HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007.03.12_Planning Commission MinutesOWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Monday, larch 12, 200 Owasso Old Central 109 North Birch, Owasso, Oldahoma MEMBERS PRESENT Dan Draper Kevin Vanover Marilyn Hinkle David Nimes ME' MBE 5 ABSENT Duane Coppick The agenda for the regular meeting was posted at the north entrance to City Hall on March 2, 2007 at 9:00 Alm L CALL TO ORDER. - Dan Draper called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM and declared a quorum present. 1 ROLL CALL 3, CONSIDER APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 12, 2007 REGULAR MEETING _ The Commission reviewed the minutes of February 12, 2007 regi lar Meeting. David Vines moved to approve the minutes, Dao. Draper seconded the motio . A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Marilyn 11inkle .._ Yes David Vines ., Yes Kevin. Vanover - Rec se .Dan Draper - Yes The motion was approved 3, 0. 4 Annexat on A -07v -0 A request to review and approve the annexation of approximately 100 acre, located. on the south side 01' East 96 "' Street North 'Ximile west of North 145"' East Avenue, Dan Draper presented the item and the staff report. was reviewed. The development process and the annexation re6ew process were descried, urirrg the review of the preliminary plat for Nottingham Hills it was noticed that a small portion of the play; was not within the city limits. The preliminary plat proposes 58 lots in a gated residential cornrnrrnity. Letters were mailed to surroundings, property owners and legal advertisement was published in the Owasso Reporter, 'The Owasso Annexation or— nmittee reviewed the rearrest at its meeting on February 28, 2007. 'Fife committee recorfzrnended approval. The staff recommends approval of the annexation of OA 07- 02. Marilyn Hinkle moved to approve the annexation, The motion was seconded by Dan Draper. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: OW SSO PLANNING COMMISSION March 12, 2007 Page No. 2 Dan Draper __. Yes Marilyn Hinkle - Yes David dines - Yes Kevin V anover -N6 The motion was approved 4 -0. ® Regon1n Z -67 -01 - A request to review and approve the rezoning approximately 18.7 acres from AG (Agriculture) to S--3 (Residential Single Family), located on the south side of bast 76`h Street North at approximately North 138x' Fast Avenue, lust east of Crown Colony Estates. Dan Draper presented. the item and the staff report was reviewed. A request was received to review and approve the rezoning; of 18.7 acres from agriculture to residential single -- family. In June of 2005 the City of Owasso approved OP TD 05 -01, a proposed planned emit development comprised of 166.28 acres. It is the applicant's intent to develop the property as a part of Crown Colony 11, setters were mailed to surrounding property owners and the legal advertisement was published in the Owasso Reporter. -David Vines moved to approve the rezoning;. `ne, motion was seconded by Marilyn Hinkle. A. vote; on the motion was recorded as follows, Dan Draper Yes Marilyn Hir)dde -- Yes David Vines- Yes Kevin V anover _.- es `1he motion was approved 4-0. 6� P'relhninary jq Preston _p�r �lae � ark ... A regtiest to review and approve a preliminary plat proposing, s esid€�ntial lots, on approximately !„ .88 acres of property .coned 111?'TUD 5 (Residential Single Family), located ot- the north, side of East 86" Strect Noah 11 -4 -pile west of North lull" East AVeDlle, just east of Cente.-maial Park, Dar), 1--)raper prese-nted the atersa and the staff report was reviewed, The sUl°a °OUDdaral land use and the development pro (.°ess were described, The applicant is requesting) this review in order to facilitate 94 lots, on approximately 27.88 acres of property. The °li'echDical ,Advisory Committee reviewed the plat at 'the February 28, 2007 meeting) and made the following recommendations: Applicant needs to identify pond (on the west side) as a pond .Applicant needs to correct the closure of the legal description * Show proposed fire hydrant locations * Possibly show another access into park area OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION March 129 2007 -Page Igo. 0 $44,050.40 sewer payback fee due at final plat 0 $446.80 storm siren fee due at final plat Discussion was held regarding the consideration of another access into the park area. The applicant stated that they have reviewed that possibility and there is not room for another access. Also discussed was drainage for the entire Preston Lakes subdivision. Joe Nurre explained that public Works will keep a bookkeeping of all the drainage plans for all of the phases of Preston Lakes. Dan Draper moved to approve the preliminary plat subject to the Staff and TAC recommendations, also subject to, public Works monitoring the detention as the phases are built. The motion was seconded by Kevin Vanover. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Dan Draper - Yes Marilyn Hinkle - -- Yes David Vines w Yes Kevin Vanover .- Yes ':l:'he motion was approved 4-0. fo Site :Plan Precision Coi ..- A request to review and approve a site plan proposing a 2,944 sq. ft. office addition to the existing facility, located at 209 E, `"' Ave. Dan Draper presented the item and the staff report was reviewed. The development process was described. The additioia will coring the total square footage of the development to 38,144 sq, ft. Storm water detention is provided is the existing detention area.. The request was reviewed at the regularly scheduled Technical Advisory Committee meeting on February 28, 2007. At that nneeting, the coniinittee recommended approval of the site plan without conditions. Kevin Vanover rnoved to approve tlae site plan; the U1011 SOD was secoDded by Dar) Draper. A vote ors. the rriotion was recorded as follows Dan Draper ... Yes Marilyn Hinlde .. Yes David Vines , Yes KeviD Vanover .._. Yes The motion was approved - -0. h. Site Plan. _ Owasso Vo -/fig - A request to review and approve a site plan proposing a 9,000 sq. ft. educational facility, located north of Past 86`' Street: North, just east of the Owasso High School. OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION March 12, 2007 Page No. 4 Kevin Vanover moved to approve the site plan; the motion was seconded by Marilyn Hinkle. A vote an the motion was recorded as follows: Dare Draper -- Yes Marilyn Hinkle - Yes David Vines - des Kevin Vanover - -, des The motion was approved 4-0. 9 Report on Moiith y Building Permits Activity. 10, Report Plan Ding Items Previously °vas i to Civ Council. I L Discussion of Development rment In and, Near Owasso 12. Adjournment _ David Vines moved, K vi a Vano er seconded, to ad'jo -ern the greeting, A vote on the motion was Recorded as follows: Dan Draper ._. Yes Marilyn Hinkle ..... Vies David Vines - Yes Kevin Vanover , Yes '..e motion Carrie 4.. -0 and t1he -inn efl "ag was cjjo - €,rued a.t 6:35 PM, Date