HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000.07.25_Board of Adjustment AgendaPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Regular July 25, 2000 7;00 P Owasso Community Center Donna Sorrells City Planner I-,'iled in the office of the Owasso City Clerk at 4;00 P.M. on the 11th day of July, 2000, Donna San. °ells City Planner C', OWASSO BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT REGULAR MEETING '1 ` esd ay, July 25, 2000, 7:00 PM Owasso Community Center, 301 S. Cedar Council Chambers L Call to Order 2., Roll Call , Consider Approval o fthe Minutes of the May 23, 2000 Regular Meeting. I BOAPJ)) OF ADJUSTMENT PUBLIC HEARING 4L O BO 00 08 Nobel Sokolo sk A request fur.-,t Vr r ianc e of ilm Owasso Lnini -ig (-'(,AC to ft.s.ow rbr a do- iearora in the requiredfiront yard st.tbac14. in es n RS-2 Zoning l..ti 4ri,ct, 1 he skrb,jec property is described as Carn. &1S;:n 1'a,$l,. 11and is generally b,o4,tr.ed east of N, 129 "' K Avenuo betweenlc-�,. 90"' Street N. and 92"" Street N, BACKGROUND APPLICANT AND STATUS OF APPLICANT. Nobel Serkerlcrsky, Trails End Development, Owner /Developer RJEl',QUESTED ACTION AND PURPOSE. Rearrest for a Variance of the Owasso Zoning Code, Chapter 4, Section 430 "Bulk and Area Requirements in Residential Districts", to allow for a deviation of the required Front Yard Setback of 30'to 25', axed. a deviation on Lot 1, .Block 5 of the required dear Yard Setback of 25' to 15'o LOCATION AND sizE. 'rhe subject property is located east: ofd, 129 "' E—Avenuc and north of 6"' Street N, The property is 13086 bores, snore or less. EXISTI NG LAND USE- The site is currently undeveloped, SURROUNDING LAND SE `;1:he subject property is bound ors the north by Windsor Lakes 11, to the `ac'ruth by B ar ington Point, to the cast by _1 ot[i??ghaarr and to the west by t.:.;a;rrrcl_en Park, APPILIC ", ALE RIPI GLA :ONS., City of Owasso Zoning Code, Chapter 4, Section 430 "Bulk and .,r rea. lie crirc mcasts in wide- tial Districts" and Chapter 1.4 "Board. of Adjustment". CASE HISTORY. 119 2000 regu.1s oneeting of the Owasso Pear. !' bag Cor-rlrrkissron, the � i —n a lat will. be 1--inwarded to the Owasso (.i y Council. - 01l0W ng A iew by the Board of Adjusftr- rent, F E ur. r,t the t.a, proc °essiia by the c_. oj.T €r'.niss ot, he P. o���E:,c,m o at least of -w' homcoVl' er, /fir. Stan Hall, over the orientation of'Lot 1., Block 5 was recorded. Mr, Hall owns the property directly aCCJac e:nt to t: e .lot of coneer , A. copy y ofthy; letter regarding this concern is attached lcar° your review, The issue has ortce again i een raised di rig this variance rearrest. A recent meeting between the applicant and Mr. Hall has produced &a agreement satisfactory to each. As a result of the meeting, Mr. Sokolosky has agreed to restrict the building orientation on brat 1, flock 5 to west facing. Consequently, on this particular lot, the applicant is rearresting a rear yard setback redaction to 15 %et, A copy of a letter stating Mr. Mall's satisfaction with this arrangement has been attached for your review, ANALYSIS Windsor Lake II subdivision, located to the north of the subject property, and Nottingham subdivision, located to the east are zoned RS-2 (Residential Single-Family, Medium Density) as is Camden Park II° The minimum lot size within an IBS - - -2 district is 9000 square feet. Barrington Point I and Barrington Estates subdivisions, located to the south are zoned RS-3, The required front yard setback within_ the RS-2 district is 30 feet and within the RS-3 district is 25 feet. The applicant has requested blanket relief from the required 30 foot front yard setback required for Camden Park .H. The applicant wishes to reduce the front yard setback to 25 feet° A legal advertisement was published in the July 13, 2000 edition of the Owasso reporter and noti.fication letters were railed to surrounding property owners within 300 feet. Staff has received several calls from interested citizens inquiring as to the exact 0- .ature of the variance, Most callers, after explauati.otr. of the proposed variance, expressed no opposition to the change. A f-w callers, however, did express a general opposition to the modification, lication, Staff recoromends approval os'OBOA ,110 -08 satbject to the fiollowing conditiwo,,� 1, The requested red-action oi'the, rear yard setback ol'Lot 1, Block `i be contingent upon.. the orierrtat. on. of the building being restricted to west-facing, I. lfl.�lect lv ap I Appli(;.at:ion for OB A. % -00 08 3 rya nali:k -Park 11. srar.P i° (r:edtrceelr 4, [,otter frorn..Stan Hall. , 1_.,ette;;r fr°f: na Staj"1- F e'r11 Notice 6, Legad T Notice to Pro- re. -Pe. 0wrre;,r I'M 11, CA K Avenue c % �e «dun l LE �. s� .r. 9 @1 two CA, my L CZ-1 . . . ....... . . .. . 18 'q q Vq . ....... .. --Maxon. 8 WWI, .......... I in . .......... . :Al it v8 Alm - --- ------- YNp Bg RE n, L APPLICA)lON FOR ZONING VARIANCE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT CITY OF OWASSO County, THE FOLLOVVING INFORMATION IS TO BE SUPPLIED BY APPLICANT Set -o below the specifies of your request, When® applicable indicate pertinent uses, distancesos��� ®��i�e��e Pie, attach any plot plans, photographs and other factual information which will assist the Board in determining the merits ®f your request. I- Property Legal Ddscription Name of Record Owner � � i a C. " ry As applicant what is your in Present Owner Purchaser �., Attorney for Owner Phone The Board of Adjustment is allowed to approve variances only after determining from, the evidence and ar unients presented that the conditions listed below do exist. Please describe how your request satisfies each of these conditions_ i Application of the zoning ordinance require eats to this particular piece of property will create an unnecessary har ship e � I there are conditions which are peculiar or special to this piece of property which do not apply to other pvopeeiie& in the Sarno zoning district, f o . w4 i41 q % tr/J asG ..,..� ✓y,_.,.t.� �'....�. "FF ,: -., ,. �v....,:. L `. f�~ 11t 'The variance, if �s�i�trr e ��ill i���t C��� �u����t��r tiz�I ��tri ��sdt t� the ul�ll� a o Impair the purpose and 'Went of the zoning ordinance or the cornpvahon%ive plan. I CERTIFY 'THAT THE SUBMITTED INFORMATION I TRUE AND CORRECTI 1 ignovur n Recieved byt DIP0SI39N Co Stan Hall 9203 N. 134th E. Ave Owasso, OK 74055 -4796 October 11, 1999 Flay Haynes Chairman planning Commission 207 S. Cedar Owasso, OK 74055 Dear Sirs I am writing to you regarding the upcoming development,,, of F attiden I ! , which joins to the south end of Windsor Lake t The street layout is attractive and it wo l l be, nice 1 -ia vi nl homes 1 n what tn t ll now ha s been an open field, However, on e o f of the new a dd i t ion borders Lot 410 o f Windsor 1 1 . which is my h to tose . t, layout this lot I would like �`o�� you to review. �pI\ /cps y"jfr„ /h�1'ep My concerns h 4...g § ��t ('o }f i. �,a r e t.,.wo # o F...� 2 %.) Maintaining the visual l .i ne of the street 2) Maintaining try property value ..1.,he new add t t,'i on was originally designed to be an extension on o f Windsor if and 11 with 'large Jots and similar r re q a The proposed build line was a continuation of the lin e established throughout Windsor Lake. (See A Attached) The visual t .i n o.t the street 1.. would be uninterrupted. New plans call for a change in Block 5, Lot t and 2. (See B Attached) Rather than st °..l'l.tng as ra large, sing.le, corner lot, it has been divided into two lots; with only a 15° build line an the west side of lot 1. This would allow construction of a house well to the west o.s Windsor's build line. Instead of a street with houses sharing a build line and facing the same way, the last house would stick out terribly dly With h 41 lots to the new Camden l 1 , my hope is that Mr. Sokolosky and the commission will find a way to make Lot i $ Block 5 compatible to the existing addition it will border. Page 2 Hall I think Mr. Sokolosky has some responsibility to those of us in his existing additions. We bought lots from him, submitted house plans for his approval, and built nice houses to Windsor's speci f i cations o To allow two houses to butt up against the end of Windsor ii and race another direction is a disservice 'to those on the south end of Windsor 11, The continuity or the street is broken just 1001 'from the corner, Personally I alas looking forward S kol Lasky 2 s existing homeowners other point where 'r...he additions direction than existing houses Ave and 910 Place,, to additional neighbors, but Mr need to be considered, At no meet, do houses face a different only the corner lot at €,342 L, Mr. Wear l E cis said that peer haps some ccari proms se could be reached heel regarding required variances. t, hope something can be worked out to both the City's and Mr Sokoloskz,y's satisfaction, Thank you for your attention, copy o.,ia this letter i s being sere to Mr. Sokolosky, l don't want him thinking I'm attempting anything underhanded. Mr., Sokolosky and r spore several weeks ago, so he 'is aware of my concerns, Sincerely, Stan stall CC: Noble Sokolosky P.O. Box 1013 Owasso, OK 74055 Theron Warl ick 4:,it}' Planner, 207 S. Cedar Owasso, OK 74055 Noble Sokolosky, I wanted to Thank You for both. your time and imput at Donna Say refl.'s office last month, I just received notice of 'the July 25h meeting regarding your set back request. I trust you -will. have no problems, Your suggestions concerning the house location on the lot next to me is� I believe, a good one that can satisfy everyone. By moving the house back nearly to our build-back line and facing the house to the west you effectively maintain '(-he continu-mity-6 to our, street. Your -Williliagness to come up vAd-i, the idea is appreciated, I realize you had no obligadox-i to do so. "I'hanks Sit.1 -ere-ly, st� al"I" Please publish the following legal advertisement in the July 13, edition of the Owasso Reporter, Please send Proof of Publication to: City of Owasso "p o Donna Soffells P.O. Box 180 Owasso, Off. 74055 Please bill publication costs to- Nobel Solcolosky P.O. Box 641 Owasso, OK 74055 R.E. Owasso Board of A4j ustr e t II IIIIIII III IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111 111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII NOTICE TO THEIRAILIC OF A HEARING BEFOlue, THE" BOARD OF ADFUSTMENT OF Tffl-�, CITY OF OWASS09 OK LAHOMA Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be hel. d belbr°e the Owasso lar nin Cojanrai.lssion, in the Owasso Community Center, Owasso, Oklah ).a, at 7,00 P.M. on the 25th day of July, 2000. At that time and place, tb.e Owasso Board d of Adjustment will consider a request from Nobel okolosl -y, Applicant, f--or a VA,MkANCE OF THE OWASSO ZONING CODE CHAPTER 4, sECllON430 . BULK f1k`,,A RE, _QJlREMmNTS . TO A? JLO W K9O E DEVIATION OF T$H< _Rb-'d I1- - ,D FR n,-r YARD SKI'BACK OF' 30' on prtyperty ci.i..rre-ctly zoned RS-2 ( esidemial Single-Family, Meffluni. Density) a cl described as rc flows LEGM, DESCRIPTION �,'a—in derk. far I I LOCATION South of Windsor Lae 1:1, North of Barrington ton Point, east of N. 129"` E. Aventie between E. 967' ,Street N. and E. 86" ,Street N, All persons interested in this matter may be present at the hearing and present their objections to or arguments for any or all of the above matters. Information and reaps showing the property location may be inspected in the office of the City Planner, City Hall, 201 & Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma 74055, or phone (918) 272 -2251, Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma, this 10" day of July, 20000 Donna Sorrells City planner