HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000.11.28_Board of Adjustment AgendaPUBLIC N IC F ` HE MEETING Off'`` E OWASSO BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Filed in the office of the Owasso City Clerk at 11:00 AM on the 20 "' day ofN- overnbe:r, 2000° i Donna Sorrells City Planner OWASSO BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT RE'GULAR MEETING Tuesday, November 28, 2000, 6:00 PM Owasso Community Center, 301 S. Cedar Council Chambers Cal.l. to Order 2 Roll 's.;af# Conside) Approval of the Minutes o�(.the October 24, 2000 :l�cTgttla M(l et:'�ng, BOAR2D f ADJ— LfSTMff1NT1 P1J1- I..,1CHEARING 4 OBO -00 5 Meadow Homes .- .A request for a Special Exception of the Owasso Zoning r ock S hapte �c,tio 41.0 <� °i.r c ipal Uses permitted ir- a, Reside ntga.1 J)istl_ict" to allow 1n. ° a c ortstn ction fob (railer in a. RS 2/ -( -B') zoning district, (Ward 3) 5, OBO 00 16 Kano l evelopme i A request li.)r a Variance Owasso Zo it g= Cod ter 4, Sec;tlo}1 430, EsBuk and. %rya Regiii rcmQ. -E is in a R.esJd( .m[ial i st is t" to ° llow :for P:e chil li 'XE. on(e of two /,. fi,o .it jre$;rd setbacks on c%oznr:.i. '[ of 5, Block J i,s,.(ltdal Pa("1k... , X12 1� 00 1 I George oil g - A request for a Variai e of the Owasso Zoning Cod �Om 00 C Ch upto z � a �t Section 1102111, " B usd16:s Signs Gld S )i-tt oor /iV i Veia l si ng s to allow fl or '9a .) ?.i$ increase in the allowable square footage of signageg and 2) a second wall sign on a wall not directly fronting a public right-of-way. (Ward 4) %e O13OA-00 -18 -- Chumley & Associates - -- A request for a ,Special Exception of the Owasso Zoning Code Chapter 4, CGtion 410, "Principal Uses Permitted in a. Residential District" to allow for a construction job trailer in a RS -2/PTJ J zoning district. (Ward 3) & OBOA- 00-1_9 _- Atlas Computers __. A request for a Variance of the Owasso Zoning Code Chapter 10, Section 1021, "Business Signs and Outdoor Advertising" to allow for 1) an increase in the allowable square 1ootago of signagc, and 2) a second ground-mounted sign not directly fronting a public right-of-way. (lard 3) 9, Adjournment PUBLIC NOTICE OFTHE MEETING OF THE OWASSO BOA RD OF ADJUSTMENT Regular November 28, 2000 6:00 PM Owasso Community Center Donna Sarr_ells City planner Filed in the office of the Owasso City Clerk at 1-30 I'M on the `clay of November, 2000. Donna Sorrells City Planner OWASSO BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT REG[JLAR MEETING 'tesclay, November 28, 2000, 6 :00 PM Owasso Community Center, 301 S, Cedar Council Chambers ADDENDUM TO A.(J'ENDA 1'he -following is s4brnitted as an addefldunx to the agenda filed on l ovembar 20, 2000. Iterns numbered 1 through 3 shall rern.ai:o the sanac� Item nurober 4 shall be deleted. Items number 5 1hrough ! will now e naunibcrecl. 4 through 8, BACKGROUND APPLICANT AND STATUS OF APPLICANT: Bill Richert, /agent for Owner REQUESTED ACTION AND PURPOSE. Variance to reduce one of two 25' front yard setbacks to 15'° LOCATION AND SIZE. The subject property is 8875 square feet, more or less, and is located at 9003 M 128" E. Avenue. EXISTING LAND UM RS-3 (Residential Singe. -Far i ly, Hi h :Don- sity), Vacant t SURROUNDING LAND USE. RS-3 (Residential Sin le- Farr -dly, High Density) APPLICABLE City of Owasso Zoning Code, Chapter 4, Section 430 "Bul k ttrrtl. Area l equirerncnts in Residential Districts" and Charter 1d- "Board. of d' lttbrerr.t", ;.AE HISTORY- 'rho sulject property is situaled at the corner of a ihrou h street nd min or cul-de-sac and r.rre ul.e §E €.r shape, The plat shows a 25' building setback linE or both sides of the I ot adjac ace to roadway, leaving a r arrow, so-- i- rewhat (;ui'vir_ g, pad area, ANALYSIS SI The applicant has requested relief from one of°two 25' !°ont yard building setbacks for the strbiect property, 't`i're setback reduction request is for the north (cul-de-sac) pride yard setback, The proposed. structure will be oriented to the through street. AMaile this orientation tri.ay be u to posed to the r'errra.iriirig three c;u1 - -dc, -sac; lots, the shape of the lot dictates the position, € herel.bre, staff f�crls the apl-itrc ar-t; can c iab ish the l.rar°dsh p clexren required for a ar.iErnc e (,htc to the lrre irlaxity sir ihe IoL Legal notil.rc at,io was publistie hi tlrc r� owe nbb � '16., 2000 � d,ie,x ltl �`� t i�le; � i .? ��Ge � ��s c,i € t `€ A r and a , a2�(++��, pp ii(( �yy AAyyep (�Y y) e5^¢ ° e �,. _. e_ r..ec� € �,.A "€ 6cEr .,,..ir g r rc� €<iy owners c°�r?.e � r� St�f a��c(s� p;d r phone call from. tr surrounding property owner who inquiredfio-r more details ar)cl. then sorted they had no objec,tlon, la, CO_MM EN A`E'I N Staff reeornmends approval of OBOA-00 - -16, to allow for the reduction of the north 25' building setback to 15', 1 e Location Map 2. Variance Application I Site Playa 4, Legal Notification 5. Letter to Property Owners 12 ; TH K 96 STREET M a ..+ ,e%� %�Ffi'^`4^ h 2 --rmm ..�•... a-.av ..a «s.rn..aa .mmvv -,.tea \\ cs om om AG AG A . � PUD 10 r P•; 4 t tea` ELEM —3 SUBJECT a, 0 ST NO SCHOOL PROPERTY 71 Ll ( \\ tC .F "!`.. ` 3 hx.._. \ ,d \ q '4 ff!! p,,, v...�.. [-1 i p A y A, ST eel F m� a 7 rl Q 87 /\� 7 r ).._.\ iv, /-' 1, �? :;1 �� J`. h'T:.° v,e�.s*;�-r�v -•?�,r r.-er'vee _ ic 4 9 TH XT P . -- 85th PL. om A ea 05th Si. MO. mn�^ d // W, s111 s us 11a 111.d-,-�o V,P e -Dava Asa u ommun t— czviev. 8 § e'9_ 2 499 7 P Name *� Record Owner As applicant what as your interest in this property? Present Owner Agent for Owner Purchaser Other Attorney f ®r Owner General Location or Address Name /Z-, e- Mailing Address '9.0r 3'5-:4 Phone The Board of Adjustment is 0owed to approve variance* only after degeraaining from the ovidence and orgumanu presented that the condi ans listed below do exist, Pkase describe how your wa uest satisfies each of these can iiioras. i< Application of ¢he zoning ordinance requirefOnts to this PaHictdar piece M pvoperly viii creem an uunecessary� hardship. Them are c n ifions wh ch are p "cu lar or special to this piece of property which ego- rnoi appiy in the Sarre zonius e istrid'.. „ They vuria ice„ of granted, will re f pau -10 tubsta "flai deerpx ent to p'Ubhe good or impair Ag puvpaso UrI I of the zonIng ordinance or the cn4mprehanswo plan. " "Ali Q CERTIFY `THAI' THE Application Recieve I NFORMATION ISPRUE AND CORRECT Lot 5 in Block I € f CENTRAL PARK, can Addition to the City of Owasso, pulsar County, State of Oklahoma, according to the recorded Plot thereof. Approved by Bu.yor, 8a `,i 0 Approved by Seller, Robert E. Benze1 11 }tan.(- I?eve:lopadon['F Inc. 1216 V WILL ROGERS BLVD. CURE MOR9, OKLA. 341 -0617 Please publish the following legal advertisement in the November 16, 2000, edition of the Owasso Reporter, Please send Proof of Publication to: City of Owasso A Donna Soirells P.O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 Please bill publication costs to. Bill Richert P.O. Box 2352 Tulsa, Oklahoma 741.01. Owasso Board of AcIjustment IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111111111111lIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII -N( , )TICE TO'I'HE IrIJBIAC OF A 11EARING BEFORF, THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT OF THE CITY Of" OWASSO, OKLAHOMA APPLICIATION: OBOA-00-16 Notice is hereby give- n'ttiat a pL,blk-, hearing will be held bel-bre the Owasso Plaiming Commission, in the Owasso Commanity Center, Owasso, Oklahoma, si-t 7.00 P.M. on. �Jie 28"' day of Novernber, 2000, At that time ai.),.d place, the Owasso Board of Adjustrnei)o will consider a reqiaest from Bill Ricliert, agent, for a VARIANU OF THE OWASSO ZONING, CODE CIIAPTER. 4, SECTION 430 11:31fl-K AND AREA IN DISTI CTI'S - to allow for redu,,"'tio-n of one of two 25' building setbacks on property cti-rre.-Y.itly zoned RS-3 (Residential Single- T`atrlilv, fligh Den.sity) arjdf described as fb-flows: 1EGAL DEK.'RIPTION Lot 5, Block 1, Cei3tral Park LOCATION 9003 No 128" E. Avenue All persons interested in this matter may be preset at the hearing and present their objections to or arguments for any or all of the above matters. Information and maps shaving the property location may be inspected in the office of the City Planner, City Fall, 207 & Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma 74055, or phone (928) 272 - --225 Dated this 10" day of November, 20000 Donna Sorrel.ls City darner 207 South Cedar PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 City of Owasso NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER OBOA-00-16 f918) 272-2251 FAX X9981272 -4999 Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held before the Owasso Board of A t&ment' in the Owasso Community Center, Owasso, Oklahoma, at 6:00 P.M. on the 28 day of November, 2000. At that time, and place, the Owasso Board of Adjustment will consider a request from Bill Richert, agent, for a VARIANCE OF THE OWASSO ZONING CODE - CHAPTER 4, SECTION 430 - BULK AND AREA REQUIREMENTS IN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS to allow for the REDUCTION OF ONE OF TWO 25' FRONT YARD BUILDING SETBACKS on property currently zoned RS-3 (Residential SiDgle-Family, High Density). The subject property is described as fbllows: LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot 5, Block 1, Contral Pperk- LO(WriON 9003 N, 128"' E, Avcnue, As a-n abutting or nearby property owner, you are being notified so that you may be able to express yaur views or concerns regarding this request. If you are unable to attend this - meeting, please forward any comments you may have in writing to the Owasso City Platmer, PO Box 180, Owasso, OK 74055, Play nhig Staff will Present thesie corr)m(-,-aits,, to the Board of Adjtistrnerit nwo-&ers attfie schedtfled public heari-ag, ,A rn&p showing the subject property accoml)arties this notice, For more . �fbrmatioya on the propose(.], Special Exception contact the Owasso Ciry Plaiiner, C'ity Hall, 207 S, Cedar, Owasso, Oklahou),a 74055, or Plionic (918) 172.2251. This is youx only personal notifFicatiwa of this requesL Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma, this 14th day of November, 2000. Donna Sorrells City Planner BACKGROUND APPLICANT AND STATUS OF APPLICANT. George Young, Owner REQUESTED ACTION AND PURPOSE, 1) Variance to increase the allowable wall sign square footage and 2) Variance to allow a gall sign on a wall not facing a public right-of -way, LOCATION AND SIZES The subject properly is 1. 7 acres, more or loss; and is located at 104 W. 4'h A,venuc, EXIST-ING LAND USE. 11_, (Industrial Light), Mini-Storage. SUItR O .7NDIN LAND USE: Immediately west of the suboJe t property 1s the South Kansas & Oklalroina Railroad right-of-way, to the south acrd rror °thwest is 11, (light Industrial), to the northeast aind cast is S 3 (Residential Single - -Far ._ply, High Density) and €lir°ther to the no¢'dt, across 3 Avenue, is C11 (Commercial cal High Intensity). APPLICABLE :��1 °;�.a��.,/��`�`11�1�d 3 City of Owasso Zoniiig Code, Chapter 10, ectiorr 1021 1vlr:ssiness Signs ns ar0 Outdoor Adve icing rind Chapter 4 13oatrd of Adjustment", CASE HISTOWY, The applicant, George young, purchased. and. installed the existing siganag e without prior krrowiedgc, of the restrictions imposed rrporr srgnage by the Owasso Zrrrrirr.g Code, ANALYSIS fhe exlsti, i sr2arr on the north facin.p, wall of'the build%srsg i s appros4ii- nately 1.118 sq uare ' §, .io. size. 'he wall to which fl-tis sign n is attElched. 1s 403 sq -Dtare fact, more or less, in siz(, As (,ordr €rg7 €,o the sign `B dinarsc .,,, a. siggr� of 40 square fS et in si.:.a, would be allowed. sl:n this Nall, 1 e existing sign orb the cast 4. i.t €.c wall scat the baildi: n.g is approximately Y/ :sqst.are feet in size i�_�,ESoadlrrg� to rx%e : r��z� as3r���'rvarr.i.�%, i2v`s `�1g t.ta�`�s_ as allowed SI"s w� i�lau�. [sot t�.c "rrlY a g9 %rli sagfa. -ml- way, 1'he srabjec t property and the associated mini-storage facility is located along a dead - -end. street, �,� , �, e� ten. '� Advertisement of the e br�rsiness is accomplished, primarily, �?j a.�'e nort1h. ficin srgnagc being sec;:[s fro_rrr E. `76 "' Street N. As the adjacent properties are developed today, the sig;nage may been seers ftorrr E. 76t" Street, but no assr.rrance of this condition remaining in the future may, be offered by the City. Staff also feels the benefit of the sign located on the cast -- facing gall is minimal due to the limited amount of traffic, which travels south of E. 76"' Street N. on South Main Street, Staff, therefore, feels denial of the application is appropriate, but would suggest the signage located on the east - facing wall could be relocated to the north - facing wall and comply with the size limitations of the zoning codes Legal notification was published in the November 16, 2000 edition of the Owasso reporter and notification letters were mailed to surrounding property owners the same day. Staff received no inquiries regarding this variance request, RE, COMMENDATION Staff recommends denial of OBOA- 00 -17 ATTACHMENTS I � vocation Map 2� Variance Applications 1 Site Plan 4, Photographs of existing Signage 5, Legal Notification 6� I__- etter to Property Owners CH OWASS D F ADJUSTMENT .., .�. m ate.,. La CITY OF OWASSO SJA0.__,4 THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS _ BE SUPPLIED APPLICANT bah�s t� �����iti of y a u r raquast° are applicable indicate pertinent uses, distanceio atta ch any plot plons, p1jotograapias and othe factual iratoranation which will a Hit the Board in determining raaerits of your request. par ti rte Legal iri��aa F / P me of Record Owner a nerai iocatia n or X�iaireas ZZ ��: z , � €Mica nt W at is your int Z-To n thisN a° Nam mr. Present Owner gent for Owner Purchaser Other lAttorney r owner F]� Mailing A� d�> d rnr e ss a°� r°/ /11 " //Z Phone Board of Adjustment is allowed to approve variances only after determining from than evidence and aarguma"t� ass, rated that the conditions listed below do exisL Please describe how your request satisfies each of tease aonditia rasa Application of the zoning ordinance requirements to this artie "i r piece of propany will create an unnecessary uaaa st tea Thero are a oaaditionE which are . peculiar or special to this piece of property which do not apply to other pvop ij,c «... in the same zoning districts 01 wa<:riance, if gteanted, will not cause substantial detriment to the publk good OF imPair the purpose and kitant :._.. (,,' the � on.An g ordinance or the con1prehonsive ft'jq Ls CERTIFY THAT THE SUBMITTED INFORMATION I 'RU AND CORRECT ecei t hloa I S PO S IT10N ~ B.O.A. ACTION resent Use- Date MylkAMUM r-UK ZU1MINU VARIANt.;E, BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT ClTY OF OWASSO County THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS TO BE SUPPLIED BY APPLICANT Sped ic - s of your request-, -W -ha-- r a — aDor a c— a6le indicate pertinent uses, distances® damensoons, etc4 attach anY Plot Plans, Photogrpphs and oth94 factual information which Will ist the Board in determining merits of your request -24 Perty Legal Description me of Record Owner Preset Owner Purchaser Attorney for Owner General Location or Address e,-e, merest in this property? Name [Agent for Owner �ms-s-e, J Other Mailing Address Phone eve', 7 a Board of Adjustment is allowed to approve variances only after determining from the evidence and arguments Deemed that the conditions listed below do exista Please describe how your request satisfies each of these condifewls. Appli tion of the zoning ord'anance requiFernents to this particular place of property will create n unnecessary h a r 21's 01D, t K15- 46M4,4 'There are conditions hick ar'o F-mc Wr or special to the piece of Property which da� not apply tio other properties in, a �Sarne Istrich, J# -,-, tr---t m— 1KAf6- Arrows variance, it granted, will not cause substantial dotdment to the public good or impair the purpose and imatant of the zoning ordinance or the comprehensive plan, CERTIFY THAT THE SUBMITTED INFORMATION IS IRUE AND CORRECT pplication Recieved D I P I T I 0 N tywo'g. 491 1 H AP w 7/ 116� it tywo'g. 491 1 H AP w 7/ 116� OBOA-00-17 VIEW OF EAST-FACING WALL VIEW OF NORTH ACING WALL Please publish the following legal advertisement in the November A E, 20009 edition of the Owasso Reporter. Please send Proof of Publication to: City of Owasso A'fTN: Donna Sorrells P.O. Box 180 Owasso, OIL 74055 Please bill publication costs to-, Mr. George Young Owasso Self Storage 104 W. 4" Aven -sac Grasso, Oklahoma 74055 RE: Owasso Board. of Adjuseaient lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Ullll Ulll 7UlI U IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC OF A HEARINGBEFORE THE BOAR-D OF A11H.JSTMIENT 0-9T THE ('111-71,11 OF (I)WASSO, APPLICATION,., OBOA-00-17 Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held before t1w Owasso Planiiin C'oanyra sslon, ha the Owasso Comama nity Center, Owasso, Ok1alaoma, at 7:00 P.M. o- the 28" day of November, 2000 At that time and lace, ttie Owasso Board'. of Adjuswo rat will COD.Inder a request firorn George Youag,, owner, for a VARI ANCE 1021 . ,BUS BUSINESS SIGNS AND OI I a0OOR ADVERTISING ISING .. to a.allow € for as fticx;a.se in the allowabl i -rja- and to allow for a. wall sa gs o-.(i 'S wall not fa fag ms public Q lgh o -w a I qt an IL. (hndt.3's1;fial h.Jg1a) district aD d-esc ibe s 1-offlows: LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lots 2, 3 & 4, Block 34, Origiaal To as of Owasso LOCATION 104 W. 4"' Avenue All persons interested in this matter may be present at the hearing and present their objections to or arguments for any or all of the above matters Information and maps showing the property location may be inspected in the office of the City Planner, City Hall, 207 So Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma 74055, or phone (918) 272 -2251 a Dated this 10"' day of November, 2000. Donna Sorrells City Planner 207 South Cedar P® Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 City oj'Owasso NOTICE C Y OWNER OA -00 -17 (91 8) 272 -2251 FAX ( 1 ) 272-4999 Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held before the Owasso Board of Ad' stment, in the Owasso Community Center, Owasso, Oklahoma, at e0 P.M. on the 2l� day of November, 2000 At that time and place, the Owasso Board of Adjustment will consider a request: from George Young, applicant, for a VARIANCE OF THE OWASS O ZONING CODA -- CHAPTER 10, SECTION 1021 ..... BUSINESS SIGNS AND OUTDOOR. ADVER11SING to allow fog° an INCREASE IN THE ALLOWABLE SIGN SQUARE FOOTAGE AN TO ALLOW FOR A WALI, SIGN ON A WALL NOT FACING A PUBLIC RJGHT-OF-WAY on property € urrently Boned.. II:_, (Industrial Light). The subject property is described as fbllowst LEGAL DESCR[PTION Lots 2,3 & 4, Block 34, Original Town of Owasso LOCATION 04 W. 4'11 /°'sve tt.0 e As an abutth)g or nearby property owner, you are ein notified sty that you may be able to express your views or concerns regarding this request. If you are unable to attend. this meeting, , please forward any con -i ients you. may have i n writing to the Owasso City Planner, ISO Box 10, Owasso, OK 14055, Planning Staff will preserst these conn—r�ents to tit.e Board of tl,,dlust;mBrit riae.nabe s at the sc,bed -i.:t ed ptsb c° hearing, A dal "> showing flhe sof�lcct property ,Rccorripanies this nsfice For r� ore information rt the proposed Special Exceptio-a contact, the, Owasso City Pla , en City I-Ietll, 207 S, Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma 74055, or phone (9 1) 272-2251, This is oux only personal notsiic at.iot of this re(iu.est, _mated at Owasso, Oklahoma, this 4.th day of November, 2000. Donna Sorrells City Planner BACKGROUND APPLICANT AND STATUS OF APPLICANT - Chumley & Associates REQUESTED ACTION AND PURPO Eo The applicant has requested a Special Exception to allow for the location of construction job trailer. LOCATION AND SIZE- The lot is 7150 square feet, more or less and is located at 9010 Na 149'x' E. Avenue, EXISTING LAND USE. 1JD/RS-2 (Resideritial Single-Family, Medium Density), Vacant SURROUNDING LAND USE- `fho Central Baptist Church, with county AR zoning, is located west: of the subject property, Whispering Pines, a rural. residential County subdivision zorled RS- 40, 1s located just north of the property, The rorna.ming surrounding property to the south and cast is zoned ` €'UD /R.S -2 (Res:idc,ri.t a SiDglc,.,Family, Medium 1,)ens:ity) as is the ub�jec, property, APPLICABLE E.GULA.'1'1,ONSn City of Owasso Zoning Code, Chapter 10, Section 1002.3 l rea,wid e Special Exception option -Jses" yid Chapter 1.4 "'Board o Adjustment". .ent" CASE I,S J 0 Y: The applicant has requested a Special Exception to allow a,-u existilag c o-. striac,tionjob trailer to be located. on Lot 18, Bloc k 2, Presto-r-1 Lakes, ANALYSIS �d'h_i.s jol trader has been located. o�� this :lot since 1�c.1� u,,.ary, 2000. `l_'he applicant was ��.��a��ra�°c; o1° the requirement for a Special 1 %ec-ptlon and staff was not p11Wii3i. SIV avJareC o F the trail eir IF he job trailer has been and will., if approved, continue to ar E as a. staging, storage a -t d o ffic;e Ihac lity (or Chuinl y &.Associates, builders, F Jd vehicular trips are ` tade to ar..0 Frorn the sal ",je t, property daily, he Owasso �',�.� -i —ng �_��yd `� �.tcs, "'J' ,�- use `hall n t e locate ise.¢ rc— than 00 fE et to aas.y tv;.ft. 11 c ond,airiin'- an occupied pied. clv ellin without t1 c; cojas >e€ t. oft-1.1c o5 l.-... r thereof." A. letter of < nsetlt from the o nly affoeted lando D r is attached for your inf "or1- .anion and review. The //rsyFSt, Code limits ,, en of-this use e tax,- t i t str... l 3 ,_ °� s��.. �zx x� a_,v _r°c.� a� .s1 c�a e_�,c�' .w.�a[�ts.� a- =5�; i,�s two a.? �+s��.a.��9 �.�� C1A�i �ai4�.4�s - 4.��4��r�. a�Z$, `�d9 �@.cE.�l �t/�1Mf ,$.4.�. recommend d the Special Exception be granted. through February, 2002° Legal notification was published in the November 16, 2000 edition of the Owasso Reporter and notification letters were mailed to surrounding property owners the saute day. Staff received no inquiries regarding this Special Exception request. RE COMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of OBOA -00 -18 subject to the termination date of February 28, 2001 ATTACHMENTS I. Location leap 20 Special Exception Application 3. Letter of Consent 4. Legal Notification 5, titter to Property Owner K 96TH STREET N. ar e 15 8 x. 10A 100 11 12 13 14 2 16 14 .3 B 212 13B 3 13 SA 5B viv 12 10 ,� z � 5 i 0 9 � �\ II � �' i z t 4 11 � 19✓+ � .i 3 9 `Y° ---�io ��7�— 12 2 41 6 13 6 - 2 1 OBOA-00-18 SUBJECT FT 10 TY �41 2 PROPER 10, 4 . ........ . Preston 1 Central Baptist T" Church, �nc, Lakes L.L,,,C, 15 Acres #51 C 10 oO Acres McKnight d A -80 X 11700 Preston Lakes Lb, '6 Aler(,N; -900 2 V Thomas 14.04 A C moo # 2.46AC I TIN N u F, T , & s 86 -.,ri Section 22 Township 21 N Range 14E CITY OF O ASSO SJ Re COUNTY THE FOLLOWING INFORNITTION IS TO HE SUPPLIED BY APPLICANT P I' °:QUESTED SPECIAL EXCEPTION - SECTION „ m.. INTERPRETATION OF ZONING TEXT APPEAL FROM BUILDING INSPECTOR INTERPRETATION OF ZONING HAP E UNIT NO -- _a..� UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 12, SECTION T OUT BELOW THE SPECIFICS OF YOUR APPLICATION. MHERE APPLICABLE, INDICATE PERTINENT ORDINANCE PROVISIONS, USES, DISTANCES, OIKENSIONS, Ca YOU SHOULD ATTACH ANY PLOT PLANS, PHOTOGRAPHS, AND OTHER FACTUAL INFORMATION WHICH HILL ASSIST THE HOARD IN DETERMINING THE MERITS UP OR APPLICATION, akd caoi,,ilda7:Iow is' to park our cons tr°La���.�T� �? �� ��1� each, Preston Lakes until all conruci°io See attached pJ_att for - location, Thank You, ROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION' A Ei, Lot 18, Block 2, Preston Lakes Addition 9010 N. l..49th E. Ave f O as soj OK `74055 RECORD OWNER Chum ley & ssoc:::I..ac::.es, '.En,c.° t y APPLII APiT ITHAT 15 YOUR INTEREST IN THIS PROPERIv7 PRESENT OVNE l/ ATTORNEY FOR OWNER AGENT FOR OWNER UTHFR PRESENT ZONING PRESENT USE UT, PERTINENT INFORMATION GENERAL 1,0CATION OR ADDRESS 103 l I-'a t L -j ()q e I >Ivd C la. reitioro® 0K I CERTIFY THAT THE SUBRITTED INPWATIOH 15 TRUE ARU CORRL. €bT @TAUT: tTAILINO ADDRESS _ P,O. Bc ,.... N„ (9 1 8) 343....°09()1 FOR INTERNAL OFFICE USE 16 :3 :33,834323; 9 C,l-Il. MILE Y AND '3.:., ;1(.,; I°`f`,CE 03, October 30, 2000 City of Owam Board of Adjusunclit 1, Nancy Murphy, Owtl the rcsidoUce next door to the Chuml�y & Associates job framer W Preston Lakes subdivision in Owasso, Ok. My address is Lot 19, Block 2, 9012.:x, 149'h Ave,, a-sso, e They have ray permission to park the job txafler flierm d _� CORstivedon of new homes. Them is Mt a home 0XIS-fiII&Y On the other side of tile job allm Regarals, ,p �, V Please publish the fallowing legal advertisement in the November 16, 2000, edition of the Owasso reporters Please send Proof of Publication t ®d City of Owasso TTN: Donna Sorrells P.O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 Please bill publication costs to. Chumley & Associates P.O. Box 746 Claremore, Oklahoma 74018 RE: Owasso Board of l gjust` ent l lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllll!lllllllll llllll NO,riCE O f1:11.aa PUBLIC LIC F A HEARING BE URE "l'.l E OKLAHOMA APF "f IC`3.11Oc a, OBOA -0048 Notice is he e by given 1.1 -tat «publi hearing will be held be-Core the Owasso Pla mfiag 1: omm- ission, in. the Owasso Coa- anitu ity Center, Owasso, OkJahorna, at 7,00 P,M, on dirw 28 ay of November, 20000 At that time and, place, the Owasso Board of Adjusarlent will corisider a. request ftor)a Chur —aley & Associates, appl.ica:lat, for a SPECIAL EXCEPTION OF THE OWASSO ZONING CODE CHAPTER 10, Sl C'J.' iON 1002.3 - AR � W� [ -D],-s SPl:a,CI M. , EXCEPTION USES ... to allow a constrtwtion job trail, in, a RS--2 (Residential Shagle Family, Medium Density) district an,.-J. 1.1',GAL DESCRIPTION 1-ot .18, Block 2, Preston Lakes LOCATION 9010 N. 149"' E. AvealUe Dated this 10"' day of November, 2000, Domia Sorrells City Planner 207 Soutar Cedar PO Box 180 Owasso, 0K 74055 C 10 ity of- Owasso NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER M18) 272-2251 FAX X918) 272-4999 Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held before the Owasso Board of Ad' stme t, in the Owasso Community Center, Owasso, Oklahoma, at 6;00 P.M. on the 28t, slay of Nrrveni er, 2000. At that time and place, the Owasso Board of Adjustment will consider a request from Chumley . Associates, applicant, for a SPECIAL EXCEPTION T O T HE OW SSO ZONING CODE CHAPTER 10, SECTION 1002.3- AREA IDE SPECIAL EXCEPTION USES to allow for a CONSTRUCTION JOB TRAILER on property currently zoned RS - - -2 (Residential Single.- Family, Mediu m Density). The ul.je€ t property is described as follows: LEGAL :DESCRIPTION Lot 18, Block 2., Preston.. Ldws LOCATION I Jae As are. abutting or nearby property owner, you are being notified so that you may be able to express your° views or r. om er°_rrs regarding ding this request. If you are unable to a.tterxj..his meetzr).y, nl as fo -rward any crY,r�r�rreWS YOU aia�r l 2vo �,�� �>r� ��;s�� r�r �lr�. �_i��ra�e�ar� � �t�r plarr��r° k��& Box � R0 a , Owasso, OK 74055, Ph!_Dnijag Staff will I -eSeDt theSe, coun� ,nci.ft to t tc";: Board of AdlEdswae.nt Dr €,rrrL -Ws at the s(.,, -edh. lcd public l caring , r`rap showfiag the sul& jest. property a.;rrot.npar: ies this notice. For naore irt. mnc?troF?, on th( proposed, Special )[.l v eptro tonF iv 3. s Owasso City .lX3 e &f, 9� Hall, 47 S. Ceddar, O V asio, Oklahoma 74055 or phone, (918 ) 272-2251, Thui s is sgrc;, €ar n only personal tiot .fication of dais Dated at Owasso, Ol -la roma, this 13th play of Novernbe), 2000, Dana Sorrells City Planner BACKGROUND APPLICANT AND STATUS OF APPLICANT. Atlas Computers, "tenant RE, QUESTED ACTION AND PURPOSE. The applicant has requested a Variance to allow for the erection of a second ground—mounted sign on the subject property and an increase in the allowable square footage of ground-mounted signage. LOCATION IO AND SIZE. The sub�jec;t property is 1.73 acres, more or less, and is located at 8811 N Owasso Expressway, EXISTING LAND USE: `fhe subject property is zoned CG (Commercial f eneral.) and OM (Office Mediu —na) ,ind is the new location of the Owasso Veterinary Hospital. S1J RMsly ..lNDING" LAND USE, The Children's Depot is located n orth of tte sir &jest property and Three Lakes residential subdivision is located to the cast. The property to the south of the sa )€, rhe Rea.sor's shopping ce-ite is f rtber ��i_th, � ;t °clr an r >c C1ty of'Owasso Zoi3 €rig Code, C aqj, °ter 10, Sec ioia 1021 "'Business Sign sand Outdoor Advertising" and Chapter 14, "Board. €.51 Adlrt stmel t", CASE HISTORY: Atlas Conipi.rters will relocate with the Owasso Veterinary Hospital to t"i ch.- new location. - north oft.he old Wal-Mart site. ANALYSIS 1 e 0 -%,% casso eti rin.a,. y Hospital l watl have r, €xrot ld ixt'2rit.lii °.€;;d sign aithe location. }. h. allowable sq are o tags 1 €:rr° a slime t, in the C(3., rllstrIct is 1. 00 square bet, the apple a t lava; a 72 squipre 1`' €dot Sign (rlot currently in use) which he would like to install in € ,-, ofat:tie st comer of the property, sx— ,;:3at.ite (rot -n. the sign to be located. along the ffMDt,ag ok' th Property, It is not clear, at. this t1r'rie, if the applicarht, will also have space € n tkw sign.., alojag the Owasso } Expressway, The applic,arrt' s motivation f br locating 'the sign at the so tbeast. corner of the property is to maximize the benefit of the uphill topography arid. gel, visibility from E. gdc" Street loo Legal notification was published in the November 16, 2000 edition of the Owasso reporter and notification letters were mailed to surrounding property owners the, same day. Staff received one phone call from a surrounding commercial property owner who inquired for more details and then stated they had no objections RE, COMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of OBOA- 00 -19, ATTACHMENTS 1 a Location Map 1 Variance Application ga Site Plan 4� Sign Details 5. Legal Notification 6, letter to Property Owner TH E. 96 STIUKET M um I I f h C APPLICATION FOR ZONING VARIANCE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT to � County �. THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS 7 SUPPLIED Y APPLICANT twbl,� th�-spci¢acsf your request, Where appls�le undicate uses, dtstencesmarr�ss etc. Please attach any plot plans, photographs and other faduai information which will assist the Bw�id in 'determining the € eritt of year request. Property Legal Da5criptiara / I P 0 Name of Record Own General Location or Address � 9 s ,t�lict ��ht is yaar a crest in this proa�rty? a� Phone Present Owner Agent for Owner _ _ Purchaser ,, than° aaiirr6 Address �.. Attorney for Owner d ots ,;- A The Board of Adiustrnent is aflowed to approve variances oily rafter detavrnining from the evidence and ar urnerats presented thcit the conditions Rood below do exist„ Please describe how your request satisfies each of these conditions Application of the zoning ordarronce roqu4ernonts to this p r c,uiar piece M property wM crenate an umnecestary hardship 2. There are condition which are peculiar or s eckil to this piece of property which do not apply to other pra)fsedias% in the surne zoning district. 3, varignc , if grontad" will not Cause dafr %uu*M W flvs fl?utflic gawod *r 0mpaiy 0he puCpa%e and in%nd .. of the zoning c?'rdinan e or the f, �o6oiipreha five plan, t ' IFY THAT THE SUBMITTED INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT plication Recieved by- Highway 169 \`�/f Sign Position and kd d -.�N v E -300 F T (ollogonalAy from -[,,[,)e corner Qsg ff F fr" F� i I F -- �T -1 0 S-- LL Please publish the following legal advertisement in the November I6, 2000, edition of the Owasso Reporter. Please send Proof of Publication to. City of Owasso AYIN: Donna Sorrells P.O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 Please bill publication costs to- Atlas Computers 11508 R 76"' Street N, Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 _(U a: Owasso Board of Adjustment IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111111111111lIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1.` 0T_1(._,'E TO TfaE, PUBLIC' OF A HEAR-ING BEFORY, Tl_rvb,' BOARD OF ADJUSTMEN'TOFT11E CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA APPIACA1.10N: OBOA-00-19 Notice is liereby given tball a public hearing will be held before the Owasso Pla.o.ning Com.trussion, in the Owasso Conijuni.r.tity Center, Owasso, Oklahoma, at TOO P.M. on t1',ic 28"' day of Novem-but', 2000. At that time and place, the Owasso Board of AdJustmewt will coiasider a request from Atlas Comrmters, ap-Dlicant, for a VARIANCE Ol­,''r-FIE OWASSO ZON114G CO'DT- 't-11JAPIFER -w' SECTION 1021 13USINESS SIGNS AND OUTDOOR ADVERTISING,, to allowfor a wall sign on a wall),,)-ot facingf'? public right-of-way in an CG (Coy.iime.)ivial Geij-eral) district and describe, asfoflows LEGAL DESCRIP1,11.3N 1.,ot 5, Block 1, Castle Point 8811 N, Owasso Expressway All persons interested in this matter may be present at the hearing and present their objections to or arguments for any or all of the above matters Information and maps shoring the property location may be inspected in the office of the City .planner, City Hall, 207 So Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma 74055, or phone (918) 272-2251. Dated this 10" day of November, 2000° Donna Sorrells City Planner 207 South Cedar PO Box 180 Deese, OK 74055 C " 0 ity of Owasso NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER OBOA-00-19 �1D 272 ®2251 FAX � 1 l 272-4999 Notice as hereby given that a public hearing will be held before the Owasso Board of Atst ent, in the Owasso Community Center, Owasso, Oklahoma, at 6 :00 P.M. on the 28 day of November, 2000, At that time and place, the Owasso Board of Adjustment will consider a request from Atlas Computers, applicant, for a VARIANCE OF ` I-I.E O ASSO ZONING CODE .. CHI APTER 10, SECTION 1021 -- BUSINESS SIGNS AND OUTDOOR ADVERTISING to allow for an INCREASE IN THE ALLOWABLE SIGN SQUARE FOOTAGE AND TO AL11 --OW FOR ly A SECOND GROUND.-MOUNTED SIGN ON `:l':l -1E PROPERTY on property currently zoned 11, (I dTastri.al l_,l lit). The su,.bjeet property is described as follows: J ot 5, Block 1, Castle� Point 8811 N.. Owasso :F x resssway As an abutting, or nearby property owner, you are being notified so that you may be able to express your views or concerns regarding rdinl this a-egpest, If you are unable to aattei.0 this a- ieeting, - )lease forward a §iiy coi- u- nenY 5 viii, may have kii writh-)g to the Owasso City Planner, PO Box 1R0 Owasso, OK 74K;55, Plaannft)f �'taaf�` krill present, these coar�: ne—a s ro I � .te Boaarol, of c (,,!,- r,��:�rt � t ei: al e� s at the scheduled ptiblic hearing, A i:�:iml) : >ha3'V ;7h g 4.1)x, s f- -)j (;: properly a<cor..rap ni 5s phis ))ofi€ c, For more fcc saiatiofl Ori the ii'Ol)O` ( "Cl, Special r.sxcele'`iort E.o it a(,t the Owasso City Planner, City tall, 2101 S. Cedar, ar, Owasso, Olo- ,,aaho ena 74055 t,i- phcoa (918) 272-225L his is yo i, €:' only personal €)o ification of this request„ Dated at Owasso, Oklahoma, this :140), slay of November, 2000, Donna Sorre lls City Planner