HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016.11.01_City Council MinutesOWASSO CITY COUNCIL
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
The Owasso City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, November 1, 2016, in the Council
Chambers at Old Central, 109 N Birch, Owasso, Oklahoma per the Notice of Public Meeting and
Agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted at City Hall, 200 S Main St, at 6:00 pm on
Friday, October 28, 2016.
1. Call to Order
Mayor Lyndeil Dunn called the meeting to order at 7:33 pm.
2. Roll Call
Present Absent
Mayor - Lyndell Dunn None
Vice - Mayor - Chris Kelley
Councilor - Doug Bonebrake
Councilor - Bill Bush
Councilor - Jeri Moberly
A quorum was declared present.
City Manager- Warren Lehr
City Attorney - Julie Lombardi
3. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for approval of the Consent
Agenda. (All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the City Council to be routine
and will be enacted by one motion. Any Councilor may, however, remove an item from the
Consent Agenda by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non - debatable.)
A. Approve minutes
• October 18, 2016, Regular Meeting
B. Approve claims
C. Accept public infrastructure improvements including one approach and two fire
hydrants: 12700 E 100 St N (NinetyEight Multi- family Apartment Complex Phase II)
Mr. Bush moved, seconded by Ms. Moberly to approve the Consent Agenda with claims
totaling $612,368.70.
YEA: Bonebrake, Bush, Kelley, Moberly, Dunn
NAY: None
Motion carried: 5 -0
4. Consideration and appropriate action relating to items removed from the Consent Agenda
5. Consideration and appropriate action relating to the 2016 Safe Oklahoma Grant and budget
Jason Woodruff presented the item recommending acceptance of the 2016 Safe Oklahoma
Grant, authorization for the City Manager to execute the contract with the Oklahoma
Attorney General's Office, and approval of a budget amendment in the General Fund,
increasing the estimated revenue and the appropriation for expenditures by $56,770.
Owasso City Council
November 1, 2016
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There were no comments from the audience. Mr. Bush moved, seconded by Ms. Moberly to
accept the grant, authorize the City Manager to execute the contract, and approve the
budget amendment, as recommended.
YEA: Bonebrake, Bush, Kelley, Moberly, Dunn
NAY: None
Motion carried: 5 -0
6. Consideration and appropriate action relating to Resolution 2016 -19, calling an election for
the purpose of electing City Council representation for Ward 3 and Ward 4
Juliann Stevens presented the item recommending approval of Resolution 2016 -19.
There were no comments from the audience. Mr. Bush moved, seconded by Ms. Moberly to
approve Resolution 2019 -19, as recommended.
YEA: Bonebrake, Bush, Kelley, Moberly, Dunn
NAY: None
Motion carried: 5 -0
7. Consideration and appropriate action relating to Resolution 2016 -20, approving the
incurrence of indebtedness by the Owasso Public Works Authority (the "Authority ") issuing its
Sales Tax Revenue Note, series 2016 (the "Note "); providing that the organizational
document creating the Authority is subject to the provisions of the Note Indenture,
authorizing the issuance of said Note; waiving competitive bidding with respect to the sale of
said Note and approving the proceedings of the Authority pertaining to the sale of said Note;
ratifying and confirming a Sales Tax Agreement by and between the City of Owasso,
Oklahoma (the "City ") and the Authority pertaining to the year -to -year pledge of certain
sales tax revenues; and containing other provisions relating thereto
Linda Jones presented the item recommending approval of Resolution 2016 -20.
There were no comments from the audience. Dr. Kelley moved, seconded by Ms. Moberly
to approve Resolution 2016 -20, as recommended.
YEA: Bonebrake, Bush, Kelley, Moberly, Dunn
NAY: None
Motion carried: 5 -0
8. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a budget amendment in the Capital
Improvements Fund
Linda Jones presented the item recommending approval of a budget amendment in the
Capital Improvements Fund, increasing the estimated revenue and the appropriation for
expenditures by $21,265,000.
There were no comments from the audience. After discussion, Mr. Bush moved, seconded
by Mr. Bonebrake to approve the budget amendment to increase the estimated revenue
and increase the appropriation for expenditures, as recommended.
YEA: Bonebrake, Bush, Kelley, Moberly, Dunn
NAY: None
Motion carried: 5 -0
Owasso City Council
November 1, 2016
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9. Consideration and appropriate action relating to Resolution 2016 -21, establishing user fees
for the Owasso Community Center of the City of Owasso, and establishing an effective date
Larry Langford presented the item recommending approval of Resolution 2016 -21.
There were no comments from the audience. After discussion, Mr. Bush moved, seconded
by Mr. Bonebrake to approve Resolution 2016 -21, as recommended.
YEA: Bonebrake, Bush, Kelley, Moberly, Dunn
NAY: None
Motion carried: 5 -0
10. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for an executive session for the
purpose of discussing confidential communications between the City Council and the City
Attorney concerning the potential acquisition of real property located at 120 E 2nd St,
Owasso, Oklahoma, as provided for in Title 25, O.S. Section § 307(B)(3)
Julie Lombardi presented the item, Mr. Bonebrake moved, seconded by Ms. Moberly to
enter into executive session.
YEA: Bonebrake, Bush, Kelley, Moberly, Dunn
NAY: None
Motion carried: 5 -0
At 7:56, Mr. Bush exited the room.
At 7:56 pm, the Council, along with Warren Lehr, Julie Lombardi, Scott Chambless, and John
Feary entered into executive session.
At 7:58, Mr. Bush returned and entered into executive session.
At 8:24 pm, the Council returned to open session.
11. Report from City Manager
Roger Stevens presented the Monthly Public Works Project Status Report.
12. Report from City Attorney
13. Report from City Councilors
Councilors commented on recent community events and efforts of staff.
14. Official Notices to Council (documents for acknowledgment or information only, no
discussion or action will be taken)
• Payroll Payment Report- Pay Period Ending Date 10/15/16
• Health Care Self- Insurance Claims - dated as of 10/27/16
15. New Business (New Business is any item of business which could not have been foreseen at
the time of posting of the agenda)
Owasso City Council
November 1, 2016
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16. Adjournment
Mr. Bush moved, seconded by Mr. Bonebrake to adjourn the meeting.
YEA: Bonebrake, Bush, Kelley, Moberly, Dunn
NAY: None
Motion carried 5 -0 and the meeting adjourned at 8:39 pm.
Ly ell nn, Mayor
Lisa Wilson, Minute Clerk