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1974 54_Accepting Step 1 Grant_1974.07.02
RES 0 LUTION ROE= Metropolitan Utility Authority, a public trust, as its ate. a Step 8 11 Olin 1111111 11 111; :1 1!11111 1 111 !111111 1 11!111 � !11 111111111pill; III Ir 1 171T111111: W -w a III! I III I ;I1�1pill!!1I DATED this -,-I- day of July, 1974, CITY OF OWASSO By MAYOR U TATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY TED s 7� REGION Vi 1600 PATTERSON. SUITE 1 100 DALLAS, TEXAS 75201 June 24, 1974 CERTIFIED MAIL: RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Tulsa, Oklahoma 74107 Dear Mr. Thomas: We are enclosing EPA Form 5700-20, Grant Agreement, for a Step I project for preparation of facilities plans and studies for Complex Areas I-B and I-C. It is 0 suggested that the accepted copies of the agreement be returned to this office by Certified Mail--Return Receipt Requested, and that you advise the Oklahoma State Department of Health by copy of your transmittal letter. A list is attached of enclosed Federal regulations and requirements which must be followed and forms that must be completed to process this project. Please make these materials available to your engineer. You are requested to pnoTpLIy notify the Environmental Protection Agency in writing, through the above State agency, by Certified Mail- - Return Receipt Requested, of all project changes in accordance with 40 CFR 30.900. ME Sincerely yours, X Arthur W. Busch Regional Administrator Oklahoma State Department of Health Black and Veatch Wheeler and Associates Km N. Cox and Associates W, "a t 4 S 0 "N C) r T; J r::,)EtM AF'P R0'Vf I, ��� "• U.S. E. NV IRON MENT AL I- RO ?I- CTION A6 F NC7" GRANT NO. GRANT .AGREEMENT (See insPrw!Ions hr,I"ro cnmhl_ GIng loom. A `�...40 `"1 J 6 t NOTE:,: The Grant Agreement must be Completed in duplicate and returned to the Grants Administration O' 'ton for Headquarters grant awards and to the Grants Administration Branches, for State and Iocnd asilslal1 c grrant awards within 3 wee,,, alter reccipt or within any extension of dime as may be granted by t',1'A. $',Xccpt as may be otherwise provided, no costs may be Incurred prior to the cXeGieion of the Grant Agreement by parties thereto. Receipt o;' a written refusal, failure to return the properly executed document within the prescribed ti— , will result in the automatic termination of consideration of the grant offer by the Amicy. Any Limcudmenl to the Grant Agreement by the grantee subsequent io the document being signed by the Award Official shall void the Giant Agreement. PART 1 GENERAL INFORMATION 1 GRANT ADMINISTRATION! DATA z APPROPRIATION AND ACCOUNTING DATA _^{§$s �N 155 _ A S T A I U t l F F :' P' ' -- t: 11 _ fl Cr. I n r cJ r 7 -�f R,J A C T i U A L" F. Cis O .. f I{ ggl J.-' " -`--": 2,5, L se 8 ' t d, %A 1-lia I , Suv 3 i Y iJ q� 3_-` 1, !" ji��..�'4'� ��f'*° ' la ii.`J'v tIj �'0 (-, GRANT PRGG RAr.1 C I, C f" (r1- -55 CO0&. U, COgMMITMEN -r NUMBER f� � •'o'7 Gi��'� ;"�i. a.:ilOsi .. �,Ior'',s Co �., UC ;.i3 ns 9 41.11 2 3 ~_ - - -- AWARD APPROVAL OFF'ICE--- �----- -� - - -- _IYUb 4 J ISS IJi NG OFF ICE A_ m;Heil c l Pg ., ,,Jii `V.L "Iffigg of rants Coordination 0. -i; rl F3E -iS ., AfJ��_�.__ 1 51 ""1 ;gat -il-e sOn; I 10 0 PROJECT OFFICER (f'eacrai C'omact) G rtine Pm `''OssujCi3 L nw v a rr'onm;e 69 i. a I Protection Agency, Region V B. "KYLE_ a ce f Ivoor'9ina -ion Projec, ,,mnegr N,, 'r- rsF-Ini- Suite 1130 C i 'L E.F HONL R tll;c llutc An- C-1c) r'; -)'3 .,,P �`, .-, `-�!y' Da4 acas �,.as 77 2 GRANTEE ORGANIZATION A, r! A M F: xohMI Pm - ?Ol:;as Jrm .hai Y1'c�i� G d f oaC;.SO3 A:1 n'_E . o?�d of TruSv i✓sa, 729.7 7 � i A . , '1 Cs v> ;l s'i- OJEC ( MANAGER (Gowtev Contact) A NAM[ - 5, Are; S 9g - -- - -- --- - = = — -- i ;ice., �s d t -,I as 5 t�' 8 i�a !E i ri n ( 1 t 1c life .i C-1- -- _— AruouN•_ - -- -- r,uRATION B n 1, AMOD11 T'(1 ( I 'gip .......... f "f( t 1,H(£ ) 171,, Ste 1 "ran- A. 11:f'FC)VC Ct 137 j 1") C. f- i I, I: Hl C -I, .11 1- tl, r"MI . t.,.rnv c/ t?ra rat arm n.uv ,f ��55 ff'�� 44 — _ :: ^i1 m 7�J ^� j 1�,'I±.' tl -?17A �e-o 1i'cun; 2 1 nJ •J' _- �^ tl_ XII F fl ' i Pr iOR VFI. BAL ANC C f' } - -r U ._`:T I M A f 3 l �rA' 1 !': RIOD C. c R % 1 - A > _. I C A rIVr.l g >• 6� jA o jf-2 c MA, f'F 0 (CT �.�0' °Ole J €;1,e 1�' 7,1 to J1 une 10. FAYME NT ;'F_ rHOD �-- --- -- ._ _1)T' II — - PAYEE 11rZS1. U,-N ADVANCE- I I dd ',., ( 9 l °S- U .3. {'A t 3 3;� 1�J 1 O'e?�CS tl -I� 1, �n'©�1.A i 6 Y. Ca �t !l1 '�� � � Y.ayy F11_$ f.horl '. cT T I'. F ,.: ,�.7'v tt^ T...g 4n�it1!IJ I,J �..r.� the .. f:. f -•, Chi d, {, i1 i"l a.iL'a"i O'd .. >.�m V4 \:".. �'3 ,.r i i 0 -I f.;d a; ii.:� j, f n 5v G.., 1I Sou,;, Slac� ,,:�oir. )'4�jenu e r �i Si 1 dri n C O at i, L" ie address J O;il t o lt eni T!!] s a OkIaeh�o a 741 i7 EPA Form 5/00- 20(30 -72) !._ ACE = I NPCA- 1tA•FwWCA -1`1 1,1,1:1 A R I C)plSOl_L11 AlI,)P,iS- 148`'_PHS -i 13ANOIAPCA Locally 9�G�R6'°oduck�8 � �'�R� 'r., wlnclI w11_I_ � X11:;1_f_ I FORM APPROVED OM6 NO. 15A,'R00h7 PART f I APPROVED BUDGET I ABLE A, CATtt_,ORv CLASSIFICATION APPROVED ALLOWABLE APPROVED BUDGET PERIOD COST GRANT AMOUNT 1. PE RS(_)NNf:[_ 2. FRINGE: Ht Nf 4 I I 3 1 R AV E L. 4. E Qu I PM E N f 5 S U I, r, I— I E_ S 6 CONTRACTUAL- PE RSOI4AL. SERVICC' 7. CONSrRUCTIOf,: A. OTHER S. 1-01 AL DIRECT COSTS 10. INDIRECT COSTS RATE — TOTAL (Sha- TABLE 13 PROGRAM ELEMENT C LASSIFICATiON 2. 4. fi if t it tI TABLE C PROGRAM ELEMEN1 CLASSIFICATION P, El OTA L i IGIBLE JAPPROVED I. L U ADMINISI RAT ION C XF ENSE 4 1 L AND, 51 RU C. 11.'F! F—S, f2 : CI IT F A AR CI III E C, i () H I- Lrj,,,N l.. RI 11(� I- E 1 c, 14. 12 50 O T I I E F. A H C I f I I I C V t 1 42A L E: N C, I CI E I_ R: �- C F L E S C ON S'7 RUC I f ON AND I-' R CJJ F C I I M PR V F.M L NT COSTS "F_N I (,'ON T rI(': IJC I , L L 0 C A ! 1 1) 14 Il A M L S N1;[F1[:CT C: CiST _TOTALS 0' NOTE: The cost share agreement set forth In the sub)ecl document shall be applicable to Tice total of all cost category /program elCrilent classifications oniy. PART 11i OFFER AND ACCEPTANCE The Unsled Slat", of Airterica, acting by and through the U-S. Frivirorunental Protection Agency (EPA), hereby offers a grant to. 07- 1 � -7 _) .'� -, -� -j -'-,I tile i 6U �:�i �_k, g for 75 of all approved costs up to and not exceeding for he support of approved budget period e# -fort described in application (including all application modifications) 'k 6� h 0_L5N _T included herein by reference. Td LE o-' DAI E 3-7 -7/- This Grant Agreernent is subject to applicable U.S. Environmental Protection Agency statuat6ry provisions, grant regulations (40 CFR, Chapter 1, Subclraptep P) and of the provisions of this agreement (Parts I thru IV). The Grantee Organization also agrees that funds awarded will be used SOlelY for the pUrp0';CS Of the project as approved. -S OF AMERICA BY THE U.S. ENViRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY H E UNITED S7 ATE SIGNA�P,IRE QF,/AVIJARD OFFICIAL 7 _(PFiT_>`IAN1E AND TIT LE DATE 17- 10)74 BY AND ON BEHALF OF THE DESIGNATED GRANTEE ORGANIZATIONS SIGNATURE-. TYPED NAME AND TITLE DATE _lo P. T" Jr., Cl`� a il-:-,Ia Ei DIU-'.. EPA For. 5700-20 (Fage Z) fnu s '�'- s 1111 3 The contents of the resolution must include but are not limited to b. The resolving municipality does agree that subsequent Step 2 and Step 3 grants, awarded separately or jointly, must conform to the facility plan formulated by The Regional Metropolitan Utility Authority and shall be certified by the Oklahoma State Department of Health and approved by the Regional Administrator. 9. Prior to acceptance of the grant offer, The Regional Metropolitan Utility Authority must execute a contract with a consulting engineer as required®