject to all conditions imposed by the City of Owasso planning Conan- fission prior to the issuance of building permits. 4. The applicant provides a masonry or brick wall around the perimeter of the subject property no later than thirty days after site construction is complete. A` :" `ACHMENTS l General area Map , OBO -02 ->6 Application 3. Section 610 (Excerpt from Owasso ooio- Code) 4, Copy of Legal Aclvertisenie_nt 5. Coy of _Letters Seat to Surrounding Property Owners ,`�,� :•}h „mow r, y.c3 z a lalS L� i 21�:A:, 161.3p / I HILLSIDE, Ca;iu(A}t d 9.491 of -.Y �.'s+M{x5Y to-vn(a /dl X n its” 9i.: eign li5 / =i, +tt 1+� !till PU7 iP f� 0 { � 5 S Y PLAT NO. 3431 A f' J . ; .......... i dS Al .� /sl •a � as s �,!` \ t,'` Wa W � i_�=; �.._.g PAQ101 gat Ap H 6 - -q ewe ^�+xvv G x�' . I ^ iA iq Y Y Ain, as �... b �Oj THE PLAY aSMOK — 3 C LSA COUNTY COPYRIGHT 1973 f:!'S "'1' MAP aEf3lf CE TULSA OKLAHOMA PHONE 7£3-9539 EOERAL LAW PROHIBITS 9-i6 PROOU<.. ION FOR ANY PURPOSE WITHOUT PERMISSION OF IME COPYRIGHT Otnfmwe n ,A �IL h.;t3 ?.t,f Yttp1'iiv fa - Z J. i 21�:A:, 161.3p / I HILLSIDE, Ca;iu(A}t d 9.491 of -.Y �.'s+M{x5Y to-vn(a /dl X n its” 9i.: eign li5 / =i, +tt 1+� !till PU7 iP f� 0 { � 5 S Y PLAT NO. 3431 A f' J . ; .......... i dS Al .� /sl •a � as s �,!` \ t,'` Wa W � i_�=; �.._.g PAQ101 gat Ap H 6 - -q ewe ^�+xvv G x�' . I ^ iA iq Y Y Ain, as �... b �Oj THE PLAY aSMOK — 3 C LSA COUNTY COPYRIGHT 1973 f:!'S "'1' MAP aEf3lf CE TULSA OKLAHOMA PHONE 7£3-9539 EOERAL LAW PROHIBITS 9-i6 PROOU<.. ION FOR ANY PURPOSE WITHOUT PERMISSION OF IME COPYRIGHT Otnfmwe n tt..� `5,,.: CITY OF OWASSO RO, BOX 180 OWASSO, O L�.IJO t 405 i (915) 271-2251 I _:� (9 t �� 1; 499" . r.. f SPECIA-1, EXCEPTION 3 E SS 3PI.i DB .t �S �JP..d AN'."�'C. (J5s i ljtt �, -- �o, l isolt �c i'j3a.t3� firoi1i i�lllZding Inspector for �_I -A t" >ea fuilil r 1, c Pro ta�itti� }� v. �1i3.�)te 12, .:r,�,�ti3x4 Des,,.- .-ribe b6yl=;rxai the - specA11:cs of your request:. Where applicable, indicate pertinent uses, distances, d rwtisiwns: ,, etc, Please attach any l ?tot pi ans, photos- a-ptis and oche "i fiactual irito -m alion 1ha?t" All assist: the BC>i31 ^..1 irl, dete, iiiinfiml, the rne.-rits of your request, 1ird Address, 0;.. Re' -ord i, } %,ner t. .. l ,KJt,1,_ .,t , As a petitanr r xh it is yotir interest in [hi,, trop rty`) t) z, /ncr ? ]A�gcnt tai° Owner 49 Qi iicltiser E'Jother t Addn °S s VT Jcnoral t._o afion Cat `,ubje't [ NOpp ty Name me t,I person to be bill d ro, publication i�tl f1 �'vklailiirg Address — - t. $ tip Ii `3 3 $a r l i3nrd .ada)�d s as d a S"'I. e, i mature qtr a Y � tRZ L Please submit the completed Gapptication form and application fry; ui $50 atong with a Cettilied 300' Radius Rep�)rt {available frorn an abstract company) and other supplementaat documents to the City Planner on or before the first day of"the month in which the request is to be heard by the Board. This is a quasi-judi lal proceeding. The applicant or appl c antds agent must be .mat at the hearing W receive ipl�roygl ENS NA 4 . BOA )HETING DATE _ SUBMITTAL DATE FEE DECEIT"' ' NUNIIII=R PRESENT USE ZONING � + _r mm � o m� [} r �m crwo �m � _ l � /—� \ / � -'j --------- -------- ---- HA -- --- ------ lik- :176-1 | � | | / 5O'-O"-�' ' , / / / / / ' / / m 0 � � | / 0 � � NORTH 97TH EAST AVE (W|N�D ROAD) � ` / . »r------------------------------------------------------------~ / / ' / , | / /+ /+ ' /un |+ / zz /rn �m `+ / z / , [} /+ � 521.78 r 1J "{ 525 ......,� _....,R....�._...._.,�.__._ ._m..�. »..,m ®mw.,..., J1W20 r X84 5.719 AC, ' so �.n I iF 6 A, 0 iii2 tr7 i .. 00,100) k F ' b Acccmrnodate the grouping of certain commercial and light indus- trial uses which are compatible with one another. 600,4 Purposes of the CH Commercial High Intensity District The C11 Distv"ict is designed to accommodate high intens"Ity comaler(,'Jal and related uses ,p SEVITION d)10 USES PERMITTED IN (,',OMM['�RCIAL DISTRICT,, 1, I'll 11 C j The principal uses permitted in the Commercial DISIrMs are des1gnaUd by use unitn The use units are groupings of individual uses; anti It Tully describ, including their respective off-str pa eet ed rk ing, loading, and screening requirements and other use conditions in Chapter 10. The use units permitted in Cmmmrcial Districts are set forth below Table 1,, Table - , [ Use Units Permitted in Coffmn, rclal Districts Districts No N am-e *X =__jAse by right. E = special exception. 36 X E X X X X X X X X X X E X X 9 Af - e a t`` d e U s e X X E E 2 Areawide Special Exception Uses 4s Public Protection and Utility Facilities X X 5, Community Services, Cultural and Recreational Facilities X X Multi-Family Dwellings and Similar Uses E E 10. off-Street Parking Areas X X jj� Offices and Studios X X 12 Eating Places Other Than Drive-Ins X X 13� Convenience Goods and Services X X W Shopping Goods and Services X X 15, Other Trades and Services X 16� Gasoline Service Stations X X 1L Automotive and Allied Activities E X 1B, Drive-In Restaurants X 19, 1jotel, Motel, and Recreation Facilities X X 2Y Commercial Recreation, Intensive E 21. Business Signs and Outdoor Advertising X X 22 Warehousing and Wholesaling E 2? Light Manufacturing and Industrial Research and and Development E *X =__jAse by right. E = special exception. 36 X E X X X X X X X X X X E X X 9 "EXHIBIT A" NOTICE OF A HEA1,1-ING BEFORE THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMEN'r OFJ'HE Cl 'Y OF OWASSO, OKI..,AHOMA, Case Nurnber OBOA-02--26 Notice is li.erebyolvel), that a PUI)fic will, be held before thi-,, Owasso Board of Adju.surient 'in duc,, Owasso, Con-inaturtity Centur, 30-1. Sotttla cdar., wasso, llalrorila at 6:1010) 11),./l on 'I'lie 22iid ,[,,,,,y of October, 221002", At that time an c" place the Owa.sso Board of Adjustment will consider a. recft.,iest frorn Randall J-oescher, a-1(pliC'.LU1t, 'for a Specfal Exception to the Owasso Zoning Cocle, Section 610, Principle Uses Permitted in Corrinlercial TO A'(-,LOW 'FOR. 111E CONSTRUC710N 01F IVIINI-ST01-011GE UNITS on at property zoriect CS (Coo-n-mercial Shopping District) lo�...k 1, Hillside Estates, fiji-the r described as described as Lot I., B I the southwesi corner of' 116"' Street Not and 911�1' East Ave., Owasso, Oklahoma. All persons interested Jn the above mentioned inatter are he-.r,,e , by notified to be present at die above inention.ed. time and place in order to present their argunicras for or agairist sai-ne. Infor-triation and rru:ips showing the property location ,rriay b(,-.% inspected. in the office of tl--te C ity Planner, III N. iN/Iain Street, Owasso, Oklahoma, 7405' ), or by calling 376-1543 Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma, this 'P" day of October, 2002, Robert Moore City Planner 11North Main Street f�0, Box 180 Ow,-asso, OK 7405;5a a City qf Owasso Development a 7'i / -: .� ih;.' .3'c.. PROPER] .�`a/ �i` " "" r'2in �' >>, (918) 3765 -154 -k (91 8) 376.:1397 x r Notice i.`; 1hereby giveri that el public heari -no will fat; helt:..l before %.he 0,,-vass {a B(.iGarc of At alr CT>rt l � ia �C'ltJl? ; ; l� t cr, Owasso, ` %i "lil }1(3I1ct at 6:00 I'M ilia the 2 €D day J! October, 4�1 J %�.?: that ilia( alg;. �ilaC;€ �ta: Owasso 1. sU B{3 �r(�. of Adjaastraa.ent will consider a request from Randall 1 ocsc.her, applicant., for a Special Exception to the (Owasso honing Code, , Section 610, Principle Uses Permitted in Corrifnercial Districts,, 1'0 L Ll ,0W T lQ THE CONSTRUCTION OF MINI-STORAGE E on a property zoned d `' (CorCi3iiea c ial Shopl.pi iE' District). la`s stab? ct property is described d as follows: 5 }1j y / ?....ot 1. Block f., 1..iills.t.(de Estates, ��a the, described ��`. °) the :3i�it, ld�/�4�-.,s, �S.o ric of' l.16"' ��zrect North, and. 97"' East Ave,- Owasso, Oklahoma, As an abutting or rrc;Earby property owrier, you are being notified so that. you may be able to express your views or concerns regarding this request, If you are unable to attend this rneetiril;9 please forward any co- unments you may have in writing to the Owasso Community Development Department, PO Box 180, Owasso, OK 74055. These corrrrraents will be presented to the Board of Adjustment members at the scheduled public hearing by the Community Development Staff. information and reaps shoring the property location may be inspected in the office of the City Planner, 11I North Main Street, Owasso, Oklahoma, 74055 or by calling 376 - -1543. This is your only personal notification of this request. Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma, This 7th clay of October, 7002. Sincaerely, Robert Moore City planner