HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016 17_OneVoice 2017_2016.09.20CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA
WHEREAS, the Tulsa region lead by the Tulsa Metro Chamber has built a Legislative
Agenda for 2017; and
WHEREAS, this agenda is taken to Washington, DC each year to present as
OneVoice to members of congress and federal agencies; and
WHEREAS, the power of OneVoice at the state legislature shows solidarity and
needs for our region; and
WHEREAS, there is a need to efficiently and coherently deliver regional messages to
the state legislature; and
WHEREAS, the OneVoice Agenda places significant emphasis on legislative
priorities for the betterment of Owasso and Owasso citizens; and
WHEREAS, the City of Owasso desires to support the Regional OneVoice Legislative
Agenda efforts;
OKLAHOMA, that, to -wit:
The City of Owasso City Council hereby supports the Tulsa Regional Chamber 2017 OneVoice
Legislative Agenda and the Tulsa region's effort to accomplish the goals set forth in the 2017
OneVoice Legislative Agenda.
DATED this Mh day of Septembe 016
Lynd I Du n, Mayor
Sherry Bishgp, City Clerk 0" - 111
J e Lombardi, City Attorney
T Wit out Limits.
The Honorable Mayor and City Council
City of Owasso
John W. Feary
Project Administrator & Government Affairs
AppROv,6�Z) By ct-
SEp 20 2016
Resolution 2016 -17 Endorsing the Tulsa Regional Chamber
2017 OneVoice Legislative Agenda
September 16, 2016
The OneVoice Legislative Agenda is the regional advocacy effort lead by the Tulsa
Regional Chamber. OneVoice includes more than 70 partners across the region, ranging
from municipalities to chambers of commerce and community organizations, as well as,
regional industry members. Through OneVoice, multiple task forces identify and prioritize
key issues every year. In the summer, these issues were brought together at the Regional
Legislative Summit, where attendees vote to define 15 state and 15 federal issues. These
priorities are then shared with state legislators and members of Congress via the regional
OneVoice Legislative Agenda, announced before state and federal sessions begin each
The 2017 OneVoice Agenda has a wide array of focal points inclusive of both private
and public interests. In preparation for the upcoming year, several members of the
Owasso Chamber of Commerce and city staff were task force members and chairs for
the individual committees. Once the committees reached a consensus, the legislative
summit was held wherein over 400 citizens, businesses, legislators, councilors, educators
and community leaders met to determine 15 priorities for both the state and federal
A vital part of the OneVoice process is the endorsement of the agenda by all community
partners and local government entities affiliated and involved in the development of the
agenda. The current Sr. Vice President of Government Affairs for the Tulsa Chamber,
Nick Doctor, has requested, on behalf of the Tulsa Regional Chamber, that Owasso join
in the endorsement of and advocacy for the 2017 OneVoice Legislative Agenda.
The 15 established 2017 State Priorities are:
• Address the Teacher Shortage
• Behavioral Health Services
• Expand Insure Oklahoma
• Healthcare Workforce Expansion
• Oppose School Vouchers
• Restore Education Funding
• Defend Existing Roadway Funding and Dedicate Motor Vehicle Fees
• Gilcrease Expressway
• Criminal Justice Reform
• Economic Incentives
• Fund OCAST (Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science & Technology)
• Improved Business Climate for Oil and Gas Production
• Municipal Funding Diversification
• Self- Determination in Facility Firearm Policies
Support Regional Air Quality Efforts
The 15 established 2017 Federal priorities are:
• Graduate Medical Education
• Higher Education Act (HEA) Reauthorization
• Long -Term Insure Oklahoma Waiver Reauthorization
• Mental Health Reform
• Arkansas River Corridor Development
• McClellan -Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System
• Tulsa's Levee System
• Accelerate Permitting of Energy Projects
• Collection of Online Sales /Use Taxes
• Federal Historic Tax Credits
• Federal Immigration Reform
• Position Tulsa for F -35 Operations
• Restraint in Labor Regulation Changes
• Restrict Federal Rulemaking Authority
• Support Legislation Delaying Implementation of the EPA 2015 Ozone Standard
Staff recommends approval of Resolution 2016 -17 supporting the Tulsa Regional
Chamber 2017 OneVoice Legislative Agenda.
Resolution 2016 -17
Tulsa Regional Chamber 2017 OneVoice Legislative Agenda
one voice
2017 Regional Legislative Agenda
State Priorities
Address the Teacher Shortage
➢ Improve the ability of Oklahoma's Pre -K -12 public schools to attract and retain effective career
teachers through policies designed to increase the state's pool of qualified teachers and improve
teachers' job satisfaction. This should include ensuring competitive teacher pay; incentivizing
education for aspiring teachers; eliminating barriers for alternative certification, special education
and returning retired teachers; ensuring low student - teacher ratios; and supporting professional
development. Oklahoma's ability to fill its growing teacher shortage with quality, effective teachers
is crucial to the college and career success of its students and the sustainability of its workforce.
Behavioral Health Services
➢ Expand behavioral health and substance abuse services that improve workforce efficiency, boost
public safety, create efficiencies in state spending and help additional Oklahomans suffering from
behavioral health issues. This should include increasing funding for the Department of Mental
Health and Substance Abuse Services; expanding mental health and drug courts to decrease
unnecessary incarcerations; preparing judicial districts to enact the Labor Commissioner Mark
Costello Act, with adequate funding for new assisted outpatient treatment; and expanding the use
of assisted outpatient treatment by broadening the definition of who can petition courts to seek an
order for outpatient treatment.
Expand Insure Oklahoma
➢ Expand Insure Oklahoma and pass the Medicaid Rebalancing Act to reduce the number of uninsured
Oklahomans by accepting federal funds. This will improve the health of Oklahoma's workforce,
strengthen behavioral health services and create sustainable jobs in rural and urban areas — all of
which are paramount to an economically viable Oklahoma.
Healthcare Workforce Expansion
➢ Address current and future healthcare workforce needs in urban and rural Oklahoma through the
following means: 1) Use all available state and federal resources to support and expand Teaching
Health Center related programs, including by expanding the Oklahoma Hospital Residency Training
Act to include community -based training; 2) Support the Physician Manpower Training Commission,
which is uniquely situated to serve as a valuable resource on provider workforce issues; 3) Support
reforms that will allow Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants with appropriate levels of
training and experience to practice to the full extent of their license without the physical presence
of a supervising physician; and 4) Support efforts to expand the availability, funding and utilization
of telehealth services in a manner that enhances locally - provided healthcare services.
Oppose School Vouchers
➢ Oppose school vouchers and any programs directing public funds to private schools, including
Education Savings Accounts and private school tax credits. Taxpayer money should instead be spent
on improving public schools, where those funds can be used more effectively to improve academic
outcomes for more students and maintain the strength of local school districts.
one voice
2017 Regional Legislative Agenda
• Restore Education Funding
➢ Safeguard current funding for Oklahoma's education institutions and resolve to restore funding
levels to their pre- Recession highs relative to enrollment. Long -term trends of reduced funding for
Pre -K -12, higher education and CareerTech have curtailed the ability of Oklahoma's education
systems to produce an educated workforce, making the state less competitive for new and
expanding businesses and damaging its reputation around the world as a quality place to live, work
and build a business. Oklahoma must make up ground to ensure an economically vibrant state.
• Defend Existing Road Funding and Dedicate Motor Vehicle Fees
➢ Defend all existing road funding; prevent any diversion of monies; and support increased funding for
transportation by developing an adequate, comprehensive funding strategy and financing plan to
broaden the sources of funds and increase the total amount going to transportation statewide to
support the Oklahoma Department of Transportation's Eight Year Plan, the County Improvement for
Roads and Bridges Five Year Plan, the municipal Street and Alley Fund and the construction and
operation of Oklahoma's planned weigh stations. Support moving the remaining 25% of motor
vehicle fees, which currently go into the state general revenue fund, to transportation priority areas
which may include state highways, city and county roads and bridges, and public transit. Support the
following regional high - priority projects: widening of 1 -44 from 1 -244 east to the Will Rogers
Turnpike; widening 1 -44 from the Arkansas River west to 1 -244 (Red Fork Expressway); expansion of
U.S. 169 to six lanes north to State Highway 20; realignment of Highway 20 from U.S. 169 to
Claremore; construction of a four -lane Port Road on Highway 266 from U.S. 169 to the Port of
Catoosa, and from the Port of Catoosa to 1 -44; and expansion of US -75 to six lanes from State
Highway 11 to State Highway 67.
Gilcrease Expressway
➢ Support the completion of the Gilcrease Expressway from 1 -44 to US-412 /Edison as apart of the
Oklahoma Driving Forward initiative through a funding partnership with the City of Tulsa, Tulsa
County, INCOG, Oklahoma Department of Transportation, Oklahoma Turnpike Authority and tribal
governments to expedite this long overdue transportation project.
• Criminal Justice Reform
➢ Support sentencing reforms and rehabilitation programs that enable nonviolent offenders to
reenter the workforce faster and reduce the financial strain on Oklahoma's criminal justice system.
Overly - punitive measures for drug users and other nonviolent offenders have given Oklahoma one
of the nation's highest incarceration rates, contributing to workforce shortages, harming economic
growth and overburdening taxpayers. A stronger focus on rehabilitation would reduce recidivism,
lessen the burden on prisons and safety net programs and enable more ex- offenders to contribute
meaningfully to Oklahoma's economy.
one ice
2017 Regional Legislative Agenda
• Economic Incentives
➢ Support tax credits, exemptions, and incentives that provide an economic return to the state of
Oklahoma, maintain our competitiveness in business attraction and retention, and increase capital
investment. Several programs proposed for review in the first year of the Oklahoma Incentive
Evaluation Commission are critical to our state's competitiveness and should be protected,
a. Five Year Ad Valorem Exemption
b. Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit
c. Aerospace Engineer Tax Credit
d. Aerospace Engineer Tax Credit — Tuition Reimbursement and Compensation Paid
e. Quality Events Program
f. Film Enhancement Rebate
Fund OCAST (Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology)
➢ Maintain OCAST's annual budget at its Fiscal Year 2017 level. The state has lost more than $600
million in potential public and private investment as a result of reduced funding for OCAST over the
last five years. This funding assists Oklahoma in four vital areas: (1) research and development
funding for businesses & universities, (2) two- and four -year college internship opportunities, (3)
manufacturing support, and (4) early -stage funding for start-up businesses. This funding allows
Oklahoma communities to attract and retain high - quality STEM businesses and critical college
talent, which will encourage growth and expansion in these target industries.
Improved Business Climate for Oil and Gas Production
➢ Oklahoma's combination of abundant energy resources and an entrepreneurial people has resulted
in some of the lowest energy costs of any state in the nation. To preserve and maintain our position
as a leading oil and gas producing state, and to protect the important economic impact of oil and gas
production to all Oklahomans, we support efforts to open all geologic formations in Oklahoma to
horizontal drilling. We support an Oklahoma energy policy that provides a clear regulatory
environment and oppose unnecessary and burdensome regulations.
Municipal Funding Diversification
➢ Support legislation to preserve and diversify sources of revenue available to municipalities and
reduce the volatility associated with a single source for revenue. Key initiatives include diversifying
revenue for funding public safety agencies, streets, and other infrastructure improvements; and
preserving and strengthening cities' authority to promote economic development activities within
their borders.
Self- Determination in Facility Firearm Policies
➢ While acknowledging the rights granted by the Second Amendment, protect the current law giving
venue owners, event operators, and recreational facilities the authority to control firearm policies
on property they manage. Removing this control would endanger Oklahoma's ability to attract
events that bring thousands of visitors and millions of dollars into our economy each year. Many
events — especially in youth and collegiate sports —have non - negotiable firearm policies and
removing the controls under current law would limit facility operators' ability to ensure the safety of
their events, increase the cost of providing security, and could subject them to additional liability.
one voice
2017 Regional Legislative Agenda
• Support Regional Air Quality Efforts
➢ Support and fund regional air quality efforts to avoid federal non - attainment designation and the
economic hardship this would create for our region. Tulsa area ozone levels have periodically
approached the current EPA standard, and an even tighter standard is anticipated. Continued
support for common -sense strategies like the Ozone Advance Program and the development of a
local air shed model is critical to assure the most appropriate and cost - effective reduction strategies,
and all efforts toward air quality improvement initiatives —both private and public, voluntary and
enforceable — should be made as soon as possible. In addition, continued support to increase public
CNG fueling infrastructure will help decrease the current level of vehicle emissions, while aligning
with the Oklahoma First Energy Plan.
one Voice
2017 Regional Legislative Agenda
Federal Priorities
• Graduate Medical Education
➢ Through long -term funding authorization, fully fund existing HRSA Teaching Health Center programs
at $150,000 per resident and allocate additional resources to double the number of funded THC
residency positions nationwide. This will allow for training more homegrown physicians,
strengthening the most effective tool for improving Oklahoma's physician shortage.
HEA Reauthorization
➢ Support the reauthorization of the Higher Education Act (HEA) and fully fund federal mandates.
Long -term Insure Oklahoma waiver reauthorization
➢ Encourage flexibility in negotiations to grant a long -term reauthorization of Oklahoma's Section
1115 waiver for Insure Oklahoma. Uncertainty in the long -term future of Insure Oklahoma has hurt
enrollment and resulted in the exclusion of thousands of Oklahomans who would be eligible for
coverage even under current requirements.
• Mental Health Reform
Y- Support large -scale reform of the national mental health system that elevates the national priority
for mental health issues. This includes increasing funding for evidence -based strategies and services;
incentivizing assisted outpatient treatment; permitting integration of mental health and substance
treatment records with medical records; ensuring complete enactment of the mental health parity
law in Medicaid and Medicare; and enhancing behavioral health workforce training.
• Arkansas River Corridor Development
➢ Support efforts to expedite the implementation of the Arkansas River Corridor Project for river
infrastructure improvements. Allow federal match credit to be accrued for state and local
expenditures in order to advance construction activity while preserving the Tulsa region's access to
future federal funding for this federally authorized project.
• McClellan -Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System
➢ Increase Congressional appropriations to address the approximate $180 million in maintenance
backlog of MKARNS -50% of which are deemed critical — potentially leading to a shutdown of the
waterway over the next 5 years, and the White River Entrance Channel Cut -off problem caused by
the tendency of the White and Arkansas Rivers to merge together. Provide the necessary
appropriations to deepen the MKARNS to its 12 foot authorized depth, thereby increasing barge
productivity by 30 %.
2017 Regional Legislative Agenda
• Tulsa's Levee System
➢ Support addressing the critical infrastructure needs with Tulsa's aging levee system, which the Corps
of Engineers has designated as one of the 5% highest -risk levee systems in the country. If one fails, it
would be catastrophic for homeowners, two nationally strategic oil refineries, and multiple
industries currently protected by levee system, and have devastating environmental impacts for our
Accelerate Permitting of Energy Projects
➢ Support efforts to accelerate federal permitting for projects necessary to achieve domestic energy
independence. Legislative and Administrative efforts should focus on ensuring concurrent
permitting for all federally required approvals, approval of the Keystone XL Pipeline, streamlining
the process for FERC approval of Liquefied Natural Gas Terminals and interstate pipelines, and
permitting of U.S. Petrochemical projects that make fertilizer, polyethylene and other natural gas
derived products. These projects would create a boom in the U.S. domestic economy, support job
creation, strengthen our trade balance, and increase product security and price stability on a global
• Collection of Online Sales /Use Taxes
➢ Support passage of the Marketplace Fairness Actor other federal legislation which will ensure that
the sales and use taxes already owed from online purchases are fairly and effectively reported,
collected, and remitted.
• Federal Historic Tax Credits
➢ Maintain federal Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credits for the restoration of historic buildings. These
credits have for 30 years been an important catalyst for incentivizing private investment to preserve
our nation's historically- significant buildings and revitalize the historic cores of American cities. The
existing 20- percent income tax credit for certified historic structures and 10 percent credit for
certain non- certified historic structures should be preserved.
• Federal Immigration Reform
➢ Support comprehensive immigration reform that enables the U.S. to attract the best and brightest
talent from around the world. Steps should be taken to secure borders and establish reasonable,
affordable and efficient visa policies that empower American businesses to hire essential workers
and remove barriers for top talent to work in the U.S. Immediate steps should be taken to address
workforce shortages in specialty and technology occupations, including increasing the cap on H -16
visas; and improving H -16 fairness for small and medium employers by lowering application fees and
eliminating the lottery- selection process in favor of a needs -based system. Oppose further state
legislation related to immigration reform.
Position Tulsa for F -35 Operations
➢ Support the Tulsa Air National Guard Base in positioning the 138th Fighter Wing for selection as an
operating location for the next generation fighter aircraft, the F -35 Lightning II. With an economic impact
of more than $530 million to the community, the base supports more than 1,200 citizen soldiers and
plays a key role in the defense of this nation and the continued vibrancy of the Tulsa region's economy.
The Tulsa basing of the F -35 could increase base employment by anotherfive percent.
one voice
2017 Regional Legislative Agenda
Restraint in Labor Regulation Changes:
➢ Moderate changes in labor regulations to ensure fairness for both employer and employee and
minimize harmful effects on job creation. Recent rulings and interpretations by the Department of
Labor and NLRB targeting overtime pay, independent contractors and joint employment status will
reduce employers' hiring capacities; disproportionally harm small businesses, the hospitality
industry and the nonprofit sector; increase legal liabilities; and threaten business models that have
worked for decades, such as franchising and the legitimate use of independent contractors. These
changes represent drastic departures from previous norms and should reversed, pared down or
implemented more gradually while protecting existing business models.
Restrict Federal Rulemaking Authority:
➢ Encourage and support members of Congress to restrict federal rulemaking authority by requiring a
standardized, comprehensive, and cumulative cost /benefit analysis of the total economic impact of
rules, including the effect on jobs, electricity rates and reliability, gasoline prices, energy- intensive
manufacturing, small businesses, housing market, power plant closures, agriculture, and state and
local governments. The regulating entity should perform the cost /benefit analysis along a standard
process which should then be reviewed by at least one independent agency.
Support Legislation Delaying the Implementation of the EPA 2015 Ozone Standard
➢ The Tulsa region's challenges to avoid the economic burden of non - attainment have resulted in
substantial ground -level ozone improvement over the past 25 years. However, even though
continued air improvement is foreseeable, the implementation schedule for the EPA's 2015 ozone
standard could cause non - attainment for Tulsa and many metropolitan areas across the nation. EPA
regulatory implementation schedules are bound by an outdated law which no longer provides
adequate time for air quality improvements to occur before overlapping regulation and non -
attainment may occur. Undeniably, good air quality is fundamental to healthy communities and to
economic development. However, EPA's untimely schedule for implementing the October 2015
ozone NAAQS may cause non - attainment status and the far - reaching economic burden we have
long sought to avoid.