HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000.09.26_Board of Adjustment AgendaPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OFTHE OWASSO BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Filed in the office of the Owasso City Clerk at 4:00 PM On the 21s'day of September, 2000. aq onna City Planner OWASSO BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT REGULAR MEETING Tu.esday, September 26, 2000, 7:00 PM Owasso Comm unity Center, 301 & Cedar Council Cha.-nibers L Call to Order 2, Roll Call I (.Vasider Approval rat the NA'Hntites of the August 22, 2000 Regular Medfirg,. 4. ("'orlsider.Approval of the modificition. oft he Owasso Board of Adjustment regul.0a.- MCCting tiMC to 6: 00 PM for f.lic rennaiDder oftlac year 2000 and. thereafter, BOARD OF IVIDJUSTMENT PUBLIC H11TAR-ING 5, ()BOA-00 -12 --- Waffle House, — a request _1(by a val.,iaricc of the Owasso Zo,-f,'-I.ing (.,ode Section. 1021.6 "Business Signs and Oixtdoor Adverd.sing" to allow r a.. total of 239 scpj-, e R,et on a Siffl.gl.(D shopping center sig:pa. (Ward. 4) I L, -0(l-' Owasso Medical rupicst i6ovir a vaixia),),.ce of tHe Owasso Zoning OBOA a )u-,"q, Code Section 10 11 A "'Offices and. Studios" to allow :F(.,.)r a redraction in the required txil-king spaces, (Ward 3) T Adjour-nment BACKGROUND APPLICANT AN`ll" AND STATUS OF APPLICANT: klaho a Neon, Inc, REQUESTED AC`s I II AND PURPOSE. E. Variance to the Owasso Zoning Code Chapter 10, Section 1021 "BUSINESS SIGNS AND OUTDOOR A-DV RTI ING" to allow from. an increase in the allowable size from 150 square feet to 239 square feet, 11 OCATION AND SIZE. Waffle Meuse will be leasing approximately 3300 square feet of land area from Bill. Ramsey-, owner of the ,Stage /Kellar General shopping center located north E,76"' Street: M (E. 2nd .venue) and ores €, ofthe Owasso Expressway, EXISTING LAND USE, Ct,.;P (Shopping ng3 Center) _711MI.OUNDIN It AND I.JSE h_ s property Is 3UMMIJAded by c gsrn.merei.;l. development, APPLICABLE R� G— L)LATIOI S., City of°OwEsso Zonijig Code, Chapter 10, Sect%ort 1021 "BI SINE SS Sl(-I tl A-- ) Ot_I _1 1 f�Ila / t ,TF; 'f "Ir f if ,h ���) r�tj ;° 1i� "Board ° � �' J9 of L�'c.(`�.jL3stmen CASE H SI.'ORN z The shopping center i n which the Waffle Ilotise proposes to locate is long established in the City of Owasso, It lies at the "g atewat to our city. ANALYSIS c 6 or<ting 11) the Owasso ZOning Code, as roterenced asbotI E a shopping center (Iron ° ng two rig ht -ol sways would be allowed t o have two g :oitnd. rnotmted signs, one with a maxirnt.trn of 150 square feet, the other with 50 square f et, - r a total. of 200 square f, et, G; a7pp �f Fiat s .requiest -ng, i�� _tip %€ �f erecting t:�i�j^ .� e� %�:Y��� center sign, that �� � additional sqUO -M feet be allowed on the exist rig. sign R)r a total of 239 square feet, Staff is in favor, on this particular occasion, ofIfinitir).g the number of pole signs and allowing the addition of siglnag,e to the existing stri),cture., Given the location of the existing sign, effectively at the Berner of the property, it benefits 6.-o m. both rights-ef -way, However, staff feels the total square footage of the existing sign (as amended) should he limited to the 200 square feet which would be allowed with two center signs collectively. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of°OBOA -00 -12 with the following conditions: 1 a The total square footage of the center sign be limited to 200 square feet, 2, If the request for additional square footage is approved, that no other center sign be allowed at this location, ATTACHMENTS 1. Location Map 2e Variance Application 1 Sign Elevation 4 Notice to Property Owners 5� Legal Notification I 0 C3 ii- cc 0 z 21 N Name of Record owner '? 0. P"C "� 1 -0 !t ry 0. As applicant what is Your interest in this property? Present Owner Agent for Owner [_,d Attorney for Owner Purchaser M Other General Location ®r Address ZMEF11m, Name 01<LAWIMA __ e b � 6 � cl ,9 r AMP ia° The Bogard of Adjustment is allowed to approve variances only rafter determining from, the evidence and ^arguments presented flint the conditions listed below do exist. Please describe how your request satisfies aach of these conditions. Application of the zoning ordinance requirements to this particular piece of property will create an unnecessary ...:, hardship, K^ 2. There are conditions which, are peculiar or special to this piece Of property which do not apply to other properties in the sarne zoning district, H� 3. The variance, ff, granted, il not cause substantial detriment m the public good or impair it the Purpose and Went of the zoning ordinance or the comprehensive plan. 4 n Cc a A, Al, I CERTIFY IFY ` HAT THE SUBMITTED INFORMATION IS TRUE AND C RR `I 's' "aturc t3/,.�� 'ty�'3:'Y�. �y� ,�� ` . � ' � ,•� � .,. s` std � ' �' ACTION Date D, Prese6t Zoning. e) 0o C 5 Present U_ seo P; / \ /7\ /� \�_� /__ PN,-, 207 South Cedar PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 C -1 @ 11ty f Owasso NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER OBOA-00-12 19186 272-2251 FAX (918) 272-4999 Notice is hereby giventhat a public hearing will be held before the Owasso Board of Ad Ustnient, in the Owasso Coniniunity Center, Owasso, Oklahoma, at 7:00 P.M. on the 26' day of September, 2000. At that tirne and place, the Owasso Board of Adjustment will consider a request from Oklahoma Neon, Inc., applicant, for a VARJANCE TO THE OWASSO ZONING CODE - CHAPTER 10 SECTION 1021 - BUSIN-ESS SIGNS AND OUTDOOR ADVERTISING -- to allow for art increase in the allowable signage area on a center sign on property currently zoned CS (Shoppin.g Center). J'he subject property is described as follows.- LEGUL DESCRIPTION A. PORTION OF THE SO UTH [1,ALF OF TI-J SO U.1'HEAST QTJAR1'ER (SE/4) OF THE SOUTHEAST QLJARTER (SE/4) OF SECTION 30,TOWNSHIP 2,1. NOR,T--r �,.RANGE -141 EASTOF THE INDIAN BASE AND ME]"UiDIAN, LOCATION A , I IC-L ' 3, A SOUTHWESTCORNER OF TFIE PARILUNG 14)"POI-711-11- 137' GE/DOLLAR GENERAL. CENTER. As an abuttinp, or nearbv roroi)erw owDer,, vou are beinr� notified so thiat vou, wylav be able to express your views or concerns rcgarding 1--h is req�jest. If you are unable to anent tbis nieeting, please forward. way comnaents you may have in wrifing to the Owasso City Planner, PO Box 180, Owasso, OK 74055, Planning Staff will preseo� these co--roxnaents to the Board of Adjusttile rit nwunbers at the scheduled public hearing, A ro--ap sboiwing subject property accor).-dpa-tfies flo'[IM I-V niore infdr, atio-u ouk the J proposed variance con tact tl'te Owasso City Planner, City Hall, 207 S. Cedar, Owasso, 01k.-lahoma 74055, or phone (918) 272-2251, This is your o personal notificatiork of this re.clu.est. Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma, this I I"' day of September,, 2000 FN tt Donna Sorrells City Planner Please publish the following legal advertisement in the September 14, 2000, edition of the Owasso Reporter. Please send Proof of Publication to: City of Owasso AT fie Donna Sorrells P.O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 Please bill publication costs to. Terry Howard Oklahoma Neon, Inc. 6550 E. Independence Tulsa, OK 74115 ]ZE: Owasso Board o-fAdjustment NOTICE TO T-HE 1,41BLIC OF A 111-EARING BE-FORI-E, THE BOA-RD OF Aayus,rMENT 0-F TRE CITY OF OWASS09 OKLAHOMA APPLICATION,,; OBOA-00-12 Notice is hereby given fl: at a public hearing will be hel.d before fl--te Owasso Plannh-ig Corninission, ba the Owasso Cornmunity Center, Owasso, Ok-lahorna, at 7:04.) P.M, oi.i. the 26' day of September, 2000, At that t-i e and place, the Owasso Board of Adiu.stnieiat will coyasider a req&,T est from Okla Lorna Neo-n, Ine,, tbr a VARIANCE OFTHE OWASSO ZONING CODE CHAPTER 10, SECTION 1.021. -BUST'NESS SIGNS AND OUTDOOR ADVE-KTISING on proper (,narm-nlly zoiaed CS (Shopping Center) arict described as follows., LEGAL DESCIMPTION A PORTION OFTHE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (SE/4) OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (SE/4) OF SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST' OF THE INDIAN BASE AND MERIDIAN, SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE PARKING LOT OF THE S'T'AGE /DOLLAR GENERAL CENTER. All persons interested in this matter may be present at the hearing and present their objections to or arguments f ®r any or all of the above matters. Information and maps showing the property location may be inspected in the office of the City Planner, City Hall, 207 & Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma 74055, or phone (918) 272-225 1. , Dated this II" day of September, 2000° Donna Sorrells City Planner BACKGROUND APPLICANT AND STATUS OF APPLICANT: Davies Architects, Agent REQUESTED ACTION AND PURPOSE- Variance of the Owasso Zoning Code Chapter 10, Section 1011 "-USE -U-NIT 11 OFFICES AND STUDIOS" to allow for a reduction in the required parking from I space per 150 square feet of building area to space per 200 square feet of building area, LOCATION AND SIZE. The 15.01 acre tract is located at the southwest comer of E 86th Street N. and N � 13'7'1'E. Avenue. EXISTING LAND USE: The sut�j ect property is co.rrently vaca-rit, SUIMOUNDING LAND [,JSE. The subject property is located within the.ROC Owasso 11 subdivisiort ai.id is bound on the west by the :ROC Owasso subdivision, including Albertsons and. the Owasso Towne Center, on the south and east by,rhe, Gree-as at Owasso and to tli• north by Brentwood F.,, states and the Owasso High School, APPLICABLE REGULA-riONS:., City of Owasso Zoniri,.g Code, Chapter'.11.0, Secfioi- ;, 1011. "USE UNIT 11 OFFICES -A--NTD STUINOS"and Chal.-)tcr -1.4 ".Board of" A(tjustnicnt", ANALYSIS Davie,F� Architects is requestil-lil-Y re- He- f-b-clT fl Eng- [Wedical Officei'acilities. The fticiliski proposed.. f3r llhe subject, "pr: ope-dy is the Owasso Medical Center. pphear-a has stibmitted a sight plan for review wbicti, utilizes less tha-i-€ half 'of the property Bor proposed and fiatt.ire btu"IA-31ing, The floor ar ea, 6or the proposed buil(ling is more than 33,000 square Beet wiffia-pproximatelly 35,000 scluare feet offt),tijre addition proposed. -Within, the utilized portion of the sight, the building(s), both proposed. and ffiture additions, along with the required parking (based or), I space per 150 square fect of building area) are easily accommodated. "T.'his would still leave more than half the sight available for fature development, The applicant has stated on the application that the owner of the property believes the parking requirement is "excessive" and would result in "unnecessary paved area with additional initial cost and long term rather than the amount of paving maintenance". The applicant also states "the neighborhood will be enhanced by reducing the amount of paving". Given the intensive use proposed for this site and the more than adequate land area available for the facilities, it is staffs opinion no hardship exists with respect to the parking requirement. Further, it is staffs opinion that, rather than the amount of paving, the possibility of overflew parking and traffics congestion affecting surrounding property is the more likely negative impact on the neighborhoods Surrounding property owners were notified by letter dated September 13, 20000 Staff received one comment regarding this application. The caller represented the property owner to the west of this site and expressed concern over the reduction of parking and the potential overflow of parking canto their property. Legal notification was published in the September 15, 2000 edition of the Tulsa Daily Legal News, Staff does not recommend approval, ofOBOA.00-1 3 due to the lack of just.1.6able hardship ATTACHMENTS 1. o I,ocation.map 2. Zorairag Variaric e Application 3, Notice to Property Owr:.e s 4. Legal Notificatio.a I I- RUM C4 I R- 14-E EAST 86TH STREET NORTH I 0 T 21 N w z z n F- EAST 76T- EET NOR -n 1 I 0 T 21 N 1� NRest Var:�.ance in C1w c onin Qo&� Lrk- jjjg Lidai� from I st2.11 pr. .2_ofl_ Property L - uqui Dosri"Pt"on Lot 1, in Block 1. of "ROC Owasso II" and Lot 7 in Block I of "ROC Owasso" Section 28' T-21-N R- W�-MTJf Record owner SFSJ Joint Venture, Inc. As applicant what is your Werost in this property? Present Owner Agent for Owner Purchaser r-1 other Attorney for Owner Lit y _Q L, __qwasSo 1 I �S_q 10 General Location or Address Soutliwest Corner of East 137th East Avenue, Name Davies Architects Michal Biery Mailing Address 86th Street North and Phalle 749-7749 1924 S. Ptica Ave., Ste 908, Tulsa, OK 74104 The Board of Adju0rnent is allowed to appro%,@ �iorioncas only after determining prari the eviderive and argunitints presented that the conditions listed below do oxlsto Please describe flow Your request satisfies each of them condiflor1r, App plic.ciflor, of the zoninq ordinance requirements to this parficular piece of prapart-y will vouto un unnecoulary havd,ship, The Owner believes the parki'jag reqi�,,Lrentent of I staffl, per 150 sq.ft of f.'.Loor area is ---------- - ------ excessive, based on and national parkin standa.x-d i f i c art t e e with thL 2 W -buildj a t 8 2, There tire condifion% which are pecullav or special to this piece of property whir h do not app iy to other pmpartie8 41 the rPma zoning dlstrict -rkulce,, 3, T h e� v e, if wanted, wW not cauia iu6stanfl'al d0flment to the pu,61N good cn liwipai� flhia purpose and tater1r. o�' the �,,�oninq orciinonce or the comprahonshee plan, The nej' ,hjj�o, kg -, - m a rea res-alfting in more _24,will be enhapeed b,-y___,f'g green space,, I CERTIFY THAT THE SUBMITTED INFORMATION IS TRU AND CORRECT jbionature A,pplication Racieyed by, Ty:'616 Present Used V6'C0-'VCV D ISPOSIT ION 07 South Cedar PO Box 1 assog OK 74055 C -Is ity of Owasso NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER OBOE -00-13 q1D 272 -2251 FAX q 1 ) 272-4999 Notice is hre y ive n that a public hearing will be held before the Owasso Board of A tstment, in they Owasso Co sanity Center, Owasso, Oklahoma, at yob RM. on they 26 day of September, 2000, At that tone and phase, the Grasso card of Adjustment will consider a request fraan Davis Architects, applicant, for a VARIANCE TOT.'HE OWASSO ZONI NG CODE M CHAPTER 10 SECTION N 101 1 .- USE UNIT' I I OFFICES AND STUDIOS on property currently zeala.ed OM (Office Medium.) to allow for a seduction in the required parking spaces, `f "he3 gab ect rope sty is described as follows: LEGAT, DESCRIPTION 1-ot 1, Block 1, ROC Owasso 11 LOCATION Southwest corner e r of N, 137 _� � , A ve srae: and E. 86" St, N, . As aaw. abutt ni or nearby property owner, you are I)cing w.)otif e d see that you may be a1b e to, express your views or concerns re aardbig this re gaae tint. If you are unable to attend this meeting, , please forward away e >oara rne,. is you may have iay, w shin yea th e Owaa so Cit,,i Plan Der, K) Box 180, Owasso, OK `4,05` , flan -.-bag Staff will present. n. tfwse coi.nrne nts to the Board of A. ustaaae nt, mernbe:rs al. the Ec li daa ed public hearing, /'s:. rna,�) °s,eae�F �.�$r �t� ea�� 'f,t` g�� R�te°,� ay F.e esorqlp i proposed Variance contact the Owasso City Okla oniaa. 74,055, or phone (918) 272-2251- a. eque s ale's this Planner, City This is your o Dated at Owasso, Oklad- aeaana, this 13"' day of September, r, 2f 00, .yew Dorm« Sorrells City Planner For more infrat:anatioa on the Hall, 207 S. (. edar, Owasso, all pesraaea),a.a). notification of t1iisg Please publish the following legal advertisement in the September15, 2000, edition of the Tulsa Daily Legal News. Please send Proof of Publication to. City of Owasso A Donna Sorrells P.O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 918-272-2251 Please bill publication costs to: Michal Biery Davies Ai-chitects 1924 S Utica Ave: e, Suite 908 Tulsa, OK 74104 RE: Owasso Board of Ad'ust _J ment. NOTICE TO rHE PUBLIC OF A HEARING BEWORF, IME BOARJ) OF ADJUSTMENT OF THE' CITY OF 01NASS09 OKLAHOMA AP111,1CATION. OBOA-00-13 Notice is hereby giver), that a public hearing will be held before the Owasso Plan1ling Commission, inthe Owasso Connt-n-unity Centex, Owasso, Oklahoma, at 7:00 RM, on the 26" do of Septa n[,)er, 2000, At thpa, thnae and. place,, the Owasso Board of Adjiusu.nenc will consider a re,(:giest on,, Davies Architects a VAIUANCE 01.-" 'rHE OWASSO ZONING COME!', CHAPTER. 10, SECTION 1011 USE UNIT 11. OFFICES AND ST UDIOS-, on property cu. a*ently. ;,o,o,ed OM (Office MG di asW descri'Djed as Jib] 'lows LEGAL DESCRIPTION 1,ot I.) Block I � ROC' Owasso H LOCATION Southwest corner of N. 1,37 E. Avenue and E. 86t' to M All persons interested in this matter may be present at the hearing and present their objections to or arguments for any or all of the above ratters. Information and daps showing the property location may be inspected in the office of the City planner, City Hall, 207 Cedar, Owasso, Oldaho a 74055, or phone (918) 272 -2251, Dated this Dona Sorrells City Planner