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2000.12.26_Board of Adjustment Agenda
PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO BOAIU) OF ADJUSTMENT Filed is the office of the Owasso City Clerk at 11:00 AM on the 21" day of December, 2000. Donna Sorrells City Planner OWASSO BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT SPECIAL MEETING Tuesday, January 2, 2001, 6,00 PM Owasso City Hall, 207 & Cedar Lower I[xvel Con-fierence Room. L Call to Oxder 2� Call 3, Consider 11.,-pproval olr`tLte Mi.au-tee of the Nove;i.-riJ.,)ej,., 28, 2000 Rogtilar tMeeting. I BOARD 01, ADJUSTMENT PUBLICIJEARING 4. OBO.A-,00-20 zqw Owasso Marlcet, LIX. A request for a Varian,.ce to the Owasso Zonmg Code Chapter 10, Section 1021, "Business Signs and Outdoor Advertising" to allow -fior ar), increase in the allowable size o( ground. outflted signage,. (Wa. 1) 5" 013OA-0022 Keith Bard 4, Se boor 430, "Bulk. and ,re,ductio.a of 20' E 3u@diflig Set 6, AcI.Jourtimetit A request For a Vat-iavux to fhe Owasso Zo-_�,.A�,�g (-,.,ode Chajpte),, Area. R.e(.p),irements in f!Z-esidential Districts" to allow R)r along ,-h(.,, west property line, (Ward 3) I I BACKGROUND APPLICANT AND STATUS OF APPLICANT: eayco -THF Owasso Market, 1 . ,C,, Owner /Developer REQUESTED CTIO N AND PURPOSE. Variance to the Owasso Zoning Code, Chapter 10, Section 1021 "Business Signs and Outdoor Advertising", to allow for an increase in the allowable ground- mounted center si nc e from 150 square feet to 240 square feet. LOCATION AND SIZE-. Owasso Market 25.77 acres, more or less, is located north of E, 96"' Street N. and directly west of the existing Owasso Market, A location. map is attached f-or your information and review. EXISTING -LAND USE. The sufject property is currently vaca -,iii, and has been rezoned to CS (Corry nerc.ial. Shopping), A building perm-it fo 1_,ot 1, Block 1, Owasso Market li is l!,c ding , SURROUNDING LAND SE: The property to the cast is essentially identical in Wffl ig and function as will be Owasso Mark -cet Ile The property to the northeast o the subject propc rt.y is zoii -eed RS -3 (Residential Sir3g le- family, flag ti Density) while; ffiu her northeast is RE', (R ` d € €ral i:`.staEe). ' `he property to the north and west cal. the< sirbje t site is rural residential zoned AG (Agriculture) and urther noj. t is Bailey Ranch Estates, zoned S - -2 (Residential Single- Fainil , Medba n Density), The property to the south is primarily rural residential and zoned AG (Agriculture). Oklahoma Natural Gas is located south of the suhject property within. the above- referenced AG zoning, v P L]Cl CABLE EG I ATIONS- City of Owasso Z D.il Code ChA n er In, Sep s, €on [0 t, i ?9 <<Bt- fir€ css Signs and Ot-ndo r Adve:k_tisi 3g" a- d. C1iapter 1 "Board of allow �dju tmet- �;�� i� ������ l, h, r�pl�c�r` E�� 4cr�� � c d � c�r� a c � re or a 90 square ffir r ¥ri;rca sc in the allow l-,,Ie sig r3a€ e. ANALYSIS l =n December 1999, the Owasso boar °d crfAdj strrrent. approved. a varianccc allowi_ag additional S.- ig;nag e area within Owasso Market, `I`he developer subsequently r_eplatteJEd a portion of Owasso Market into Owasso Market TI, This action severed the newly platted subdivision from the previous Board action on Owasso Market. The applicant is requesting; approval for one ground-mounted center sigh with 240 square feet of signage area to accommodate the T owe's site and the adjacent lour (4) outlots, No other ground- mounted signage would be allowed within Owasso Market Ito The proposed center sign would include 80 square feet of signage reserved for Lowe's, and a 40 square foot sign panel -for each of the four outlots. A letter of request by the developer detailing the limitations of ground - mounted signage is attached for your information and review. Legal notification was published in the December 14, 2000 edition of the Owasso Reporter and letters were mailed to surrounding property owners on December 21, 20000 No inquiries or comments were received regarding this application. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of OBOA -00 -20 to allow for 240 square feet of ground -rz ountcd signage for Owasso Market 11. ATTACHMENTS I , Location leap 2, Variance Application Letter of Request 4 Sign Elevation. 5, Notice to Property Owner 6. E r,� Legal. Notification 1, M w 0 rly- 0 z EAST 106TH STREET NORTH EAST 96TH STREET NORTH Location i F- V) T 21 N 0) N T- "I"C, 0 z �. 'roperty Legal Descrifao flame of Record Owner General Location or Address applicant Vehat is you into we-8—t-, In pre� Names �.... Present owner` Purchaser Other ����n� �.. Attorney for Owner i � tlm - . Peen@ q(, q � 21 V The Board of Adjustment is allowed to pprove v a ne s only after determining from the evidence and arguments rose ated that the conditions liste d below do exist. Mass descvibe how your request satisfies such of these can ifaans< L Application of the zoni&119 Ordinance requirements to this particular pLice of propeffty will cragate an unnacessary hardship v} 2. There are condi Iona which are peculiar or $Wlal to WAIN Piece Of property, °.which do not apply to other prapertie, >. in the sortie zoning distria, a he ay ck 0p gro8vad, will not cause substanficd detriment toffie public good off:. 'impair the purpose and h1t`ont .. of the zoning ordinance or the camp hew %lva plon CERTIFY THAT THE 11: �p INFORMN110K IS TRUE AND CORRECT ZONING VARIANCE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT CITY OF OWASSO a Application of the zoning ordinance requirements to this particular piece of property will create an unnecessary y R ardship. While this Board of adjustment has previously granted each outparcel tract in the Owasso Market shopping center the right to install freestanding signage not to exceed twenty-five (25) feet in height and either eighty ($Q) square feet in display area if a pylon sign or one hundred twenty -five (125) square feet in display area if a ground nnonurnent sign, we now come before this Board to request of modification of these rights in order to improve the aesthetic appearance of the signage at Owasso Market 11° With reference to Block 1 of the Owasso Market 11 shopping center, we request that the board of Adjustment approve one (1) pylon sign with a total display area of two hundred forty (2-40) square feet for each side to be allocated as follows: (a) s a panel containing eighty (80) square feet of display area for the proposed Lowe's Morrie Improvement Center, ()a) four (4) individual outparcel parcels of forty (40) square feet of display area. In our estimation, both tine proposed Lowe' s donne Improvement Center and the outparcel tenants, as contributors to the Owasso connmimity and economic. base, deserve appropriate signage to serve their nnarketlrng needs. Accordingly, we request the instant zoning variance because we belie=ve it to be in the best interests the Ci y of Owasso, its residents and floc, Owasso Market 11 tenants. a There are conditions which are parficular° or special to thiea piece of property which do noit; apply to other properties, hA the same zoir.ingl district., 1be Owasso Market sl'roppirng center is a commercial retail developiucrit of ipproximetely six!s :y (60) a.cres in sine at the northwest corner nnn`'North 96'r' S r°ect and fligl.�way 169. .As such, Owaasso it or°ket is the largest corn'mercial retail development in the City of Owasso and, once completed, will innclude, more than t.wentyf9five individual businesses of various max° etirng rniches, building sizes and sales volumes. dad these businesses located on individual parcels, each would be entitled to a, ntee- standing pylon sign, Within our proposal, however, these Owasso Market tenants will be served by only three (3) Pee-standing pylon suns and one ground rrnonurnent sign (to serve a proposed C)n.ili's restaurant). Accordingly, it is our belief that f:his zoning Variance recIpest ef-lectively responds to the unignre conditions of �lre; Oivazsso Alfcarket shopping center, 1. 9,93: va. r0 "Ceu, of gr knn ed, wihh not cause ubst: -m-dial adetrt ivaenrt to the public good, rrr° , mpndr the purpose and intent of the zo -ning ordinance or the comprehensive. pla m, is our belief that this requested zo nrrng 'disF`d .i Sf °s once gran '@ at � zl' x6£€ r'�k�'S) t'��a' sP�P�14 at "e. ti €, va_ both the ; wa.yso May °ffet shopping center and Nf orth 96"' Street by lirnithig tlie sn.uumber of free., standing : >ignns rnlearrg the M.nr °tin. 96 Street con „r..ldrfr °° Indeed, ossrrrralrng, that this zoning variance is approved as requested, Owasso .Alfarlcei, will have only flare (3) pylon signs plus one ground monument sign (to serve a proposed Chili's restauraw.) to serve art approximately sixty (60) acre commercial reWI de;velopnnent. The SFAYCO Group, hic. Re ,%). sta -l; Development 101 North Main Street Bentonville, Arkan&as 727 3 2 Phone. ( x01) 464-4661 Fm (501) 464 -4670 December 18, 2000 Ms. Donna Sorrels City Planner City of Owasso 01' South Cedar Owasso, Oklahrrrrar 74055 Express Ma H DWIPvery Rer Signage Aren A(,Cj sfine+ t for Fh "ee4S- :q;ndi..ng Pylon Sigi1 at Owasso Mark-et H hi Owasso, oklaholimun, Dear Dcxuaa: With, r'cR ence Lo" our recent telephone c,;rrrvc-mation3 ple " "'n, find enclosed request 1R)r Zoning Variance fi�o r . t're Bo, ard of/ cljt:rstm nf, aor the City of Owasso for flrc s€ c r st nrlsrrg , >rgrral e. proposed Rjc Owasso Mar: ?, 11= Trying to speak to both the aesthetic preferences of the City of Owasso as we,1.l as rarer, own aesthetic and business requirements, we propose one (1) fxee-stardlrr.g pylon sign to serve the frr° (4) outlots and the 1,owe's Home Improvement Store tract: of Owasso Market 11, As nn ay be noted in part from. the enclosed artist rendering, we propose the l6llowirg; si r age pararrreters Et- ��� r�r� 1I rte- er° Owasso �_r��a;rr.4_er pye_oAn aggro (A) of height not to exceed thh. -Ly (30) feet; (B) a D,owe's 9 onre hk`fVirover3errt Store Panel 3" " > " >ot to exa..:ed five (5) feet by ,rYO,F. cm. (16) ` of or `.'1. total of eighty (80) square f et; (C) four (ear) r" €4€€F_vidual oulp rr i l �.,)a -xi s .,o t to C.xr,eed five (5') feet by C €g[A (8) feet or , €, total of forty (40) square feet; (D) a% total sign display area : €€ of to exceed t-r o hundr°e .lbr°ty (2 0) square fg:c i; and (f?) no ground rnrrrrument signs, with the € xception of traffic directional sig naag e, to be penalitted rrn the four° (4) out eels, On a related rote and as you nary aalr°ea y know, Chili's has agree nrt to instarll. a °ee- s €arrllarg pylon sigar on its orrtpar°eel tract md, instead, will install as ground monument sign. on the same. I look forward working through these issues with you and seeing you at the Board of Adjustment meeting on December 26, 2000, In the event that you have any questions or suggestions are the meanwhile, please do not hesitate to contact me at your convenience. `I5o Christopher Seay Enclosures L Two Aadst I1,enderings (Color) of Proposed Pylon Sign; and I A p lication. for Zoning Variance to the Board of Adjustment for° the C ty of Owosso, 309� 0q9 M ADLER VISUAL SYSTEMS, INC. 22U U 16 89 7 ENTRY #2 9 91- 011 (1c I ELEVATION Owasso Market LE DATE DRAWN BY NONE 12-14-2000 PEC 3319 OLIVE ST L11-11-11 ST. LOUIS, MO 63103 Owasso 12-14 314-535-5544 This Sketch and Display Idea is the r-Exclusive, Property of FAX 531- 6654 Adler Visual System, Inc until Purchased as a Finished Product. 2g T 6" 9"- WE N WE T SIDE MLSA PWBAW-. ME MLIME PROPE91YO ADURVCML SYSEEW,1NIC. ATM AN THE RESMOF, ME TIDYARE SLW,% FNID 10 YOUR COMPANY FORME SOLE F4T2,MSEOF CONSIDERATION H F=TMh\1, ASEGN TAW&FACTURED ACCORDWG TO REESE RM F"4 ADLER VWAL Sop,,ESM. EMS MED HERE 13 DaWSSLY rOMDDEN. IN THE EVEM MY SLrH F)MM,13 OCCLR ADLER WAWL S'lSFFU iNC, SM_L BE RENFURSED A WSNOW OF MIR HWDRED DULMS, flff TOTAL ATAOLn'41 OF EWDMt.AENT M1. BE DOWILAINED UY ADM-, THE CUMATW VAE OF ALL THE ENTLa(LES Mo W W, T'r 10 COMUME) _ Wr LARSPERHO)URN "NS AND 'U""NING Tp� TOTAL H � By 60 DOL CO1,VEFMT1C14 FOR THE AND EFFORT ENINLED H CREATR"' T"S"' PLAP" Mf PARTY VaD VKXATES TIES COM4041 MALL BE KSP()`&.BLE FOR COMPLETE REM&M-MElff OF 4L ALTO MW MO OCtRy COSTS To ADLER V, 'M SYSTEMS, MIC. CUSTOMER APPROVAL DATE Please publish the following legal advertisement in the December 14, 2000, edition of the Owasso Reporter. Please send Proof of Publication tw City of Owasso ATTN: Donna Sorrells P.O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 Please bill publication costs to-. Seayco-THF Owasso Market, L.-L,C, 101 N. Main Street Beniconville, AR 72712 RE: Owasso Board of Aqjustrnerflt NOTWE TO T1114,11 13IJKLIC OF A HEARING BEFOI&� T1"1E BOARD OF AkDJ-[J ST} WENT 0, ' 1TIF, C1111Y OF (gam WASS09 OKLA-110MA APPLICATION., OBOA-00-20 Notice is hereby giver). that a publicbearing will be held before t1le Owasso Plan-riing Con-irn-ission, in the Owasso Corrr-rwanky Cell-ter, - Owasso, Oklahor.na, at 6:00 RM, on th 26 e day of Decernber, 2000. At that time aild. place, ilae Owasso Board. of Adjustmen't will consider a request l-'rom Seayco-THF Owasso Market, LL.C', developer, for a VARIANCE T.11E OWASSO ZO.1 11N(,Tl CODE CHAPTER 10, SECTION 1021 - BUSINESS SIGNS AND OUTDOOR Al VI'JZTISING - to a.-Illow for ati bacrease in sign sqtiare fbotage oi), property currwnly zoji-wd CS (Corn�tllercj.'.fl' Shoj'�r ,p,g) and described as frollows: LEGAL DESCILIPTION Block 1, Owasso Market LOCATION North of E. 96"' Street M and cast of N. Garnett Road All persons interested in this matter may be presem at the hearing and present their objections to or arguments for any or all of the above matters. Information and maps showing the property location may be inspected in the office of the City Planner, City Hall, 207 S. Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma 74055, or phone (918) 272-2251. Dated this W' day of December, 2000. Donna Sorrells City Planner 207 South Cedar P® Box 180 Owasso, ®K 74055 C ,'I@ ity of" Owasso NOTICE T PROPERTY OWNER. OA -00 -2® (918) 272 -2251 FAX (918) 272-4999 Notice; is hereby given that a public hearing will be field before:. the Owasso Beard of Adjustment, e nt, in the Owasso City Hall, Lower Level Conference Room, 207 S, Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma, at 6400 P.M. on they 2 d day of January 2001. At that time and palace, the Owasso Board THF Owasso market, L.L.C., app lica --r_t, :ODE -- CHAPTER 10, SECTION ADVP;R,rI ING to allow fern an increase property € arre;rutly zon.- d CS (Cmurnercra ollo s LEGAIL, DESCRIPTION of A_dj strnerrt. will consider a request from Seayco- for a VARIANCE TO THE OWASSO ZONING 1021 M BUSINESS SIGNS AND OUTDOOR in square Footage of ground-mounted signa. ea on Shopping), `p:'lue subject property is described as Block t, Owasso ma.t' -,e P 11 ( 11,ai record ate nd.in ) LOCATION or"tFr of E. 96"' Street N arid east of too Garnet o As ari, abu ttprr �. o h,1 al) property wlapt , you _'. l , ,. =� „b «b b l)l , tAoy �,;+ ,y � R"..k�.e; �1E,k�.RY�.` .d %4),d�41�4a a9 ®,. €..�d /�.�. �' &12a. aEPgS�' err is &.PS,a €�.n express s yerur views or cei%jace'r s reg rdh-�,g this 6:°equ- cst. If yek.A are uu.sbpe, to attend tb s r- aceting, please.`. . rwar(,,) re:a`y coa'rni -cents you may bav r:�a writ i-i.g to tt:te; Owasso City Pl nrle -, PO Box 1,80, Owasso, OK 74055, Ph —kung Staff will prese tEt t1leser C<onimen s to the Board e:Rf d,,just n(, - -- 1 fuuu;rnbe rs at the sche,eluled public hearing, A in p5 showing the sullje ct: property accompanies U.-jis notice. Foji., more $.n ori- i tio.ti. on 'the proposed variance contact the Owasso C iy Plar, uer, C ty l-jall, 207 S. Cedgar, Owasso, Ot daberruua 74055, or phone (918) 272. -215" . This is your only personal notification of this request. Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma, this 11" day of De cerrnberr, 10000 Dona Serrells City Planner BACKGROUND APPLICANT AND STATUS OF APPLICANT: Keith Bcard, Builder REQUESTED ACTION AND PURPOSE. Reduction of 20' Building Setback to 15'. LOCATION AND SIZE. The subject property is located at 14102 K 86"' Court N. ,and is approximately 10,000 square feet in size. EXISTING LAND USE. 1-he current zoning on the subject property is PT-JD/RS--2 (Plarir-ted Unit Development/Residential Single-Farnily, Mediurn Density) with an. existing dwelling. SUR110UNDING --LAND USE,, 'rho lot is located,. within The Brad-fords of Silver Cre 0A and surroun..ded by siorilarr lots on the north east and west. '111'he lot is bound by l.-!". 86"' St. N. on. the south and-lbrther south Js the ftflure, G cc-ris at Owasso aj,.)artrnerits and -17rie--adship Baptist C_ -1 -t A1 P.1,1CABLE [M.GULATioN'8. City of 0-,kvasso Zoning, Code, Chapter 4, Sectioin 430 "Bulk i-idk ca Requirerneiras in'Residerdtial I)Istll-GIIs" UCld Cli-a- pte--r 14 "Board of AciJiustmer-A", CASE STORY, The applica-at has requested a 5' decrease in the platted 20' �3 ai.lding setback to accommodaie a 4. V oncroacbment by the dry lli-ag stracture. A request for paetial clostire of the corresponding 20' Utility Easerne-at has been sul)-rnitted and is pending approval.. ANA1,YSIS ie requested reduction, o.Ftl,H,,,'bmilding scitback -is tot orl(,- oftwo lbsuilding setbacks ocetti-ring on the property wliich is, lo(,-,aled at the corner ofN, 141" l,- Avenue and E, 86'11 Cotirt N, The dwelfi rig is o).i(-,,,;.ntcd to E. 86'1'Couri. N, and the Yreq,,),ested, redudtioii. is IR.v what is eff(,..ctively 'Y the side ya- d Legalnotification was putblished . in the December 14, 2000 edition of the Owasso Reporter -&od letters were mailed totflie surroundirig property owners on 1)ocernber 21, 2000, One caller required clari (ication. and subscqii.(--,,,nt1y liadno ob�j ection. to flae request. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of OBOA-00-22 to allow for a 5' reduction in the 20' Building Setback along N. 141" E. Avenue at E. 86"' Court N. ATTACHMENTS 10 Location Map 2. Variance Application I Survey Plat . Legal Notification 5 Letter to Property Owners LOC-'ATRON MAP APPLICATION FOR, ZONING VARIANCE }quo,., L30AHD OF ADJUSTMENT GITY OF 0WA1,3SO C 0 U n t y d0armii-q R Ali 6 �P IAN on 0 1� To F-SU L USX 6LL6 b , Ind, 5� F HE SUPPLIED BY APPLICANT q a - r, a PP which will Ist Wh P h the jente partinam use 5, distanceB, dernanflanz a9c U It r f.ctu I . 1 11 orl 0�, ht the Board in datermining P. y 0 �muflon w och will USA plea7o afluch my plot Plns� ph tgr Phs Ud 0 �e on iho rflarits of your request, Reqtiesting a variance on portion of dwelling enekoachlihg- into 20 foot B/L and U/E on West side of Lot One (1), Block One pvoperty Legal Description Lot One (1), Block One (1) , THE WRADF01WS OF SILVER CREEK aen.NQ General Location or Addvess Name of Record Owner a /I I 1 1,4102 East 85th.Court, Owasso, Oklahoma U A" V > i::2V As applicant what is your interest in this property? Name NosenI Owner Agent for Owner pumhaser 0 q h a r Malling Address AfWoencoy for Owner X, Phone ev A'- 7 Y "PIR Board of AdjumgnanR is ullow"d to upprove vrlrioglc�,13 OwIly after cleterminiTiq iron the evidence and aagumenh prosented chat the concliflons listed bolow cla, exhit, Plea, z$fie$ ouch of those rondMans describe how your vaquas� satj Applicaiion of the xorflng ordhnance h? On',% p6aFficulue piace of PTOP@rty will cmate ran unnacessury hairdship, aoyne diffic-ult tO Will c I ,-j (1 t.io.e anc'l make the 1 -ot, ullar cur special to 111,15 PiOCG 01 PrOPorly which cle not apply to, 01116F PVOP"i" jo the some xoning district,. ,,i, coriaer j.ot wiet roak:1--og, difficull '.',o T),1.,ACe j, a r p Late aa- e sO .. --------- -60 puapo,,9a und hdoM k o a d a v, rn a, r 0 a subs tau Rio I d otHinjaM We Who publ, The vuriance, ifl grarited, will ,at r o el One zanlnr� ordit.,tanxe, m f"ho, com"nPrehandve vdan, .. ........ Bein,-� the placement of this'lot, it wj,1,1 not affect a.iay other 1-and owuers I CERTIFY THAT THE SUBMITTED INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT Applicafion Recieved byi n I S P 0 S I T 1 0 N � O � ABSTRACT SERVICES, INC. PA ` U NG SERVICES COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INS, CO, cL &x1 ®aRE, 0 O (910) 341 -0617 @-NEIRTH THE F&M HANK & TRUST COMPANY S Efft. SC -E 1 *- 20' [SURD HOMES INCORPORATED REGISTERED L D SURVEYOR'S INSPECTION PLff AND BORROWER. CERTIFICXTE FOR T GAGE LOAN PURPOSES MARTY D. CASILLAS & ESTER M. COUNTS THIS PROPERTY IS LOCATED IN ZONE X (UNSHADED) PER FLOOD FILE #OWOO -m1212 INSURANCE RATE MAP, #400210 0239H, REVISED SEPTEMBER 22, 1999, NOTE, DWELLING IS AX OVER THE 20' m - BUILDING � NE AND €rsTLrrY WRI � ix9 S; IV go h ,. i s, F e t LOT I BLOCK 1 17 UPLRY f A.SI.M Cfo "iiilF ICATF FIRSTITLE & AHS1 ZAC1° SERVICES, 1(11G C;OMMONWFALTH LANG? tiTLL INS, Cf?. 111E F«M RANK <R TRUS6° COMPANY This plat is m ado for and of the, request of for rnortgage loan purposes only covering property described as LOT ONE (1) BLOCK ONE (1) "THE 8fQDFORDS OF SILVER CREED", AN ADDITION IN HE' CITY OF OWASSO, RJLSA COUNTY, OKLAHOIAA, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT NCB. 5239. 14102 CAST 86TH COURT NORTH, OWASSO, OKLAHOMA 74055 hereby certify that the above inspection plot sheaves the improvements os located on the prernises described, that they are entirely within the described tract boundaries, and that there are no encroachments thereon except as Indicated; that the above plat shows all recorded plat easernants and other such easements as have been disclosed and furnished on behalf of lender; that this plat was prepared for identification purposes only for the Mortgagee and is not a land or property line survey; that no property corners were set, and it is not to be Asod - -oc relied upon for the establishment of fence, building or other improvement lines. No responsibility is a4 ' Pi k ; ire tl_ or hereby to the present or future land owner or occupant. ^`y' - 7 WITNESS nay hand and seal this -2- Ll day of !I ©VFM(3ER 2000. � � f. �^ MC IASILLAS.DWG WDALL R. Pt CA 2368 (LS) Please publish the following Regal advertisement in the December 14, 2000, edition ®f the Owasso Reporter. Please send Proof ®f Publication tea City of Owasso A`R`TN: Donna Sorrells P.O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 Please bill publication cods too Keith Bird P.O. Box 938 Owasso, OK 74055 RE: Owasso Board of Adjustment IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II IIII IIII III IIII I111111llllllllllllllllIIIIIIII NOTICE, TO THE PUBLIC OF A . MARING .E?".e.��ORM, THE BOA-1-0-1 OF ADJUSTMENT OFTI MY OF OWASSO APPLICATION, GBOA-00-22 Notice -is hereby give.ia that a public hearing will I)e lield before't-he Owasso iann_nnbag Cornnnnn.issionn, i.n t..he Owasso Corn ia-auni ty Center, Owasso, OklahOnnra, at 6M P,M. on 'the 26"' day of Deee riber, 2000, At Chat t.innne and place, the Owasso Board of Adjustment wi.il cori, si.der a n°e n,.est: fl'o:rn <. _Keith Burd, �).Dl) ca- -rat, i` €gin° a V.AR- - IANC.i i; OF THE OWASSO ZtsN.RN, CODE CHAPTER 4, SECTION 430-BULK AND AREA, REQUIREME'N'I'S IN RESIDENTIAL D>3rS :!i °R1:ci. s onn property r °un n € l-aiy onne�d RS-2 (Residential Sinngle-T"nnsniiy, Medhni n Density) arwl described as fbiirws Lot 1, Bloom 2, Bn°adn`ords of Silvercrer,:in LOCATION 1410 E. "' Court. N. All persons interested in this matter may be present at the hearing and present their objections to or arguments for any or all of the above matters Information and maps showing the property location may be inspected in the office of the City Planner, City Hall, 207 & Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma 740559 or phone (918) 272-2251 , Dated this 12 "' day of December, 2000, Donna ,Sorrells City Planner 207 Sout h Cedav PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 4055 City oj'Owasso NOTICE V PROPERTY NEB OA -00-22 (91 8) 272 -2251 FAX (918) 272 -4999 Notice is hereby giver, that a public hearing will be held before the Owasso Board of Adjustment, in the Owasso City Hall, Lower Level Conference Room, 207 S. Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma, at 6:00 Porto on the 2"' day of January 2001 At that time and place, the Owasso Board of Adjustment will consider a rawest from Keith Bard, applicant, for a. VARIANCE TO THE O A, SO ZONING C'OD E . -., CHAPTER 4, SECTION 4 w. BULK AND A. E . REQUIREMENTS IN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS to allow for a decrease in a 203 building setback on property currently zoned RS-2 (Residential tial in le. -Fan ily, Medium De ns:ity). The sa:abject property is described as follows LEGAL DESCRIPTION f_,ot, 1, Block t., Bgad €orris of Silvercrc-;ek. LOCATION As aji� abutti-tag or nearby property owner, you are being notified so 1,13at you may be able to express your views wr colice r.�.is regarding ltxis request, If you are unable to attend this meeting, m�..... ..,� -k. � � °t � . , �� �� ��r � �_�A.C.;�?se J'( -jr a),.'.l any c�;errt.sF�w i-a'- you ri a.y have ns. -i rilti -�n� Fix k..he:, e_., -v-v sso t..,it � Aa-Kfl. -Rcr, �a.01 ..s.,uOx 18 , Owasso, OK f74055, Planning Staff will pr¢ser` . these _.,oul- lin€;. €its to the Board of AdjuuN1'aae -al isle rabers at ,be,° sc heduled put -)lic 1" ear) -ng- Lw. showing the s lgject property ac orrnpa_ ies this notice, For more i.rnforrnatio)a o the proposed vari akwt, e cont,act, the Owasso (_:fty Planner, (AL -y 1- .all, 207 S, t €. d ', Owasso, O� l oie .,)r 74055, or phone (918) 272-2251 . T his is your only personal notification of this r €,q est. Dat:ed at Owasso, O.Ma.horrn.a, this 21" day of December, 2000.. Don- na Sorrells City Planner