HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000.05.23_Board of Adjustment AgendaAGENDA PACKET OWASSO BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT May 23, 2000 PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASS O BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Filed in the office of the Owasso City Clerk at 1:00 AM on� l7th day of May, 2000, Donna Sorrells City Planner OWASSO BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT SPECIAL MEETING 1'uesday, May 23 92000, `/:00 PM Owasso C'ommunity Center, 301 S. Cedar Council Chambers I , Call to Order 2, Roll Call 3• Consider Approval of the Minutes of the April 25, 2000 Regular Meeting, BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTPUBLIC HE/k:R,,)-.NG 4, OBOA-00 106_- Qqjgkjhp 1j'o - A. requ,-est for a Variance o' -,N I f the 0 ,%�asso Z013ing Code to allow 1`6r a second business sign with a height of 0' in a C11 (Cojon.-uiercial Higl.1 Intensity) Zoning District. The sab�ject property is described as �TEYII,, bFVV14, 1.\TW/4, Section 32, Towpohip 2IN, Range 14l loadl is located at 11526 E,76" Street M - � ", , Nelso.p. -- A request err a Special Exception to the Owasso Zoning 5. OBOA-00-.07 - 1 Code to allow :for a Non -Perniarjent Accessoi3/ Vendor in a (-'.G (Commercial General) Zoning District. The su�ject property is described as a portion of Lot ) 5, Block 5, Hale Acres and is located at 11226 N. (3'arnett Road, The property is currently occupied by Speedy Bob's Auto Lot, 6� OBOIA-00-08 -- Nobel Sokoloskv - A request for a Variance of the Owasso Zoning Code to allow for a deviation in the required front yard setback in an RS-2 Zoning District, The sub�ject property is described as Camden Park 11 and is generally located east of N. 129" E Avenue between E. 90"' Street N, and E. 92nd Street N. T Aqjournment BACKGROUND APPLICANT AND STATUS OF APPLICANTo Quick Trip Corporation REQUESTED ACTION AND PURPOSE: A request for a Variance of the Owasso Zoning Code, Section 1021, " Business Signs and Outdoor Advertising ", to allow for the installation of a second sign at 50` height. LOCATION AND SIZE: The subject property is described as NE /4, NW/4, NW/4, Section 32, T ownship 21N, Range 14E, Tulsa County, Oklahoma and is located at 11 502 K 76th. ,Street N. EXISTING LAND USE: Currently the site is occupied by the Owasso Veterinary Hospital, A Final Plat has been approved for the QuickTrlp to be located on the sits. SU R ITNa ING LAND USE. The property is bound by Wendy's to the west, Auto Pride Car Wash to the cast, and the new Holiday. Inn Express and vacant property to the south, North of the property, on she opposite side of E. 76th Street N° , is she exciting; Tsui clr`: rip and lira t arn's, APPLICABLE E REGU:I,ATIONS: City ofOwasso Zoning Code, Section 1021 "Business Signs and Outdoor Advertisinp - -" and Chapter 1 "board of Adju..st;me;nt" ASE HISTORY. On .April 7, 1993, the original Quick'rrip Store, located on the north side; of K 76"' Street N., was approved for a variance of the Owasso Zoning Coding allowing the erection of a second rnoa .meat sign located along the Owasso Exprg ssway, The variance allowed fi)r a, sign o121'7 square feet and 50' :height, ANALYSIS l.he .wplicant: is reau stina t��� `:re"� iaric�e �.�" order :o relocate ate (9'E,p]a ace l, €h sign �. ?�" &1 �e.?d l - sign original location across E. 1 76 t11 Street M to the new store locati.011 vrat_h generally th� sarnel configuration.. The sign to be located. along F". 76t" Street N, will be replaced with a 90 a� squaa.e foot sign which conrornis to the present sign ordiDaM -C. `l`he largo polo sign will be relocated to the south property line, The legal advertisement was published in the May 18, 2000, edition of the Owasso Reporter and notification letters were mailed to surrounding property owners within 300'. No citizen objections have been received by the Conimunity Development Departpriento RECOMMENDAIJON Staff recommends approval of OBOA-00m06, subject to the following conditions; 1. The existing ground - mounted sign with a total of 93 °3 square foot be replaced with a sign which conforms to the current sign ordinance limit of 90 square feet. 2° The rear pole sign be permitted with the original limitations of 217 square feet and 50' height° ATTACHMENTS 1 e Subject Map 2. /application for Of OA- 00...0E I Attachment to Application 4 Ixgal Notice; 5. Notice to Property Owners ,... e3 (owl ri `u ............r 11 6 tw.� vae Q� y! rA R w m O 9 �. ,PPLICATION FOR ZONING VARIANCE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT o..� .�.n CITY OF OWASSO SJ,R. County F FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS TO BE SUPPLIED BY APPLICANT et out below the specifics of your request, Where applicable indicate lec' `attach any plot please, photographs and other factual information which will assist 41aa Board in determining -te a.. r of your request. Irop rty Legal Description NE 1/4, NW 1/4, NW /4, Sect 32, T 21 N, R 14 R, Tulsa County a� flame of Record Owner Quil,ffrip Corporation ks applicant what is your Interest In this property? m Present Owner Agent ��r � raer 1:_] Purchaser Other �e Attorney for Owner General Location or Address 11526 N. 76th E. Avenue Name John A. Dix Wailing Address Phone (918) 831....1388 The Board of Adjustment as allowed to approve variances only rafter determining from the evidence and argguments.. presented that the conditions listed below do exist. Please describe lace year request s aflsflos each of those conditions, 1. Application of the zoning ordinance requirements to this particular pioc s of property will create an unnecessary hrarslr:epo Seth Attachment 'A' a Cite No, I 2. `here Caro conditions which are peculiar or special, to this leave, of property which deg not, apply to other prnpartloes in the same, zoning district, variance, if grarded, will not cause substantial detriment to the public, good or impair HW­purpase and iment of the ordinance or the comprehensive plon. Rear y:x)_1 e sign n at di it „ed height causes rx:) g_'L re or safty haziard to dc_1..4Aer s on- 76t I CERTIFY THAT THE SUBMITTED INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT I S P 0 S I T 1 0 N I AA. LAY.iAdlb Af,_diAV d. 'A.' ZONING VARIANCE REQUEST CITY OF OWASSO QT TII TRIP STORE # 2R Item No. 1: The existing store is to be re- located across street to the south from the present location on E. 76`t' N. Avenue. The existing store has 2 signs and the applicant wishes to continue using 2 signs at the new location. The present pole sign is 50' in height as covered under a zoning variance approved by the Owasso :planning Commission in 1993, to allow good visibility to the elevated U.S. 169 traffic adjacent to both the existing and new sites. The hardship to the applicant is derived from the need to re-locate as a result of planned changes to the ramp system at E. 76"` N. as part of a joint City /ODOT project. That project reduces accessibility to the present: stone site without compensation. The reduced accessibility was a major reason for the applicant looping for an alternative location. The relocation of the business signs in their similar conliguration to the new site is just compensation to the applicant for the relocation expenses. The attached site plan indicates the signs as requested by this exception, Discu,ssions with Owasso staff regarding support of the two sign exception were positive with tlre. following stipulations: r The existing ground mounted sign is a ��T :I-� -0I IV vertical sign with a total sign area of 93.3 s q, ft. The present sign ordinance limits €hca -total sign area to 90 sq, ft, 't'herefibre, Q'1' will provide a modified PI- 011_V sign at t1 c proposed situ having an area, not to exceed 90 sq '1, 2. Staff will support: relocating (replacing) the present all° poly, sign to the south property line of the of the proposed site property. 1tern No, 2: The location is within the highway corridor. A large portion of business is generated by highway traffic, Visibility of the sign to such traffic is essential and peculiar to highway businesses. s. lire sently there exists a. new multi -story motel ��- �olnd�?�� � n Express) located sot th and west between the applicant site, and the travel-ways o?tlic elevated highway. Restricting}, the pole sigr) to less than 50 feet; will reduce if -not e irninate visibility of the sign due to (,he height, and location of the adjacent Business. en'l No. 3: A rear ig[i of the desired sl1elight will not catutSse glare or drivel safety for traffir.1c along. /6 street nor approaching trarnc along US 169, Pront sign location is beyond the sight triangle ror the proposed and existing driveways for the xron &, sign. Please publish the following legal advertisement in the May 119 2000, edition of the Owasso Reporter, Please send Proof of Publication to. City of Owasso AT N: Donna Sorrells P.O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 Please bill publication costs to. John A Dix QuickTrip Corporation 901 N. Mingo Road Tulsa, OK 74010-3475 .R-T-.,: Owasso Board of Adjustment NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC OF A HEAR1N(-N'- BEFORE,. THE OA T) OF ADTUSTMEN,r OF 'r11E CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA APPLICATIOM, OBOA-00-06 Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held before the Owasso Planning Con-unissiot), in the Owasso Corru-nunity Center. Owasso, Oklahoma, at'7:00 P.M. on the 23rd day of May, 2000, At thal time and place, the Owasso Board of Adjustment will consider a reqiest from QuickTriI) Corporation for a VAIUANCE OF '10'11E OWASSO ZONING CODE CHAPTER 10, SECTION 1 102.11.. BUSINESS SIGNS AND OUTDOOR ADVERTISING - on property curreiatly zoned CH (Coinmercial HighIntensity) and described as follows: LEG/U, I)ESCRIPTION 1' E/4, NW/4-, NW/4, Section 32, 'I'ownship 211, Range ME LOCATION H536 E� 76th Street N. All persons interested in this rnatter may be present at the hearing and present their objections to or arguments for any or all of the above matters. Information and maps showing the property location may be inspected in the office of the City Planner, City Hall, 207 S. Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma 74055, or phone (918) 272- -22510 Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma, this 9 "' play of May, 2000, Donna ,Sorrells City Planner 207 South Cedar PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 ,( -1 0 ,, qf0wasso NOTICE PROPERTY NE OBOA-00-06 E91l 272 -2251 FAX (91 8) 272 -4990 Notice is hereby given that a public; hearing will be held before the Owasso Board of Adjustment in the Owasso Community Center, 301 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma at 7 :00 pear. on the 23rd day of Sway, 2000, At that time and place, the Owasso Board of Adjustment will consider a request from The QuiccTrip Corporation for a SPECIAL EXCEPTION THE O ASSO ZONING CODE -- Chapter 10 ; Section 1021. "Business Signs and Oul :door Advertising", to allow for the instillation of a. second sign at 50` height AL DESCRIPTION: N /4, NW /4, W /4, Sec°tior) 32, Township 21N, Range 14E E .As are abr.Aftng or nearby property ty owner, you are being notified so that you may be able to express your views or concerns regarding this request. If yoir are Finable to attend this meeting, please forward any comments you may h vo in writing to the Owasso Community Development Department, PO Box 1. 80, Owasso, OK 74055, Community Development Staff will present these c;orr€ments to the Board ofAdjustment members at the scheduled public hearing. Information and maps showing the property loclatiori may be inspected in the office of the omrr.tuni'y Development Director, 207 South „cedar, Owasso, Oklahonaa, 74055 or by Calling 12 2251, `1_his :is yot?r only pc-- 'sona noti lc,ation o this rcclrae;st, D c , 0 w ; r h r cE/r, sinc e'rely:, ez Donna Sorrells City Planner BACKGROUND APPLICANT AND STATUS U OF APPLICANT Ryan Nelson, Bad Brad's Bar -B-Q, applicant REQUESTED ACTION AND PURPOSE. f%. request for a Special Exception of the Owasso Zoning Code, Section 1002 " Areawide Special Exception Uses ", to allow for a Non-permanent ccessory Vender on property currently zoned C (Commercial General) Zoning District. LOCATION AND SIZE. The subject site is described as a portion of Lot 15, Bloch: 5, Hale Acres, The property is located at 11226 M Garnett Road, E: IS7'ING LAND SE: CUrrently, the site is occupied by Speedy Bob's Auto 1__M. SURROU ND IN G Lj6��,ND USE: The adj acent properties to the north and so uth are zoned CG (Con -i ercial General). The property to the east is zoned CS (Shopping Center), Hale acres residential devIcopment zoned RD (Residential Duplex) and R_S.4 (Residential Sin le Family, Low Density) abut the property to the wrest. APPLICABLE _�'!;. REGULA` ' ONS. City of Owasso Zoning Code, Section 1002 "Area- wide Exception Uses" and Chapter 14 "Board of Adjustment", CASE His,ro-RY. There is no case history for this request at this location. However, requests for ether non-pormanent vendors in the immediate area have been processed, ANALYSIS ]_1ic applicant is requesting the spacial exception in order to operate ct Ban'. Brad's Bar B Q from a trailer set up in the parking lot of Speedy Bob's Auto uto 1 oL The zoning district i C(3 (Co mmercial GcB crad) which a:l.t.4iws for (' Fon°- p%°z.a;la.,.nE?9' ➢,t accessory v at < %o c. -,,, Special Exception,, Staff has reviewed the proposed location of this vender service and has no si�,'`m. -f caalt concerns regarding this request. Surrounding property owners have been notified and no objections to this request have been received by the Community Development Department. The required legal noticed was published in the may 18, 2000, addition of the Owasso Reporter, Staff recommends approval of the Special Exception request with the following conditions: I , any signage be limited to that which is affixed to the trailer. – The applicant obtain a vendor license from the City Clerk's office, 3. The trailer be removed from the site when not in use for a period of more than one week. 4� Trash containers should be located in the immediate vicinity of the fear -B-Q trailer and the containers emptied daily, It will be the responsibility of the applicant to ensure all refuse is properly disposed, T`I' ACHMEN` S 1 � Subiect Map . /application for OBOA— €I0 -07 34 Legal Notice 4. Notice to Property Ow- jacr:s AG MW T 110h ST. N. m SUBJECT PROPERTY m 0 .......... .......... ..... .. ....... r BOARD OF ADJUGTKFNT Na- c CITY (IF OVASSO S.ToRa COUNTY THE FOLLUNIK3 INFORMATION IS TO BE 'RI,IRR By APPLICANT :QH RrOUCSIRU Q - 3 § Tq LEGAL De E SCR .g� p, y . - J . .N - II" ECIIRII OWNER 0 APPLICANT, WHAT IS YOUR INTEREST IN THIS PROPERTY? PRESENT OWNER PURCHASER ATTORNEY FOR OWNER ADEPT FOR OWNER 'RI_IC IIR RECEIVED cam` �., "LING FEE RECEIPT ...., :- IESENT ZONING a -$ ZESENT USE � . r. RRIINENT INFORMATION ._.. �xs EVS. neras pus, S"64 aura un hike &mr-aa ' a�� I CERTIFY TRAY THE SIIRIIITTED INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT mm PHONE FOR INTERNAL OFF la--. I USE T e c Please publish the following legal advertisement in the May 18, 2000, edition of the Owasso Reporter. Please send Proof of Publication to. City of Owasso ATTN: Donna SoiTells P.O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 Please bill publication costs too Ryan Nelson Bad Brad's Bar-B-Q 8888 N. Garnett Road Owasso, OK 74055 R-F- Owasso Board of Adjustment lllllllllllllllllllllUllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUlllll NOTICE TO THE PIAILIC OF A 1ILKAR-ING BEFOIUS, THE BOARJ) OF ADJUS'MENT OF TIM, CITY OF OWASSO, 010LAHOMA APPIACATION. OBOA-00-07 Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held before the Owasso Plant ring CorniTi.ission, in the Owasso Co-inmunity Center, Owasso, Oka horna, at 7:00 P.M. on the 23rd day of May, 2000. At that thne and place, the Owasso Board of Adjustment will cor)sider a request from Bad Brad's Bar-13--Q for a VA-MANCE OF T"HE OWASSO 270N1N`-T ("ODE CHAPTER -10, SECTION 1002 -11 AREAWIDE SPECIAL, EXCEPTION USES - rO AL1,0W FOR A NON-PERiMANENT ACCESSORY VENDOR on property currently zoned CG (Coi-nmercial General) and described as follows Lj-1,GAL DESCRUPTI ON 1,.,ot1- 5, Block 5, :Hale Acres LOCATION 11226 N, Garnett Road' All persons interested in this matter may be present at the hearing and present their ob�jections to or argurnents for any or all of the above matters, Information and maps showing the property location may be inspected in the office of the City Planner, City Hall, 207 S. Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma 74055, or phone (918) 272-2251, Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma, this 15" day of May, 2000. Donna ,Sorrells City Planner 207 SOUth Cedar O Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 C V--y 0 ity s s NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER OBOA-00-07 l918l 272-2251 FAX (918) 272 -4999 Notices is hereby given that a public hearing will be held be=fore; the Owasso hoard of Adjustment in the Owasso Community Center, 301 South Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma. at :00 pear. on the 3rd day of May, 2000. At that time and place, the Owasso Berard ®f adjustment will consider a request from Bid Brad's Bar-B-Q for a SPECIAL EXCEPTION THE OWAS O ZONING CODE - Chapter 10 , Section 10,02 "Areawide Special, Exception Uses ", to allow for a Non- permanent accessory Vendoron property currently zoned C (Con- u- nercial General) zoning district. LEGAL DESCX[PTION- Lot; 15, Block 5, Hale Act es l_ :226 N. Garnett Rwael As an. abutting or -near y pr operty owner, you are being notified so that you pray be able to express yerrr.r views- or concc °ms regarding this request. If you are unable to attend this meeting, please forward any comments you may have:, in writing to the Owasso Community Development Department, PO Box 180, Owasso, OK I4C55. Community Development Staff will present t[.te✓se cornnrcnts to the Board o.fAqjustment rrieern ers at: the scheduled public :lie airing,_ It 6rrnatio - -fr and mope s showing the pr(.)per"ty ,'Iocatior? , anay be i spectc,_? .in the o.fflc(., of the Community Developiricrit Director, 207 South. t_ edar°, Owasso, Oklahoma, 14.055 or by c,albi.n; 272-2251, ',('his is your only personal notification of this .ce,quest. Dated d at Owasso, t. klaho.aaa, this 15th day of May, 2000, Sincerely, Donna. Sorrells City Planner