HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001.01.23_Board of Adjustment AgendaPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING. OF THE OWASSO BOA" OF ADJUSTMENT TYPE OF MEETING DAT ` ` mE PLAC& NOTICE FILED BV, TITLE: E: Regular January 23, 2001 6:00 PIS Owasso Commuri.ftY Center Donna Son ells City Plainer Filed in the office e of the Owasso (i t:l Clerk and posted at the Cedar treet enb."ar- .ccto City Hall at 1:00 PM on the 16"' day of'Jarnta- % 2001, � I onna Sorrel.ls City Planner OWASSO BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT 1;`u.csd.ay, January 23, 2001, 6:00.1'M d"'i ;yi F'4 Owasso Community pity Center, 301..x, Ced.a, Council Chambers :., Cal to Order 20 Roll Call. Consider Approval of the Minutes o:f°the Ja nary 2, 2001 Special Meeting, BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT PUBLIC HEARING 4. OBOA-00 -21 — Bradley jo Beasley - A request for a Variance to the Owasso Zoning Code Chapter 6, Section 630 "Bulk and Area Requirements in Commercial Districts" to allow for a reduction of a 50' Building Setback along the north property line, The subject is described as Lot 4, Block 2, Elm Creek Commercial ercial Corner Amended and is located at 12620 K 86 " Street N. (Ward. 3) 5, OBOA -01 -01 — Erik Miller _. A request for review of a Variance to the Owasso honing Code Chapter 2, Section 240.2.e "Permitted Yard Obstructions99 to allow for the location of a accessory building in the side yards The subject property is described as Lot 3, dock 33, Elm Creek Estates First addition and is located at 7713 M 126 " E. Avenue, (Ward 3) 6, OBOAw01 -02 -- James & Wanda Baker — A request for review of a Variance to the Owasso Zoning Code Chapter 4, Section 430 "Bulk and area Requirements in Residential Districts" to alloy for a reduction of a S' Building Setback along the cast property lime. The subject property is described as Lot 8, Bloch- 3, Bailey Ranch I and is located at 11303 E. 100 "' Street N. (Ward 1) 7. adjournnacnt CITY OF OWASSO Beard of AAjstment O A -00-2 1 Staff Report t Donna So Sorrells .__. C Ity Planner BACKGROUND D APP ICANT Al. D STATUS _'US OF APPL C"AN't u Brad—'toy K- Beasley, ley, Ai,ti` #1:i }/ t ' the Owner REQUESTED ACTION AND P 1.1RITOSE- Variance to the Owasso Zooting Code, Chapter r° , Section 6e310 "B lk and Y'n,r .a Itequiro'I "f tints in the CS in—tri6:e`cia Districts" to allow I-or a 5" reduction of°the required. 50" frront yard Building setback, LOCATION AND SIZE. The subject property is approximately :1.9,000 square feet in sire and is located at 1.2620 K 86t" Street N. EXIS'I'ING LAND USE. CG (Comrnercia-1 General) 81.7 RO UN DING LAND USES The sup jec,t property is bound car. the west by the First Baptist Church with R.S -3 (Residential Si.n le -Farrdly" High 1:. unsity) Zoning, CG (Commercial (_lenerai) zoning on the east acrd south, and CS (Commercial Shopping) to the nortE APPLICABLE R-EGUI, TION'S: City of Owasso Z,o hng Code, Chapter 6, Section 630 "'Bulk and Area Requirements in the Commercial Districts " and. Chapter 14 "Board ofAdjustrxrent" "o CASE HISTORY. The applicant has requested a reduction in the required. fre t yard building setback to accommodate an existing encroachment, Staff has requested the reduction of 5" for simplicity, ANALYSIS The requested building setback reduction is requested to accommodate a one foot (P), more or less, encroachment across the entire front of the existing medical office building acrd" further, approximately fora foot (49) of existing vestibule at the entrance of the building. The structure was permitted in March of 1986. Legal notification was published in the January 11, 2000 edition of the Owasso Reporter and letters were mailed to surrounding property owners on January 9, 2000, No inquiries resulted from the notifications. Staff recommends approval of OBOA-00 - 21. to allow for a 5" reduction of the required 50' front yard building setback. I. Location Map 2. Variance Application I Title Survey 4. Legal Notificatior). _,; T,ct'llers to Property Owners I SUBJECT PROPEYVrY Rs RMI �•.w, E_n �ry�4 o� j ? CTr y _ rm_ I % i t I ( I II i —1 '\ ivi I L ",. \ / Bird BG CJ Q \a v\ AG I OWASSO Sid. HIGH SCHOOL GS t , r0 i i PUDIi ee _ �. „3 dhiP ST NO ST, -. Ana ST. tla A \ O >va Ia -- LJ r� FAST 79th v, STREET NORTH _jj %.. _. i9�y_ p it � E 77m pt. _ N. a _ � a_ lTl -IL,i 11 �1 11_ti 11 t N� ---AL — O i 1 `'SEE III R dLL �E5 __l_._ V Variance x o existing building encroachment over ui ldi-ng setback 1tc ye ( Copy of Survey attached) W Waco of Record Owriar East: 8 6 t h Street N cr r t h and North 129th E. ik Gr you? mei€Jvas '' RTES this pFapovty? Nume � d .. .....�. Present Owner Bradley K Beasley s { 7 8) 8 3-4 I 7 Purchaser H Attorney for Ownftr 100 pia _at,a � Ste e , , � �tee �7 �t20, Tulsa, OK 76 ,103 The Roord of Adjummeant is raflo ed to upprovs vary uncas only after dmarmining than evidwice and r�laaaaews pKesented that the conditions listed below Flo exist, Please describe hO� Your request satisfies each of thaie conditions, pplicaflorr of the zaning ordinance Taaluaveme its to this parficiday piece of prapert} will Cmage on vTuA`;anacessary hardship, Bui.]-ding and vestibar-(_e enc-r�oach s- I.J.,ghtly over setback line. If riot a1"1.owed,bui1.di g would have to be partially destroyed, 1 There are conditions which are peculiar or special to this pierce of property, which do not apply to gather prope ies in the same zoning district. This is a medical clinic, the encroac- hinerit consists of a building and vestibule. TTise variance, if granted, will not cause substonti l datriment to the public good or impair the purpose and i nt� of the zoning ordinance or the cornprehonsive pjunr If granted, the foregoing statement is true Application Racieved b; Receipt Noo l S P 0 S l T 10 N Bad ACTION Date 9 V NORTH AST '86TH S1, NORTH LINE OF SEC TI0N 29 (PUBLIC STREEI W'v b b -s 105, umn or NO ACCESs 40' ACCESS C"UOE LI-IRB CON M—'TE am -W J- CMAM CONG EiE. SIDEWALK, o r MA 0 IRON Pill 4. ....... .... X- co) 1Q, 17,18 R.V RPM, M dr. "'J "f PP 21 2 0 Rk SIDE A (7) E. 50 JILDING LIN E m p 41 1.10 LU X ty, Ld TO� . b w X, TR U) Z / mco d 0 T J( X,' r 4 012i ry U) ry IKIC- 56 25, BUILPJING LINE 17 18 20' M kE FOUND 5/8- IRON PIN 40' )o5.00, TWO 6 WAA'LM( FOXE" '\,,_ Pp w * ". 61 MM4 UNX Wl LOT 5 Dqqcri pflon LOT FOUR (4), BLOCK TWO (2), ELM CREEK COMERCIAL CORNER AJIMENDED, AN ADDITION -1-0 THE CITY OF OWASSO, COUNTY OF TULSA, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, ACCORDINC TO THE RECORDED FLAT THEREOF, Please publish the following legal advertisement in the January 1, 2001, edition of the Owasso Reporter. I'lease send Proof of Publication tw City of Owasso sso ? .0— Box 1.80 Owasso, OK 7405 Please bill publication costs `o, Bradley K _B(,'-M ,ley 100 � 5 "' Street, Suite 800 ': ,u1sa, OK 74103 JOE: Owasso Board. of'Adjust -rne t llllllll llllllll G�lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllll llllllllll / / /llllllllllllllll // BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT OF TB C " Off O O; OKLATIOMA Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held before tine Owasso Plating Conn- nission, in tote Owasso Community Center, Owasso, O la orria, at 6000 P.M. on the 23 "" clay of January, 2001. LEGAL DESCIUPTION Lot 4, Bloch 2, Elm Creek Cone nercial Corner Amended 12620 E. 86"n Street N. All persons interested in this matter may be present at the hearing and present their o jections to or arguments for any or all of the above matters. Information and yaps showing the property location may be inspected in the office of the City Pl ruier, City Hall, 207 S, Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma 74,055, or phone (918) 272--225J.. Dated this 8"' day of January 2000, 207 South Cedar PO Box 1 Owasso, OK 74055 a , T .1. '4 _.'I ;1..,;_.4 TO OWNER 1918) 72 -2251 FAX 19181 272 -4999 Notice is hereby given that a public )tearing will be hell betbre the Owasso Board of Adjustment, in the Grasso t✓'ominia.rity Center, Owasso, Ok1.abor' a, at 6°00 P.M. on the 23'd day of January 2001, At that time and place, the Owasso Bard of Adjustment will consider a req *test from Bradley , Beasley, Attorney for the Owner, for a VARIANCE `l O TIFIE O AS ZONING CODE .., CHAPI -ER. 6, SECTION 30 ..... o ,� UI.X AND R.E' R1W'.QUIREEMJ',NTS IIN THE COMMERCIAL, DtSTIRIC "I'S to allow for a 5' reduction of the Required 50' , o t yard bu ldiri g setback on property currently zoned CG (Coo). r ercial Ge.ne °al) , The subject, property is described as follows LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot 4, block 2 Elm- Creek corn er€;ial. Conner .A.-mended LOCA TION 12620 L 86"' Street N. As an abutting or nearby property owner, you are being notified so that you may be able to express your viers or concerns regarding this request. If you are unable to attend this meeting, please forward any comments you may have in writing to the Owasso City Planner, PO Box 180, Owasso, OK 74055, Planning Staff will preset these comments to tie; board of Adjustment members at the scheduled public hearing, A map showing the subject Property accompanies this notice, For more information on the proposed variance contact the Owasso City Planner, City ball, 207 S. Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma 74055, or phone (918) 272-2251. This is your only personal notification of this request, Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma, this 9" day of January 2001, Donna Sorrells City Planner CITY OF OWASSO Board of Adjustment BOA -01 0 Staff Report ,Donna S,, Sortells _. City larurwr BACKGROUND �p111C NII 9 i?ND S ���,''�31��", �'4�:a' APP 3C (mi 3 r. -y, N/9181 "w .w. max, s.. )z a- Sim 6.P .ti i.J h✓' v/_,i A._ _I,A 31 '�....t in '� Zi a f...r2 IK i'A -11.3 �1, �—JVVj1,cj1 REQUEsTED ACTION AND P1:1 R 'OSE� ?/ar ance of the �h;vasso Zordng Code, Chapter 2, Section 24022 Perm tted Yard Obs3tractions" to allow fbr itie placement o1`a storage, shed outside the required reau- ryard. LOCATION AND SIZE: The s bJeet property is approximately 1. 0,400 square sleet acrd is located at 711.3 N :1 66' E.Averrr,e. Il{ -`f `:`lNG 1,, ND USE: RS -3 (Residential .igle-Fa nily, Fligh Density) SURROUNDING LAJIMUSEThe subjiect property is locate withi -ri Tad Burr ou.adcd by Elm Crock Estates First Addition, APPLI.'AB:l; E f EGULAT fit. NS. City o:s °.:°Owasso Zoning Code, Chapter 2, Section 240,2.c "Peryn- fitted. Yar°d. Obstructions" and C- tiapter '.1/ "Board o1_° Adj strae--rit' CASE HISTORY` While the storage shed was under construction., the Zoning Code Enforcement Officer informed the applicant that all accessory buildings must be located within. the rear yard of the property, The applicant, elected to complete the structure and request a variance to allow I``or the location of a storage shred in the side ;yard. of the properly. ANALYSIS "Me Owasso Zoning Code Chapter 14, Section. 1470.3 "Board of Adjustment Action." states a variance may be granted upon a finding that: The application of the ordinance to the particular piece of property would create an unnecessary hardship; ?. Such conditions are peculiar to the particular piece of property involved; and, 1 belief, if granted, would not cause substantial detriment to the public good, or impair the purposes and intent of the ordinance or the Comprehensive Marro It is staff's opinion that the applicant has not met the prescribed requirements No, 1 and No. 2 for a variance, Legal notification was published in the January 11, 2000 edition of the Owasso reporter and letters were mailed to surrounding property owners on January 9, 2000, At the time of this report, no comments from citizens regarding this application had been received by staff° K-F,C 0 M ME ND ATI 0N Staiif rec;omirien(Js denial oMBOA.- OJ.-O . 1, Looatio-ii. Ma;:) ?, Va,�°ianc,e .A.ppli.c;iti.or. 3, I'lot Plan 4 Legal Notificttion 5, Letter to property Ownc:,,° 1 41n ST. ! 62nd -ST. iJ 7"", Lj_: Vr Gth 76M PL. E. 76 STREET N AG J1 0� ---- T -- xeques t variance to City Zoning Gode Section 420 m2 , to allow 1 ocrat.,i nq an 8' x 10' r7can ..,permenant storage building on the side yard, and wilchin five feet of the interior lot, & aapea8y Legal S)ansCFsPflaaa N€a3sae of Record Owaacgs Erik & Anita Miller Genorrol Location ar Address 7713 N 126th Ave. E., Owasso, 74055 As ap H c ant what is your interesT in ?his property Name va Present Owner Agent for Owner Erik Miller other Mailing Address Attorney for awner 7713 N� 126th Ave, Phone 211.5 E. Owasso, OK, 74055 The Board of Adjustment k allowed to approva variances only after dotoemining from the evidence and argu rants resented that the condiflons listed below do exist. Please describe how your request satisfies each of these vorndition& E Ap plic apion of the zoning ordinance requirements to this parficulaar pied of property will create an uranecessar+ry.... hardship,, Other potential locations would be F.... more visilble, ..ahave.._gre,_(�����1�" sure for -th neighbors, Other jJoten°Hal. locations inay require the removal of existing tY'('es. 2, There are conditions which are peculiar or special to this piece of property which do not apply to other pyapefaaeg an the some zoniraq district, The desired location is prone to standinct water. This situation started with the development or the Double Oaks �area. This location could be utilized/useful. for locating the sto rage building. Neighbors to than north have chain link rent , not privacy 3o Thai vorsa ace, Hf wanted, "will not cau substantial datru ent to the public good or impair the purpose and Went a� the zoning ordinance or the comprehensive plan. The desired location hulas the shed from the neighbor's view, better than any alternate location, MIMEEMEMEM ae Present Use-, Present Zoning8 V 121-2-k -Zzr Date A Pl W,flghbor's E.ha# rag gas i caty (D tel. T motor <ga rd e n sponco, (2 sides) — —_ Above Grot,.mcl� I ' 1 g Chain Link , �~ — F anus (2 sides) shed location. Pleas; publish she following legal advertisement in the, January 11, 2001, edition of the Owasso Reporter, I Plvase seed roof of Publication to, City of Owasso A. J T I N e Donna Some hi R0. Box 1.80 Owasso. OK 74055 Please bill Publication costs to,, Erik Miller '7713 M 1.26`' L_„ Avejauo Owasso, OK 74055 E. Owasso 1 � arc of Adjustment BOAIU) OF ADJUSTMEW OF THE CITY OF OWASS09 lllllllllllllllllllllllli lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllll OKj,AHOMA APPLICATION. OBOA -01 -- _1. Notice is hereby givers that a. pif6lic hearing will. be held before the- Owasso Platining Conimissio , in the Owasso Connnunity Center, Owasso, Oklahoma, of 6,00 P.M. on the 23rd day of January, 2001 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot 3, block 33, Elm Creek Estates First Addition 7713 iii. 126`f' E. Avenue All persons interested in this ratter may be present at the hearing and preset their objections to or arguments for any or all of the above matters. Int "o matim - -i and maps showing the property location may be inspected in the office of the City Planner, City Hall, 07 & Ce(lar, Owasso, Oklahoma. ° /�. 5 °s`, or phone (918) 272-2251 4 Dated this 8"' day of January, 2001, DORM Sorrells City Plan er 207 South Cedar PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 f NOTICE "110 PROPERTY OWNER OBOA -01-01 19181 272 -2251 FAX 19181 272 -4999 Notice is hereby given that a public 1�e ring will be held before tbte Owasso Board of ��dj strn -e��t in Vne Owasso Cornrr�unity Center, Owasso, Oklal of a, at :00 P.M. on the 23'a day. of January 2001. At tiat tir:e are, place, the Owasso i «ard of A djust rriert wiu9 consider a realuest 11" V orn �J'' rg k Miller, ap��li�;a��.t, f, r a. VA- I'1_lANCE TO THE OWASS O ZONING COD - CHAPTER 2, SE(t'TION 2401 e PERMITTED YARD OBSTRUCTIONS 3o allow for a detached accessory buildi�� located outside the required reap.. yard orr prol)erty currently zoned RS- -3 (R sidetitial Single—Family, 11igh D esity), 111 subject property is described as follows: Lot 3 Block 33, Elm Creek Estams l first Addition,, LOCA IO 7713 M 1:26 "' E. Avenue As are abutti ITY OF OWASSO Board of A4justment O A -01- SlaffReport Donna S. Sorrells _._ - City Plamner BACKGROUND Pli LI A 1:' AND STATUS 01" AP 1. ft ANT, ..1a ri.,t & Wanda Bake-, : - ifld.e s A(,,TION AND P()'V��JPOSE. Vaxiance to the Owasso Zoning (,,,ode Chaqpter '41, Section ft 10 `°Btflk a'Jd . rea Requircme.tAs iri P "a -s derrtia Di.s riot`." o allow l6,r a t' reduction ` t' the required 5' side yaid. set;bae;ki, PaO"ii.r`�'� IO ,'`AND SIZE. 'rlre4 subject -proper °ty is approxi- mately 9,500 square feet in size arid is located at 11.303 :1„ 100 "" Street N. UXIS ING : „ ND USE: RS-2 (Residentlarl, Sin le- F� fly, Medium Density) SIURROUllDING LAND 1. SE ni.c surJ ct property is located within arid. sou rotroided. by Bailey .a_ach Estates 1., APPLICABLE KM 17 LAT ONS1 City of Owasso Zoning Code, Chapter 4, Section 430 "Balk acrd ,Area Requrr ernents in Residential Districts" and Cha- ptrr ..4 Board of /1.c11 ustnrerr.t CASE HISTORY: n "l he applic,arit has .requested a 1.,, reduction of 5' side yard to aceorrrrrrodate an encroaclu- ent in an existing, structure. ANALYSIS The subject property was recently purchased and the new owner is aware of the variance requirement. A letter stating the owners awareness of the variance requirement is attached for your information and review, The applicant has stated the location of the structure within the 5' building setback was due to human error, The side setback requirement is 5' on one side and 10' on the opposite side, The 5' setback on the subject property is located along the east property lines The structure on the adjacent property to the east is located so as to have the 5' setback on the west side. The structures are approximately 11. y apart according to the surrey plat. Legal notification was published m the January 11, 2000 edition of the Owasso reporter and letters were mailed to surrounding property owners on January 9, 2000° No inquiries resulted from the notifications. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of 0130 A-01. -0% to allow for a 1' reduction of the required 5' side yard setback, Al 1&CH—KE--KJ:a L L.ocation Map 2. Variance Application 3, ].--..ettcr of Acknowledgement 41., Survey Plat 5 J...,egal Notification 6. I-xiter to Property ()wr .crs -T77= F7 _d cs T � E � / r Propaily Legal Da ,5calpflon Naiane . acard Owner - General Location or Address Ck appiR as 2 i� as is Your Interest, in thh, Property? Name Phone „ Agent n t f � r � 4^,s d2 � Present ° �8 - � J'}/� l � � 9� ,✓ i ' 1 §G... y✓�i � `� f �� ��� ailing Adomss fo� Owner ('g The Board M Adjusireient is allowed to approve variances only afte? determining frons the evidence and orgu ents presented that the conditions listed below do exist. Please describe how your request satisfies each of these con ifimis, a ii axi s 'is x��rdnag ordinance requi4ementy- to this iarfi ul ar piece f rope will avert an ��4a n@c@ sssa r m. h avdshi _ 20 There are can s4ions which are p culli r or special' la this piece of property whick snot apply to Whey pe pe ies in the some xoning dist•ia 1 The variunce, if granted, will not cause substantial detriment to the public good or impair the purpose and intent _... of the zoning ordinance or the comprehensive play plication Recieved bye Receipt Nor D I S P 0 S I T 10 N 35064 B.O.A. ACTION D atem ... Present Zoning. 5 Ares 'i U" � MM )r_ -etrtber 21, 2000 RE: 11303 Est 1 00th St. North, Owasso, Ok. 'To whorn it mayconb;eern: This is to advise ui'- t t., Janies Bsd16or, and. ''a% e, the buyers, Randy and D€;C'i(Srah, 6dE <i, acknowledge that there 7s ar3 entroachinent over the side btti1£1iddg lim., on the East side of the dv /e1I%rtg, of ap1>rox one foot, We farthet ac noti, lalg o that vve ai£, £`'1 %ate a v d£anc nee' 's [c) ,be 01biai.ne ? by d'he b'tfil ei, j £nes Baker, 1.1-o m tf e 1;oaits o A£i1£dstinim -ii `o d:i; solv;; SY'13£S a°,ncroaclahe tt issue. � Ialdaes ."1a%er Rand yGrccr 01/06/2001 16; 28 --- 9182740398 ... ABEL PLUMBING PAGE 01 FORM LINE PLAT -16, 13 t 7j C t le a) a SCALE � T' v, 30' 01 uc% Vora First Bank of ()W8000 12466 Book,-; 00-202 Pagp,,, 83-A Innn'),1pe kk . 1981".61 PROPERYY ADDRESS; 11303 East 100th St N� __Qwq88QA DESCRIPTIOSN: Lot Eight (0). Block "11hree (3) n BAILEY RANCH ESTATES 1. , an Addition to the City Of Owasso, Tulsa County. state of ok-lahoma accoKding to the recorded Plat thereof- 1, Qrahem W. m RnWgt�.d L—d Smvey 1. 16". state �4 izxd�­' i—by cami'v that 9ft, piet in pnup —d for Firftt Bank of Owasso And the% ihi5 Is ie o - L-aced W BllaaldorV -9111SY NW. end it in 1,01 to bg rated Won fav 410 ol,10bllshmael 0? 'once- b"'ld'Ag 0? O'h" ftAufa Righlsf inlip—mant fine,%, No affayt has b n made to goar0i Itio MMrd —y which may Tio-A Ina pmpwty, Any ea q ne Reba of Way aho�m W "ogd 16 Sk,,bdjAmah Flat Cw an opeolfloally pm,vided by- th.» lender to the) i-indaYeigried, I "hm C010fY kh,ol jt,,a in1povemontg on plo above aateAMO parod of land, on this date. are dnilrdY —thin the pwce), d.8pl as indomted, and that jhWV a,,o oo en,,oach_la npo, tt— daearikMd pl� tdnnD, OXIA'Pt MA 0 Plot iat pmpa'W fow gnat nafio. uo­t pAposes 0"Ay. SEAL DAYOrX_22tp-ffiber __­2MO VVITHeAR MY HAND AND. % I GRAHAM 0 W, BLAKE ASSOCIATF-D SURVEYORS� L.L.C. PH. 010 -CS 1 2425, FAX 918-834-7360 2211 S01 1. 11�1 EAST AVEWUE CANO _f ULSA, OKLAHO MA d411:2 -Wa 451 C. A.011 30, 6J30/2001 Please publish the following legal advertisement in the January 11, 2001, edition of the Owasso Reporter, 14ease send Proof of Publication to. City of Owasso P.O. Box 1.80 Owasso, OK 74055 Please bill ublica- lo. -ga costs o, P.O. Box 5 Collinsville, OK 74021 RE: Owasso Board. of Act j st ent lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll! llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll NOTICE TO THI ?, VU LIC F L"'":.�. M-WA °c t.d. WG'f BE.iA.' OIU' I.ES.'H.c.:t BOAIZD OF A `tall "1'M.EN1' OF ` H , ( "ITT Off` OWASSO, OKJ-,AHOMA APPLICATION: OBOA-01-02 Notice is hereby give n that a public hearing il.:l be held before the Owasso Planning Coi=issioD, in the Owasso Cor rixanity Center, Owasso, Oklahoma, at 6;00 P.M. on the 23'd day of January 2001. LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot 8, Block 3, Bailey Ranch 1 LOCATION 11303 E, 100`h Street No All persons interested in this nraatter may be present at the hearing and present their objections to or arguments for any or all of the above matters. Infor-unation and maps showing the property location il-I y be inspected n the office of the City Planner, Cit fall, 07 Cedar, Owasso, 0.1 .aho a 4.05, or phone (9 8) 272-2251, Dated this "' day of Ja j ary 2001, Dori. na Sorrc.a. s, City ty P att -,acr 207 South Cedar PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 � ¢ 3 �N V b `� .��;� jP�'1.�4'��1 fi.'.Wa'�'��31.* ✓� ,.y.MN�.�.1R OBOA -01 -02 M 1 1 272 -2251 FAX 191 8) 72 -4999 Notice; is hereby l ive ra that a public hearing will be hel be.1 re the Owasso Board. of Adjtj tstuaejat, in the Owasso Coi- unenai.ty C'ente r, Owasso, Ol ahorna, at 6:00 P,M, on the 23'" day of Jaar•aaary 2001, At that tip -ae and place, the Owasso Board of Adjustment will consider a request from James Wanda Baker, applicant., for a VAMANCE TO T`HE W SS ZONING CODE ... CHAPTER 4, EC'f.:1ON 430 .... 131)LK AND AREA REQUIREMENTS IN RESIDENTIAL Dl:S`fRICT t:ea �a=low .for a V reduction of the reelerireel 5' side yard uitdin so-back on property c'urrefitly z aa.ed X5,..2, (Residential Single-Family., flle d- -h n De- sity) The ur.),ject property is described as follows: 1..,EGAL DESCRIPTION -,e t 8, Block 3, Bailey Ranc h." ',states I LOCATIO N 1.1303 K 100 "' Street N. As an abutting or nearly property owner, you are being notified so that you may be able to express your views or concerns regarding this request, If you are unable to attend this meeting, please forward any coirtments you may have in writing to the Owasso City Planner, PO Box 180, Owasso, OK 74055. planning Staff will present these comments to the Bard of Adjustment members at the scheduled public hearing, A snap showing the subject property accompanies this notice. For more information on the proposed variance contact the Owasso City Planner, City Hall, 207 S. Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma 74055, or phone (918) 272-225 1. This is your only personal notification of this request, Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma, this 9 "' day of January 2001, Donna Sorrells City planner I,Mav r Williams City of Owasso Owasso,OK. 74055 I-Ionorable Mayor Willi `7 would like to h,,a k you ['6r allowi_1;g �, C to serve as a k- letikr%ber of the Board of A(Ijustinent this past year and a half. It has been anMfigtdcning However, due to y health, I must tens my resignation jf o ) the board, effective itranediately, I have always wante d to give my east to any project or position I have Lunde . e and do not feel I could do so at the time. Thank you again for giving me the opportunity to serve. Sincerely, Susan Kimball Mayor Williams City of Owasso Owasso,OK 74,055 jus-turnern this past year and a hall' It has been a-,-& entiiglateni�i-kg t x.. c-. ri uee and has t J:',ug.N...A.p .--tue any Lh i_2igs ab�1.. )'t t,h city, However, due to my liealth, I. must tender my resignation Erom t-ho board, e � - 'ectiv immediately. I ha-ve always wanted to give; m-y best to any project or position I have -undertaken and do not fuel I could do so at this time.. `'hank you again or giving me the opportunity to serve. Susan Kinfball PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT I "CAF, OF 1_�aE"t "LNG- DA,rE TIME. P1` ACE— No,nCE FILED BY,- 'l_`IT E Special January 20, 2001 6 :00 I'M Owasso Comni aai'ay (.enter Donna Soriel.ls City Plallr,10r v ,. .�i _ y„es }� �,u.ay.a, °, .. �, ,z"4', .,� 33�i- st a e,,ad, C'uay. t-3ala ,�� �l.:y�0 �31�✓1 �a�) a §9c r„ sg °' r'l�a�i ��l ��?Haaa��a.y 2t�Ol_., Donna Sorr€ ll.s City Plaimcr OWASSO BOARU) OF ADJUSTMENT :NA-o -achy, January 29, 200-1, 6°00 PM Owasso Ca,inr atinity C r te.a, 301 S, C'cda�° Counicil Chambers Call : to Order 2, Roll Call 1 Consider A -pprov al of the Minutes of the January 2, 2001 Special Meeting. 4, OBOA- -00-21 -- Bradley � oasley - A request for a Variance to the Owasso Zoning Code Chapter 6, Section 630 "Bulk and area Requirements in Corm- nerclal Districts " to allow for a reduction of a 50' Building Setback along the north property line, The subject is described as Lot 4, Block 2, Fly Creek Commercial Corner Amended and is located at 12620 E. 6 "' Street Flo (Ward 3) 5a OBOA -01 -01 -- Erik Miller -- A request for review of a Variance to the Owasso Zoning Cede Chapter 2, Section 240.2,e "Permitted Yard Obstructions " to allow for the location of a accessory building in the side yard, The subject property is described as Lot 3, Block 33, Elm Crock Estates First Addition and is located at 7113 Na 126" E. Avenue. ("ward 3) 60 OBOA -01 -02 -- James & Wanda Baker - -- A request for review of a Variance to the Owasso Zoning Code Chapter 4, Section 430 "Bul k and Area Requirements in Residential Districts " to allow for a reduction of a 5' Building Setback along the cast property lies. The subject property is described as Lot 8, Block 3, Bailey Ranch 1 and is located at 11303 K 100 ", Street N. (Ward 1) T, Adjournment PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT TYPE OF MEETING. DATE: 'ri - LI CE. NOTICE FILED BY: Special January 31, 2001 6;00 PM Owasso C on— ,trrrurrity Cer3ter Dr rina Sorrells City Planner 1 UI 01110 —t tl "i, �i�4r1 .,Si y t:i �s: e, a the J e sd � � �, p r, .,_ _ �,.�, Li, ,,,_c.,_ s„s a.,e, _ . ;, .�i�,a a- aace to 2LJ � "�F ��9.. at M 1 { he 29" day O a ttiary 601. d l 1 __._s �.--'�--,I 1.... Donna Sorrells City Planner SPECIAL MEETING Wednesday, January 31, 2001, 6.00 I'M Owasso City Hall, 207 S. Cedar Lowe" Level Corkt`(-.n,tnce Room ("all to Order, 2, Roll Call 3. Consider Approval of the Minutes oft the January 2, 2001 Special Meeting, 4. OBOA -00-21 – Bradley, Baas - A request for a Marianne to the Owasso Zoning Code chapter 6, e�ti�z 630 "Bulk and Area Requirements in Commercial Districts" to allow for a reduction of a 50' Building Setback along the north property line, The subject is described as Lot 4, Block 2, Elm Creek Commercial Comer Amended and is located at 12620 Eo 86" Street N. (Ward 3) 5a CAA -0101 -- Erik biller -- A request for review of a Variance to the Owasso Zoning Code Chapter 2, Section 240,2,c "Permitted Yard Obstructions99 to allow for the location of a accessory building is the side yard, The subject property is described as Lot 3, Block 33, Elm Creek Estates First Addition and is located at 7713 M 1260'E. , Avenue, (Ward 3) 6. OBOA-01 -02 -- James & Wanda Baker – A request for review of a Variance to the Owasso Zoning Code Chapter 4, Section 430 "Bulk and area Requirements in Residential Districts" to allow for a reduction of a 5' Building Setback along the cast property limo `The; subject property is described as Lot 8, Block 3, Bailey Ranch I and is located at 11303 E. 100" Street N. (Ward 1) 7. Adjournnaent