HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007.02.27_Board of Adjustment Minutes'Trish Hauser David Hall Ilan Salts Joe Nurre Dickey Hayes The meeting agenda was posted at the north entrance to City Mall on the 22 nd day of February, 2007 at 3:00 PM\ CALL 'ro ORDE ROLE, CALL 3 I l t� t��o � �� r° �� 1 ° M e!l_ng .._- Ken Foster moved to approve the minutes of January 23, 2007. Trish Hauser seconded. AYE: Foster, Ramey, Brown, l €-fall, Hauser NAY: None 'llhe motion carried. 5--0. 4. 130 06 � 1 -- Rejoice Church - A request f6r a variance to allow for 6E fx e c -y di n hole sign to be located at 13413 East 106 "' Street North, with a proposed height of' 30 feet arid an area of 672 sq. ft. on property zoned OM (Office Medium), This item has been requested by the applicant to be reheard by the board, due to only three members present at the November 2i1, 2006 meeting, Joe Rarney presented the item and Chip reviewed the staff rcpod, Staff received all application for a variance to allow for a frec.- stariding pole sign e ids a height of 30 feet, and an area of 672 sq. 1'c The sign face exceeds the maximum square footage alloyed by code by 522 sq, ft staff °believe s the variance is not nec cssary dtic: to location of the sju*ct property, ate visibility rom its adjacent row.1ways is-not hindered, as the site is adjaccrit to llighway 169 with good. visibility. 'l'bis item lia.ss been regLiested to be by the board due to only three mciribers present at the Novennber 28, 2006 meeting, A[ that meeting, the application was denied by the board by a 2­1 vote. Letters were again mailed to property owners within e300 feet of the property and the request was advertised in she Owasso .Reporter, Staff does not recommend approval of OBOA 06-11 . Mr. Mike Culbreath with first Freewill Church made a brief presentation. The distance off the road was discussed. Mr. Larry Loffcr (13227 E 106 St No) stated that he had no problems with the request. Mr. Chris Chase (14526 E 101 St No) expressed opposition. He stated that he lives close to where the sign is to be placed and he questioned why the BOARD OF ADJUS'MEN'r February 27, 2007 Page 2 of 4 church needed such a, largo sign. Mr. Chase asked the Board Members to deny the variance, After discussion, Ken Foster moved to approve the variance request subject to the sign display area not to exceed an area of 225 square _feet (15 feet x 15 feet), with a height not to exceed 30 feet. Trish Hauser seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: YE: Foster, Hall, Hauser NAY: Brown, Ramey The motion carried 3--2. O A -07-01 Farmer's market -- A request for a special exception to allow a non- permanent vendor (farmer's market) to sell product at the YMCA south parking lot on Wednesday mornings May through October, Joe Rainey presented the item and Chip reviewed the staff report. A request was received from Mr. 'rim Riherd for a special Exception to allow a non- permanent vendor to sell produce at the YMCA south parking lot on Wednesday mornings May through_ October, Letters were mailed to property owners within three hundred (300) feet. of the property and the requ -est was advertised in the Owasso Reporter. Staff rec on nnends approval_ stt6gect to the .following coridii:ic:tns:. L All signage be rev] ewcd by t,l,w City staff to ensure flae strict adherence e to the Owasso sign :ode, 2, rbc applicant must provi de s$n-site trash rcceptacles, Mr, Riherd was present to address any concerns. David ball moved to approve the request, Charles Brown seconded the motion, A vote on t I-ic motion was recorded, as follows AYV.,,: Foater, Ranioy, Hall, .HaLise , lltov En, NAY: None 1;'he niotion was approved 5 -0. 6, BOA 0 -02 :.-..rCH -c,us A, request fc:tr a temporary special exc eptioat to allow a c It °cus to locate at the Owasso Sportspark for two days on April 26 and April 27, 2001, Joe Rainey presented the item and Chip reviewed the staff report. A request was received from the Owasso Rotary for a special Exception for a circus to locate at the Owasso sportspark for two days on April 26 and April 27, 2007. fetters were mailed to property owners within three- hundred (300) feet of the property and the request was advertised in BOARD Off: ADJus'rMENT February 27, 2007 Page 3 of 4 the Owasso reporter. Staff recommends approval subject to the following conditions; I . All signage be reviewed by the City Staff to ensure the strict adherence to the Owasso Sign Code. I The applicant must provide on -site trash receptacles. Charles Brown moved to approve the request. lien foster seconded the motion. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: AYE; foster, Ramey, Brown, Mall, Hauser NAY: Done The motion carried 5.0. T OBOA -07-03 -- G oil lal�sla, -_ A request for a special exception to allow a commercial restaurant use in an industrial zoning district, located north off,. 701' St. N,, V2, mile west of Main St., 403 W, ?" `r Ave. Joe Ramey presented the item and Chip reviewed the staff report.. A request was received frOrD Group Blalrsley for a Special Exception to allow a commercial restaurant to be loca ed in ari industrial zoning district. Utters were mailed to property owners within three hundred (300) feet of the property and the request was advertised in the Owasso Reporter, Clip explained tha €: the time constraints and contracts it is the applicants w1sb. to t -nove forward with the Special Exception with the possibility of a re oning irr the future. Mr Jeff Ray with Group Blaksley was present to answer° any questions. Staff recommends approval, Ken foster moved to approve the request. Tr °Ish Hauser seconded the motion. A vote on the niotion was recorded as follows YE: Foster, Ramey, BI °c,wD, Hall, ilaaser NAY: None ', `he rr odor; v °,a,r €° ed 5-0, 8, Other MPisiness 9" ADJ0 P %IIgMENT Charles Brown moved for ad, journmer.rt, sc,corrded by David Hall, vote on tb.c motion was rec;oroed. as follows: AYE: foster, Ramey, Brown, Hall, Hauser NAY: Norge 'The notion was approved 5 0 and the meeting was adjourned at 6.45 PM! BOARD OF ADJUSTMEN'r February 27, 2007 Page 4 of 4 Chair Vice Chair Date