HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993 05_OPWA_Establishing Water Rates_1993.11.16 O'tlASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORPl'Y OWA,SSO g OKL.AHOMA RESOLUTION :!\JlThtBER A RESOLU'l'ION OF 'l'HE OWASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY ESTABI,ISHING RATES FOR WATER SERVICE WI'l'HlN AND WITHOU'l' TIIE CORPORATE I..HUTS OF 'l'HE C rfY OI' OWASSOg OKL.AHOMA 9 DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE BE 1'.[' RESOLVED BY 'I'HJ~~ 'l'RUSTEES OF T'HE OWASSO PUEI,lC WORKS AlJ'l'HOHITY F THAT: .. The rate schedule set forth on Exhibit "A" and made a hereof is hen"by adopted. ; The aforementioned ratt:'s as well as rate cat,Ion.f) i:;hall be effective for November, 1993, usage as DeC0)mber, 1993, b111i PASSED AND APPHOVED this day of November, 1993. m<ilASSO PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY By --.-- rman l\TTf:S'f; APPIlOVI;;DA.S 'fO FOR~Il.; ()pwa -'I~" \/lSI-- EXh I. B 1'1..' "A.' All new ater District #3 customers, acquired November 1 are t.o bE) to our existing city rate as follows: Firs 1,000 1.1 on s $7.07 (minimum charge); and, Ea,s aclditional 1,000 gallon;::; $2.69. l..ural CU:'3tomer ratei3, including custome:rs living ou;:'slde limits of the Cit:y of O'dasso, Oklahoma, but inside t.he acquLred the Owasso Pu.blic 1;,yorks Authority from Fural ~"1ater District #3, Rogers County, Oklahoma, who were not Cll~3 tOHlc;;r's of the Hural 1;,yater District #" Rogers County as of 'j f November 1 r 1993, are to be changed to the following: Firf;t ,000 lIons $11.47 (minimum charge and Each additional " 000 llons $4061 op\va"J \dsr Pursuant to the legal notice as is required by the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act, including the posting of notice and agenda as is required by the terms thereof, the Trustees of the Owasso Public Works Authority of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma met in special session on the 23rd day of March, 1993 at 6:30 o'clock p.m. Due to the lack of 3/4 membership, the meeting was recessed and reconvened at 6:00 o'clock p.m. on the 24th day of March 1993. James Smalley Bob Randolph John Phillips Patricia Marlar, Present: Jason Gittelman Thereupon the Chairperson introduced a resolution which was read by the Secretary. Trustee Randolph moved that the resolution be adopted and Trustee Phillips seconded the motion. The motion carrying with it the adoption of the Resolution prevailed by the following vote: Absent: Marlar Smalley Randolph. Phillips AYE: None is as follows (See attached Resolution OPW A 93-01) Resolution 93-05 so approved SS ) ) ) STATE OF OKLAHOMA COUNTY OF TULSA I, the undersigned, Secretary of the Owasso Public Works Authority of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, an Oklahoma public trust, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true, and correct copy of an excerpt from the minutes of a meeting of the Board of Trustees of said public trust held on the date above stated, all as recorded in the official minutes of such meeting. I further certify that the "Open Meeting Law was complied with for such 1993 March this 24th day of meeting Given under my hand (SEAL)