HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000.10.24_Board of Adjustment AgendaOWASSO BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT October 24, PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING'Off' THE OWASSO BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Filed in the office of the Owasso City Clerk. at 2:00 PM oD the 16"' day of October, 2000. 5-otea Smells City Planner O'W ASSO BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, October 24, 2000, 6.00 PM Owasso Commin--tity Center, 301 & Cedar Council Cbm-ribers Call to Ordo--.- 2, Roll Call. 3, (.',mis Mtge r /-kpproval of the- )'?la.intues of the September 26, 2000 Rcgalar Meetrpa& BOA-RD OF ADJUSTMENT PUBLIC HE-AMPIG 4, OBOA-00-14 --lavendusky - A reqtiest -ft)r a Variaxice of the (.-')wasso Zoning Code C�pr 4, Section 420.2 "'Accessory lise Conditions" in residetatial dist A , o allow fil - --- ric S t the encroach ent ol. , a catport into the firont yard. setback on pro-pefty carrt-ArAly zoned RS-3 ( JZ-esidenfial Single-Fai.nfly, High.Density), (Ward 4) BACKGROUND APPLICANT AND STATUS OF APPLICANT. K.W. Lavendusky, Owner REQUESTED ACTION AND PURPOSE a Special Exception to the Owasso Zoning Code Chapter 2, Section 240.21 "Permitted Yard Obstructions ", to allow for a carport on property currently zoned RS-3 (Residential Ingle- Family, High Density). LOCATION AND SIZE, ':l`he subject: property, located at 404 N. Atlanta, is 8,3456 square feet in size. EXISTING IN LAND USE., RS-3 (Residential Single- Farnl.ly, High Density) SURROUNDING g.,AND tIJSE$ "I'he sub jecFt property is surrounded by like structures and onin& APPLICABLE ,ri0l lay, City. of Owasso Zoning Code, Chapter 2, Section $ €on /° and �✓��.1,p..sr 14 G6' F ("_ 35 a3oa� i -k._ cif A 31 ust�_r�.�;_� t CASE 1IS' 1O Y R ,1'h ul�ject propa ty is located within "Old ' -["ov ri ". Many of 11)c t ory -ices in t_ . s area have long; ago G0nV(- rt(-,A the garage of the house into . unc;tion l living space and as a resut rave either no sheltered pail <ing or utilize a carport for shelter, Although the majority of homes In this area of town do not have carports, there are enough existlr -g to have set a precedent for the approved use. ANALYSIS The opp ic;.u'l,, Mr. L.`Pvendi, €sky, is regtwst r -ig a Special Exception to allow roe° the c.onstmc,t oii cif n ca.- ort i R a -n RS..,, distt €f t. 1'he property s located al 404 N..< ".11.. xi-t ;. in , a residential -, ghbot -h ood, ,N je proposed cCrpo t y f tf be 'Located on the casa side of the pro p€rty in the front yard. The structure would encroach into the required rant: yard setback of 25',. 'f' he b in c<ture is proposea to be prefabricated metal and not enclosed, Although h the majority ofc cat-ports within the city are well integrated with the architec;tt.)re of the residences to which they are attached, there are several metal carports of the type proposed. While not the most aesthetically pleasing solution, this type of cat-port is ftinctiona1, flexible and economic. Therefore, absent objections from surrounding property owners, staff finds this request to be consistent with the intent of the code. Legal advertisement was published in the October 12, 2000 edition of the Owasso Reporter and letters were mailed to surrounding property owners within 300'. At this time, staff has received no comments is from those property owners. A copy of the application is attached for your information and review. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of BOA -00-14 to allow for a carport in an RS-3 district. ATTACHMENTS 1, Location Map 2e Application for 0BOA -,00 14 3, Notice to property Owners 4 T_,cgal Notification W , ml� SUBJECT PROPERTY RAYOLA PARK a REC, CTR, PUD- I — I'll 118 CoG ........... GH (A IL RM- CoG ........... GH BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT ft &0 CITY OF ROSSO S.M. COUNTY THE FOLLOWING INFORHATION 15 TO BE SUPPLIED BY APPLICANT MOM REQUESTED IROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION' MAN' ' RECORD OWNER AS APPLICANT, WHAT 19 YOUR INTEREST IN PRESENT OWNER PURCHASER ATTORNEY FOR OWNER AGENT FOR OWNER OTHER GENERAL LOCATION OR ADDRESS PROPERTY? I CERTIFY THAT THE SURNITTED INFORKATION FIS TRUE AND CORRECT MAILING ADDRESS J-/ tt/ -,// 6,A- - I= FOR INTERNAL OFFICli USE 207 South Cedar PO Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 C -10 ity of Owasso NOTICE,ro PROPERTY OWNER OBOA-00-14 q91 8� 272-2251 FAX (918) 272-4999 Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held before the Owasso Board of Adjustment, in the Owasso Community Center, Owasso, Oklahoma, at 6:00 P.M. on the 24" day of October, 2000 At that time and place, the Owasso Board of Adjustment will consider a request from K. W. Lavendusky, applicant, for a SPECIAL EXCEPTION TO TFIE OWASSO ZONING CODE - CHAPTER 2 SECTION 240.2,h - PERMUTED YARD OBSTRUCTIONS - to allow for a carport on property currently zoned RS-3 (RESIDENTIAL, SINGLE-FAMILY, HIC-1-1, DENSrry), The sub�ject property is describeal as follows: LEGAIII., DEsaurriON 1,0CATION 404 N'. ATALNTA As an abutting or nearby property owj,.-)er, you are being D.01ified so that you. may be able to express your views or coj.-icerns regardiri.g this request, If you are unable to Eatend. this MeCtiD& _ ""__ n' 1� P TIn pfle,�,se forward any conu 1AS vou rn-VI? h", ir, writing t t - Owasso 011"�.7 Planfl--g-' PO, -,,.x 1.80, Owasso, OK'74055, PlaDning Staff will present tj,-j,.ese conraieLas 1,0 the Board of Adjus¢r. ent merobers at the schedaled public hearing A mal? showing the sLfl)j(:-fit: propert, y accou.-ipanies this -noticc, Jr`or rnore informatio.l on ttw proposed Special Exception coiitao, the, Owasso € Illy Plax ier, C"ity '20')"""' S'> "I"eda.),�, Owasso, Oklatio-mat 7 4 1 - 1 5 5 , or p'hoffle 018 272,22511 . 'rhis is yoUr oiy personal noti cati -a' of this 13 A -ko request, I)ated at Owasso, Okialliorna-, this 10" day or" talc tober, 2000, Donna Sorrells City Planner Please publish the following legal advertisement in the October 1.23 2000, edition of the Owasso Reporter. Please send Proof of Publication to City of Owasso ATTN: Donna Sorrells P.O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 Please bill publication costs to. K.W. Lavendusky 404 N. Atlanta Owasso, OK 74055 RE_,: Owasso Board of Adjustment NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC OF A HEARING BEF0R1_',Tf11K BOAR]) OF ADJUSTMENT OF THE, CITY OF OWASSO 010-,AUIOMA APPLICATION. OBOA-00-14 Notice is hereby given that a ptibfic hearing will be he.1d, bel"bre the Owasso I'llararing Conn-nission, in the Owasso Commyjaij.ity Center, Owasso, Oklahoma, at 6:00 P,M. on the 24"' day of October, 20M At that time an(-'% place, the Owasso Board of Adjustirleiat will consider a request frorri KW, Lavendusky f(,-)r a SPECIAIL, 1­',XCEPTIONTO TUE OWASSO ZONING CODE CHAPTER 2, SEcrjON 240,2.h,,- PERMITTED YARD OBSTRUcriONS- or property currently zoned RS­3 (RESIDENTIAL 61NGL,E- FAM11,Y, MGM DENSITY) and described-as follows� ]LEGAL DESCRIPIFION 111 1�' J -0' .3, BLOCK5, RA-l"OLA LOCATION 404 N, A'rTANTA All persons interested in this ratter may be present at the hearing and present their objections to or arguments for any or all of the above matters. Information and maps showing the property location may be inspected in the office of the City Planner, City Hall, 201 S. Cedar, Owasso, Oklahoma 74055, or phone (918) 272-2251 Dated this 9a" day of October, 2000, Donna Sorrell.s City Planner