HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000.08.22_Board of Adjustment AgendaAGENDA PACKET OWASSO BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT I PUBLIC` NOT-ICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Filed in 'the office of the Owasso City Clerk 84:00 PM on the 144' day of August, 2000, Donna Sorrells City Planner OWASSO BOARD 01PADJUSTMENT REGULAR MEETING 1'ucsday, August 22, 2000, 7:00 I'M Owasso ComrnUrlity Center, 301 S. Cedar Council Chambers 1. Call to Order 2 Roll Call 1 Consider./6,upproval of �,.ho M_iruAes of the Aiig�i.st 1, 2000 Special Meethig, 4. Election of Officers BOARD OF �Al)JUS'IMEN'r PUBILIC HEIARING 5 (_)BOA­00-09 --- Owasso Land 'crust - A remaest f'(.)r Special ]­J'xception to the Owasso ---------- 1-7 wing Code Cha-pter 4, Section 410 "Principal Uses it) Reside-ritial Districts" to allow lbr tire; locWtion.. of a cb-rich wit-lain RN14.-2 (Residential Multi-Fagnily, Mediarn [Jensit,y) District, he sutljcct property is located within flie C"off.-ce Creek P,I,),.D. (.fi_,,,-trnerly Wood idge) so-ath of E. 106" Street N. betwee�.ti (J S, fliglm�ay 169 arad N, 1. 45 "' [,�, Ave. o, 6, OBOA-0,01-10 ­ Dere.1K RoWert ­ A requ.est I'Or a VariaDG0 Of '(1]W Owasso Zonflig, Codt, ter 2, Section 240.2 "Perinitted Yard Obsa-uctions" to allow ter a deviation in the maxiniii,mn allowable square -footage ofaccesspry buildings within the rear yawl The V subject property Is located at 11003 K 1,09" Street N and is described as L,ot 5, 1,351ock I-, Meadowcrest, 7, OBOA-00-1 I -- Diane rinter -- A request for a Special. Exception to the Owasso Zoning Code Chapter 4, Section 420 "Accessory Uses in Residential. Districts" to allow for the use of the home as a day care facility. The subject property is located at 12711. E. 78" Street N. and is described as Lot 6, Block 4, Double Oaks. 8. Adjournment BACKGROUND APPLICANT AND STATUS OF APPLICANT: David E. Charney, Attorney for Owasso Land Tnist REQUESTED ACTION AND PURPOSE- Special Exception of the Owasso Zoning Code Chapter 4, Section 410 "Principal Uses Permitted In Residential Districts" to allow for the location of a church within 1 -2 (Residential Multi-Fam- ily, Media m Density) district, LOCATION AND SIZE,1'he 12.5 acre subject property is located south of E. 106th Street N, between U.S. 1--Iigb�way 169 and N. 145"' E. Avenue, EXISTING L.AND USE: Undeveloped SURIZOUNDING LAND USE-ne sal�ject property is located. within the Coftee Creek (formerly tom bridge) RIJ.D. When developed, the will be bOt Ind on the cast byrnulti- ft-unily, on the south by towrihomes aaii.d open space, arid on the west by comrnercial, The property to the north of -thesut),jec.r property is undeveloped rtjral residential, APPLICA.-BILE REGULA,rI.0NS,. Clity o_ Zorfing Code, Ch-a ter 49 Section 410 �11 Principal Uses Pernnitted. ha Residential Districts "and Chaj.,)ter 1.4 "Board of Mt-justmen.t". CASE HISTORY". The Owasso City Cotrilcil approved the ordinarice arnending the underlying zoning and supplernerital P.U.D. zoning f6r the subject property on May 2 2000, 9 The sul�joct property was zoned Rl\/(,-2 (Residential Multi-Family, MediumDensity) at that tinie. A location s ap is eittached.lor your infor , ion a d review, ANALYSIS The T�,,)plicant is reqawsti-,ag Iffic, speciall em.,eptior.t i- order to allow for the -location of a churcl-i within an I-OVI(­2 distria A cM),xcla use is perr-r.,,itted withi residential districts by special exception. Staff has reviewed the proposed locatio.-ti of this church a a.rd has no sip nificara, concerns regatding this request. Surrouncling property owners have been notified and no objections to this request have been received by the Commi-inity Development Departnient. The required legal noticed was published in the August 10, 2000, addition of the Owasso Reporter and letters were mailed to surrounding property owners on August 8, 2000. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval o1 'O13OA-00-09. ATTACHMENTS 1. Location Map 2. Proposed Legal Description and Plat 30 Notice to Property Owner 40 Legal Notice 5 a �C, V"Jc Ck\ ie- lobth VJ /,p Ti Al IQ Ica'' 71 marcal Office �a,43 ZA--� 2 M T Area otal ftkv- Tcts� N=m1w of Sill bu* Ravdar,Aw Area 41 ms-23 21,7 7 k.'ol Mw-z z' aS AM ,--N < ME LL 1-5 Arms layray A 01 Cf5,e F= Alea. ca�cm� Area �CG� i�m,506 Si A�rec d,-S) Ccr,,Imwcw Am (CG) -9.5 = d4.@ fir,.� s-m,sss WL Ma: Schod Si',e Park/Open spare -,-M kcm saS.B .4 c o -P twip—pe I AM UWIEW CHURCH PROPERTY (406church) 7-12-2000 A TRACT' OF LAND SITUATED IN THE, NORTH HALF (N12) OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER (NE/4) OF SECTION 169 TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST, OF THE I.B.&M., TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING FROM THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER (NE/4);,rHENCE N88' 4'40 "E A-ND ALONG THE NORTH LINE OFF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER (NE/4) A DISTANCE OF 125895"1'0 THE "POINT OF BEGINNJNG";'T1IEN(-`E N88'44'40"E ALONG SAID NORTH IINEA DISTANCE OF559,89', TFIENCE S1 `1520"E AND PE'�R.PEWDICTJLAR TO SAID NOR-I'll LINE A DISTANCE OF 840,9 l.';'I'IIENI,,,'ES88'40'27"WA DISTANCE OF'7-1',,23';'I'HENCES-.I.'/'09'.'30"WA DID '-['./A`..NCE OF -.1.68,821; THENCE S88'511.9"W A DIS'.J."ANCE OF 85,74'; '11"IJENCE N62'10'50"W A , , —1.111 11' DISTANCE OF -1-72,52'; THENCE N870-1-3122"W A DISTANCE 0.11-,"� "I I N51`03'12"W A DISTANCE OF 353,96%THENCE N. i"2 A DISTANCE OF 42 80'; THENCE ALONG' A CURVE '11 O'-fHE LEFTHAVIN G A. RADJUS OF 483.2 'A DISTA..110E OF NO" 53'��53"]-",".ADIS'-['ANCEOF(-)7,45. ;'.['HENCEN8'11.'),9",,"ADIS'I',AN('EOFI.2"t.,09';'..E,..'IiEN(,"!,-',�l' ­8 ITO NV` 5'20"W AND PERPI.."INDIC111-ARTO SAID N'0V,CII L-1N[,-,, A D1S'-.t`A NC.1 "', TA -NIN --RES MORE OR I-ESS, JJANINFN J , 1'-3'A1D,rRACTCON'J. Attachment "T' Page 1 of 2 FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH PROPERTY BOUNDARY A PROPOSED SUBDIVISION IN ITIE NE/4 SEC. 16, T•21—No R-14—E, TULSA COUNTY, OKLMIOMA. R- 14,--E T 21 N SECTION 16 TON MAP- I ID 10.00 ACRES NE CON SEC 16-21-14 ME SHED I OF I 207 South Cedar PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 City of Owasso NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWN-ER OBOA-00-09 (918 272-2251 FAX W18) 272-4999 Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held before the Owasso Board of Adjustment, in the Owasso Conan unity Center, Owasso, OkJahoi-na,, at. 7:00 P.M. on the 22"' da-, of A 2000� y ugust, At that time and place, the Owasso Board of Adjustment will consider a request fTom David Charney, applicant, for a SPECIAL EXCEPTION TO THE OWASSO ZONING CODE - CHAPTER 4 SECTION 410 - PRINCIPAL USES PERT MT TED IN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS on property currently zoned (RESIDEN1`IA1, M1JT.T1-FAM11.,,Y,, MEDIUM DENSITY), to allow for the location of a claurch or, the su]qject property. The sub, ject property is described as follows: LEG,AL DESCRIPTION ISM T1UkC']1'0F srnJATED r N0R"ffl TTY LT'(N­/2) NORTHEAST QUNRTER (,,/4) OF SECTION 16, -1'OWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RAINGE JA EAST, OFTI-1.E I.l3.&M.,Tui,SA COUNTY, STATE OF O-Y-J.-.,AJ].OMA. BEING MORE PAR-'rlC-(.TJ,Alb-'-,Y DESCIUBEDAS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING FROM THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID N­ORTHEASTQ1JA--IuER (N­E'/4);THENCE N88'44'40"E AND ALONG THE NOR'T'1--I-. LINE OF SAT-13 NOR 'rHEAS'I'QI.JAJ' TER (NE/ 4) A DISTANCE OF 1258.95'TO'-['HE S A TTI 111"', A DIS!, 11010E OF 559,89; THENCE Sl'15'20".E TO SAID NOR: rf-). L.1119-1-T, A DJS"["AN­CF" OF 840.91'; THE,14CE S88'40'27"W A DISTANCE OF 71-23% 'I'll-FIqUE S17009'30"W.A DIS']1'.,&.N'CE S88"51'19"W.A DISTANCE OF 85,74; 4 %NCE 01.,' N6 2010'50"'W ADISTANCE OF 172.52'; N87111,312211W A DIST-A] 70.71'; THENCE' N510031TV A DISTANCE OF 353,96';'I'HENCE N37'23'29"E A. DIS'I'ANCE OF 42,80'; THENCE ALONG A CU-RVETo'1--'HE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 483,24'A DISTANCE OF 31L68'TO A POINT WI1ICH HAS A CHORD N1602418"E.A DIST-AN`CE OF 306.30'; THIENCE NO"53'53'vE A DISTANCE OF 67,45';THENCE N801 1'29"E A DISTANCE OF 121.09'3 TIJENCE NI'15'20"W AND PE-RPENDICULAR TO SAID NORTH 11NrE A DISTANCE OF 171.58'TO THE "POENT OF BEGINNING". SAID TRACT CONT.Al-NTNG 12.50 ACRES MORI-,, OR LESS. MUMNNIM E. 106" STREET N. BETWEEN U.S, HIGHWAY 169 AND N. 145" E. AVENUE, As an abutting or nearby property owner, you are being notified so that you may be able to express your views or concerns regarding this request° if you are unable to attend this meeting, please forward any comments you may have in writing to the Owasso City Planner, PO Box 180, Owasso, OK 74055 Planning Staff will present these comments to the Board of Agjustment members at the scheduled public hearing, A yap showing the subject property accompanies this -notice. for more information on the proposed special exception contact the Owasso City Planner, City ball, 207 S. Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma 74055, or phone (918) 272-2251. `f`his Is your only personal notificatlol. of this requesL Dated at Owasso, 01ydaho a, this 7 "' day of August, 2000, orcia Sorrells City Pia -:tier Please publish the following legal advertisement in the August 10, 2000, edition of the Owasso Reporter. Please send Proof of Publication to. City of Owasso AT TN: Donna Sorrells P.O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 Please bill publication costs to- Owasso Land Tnist C/o David E, Charney. PO Box 240 Owasso, OK 74055 R-1-3: Owasso Board of. Adjustment NOTICE TO 1111", PUBLIC OF A _.M.1,'ABUNG BEFOI-11f, T111-E, .BOAR]) OF /sJ)JU,8,T1Vl.FKNT OF T111', CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA OBOA-00­09 Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held before the Owasso Plarming Co-n-finaission, io. the Owasso Comr-tnunity Cewer, Owasso, Okla-horna, at 7-00 P.M. on t1je 22 Dd clay of August, 2000. At that flan e and. place, ttie Owasso Board of Adjust-r-neiall will consider a reauest frorxr Owasso Land Trust for a SPECIAIL, EXCE71_ ON OF 'THE OWASSO ZONING CODE CHA.PTj_-_",lz 4, SECTION 410 -, PRINCUAL USES PE..R._M,_-rr,,rED IN RESIDEN111AL DISTRICIM -, ort property curruntly zwmd RM--2 (Residen-tial Mtdti­Fan_fl1y, Mcdhuirn Dej.-_tsity) aiad, described as i flows -, LEGAL DESCIUTTION A T111-tACT OF LAND SITUATI-07) j-.NvrFTE NO.ffri'l H,_A1,F Ogffl, OFTHE NORTHEAST QUARTER (NE/4) OF SECTION 16, TOVVNSTITP 2 1 NORTH, RANGE 14 EAST, OF THE I.B &M., TTYLSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, BEING MORE, PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING FROM THE HE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER TER. (NE/4)9 THENCE N88 °44'40"E AND ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER (NE/4) A DISTANCE OF 1258,95' TO THE "POINT OF BEGINNING"; THENCE N88 °44'40 "E ALONG SAID NORTH LINE A DISTANCE OF 559.89'9 THENCE S1 °15'20 "E AND PERPENDICULAR TO SAID NORTH LINE A DISTANCE OF 840.91`9 THENCE S88'40'27"W A DISTANCE OF 71.23'9 THENCE S17 °09'30 "W A DISTANCE OF 16 &82'9 THENCE S8805 VI 9"W A DISTANCE OF 85074', 'THENCE N620 I 0'50"W A DISTANCE OF 172052°9 THENCE N87" 13'22"W A DISTANCE OF 70.71'9 THENCE N51 °03'12 "W A DISTANCE OF 353,96', THENCE N3 7 °23'29 "E A DISTANCE OF 420130'; THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO TIME LEFT HAVING A. RJS OF 483,24' A DISTANCE OF 311 e68' TO A P01NT TT CSI HAS A CHORD N16°2 '1 VE A DISTANCE OIL 306.30'$ THENCE N0 °53'53 "E A DISTANCE OF 67.45'; THENCE N801 1'29 "E A DISTANCE OF 121.09'; THHNC , NV j AND PE.RPE I,)ICUI -)& .Z TO SAID NORTH LINE A DIs I Ai..NCE OF 171 e 5 S' T THE ". O1.NT O BEG:�. G" SAID '.1`2 C`I' CONT INI G 12.50 A1..;RES . OR E OR L IS& LOCATION E, 1. 6 "sT "RE I'M I1ETW1=,11,12 U.S, 1-1 I.111WAY l69 AND i All perso.iio in'terested in this matter may be present at the heafirig above matters, Inforinatio. -a and maps showfi -ig the roperty. location s p y be ,o T inspect- d lui office Q fin Ck 9 C X11, ,aa Cedar, Owasso, Ok1ahorYa 74055, or phoi (918) 272-225 1, Dated'd-fis 7" day of August, 2000, .t6&an,.es.. AC APPLICANTAND STATUS OF APPLICANT: Derek and Debbie" Ravert REQUESTED ACTION AND PURPOSE, The applicant has requested a variance from the Owasso Zoning Code to allow for an accessory structure greater than 750 square lbet. LOCATION AND SIZE. The subject property is located at 11003 E. 109"' Street loo and is 1.6 acre in size, more or less. E'YUSTING LAND USE, Residential Estate SURROUNDING LAND USE- — 1'he sub' ject property is surrounded entirely by the Me;adower s €; subdivision and unplafted rural res: €det-i €:1.a1.property to the :.orthea,t which is not ari;k" exed into the city limits of Owasso, APPLICABI,-�-,-'P,EGIIJI�A,'I'IONS, City of Owasso Zoniii 240 �E P1-11MUTT AM[) OBS`.:M:71:J "l`lONS, (.`lra:1,,A r J.4 "Board o1°1.'� justr� eti.1:" CASE HIS'J1'011Yr .lhe Erppficaut is requesting this variance to allow for the construction. of an 864 squarer :[bot garage/shop. The applicant has met with the Meado wwrest Hor. cownen.,,' Association. regarding this accessory building. The applicant will be required to construct the building with 65% rr-tas ray to Ynat h he residence and corrnp site shingles, ANALYSIS YSI J be Owasso f onbag Code li- nits th ,)xea of accessory y bur.ld .rgC (s) to 750 sq -aar E' beet .Tpplica. —dt would mc:`r,,`ea .; this € 14 square ft -,e L GivG @ he .la:tg e area of the subject pr opert (1 .6 acres), es), he applicant cotdd casily mect all s( t1 - -mc z r^e qu,' rerne s a, d the bacreased size o.1'."the t acture would. hardly l)0 rrDti M-0,3111,C, l e store are will abut the exis i--ra1 concrete driveway, Staff has reviewed the proposed location of this garage/shop and as no si ui icant concerns regarding this request. Swrrounding property owners have been notified and rr objections to this :request have been received by the Corrrruurrity Development Department. The required legal noticed was published irr the August 10, 2000, addition of the Dewso reporter and letters were mailed to surrounding property owners on August 8, 2000. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of OBOA -00 %10 subject to the following conditions: 1. The building is located outside the 15' side yard building setback, ATTACHMENTS 1. a Location map 2. Site Plan 3. Building 1 levation 4e Notice to Property Owners 5o Legal Notice PLE X IN ST. 14, RE is I 0 14 MAJECY PROPERIT GS REGISTERED LAND SURVEY HO, MORTGAGE INSPECTION CERTIFICATE LEGEND U/E ° UY[L%PY EL SEMENT ®/L Ou WIN L€ME ®/E DRA84W MENENT ELEC. ° ELECT 10 6, CG. ° CANCREYE COVID ° MOORED q z F Forz Guaranty Abstract Cow V 12209 Invoice No. 19500 Book 00-202 Page 15 a weer Q Derek Revert d Lander. Harry Mortgage Company :Deborah S. Revert Address,, 11003 E� 109th St, SSW Owisso, Oklahoma 'Notag Five fora €, UXt electric eaaement from elect;ric., main, to metering tact €.nt, at service R antranc e to dwel iraga Note. Subject property ly,, Masbaded Fuone x according to the `FIRM Cczmmau qty Panel No. a Description, Lot Five (5) Block On (t), MEADOW(Mt,SLs axa ltrtdrs ;io,a,? raa Tralsm County, State of Oklahoma, according to the Plat khcre,.at. N r °. =tKADO12MA'4 e Nos, 3382. €, Rt fAA S, 9 �,SK+.FMi -, A fiEUtt€FERPS� ..d;:i ,c4dRe'EY04 M YY¢ MAN £n FdCS,:v"d'M, HEREM ("Bun' EMT THM IMFITFik..� §N Pd1'GTXC/H CERYIPWAYE IS Pt'..PAaM FL�o Guaranty Abstract Company, Harry Mort gage Company No YNAT TH U 7,9 iIO& A u1m) CP k'°»)A.YYV wPFJL'Y pj,. T, AW) WAY &U WT TO NE MLSBE UFal FOR MR ENBAF "I''MM GF' I^FWE. PMJSL.�3SF;I OR (TIMIR FUTURE X%"RrF#"mnf L €f'.EU• Mr-EB, €F" MM, ARE FOR REFEMME MLY, Af'7YES, LCwAY €Q.':v MQUIRE R @fiA.IFAMAY ✓ URVEY. I2U EFFORT HM MEN FACE Y2 SEWN THi ft£C V9' OF Tm CX ANTY C,LEM'A UYtu£R FkFM oFFJ, PJW VWEVERY GA RSOffa W MY � UN NO' ED SU PER all aVE 9M SEAT OR AN EeEG &PRC,h1LY PRCV91)m &Y THE UNDER YU Rde+Mi�2. 3 ci."AER GERISFY iriAF i+4U TPtr°Ri€ "79 N Tully JE UraaTP. a P"am, M, LPdm, €m TOTE 4Pas, E16 uy U'PTLSYY G+;bVItE6YSom Am Fmmt P-%E MuRFLY fflT- 9N YYF, PA4P%L, EMG.ERY AS t§b'QM' TMT YKERE AM tn3 EM.R`I3Rnmmya LIFOR Yibz 0MRSM FEMME 6Y IMFltNUMEIYR W4 MY pad42€HTm RRS�TUE$, EYd aPT AS IMICAM, AW MAT iISEUE €R EQ £.MPAMNT WIFEdC..E, rm UECA OF DrP E?4EI3 NY CIaSP2ta O: CS.a€dOFNIVA AM P£'54 W SAID PA,�'-EL, EKCEPT g��IIIPBpppP WITHESs My HMO AND 9CAr x'49&8 t�t.,..�..,.w, DAY OF ._.,...... _.�t%�Se,- 2& 00,,. Now Addte ss. e ASSOCIATED 4 RVEYOR , L.L.C. � GG G� Go �m TEL, (918) 663 -2426. FAX (918) 634- -7666 1 g, o RAGSDALE a 237 & 71st E. Ave. - Tulsa, OK 74112 ®�eo L.S. 436 �r�® OWE 0. RAGSIAL17, 4R.L.S� Ieale Olt aee -- 207 South Cedar PO ®x 180 Owasso, OK 74055 C 11 ity of Owasso. NOTIC E TO PROPERTY OWNER OA-00 -10 q1) 272-2251 FAX Wlffl 272 -4999 Notice is ' hereby given that a La is hearings will be hale before the Owasso Boar of Adjustment, in the Oasso Corn ty Center, Owasso, Oklahoma, at 7:00 P.M. on the 22d day of August, 2000o At chat t o and place, the Owasso Board of Adjustmei t will consider a request from Derek and Debbie Rave t, applicant, for a VARIANCE TO THE WASS O ZONING CODE CHAPTER 2 SEchON 240,2,E - PERMITTED YARD OBS"FRUC1.11ONS on property currently zoned RE (Residential Estate) to allow for a 114 square foot increase in [he maxi .urn allowable accessory N'.-filding area of 750 square feet, The total accessory budIding area proposed is 864, square Feet., The subJect property erty is described a.s tbllows: LEGAL DESCRIPTION O T 5, BLOCK 1, MFAD0W( 1Z_1--,NT LOCATION 11003 1-09L As an e utting or iwarby Dr'ODCAN owner. you are beiDg -notified so ghat y ol.i. Ana: b(---, able tri express your views or concerns re�gardfiig Ofis requiest,, If you are w2u9ble to attcnidl this ineefirig, please forward afky c-om. n tints you n),ay have in writu g tf- -g she Owasso Planticer, PO Box 180, Owasso, O 74055. Planning Staff will preseia, these con--unents to t:gKeA Board Sad" A.djtt3t-A!,ac%'1 o uaalp sbo n the suf� jcc prgpe�`y ��G°,c�"trgp���kies 0 is 4 S°tiCl . F-or More i��g�� �n�� &a��rq� on u��`' proposed variance contq(�t the Owasso City _ lar_ er; City Hall, 207 S. Cedar, Owasso, Oklalh� n a. 74055, or phone (918) x.°`2..,2251.. bis is your only perso nal noti cat on, of tbds request, Dated at Owasso, Oklahoi na., this 7"' ay of August, per. City Planner Please publish the following legal advertisement in the August 10, 2000, edition of the Owasso Reporter. Please send Proof of Publication toe City of Owasso AT TN: Dons Sorrells P.O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 Asses bill publication costs to. Derek & Debbie Ravert 11003 E. 109" Street N, Owasso, OK 74055 RE'.: Owasso.Board of Ad, Justmerit IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllll UIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII NOTICE TO THIE PU. I_d.A!C OF A. HE NG . EF01M, T.64tE OKLAHOMA APPLICATION,: OBOA-00-10 Notice is hereby gives t_ al, a public hearing will be held betiore the Owasso Planning Corn fission, in, the Owasso Corrimunity Center, Owasso, Ofdabioma, at 7,00 RM. on the 22 "`j day of August, 2000. At that Wine arid place, the Owasso Board of . gjusft eiat will consider a request ftom Derek ar-i 1 Debbie Ravert for a VARIANCE OF THE OWASSO ZONINGI COMECHAPTER 2, SECTION 240,'/",E,-- PERIMI"1„-t.ED YARD OB,STRU 1 "IONS. on 16 1o? s .� . 1,05, BLOCK 1, MEA.€ OW(, 1 ----_', -l' o .00 :[ON 1003 Ea 109" , TI' No All persons interested in this matter may be present at the hearing and present their objections to or arguments for any or ail of the above matters. Information and maps shoring the property location may be inspected in the office of the City Planner, City Mall, 207 & Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma 74055, or phone (91$) 272-2251. Dated this 7" day of August, 2000, Donna Sorrells City Planner BACKGROUND APPLICANT AND STATUS APPLICANT - Diane Grinter REQUESTED ACTION AND PURPOSE: he applicant has requested a special exception f ors. the Owasso Zoning Cade to allow for the operaticrrr of a day care in her LOCATI : The sa lsa property is locatedat 12711 R fifth Street M EXISTING LA-N, D IJSE � Residential Sirigle-Farnily, High Density (.R,S--3), SURRO UNDING LAND USE The sr bjec;t property is surrounded entirely by the Double Oalr;.s srabdiv ion, APPLICABLE REGULATIONS: City0f Owasso Z011-irIg Code, Chapter 4, Section 20 -- ACCESSORY US S 1N A lZ,� S.ID :SN'J. lA,1_, DISTRICT, Chapter 14 "'Board € f." A jrrstfrrr.errt;; CASE HISTORY.. t he appticrari is rc,questini his special Exception to allow -br the operation of a dayeare in a residence. The has requested on the application approval for a n)axirrrcrrn of sea e —a (7) children, but intends ; at this rime, to h ve .1bo ar (4) children. The applicant l.r:i.tends to provide dayeare services only during the school year, not during the sra.n rner and/or holidays. The appllcant, has also stated there will be no outdoor act.lvit.ies rep- ctlra.g to the daycare ANALYSIS clearly 1rcider ta to the prrrc 1pal use of'th cvclliagtrr€ t, pheFc n,fi rSecio.. /20.2.b Fo applicable provision &- Staff has reviewed the special exception request and has no significa -tat concerns regarding this request, Surrounding property owners have been notified and several 1jave phoned the Community Develop_rr: ent office e rrsl ing for more information regarding this request:, The required legal noticed was published. in the August 10, 2000, addition of the Owasso Repoiter and Letters were mailed to surrounding property owners on august 8, 20W RE, COMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of OBOA -00-11 ATTACHMENTS I. Location map 2e Notice to Property Owners 3. Legal Notice y ZM CRk Z± & »- . .� ST £± M PUD 98 RS om r R 207 South Cedar PO ®x 180 Owasso, OK 74055 C 'I ity of Owa NOTICE R, OBOA-00-11 19 1 9 272-2251 FAX X9181 272-4999 Notice is hereby given that a public bearing will be held before the; Owasso Board of Adjustment, ka the Owasso Cornraunity Cewe , Owasso, Oklahoma, at. 7:00 P.M. on the 22" day of August, At that ti-me and place, the Owasso Board of Adjustment will consider a request fro Diane G-rinter, applicant, -for a SPECIAL EXCEPTION TO THE OWASSO ZONING CODE - CHAPTER 4 SECTION 420 ACCESSORY USES IN f-Iff,'SID '.N`k IAL DISTRICTS on property currently zofl ;d RS-3 (Residential Single Fsm:ly, High Density), The sut"jcct property is described as follo ws: LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOCATION 12711.1 E, 78"' s'rRf'sE .' N As an ? %butfirag or nearby property owner, you are being notified so 'Chat you may be able to express aoux views or concerns regarding this re(: ae st If you are unable to attend this meeting, please forward .9 com -ran s you r a have, ill w. Ring In she Owasso City PO Bob 18 A Owasso, OK 74055, Planning S t af will present these c � tnn,),ef.af s to tga� Board of / djustn aejs J ,.i map showh'ig he su[Je mot property aa;:.couipw-files -,ao&.ice. For more finf.orr' at:$.on on `'•:'!yn e proposed Special xrept 4An contact the Owasso City la aner � ' Ity Hall, blf -c� ,3 , i s Nd� a r w asso, n: Oklahoma T4055 o � h tae (9 0 8) ;� �� -22,5 � 'I "his s hs your ut � � s6` a�., , request Dated at Owasso, OR--! p :ao a this "' day of August, a r, Dontia Sorrells City Planner Please publish the following legal advertisement in the August 10, 20009 edition of the Owasso Reporter. Please lead Proof of Publication to: City of Owasso ,Kr TN: Dianna Soffells P.O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 Please bill publication costs to, Diane Grinter 12711 E 78h Street NT, Owasso, OK 74055 I �,: Owasso oard of djustrnent IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Ulllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllll NOTICE E 1'0 THE PlA]LIC OF A HE N G BEFORE THE BOARI) OF ADJUSTMENT OF TIF CITY OF OWASSO, 0JULAHOMA APPILICAF :'ION. OBOA-00- I.. Notice is hereby given that a t.ibfnc hearing will be held before tli Owasso planning Co missioi,)., fig_ the Owasso Com. — -nti ty Center, Owasso, Oklahoma, at 7000 P.M. on the 22 d day of August, 2000, At that tirne and place, the Owasso Bmarrd of Adjustment will consider a, request Crom Diane Grimer for a SP ?<C `IA ., EXCEPTION OF THE h. ASSO ZONING CODE CH1PI ER 4 SECTION 420. ACCESSORY USES IN RESIDENTIAL Single,-Faj,-nily, High Density) and describect as fbllows� LEGAI, DESCRIPTION LOCATION 12711 E< 8 "' STREET Nn All persons interested in this matter may be present at the bearing and present their objections to or arguments for any or all of the above matters Information and maps showing the property location may be inspected in the office of the City Planner, City Hall, 207 S, Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma 74055, or phone (918) 272-2251. Dated this 7" day of August, 2000. Donna Sorrells City Planner