HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974 51B_Adopted Building Codes_1974.04.0202T DT w7j=CtIon f7om n7705nz, con
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Indian Nations Council Of Governments
0 West Seventh Street - Tulsa,Oklahoma 74127 - Area Code 918 587-3178
February 13, 1974
The Honorable Joe Ross,
Mayor of Owasso
City Hall
Owasso, Oklahoma 74055
Dear Sir:
As you are chang
robably aware, we are on the threshold of e in water quality management;
P 4n
this change involves both the planning process and the actual design and construction of
wastewater treatment facilities® Basically, the concept of what constitutes adequate
water quality management and planning is being redefined for local jurisdictions and area -
wide planning agencies such as INCOG through new concerns regarding our environment.
The water quality management planning process will be financed under Section 208 of the
Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1972. In accordance with Section 208 require-
ments, the INCOG Board passed a resolution in July of 1973, calling for the Governor to
designate INCOG as the water anall.ty management pl,?.nning, agency. A,16itionally. tire new
regulations call for a resolution of intent to be passed by the individual affected
communities. Basically, the individual communities are asked to recognize INCOG as
the plannin'g, agency for the affected area; join together to develop and implement a plan
which will result in a coordinated waste treatment management system for the area; and
develop proposals for construction of publicly-owned treatment facilities that are con-
sistent with the approved plan® I might add that positive steps have already been ac-
complished in this area with the development of the INCOG Water and Sewer Plan 1990,
and the soon-to-be-published Plan update to the year 2000. The Section 208 planning is
an (_xtension of our previous efforts, but on a much more detailed level. Further, it
represents a change in our source of funds for such an activity.
Enclosed is a copy of a resolution for consideration by the elected officials of your
municipality. in order for us to meet the deadline set by EPA, we request that the
elected officials act upon the resolution prior to March 10, 1974® An INCOG staff
member will be available to you, either prior to or during your next regular council
or co=ission meeting, to explain the new requirements and procedures, and benefits of
this program®
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Enclosures: 2
Je�rry L sker
\Ex�cut*ve Director
0 ge County
sal, Tulsa County
rz L, kJ
U 11 , EMENTS. §208 (b)
he rzquirements for a §208 plan to gain approval are set out in §208(b). In order
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i,u, C", cb5208 -L n to be approved by the Administrator of EPA, it must include But
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M M -fication of treatment works necessary to meet antic1pated
, -he
Anecessary wastewater collection
needs over a twenty-year period;
and urban starmwater runoff systems; and a program to provide
necessary financial arrangements;
OF "111 the establishment ®f construction priorities and time schedules for ini-
tiation and completion;
the establishment of a regulatory program to Implement require-
Ments of §201(c), to regulate location of any facilities .which result
in discharges in the area, and to assure that industrial wastes
discharged, into a treatment works meet applicable pretreatment
�F1�,m , the identification i
on of those agencies necessary to construct, operate,
LJ and maintain all facilities required by the plan and otherwise to carry
out the plan;
the identification of the measures necessary to carry out the plan
(including financing), the period of time necessary to carry out the
plan, the costs of carrying out the plan within such 'Lime, and the eco-
nomic, social and environmental irnpaa o-,,' carrying out the plan
within such time;
ind silvicui_
'D a process to (1) identify, if appropriate, agricul turahly a
turally related nonpoint sources of pol'ut-on, ncluding runoff fr,
manure disposal areas, and from land used t ®r livestock and crop
Production, and (H) set forth proce-dures and methods (Including
land use req irements) to controi to flhe extent feasible such
i My, 11 pol-
Ap'11% a process to (') identif approp`ate, mi.ne-related sources o
lution inCuuding new, current, and abandoned suiface and unde�-
ground mine runoff, and. 0i set forth procedures and methools (in-
�c - requirements) to control to the ext-eent !Lasible such
�uding la nd us,
s Ources.,
a process to (i) it den construction activity i-el a t s0UT-,c,,, 8 of
pollution., and (H) set forth procedures and methods (incl ding land
use requirements) to control to unle extent feasible such sources-,
1, identify, 4' appropr'ate, saii water intrusion into
a process to
rivers, 'lakes, and estuaries resulting froin reduction of fresh
water flow from any cause, including Irrigation, obstruction, ground
water extraction, and diversion, and (ii) set forth procedures and
methods to control such intrusion to the extent feasible -,where such
procedures and rnethods are otherwise a part of the waste treatment
management Dian;
a pro-less to cOntl-01 the disposition oil all residual wave genes ated
'e - and
in sucin area which could aff ct water quality,
a process to control the disposal of pollutants on land or in subsur-
ace excavat,ons within such area to protect ground and surface
water quality.
In addition, the areawzde plan must be certified annually by the Governor (or his
designee) as being consistent with applicable basin -plans. Of the requirements
aitted TA a 4 Le -
11'sted above, clauses (F) through (K) may be developed and subri o sta' -
wide basis 11 consistent with a §303) plan.