HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017.03.21_City Council AgendaPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL HE ?Oex �� Council Chambers, Old Central Building MV\\ 109 N Birch, Owasso, OK 74055 ,C'w't Regular Meeting oli 1 Tuesday, March 21, 2017 - 6:30 pm 1. Call to Order Mayor Lyndell Dunn 2. Invocation Pastor Linzy Slayden of Friendship Baptist Church 3. Flag Salute 4. Roll Call 5. Presentation of a Character Certificate to RCB Bank Corey Burd 6. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for approval of the Consent Agenda. (All matters listed under "Consent' are considered by the City Council to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Councilor may, however, remove an item from the Consent Agenda by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non - debatable.) A. Approve minutes • March 7, 2017, Regular Meeting • March 14, 2017, Regular Meeting B. Approve claims C. Accept the donation from the Friends of the Owasso Police Department and approve a budget amendment in the Police Department, Half -Penny Sales Tax Fund increasing the estimated revenue and the appropriation for expenditures by $8,000 D. Accept the infrastructure improvements including water and wastewater at Abbott Farms Phase I E. Accept the infrastructure improvements including sanitary sewer, stormwater drainage, water, and concrete approaches, including sidewalk improvements at The Cottages at Taligrass Point F. Accept the infrastructure improvements including streets, sanitary sewer and stormwater drainage systems at Carrington Pointe Phase 11 7. Consideration and appropriate action relating to items removed from the Consent Agenda PUBLIC HEARING B. The City Council will conduct a public hearing for the purpose of receiving citizen input relating to Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) 2017 Karl Fritschen 9. Consideration and appropriate action relating to Specific Use Permit SUP -17 -01 and Plat Waiver for the Montessori Academy of Owasso located at 708 N Atlanta Street Karl Fritschen Staff recommends approval of Specific Use Permit 17 -01 and Plat Waiver with the following conditions: • No additional lighting shall be installed without staff approval other than what exists on the site; Owasso City Council March 21, 2017 Page 2 • No additional signage shall be installed. If the applicant choses to use a new sign, a sign permit shall be obtained and approved by staff; • No digital signage shall be used on the property; • A minimum six -foot opaque screening fence shall be required along the north, west, and south property lines. The screening fence already in place along the west boundary may be used as part of the screening requirements, but in the event the fence falls into disrepair, it shall be repaired or replaced by the applicant; and • Landscaping shall be provided on the site as depicted on the site plan and shall be inspected by staff prior to issuing an Occupancy Permit. 10. Consideration and appropriate action relating to the award of a bid for the construction of the Owasso Sports Park Parking Lot Project Dwayne Henderson Staff recommends award of the bid to Ground Level, LLC in the amount of $682,747.45 and authorization for the Mayor to execute the contract. 11. Consideration and appropriate action relating to the award of a bid for construction of the Garrett Creek Relief Line Project Dwayne Henderson Staff recommends award of the bid to Ira Green Construction in the amount of $1,136,156.42 and authorization for the Mayor to execute the contract. 12. Consideration and appropriate action relating to the award of a bid for the construction of the Morrow Place Liff Station Project Dwayne Henderson Staff recommends award of the bid to Cross -Bo Construction in the amount of $1,211,606.75 and authorization for the Mayor to execute the contract. 13. Consideration and appropriate action relating to an agreement for engineering services for the E 116 St North Roadway Improvements from N 129 E Avenue to US HWY 169 Dwayne Henderson Staff recommends approval of an agreement with Walter P. Moore and Associates, Inc. of Tulsa, Oklahoma, in the amount of $180,000 and authorization for the Mayor to execute the agreement. 14. Consideration and appropriate action relating to the award of a bid for construction of the E 76 Street North and Main Street Intersection Improvements Roger Stevens Staff recommends award of a bid to Grade Line Construction in the amount of $1,885,583.55 and authorization for the Mayor to execute the agreement. Staff further recommends approval of Change Order #1, reducing the contract amount by $225,000.00 for a total contract amount $1,660,583.55 15. Consideration and appropriate action relating to the acceptance and final payment of the Three Lakes Channel /Ator Heights Stormwater Drainage Improvements Project Earl Farris Staff recommends acceptance of the contract work and authorization for final payment to Magnum Construction in the amount of $16,157.33. Owasso City Council March 21, 2017 Page 3 16. Consideration and appropriate action relating to the FY 2015 -2016 Street Rehabilitation Program Earl Farris Staff recommends approval to add two additional street segments to the FY 2015 -2016 Street Repair Project - Contract 2 - Asphalt and authorization for Lowry Construction to include the additional work within the existing contract. 17. Consideration and appropriate action relating to Payment of Commissioners' Award, Commissioners' Fees, poundage and any other assessed court fees in City of Owasso v. Mary Lynn Cook, et al. Julie Lombardi Staff recommends authorization for payment to the District Court of Tulsa County of the Commissioners' Award in the amount of $252,000, Commissioners' Fees in the amount of $5,400, and such other fees and costs that may be necessary to take possession of the land. 18. Report from City Manager • Vision 2025 Project Status Report 19. Report from City Attorney 20. Report from City Councilors 21. Official Notices to Council (documents for acknowledgment or information only, no discussion or action will be taken) • Payroll Payment Report - Pay Period Ending Date 3/4/17 • Health Care Self- Insurance Claims - dated as of 3/16/17 • Monthly Budget Status Report - February 2017 • DEQ Permit No. SL000072160663 for the construction of 58 linear feet of twelve (12) inch PVC, 5,600 linear feet of fifteen (15) inch PVC, 118 linear feet of eight (8) inch PVC, one (1) 690 -gpm lift station, 3,600 linear feet of twelve (12) inch PVC force main, one (1) backup power generator with an automatic transfer switch and all appurtenances to serve the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma 22. New Business (New Business is any item of business which could not have been foreseen at the time of posting of the agenda) 23. Adjournment Notice of Public Meeting filed in the office of the City Clerk and the Agenda posted at City Hail, 200 S Main St, at 6:00 pm on Friday, March 17, 2017. E I! OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, March 7, 2017 The Owasso City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, March 7, 2017, in the Council Chambers at Old Central, 109 N Birch, Owasso, Oklahoma, per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted at City Hall, 200 S Main St, at 6:00 pm on Friday, March 3, 2017. 1. Call to Order Mayor Lyndell Dunn called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. 2. Invocation The invocation was offered by Pastor Andrew Rankin of Freedom Church. 3. Flag Salute Mayor Dunn led the flag salute. 4. Roll Call Present Absent Mayor - Lyndell Dunn None Vice-Mayor- Chris Kelley Councilor - Doug Bonebrake Councilor - Bill Bush Councilor - Jeri Moberly A quorum was declared present. Staff: Assistant City Manager -Sherry Bishop City Attorney - Julie Lombardi 5. Presentation of the Character Trait of Enthusiasm Alvin Fruga, Owasso Character Council, presented the Character Trait of Enthusiasm for the month of March. 6. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for approval of the Consent Agenda. (All matters listed under "Consent' are considered by the City Council to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Councilor may, however, remove an item from the Consent Agenda by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non - debatable.) A. Approve minutes - February 21, 2017, Regular Meeting B. Approve claims C. Accept a donation from Community Animal Assistance, Rehoming and Education (CAARE) and approve a budget amendment in the General Fund increasing the estimated revenue and increasing the appropriation for expenditures in the Animal Control department by $1,228 D. Accept a donation from Southern Agriculture and approve a budget amendment in the Police Department, Half -Penny Sales Tax Fund increasing the estimated revenue and the appropriation for expenditures by $232 E. Approve Resolution 2016 -24 Nunc Pro Tunc authorizing the filing and prosecution of a condemnation action to obtain the property located at 120 East 2nd Street, Owasso, Oklahoma, owned by Ron Detherow a /k /a Ronald E. Detherow a /k /a Ronald Eugene Detherow, Trustee of The Revocable Living Owasso City Council March 7, 2017 Page 2 Trust of Ron Detherow, u /d /o January 4, 2014, for expansion of the Owasso Police Department Mr. Bonebrake moved, seconded by Dr. Kelley to approve the Consent Agenda with claims totaling $620,030.17 and addendum total of $500.00. YEA: Bonebrake, Bush, Kelley, Moberly, Dunn NAY: None Motion carried: 5 -0 7. Consideration and appropriate action relating to items removed from the Consent Agenda None 8. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for an executive session for the purpose of discussing negotiations with the Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge No. 149, as provided for in Title 25, O.S. § 307(B)(2) Mr. Bush moved, seconded by Ms. Moberly to enter into executive session. YEA: Bonebrake, Bush, Kelley, Moberly, Dunn NAY: None Motion carried: 5 -0 At 6:37 pm, the Council, along with Julie Lombardi, Sherry Bishop, Scott Chambless, Michele Dempster, and Tony Puckett, Attorney, McAfee & Taft entered into executive session. At 8:18 pm, the Council returned to open session. 9. Consideration and appropriate action relating to an Inter -local Agreement with Tulsa County for right -of -way and easement acquisition at the intersection of East 116th Street North and North 129th East Avenue Dwayne Henderson presented the item recommending approval of an Inter -local Agreement with Tulsa County. There were no comments from the audience. After discussion, Mr. Bonebrake moved, seconded by Ms. Moberly to approve the agreement, and authorize the Mayor to execute the agreement, as recommended. YEA: Bonebrake, Bush, Kelley, Moberly, Dunn NAY: None Motion carried: 5 -0 10. Consideration and appropriate action relating to amending the Agreement for Professional Engineering Services for intersection improvements (76 St N & Main) Dwayne Henderson presented the item recommending approval of Amendment No. 1 to the agreement with McClelland Consulting Engineers, Inc. for the E 76th St North and Main Street Intersection Improvements in the amount of $11,860 and authorization of the Mayor to execute the agreement. Owasso City Council March 7, 2017 Page 3 There were no comments from the audience. After discussion, Mr. Bush moved, seconded by Mr. Bonebrake to approve the amendment to the agreement in the amount of $11,860 with McClelland Consulting Engineers, Inc., and authorize the Mayor to execute agreement, as recommended. YEA: Bonebrake, Bush, Kelley, Moberly, Dunn NAY: None Motion carried: 5 -0 11. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a service agreement to provide Park Concessions Larry Langford presented the item recommending approval of a service agreement with SnoDoggs, LLC of Collinsville, Oklahoma, for the operation of concession stands at Rayola Park, Funtastic Island and Owasso Skate Park for the 2017 operating season and authorization for the City Manager to execute the agreement. There were no comments from the audience. After discussion, Dr. Kelley moved, seconded by Mr. Bush to approve the agreement wherein SnoDoggs, LLC, will pay to the City $4,200 (Rayola Park), $2,450 (Funtastic Island), and $2,100 (Skate Park) per season to operate concessions in the parks and authorize the City Manager to execute the agreements, as recommended. YEA: Bonebrake, Bush, Kelley, Moberly, Dunn NAY: None Motion carried: 5 -0 12. Consideration and appropriate action relating acceptance of the Rayola Park Splash Pad Expansion project and authorization for final payment Larry Langford presented the item recommending acceptance of the Rayola Park Splash Pad Expansion project and authorization to issue final payment to RJR Enterprises in the amount of $24,190.35, resulting in a final contract amount of $241,903.50. There were no comments from the audience. After discussion, Mr. Bonebrake moved, seconded by Ms. Moberly to accept the project and authorize final payment, as recommended. YEA: Bonebrake, Bush, Kelley, Moberly, Dunn NAY: None Motion carried: 5 -0 13. Report from City Manager Roger Stevens presented the Monthly Public Works Project Status Report. 14. Report from City Attorney None 15. Report from City Councilors Councilors acknowledged efforts of Police Chief, Fire Chief, and Gary Akin at the Owasso Chamber luncheon on March 1, 2017. Also, Councilors acknowledged efforts of staff. Owasso City Council March 7, 2017 Page 4 16. Official Notices to Council (documents for acknowledgment or information only, no discussion or action will be taken) • Payroll Payment Report- Pay Period Ending Date 2/18/17 • Health Care Self- Insurance Claims - dated as of 3/2/17 17. New Business (New Business is any item of business which could not have been foreseen at the time of posting of the agenda) None 18. Adjournment Ms. Moberly moved, seconded by Mr. Bonebrake to adjourn the meeting. YEA: Bonebrake, Bush, Kelley, Moberly, Dunn NAY: None Motion carried 5 -0 and the meeting adjourned at 9:05 pm. Lyndell Dunn, Mayor Lisa Wilson, Minute Clerk OWASSO CITY COUNCIL, OPWA & OPGA MINUTES OF JOINT REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, March 14, 2017 The Owasso City Council, Owasso Public Works Authority, and Owasso Public Golf Authority met in regular session on Tuesday, March 14, 2017, in the Council Chambers at Old Central, 109 N Birch, Owasso, Oklahoma, per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted at City Hall, 200 S Main St at 6:00 pm on Friday, March 10, 2017, and Addendum filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted at City Hall, 200 S Main St, at 5:00 pm on Monday, March 13, 2017. 1. Call to Order Mayor /Chair Lyndell Dunn called the meeting to order at 6:04 pm. Present Mayor /Chair - Lyndell Dunn Councilor /Trustee - Doug Bonebrake Councilor /Trustee -Jeri Moberly A quorum was declared present. Absent Vice- Mayor /Vice -Chair - Chris Kelley Councilor /Trustee - Bill Bush 2. Discussion relating to Policy Guide - Owasso Redbud District - Increment District No. 1 (TIF) Bronce Stephenson and Emily Pomeroy, Center for Economic Development Law, presented the item and discussion was held. It was further explained that Resolutions adopting the Policy Guide and defining the Sales Tax Increment will be placed on the April 4, 2017, Council agenda for consideration and action. 3. Discussion relating to the Council /Chair Leadership Elections Process Mayor /Chair Dunn presented the item and discussion was held. 4. Discussion relating to Community Development items A. Specific Use Permit - SUP- 17 -01, Montessori Academy (708 N Atlanta) B. Easement Closure - Montessori Academy (708 N Atlanta) Bronce Stephenson presented Items 4A and 4B and discussion was held. It was further explained Item A would be placed on the March 21, 2017, Council agenda and Item B would be placed on the April 4, 2017, Council agenda for consideration and action. 5. Discussion relating to Administrative items A. Proposed Ordinance relating to fireworks B. Proposed Ordinance relating to the City Clerk and City Treasurer positions Sherry Bishop presented Items 5A and 5B and discussion was held. Both items will be placed on the April 1 l , 2017, work session agenda for further discussion. 6. Discussion relating to the 76th and Main Intersection Improvement Project Bids Dwayne Henderson presented the item and discussion was held. It was further explained that an item would be placed on the March 21, 2017, Council agenda for consideration and action. 7. Discussion relating to the City Manager's evaluation process and the City Attorney contract Michele Dempster presented the item and discussion was held. 8. Discussion relating to the Utility Rate Annual Report Linda Jones presented the item and discussion was held. Owasso City Council, OPWA & OPGA March 14, 2017 Page 2 9. Discussion relating to City Manager items • CDBG 2017 Project Selection Process - Warren Lehr presented the item and discussion was held. The required public hearing will be held during the March 21, 2017, Council meeting. • Proposed amendments to the Owasso Zoning Code - Mr. Lehr presented the item and discussion was held. • Proposed amendments to the Alarm Ordinances - Mr. Lehr and Scott Chambless presented the item and discussion was held. The item will be on a future agenda for consideration and action. • Monthly sales tax report - Linda Jones presented the sales tax report and discussion was held. • City Manager report - Warren Lehr announced the Owasso Economic Summit on March 23, 2017; and the University of Oklahoma Placemaking Conference on April 3, 2017. 10. City Council /Trustee comments and inquiries None 11. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm. Lyndell Dunn, Mayor /Chair Sherry Bishop, City Clerk Claims List 3/21/2017 Budget Unit Title Vendor Name Payable Description PaVment Amount GENERAL TREASURER PETTY CASH OC REFUND /BIBLE CHURCH 350.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH OC REFUNDICANDLER 100.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH OC REFUND /LOPEZ 100.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH CC REFUND /SWIMMER 100.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH CC REFUND /FULTON 50.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH CC REFUND /CAUSEY 50.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH CC REFUND /MEISSEN 100.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH CC REFUNDITOWNSEND 50.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH CC REFUND /LILES 50.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH CC REFUND /ROOK 50.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH CC REFUND /REASER 50.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH CC REFUNDIWOODRUFF 50.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH CC REFUND /EDWARD JONES 50.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH CC REFUND/TULSA CO CLERK 50.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH CC REFUND /LIVING WORD 50.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH CC REFUND /COMMUNITY CHOIR 50.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH OC REFUND /HONEY CREEK HOA 100.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH CC REFUND /STRODE 50.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH CC REFUND /RANCH CREEK HOA 50.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH CC REFUND /FITZLOFF 50.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH CC REFUND /CABRERA 50.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH CC REFUND /ROBERTS 50.00 AEP /PSO STREET LIGHTS 7.59 TOTAL GENERAL 1,657.59 MUNICIPAL COURT JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OFFICE DEPOT- SUPPLIES 9.83 IYOUTH SERVICES OF TULSA YOUTH SERVICES 4,125.00 TOTAL MUNICIPAL COURT 4,134.83 MANAGERIAL JPMORGAN CHASE BANK CM- ASSTSURFACE - SURFACE 1,404.18 CITY GARAGE LABOR/OVERHEAD - MARCH 102.83 FLEETCOR TECHNOLOGIES FUELMAN EXP - FEB. 2017 47.31 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TRAVEL EXPENSE 17.93 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK COMMUNITY RELATIONS 120.31 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK COMMUNITY RELATIONS 47.02 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK COUNCIL WORKSESSION EXP 100.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK EMPLOYEE RELATIONS 22.29 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TRAVEL EXPENSE 8.69 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK MEETING EXPENSE 24.15 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TRAVEL EXPENSE 8.04 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TRAVEL EXPENSE 17.45 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TRAVEL EXPENSE 9.51 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TRAVEL EXPENSE 11.40 TREASURER PETTY CASH PASTOR MEETING EXPENSE 12.00 Page 1 Claims List RIMPOIN Budget Unit Title Vendor Name Payable Description Payment Amount MANAGERIAL TREASURER PETTY CASH MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 195.05 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP SOFTWARE 450.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK CHAMBER- LUNCHEON 15.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK CHAMBER - LUNCHEON 15.00 TOTAL MANAGERIAL 2,628.16 FINANCE JPMORGAN CHASE BANK AMERICAN PARKING - PARKING 8.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OFFICE DEPOT - SUPPLIES 2.86 FLEETCOR TECHNOLOGIES FUELMAN EXP - FEB, 2017 22.01 CITY GARAGE LABOR/OVERHEAD - MARCH 84.00 CITY GARAGE VEH PARTS PURCH - FEB 549.00 TOTAL FINANCE 665.87 HUMAN RESOURCES JPMORGAN CHASE BANK CHARACTER- BULLETINS 861.12 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ICIMS- APPLICANT TRACKING 100.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OFFICE DEPOT- SUPPLIES 10.40 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK MEETING EXPENSE 27.73 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK CHARACTER FIRST - WORKBOOKS 92.30 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK CHAMBER - LUNCHEON 15.00 COMMUNITYCARE EAP EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROG 248.00 AMERICANCHECKED, INC ATTN: BILLING PRE -EMP BACKGROUND CHECKS 861.35 TULSA WORLD ADVERTISING 1,249.00 GREENWOOD PERFORMANCE SYSTEMS INC ACM COACHING 250.00 MCAFEE & TAFT LEGAL PERSONNEL 1,424.00 TOTAL HUMAN RESOURCES 5,138.90 HR - CHARACTER INITIATIVE jJPMOR7AN CHASE BANK JADMIRAL EXP- SUPPLIES 201.30 TOTAL HR - CHARACTER INITIATIVE 201.30 GENERAL GOVERNMENT JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ADMIRAL EXP - SUPPLIES 59.98 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK MAILFINANCE -LEASE 1,110.66 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK VALBRIDGE- APPRAISAL 3,000.00 GRAND GATEWAY ECO. DEV. ASSC. PELIVAN TRANSIT 5,100.00 MCAFEE & TAFT LEGAL-PERSONNEL 250.00 AT &T LONG DISTANCE PHONE BILL 27.76 ONEOK, INC OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS NATURAL GAS USAGE 693.16 CINTAS CORPORATION CARPET CLEANING 63.80 AMERICANCHECKED, INC ATTN: BILLING BACKGROUND SCREENING SOLI 23.10 AMERICANCHECKED, INC ATTN: BILLING BACKGROUND SCREENING SOLI 29.65 RICOH USA, INC COPIER RENTAL 274.84 RICOH USA, INC COPIER RENTAL 199.49 DRAKE SYSTEMS INC ICOPY SUPPLIES 181.79 Page 2 Claims List 3/21/2017 Budget Unit Title I Vendor Name Payable Description 1payment Amount TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT 11,014.23 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT VERIZON WIRELESS WIRELESS CONNECTION 155.70 TREASURER PETTY CASH LICENSE RENEWAUDEMPSTER 35.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OFFICE DEPOT - SUPPLIES 55.73 CITY GARAGE VEH PARTS PURCH - FEB 59.43 CITY GARAGE LABOR/OVERHEAD - MARCH 415.58 FLEETCOR TECHNOLOGIES FUELMAN EXP - FEB, 2017 138.94 BLUE ENERGY FUELS, LLC CNG FUEL PURCH - FEB, 201 83.29 JPMORGAN' CHASE BANK UNIFIRST- UNIFORM SUPPLIES 96.49 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OFFICE DEPOT - SUPPLIES 34.83 TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 1,074.99 ENGINEERING JPMORGAN CHASE BANK AMAZON - BATTERY BACKUP 59.52 FLEETCOR TECHNOLOGIES FUELMAN EXP - FEB, 2017 166.39 CITY GARAGE LABOR/OVERHEAD - MARCH 280.00 CITY GARAGE VEH PARTS PURCH - FEB 27.69 VERIZON WIRELESS WIRELESS CONNECTION 29.65 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP UNIFORM CLEANING 17.71 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP UNIFORM CLEANING 17.71 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP UNIFORM CLEANING 17.71 UNITED STATES CELLULAR CORPORATION PW CELL PHONES 40.35 TOTAL ENGINEERING 656.73 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY VERIZON WIRELESS WIRELESS CONNECTION 149.68 CITY GARAGE VEH PARTS PURCH - FEB 112.64 CITY GARAGE LABOR/OVERHEAD - MARCH 74.16 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK AVITAR- SERVER BACK -UPS 1,083.94 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK AMAZON -HARD DRIVES 125.77 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK AMAZON -HARD DRIVES 155.99 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK AMAZON -HARD DRIVES 47.80 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK AMAZON -HARD DRIVES 390.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK AMAZON -HARD DRIVES 120.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK AMAZON -HARD DRIVES 77.95 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK MIKES MERCH- SWITCH MODULE 499.99 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK COX -CITY INTERNET 1,350.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ICON- CIVICPLUS MAINT 5,120.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK BARRACUDA- FILTER REWEWAL 1,298.00 TOTAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 10,605.92 SUPPORT SERVICES JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES -TOOLS 29.98 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SAMSCLUB -SS SHOP LIGHT 59.98 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OFFICE EVERYTHING - SUPPLIE 91.14 Page 3 Claims List 3/21/2017 Budget Unit Title Vendor Name Payable Description Payment Amount SUPPORT SERVICES JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SECOND GEN- LOCKSMITH 66.84 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES -PAINT 17.64 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES- SUPPLIES 2.04 BLUE ENERGY FUELS, LLC CNG FUEL PURCH - FEB, 201 50.59 CITY GARAGE LABOR/OVERHEAD - MARCH 881.50 CITY GARAGE VEH PARTS PURCH - FEB 25.88 SCHINDLER ELEVATOR INC ELEVATOR MAINT AGMT -CH 2,340.00 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP UNIFORM RENTAL FEES 13.27 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP UNIFORM RENTAL FEES 13.27 VERIZON WIRELESS WIRELESS CONNECTION 29.65 TOTAL SUPPORT SERVICES 3,621.78 CEMETERY UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP UNIFORM CLEANING 7.41 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP UNIFORM CLEANING 7.41 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP UNIFORM CLEANING 7.41 OWASSO TOP SOIL DIRT 130.00 VERDIGRIS VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP CEMETERY ELECTRIC 34.17 TOTAL CEMETERY 186.40 POLICE - DOJ VEST GRANT SPECIAL OPS UNIFORMS, INC VEST 348.25 SPECIAL OPS UNIFORMS, INC VEST 348.25 TOTAL POLICE - DOJ VEST GRANT 696.50 POLICE COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OLETS FEE 450.00 MAC SYSTEMS, INC. REPAIR FIRE SPRINKLERS 1,635.50 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SAMS CLUB - PRISONER BOARD 6.98 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WATERSTONE -DRY CLEANING 75.75 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK APCO INT'L- TRAINING 30.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SAMSCLUB - SUPPLIES 9.97 TREASURER PETTY CASH NOTARY FEE/WOODS 25.00 TOTAL POLICE COMMUNICATIONS 2,233.20 ANIMAL CONTROL AT &T LONG DISTANCE PHONE BILL 0.41 VERIZON WIRELESS WIRELESS CONNECTION 80.02 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SERENITY- CREMATION SVC 270.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WALMART- SUPPLIES 37.74 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WATERSTONE -DRY CLEANING 45.75 BLUE ENERGY FUELS, LLC CNG FUEL PURCH - FEB, 201 61.30 FLEETCOR TECHNOLOGIES FUELMAN EXP - FEB, 2017 46.39 CITY GARAGE LABOR/OVERHEAD - MARCH 279.75 TOTAL ANIMAL CONTROL 821.36 Page 4 Claims List 3/21/2017 Budget Unit Title Vendor Name Payable Description Pa ment Amount EMERGENCY PREPAREDNES VERDIGRIS VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP ELECTRIC BILL STORM SIREN 31.38 VERDIGRIS VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP ELECTRIC BILL STORM SIREN 26.86 VERDIGRIS VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP ELECTRIC BILL STORM SIREN 31.38 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OFFICE DEPOT - SUPPLIES 16.47 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SECOND GEN- LOCKSMITH 212.88 VERIZON WIRELESS WIRELESS CONNECTION 29.65 TOTAL EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS 348.62 STORMWATER VERIZON WIRELESS WIRELESS CONNECTION 69.66 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP UNIFORM CLEANING 35.10 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP UNIFORM CLEANING 35.10 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP UNIFORM CLEANING 35.10 SPIRIT LANDSCAPE MANAGEMENT LLC MONTHLY LANDSCAPE MAINT 410.00 SPIRIT LANDSCAPE MANAGEMENT LLC MONTHLY LANDSCAPE MAINT 216.25 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK P & K EQUIP -POWER CABLE 17.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK P & K EQUIP -SPRAY BAR 142.50 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK P & K EQUIP -KEYS 20.76 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK PIKEPASS -FEES 11.70 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK GELLCO - SAFETY BOOTS 135.00 FLEETCOR TECHNOLOGIES FUELMAN EXP - FEB, 2017 665.89 CITY GARAGE LABOR/OVERHEAD - MARCH 2,109.25 CITY GARAGE VEH PARTS PURCH - FEB 1,581.05 BLUE ENERGY FUELS, LLC CNG FUEL PURCH - FEB, 201 297.44 TOTAL STORMWATER 5,781.80 PARKS BLUE ENERGY FUELS, LLC CNG FUEL PURCH - FEB, 201 91.91 CITY GARAGE VEH PARTS PURCH - FEB 826.11 CITY GARAGE LABOR/OVERHEAD - MARCH 1,052.25 FLEETCOR TECHNOLOGIES FUELMAN EXP - FEB, 2017 309.69 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES - RESTROOM PARTS 8.45 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES- REPAIR PART 2.28 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES - SUPPLIES 23.12 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES- RESTROOM REPAIRS 48.98 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK P & K EQUIP -MOWER PARTS 71.82 VERDIGRIS VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP PARKS OFFICE ELECTRIC 10.61 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK CORNERSTONE - REPAIR PART 6.53 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK CORNERSTONE - SUPPLIES 87.37 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK CORNERSTONE -WEED SPRAY 69.99 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK CORNERSTONE - REPAIR PARTS 37.99 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK CORNERSTONE -PARTS 42.71 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOCKE SUPPLY-0 RING 0.77 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOCKE SUPPLY -PARTS 47.94 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK CITY OF OWASSO -WATER 278.64 DAVID'S ELECTRIC, INC. RECEPTICAL 450.00 Page 5 Claims List 3/21/2017 Budget Unit Title Vendor Name Payable Description Payment Amounl PARKS UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP PARKS UNIFORMS 23.96 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP PARKS UNIFORMS 27.16 VERIZON WIRELESS WIRELESS CONNECTION 29.65 ONEOK, INC OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS NATURAL GAS USAGE 213.78 AT &T LONG DISTANCE PHONE BILL 0.13 TOTAL PARKS 3,761.84 COMMUNITY CENTER ONEOK, INC OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS NATURAL GAS USAGE 332.82 AT &T LONG DISTANCE PHONE BILL 2.92 GRAND GATEWAY ECO. DEV. ASSC. FEBRUARY SENIOR FARES 224.00 MILLERS SUPERIOR ELECTRIC LABOR FOR BREAKER BOX 400.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SAMSCLUB -TAX REFUND -5.07 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK AVIS- REFUND SALES TAX -17.80 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK MY SR CTR -CHECK IN SYSTEM 125.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK AVIS- RENTAL 17.80 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK QUIT BUGGIN -PEST CONTROL 95.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK MICHAEL'S- SUPPLIES 97.44 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OFFICE DEPOT - SUPPLIES 35.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK AMAZON -TRASH BAGS/TISSUE 204.56 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SAMSCLUB -LED LIGHT BULBS 109.59 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK HOBBY LOBBY - MATERIALS 20A5 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK AMAZON -PAPER TOWELS 141.87 TOTAL COMMUNITY CENTER 1,783.58 HISTORICAL MUSEUM JONEOK, INC OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS INATURAL GAS USAGE 143.28 TOTAL HISTORICAL MUSEUM 143.28 ECONOMIC DEV VERIZON WIRELESS WIRELESS CONNECTION 29.65 TREASURER PETTY CASH MILEAGE REIMB 135.24 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OK NEWS- SUBSCRIPTION 126.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OKLA PROF -OEDC DUES 300.00 CITY GARAGE LABOR/OVERHEAD - MARCH 69.25 TOTAL ECONOMIC DEV 660.14 57,817.0 FUND GRAND TOTAL AMBULANCE CITY GARAGE LABORIOVERHEAD - MARCH 766.58 CITY GARAGE VEH PARTS PURCH - FEB 82.84 FLEETCOR TECHNOLOGIES FUELMAN EXP - FEB, 2017 2,191.08 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK NAT'L REGISTRY -NR RECERT 20.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK NAT'L REGISTRY -NR RECERT 20.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK FULLERTON- OXYGEN 61.50 Page 6 Claims List 3/21/2017 Budget Unit Title Vendor Name Payable Description Payment Amount AMBULANCE JPMORGAN CHASE BANK BOUND TREE - SUPPLIES 3,590.77 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK BOUND TREE - SUPPLIES 388.03 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK NAT'L REGISTRY -NR RECERT 20.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK NAT'L REGISTRY -NR RECERT 20.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK NAT'L REGISTRY -NR RECERT 20.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SAFE KIDS - TRAINING 50.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OKLA POLICE SPLY -DRU EQ 649.90 . 0MORGAN CHASE BANK NAT'L REGISTRY -EMT TEST 70.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK NAT'L REGISTRY - RECERT 15.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK PEARSON -AEMT BOOKS 179.39 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK NAT'L REGISTRY -NR RECERT 20.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK NAT'L REGISTRY -NR RECERT 20.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK NAT'L REGISTRY -NR RECERT 20.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ZOLL- SUPPLIES 735.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SUMMIT TRUCK - REPAIR AMB 1,091.02 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SUMMIT TRUCK - REPAIR AMB 1,303.44 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SO ANESTHESIA - SUPPLIES 119.80 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SO ANESTHESIA - SUPPLIES 8.45 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SO ANESTHESIA - SUPPLIES 69.90 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SO ANESTHESIA - SUPPLIES 607.33 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ZOLL DATA - CUSTOM REPORT 50.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LODGING EXPENSE 123.04 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LODGING EXPENSE 123.04 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK HENRY SCHEIN- SUPPLIES 2,174.44 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK GREEN CO -MED WASTE 325.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK QUADMED- SUPPLIES 952.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TRAVEL EXPENSE 29.76 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ZOLL- SUPPLIES 899.04 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TRAVEL EXPENSE 49.64 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK NAT'L REGISTRY -NR RECERT 20.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TRAVEL EXPENSE 30.06 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK CARHARTT- REFUND -18.46 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SO ANESTHESIA - CREDIT -56.30 VERIZON WIRELESS WIRELESS CONNECTION 238.63 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ARROW INT'L- SUPPLIES 1,208.77 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ARROW INT'L- SUPPLIES 1,108.77 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SUMMIT -AMB REPAIR 1,197.67 EXCELLANCE, INC INSTALLATION 1,884.75 EXCELLANCE, INC PARTS 510.19 TOTAL AMBULANCE 22,990.07 22,990.0 FUND GRAND TOTAL E911 COMMUNICATIONS JAT&T T -1 CIRCUITS @ RADIO TOWE 932.73 Page 7 Claims List 3/2112017 Budget Unit Title Vendor Name Payable Descri tion Pa ment Amount E911 COMMUNICATIONS AT &T E911 MAPPING SVCS 710.70 INCOG -E911 E911 ADMIN SVCS FEES 8,150.36 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TOTAL RADIO -MAINT CONTRCT 410.00 COX COMMUNICATIONS SVC FEE T -1 CIRCUITS RADI 233.95 TOTAL E911 COMMUNICATIONS 10,437.74 10,437.7 FUND GRAND TOTAL HOTEL TAX - ECON DEV JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LODGING EXPENSE 153.74 TOTAL HOTEL TAX •ECON DEV 153.74 STRONG NEIGHBORHOODS JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OFFICE DEPOT- SUPPLIES 32.97 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SAV ON- BROCHURES 120.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OSNI WORKSHOP MTG EXP 31.89 CITY GARAGE LABOR/OVERHEAD - MARCH 75.83 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OFFICE DEPOT -SIGN STAND 114.35 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK AMAZON- WIRELESS PRESENTER 39.95 TOTAL STRONG NEIGHBORHOODS 414.99 568.7 FUND GRAND TOTAL STORMWATER - STORMWATI TREASURER PETTY CASH VEHICLE TAG 42.50 MESHEK & ASSOCIATES, P.L.C. ENGINEERING SERVICES 4,890.00 JACQUELYN BROOKE KONONCHUK CONSULTING SERVICES 4,037.50 VERIZON WIRELESS WIRELESS CONNECTION 40.01 TOTAL STORMWATER• STORMWATER 9,010.01 9,010.01 FUND GRAND TOTAL 129TH E AVE TO HWY 169 IBENCHMARK SURVEYING & LAND SERVICES ISURVEY SERVICES- 116 ST 7,334.00 TOTAL 7,334.00 GARNETT RD T0129TH E AVE GUY ENGINEERING SERVICES INC ENGINEERING SERVICES 34,695.55 TOTAL 34,695.55 MINGO RD TO GARNETT RD GARVER JENGINEERING SERVICES 24,057.00 TOTAL 24,057.00 66,086.5 FUND 34- VISION TAX GRAND TOTAL Page 8 Claims List 3/21/2017 FESTIVAL PARK LAND /STRUC GH2 ARCHITECTS LLC IVISION 2025 FESTIVAL PARK 1 10,937.50 TOTAL 10,937.50 FUND 36- CAPITAL IMPROV GRANTS GRAND TOTAL 10,937 SALES TAX FUND -FIRE IAT&T ILONG DISTANCE PHONE BILL I fOM CABINET AND DOOR FURNITURE 1,080.00' C STUCKEY TUITION REIMBURSEMENT 299.91 ZAD FIRE EQUIPMENT INC. REPAIRS 2,080.33 iH AMERICA FIRE EQUIPMENT CO. HELMETS 805.58 �HOMA POLICE SUPPLY UNIFORM ITEMS 221.98 MINS SOUTHERN PLAINS, LTD REPAIRS 3,369.47 -Y EVENT CENTER, INC. MONTHLY MEETING EXPENSE 300.00 DK, INC OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS NATURAL GAS USAGE 936.54 )RGAN CHASE BANK LOWES- REFUND -2.30 ZON WIRELESS WIRELESS CONNECTION 788.45 )RGAN CHASE BANK VOSS LIGHTING- REPAIR ST #3 1,425.00 )RGAN CHASE BANK ADVANCE AUTO -PARTS 17.26 )RGAN CHASE BANK ADVANCE AUTO -PARTS 8.39 )RGAN CHASE BANK OREILLY- VEHICLE PARTS 18.93 ENERGY FUELS, LLC CNG FUEL PURCH - FEB, 201 6430 GARAGE LABOR/OVERHEAD - MARCH 1,725.91 GARAGE VEH PARTS PURCH - FEB 438.57 TCOR TECHNOLOGIES FUELMAN EXP - FEB, 2017 1,383.62 )RGAN CHASE BANK OVERHEAD DOOR- REPAIRS 300.00 )RGAN CHASE BANK IMAGENET -MO COPIER FEE 440.17 )RGAN CHASE BANK LOWES- PAINT /HANDLES 28.12 )RGAN CHASE BANK PIKEPASS -FEES 33.20 )RGAN CHASE BANK ATWOOD -POST MARKERS 11.16 )RGAN CHASE BANK TULSA AUTO SPRING- REPAIRS 3,954.82 )RGAN CHASE BANK TRAINING EXPENSE 273.00 )RGAN CHASE BANK TRAVEL EXPENSE 10.98 )RGAN CHASE BANK TRAVEL EXPENSE 6.98 )RGAN CHASE BANK TRAVEL EXPENSE 8.99 )RGAN CHASE BANK TRAVEL EXPENSE 10.00 )RGAN] CHASE BANK TRAVEL EXPENSE 11.98 ,RGAN CHASE BANK TRAINING EXPENSE 12.00 'RGAN CHASE BANK LIBERTY ART WRKS- RECOGNIT 215.00 )RGAN CHASE BANK TRAVEL EXPENSE 49.37 )RGAN CHASE BANK TRAINING EXPENSE 55.40 )RGAN CHASE BANK FIRE INST TEST - SOFTWARE 199.00 �RGAN CHASE BANK AMAZON -WATER COOLERS 113.96 )RGAN CHASE BANK LOWES - SUPPLIES 4.57 iRGAN CHASE BANK LOWES- SUPPLIES 11.08 Page 9 Claims List 3/21/2017 Budget Unit Title Vendor Name Payable Description Pa ment Amount SALES TAX FUND -FIRE JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TRAINING EXPENSE 304.45 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TRAINING EXPENSE 23.90 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TRAINING EXPENSE 7.48 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK CORNERSTONE - LIGHTS 25.99 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK CORNERSTONE - SUPPLIES 10.19 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WALMART- SUPPLIES 84.67 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WALMART - TRAINING EXPENSE 41.30 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ROGUE FITNESS- UNIFORMS 79.99 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK REASORS- SUPPLIES 21.98 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OFFICE DEPOT- SUPPLIES 64.97 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES- SUPPLIES 51.42 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SPECIAL OPS- UNIFORMS 201.87 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TULSA SPRING- VEHICLE MAIN 398.96 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES - SUPPLIES 31.85 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TRAINING EXPENSE 360.81 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TRAVEL EXPENSE 8.38 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK FMAO- CONFERENCE 35.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK GALLS - UNIFORMS 699.93 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TRAVEL EXPENSE 52.85 TOTAL SALES TAX FUND -FIRE 23,224.51 FIRE STATION #4 IWILLIAMS, SPURGEON, KUHL & 1PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 52,313.64 TOTAL FIRE STATION #4 52,313.64 PARKING LOT FS #1 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TWIN CITIES - CONCRETE 372.75 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TWIN CITIES - CONTRETE 2,609.25 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK BROWN FARMS -SOD 95.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK QUIK SERVICE -REBAR 1,290.24 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK BROWNCO -SLAB BOLSTERS 89.76 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES- LUMBER 5.83 OWASSO TOP SOIL DIRT 65.00 4,527.83 I 80,065.9 !`=U11` Imo;: \ilD '1 CJfa SALES TAX FUND- POLICE AT &T LONG DISTANCE PHONE BILL 27.74 TREASURER PETTY CASH UNIFORM ITEMS 24.92 TREASURER PETTY CASH NOTARY RENEWALNINSON 20.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH NOTARY FILINGS 30.00 ONEOK, INC OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS NATURAL GAS USAGE 433.49 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK FAMILY ANIMAL -K9 MEDICAL 113.30 VERIZON WIRELESS WIRELESS CONNECTION 847.73 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK FASTENAL- REFUND - 239.05 Page 10 Claims List 3/21/2017 Budget Unit Title Vendor Name Payable Description Payment Amount SALES TAX FUND - POLICE JPMORGAN CHASE BANK EMBLEM ENTERPRISE- UNIFORM 3737 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK UPS STORE - SHIPPING 95.39 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SPECIAL OPS- PEPPER SPRAY 362.50 FLEETCOR TECHNOLOGIES FUELMAN EXP - FEB, 2017 5,741.19 DRAKE SYSTEMS INC COPIER LEASE 463.28 CITY GARAGE LABOR/OVERHEAD - MARCH 11,537.00 SPECIAL OPS UNIFORMS, INC VEST 348.25 RICH & CARTMILL, INC NOTARY BOND 30.00 RICH & CARTMILL, INC NOTARY BOND 30.00 RICH & CARTMILL, INC NOTARY BOND 30.00 SPECIAL OPS UNIFORMS, INC VEST 562.24 SPECIAL OPS UNIFORMS, INC UNIFORM ITEMS 193.98 OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ELEVATOR INSPECTION 100.00 TOMMY E WORCESTER THE TINT SHOP WINDOW TINTING 275.00 TOMMY E WORCESTER THE TINT SHOP WINDOW TINTING 50.00 SCHINDLER ELEVATOR INC ELEVATOR MAINT AGMT -PD 2,340.00 CITY GARAGE VEH PARTS PURCH - FEB 2,295.88 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK USPS- SHIPPING 24.83 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LA POLICE- UNIFORM 1,062.60 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LA POLICE - SUPPLIES 227.91 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK AMAZON- SUPPLIES 33.98 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK FASTENAL- FIREARM SUPPLIES 223.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WALMART - SUPPLIES 21.72 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WALMART - SUPPLIES 118.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SAMS CLUB- SUPPLIES 100.43 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK FAMILY ANIMAL -K9 MEDICAL 489.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WATERSTONE -DRY CLEANING 169.65 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TACTICAL GEAR -UNIF ITEMS 871.12 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WATERSTONE -DRY CLEANING 1,198.30 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK USPS- SHIPPING 14.58 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TRAFFIC SAFETY -CONES 290.19 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK BEST BUY- TELEVISION 299.99 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SPECIALS OPS- SUPPLIES 31.99 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SOUTHERN AG -K9 SUPPLIES 29.99 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK HEARWORLD- SUPPLIES 139.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK HOME DEPOT -K9 SUPPLIES 23.29 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK DIGITALRIVE -REIMB 030317 49.99 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WALMART - SUPPLIES 9.79 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LIBERTY FLAGS - SUPPLIES 34.50 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SAMSCLUB- SUPPLIES 9510 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OWASSO -CAR WASH 6.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OKLA GANG - TRAINING 450.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ULINE- SUPPLIES 183.51 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK FBI LEEDA- ANNUAL DUES 50.00 Page 11 Claims List 3/21/2017 SALES TAX FUND - POLICE JPMORGAN CHASE BANK PETSMART -K9 SUPPLIES 22.98 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OWASSO AUTO- INSTALL CHG 127.07 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SPECIAL OPS- UNIFORM 99.99 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TACTICAL GEAR - UNIFORM 85.94 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OFFICE DEPOT -PD MOUSE 39.99 1;r s +,ies. TAX FUND-POLICE 32,710.27 32, TAX FUND- STREETS JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES -WIRE STRIPPERS 55.49 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK AFFILIATED ELEC -PARTS 31.04 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK REALTRUCK -SIDE STEPS 679.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK FASTENAL -TAX CREDIT -3.51 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES- PLEXIGLAS 57.98 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK FASTENAL -ROUND STEEL 12.62 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK FASTENAL- STEEL/HARDWARE 28.88 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK FASTENAL- SCREWS 21.55 VERDIGRIS VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP SECURITY LIGHT 6.24 VERDIGRIS VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP CHAMPIONS STREET LIGHTING 34.04 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK GRAINGER- ANCHOR SCREWS 82.94 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK FULLERTON - CYLINDER LEASE 200.00 CITY GARAGE VEH PARTS PURCH - FEB 1,798.66 CITY GARAGE LABOR/OVERHEAD - MARCH 2,672.50 FLEETCOR TECHNOLOGIES FUELMAN EXP- FEB, 2017 551.19 BLUE ENERGY FUELS, LLC CNG FUEL PURCH - FEB, 201 308.95 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES- LUMBER 28.96 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES - IRRIGATION PARTS 3.12 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK PIKEPASS -FEES 15.60 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK PARTMASTER -HOLE SAW BIT 209.20 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES- FORMING SUPPLIES 62.54 ALTEC INDUSTRIES 2017 DODGE BUCKET TRUCK 139,340.00 VERIZON WIRELESS WIRELESS CONNECTION 80.02 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP UNIFORM CLEANING 55.70 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP UNIFORM CLEANING 64.91 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP UNIFORM CLEANING 49.91 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WELDON- TRAILER LIGHTS 13.64 TULSA ASPHALT, LLC ASPHALT FOR POTHOLES 68.85 OWASSO TOP SOIL DIRT- SIDEWALK PROJECT 65.00 TWIN CITIES READY MIX, INC CONCRETE - SIDEWALK PROJ 144.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK FASTENAL- FASTENERS /BITS 181.71 AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER MAIN STREET LIGHTING 1,000.00 AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER SILVER CREEK LIGHTING 513.00 AEP IPSO STREET LIGHTS 6,092.60 TREASURER PETTY CASH CDL LICENSEITHOMPSON 51,50 Page 12 Claims List 3/21/2017 Budget Unit Title I Vendor Name Payable Description Payment Amouni TOTAL SALES TAX FUND - STREETS 154,577.83 154,577.8 FUND GRAND TOTAL CI - FBO BUILDING FURNITURE MARKETING GROUP FURNITURE 1,451.35 IJPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES -DOOR 12,94 TOTAL CI - FBO BUILDING 1,464.29 STREET REHAB FYI LOWRY CONSTRUCTION SERVICES FY 15 -16 STREET REHAB PRO 66,133.76 ISCURLOCK INDUSTRIES OF MIAMI, OK IFRAME & GRATE - FY 15 -16 1,127.50 TOTAL STREET REHAB FY16 67,261.26 1061145TH INTERSECT IMP JPOE, LTD JENGINEERING DESIGN 12,381.00 TOTAL 1061145TH INTERSECT IMP 12,381.00 BROOKFIELD CROSSING JEARTH SMART CONSTRUCTION INC CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 120,260.51 TOTAL BROOKFIELD CROSSING 120,260.51 LAKERIDGE /CNTL PAK IMPR< MESHEK & ASSOCIATES, P.L.C. ENGINEERING SERVICES 886.80 MESHEK & ASSOCIATES, P.L.C. ENGINEERING SERVICES 3,583.60 TOTAL LAKERIDGE /CNTL PAK IMPROV 4,470.40 205,837.4 FUND GRAND TOTAL CITY GARAGE JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WELDON- EXHAUST PIPE /CLAMP 24.48 MANAGERPLUS SOLUTIONS NEW SOFTWARE FOR VEH MAIN 12,004.70 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK GOODYEAR -TIRES 3,617.91 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SUMMIT -MUD FLAPS 195.71 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK UNITED FORD -PARTS RESALE 369.59 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LENOX- TOWING 250.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LENOX - TOWING 154.50 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LENOX- TOWING 235.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LENOX- TOWING 154.50 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LENOX- TOWING 75.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SUMMIT -CAB BRACKET 367.89 AT &T LONG DISTANCE PHONE BILL 2.84 ONEOK, INC OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS NATURAL GAS USAGE 418.57 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP UNIFORM RENTAL FEES 34.01 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP UNIFORM RENTAL FEES 34.01 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK NAPA -POWER PLUG END 10.69 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TULSA AUTO SPRING- ALIGNMN 65.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK BUMP2BUMP -PART RESALE 41.00 Page 13 Claims List Budget Unit Title Vendor Name Payable Description Payment Amounf CITY GARAGE JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OFFICE DEPOT - SUPPLIES 7.99 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK FULLERTON- CYLINDER LEASE 240.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK MALCHI- CYLINDER REPAIRS 1,040.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK BUMP2BUMP -PARTS RESALE 17.50 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK BUMP2BUMP -PARTS RESALE 8109 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK HESSELBEIN -TRUCK TIRES 386.07 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK HESSELBEIN -TIRE 66.01 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK MHC KENWORTH -SEAT BELT 198.90 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK PILOTMALL -CO DETECTOR 199.80 TOTAL CITY GARAGE 20,294.76 20,294.7 FUND GRAND TOTAL WORKERS' COMP SELF -INS CITY OF OWASSO IMPREST ACCOUNT WORKERS COMP CLAIMS EXPEN 20,349.00 UNITED SAFETY & CLAIMS INC UNITED SAFETY CLAIMS 1,658.33 CITY OF OWASSO IMPREST ACCOUNT IWORKERS COMP CLAIMS EXPEN 4,110.87 TOTAL WORKERS' COMP SELF -INS 26,118.20 26,118.2 FUND GRAND TOTAL GEN LIAB -PROP SELF INS JEFF BAXTER ITORT CLAIM 750.00 TOTAL GEN LIAB -PROP SELF INS 750.00 750.0 FUND GRAND TOTAL CITY GRAND TOTAL $698,202.12 Page 14 Sd The City Wif out Limits. TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Owasso FROM: Scott Chambless Chief of Police SUBJECT: Supplemental Appropriation - Friends of the Owasso Police Donation DATE: March 17, 2017 BACKGROUND: In February of 2016, the foundation, "Friends of the Owasso Police Department" donated $8,000 to the police department. The funding is being utilized for the purchase of a K -9. The K -9 is replacing an existing K -9 named Samson who is being retired due to his age and dental problems. The ability to replace Samson was crucial to ensure that every patrol shift continues to have a K -9 team. To date, Friends of the Owasso Police has donated almost $60,000. The funding has purchased three police dogs, load bearing vests for officers, investigative equipment, TASERs, ballistic shields, and rifle rated ballistic vests. The opportunities and extra levels of safety that these donations have created have been invaluable. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends acceptance of the donation from the Friends of the Owasso Police Department and approval of a budget amendment in the Police Department, Half -Penny Sales Tax Fund increasing the estimated revenue and the appropriation for expenditures by $8,000. The Citdyw�' ouf Limits. TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Owasso FROM: Earl Farris Project Administrator SUBJECT: Acceptance of Water and Sanitary Sewer Improvements at Abbott Farms Phase I DATE: March 17, 2017 BACKGROUND: The subject residential development is located on the north side of East 106 Street North, east of Mingo. Two entrances are off of East 106 Street North, just east of Mingo. Public Infrastructure improvements include water and sanitary sewer systems. FINAL INSPECTIONS: Final inspections for the infrastructure components were completed in February 2017 by the Public Works Department. All standards for acceptance have been met. Additionally, the construction contractor and design engineer have supplied the necessary two -year maintenance bonds and required as -built drawings. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends acceptance of water and wastewater infrastructure improvements at Abbott Farms Phase I. ATTACHMENTS: Location Map City Attorney bond approval letter & copy of bonds ABBOTT FARMS PHASE I 1" = 376 ft LOCATION MAP 03/06/2017 A, L 5 This map represents a visual display of related geographic information. Data provided hereon is not a guarantee of actual field conditions. To be sure of complete accuracy, please contact Owasso Public staff for the most up -to -date information. Farris, Earl From: Lombardi, Julie Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2017 3:53 PM To: Eaton, Steven Subject: RE: Abbott Farms Steven, I have reviewed four maintenance bonds for Paving, Sanitary Sewer System, Water System and Storm Sewer, and an additional performance bond, for Abbot Farms Phase 1 at your request. The Attorney -in -Fact signatures are authorized, the surety is licensed to do business in Oklahoma and the amount of each bond is well within the surety's $2,004,000 underwriting limitation. Therefore, the bonds are approved. Julie Lombardi Julie Trout Lombardi City Attorney 200 S Main St PO Box 180 Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 918.376- 1511(o) 918.376 -1599 (f) - - - -- Original Message---- - From: Eaton, Steven Sent: Monday, February 13, 2017 8:40 AM To: Lombardi, Julie Subject: Abbott Farms Ms. Lombardi, I am sending a maintenance bond and a Performance bond for review. Would you please reply with your findings. Thank you, Steven Eaton City of Owasso Infrastructure Inspector seaton Pcitvofowasso.com Phone 918 - 272 -4959 Cell 918-693-3979 Maintenance Bond PRIVATELY FINANCED PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS Bond No: GR37805 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we IRA M. GREEN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY as Principal (Developer and Contractor), and GRANITE RE, INC, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, as Obligee, in the penal stun of TWO HUNDRED FORTY -ONE THOUSAND, NINE HUNDRED THREE DOLLARS & 901100 * * * ** ($241,903.90) to which payment will and truly to be made, we do bind ourselves, and each of our heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, the Principal will furnish a bond conditioned to guarantee, for the period of TWO YEAR after final approval of the ABBOT FARMS PHASE I — SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM, a privately financed public improvement, and acceptance of such by the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, against all defects in workmanship and materials which may become apparent in such privately financed public improvement during said period. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH that the Principal and/or Surety shall indemnify the Obligee for all loss that the Obligee may sustain by reason of any defective materials or workmanship in the privately financed public improvement which may become apparent during the said period. SIGNED, SEALED, AND DATED: JANUARY 30, 2017 IRA M. GREEN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, Principal �GRANITE RE, INC., Surety BY: (IWA- Attorney -in -Fact Amy Lambe, GRANiTE RE, INC. GENERAL POWER OF ATTORNEY Know all Men by then@ Presents: ; That GRANITE RE, INC., a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of OKLAHOMA and having its principal office. at the City of OKLAHOMA CITY in the State of OKLAHOMA does hereby constitute and appoint: -" BARRY L. HERRING; SHANNON NICHOLAS; VICKY JARVIS; CARIA CARTER; AMY LAMBERT; PAM SLATON; AUDREY MCCRAW; NANCY. M., HANSEN its true and lawful Attorney- fn- Fact(s),for the following purposes,, to wjt: To sign its name as surety to, and to execute, seat and acknowledge any and all bonds, and to respectively do and perform any and all -acts and things set forth in the resolution of the Board of Directors of the said GRANITE RE, INC, a certified,copy of which fs'hereto annexed and made a part of this Power of Attorney; and the said GRANITE RE, INC. through us, Its Board of Directors, hereby rafjfies and *confirms all, and whatsoever thb said:. . ;i BARRY L HERRING; SHANNON NICHOLAS; VICKY JARVIS; CARLA CARTER; AMY LAMBERT; PAM SLATON; AU.DREY MCCMW;. NANCY M. 'HANSEN may lawfully do in the premises Iryyirtue of these presents. .. .. • In Witness Whereof, the said GRANITE RE, INC. has caused this instrument to be sealed with its corpoate seal,,duly attested by the -; signatures of Its President and Secretary/Treasurer, this 20 day of December, 2016. Kenneth D. Whittinglon, P,resideut; i STATE OF OKLAHOMA COUNTYQF.OKLAHOMA) Kyl .McDonald „Treasurer ',. , On this 29i° day of December, 2016, before me personally came Kenneth D.” Whittington, President.of the GRANITE, RE,. me INC., Company and Kyle P. McDonald, Secrets y[Freasurer,of said Company, with both of whom i am personally acquainted, who being by severally duly sworn, said, that they, the said Kenneth D. Whittington and Kyle P. McDonald were respectively4he President and.,ihe -secretary/Treasurer of GRANITE RE, INC., the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing Power of Attorney; fiat they eacj_.. knew the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said Power of Attorney was such corporate seal,, that Lt was so fixed by order of the 'Board of Directors of said corporation, and that they, signed their name thereto by like order as' `President an l:Secretii lTreasurer, re.pectively,of the Company.' .. My commission Expires:'�,P,,..,,.,w�` :.August8,2017 _ +O.>* ?Nola' Public :(t " Coromission #: 01013257 L= . • .: " ". . i ..: .: ' GRANITE RE, INC. .. _ .. Certificate .. .. .. THE UNDERSIGNED, being the duly elected and acting Secretary/Treasurer of Granite Re, Inc., an Oklahoma Corporation, HEREBY CERTIFIES that the following resolution is a true and correct excerpt from the July 15, 1987, minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors of Granite Re, Inc, and that said Power of Attorney teas not been revoked and is now in full force and effect. "RESOLVED, thatthe President, any Vice President, the Secretary, and any Assistant Via Presidentshall each have authority to appoint Individuals as attorneys -fn -fact or under other appropriate titles with authority to execute on behalf of the company fidelity and surety bonds and other documents of similar character issued by the Company in the course of its business. On any instrument making or evidencing such appointment, the signatures may be affixed by facsimile. On any instrument conferring such authority or on any bond or undertaking of the Company, the seal, or a facsimile thereof, may be impressed or affixed or In any other manner reproduced; provided, however, tfiat the seal shall not be necessary to the validity of any such instrument or undertaking." il �TNESS WH REOF the undersigned as subscribed this Certificate and affixed the corporate seat of the Corporation this day of 6L ,2 T, , ssxr. Kyle P. McDonald, SecretaryTreasurer GR0B00-1 Maintenance Bond PRIVATELY FINANCE' D PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS Bond No: GR37804 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we IRA M. GREEN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY as Principal (Developer and Contractor), and GRANITE RE, INC, as Surety, are held and frraily bound unto the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, as Obligee, in the penal sum of TWO HUNDRED EIGHTY -THREE THOUSAND, SIX HUNDRED SIXTEEN DOLLARS & 00 /100 * * * ** ($283,616.00) to which payment will and truly to be made, we do bind ourselves, and each of our heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, the Principal will furnish a bond conditioned to guarantee, for the period of TWO YEAR after final approval of the ABBOT FARMS PHASE I — WATER SYSTEM, a privately financed public improvement, and acceptance of such by the City, Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, against all defects in workmanship and materials which may become apparent in such privately financed public improvement during said period. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH that the Principal and /or Surety shall indemnify the Obligee for all loss that the Obligee may sustain by reason of any defective materials or workmanship in the privately financed public improvement which may become apparent during the said period. SIGNED,.SEAI,E•D, AND DATED: JANUARY 30, 2017 IRA M. GREEN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, Principal GRA ITE RE, INC., Su ety BY; Attorney -in -Fact Amy Lamb t GRANITE RE,:INC. :GENERAL POWER OF ATTORNEY Know all Men by these Presents: That GRANITE RE, INC., a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of OKLAHOMA and having its principal office at the City of.OKLAHOMA CITY In the5tate of OKLAHOMA does hereby constitute and appoint; BARRY L HERRING; SHANNON NICHOLAS;, VICKYJARVIS; CARLA CARTER, AMY LAMBERT; PAM SLATON; AUDREY MCCRAW, NANCY M.. HANSEN its true and lawful Attorney-in-Fact(s) LA rney- in- Factis) for the following purposes,.lo wit: !To sign sign its name as surety to, and to:execute, seal and acknowledge any and all bonds, andto respectively do and perform any and all acts and things set forth in the resolution of the Board of Directors of the said GRANITE RE, INC, a certified copy of which is hereto annexed and made a part of-this Power of Attorney, and the said GRANITE RE, INC. through us, its Board of Directors, hereby ratifies and confirms all and whatsoever the said: BARRY L HERRING; SHANNON NICHOLAS; VICKY JARVIS; CARLA CARTER; AMY LAMBERT; PAM SLATON; AUDREY MCCRAW; NANCY M. HANSEN may lawfully do.fn the:premises by virtue of these presents. in Witness Whereof, the said GRANITE RE, INC. has caused this Instrument to be seated with its. corporate seal, duly attested by the . signatures of its Presidentand Secretary/ reasurer, this 2911 day of December, 2016. -Kenneth P - _STATE OF OKLAHOMA ,) _ - s� L _� _ . `SS: (?/k� COUNTY OF OKLAHOMA') _Kyle .McDonald, Treasurer - On this 291h day of December, 2016, before me personally came Kenneth D. Whittington, President of the GRANITE. RE, INC. . Company and Kyle P. McDonald, Secretary/Treasurer of said Company, with both of whom I am personally acquainted, who being by me severally _duly 'sworn,. said, that they, the said Kenneth D. Whittington and Kyle P. McDonald were respectively the President and the ,Secretary/T!rwurer of GRANITE RE, INC., the corporation described in and Which executed the foregoing Power of Attorney; that they each knew the, seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said Power of Attorney was such corporate seal, that it was so fixed by order of the Board, of Directors of said corporation, and that they signed their name thereto by like order as President and Secretary/Treasurer, ; respectively, of the.Carppany.,, My.Commission Expires: August 8, 2017 y Notar !,Public Commission #_ 01013257. GRANITE RE, INC. . - Certificate . THE UNDERSIGNED, being the duly elected and acting Secretary/Freasurer of Granite Re, Inc., an Oklahoma Corporation, HEREBY CERTIFIES . . that the following resolution Is a true and correct excerpt from the July 15,1987, minutes of the meeting crM,he Board of Directors of,Granit.e Re, Inc.. and that sald,Power of Attorney has not been revoked and is now in full force and effect. "RESOLVED, that the President, any Vice President the Secretary, and any Assistant Vice President shaiteach have authprity to4.ppofnt Individuals as attorneys -in -fact or.under other appropriate titles with authorityto execute on behalf of the company tldefity and surety . ` bonds and other documents of similar character issued by the Company In the course of its business. On any instrument making or ic evidencing such appointment, the signatures may he affixed by facsimile.- On any instrument conferring such authority or on any bond or undertaking of.the Company, the seal, or a facsimile thereof, may be impressed or- affixed or in any other manner. reprpduced; provided, however, thatthe seal shali'nptbe necessary to the.validity of anysuch instrument or undertaking." 1, �TNESS WH REOF, the undersigned+h -QS subscribed this Certificate and affixed the corporate seal of the Corporation this...' day of 20 L! • "°`"s Kyle P McDonald, SecretarWrreasurer GR0800-1 OWit out Limits. TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Owasso FROM: Earl Farris Project Administrator SUBJECT: Acceptance of Infrastructure Improvements at The Cottages at Tallgrass Point DATE: March 17, 2017 BACKGROUND: The subject residential development is located at 8748 North 97th East Avenue. Public infrastructure improvements include sanitary sewer, stormwater drainage, water, and concrete approaches including sidewalk. FINAL INSPECTIONS: Final inspections for all infrastructure components were completed in February of 2017 by the Public Works Department. All standards for acceptance have been met. Additionally, the construction contractor and design engineer have supplied the necessary two -year maintenance bonds and required as -built drawings. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends acceptance of infrastructure improvements including sanitary sewer, stormwater drainage, water and concrete approaches including sidewalk improvements at The Cottages at Tallgrass Point. ATTACHMENTS: Location Map City Attorney bond approval letters & copy of bonds COTTAGES AT TALLG RASS 1" = 376 ft LOCATION MAP 12/27/2016 - Y ✓' 5 This map represents a visual display of related geographic information. Data provided hereon is not a guarantee of actual field conditions. To be sure of complete accuracy, please contact Owasso Public staff for the most up -to -date information. Farris, Earl From: Lombardi, Julie Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2017 4:32 PM To: Hancock, Brandon Cc: Farris, Earl Subject: RE: Cottages at Tallgrass Asphalt Bond Brandon, I have reviewed the asphalt maintenance bond for the Cottages at Tallgrass Apartments at your request. The Attorney - in -Fact signature is authorized, the surety is licensed to do business in Oklahoma, and the amount of the bond is well within the surety's $13,811,000 underwriting limitation, Therefore, the bond is approved. Julie Lombardi Julie Trout Lombardi City Attorney 200 S Main St PO Box 180 Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 918.376- 1511(o)918.376- 1599(f) From: Hancock, Brandon Sent: Tuesday, December 27, 2016 8:41 AM To: Lombardi, Julie; Farris, Earl (efarrisCalCityOfOwasso com) Subject: Cottages at Tallgrass Asphalt Bond Julie- Please review bond and reply all to this email with your findings. Brandon Hancock, CPiI Infrastructure Inspector Owasso Public Works office: 918 272 -4959 fax: 918 272 -4996 cell: 918 693 -0373 bhancock @cityofowasso com Maintenance Bond PRIVATELY FINANCED PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS Bond No; 1016705 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS; That we 2A & A Asphalt, Inc. as Principal (Developer and Contractor), Mid - Continent Casualty Company . as Surety, are held and firmly bound.unto the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, as Obligee, in the penal stun of forty six thousand four hundred one dollars and 301100 ................ �4a,9oiso to which payment will and truly to be made, we do bind ourselves, and each of our heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, the Prmi cipal will %raish a bond conditioned to guarantee, for the period of TWO YEAR after final approval of the Cottages at Tailgrass Polnt Apt , (Address 8748 N Mingo, Rd, Owasso, OK 74055 ), a privately financed public improvement, and acceptance of such by the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, against all defects in worlananship and materials which may become apparent in suolrprivately financed public improvement during said period. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF TIES OBLIGATION IS SUCH that the Principal and/or Surety shall indemnify the Obligee for all loss that the Obligee may sustain by reason of any defective materials or workmanship in the privately financed public improvement which may become apparent during the said period. SIGNED, SEALED, AND DATED: December 21, 2016 M, In Sharon Sappington Principal Surety Attot ey -in -Fact .,KNOW ALL MEN 13Y. THESE .PRESENTS: That Ihe,MID4.ONTINENTCASUALTY COMPANY, a corporation virgarlIzod and existing under arni by Virtue of the IaW6 of the Slate of-bitio, does hereby noralrutte, -,consillulto andappoInt Ins'pers n or persons named below, each Individually If in than one is named, Ite'lide" ;. . -, 1. � (a ore And lawful attorney-1`444,j& it sni Its name, phtictoWd steed to execute on b half of the said Company, as surely,' any and.all bonds, undertakings and contiraols, of suretyship, or other written obligations In the nature thereof. J, H. Beavers, Terry D. Cupp, Deborah Eidson, P Garrinmell,MellepaiNafigus and Shqroji.,Sappington, all of. BROKEN ARROW, OK COMPANY has i6atnsed( Jh",e presents tobeiisfipnsd and attested by Its of May .2 016 E M10-CONTINENT CASUALTY COMPANY 7 IN MAUKL Secretary tTC)DD BAZATA 1 VICE PRESIDENT In this 03 dayr6i May i%; 2016 before mepersonally qgiqirrad,. TODD BA7ATA- ;to me known; being: deposes -nil says' thato* hesesides In ka6h*ArriAW; Oklahoma, the . I she . 9 . a Vice , President of Mid Continent Casualty Company, the ascribed in and which *exbibuted the abovehisfriumartit; thhl'alhe knows the east or (14siild Company; that the "it diked to the said a such corporate seal; that It was soeflixed by authority of her/his office tinder the By-Laws of said Company, and that alhe signed his name OF TULSA, This Power of At6mtoy ii.griunted by authorltyi of the ioljowlng b a etn"yy yun. ninuto the Executive Vice Is. to appoint one i 008253 sd by 'p.oard of DItWers of Mid-C 6 : flitineritCrIsuall C the several Senior Vice Presidents and Moe Presidents or any one of them, orneys-In-Fact io,exeoute on behalf oftheCompany, @@s surety, any and .all .- : - rain the"psildre, th6i"681-jo. prescribe and the m8peQIIV,d tur, of a r" nyo foresaidefficars and any Secretary orAssistatfledretaryof floato of either given for the execution of any bond, undertaking, contract of and sea[ when so upodlielng hereby adopted by.theCompany as the original f , I :, � 7 1: and binidIrld, i6hiii i6de!ectasth4qW- 1 , 1. ?10" ­: 71n��!TFany with tjtp� CERTIFICATION -SHARONHACK L rB00rdilky" of Mid.contluefitiCaduq1tV Company, do htereby csirtil, Q the foregoing of Atlart 8V and the Resokilonsof Ira Board of Olredib4s^df September 25,2009 We not beeniiev&ed and are now in hillibiroo and effect it V: BEAL 3 1,4, to"t," -T'VOID IF BOX 18- EMPTY Farris, Earl From: Lombardi, Julie Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2017 4:49 PM To: Hancock, Brandon Cc Farris, Earl Subject: RE: Cottages at Tallgrass Storm Sewer Bond Brandon, I have reviewed the storm sewer maintenance bond for the Cottages at Tallgrass Apartments at your request. The Attorney -in -Fact signature is authorized, the surety is licensed to do business in Oklahoma, and the amount of the bond is well within the surety's $6,554,000 underwriting limitation. Therefore, the bond is approved. Julie Lombardi Julie Trout Lombardi City Attorney 200 S Main St PO Box 180 Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 918.376- 1511(o) 918.376 -1599 (f) From: Hancock, Brandon Sent: Tuesday, December 27, 2016 8:48 AM To: Lombardi, Julie; Farris, Earl (efarrisOpCityOfowasso com) Subject: Cottages at Tallgrass Storm Sewer Bond Julie- Please review bond and reply all with your findings. Thanks Brandon Hancock, CPII Infrastructure Inspector Owasso Public Works office: 918 272 -4959 fax: 918 272 -4996 cell: 918 693 -0373 bhancock@cityofowasso.com Maintenance Bond PRIVATELY FINANCED PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS Bond No: CBB40721 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, 'That we 'Triangle Construction & Utility, LLC as Principal (Developer and Contractor),. and National American Insurance Company as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, as Obligee, in fire penal suin of One Hundred Ninety Six Thousand Six Huadred Three & 021100 ($196,603.02) to which payment will and truly to be inade, we do bind ourselves, and each of our heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, the Principal will furnish a bond conditioned to guarantee, for the period of TWO YEAR after final approval of the Public Stornt of The Cottages at Tallgrass, 86th & Mingo, a privately financed public .improvement, and acceptance of such by the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, against all defects in workmanship and materials which may become apparent in such privately financed public improvement during said period. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH that the Principal and /or Surety shall indemnify the Obligee for all loss that the Obligee may sustain by reason of any defective materials or workmanship in the privately financed puiblic improvement which may become apparent during the said period. SIGNED, SEALED, AND DATED: December 8, 2015 Triangle y Construction & Utility, LLC, Principal BY: �t 0- National A e ican Insurance Company,, Surety BY: � _ _ Attorney -in -Fact Robbie Lea .d, Attorney -in -Pun:( Attach Power of Attorney NATIONAL AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY CHANDLER, OKLAHOMA Number. C9840721 POWER OF ATTORNEY DUPLICATES SHALL HAVE THE SAME FORCE AND EFFECT AS AN ORIGINAL ONLY WHEN ISSUED iN CONJUNCTION WITH THE ORIGINAL. R40W ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That No National American Insurance Company, a corporation duly organized under the lawn of tbp State of OHahama, having Im PundpalOmca In the dly of Chandler, Oklahoma, pursuant to the following resolution. bythegoard of Olroctors of the said Companyon and cut day of July. 1087, to win 'Resolved, mat eny vincer of the Company shall have auIllodly to make, exetam and deliver a Power of Attorney consultor as Altomaydafeci, such parsons. Arms, or coryorauansae may be selected from rime to thee. RO=Iv0d that nothing In this Power of Auomey shall bemnaeuotl as a Omni of authority (a the adomayjs}ln fact to sign, execrda, acknowledge, deliver oruthom1so Issue it Policy Or Policies of Insomnia on behalf of National American Insurcom Company. the Company Maybe afted to any Cush power of Altemoyor anycenlgcam totaling themloby foralmua. maluie orfaallm0o soul chap be vagd and binding upon the Company and any such yyowere oo oxecuted binding upan [he Companyln the future vdlh respect m tiny bond and etwumanle lamling to suchbonds to NaYpnalAmedcan Insurance, Companydoes heraby make, c nmijudo and appoint Travis B. Brown; Mark A. Nowell; Kyle Bradford; Deborah L. Raper; Susanne Cusimano; Stephen M. PolemaB; J. Kelly Deer; Vaughn graham, Jr.; Jamie M. Burris; Robbie Loyd; Vaughn P. Graham; Dwight A. Pilgrim; Shelli R, Samsel Its Due and lawful ailamey(c)lmfacl, with full power and aulhodlyhemby confahW [nits name, places and stud, to sign, execute, acknowledge and deliver toils behaff, and 10 col and dead, as folie er The OuthodlyOf Said Aaomayfo-fact to bind ilia company shag not MOW 33,00,0110 for any singlebOnd, And to bind National American insurance, Company thereby as fully and to the 000 extant as it such bonds ago documents missal; to such bonds word, stgrm6 by la duly Oumodzad aAjcarolNB NotionotAmsawn Insuanco Company, antl ett Ilia actsotsaW Apomoy(a }pursuant tothaavmomy herelnOlvou,are hembyraUSed antl confirmed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, ilia National AmodwMnsumnco Company has caused those presents to be algned by any officer of the Company and Its Corporate Seal to be hereto alibied. a STATE OF OKLAHOMA COUNTYOPLINCOLN ) SS: STATEOFOKLAHOMA } COUNTY OF LINCOLN } 83: NATIONAL AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY W. Brent LaBam, Chairman 8 Chlef Exa¢uNve, OHicar no known, who being by me duly sworn, did depose and say; that he residue in 'cot of the National American Insurance Catoppny, the corporation deaedbed In t the oast affixed totha said Instrumoni Is ouch corporate asap lhatlt waoeo Iharaloby ilkaardor. _ Notary Public My Commission Explmo April 18, 2014 Commission 002008203 110F undersigned, alraamtaryaffho Nagonol American Insurance Company. an OklahomOCO o Us t. DO HEREBY CFR FY that the foregoing. and f �t ads" ER OFATTOBNEY remains In lull torch. Signed and Svalad at the City ofCha_idlor. Oateathe do 07- Ec' r SEAL)j Cj�� P Joyce M. Sahr, Assistant Secretary Farris, Earl From: Lombardi, Julie Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2016 4:59 PM To: Hancock, Brandon Cc: Farris, Earl Subject: RE: The Cottages at Tall Grass Bonds (Sanitary and WQ Brandon, I have reviewed the sewer line and water line maintenance bonds for the Cottages at Tall Grass Apartments at your request. The attorney -In -fact signatures are authorized, the surety is licensed to do business in OK and the amount of each bond Is well within the surety's $6,554,000 underwriting limitation. Therefore, both bonds are approved. Julie Lombardi Julie Trout Lombardi City Attorney 200 S Main St PO Box 180 Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 918.376- 1511(o) 918.376 -1599 (f) - -- — _._.__.....__._.._..,._...-........_._._...._...._ ...................._....... ..... ....,.... ..... ._. ............... ._ ......... ......- ....._...._.. From: Hancock, Brandon Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2016 4:48 PM To: Lombardi, Julie; Farris, Earl (efarris(&C(ty0f0wasso.com) Subject: The Cottages at Tall Grass Bonds (Sanitary and WL) Julie- Please review the attached bonds and reply to this email with your findings. Thanks in advance for your assistance. Brandon Hancock, CPIs Infrastructure inspector Owasso Public Works office: 918 272 -4959 fax: 918 272.4996 cell; 918 693 -0373 bhancock@citvofowasso.com R:IPl�m C� X n �rt F �`�hasntty� Maintenance Bond PRIVATE, FINANCED PUBLIC I i[PROVi, MENTS Bond No: CBB46902 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS ,'fhat we Triangle Construction & Utility, L.LC, as Principal (Developer and Contractor), and National American Insurance Company. as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Owasso, Oldahoma, as Obligee, in the penal sure of One Ilundred Ninety Nine Thousand Six rtundi'M Thirly One &. 001100 ($199,631.00) to which payment will and truly to be made, we do bind ourselves, and each of our heirs, executors, administratorsi successors, and assigns jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, the Principal will furnish it bond conditioned to guarantee, for the period of TWO YEAR after final approval of the Witter line rar'fbc counges «t Tallgrass Point Aparbnenis, a privately financed public improvement; and acceptance of such by the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahonna, against all defects in workmanship and materials which may become apparent in such privately financed public improvement during said period. NOW, THEREFORE, TIIE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH that the Principal and/or Surety shall indenvnify the Obtigec for all loss that the Obligee may sustain by reason of any defective materials or workmapship in the privately financed public Improvement which may become apparent during the said period. SIGNED, SEALED, AND DATED: November 7, 2016 mangle Vol, Attry,•tion & Wility. LLC, Principal N :u/inuat f ariaan b a rnnce <nnpnny;- urety B(Y Attorney -in -Pact Attach Power of Attorney NATIONAL AMERICAN 1NsuRANCE COMtoANY CHANDLER, OKLAHOMA Number C13B46902 POWER OF ATTORNEY DUPLICATr s SHALL HAVE TI IF SAME FORCU AND EFFECT AS AN ORIGINAL ONLY VVIVN ISSUtD IN CONJUNCTION WITH TNR ORIGINAL. KNOWAtt. MEN BYTNEBE PRESENT'S That mo NoOOnsiMmtcan hl6monw Cowpony, ocomaroVOn duly'olaanlead UndOf Uho Iowa Af UIO 81808 of Ck tphomo.liaNap Ile pdndpat Stan in the d:/Of Chandler. Oklalmom. purevanl to motollorAna meol olon, adopted by the 04rdof Olmatdsof rho sold Company on the olh day Of July, 1007, to wu: "¢esoNod, that say Slaw of Ilia Company than buys aemOlty to mnkm, oaoO4lo and dnaaar A Powof of A001461 completion as AnommyJn -fact odd( posses, mmo, or wmomUona to may be selected fromUma lathes, Ro9oNed gist momisO In this pewar at Atlomay stall he onmolroodas a Omni Statutorily to Ulu altomay(s)Jn fad to rim, woeulo, admmNadoe, dolNervr OIDOwdso Isviloe pdwy wpol&laa otinsumhw on heholfof NdtrnnlAmpdaan InauraneoCamDany. no NallonatAmadcan (nsumnes Company dons lullaby make, Constitute and appdnl mdaung mamlo by facolmya, ry 6udt pp0oamm woxawmd nto waUnt t0 such bonds (o Travis E. Brown; Mails A. Nowell; Kyle Bradford; Deborah L. Raper; Susatme Cusimano; Stephen M. Poleman; J. Kelly Deer; Vaughn Graham, Jr.; Jamie M. Burris; Robbie Loyd; Vaughn P. Graharn; Dwight A. Pilgrim; Shelli R. Saulsel Ito (Meant lawful at(o)nsy(e)an•mOt,edW (on poy[orwN mAlmilty haroby wnlahad In IID Panic, placossedstsod, to Stan, oxeculo, acktlmvtedooand do)Norin Ila behalf, andils not Mid dust, as follow0: The eumddlyofsold Altomoylo•md to bind the mmpony chip Rol Vimeed $3,000,000 forany single bond. Aud•lo bind National American lasumndo Cam pany thereby par fully and to Wo Dome olmdea if such bonds rand documents rolesg, to such bonds ryem, Flamed by His duty0uthodmd Of0a0rof m0 NAUeno1AMWICAM Insurance CorrOOpany, and ah tile sets of oold Altwnoy(e) pusumdtomo m8hodly hasaln nNon, are h¢mMy raWiod mid cmlaimed, Ito yalrNBas WN8a8dr, Uho 0000MITAm0N001) Insurance Company lino ondoodnote pregame to be olimed by any Shaer of the Company and Its Corporgto, Goal to bur hordtOalaaod, W OtATU OD ONLANOMA COUNTVOF LINCOLN' j Bat STATCOFOWHOMA COUNWOFUNCOLN NATIONAL AMERICAN INSURANCE! COMPANY W, Brent L00aro, Chairman 6 ChIM Exaoultvo Ofaaar j V Nol(ry PMbllo My Gobunlsnlon Eaplroa Apt1110, 2at4 COMMISOlon 1102/186203 Joyce M. aolt2, Asalstautaonyalmy Maintenance Bond PRIVATELY FINANCED PUBLIC IMPROVE, NTS Bond No: CBB46901 KNOW AL I, MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we Triangle Cons(ruction & Utility, 1.1,C. as Principal (Developer and Contractor), and National American Insurance Company. as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, as Obligee, ha the penal stun of Two I Iundred pi fly Eight `thousand Seven 1- fundred 'three & 75/100 ($258,74.37,75) to which payment will and truly to be made, we do bind ourselves, and each of our heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns jointly and severally, finally, by these presents. WHEREAS, the Principal will furnish a bond conditioned to guarantee, for tit: period of TWO YEAR after final approval of the Sowcr Line For Tfic Cottages at 'I'allgrass Point Aparunents, a privately financed public improvement, and acceptance of such by tine City Coumcll of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, against all defects in workmanship and materials which may become apparent in such privately financed public improvement during said period. NOW, THEREFORE,'fHE CONDITION OF TI-118 OBLIGATION IS SUCH that the Principal and /or Surety shall indemnify the Obligee for all loss that the Obligee may sustain by reason of any detective materials or woifamanship in the privately financed public improvement which may become apparent during the said period. SIGNED, SEALED, AND DATED: November 7, 2016 1'riaiagle C 'mstr Won & Utility, lax.', Principal BY: Natkoai narican ns trance C' Cpsurety // B Attonley.-in -Fact :T nve M u, is Attach Power of Attorney NATIONAL AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY CWANDLeR, OKLA140MA Number: CB846001 POWER OF ATTORNEY DUPLICATES 514ALL HAVE THE SAME; rORCE AND CFFECT AS AN ORIGINAL ONLY WHEN ISSUED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE ORIGINAL. KNOW ALL MEN DY TIIESC PreSENTSI Thal lho Nnn4001 Mmdcan Insemnca company, D cot station duty argnnlxed under Ilia lmva of Via State of Oklahoato, hnvlM be pdncipOl ofaw[A 010d"I Chandler, ONmuria, puravonl to the folloyAno rewladon, adopted by the DOnrdof Ohedomof me sold Company on the out day of luty. 1007, (OVAL "Rasmvod, Had any olawr or the Cuts pony shelf Imvo ouihodly 10 make, execute and deliver a Power of Attorney commluWhV An A fornoydn4ad, each persons, Pons, or oorpOfOl ons as maybe selected from Onto to One. Nssolvod UhOpinlhfng In We FonarotAlroatoyandl be confused as a grant of ntMeaty to ilia OROMOy(a)d0 fact 100100, axecuta, acknovdedoo, defrvercrolheivA601saUse ponay ariolfdas oihu9umnw on bound of ROUwalAmOdcsn Inowmet Compony. NanOnolAmariwn lnoumnw Company d000 Inroby ntdlta, h?onoNhdb mad appolAi Travis B. Brown; Mark A. Nowell; Kyle Bradford; Deborah L. Raper, Susanne Cusimano; Stephen M, Poloman; J. Relly Doer, Vaughn Graham, Jr,; Jamie M, Burris; Robble Loyd; Vaughn P. Graham; Dwight A. Pilgrim; Shelia R. Samsel [to Into And InwfOintlafnoy(c)•mduc, allh tun power ondou0rodty horobyconfined In Ile Aetna, phcgs and stand, to 0100, oxacuto, eannfiedaa slid dollver In Us vobell, and Its act alld dOBd,petQligwa; The oadmdly of soldAttomoyln {act to bled the company $1,011 not oxcead $3,000,000 for any bond. And to bind NOn00n1AnKawe m811mAwG0.mp0ay Dleroby03 rullyand (o tho seats ofdanla611 ouch bonds and doeunbote fMsNngg toaucb bonds vim, slgn0d by NO dulyauIDOdzod alVearatiba NationalAatodcon fnsumnw Company, and all the acts of soldAuomays) pursuant to Via auluodly bonds Diven,aro haraby Mu0ptl andwn0mted, IN WITNESS WHERCOV, the NaUOnoi Amodcon IneomncA Company line caused View praa0nta to he alonedlry any of laorof DloCompsny and Its Cotpohnto Staff be he Ilofoto Btaxod, 0 STATE OV OK ANOMn COUNTYOFUNCOLN ) 01 STATE OFOIOANOMA COUNTYOF LINCOLN SS; Using, NATIONA4 AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY W, Nrent LoGoro, Cholmion S,Chlof Fxooutivo OfNoor 441" Nolaw Pahilo My Chtnmleolon Explrae Aprll 10, 2014 Cah"mtas,oA 1102000203 hattalva Company, an 014000ma Co poo��aaOOn,OONCluay 0 PYthaUh ff0b)(fomDuunnd /n)(l'ao //led oalad the day o)�r;.1'- 4,— �.�3L4" Joyce M. Da1P4 Ac011etant SooratAry Farris, Earl From: Lombardi, Julie Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2017 4:29 PM To: Hancock, Brandon Cc: Farris, Earl Subject: RE: Cottages at Tallgrass Concrete Approach and Sidewalk Bond for Review Brandon, I have reviewed the maintenance bond for the Concrete Approach and Sidewalk for Tallgrass Point Apartments at your request. The Attorney -in -Fact signature is authorized, the surety is licensed to do business in Oklahoma, and the amount of the bond is well within the surety's $6,554,000 underwriting limitation. Therefore, the bond is approved. Julie Lombardi Julie Trout Lombardi City Attorney 200 S Main St' PO Box 180 Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 918.376 - 1511(0)918.376- 1599(f) From: Hancock, Brandon Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2017 8:33 AM To: Lombardi, Julie; Farris, Earl (efarris@CityofOwasso.com) Subject: Cottages at Tallgrass Concrete Approach and Sidewalk Band for Review Julie- Please review attached bond and reply to all with your findings. Thanks Brandon Hancock, CPII Infrastructure Inspector Owasso Public Works office: 918 272 -4959 fax: 918 272 -4996 cell: 918 693 -0373 bhancock@citvofowasso.com Maintenauto BoW PRWATE, LY FINANCED PTIBUC TIMPPOVEMENT9 Rood Not CBS46912 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we Triou0ptonoliu6tlon, (itili(y, MC. is Principal (Developer and Contractor), and National American Insurance Company. as 94o*, are hold and firmly bound u . ato the City of Owasso, Oldahoma, is Obligee, In -the penal sum of Twenty One Thousand Six Hundred Seventy Four and 70h00 $21,674,70) to which payment will and truly to be made, we do bind ourselves, and ouch of mirWro, excootors, g(lininistiotots s0oossbrs, and assigns Jointly and severally, fitudy by these presents. WHEREAS, the Principal will 11 sh a bood,condidofted taguarantepi for the period of ,Qeggdpal approval of the Concrete Work for sdowak Md MY Way.for The Co"'got at privaWlyfinanodd polio finproveracutond acceptance of aura by the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, all dofects in workmanship and materials 3Adell may become apparent in such privately financed public improvement during said period. NOW; TB EREFORE, THP CONDITION' OF Tf#S OBLIGATION IS $1104, tl}at the Principal andlor Surcly.011611 bidomwfy the Obligeo-foia 411 .69 that the Migob Ifiny sustain by reason of i4y defective materials or ivoikmanghip in the privately :financed public improvement Which may become apparent during the solid period. 310b", StAI,91), AND DAT8D: December 30, 201 6 ltinngle C t, & U(Hi(,Y, LLC, Principal BY: co, S Cy Nntiyn *6 ... ...... ra"" AtIoracy-in -va, . t Attaph PoWer of Attorney NATIONAL AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY —� CHANDLER, OKLAHOMA Number: COS46912 POWER OF ATTORNEY DUPLICATES SHALL HAVE THE SAME FORCE AND EFFECT AS AN ORIGINAL ONLY WHEN ISSUED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE ORIGINAL, KNOW ALL MEN SY THESE PRESENTS: That the Nadonai Amedean Insurance COMPS n , a corporation duly orgonizod under the Iowa of the State of ORlaho w. having Its pdnUpaI cities In (he City Of Chandlet Oklahoma, Pursuant the following resolution, adopted bylhe surd or Donations of the sold companyon the eth day of joy, 1907, M wil: 'Resolved, first any Offlut of gm Oompsny shall Nava eulhodty to mOko, execdle and deliver a Power of Attorney constrNting as Aftomey -la -rest each parsons, fills, or corporations ea may be selected (roan time to time. ROe*OdI (hat nothing lA lb1s Power efAftormey aheg be construed as a Ilford of aurvodty to the a(toRTWO -In fact to s(qn, exeoulo, acknowledge, deliver or otherwise hsuo a polley Of PUlctss OfInwranceon ballad fHOVOralAmedcan Insurance Company. Be It Further Resolved, that the eigNature of any oatcer and the sea[ of No Company may be oNxedto any Ouch Power ofAhomay or any codlgcate renting thereto by facelmlls, and any such Power of Attorney or coruscate bearing such faralade signature or facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company end any such powers so executed end ceniged by faeslmita aignalue and faeelmlie abet shell be wild bad binding upon the Company (a the future with reaoepl to am band and dammanlA re(anee m umh Mned t,. Not onai American (OSOranra Company dOO5 hereby make, constitute and appolat Travis E. Brown; Mark A: Nowell; Kyle Bradford; Deborah L. Raper; Susanne Cusimano; Stephen M. Poleman; J. Kelly Deer, Vaughn Graham, Jr.; Jamie M. Burris; Robbie Loyd; Vaughn P. Graham; Dwight A. Pilgrim; Shelia R. Samsei be we and lawful all0moy(s)d0004 V401 full power and authority hereby confarred in its name, places and stead, to sign, execute, acknowledge and dollver in 110beholt and Its act and deed, as follows: The aulhodty of sold AROmoy -In -tad to bind the company shag not exceed Ee,000 000 for any Single bond. And to bind Nellonal Amedoon Insurance Company thereby as fully and to the some ardent as it such bonds and documents relating to such bonds were, slgnsd by the duty authorized officer of the NallormaAm utcan Insurance Company, and ati the acts at Bald Aftornoy(s) pursuant to the authoriryliftan given, are hereby muffed and connaud, M WITNESS WHEREOF, the National American Insurance company has caaeodihoe0 presents to be signed by any officoratthe company end Ile Corporate Ssat to be hereto atgxed, STATE OF OKLAHOMA ) COUNTYOFLINCOLN I as: STATE OF OKLAHOMA j COUNTYOFLINCOLN ) SS: he NATIONAL AMERICAN INSURANCE: COMPANY W. Brent LaGere, Chalrman & Chief E%ecullve Officer Notary Public MY Commiselou Expires April 10, 2014 Commission 002000203 Americanf neuranco0empany ,au0klehOmOCb�zrrrp��ormu orruowflesy RT)IFYth�attthle'forogoing and attached Datedtho (. d►r. � � Joyce M. 09H4 Assistant Secratary OT Citdy! out Limits. TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Owasso FROM: Earl Farris Project Administrator SUBJECT: Acceptance of Infrastructure Improvements at Carrington Pointe Phase II DATE: March 17, 2017 BACKGROUND: The subject residential development is located on East 86 Street North, west of Memorial. The entrance to the subdivision is North 77 E Avenue. Additional entrance is North 75 E Avenue (County Road) off of East 76 Street North. Public Infrastructure improvements include streets, sanitary sewer and stormwater drainage systems. FINAL INSPECTIONS: Final inspections for the infrastructure components were completed in February 2017 by the Public Works Department. All standards for acceptance have been met. Additionally, the construction contractor and design engineer have supplied the necessary two -year maintenance bonds and required as -built drawings. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends acceptance of infrastructure improvements including streets, sanitary sewer and stormwater drainage systems at Carrington Pointe Phase II. ATTACHMENTS: Location Map City Attorney bond approval letter & copy of bonds Washington County Water approval letter CARRINGTON POINTE II 1" = 1,505 ft LOCATION MAP 01/04/2017 V This map represents a visual display of related geographic information. Data provided hereon is not a guarantee of actual field conditions. To be sure of complete accuracy. please contact Owasso Public staff for the most up -to -date information. Farris, Earl From: Lombardi, Julie Sent: Friday, December 16, 2016 3:45 PM To: Eaton, Steven Cc: Farris, Earl Subject: RE: Carrington Pointe 2 Bonds Steven, 1 have reviewed the Sanitary Sewer System and Paving & Storm System maintenance bonds at your request. The Attorney -in -Fact signatures are authorized, the surety is licensed to do business in Oklahoma and the amount of each bond is within the surety's $2,004,000 underwriting limitation. Therefore, the bonds are approved. Julie Lombardi Julie Trout Lombardi City Attorney 200 S Main St PO Box 180 Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 918.376 - 1511(0)918.376- 1599(f) ---- Original Message---- - From: Eaton, Steven Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2016 4:29 PM To: Lombardi, Julie Cc: Farris, Earl Subject: Carrington Pointe 2 Bonds Ms. Lombardi, I am sending a maintenance bond for review. Would you please reply with yourfindings. Thank you, Steven Eaton City of Owasso Infrastructure Inspector seaton(@citvofowasso.com Phone 918 - 272 -4959 Cell 918- 693 -3979 Maintenance Bond PRIVATELY FINANCED PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS Bond No: GR37205 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we IRA M, GREEN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY as Principal (Developer and Contractor), and GRANITE RE, INC. as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, as Obligee, in the penal sum of TWO HUNDRED TWENTY -NINE THOUSAND, FIVE HUNDRED FIFTY -EIGHT DOLLARS & 00 /100 *d' * ** ($224,558.00) to which payment will and truly to be made, we do bind ourselves, and each of our heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns iointly and severalty, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, the Principal will furnish a bond conditioned to guarantee, for the. period of TWO YEAR after final approval of the CARRINGTON POINTE 2 — SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM, a privately financed public improvement, and acceptance of such by the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oldahoma, against all defects in worlunauship and materials which may become apparent in such privately financed public improvement during said period. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH that the Principal and /or Surety shall indemnify the Obligee for all loss that the Obligee may sustain by reason of any defective materials or worlunanship in the privately financed Public improvement which may become apparent during the said period. SIGNED, SEALED, AND DATED: DECEMBER 14, 2016 IRA M. GREEN CONST CTIP COMPANY, Principal B � ` GRANITE RE, NC., Surety BY: L Attorney -in -Fact Amy Lamf ert GRANITE RE, INC. GENERAL POWER OF ATTORNEY Know all Men by these Presents: That GRANITE RE, INC., a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of OKLAHOMA and having its principal office at the City of OKLAHOMA CITY in the State of OKLAHOMA does hereby constitute and appoint: BARRY L. HERRING; SHANNON NICHOLAS; VICKY JARVIS; CARLA CARTER; AMY LAMBERT; PAM SLATON its true and lawful Attorney -in- Fact(s) for the following purposes, to wit: To sign its name as surety to, and to execute, seal and acknowledge any and all bonds, and to respectively do and perform any and all acts and things set forth in the resolution of the Board of Directors of the said GRANITE RE, INC. a certified copy of which is hereto annexed and made a part of this Power of Attorney; and the said GRANITE RE, INC. through us, Its Board of Directors, hereby ratifies and confirms all and whatsoever the said: BARRY L. HERRING, SHANNON NICHOLAS; VICKY)ARVIS; CARLA CARTER; AMY LAMBERT; PAM SLATON may lawfully do In the premises by virtue of these presents. In Witness Whereof, the said GRANITE RE, INC, has caused this Instrument to be sealed with its corporate seal, duly attested by the signatures of its President and Secretaryll- reasurer, this 161" day of December, 2015. `M' ° Kenneth D. Whittington, President STATE OF OKLAHOMA ) s ¢ ^ t. COUNTY OF OKLAHOMA ) Kyle /P. McDonald, Treasurer On this 16 °1 day of December, 2015, before me personally came Kenneth D. Whittington, President of the GRANITE RE, INC. Company and Kyle P. McDonald, Secretary/Treasurer of said Company, with both of whom 1 am personally acquainted, who being by me severally duly sworn, said, that they, the said Kenneth D. Whittington and Kyle P. McDonald were respectively the President and the Secretary/Treasurer of GRANITE RE, INC., the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing Power of Attorney; that they each knew the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said Power of Attorney was such corporate seal, that It was so fixed by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation, and that they signed their name thereto by like order as President and Secretary/Treasurer, respectively, of the Company. 01 c, , �q� � " ' My Commission Expires: (/ „w Lsc tiCdor-/ ,. August 8, 2017 \,; Nota -Public Commission #: 07013257 GRANITE RE, INC. Certificate THE UNDERSIGNED, being the duly elected and acting Secretary/Treasurer of Granite rte, Inc., an Oklahoma Corporation, HEREBY CERTIFIES that the following resolution is a true and correct excerpt from the July.15, 1987, minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors of Granite Re, Inc. and that said Power of Attorney has not been revoked and is now in full force and effect. "RESOLVED, that the President, any Vice President, the Secretary, and any Assistant Vice President shall each have authority to appoint individuals as attorneys -in -fact or under other appropriate titles with authority to execute op behalf of the company fidelity and surety e. bands and other documents of similar character Issued by the Company in the course of Its business. On any instrument making or evidencing such appointment, the signatures may be affixed by facsimile. On any Instrument conferring such authority or on any bond or undertaking of the Company, the seal, or a facsimile thereof, may be impressed or affixed or in any other manner reproduced; provided, however, that the seal shall not be necessary to the validity of any such Instrument or undertaking." ly NESS W�REOF, the undersigned, has subscribed this Certificate and affixed the corporate seat of the Corporation this ! day of 20 Kyle P, McDonald, SecrelaryJTreasurer GR0B00.1 Maintenance Bond PRIVATELY FINANCED PUBLIC IMPROVE T,4 ®tTS Bond No: GR37204 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we IRA M. GREEN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY as Principal (Developer and Contractor), and GRANITE RE, INC. as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, as Obligee, in the penal sum of EIGHT HUNDRED TWO THOUSAND, SEVEN HUNDRED DOLLARS & 50110Q * * * ** ($802,700.50) to which payment will and truly to be made, we do bind ourselves, and each of our heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, the Principal will furnish a bond conditioned to guarantee, for the period of TWO YEAR after final approval of the CARRINGTON POINTE 2 – PAVING & STORM SEWER SYSTEM, a privately financed public improvement, and acceptance of suolr by the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, against all defects in workmanship and materials which may become apparent in such privately financed public improvement during said period. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH that the Principal and /or Surety shall indemnify the Obligee for all loss that the Obligee may sustain by reason of any defective materials or workmanship in the privately financed public improvement which may become apparent during the said period. SIGNED; SEAUD, AND DATED: DECEMBER 14, 2016 IItA M. GREF,N CONS U ' ON COMPANY, Principal EY-�- GRANITE RE, INC., Surety BY: oft4 p "" , Attorney -in -Fact Amy Laffibert GRANITE RE, INC. GENERAL POWER OF ATTORNEY Know all Men by these Presents: That GRANITE RE, INC,, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of OKLAHOMA and having Its principal office at the City of OKLAHOMA CITY in the State of OKLAHOMA does hereby constitute and appoint: BARRY L. HERRING; SHANNON NICHOLAS; VICKY JARVIS; CARLA CARTER; AMY LAMBERT; PAM SLATON its true and lawful Attorney -in- Fact(s) for the following purposes, to wit: To sign its name as surety to, and to execute, seal and acknowledge any and all bonds, and to respectively do and perform any and all acts and things set forth In the resolution of the Board of Directors of the said GRANITE RE, INC, a certified copy of which is hereto annexed and made a part of this Power of Attorney; and the said GRANITE RE, INC. through us, its Board of Directors, hereby ratifies and confirms all and whatsoever the said: DAl§RY L. HERRING; SHANNON NICHOLAS; VICKY JARVIS; CARLA CARTER; AMY LAMBERT; PAM SLATON may lawfully do in the premises by virtue of these presents. In Witness Whereof, the said GRANITE RE, INC. has caused this instrument to be sealed with its corporate seal, duly attested by the signatures of its President and Secretary/Treasurer, this 16i4 day of December, 2015. ,J- Kenneth D. Whittin on, President STATE OF OKtAIiOMA ) s a A L .. ) SS: 4.w.. �G %�nA COUNTY OF OKLAHOMA ) Kylel5. McDonald, Treasurer On this 1611 day of December, 2015, before me personally came Kenneth D. Whittington, President of the GRANITE RE, INC, Company and Kyle P. McDonald, Secretary/Treasurer of said Company, with both of whom I am personally acquainted, who being by me severally duly sworn, said, that they, the said Kenneth D. Whittington and Kyle P, McDonald were respectively the President and the Secretary(Freasurer of GRANITE RE, INC„ the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing Power of Attorney; that they each knee✓ the seal of said corporation; that the seat affixed to said Power of Attorney was such corporate seal, that It was so fixed by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation, and that they signed their name thereto by like order as President and Secretary/Treasurer, respectively, of the Company. My Commission Expires: .. August 8, 2017 s�)) Netai r Public 1. Commission #: 01013257 GRANITE RE, INC. Certificate THE UNDERSIGNED, being the duly elected and acting Secretary/Treasurer of Granite Re, Inc., an Oklahoma Corporation, HEREBY CERTIFIES that the following resolution is a true and correct excerpt from the July.15, 1987, minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors of Granite Re, Inc. and that said Power of Attorney has not been revoked and Is, now in full force and effect. ,:. - "RESOLVED, that the President, any Vice President, the Secretary, and any Assistant Vice President shall each have authority to appoint individuals as attorneys -in -fact or under other appropriate titles with authority to execute op behalf of the company fidelity and surety bonds and other documents of similar character Issued by the Company in the course of its business. On any Instrument making or evidencing such appointment, the signatures may be affixed by facsimile, On any instrument conferring such authority or on any bond or undertaking of the Company, the seal, or a facsimile thereof, may be Impressed or affixed or in any other manner reproduced; provided, however, that the seal shall not be necessary to the validity of any such Instrument or undertaking." I W1TtNESS WH REOF, th undeerrsignee has subscribed this Certificate and affixed the corporate seal of the Corporation this day of 0r6Y{ S k A L (0?- "V e Kyle P McDonald, Secretary/Treasurer GRO800 -1 Mar. 8. 2817 7:54AM Rural Water District #3 Wash Cc No-5792 F. I Rural Water District No. 3 Washington County, Oklahoma 17227 NAle E. Ave., P.O. Box 70, Collinsville, OK 74021 -0070 ' Ph. (818) 3712059 o Fax (818) 371 -3864 a TRS 711 7autraty 5, 2017 City of Owasso Attn: Mr, Earl Farris, Project Administrator P 0 Box 180 Owasso, OTC 74055 FAX 2724996 Dear Sirs: The water line infrastructure in Carrington Pointe Phase Tl subdivision has been tested and meets all requirements for acceptance by Washington Co. Rural 'Water District 03. Sincerely, 4�>H ao� District Manager In acooroance with Federal law and U.S. Departrnent of AgddoUure policy, thfs InsOtudw is prohibited Fnxn dtscrWna0ng on the basis or race, color, national outgun, age, dlsabl0ty, ropOton, sax, and fandllel status. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs). To fire a oampiaiMuT diSCIMMUM write USDA, Director, Me of 0v1l ntghts,1400 Independence Avenue, S,W., Wadimgto, D.C., 20250'1410 or all (000) 795.3272 (vatce) o (202) na6302 MD). The City Wit out Limits. TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Owasso FROM: Karl A. Fritschen, MRCP, AICP, RLA Chief Urban and Long Range Planner SUBJECT: Public Hearing, Community Development Block Grant (CDBG 2017/18) DATE: March 21, 2017 BACKGROUND: The primary national objective of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program is the "development of viable urban communities by providing decent housing and a suitable living environment, particularly for persons of low and moderate incomes." All project proposals submitted for funding through the CDBG Program must document the achievement of at least one of the following national objectives: • Provide benefit to low and moderate income persons • Aid in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight • Meet other community development needs having particular urgency, posing a serious or immediate threat to the health or welfare of a community On February 10, 2017, the Indian Nation Council of Governments (INCOG), provided information regarding the 2017 -18 CDBG application cycle. A completed application, which includes a public hearing, resolution and cooperation agreement, is due no later than April 15, 2017. Owasso is now part of an Urban County, and as such does not compete for the funding through the State Department of Commerce. Owasso will receive an allocation of approximately $128,827 for the 2017/18 CDBG funding cycle, which does not require a local match. Additionally, the excess $22,406.90 not spent for the 2014/15 CDBG sidewalk project in Baptist Village will be rolled over and added to this year's funding cycle. Therefore the total amount estimated to be available for 2017/18 CDBG cycle is $151,233.90. In 2014, the census tracts in Owasso and across the country were re- evaluated based on new income limits set by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), who administers the CDBG funding program. Additionally, the national census no longer provides the level of income data previously available. As a result of these changes, the City of Owasso lost almost all areas that formerly qualified, most notably in the older downtown area. To qualify for CDBG funding under the national objective of benefit to low and moderate income persons, proposed projects must show a positive or general improvement of living conditions in a definable geographic target area where at least 51 % of the occupied households are of low and moderate income families. Low and moderate income families have an income equal to or less than the current Section 8 low income limits established by HUD. For example, the new established income limits define a family of three having a total household income of $44,200 or less or a family of four having a household income of $49,100 or less. Given the aforementioned changes, a door -to -door survey was conducted in the summer of 2015 for the Hale Acres subdivision using random addresses provided by INCOG. The survey data revealed that the neighborhood qualified under the new income limits with nearly 89.6% of those surveyed meeting the low to moderate income standards. Funds may be expended in Hale Acres for a period of five years. PAST CDBG PROJECTS: In the past, Owasso has utilized CDBG monies for sidewalk, sanitary sewer, street, and park improvements. Two maps attached with this memo indicate past CDBG projects within the former qualifying areas of geography. Currently, the 2016 -17 funds are being used for sewer line improvements in the Hale Acres subdivision. RECOMMENDED PROJECT: Now that it qualifies, staff recommends continuing the sanitary sewer improvements in Hale Acres. Staff believes that continued replacement of sections of the old clay pipe sanitary sewer lines is a priority. Once those are completed, the focus will be on other infrastructure issues. At the February 25, 2016, neighborhood meeting, Roger Stevens, Owasso Public Works Director, explained that while there are many needs in Hale Acres, it is necessary to work from the "bottom up" with regards to the numerous infrastructure issues in the neighborhood. For example, it would make little sense to repair storm drainage issues and roads, only to come back later to dig everything up to replace failing sewer lines. Considering the above information, staff believes the best course of action is to continue to using the CDBG funds to make necessary sewer line improvements in Hale Acres. The area now qualifies for funding for 5- years. PUBLIC HEARING: When a CDBG project is in the application phase, a public hearing is required allowing citizens to comment concerning the recommended project or suggest another project they feel should be considered. A public hearing will be held at the March 21, 2017, City Council Meeting to hear any input regarding the expenditure of the upcoming CDBG funds. FUTURE ACTION: A recommended project, application, and resolution will be brought forth to the City Council at the April 4, 2017, meeting. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends City Council hold a Public Hearing to inform citizens of the proposed project and to receive citizen input. ATTACHMENTS: Map -- CDBG Qualifying Areas (Low -Mod Block Groups Updated 2014) Map — Map showing Proposed CDBG Project in Hale Acres Map -- Former CDBG Qualifying Areas and Past Projects 503.04 a Low -Mod Block Groups Updated 2014 2 1 508.01 1 54.01 54.02 I -- and Owasso Corporate Limits Z 2 —.2 —.. ....... -- ..504:03 . 503.04 E 116th 5 ---. —` A�^ , 2 _ IC_ 41^ �YYt!ff 1 J � / o 2 58.07 503.04 E 1061h St N . te/ - - --- r- rry, 4 !s ICI 6.01 (1/50 vV/ 1^ ✓ - - 504:04 \ 504:05 58.08 - / / 3 - 'Valley - o Park ° Y'�41 T LL , CCL% 2 DO 8:05 �58:r06�/ - rca„rj„,isx / r,r� 158101 4 ��-7., - IN r - Legend /' r,//� 4 1 r r T�j City of Owasso - �� nz Corporate Limits I� a , Percent Low -Mod 1� 50410$ w�a Less than 51.00% a .., -..�. 51.00% or Greater This map Is proyfdetl as a Wblla resoume for gekerel mfoimatlan only. - Ntiwugh every effort has been made to protlucetihe most cumenb correct _ and clearly eVressed data possible, all geograpldc Information has y [_ Incorporated Places limitations due to scale, resolution, date and Intibpratatim of the original source 1 f� -= materials. The information on this map is cdleded from vadousppoumss that CW COG ? canrhangeoyerlimewithoutnolice, ThereforeFtheinfonnaaonpmNdedls -5g "'' 1 504,Q$ Census Tract not Intended to replace any official source. You should not ad or refrain tram Source: 2006.2010 ACS Data, 2010 Cen aGeography -''u Boundary 6tlacWlgaesed upon information on this map withdul independently verifying the Data: 817/2014 - Infalmagan and, if necessary; obtliniiggirofessional advice. The burden of deterllning,dle accuracy, completeness, timeliness of information rests solely on Sources: Esn, DeLorm'e; NAWEQ t1SGS, Interma iPC, NRCAN, Ear! A an, METI, Esri China Hon Neuser. Cdpydghl020141NCCf.11 •I - p _ Ip g e,,, - Kong); Esri (Thailand), 1�1mTorYritaM =I I Hale Acres FY 11WSIM 1111■ It Uuunu� uuoua- ;�_� 11 11111111111111 ,�� � � ■1111 1111 ■_11111 ►11111 ■� � =11� /Ioil III 7 -18 CDBG Sewer Line Replacement Project Hale Acres FY 16 -17 CDBG Line Owasso CDBG Sanitary Sewer Replacement Locations Legend Existing Sewer Line Proposed Llne Replacement — FY 16 -17 proposed Line Replacement — FY 17 -16 1- :1isAI '.I't� X11 i INPv)RVf:A11D ICI- I:DOS4:CIN RGPRr'' �I vim. AI I II ILA I f'_.A� -I fRLi25CALF. W .ERR 11 1 A I W 1c PRFS1 I I .A 1 11 11 BY CT I V 1) IF NVI Ac'c't ment Project S[ CITY OF OWASSO 111 N. Main Street P.O. BOX 180 Owasso, OK 74055 918.376.1500 3n/2o171 1 �. } -Mr, ezlt � FY 2012 C t F J / I f r• i I Sidewalk` r • j +�'tr' i i 4' -ft l ( -r Fz Prr_ r - r, �J x ,,::� "•k °•r.r .(- �,_' _r. .jam..;.. x.� C7 FY 2014 CDBG Vol ♦r � L . - �s'R•� Frontage Road Sidewalk ! .. —._r _. r••r' °.,,60. i✓ 'L.S�w:..._ i `� ' L'� ,F �. � - -•. ; FY 2000 2003 CDBG Sidewalks h fs s: I I at.� f' ♦f �. r (q 1'T FI ..� �i F � T t lh . �♦ j.. -. ter. FZY' i r?'... F. a- . yr` ri rte. yl'`�;4iq a: Cam?•?. . Y ... .. � �4 .s + � ..F. S•� w +.. Y -t �,. Ir" >f•' ,77.x' y ae n w � �• S � !!t . 11 • Or' J ! �i(, • i V. t i �_ s•r ;. � e FY 2015 Sidev Baptist Retire sd T out Limits. TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council, City of Owasso FROM: Karl Fritschen, MRCP, AICP, RLA Planning Manager SUBJECT: Specific Use Permit 17-01 and Plat Waiver- Montessori Academy of Owasso DATE: March 17, 2017 BACKGROUND: The City of Owasso received an application from Matthew Christiansen of the Doerner Saunders Law Office for the review and approval of a Specific Use Permit for the Montessori Academy of Owasso. The subject property on unplatted property located at 708 N Atlanta St. The site formally operated as First Freewill Baptist Church. SUMMARY TABLE: Direction Zoning Use Land Use Plan Jurisdiction North RS -3 (Residential Single- Residential Residential City of Number of Reserve Areas Family High Density) Within PUD? N/A Owasso South RS -3 (Residential Single- Residential Residential City of Streets (public or private) Family High Density) Owasso East RS -3 (Residential Single- Apartments Transitional City of Family High Density) Owasso West RS -3 (Residential Single- Residential Residential City of Family High Density) I Owasso SUBJECT PROPERTY /PROJECT DATA: Property Size 1.35 acres Current Zoning RS -3 (Residential Single - Family High Density and AG (Ag(culture) Land Use Plan Transitional Proposed Use Private School Lots /Blocks N/A Number of Reserve Areas N/A Within PUD? N/A Within Overlay District? No Water Provider City of Owasso Applicable Paybacks N/A Streets (public or private) N/A ANALYSIS: A Specific Use Permit (SUP) is required in certain Zoning Districts for uses that may potentially be more intensive than the surrounding uses. The property in question is an unplatted parcel with two separate zoning classifications. The eastern portion is zoned RS -3 (Residential Single Family) and the western portion is AG (Agriculture). Within both the AG and RS -3 Zoning Districts, an SUP is required for a private school use, which is requested as a part of this Specific Use Permit. The property contains two structures; the easternmost structure was the former church sanctuary, offices, and classrooms, while the structure to the west was an accessory building. With approval of an SUP, Staff, the Planning Commission and City Council can require additional conditions on the project to mitigate any ancillary issues the proposed use may cause to adjoining properties. The subject application requests approval of an SUP to allow for the operation of a school within the existing structures on the site. Discussions with the applicant indicate that the classrooms will be located in the former sanctuary building on the eastern side of the property. The building to the west will be used for special functions and periodic indoor recreational activities. The applicant has informed Staff that the school will have about sixty -six total students. The applicant has submitted a Site Plan and survey with this application. Since the applicant will be using the existing structure, no architectural drawings were required or submitted. The Site Plan indicates areas that will contain a proposed six -foot privacy fence and new landscaping as part of the SUP requirements. There is a utility easement located beneath the western building on the property, which needs to be closed. The applicant is aware of this situation and has submitted the required paperwork to close the easement to ensure clear title. A letter from two property owners to the south was submitted to Staff indicating a preference for no privacy fencing. The letter asserts that these property owners tend to watch over the property for vandals and other questionable activity. Additionally, the authors of the letter indicate that the property is used as a cut - through for children going to school or catching the bus. While it is admirable that the residents have taken the responsibility to watch over the property, those owners may not always be there. Additionally, Staff believes that the property should not encourage cut - through pedestrian traffic. Rather, a situation should be created that is safe and secure. Therefore, Staff recommends that a six foot screening fence on the north, west, and south property lines be included as a requirement of this SUP. In summary, Staff believes this is a very good use for this property. It will provide an alternative educational component and help provide stability in this neighborhood. Because the site has existing structures already in place, is served adequately with utilities, has established access, and has recorded easements, Staff is asking for Plat Waiver along with this request. Staff will recommend the following conditions be applied to the property: • No additional lighting shall be installed without staff approval other than what exists on the site; • No additional signage shall be installed. If the applicant choses to use a new sign, a sign permit shall be obtained and approved by Staff; • No digital signage shall be used on the property; • A minimum six -foot opaque screening fence shall be required along the north, west, and south property lines. The screening fence already in place along the west boundary may be used as part of the screening requirements, but in the event the fence falls into disrepair, it shall be repaired or replaced by the applicant; and • Landscaping shall be provided on the site as depicted on the attached site plan and shall be inspected by Staff prior to issuing an Occupancy Permit. PLANNING COMMISSION: The Planning Commission considered this item at their regularly scheduled meeting on March 13, 2017, and voted unanimously for approval of SUP 17 -01 and associated Plat Waiver request subject to Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) comments and Staff recommendations. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of SUP 17 -01 and Plat Waiver request subject to the following conditions: • No additional lighting shall be installed without staff approval other than what exists on the site; • No additional signage shall be installed. If the applicant choses to use a new sign, a sign permit shall be obtained and approved by Staff; • No digital signage shall be used on the property; • A minimum six -foot opaque screening fence shall be required along the north, west, and south property lines. The screening fence already in place along the west boundary may be used as part of the screening requirements, but in the event the fence falls into disrepair, it shall be repaired or replaced by the applicant; and • Landscaping shall be provided on the site as depicted on the attached site plan and shall be inspected by Staff prior to issuing an Occupancy Permit. ATTACHMENTS: Aerial Map Zoning Map Land Use Plan Letter from Neighbors Site Plan Misc. Site Pictures Montessori Academy of Owasso Specific Use 1" = 188 ft Permit 17 -01 02/22/2017 5 This map represents a visual display of related geographic information. Data provided hereon is not a guarantee of actual field conditions. To be sure of complete accuracy. please contact Owasso Public staff for the most up -to -date information. %vlllllllllllllllWII:1111111: tie r,F s _ r F _ • �� ��►'' \ I�r CI \i�1111 1111111 I�� ,11111 11■ / A, -am 11111 11 1. 11111 �� ��_ - 111 _� - � ■��R ■1 1■ �� . •. : ►w ■1� 1 111 __ 711 It \;11111 - � ■, ,: �� � ►11111111 111 LEGEND Owasso Co rpo _ X11: : 11— 11112M 1111111 • III - , __ „ -.. ,_ m - �_ Feet -� SUP 17 -01 Land Use Plan LEGEND Land Use Categories - Commercial - IndustrialRegio al Employment Neighborhood Mixed Use (Light Office! Commercial Shopping, Attached Housing, '- SF Housing, Apartments above retail) ® Palks42ecreation - PubliOlnstiWtionallOwsi Public Residential Transitional (Attached housing, duplexes, offices) ® US- 1690veday District ® 'Glenn-MurAddition Special District ® "Downtown Development DisMCt M M Subject Property 1ODyr Floodplain Planned TraillOnStreel Bikeraule/ Complete Street Existing trail AL Flrestation lP Existing Public School 6 Future Public School -j. Civilian Aimbip Future Park and Ride/Tmnsit Stop © Hospital Q Public Pads e Goff Course A Cemetery February 14, 2017 Richard L. & Judy M. Mullenix 703 N. Beaumont St. Owasso, Okla. 74055 Hale Add. Lot 11 in Elk 1 James W. Gray & Susan Dawson 701 N. Beaumont St. Owasso, Okla. 74055 Hale Add. Lot 10 in Blk 1 Honorable Owasso City Council: RE: Privacy fence along south side of School We have been at these two homes since 1977/78'. Our two homes directly abut and are south of subject school property. We would prefer that no privacy fence be erected and that the existing chain link fence be maintained instead. Since it is a chain link fence, we have been able to watch over the two church buildings or alert the owners of the church since First Freewill Baptist had the property in the 70's. We have run off possible vandals and even kept the grounds clean as well. One of the neighbors across the street who works for a security firm has even had camera's directed towards the church. Richard Mullenix is a former Owasso police offer and has had an excellent relationship with the church over the past few decades. James Gray looks over the property and even has a key to the properties. He had even maintained the yard of the church as well. In addition to the proposed wooden privacy fence creating a potential security issue on the south side, the kids from the school bus are dropped off on Atlanta Ave. and sometimes access the church parking lot and proceed to their homes via an opening on the chain link fence. When the chain link fence was closed where there was no opening into Beaumont St., some kids apparently made an opening. It's possible that they would create an opening should a wooden fence be erected. The church has no problem with kids ingressing and egressing the church parking lot as long as they don't hang around and loiter, which we have run them off from time to time thereby saving any police time. In lieu of the security and visibility concerns that a wooden privacy fence would create for the school and the 'inability of some kids to have a shortcut to their homes via the parking lot, we would prefer a privacy fence on the so --th //side not be erected, but that the chain link fence be retained and maintained. Richard L. Mullenix / Ja es W. Gray p+� m SHADE TREE NE CORNER EE 14, NW 14 O ORNAMENTAL TREE eooeo a NEW SHRUBBERY UNPLATTED UNPLATTED UNPLATTED NEW 8 WOOD FENCINGI 22P0' X x � 1zD,DD' y Aso' —s AvYSStr ae+e Ftl n X ° ® A1MRq 4rAVws I PIg ° 3 2 STORY e y DW- o� 1 STORY oaeaoo a °e 0 U) 4 STONE h F E yy jj BUILDING /� R 1 12 f d45 ° I \_C/pirC/ y 9 4p 0 7 b 4 b i toMw[1£ PAPxPG F `Zy 2 120.00' 2]2.60' w LOT 10, BLOCK 2 NEW 6 WOOD FENCIN LOT 1, tiZO� LOT ll, BLOCK 5, BLOCK 1 RAYOLA ADDITION (601 HALE ADDITION SITE PLAN Surveyor's Statement SE CORNER 5E/4, NY //4 SHOWNG OCATEDA 08NOVEMEM6 TA THE MOWMSO,W LAHQ ACADEW OF OWAS50, LOCATED AT 106 NORTK ATLAMASTREET.OWASSO.OKLAHOMh REVISED: 3/08/17 BEFORE YOU DIG N PREPARED FOR: MONTESSORI ACADEMY OF OWASSO W qG. m.n �oev,nw 0 20 40 60 CHECKED BV: ST SCALE 1 "=40' / ]L11E1��T8 1- 800.5224593 W E ® SURVEY BV: WA DRAFTED BY: DWNI T°s ISLYc�lL i1p DRAWING DATE 1125117 JOB NUMBER: 161216.41 su6v1w6s r .° o, e�N$1ev0axvvq�^"¢io1�°e "Far°6wo�n� S SCALE: 1 "= 40'+','°'+,"'o,°µewq vcwe:lo�mlwanr BOOK /PAGE; I FILE FILE NUMBER: 12114.30 e _ SUP 17 -01, Rear View - `' i sd The City Wit gut Limits. TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Owasso FROM: H. Dwayne Henderson City Engineer SUBJECT: Owasso Sports Park Parking Lot Projects Bid Award DATE: March 17, 2017 BACKGROUND: The City of Owasso Vision 2025 projects were centered on quality of life projects. Several of the projects in the package are located at Owasso's North and South Sports Parks. The projects identified for paving improvements are as follows: • Construction of a new parking lot at the South Sports Park, east of the entrance road; • Expanding and paving of an existing gravel parking lot in the South Sports Park, west of the entrance road; • Surface repair and asphalt paving of the existing parking lot at the North Sports Park; • Surface repairs to the north entrance road; and • Construction of a new south entrance road. The project bids are for the three (3) parking lot projects identified above and the north entrance road project. The North Parking Lot will be repaired, the two South Parking Lot Projects will be graded and base prepared by the contractor. The contractor will also make repairs to the north entrance road. Tulsa County has agreed to utilize their roadway paving crew to asphalt pave the three (3) parking lots once the base repairs are made and the aggregate is ready. After Tulsa County work is complete, the contractor shall return to the project and stripe the asphalt parking and entrance roadway. The paved parking will accommodate the following number of vehicles: Parkina Lot Standard Parking Spaces Handicap Parking Spaces North Parking Lot 612 32 Southwest Parking Lot 366 14 Southeast Parking Lot 618 17 (Expandable to 30 +) BID ADVERTISEMENT: Advertisement for bids was published on January 25, 2017, and February 1, 2017. In accordance with state law, a mandatory pre -bid meeting was held on February 16, 2017, with bid opening occurring on March 1, 2017, at Owasso City Hall. ANALYSIS OF BIDS: On February 28, 2017, Public Works received nine (9) bids for the Owasso Sports Park Parking Lot Project. The bids and engineer's estimate are summarized in the table below: Ground Level $ 682,747.45 Magnum Construction $ 911,525.00 Diversified Civil $ 726,993.55 JE Dirt Wurx $ 1,007,089.49 Lowry Construction $ 816,282.49 CP Intergrated $ 1,053,084.38 Paragon $ 836,836.00 Ira Green Construction $ 1,109,908.72 Reco Enterprises $ 907,741.56 Engineer's Estimate $ 1,084,702.45 After a thorough review of the bid documents by City staff, Ground Level was determined to be the low bidder at $682,747.45. FUNDING: Funding is included in the Vision 2025 Funding. RECCOMENDATON: Staff recommends award of a bid to Ground Level in the amount of $682,747.45 for construction of the Owasso Sports Park Parking Lot Project and authorization for the Mayor to execute the contract. ATTACHMENTS: Contract Document - SECTION 00300 AGREEMENT Location Map SECTION 00300 UN ITON i ►DIY THIS AGREEMENT is dated as of the 21 st day of March, 2017, by and between The City of Owasso (hereinafter called OWNER) and Ground Level, LLC. (hereinafter called CONTRACTOR). OWNER and CONTRACTOR, in consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, agree as follows: ARTICLE 1. WORK CONTRACTOR shall complete all Work as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents. The Work is generally described as follows: SPORTS PARK PARKING LOT PROJECTS CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA The project for which the Work under the contract documents may be the whole or only a part, is described as follows: Construction of new parking lot and entrance drive improvements. ARTICLE 2. ENGINEER The project has been assigned to the Project Manager or his/her duly authorized representative, who is hereinafter called ENGINEER and who will assume all duties and responsibilities and will have the rights and authority assigned to ENGINEER in the Contract Documents in connection with the completion of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. ARTICLE 3. CONTRACT TIME 3.1 The Work will be substantially completed within Ninety (90) calendar days from the date of Notice to Proceed; and completed and ready for final payment in accordance with the General Conditions within one - hundred twenty (120) calendar days from the date of Notice to Proceed, which will be on or before 3.2 Liquidated Damages. OWNER and CONTRACTOR recognize that time is of the essence of this Agreement and that OWNER will suffer financial loss if the Work is not substantially complete within the time specified in paragraph 3.1 above, plus any extensions thereof allowed in accordance with the General Conditions. They also recognize the delays, expense and difficulties involved in proving in a legal or arbitration proceeding the actual loss suffered by OWNER, if the Work is any such proof. OWNER and CONTRACTOR agree that as liquidated damages for delay (but not as a penalty) CONTRACTOR shall pay OWNER One Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) for each consecutive calendar day that expires after the time specified in paragraph 3.1 for substantial completion until the Work is substantially complete. After Substantial Completion, if CONTRACTOR shall neglect, refuse or fail to complete the remaining Work within the time specified in paragraph 3.1 for completion and readiness for final payment or any proper extension thereof granted by OWNER, CONTRACTOR shall pay OWNER Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) for each consecutive calendar day that expires after the time specified in paragraph 3.1 for completion and readiness for final payment. ARTICLE 4. CONTRACT PRICE 4.1 OWNER shall pay CONTRACTOR for performance of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents in current funds the amount agreed upon in CONTRACTOR'S bid. 4.2 CONTRACTOR understands that the estimated quantities are not guaranteed and that the determination of actual quantities and their classification is to be made by the OWNER at the time of application for payment. 4.3 Contract Amount: Six hundred, eighty -two thousand, seven hundred forty seven and 45/100 dollars ($682.747.45) ARTICLE 5. PAYMENT PROCEDURES CONTRACTOR shall submit Applications for Payment in accordance with the General Conditions on the Pay Estimate Forms included as Exhibit "A" to this Agreement. Applications for Payment will be processed by OWNER as provided in the General Conditions. 5.1 Progress Payments. OWNER shall make progress payments on account of the Contract Price on the basis of CONTRACTOR's Applications for Payment in accordance with the City of Owasso's Payment Schedule included as Exhibit "B" to this Agreement during construction as provided below. All progress payments will be on the basis of the progress of the Work. 5.1.1 Progress payments shall not exceed an amount equal to 95% of the WORK completed until such time as CONTRACTOR shall complete in excess of five percent (5 %) of the contract amount. 5.1.2 Upon completion in excess of fifty percent (50 %) of the total contract amount, OWNER shall pay an amount sufficient to increase total payments to CONTRACTOR to 95% of the Contract Price, less such amounts as OWNER shall determine in accordance with the General Conditions, provided that OWNER has determined that satisfactory progress is being made, and upon approval by the Surety. 5.2 Final Payment. Upon final completion and acceptance of the Work in accordance with the General Conditions, OWNER shall pay the Contract Price. ARTICLE 6. CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATIONS In order to induce OWNER to enter into this Agreement, CONTRACTOR makes the following representations: 6.1 CONTRACTOR has familiarized himself/herself with the nature and extent of Contract Documents, Work, locality, and with all local conditions and federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations that in any manner may affect cost, progress or performance of the Work. 6.2 CONTRACTOR has studied carefully all reports or explorations and tests of subsurface conditions at or contiguous to the site and all drawings of physical conditions in or relating to existing surface or subsurface structures at or contiguous to the site (except underground facilities) which have been identified in the Supplementary Conditions as provided in the General Conditions. Contractor accepts the determination set forth in the General Conditions of the extent of the "technical data" contained in such reports and drawings upon which Contractor is entitled to rely. Contractor acknowledges that such reports and drawings are not Contract Documents and may not be complete for Contractor's purposes. Contractor acknowledges that Owner and Engineer do not assume responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of information and data shown or indicated in the Contract Documents with respect to underground facilities at or continuous to the site. Contractor has obtained and carefully studied (or assume responsibility for having done so) all such additional supplementary examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies and data concerning conditions (surface, subsurface and underground facilities) at or contiguous to the site or otherwise which may affect cost, progress, performance or furnishing of the Work or which relate to any aspect of the means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures of construction to be employed by Contractor, and safety precautions and programs incident thereto. Contractor does not consider that any additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies, or data are necessary for the performance and furnishing of the Work at the Contract Price, within the Contract Times and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. 6.3 CONTRACTOR has made or caused to be made examinations, investigations, tests and studies of such reports and related data in addition to those referred to in paragraph 6.2 as (s)he deems necessary for the performance of the Work at the Contract price, within the Contract Time and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents; and no additional examinations, investigations, tests, reports or similar data are or will be required by CONTRACTOR for such purposes. 6.4 CONTRACTOR has reviewed and checked all information and data shown or indicated on the Contract Documents with respect to existing Underground Facilities at or contiguous to the site and assumes responsibility for the accurate location of said Underground Facilities. No additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, reports, studies or similar information or data in respect of said Underground Facilities are or will be required by CONTRACTOR in order to perform and furnish the Work at the Contract Price within the Contract Time and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents, including the General Conditions. 6.5 CONTRACTOR has correlated the results of all such observations, examinations, investigations, tests, reports and data with the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. 6.6 CONTRACTOR has given OWNER written notice of all conflicts, errors or discrepancies that he has discovered in the Contract Documents, and the written resolution thereof by OWNER is acceptable to CONTRACTOR. 6.7 CONTRACTOR has obligated himself/herself to the OWNER to be responsible for the workmanship, labor and materials used in the project for one (1) year after the project has been accepted by the OWNER. 6.8 CONTRACTOR understands that (s)he will be exempt from all sales tax on materials and other items necessary for the completion of the project. The OWNER has issued him a Certification of Tax Exempt Project enclosed as Exhibit "C" of this Agreement. ARTICLE 7. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS The Contract Documents which comprise the entire agreement between OWNER and CONTRACTOR are attached to this Agreement, made a part hereof, and consist of the following: 7.1 This Agreement (pages 1 to 6 inclusive). 7.2 Exhibits "A ", "B ", "C" and "D" to this Agreement. 7.3 Advertisement for Bids (Section 00100). 7.4 Requirements for Bidders (Section 00110). 7.5 Instructions to Bidders (Section 00120). 7.6 Bid (Section 00200). 7.7 Bid Bond (Section 00210). 7.8 Bid Affidavits (Section 00220). 7.9 Statement of Bidders Qualifications (Section 00230). 7.10 Certificate of Non - Discrimination (Section 00240). 7.11 Performance Bond (Section 00410). 7.12 Maintenance Bond (Section 00420). 7.13 Statutory payment Bond (Section 00430). 7.14 Notice of Award (Section 00510). 7.15 Notice to Proceed (Section 00520). 7.16 Change Order (Section 00600). 7.17 General Conditions (Section 00700). 7.18 Project Specifications (Section 00800). 7.19 Special Provisions (Section 00900). 7.20 Project Drawings, consisting of Sheets 1 to 22, inclusive, and Standard Drawings. 7.21 Addendum Numbers 1 to I . inclusive. 7.22 Documentation submitted by CONTRACTOR prior to Notice of Award (pages to _ inclusive). 7.23 Any Modification, including Change Orders, duly delivered after execution of Agreement. There are no Contract Documents other than those listed above in this Article 7. The Contract Documents may only be altered, amended or repealed by a Modification (as defined in the General Conditions). ARTICLE 8. MISCELLANEOUS 8.1 Terms used in this Agreement which are defined in the General Conditions shall have the meanings indicated in the General Conditions. 8.2 No assignment by a party hereto of any rights under or interests in the Contract Documents will be binding on another party hereto without the written consent of the party sought to be bound; and specifically, but without limitation, monies that may become due and monies that are due may not be assigned without such consent (except to the extent that the effect of this restriction may be limited by law) and unless specifically stated to the contrary in any written consent to an assignment, no assignment will release or discharge the assignor from any duty or responsibility under the Contract Documents. 8.3 OWNER and CONTRACTOR each binds himself/herself, his /her partners, successors, assigns, and legal representatives to the other party hereto, his/her partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives in respect to all covenants, agreements and obligations contained in the Contract Documents. 8.3 The Agreement (or remaining portions thereof) should continue in effect, be valid and binding upon both parties even if a provision or part of the Contract Documents should be held void or unenforceable by law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereby have signed this Agreement in duplicate. One counterpart has been delivered to CONTRACTOR, the other belongs to OWNER. All portions of the Contract Documents have been signed by OWNER and CONTRACTOR. This Agreement will be effective on March 21, 2017 OWNER: City of Owasso CONTRACTOR: Ground Level LLC a Lyndell Dunn, Mayor (SEAL) ATTEST: Title Address for giving notices: By Justin Friesen, Manager (SEAL) Title CITY OF OWASSO P.O. 180 Owasso, OK 74055 918.272.4959 www.cityofowasso.com 0 s 0 U SPORTS PARK PARKING LOT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT LOCATION MAP S Mi �. 3/,0/201) The City Wit out Limits. TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Owasso FROM: H. Dwayne Henderson, P.E. City Engineer SUBJECT: Garrett Creek Relief Line Bid Award DATE: March 17, 2017 BACKGROUND: The Garrett Creek lift station and force main was constructed in 2004. The lift station is currently operating at approximately 80% of its rated capacity and provides sewer service to Garrett Creek Residential and Commercial, Rejoice School, Rejoice Church, Walgreens, McDonalds, Taco Bell, Discount Tire, Village and Ace Hardware. With the development of Morrow Place and other potential development within the area, City of Owasso and Owasso Land Trust have been working on a solution for several years in order to accommodate the sanitary sewer needs for existing and future development from E 106 St N to E 126 St N and HWY 169 to N 129 E Ave. In 2011, Owasso Land Trust took the initiative and hired Kellogg Engineering to begin the study of the basin and determined a new lift station, force main and gravity relief line between the existing lift station and 129th East Ave are needed in order to accommodate the existing sanitary sewer flows from the Garrett Creek service area and future development south toward 1061h Street North After the design was complete Owasso Land Trust requested funding assistance from the City of Owasso for the future capacity for properties that can be served by the system but not owned by the Owasso Land Trust. The project was approved for public funding by the Capital Improvements Committee. Staff with Kellogg Engineering decided that the Morrow Place Lift Station and the Garrett Creek Relief Line /Force Main should be separated into two projects to obtain more competitive bids, since each project was a specialized construction. The Garrett Creek Relief Line /Force Mains include the Garrett Creek gravity sewer; piping that will pump the wastewater from the new lift station to the existing Garrett Creek Force Main and connect at the 116th Street North /129th East Ave intersection; and the upsizing of the force main along 116th Street North from the railroad to Mingo Road. (See attached map) Once the ODEQ approved the concept, Public Works reviewed and approved the final plans for construction. BID ADVERTISEMENT: Advertisement for bids was published on January 25, 2017, and February 1, 2017. In accordance with state law, a mandatory pre -bid meeting was held on February 15, 2017, with bid opening occurring on February 28, 2017, at Owasso City Hall. ANALYSIS OF BIDS: On February 28, 2017, Public Works received seven (7) bids for the Garrett Creek Relief Line Project. Below is a tabulation of the results of the bids Ira Green Construction $1,136,156.42 R.L. Hensley Construction $1,899,365.00 Triangle Construction 1,168,824.00 MSB Construction 1,899,526.00 Cross -Bo Construction 1,312,466.00 McGuire Brothers Construction 2,221,000.00 Sapulpa Digging $1,704,820.00 1 Engineer's Estimate $1,125,302.00 After a thorough review of the bid documents by Kellogg Engineering and City staff, Ira Green Construction was determined to be the low bidder at $1,136,156.42. FUNDING: Funding is included in the Capital Improvements Fund. RECCOMENDATON: Staff recommends award of a bid to Ira Green Construction in the amount of $1,136,156.42 for construction of the Garrett Creek Relief Line Project and authorization for the Mayor to execute the contract. ATTACHMENTS: Contract Document - SECTION 00300 AGREEMENT Location Map SECTION 00300 AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is dated as of the 21st day of March, 2017, by and between The City of Owasso (hereinafter called OWNER) and Ira M. Green Construction, INC. (hereinafter called CONTRACTOR). OWNER and CONTRACTOR, in consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, agree as follows: ARTICLE 1. WORK CONTRACTOR shall complete all Work as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents. The Work is generally described as follows: GARRETT CREEK RELIEF LINE PROJECT CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA The project for which the Work under the contract documents may be the whole or only a part, is described as follows: Construction Of The Sewer Line Between The Garrett Creek Lift Station And The New Morrow Place Lift Station And The New Force Main Improvements For The Morrow Lift Station ARTICLE 2. ENGINEER The project has been assigned to the Project Manager or his/her duly authorized representative, who is hereinafter called ENGINEER and who will assume all duties and responsibilities and will have the rights and authority assigned to ENGINEER in the Contract Documents in connection with the completion of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. ARTICLE 3. CONTRACT TIME 3.1 The Work will be substantially completed within one - hundred fifty (150) calendar days from the date of Notice to Proceed; and completed and ready for final payment in accordance with the General Conditions within two- hundred ten (210) calendar days from the date of Notice to Proceed, which will be on or before 3.2 Liquidated Damages. OWNER and CONTRACTOR recognize that time is of the essence of this Agreement and that OWNER will suffer financial loss if the Work is not substantially complete within the time specified in paragraph 3.1 above, plus any extensions thereof allowed in accordance with the General Conditions. They also recognize the delays, expense and difficulties involved in proving in a legal or arbitration proceeding the actual loss suffered by OWNER, if the Work is any such proof. OWNER and CONTRACTOR agree that as liquidated damages for delay (but not as a penalty) CONTRACTOR shall pay OWNER One Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) for each consecutive calendar day that expires after the time specified in paragraph 3.1 for substantial completion until the Work is substantially complete. After Substantial Completion, if CONTRACTOR shall neglect, refuse or fail to complete the remaining Work within the time specified in paragraph 3.1 for completion and readiness for final payment or any proper extension thereof granted by OWNER, CONTRACTOR shall pay OWNER Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) for each consecutive calendar day that expires after the time specified in paragraph 3.1 for completion and readiness for final payment. ARTICLE 4. CONTRACT PRICE 4.1 OWNER shall pay CONTRACTOR for performance of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents in current funds the amount agreed upon in CONTRACTOR'S bid. 4.2 CONTRACTOR understands that the estimated quantities are not guaranteed and that the determination of actual quantities and their classification is to be made by the OWNER at the time of application for payment. 4.3 Contract Amount: One million, one hundred thirty -six thousand, one hundred fifty - six and 42/100 dollars ($1,136,156.42) ARTICLE 5. PAYMENT PROCEDURES CONTRACTOR shall submit Applications for Payment in accordance with the General Conditions on the Pay Estimate Forms included as Exhibit "A" to this Agreement. Applications for Payment will be processed by OWNER as provided in the General Conditions. 5.1 Progress Payments. OWNER shall make progress payments on account of the Contract Price on the basis of CONTRACTOR's Applications for Payment in accordance with the City of Owasso's Payment Schedule included as Exhibit "B" to this Agreement during construction as provided below. All progress payments will be on the basis of the progress of the Work. 5.1.1 Progress payments shall not exceed an amount equal to 95% of the WORK completed until such time as CONTRACTOR shall complete in excess of five percent (5 %) of the contract amount. 5.1.2 Upon completion in excess of fifty percent (50 %) of the total contract amount, OWNER shall pay an amount sufficient to increase total payments to CONTRACTOR to 95% of the Contract Price, less such amounts as OWNER shall determine in accordance with the General Conditions, provided that OWNER has determined that satisfactory progress is being made, and upon approval by the Surety. 5.2 Final Payment. Upon final completion and acceptance of the Work in accordance with the General Conditions, OWNER shall pay the Contract Price. ARTICLE 6. CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATIONS In order to induce OWNER to enter into this Agreement, CONTRACTOR makes the following representations: 6.1 CONTRACTOR has familiarized himself/herself with the nature and extent of Contract Documents, Work, locality, and with all local conditions and federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations that in any manner may affect cost, progress or performance of the Work. 6.2 CONTRACTOR has studied carefully all reports or explorations and tests of subsurface conditions at or contiguous to the site and all drawings of physical conditions in or relating to existing surface or subsurface structures at or contiguous to the site (except underground facilities) which have been identified in the Supplementary Conditions as provided in the General Conditions. Contractor accepts the determination set forth in the General Conditions of the extent of the "technical data" contained in such reports and drawings upon which Contractor is entitled to rely. Contractor acknowledges that such reports and drawings are not Contract Documents and may not be complete for Contractor's purposes. Contractor acknowledges that Owner and Engineer do not assume responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of information and data shown or indicated in the Contract Documents with respect to underground facilities at or continuous to the site. Contractor has obtained and carefully studied (or assume responsibility for having done so) all such additional supplementary examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies and data concerning conditions (surface, subsurface and underground facilities) at or contiguous to the site or otherwise which may affect cost, progress, performance or furnishing of the Work or which relate to any aspect of the means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures of construction to be employed by Contractor, and safety precautions and programs incident thereto. Contractor does not consider that any additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies, or data are necessary for the performance and furnishing of the Work at the Contract Price, within the Contract Times and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. 6.3 CONTRACTOR has made or caused to be made examinations, investigations, tests and studies of such reports and related data in addition to those referred to in paragraph 6.2 as (s)he deems necessary for the performance of the Work at the Contract price, within the Contract Time and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents; and no additional examinations, investigations, tests, reports or similar data are or will be required by CONTRACTOR for such purposes. 6.4 CONTRACTOR has reviewed and checked all information and data shown or indicated on the Contract Documents with respect to existing Underground Facilities at or contiguous to the site and assumes responsibility for the accurate location of said Underground Facilities. No additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, reports, studies or similar information or data in respect of said Underground Facilities are or will be required by CONTRACTOR in order to perform and furnish the Work at the Contract Price within the Contract Time and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents, including the General Conditions. 6.5 CONTRACTOR has correlated the results of all such observations, examinations, investigations, tests, reports and data with the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. 6.6 CONTRACTOR has given OWNER written notice of all conflicts, errors or discrepancies that he has discovered in the Contract Documents, and the written resolution thereof by OWNER is acceptable to CONTRACTOR. 6.7 CONTRACTOR has obligated himself/herself to the OWNER to be responsible for the workmanship, labor and materials used in the project for one (1) year after the project has been accepted by the OWNER. 6.8 CONTRACTOR understands that (s)he will be exempt from all sales tax on materials and other items necessary for the completion of the project. The OWNER has issued him a Certification of Tax Exempt Project enclosed as Exhibit "C" of this Agreement. ARTICLE 7. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS The Contract Documents which comprise the entire agreement between OWNER and CONTRACTOR are attached to this Agreement, made a part hereof, and consist of the following: 7.1 This Agreement (pages 1 to 6 inclusive). 7.2 Exhibits "A ", "B ", "C" and "D" to this Agreement. 7.3 Advertisement for Bids (Section 00100). 7.4 Requirements for Bidders (Section 00110). 7.5 Instructions to Bidders (Section 00120). 7.6 Bid (Section 00200). 7.7 Bid Bond (Section 00210). 7.8 Bid Affidavits (Section 00220). 7.9 Statement of Bidders Qualifications (Section 00230). 7.10 Certificate of Non - Discrimination (Section 00240). 7.11 Performance Bond (Section 00410). 7.12 Maintenance Bond (Section 00420). 7.13 Statutory payment Bond (Section 00430). 7.14 Notice of Award (Section 00510). 7.15 Notice to Proceed (Section 00520). 7.16 Change Order (Section 00600). 7.17 General Conditions (Section 00700). 7.18 Project Specifications (Section 00800). 7.19 Special Provisions (Section 00900). 7.20 Project Drawings, consisting of Sheets 1 to 15, inclusive, and Standard Drawings. 7.21 Addendum Numbers 1 to 1 , inclusive. 7.22 Documentation submitted by CONTRACTOR prior to Notice of Award (pages to inclusive). 7.23 Any Modification, including Change Orders, duly delivered after execution of Agreement. There are no Contract Documents other than those listed above in this Article 7. The Contract Documents may only be altered, amended or repealed by a Modification (as defined in the General Conditions). ARTICLE 8. MISCELLANEOUS 8.1 Terms used in this Agreement which are defined in the General Conditions shall have the meanings indicated in the General Conditions. 8.2 No assignment by a party hereto of any rights under or interests in the Contract Documents will be binding on another party hereto without the written consent of the party sought to be bound; and specifically, but without limitation, monies that may become due and monies that are due may not be assigned without such consent (except to the extent that the effect of this restriction may be limited by law) and unless specifically stated to the contrary in any written consent to an assignment, no assignment will release or discharge the assignor from any duty or responsibility under the Contract Documents. 8.3 OWNER and CONTRACTOR each binds himself/herself, his/her partners, successors, assigns, and legal representatives to the other party hereto, his/her partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives in respect to all covenants, agreements and obligations contained in the Contract Documents. 8.3 The Agreement (or remaining portions thereof) should continue in effect, be valid and binding upon both parties even if a provision or part of the Contract Documents should be held void or unenforceable by law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereby have signed this Agreement in duplicate. One counterpart has been delivered to CONTRACTOR, the other belongs to OWNER. All portions of the Contract Documents have been signed by OWNER and CONTRACTOR. This Agreement will be effective on March 21, 2017. OWNER: City of Owasso CONTRACTOR: Ira M. Green Construction, INC. C Lyndell Dunn, Mayor (SEAL) ATTEST: Title Address for giving notices: By Brian Green, President (SEAL) Title sn OT tdy! - Limits. TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Owasso FROM: H. Dwayne Henderson City Engineer SUBJECT: Morrow Place Lift Station Bid Award DATE: March 17, 2017 BACKGROUND: The Garrett Creek lift station and force main was constructed in 2004. The lift station is currently operating at approximately 80% of its rated capacity and provides sewer service to Garrett Creek Residential and Commercial, Rejoice School, Rejoice Church, Walgreens, McDonalds, Taco Bell, Discount Tire, Village and Ace Hardware. With the development of Morrow Place and other potential development within the area, City of Owasso and Owasso Land Trust have been working on a solution for several years in order to accommodate the sanitary sewer needs for existing and future development from E 106 St N to E 126 St N and HWY 169 to N 129 E Ave. In 2011, Owasso Land Trust took the initiative and hired Kellogg Engineering to begin the study of the basin and determined a new lift station, force main and gravity relief line between the existing lift station and 1291h East Ave are needed in order to accommodate the existing sanitary sewer flows from the Garrett Creek service area and future development south toward 106th Street North After the design was complete Owasso Land Trust requested funding assistance from the City of Owasso for the future capacity for properties that can be served by the system but not owned by the Owasso Land Trust. The project was approved for public funding by the Capital Improvements Committee. Staff with Kellogg Engineering decided that the Morrow Place Lift Station and the Garrett Creek Relief Line /Force Main should be separated into two projects to obtain more competitive bids, since each project was a specialized construction. The Morrow Place Lift Station is a single site project located at the intersection of Garrett Creek and 1291h East Ave. (See attached map.) Once the ODEQ approved the concept, Public Works reviewed and approved the final plans for construction. BID ADVERTISEMENT: Advertisement for bids was published on January 25, 2017, and February 1, 2017. In accordance with state law, a mandatory pre -bid meeting was held on February 15, 2017, with bid opening occurring on February 28, 2017, at Owasso City Hall. ANALYSIS OF BIDS: On February 28, 2017, Public Works received five (5) bids for the Morrow Place Lift Station Project. Below is a tabulation of the results of the bids. Cross -Bo Construction $1,211,606.75 BRB Contractors $1,686,000.00 Doris Construction $1,469,937.00 MSB Construction 1,900,458.75 McGuire Brothers Construction $1,598,000.00 Engineer's Estimate $1,121,565.00 After a thorough review of the bid documents by Kellogg Engineering and City staff, Cross -Bo Construction was determined to be the low bidder at $1,211,606.75. FUNDING: Funding is included in the Capital Improvements Fund. RECCOMENDATON: Staff recommends award of a bid to Cross -Bo Construction in the amount of $1,211,606.75 for construction of the Morrow Place Lift Station Project and authorization for the Mayor to execute the contract. ATTACHMENTS: Contract Document - SECTION 00300 AGREEMENT Location Map SECTION 00300 AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is dated as of the 21 st day of March. 2017, by and between The City of Owasso (hereinafter called OWNER) and Cross -Bo Construction LLC. (hereinafter called CONTRACTOR). OWNER and CONTRACTOR, in consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, agree as follows: ARTICLE 1. WORK CONTRACTOR shall complete all Work as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents. The Work is generally described as follows: MORROW PLACE LIFT STATION PROJECT CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA The project for which the Work under the contract documents may be the whole or only a part, is described as follows: Construction of the new Morrow Place Lift Station ARTICLE 2. ENGINEER The project has been assigned to the Project Manager or his/her duly authorized representative, who is hereinafter called ENGINEER and who will assume all duties and responsibilities and will have the rights and authority assigned to ENGINEER in the Contract Documents in connection with the completion of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. ARTICLE 3. CONTRACT TIME 3.1 The Work will be substantially completed within one - hundred eighty (180) calendar days from the date of Notice to Proceed; and completed and ready for final payment in accordance with the General Conditions within two- hundred forty (240) calendar days from the date of Notice to Proceed, which will be on or before 3.2 Liquidated Damages. OWNER and CONTRACTOR recognize that time is of the essence of this Agreement and that OWNER will suffer financial loss if the Work is not substantially complete within the time specified in paragraph 3.1 above, plus any extensions thereof allowed in accordance with the General Conditions. They also recognize the delays, expense and difficulties involved in proving in a legal or arbitration proceeding the actual loss suffered by OWNER, if the Work is any such proof. OWNER and CONTRACTOR agree that as liquidated damages for delay (but not as a penalty) CONTRACTOR shall pay OWNER One Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) for each consecutive calendar day that expires after the time specified in paragraph 3.1 for substantial completion until the Work is substantially complete. After Substantial Completion, if CONTRACTOR shall neglect, refuse or fail to complete the remaining Work within the time specified in paragraph 3.1 for completion and readiness for final payment or any proper extension thereof granted by OWNER, CONTRACTOR shall pay OWNER Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) for each consecutive calendar day that expires after the time specified in paragraph 3.1 for completion and readiness for final payment. ARTICLE 4. CONTRACT PRICE 4.1 OWNER shall pay CONTRACTOR for performance of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents in current funds the amount agreed upon in CONTRACTOR'S bid. 4.2 CONTRACTOR understands that the estimated quantities are not guaranteed and that the determination of actual quantities and their classification is to be made by the OWNER at the time of application for payment. 4.3 Contract Amount: One Million two hundred eleven thousand six hundred six and 75/100 dollars ($1,211,606.75) ARTICLE 5. PAYMENT PROCEDURES CONTRACTOR shall submit Applications for Payment in accordance with the General Conditions on the Pay Estimate Forms included as Exhibit "A" to this Agreement. Applications for Payment will be processed by OWNER as provided in the General Conditions. 5.1 Progress Payments. OWNER shall make progress payments on account of the Contract Price on the basis of CONTRACTOR's Applications for Payment in accordance with the City of Owasso's Payment Schedule included as Exhibit "B" to this Agreement during construction as provided below. All progress payments will be on the basis of the progress of the Work. 5.1.1 Progress payments shall not exceed an amount equal to 95% of the WORK completed until such time as CONTRACTOR shall complete in excess of five percent (5 %) of the contract amount. 5.1.2 Upon completion in excess of fifty percent (50 %) of the total contract amount, OWNER shall pay an amount sufficient to increase total payments to CONTRACTOR to 95% of the Contract Price, less such amounts as OWNER shall determine in accordance with the General Conditions, provided that OWNER has determined that satisfactory progress is being made, and upon approval by the Surety. 5.2 Final Payment. Upon final completion and acceptance of the Work in accordance with the General Conditions, OWNER shall pay the Contract Price. ARTICLE 6. CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATIONS In order to induce OWNER to enter into this Agreement, CONTRACTOR makes the following representations: 6.1 CONTRACTOR has familiarized himself/herself with the nature and extent of Contract Documents, Work, locality, and with all local conditions and federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations that in any manner may affect cost, progress or performance of the Work. 6.2 CONTRACTOR has studied carefully all reports or explorations and tests of subsurface conditions at or contiguous to the site and all drawings of physical conditions in or relating to existing surface or subsurface structures at or contiguous to the site (except underground facilities) which have been identified in the Supplementary Conditions as provided in the General Conditions. Contractor accepts the determination set forth in the General Conditions of the extent of the "technical data" contained in such reports and drawings upon which Contractor is entitled to rely. Contractor acknowledges that such reports and drawings are not Contract Documents and may not be complete for Contractor's purposes. Contractor acknowledges that Owner and Engineer do not assume responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of information and data shown or indicated in the Contract Documents with respect to underground facilities at or continuous to the site. Contractor has obtained and carefully studied (or assume responsibility for having done so) all such additional supplementary examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies and data concerning conditions (surface, subsurface and underground facilities) at or contiguous to the site or otherwise which may affect cost, progress, performance or furnishing of the Work or which relate to any aspect of the means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures of construction to be employed by Contractor, and safety precautions and programs incident thereto. Contractor does not consider that any additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies, or data are necessary for the performance and furnishing of the Work at the Contract Price, within the Contract Times and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. 6.3 CONTRACTOR has made or caused to be made examinations, investigations, tests and studies of such reports and related data in addition to those referred to in paragraph 6.2 as (s)he deems necessary for the performance of the Work at the Contract price, within the Contract Time and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents; and no additional examinations, investigations, tests, reports or similar data are or will be required by CONTRACTOR for such purposes. 6.4 CONTRACTOR has reviewed and checked all information and data shown or indicated on the Contract Documents with respect to existing Underground Facilities at or contiguous to the site and assumes responsibility for the accurate location of said Underground Facilities. No additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, reports, studies or similar information or data in respect of said Underground Facilities are or will be required by CONTRACTOR in order to perform and furnish the Work at the Contract Price within the Contract Time and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents, including the General Conditions. 6.5 CONTRACTOR has correlated the results of all such observations, examinations, investigations, tests, reports and data with the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. 6.6 CONTRACTOR has given OWNER written notice of all conflicts, errors or discrepancies that he has discovered in the Contract Documents, and the written resolution thereof by OWNER is acceptable to CONTRACTOR. 6.7 CONTRACTOR has obligated himself/herself to the OWNER to be responsible for the workmanship, labor and materials used in the project for one (1) year after the project has been accepted by the OWNER. 6.8 CONTRACTOR understands that (s)he will be exempt from all sales tax on materials and other items necessary for the completion of the project. The OWNER has issued him a Certification of Tax Exempt Project enclosed as Exhibit "C" of this Agreement. ARTICLE 7. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS The Contract Documents which comprise the entire agreement between OWNER and CONTRACTOR are attached to this Agreement, made a part hereof, and consist of the following: 7.1 This Agreement (pages 1 to 6 inclusive). 7.2 Exhibits "A ", "B ", "C" and "D" to this Agreement. 7.3 Advertisement for Bids (Section 00100). 7.4 Requirements for Bidders (Section 00110). 7.5 Instructions to Bidders (Section 00120). 7.6 Bid (Section 00200). 7.7 Bid Bond (Section 00210). 7.8 Bid Affidavits (Section 00220). 7.9 Statement of Bidders Qualifications (Section 00230). 7.10 Certificate of Non-Discrimination (Section 00240). 7.11 Performance Bond (Section 00410). 7.12 Maintenance Bond (Section 00420). 7.13 Statutory payment Bond (Section 00430). 7.14 Notice of Award (Section 00510). 7.15 Notice to Proceed (Section 00520). 7.16 Change Order (Section 00600). 7.17 General Conditions (Section 00700). 7.18 Project Specifications (Section 00800). 7.19 Special Provisions (Section 00900). 7.20 Project Drawings, consisting of Sheets 1 to 32, inclusive, and Standard Drawings. 7.21 Addendum Numbers 1 to 1 , inclusive. 7.22 Documentation submitted by CONTRACTOR prior to Notice of Award (pages _ to _ inclusive). 7.23 Any Modification, including Change Orders, duly delivered after execution of Agreement. There are no Contract Documents other than those listed above in this Article 7. The Contract Documents may only be altered, amended or repealed by a Modification (as defined in the General Conditions). ARTICLE 8. MISCELLANEOUS 8.1 Terms used in this Agreement which are defined in the General Conditions shall have the meanings indicated in the General Conditions. 8.2 No assignment by a party hereto of any rights under or interests in the Contract Documents will be binding on another party hereto without the written consent of the party sought to be bound; and specifically, but without limitation, monies that may become due and monies that are due may not be assigned without such consent (except to the extent that the effect of this restriction may be limited by law) and unless specifically stated to the contrary in any written consent to an assignment, no assignment will release or discharge the assignor from any duty or responsibility under the Contract Documents. 8.3 OWNER and CONTRACTOR each binds himself/herself, his /her partners, successors, assigns, and legal representatives to the other party hereto, his /her partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives in respect to all covenants, agreements and obligations contained in the Contract Documents. 8.3 The Agreement (or remaining portions thereof) should continue in effect, be valid and binding upon both parties even if a provision or part of the Contract Documents should be held void or unenforceable by law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereby have signed this Agreement in duplicate. One counterpart has been delivered to CONTRACTOR, the other belongs to OWNER. All portions of the Contract Documents have been signed by OWNER and CONTRACTOR. This Agreement will be effective on March 21, 2017 OWNER: City of Owasso : Lyndell Dunn, Mayor (SEAL) ATTEST: Title Address for giving notices: CONTRACTOR: Cross Bo Construction, LLC an Justin Bohannon, Managing Member (SEAL) Title sd nTh,ity Wit out Limits. TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Owasso FROM: H. Dwayne Henderson, P.E. City Engineer SUBJECT: East 116th Street North from North 1291h East Avenue to US Hwy 169 Roadway Improvements - Agreement for Engineering Services DATE: March 17, 2017 BACKGROUND: East 116th Street North is currently the highest priority two -lane roadway in need for widening within City Limits that is not currently under design. The road acts as a direct connection from State Highway 75 to both State Highway 20 and US Highway 169. The road accommodates commuter traffic, heavy residential traffic, commercial traffic, Sports Park traffic and functions in the capacity of an "alternate" highway due to the most direct path between State Highways 75 and 20. Traffic to recent commercial developments near US Highway 169 along this roadway is one source of increased traffic. In the past few years, ODOT has installed an overpass and interchange with on and off ramps at Highway 75 to and from East 116th Street North. This interchange has created a safer passageway to and from East 1 16th Street North and has also contributed to additional traffic. Major events at the Sports Park often times cause major traffic congestion at the entrance on East 116th Street North and is also a source for increased traffic periodically on this mile section. For these reasons, the City identified this project as a priority to fund and submitted it to the Public for the vision re- capture funding which was passed in April of 2016. The latest traffic counts for the mile section are 12,963 vehicles per day traveling east /west at the west end and 13,476 at the east end. In previous years, the west end traffic counts were approximately 10,730 (2010) vehicles per day and approximately 11,880 (2010) vehicles per day on the east end indicating a 21 % and 13% increase respectively. The first step in the process is to hire an engineer to perform the design duties. On December 6, 2016, City Council executed an agreement for engineering services for the first mile section from Mingo Road to Garnett Road. On January 3, 2017, an engineering agreement for the second mile section from Garnett Road to North 129th East Avenue was approved. This is the third section from the east side of North 129th East Ave to US Highway 169. The engineers will design a four -lane roadway section with center turn lanes and landscaped medians. Bike lanes and sidewalk access will be added as part of the "Complete Streets Policy" adopted by the City of Owasso. Intersection improvements will occur at North 1351h East Avenue and the road improvements will terminate before connection with US Highway 169. The intersection at 129th East Avenue is currently being designed. Utility relocation will also be a key component to the project for the engineers, as well as assistance during right -of -way acquisition, bidding and construction. ENGINEER SELECTION PROCESS: On November 14, 2016, staff notified seventeen (17) engineering firms that had shown interest in working with the City of Owasso on transportation projects. These firms had previously worked on projects similar to this one. Therefore staff issued them an invitation to submit Statements of Qualifications (SOQ). The seven (7) firms submitting SOQs were as follows: PEC, Tulsa, OK McClelland, Tulsa, OK Olsson, Tulsa, OK BKL, Inc., Tulsa, OK Poe & Associates, Tulsa, OK Benham, Tulsa, OK Walter P. Moore, Tulsa, OK Owasso Public Works staff reviewed the submitted SOQs and selected Walter P. Moore, Tulsa, OK, as the most highly qualified and responsive firm. ENGINEERING AGREEMENT /SCOPE OF WORK: Following is the scope of work for this project: • Conceptual Plan and Design Report, including estimate • 30 %, 60%,90% and Final Design plans • Utility Relocation Coordination • Assistance during Bidding • Construction Administration Services (Inspection by the City of Owasso, this item is to be available for questions on intent and the review and approval of submittals during construction) • As -built Plan Preparation On March 9, 2017, City staff and Walter P. Moore came to an agreement relating to the engineering service fee. If approved, cost of engineering services will be a lump sum amount of $180,000 or 7.0% of the estimated construction cost. FUNDING: In January 2017, the Vision re- capture tax began collection with the first payment received from the tax commission in March 2017. Funding for this contract is available in the Vision Tax Fund. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of an Agreement for North from North 129 +h East Avenue to US Hwy Moore, Tulsa, OK, in the amount of $180,000 and agreement. ATTACHMENTS: Location Map Agreement for Engineering Services Engineering Services for the East 1 16th Street 169, Roadway Improvements with Walter P. authorization for the Mayor to execute the .OJECT CAT101 II 116th ST wl E 116 ROADWAY 129th E PROJECT 169 CITY OF OWASSO - PROJECT LOCATION 3MO17 I N 1'1115 MAP IS F"R jl F 011MA. l<>N P1 P<1NF ONI'I nNl> IS N l 1v" 1 I:.Nl�t'13 ' 1<) 111:1111 vll N'1 AN A( c LIR\1t \N TRUI': t IL_l.'SI- ?I'1uIS 11\P Is \ \'I- I'11KA,I WA R 2.%N I Y ( I R R 1'. PI: FF II N' r:\ r'I nN @l' < 1 11 1 )3: k)% %, %GSII 0 F I I.: \t l'1 I1:: \<l'. 200 S. Main Street P.O. Box 180 Owasso, OK 74055 918.376.1500 AGREEMENT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE CITY OF OWASSO, OK E. 116TH STREET NORTH FROM 129TH E. AVENUE to US HWY 169 ��J� THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of March, 2017 between the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, a Municipal Corporation, of Oklahoma, hereinafter referred to as CITY, and Walter P. Moore & Associates, Inc., hereinafter referred to as ENGINEER; WTTNESSETH: WHEREAS, CITY intends to construct roadway, sidewalk, traffic signals, stormwater, water distribution and wastewater collection improvements along E. 116th Street North from 500' east of N. 129th E. east to the southbound ramps of US Hwy 169 including, the intersection at 135th East Ave hereinafter referred to as the PROJECT; and, WHEREAS, CITY requires certain professional services in connection with the PROJECT, hereinafter referred to as the SERVICES; and, WHEREAS, ENGINEER, is prepared to provide such SERVICES; WHEREAS, funding is available for the PROJECT through the Vision Recapture Budget; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises contained herein, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. SCOPE OF PROTECT. The scope of the PROJECT is described in Attachment A, SCOPE OF PROTECT, which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference as part of this AGREEMENT. 2. SERVICES TO BE PERFORMED BY ENGINEER. ENGINEER shall perform the SERVICES described in Attachment B, SCOPE OF SERVICES, which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference as part of this AGREEMENT. 3. CITY'S RESPONSIBILITIES. CITY shall be responsible for all matters described in Attachment C, RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CITY, which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference as part of this AGREEMENT. 4. COMPENSATION. CITY shall pay ENGINEER in accordance with Attachment D, COMPENSATION, and further described in Attachment E, FEE /HOUR BREAKDOWN, which are attached hereto and incorporated by reference as part of Us AGREEMENT. 5. SCHEDULE. ENGINEER shall perform the SERVICES described in Attachment B, SCOPE OF SERVICES in accordance with the schedule set forth in Attachment F, SCHEDULE, attached hereto and incorporated by reference as part of this AGREEMENT. 6. STANDARD OF PERFORMANCE. ENGINEER shall perform the SERVICES undertaken in a manner consistent with the prevailing accepted standard for similar services with respect to projects of comparable function and complexity and with the applicable laws and regulations published and in effect at the time of performance of the SERVICES. The PROJECT shall be designed and engineered in a good and workmanlike manner and in strict accordance with this AGREEMENT. All engineering work shall be performed by or under the supervision of Professional Engineers licensed in the State of Oklahoma, and properly qualified to perform such engineering services, which qualification shall be subject to review by CITY. Other than the obligation of the ENGINEER to perform in accordance with the foregoing standards, no warranty, either express or implied, shall apply to the SERVICES to be performed by the ENGINEER pursuant to this AGREEMENT or the suitability of ENGINEER'S work product. 7. LIMITATION OF RESPONSIBILITY. 7.1. ENGINEER shall not be responsible for construction means, methods, techniques, sequences, procedures, or safety precautions and programs in connection with the PROJECT. 7.2. The presence of ENGINEER's personnel at a construction site is for the purpose of providing to the CITY a greater degree of confidence that the completed construction work will conform generally to the construction documents and that the integrity of the design concept as reflected in the construction documents has been implemented and preserved by the construction contractor(s). 73. In soils, foundation, groundwater, and other subsurface investigations, the actual characteristics may vary significantly between successive test points and sample intervals and at locations other than where observations, exploration, and investigations have been made. Because of the inherent uncertainties in subsurface evaluations, changed or unanticipated underground conditions may occur that could affect total PROJECT cost and /or execution. These conditions and cost /execution effects are not the responsibility of ENGINEER. 7.4. Record drawings will be prepared, in part, on the basis of information compiled and furnished by others, and may not always represent the exact location, type of various components, or exact manner in which the PROJECT was finally constructed. ENGINEER is not responsible for any errors or omissions in the information from others that are incorporated into the record drawings. 7.5. ENGINEER's deliverables, including record drawings, are limited to the sealed and signed hard copies. Computer - generated drawing files furnished by ENGINEER are for CITY or others' convenience. Any conclusions or information derived or obtained from these files will be at user's sole risk. 8. OPINIONS OF COST AND SCHEDULE. 8.1. Since ENGINEER has no control over the cost of labor, materials, equipment, or services furnished by others, or over contractors', subcontractors', or vendors' methods of determining prices, or over competitive bidding or market conditions, ENGINEER'S cost estimates shall be made on the basis of qualifications and experience as a Professional Engineer. Accordingly, Engineer cannot and does not warrant or represent that bids or negotiated prices will not vary from the City's budget for the Project or from any estimate or evaluation prepared or agreed to by the Engineer. 8.2. Since ENGINEER has no control over the resources provided by others to meet construction contract schedules, ENGINEER'S forecast schedules shall be made on the basis of qualifications and experience as a Professional Engineer. Accordingly Engineer cannot and does not warrant that such forecast schedules will not vary from actual as performed construction contract schedules. 9. LIABILITY AND INDEMNIFICATION. 9.1. ENGINEER shall indemnify CITY from and against legal liability for damages arising out of the performance of the SERVICES for CITY, including but not limited to any claims, costs, attorney fees, or other expenses of whatever nature to the extent such liability is caused by the negligent act, error, or omission of ENGINEER, or any person or organization for whom ENGINEER is legally liable. Nothing in this paragraph shall make the ENGINEER liable for any damages caused by the CITY or any other contractor or consultant of the CITY. 9.2. ENGINEER shall not be liable to CITY for any special, indirect or consequential damages, such as, but not limited to, loss of revenue, or loss of anticipated profits. 10. CONTRACTOR INDEMNIFICATION AND CLAIMS. 10.1. CITY agrees to include in all construction contracts the provisions of Articles 7.1, and 7.2, and provisions providing contractor indemnification of CITY and ENGINEER for contractor's negligence. 10.2. CITY shall require construction contractor(s) to name CITY and ENGINEER as additional insureds on the contractors general liability insurance policy. 11. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS. In performance of the SERVICES, ENGINEER shall comply with applicable regulatory requirements including federal, state, and local laws, rules, regulations, orders, codes, criteria and standards. ENGINEER shall procure the permits, certificates, and licenses necessary to allow ENGINEER to perform the SERVICES. ENGINEER shall not be responsible for procuring permits, certificates, and licenses required for any construction unless such responsibilities are specifically assigned to ENGINEER in Attachment B, SCOPE OF SERVICES. 12. INSURANCE. 12.1. During the performance of the SERVICES under this AGREEMENT, ENGINEER shall maintain the following insurance: 12.1.1. General Liability Insurance with bodily injury limits of not less than $1,000,000 for each occurrence and not less than $1,000,000 in the aggregate, and with property damage limits of not less than $100,000 for each occurrence and not less than $100,000 in the aggregate. 12.1.2. Automobile Liability Insurance with bodily injury limits of not less than $1,000,000 for each person and not less than $1,000,000 for each accident and with property damage limits of not less than $100,000 for each accident. 12.1.3. Worker's Compensation Insurance in accordance with statutory requirements and Employers' Liability Insurance with limits of not less than $100,000 for each occurrence. 12.1.4. Errors and Omissions Insurance to remain in effect during the PROJECT and the term of any legal liability. Errors and Omissions coverage to be for a minimum of $1,000,000, deductibles subject to approval by CITY. 12.2. ENGINEER shall furnish CITY certificates of insurance which shall include a provision that such insurance shall not be canceled without at least 30 days written notice to the CITY. 13. OWNERSHIP AND REUSE OF DOCUMENTS. 13.1. All documents, including original drawings, estimates, specifications, field notes and data shall become and remain the property of the CITY. 13.2. CITY'S reuse of such documents without written verification or adaptation by ENGINEER for the specific purpose intended shall be at CITY'S risk. 14. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT. 14.1. The obligation to continue SERVICES under this AGREEMENT may be terminated by either party upon fifteen days written notice in the event of substantial failure by the other party to perform in accordance with the terms hereof through no fault of the terminating party. 14.2. CITY shall have the right to terminate this AGREEMENT, or suspend performance thereof, for CITY'S convenience upon written notice to ENGINEER; and ENGINEER shall terminate or suspend performance of SERVICES on a schedule acceptable to CITY. In the event of termination or suspension for CITY'S convenience, CITY shall pay ENGINEER for all SERVICES performed to the date of termination in accordance with provisions of Attachment D, COMPENSATION. Upon restart of a suspended project, ENGINEER's contract price and schedule shall be equitably adjusted. 15. NOTICE. Any notice, demand, or request required by or made pursuant to this AGREEMENT shall be deemed properly made if personally delivered in writing or deposited in the United States mail, postage prepaid, to the address specified below. To ENGINEER: Walter P. Moore & Associates, Inc. 7666 E 61st St S., Suite 251 Tulsa, OK 74133 Attention: Hollis Allen, Jr., Principal To CITY: CITY OF OWASSO 301 W 2nd Avenue Owasso, OK 74055 Attention: Roger Stevens, Public Works Director 15.1. Nothing contained in this Article shall be construed to restrict the transmission of routine communications between representatives of ENGINEER and CITY. 16. UNCONTROLLABLE FORCES. Neither CITY nor ENGINEER shall be considered to be in default of this AGREEMENT if delays in or failure of performance shall be due to forces which are beyond the control of the parties; including, but not limited to: fire, flood, earthquakes, storms, lightning, epidemic, war, riot, civil disturbance, sabotage; inability to procure permits, licenses, or authorizations from any state, local, or federal agency or person for any of the supplies, materials, accesses, or services required to be provided by either CITY or ENGINEER under this AGREEMENT; strikes, work slowdowns or other labor disturbances, and judicial restraint. 17. SEVERABILITY. If any portion of this AGREEMENT shall be construed by a court of competent jurisdiction as unenforceable, such portion shall be severed herefrom, and the balance of this AGREEMENT shall remain in full force and effect. 18. INTEGRATION AND MODIFICATION. This AGREEMENT includes Attachments A, B, C, D, E, and F and represents the entire and integrated AGREEMENT between the parties; and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, or agreements pertaining to the SCOPE OF SERVICES herein, either written or oral. CITY may make or approve changes within the general Scope of Services in this AGREEMENT. If such changes affect ENGINEER's cost of or time required for performance of the services, an equitable adjustment will be made through an amendment to this AGREEMENT. This AGREEMENT may be amended only by written instrument signed by each of the Parties. 19. DISPUTE RESOLUTION PROCEDURE. In the event of a dispute between the ENGINEER and the CITY over the interpretation or application of the terms of this AGREEMENT, the matter shall be referred to the City's Director of Public Works for resolution. If the Director of Public Works is unable to resolve the dispute, the matter may, in the Director's discretion, be referred to the City Manager for resolution. Regardless of these procedures, neither party shall be precluded from exercising any rights, privileges or opportunities permitted by law to resolve any dispute. 20. ASSIGNMENT. ENGINEER shall not assign its obligations undertaken pursuant to this AGREEMENT, provided that nothing contained in this paragraph shall prevent ENGINEER from employing such independent consultants, associates, and subcontractors as ENGINEER may deem appropriate to assist ENGINEER in the performance of the SERVICES hereunder. 21. APPROVAL. It is understood and agreed that all work performed under this AGREEMENT shall be subject to inspection and approval by the Public Works Department of the City of Owasso, and any plans or specifications not meeting the terms set forth in this AGREEMENT will be replaced or corrected at the sole expense of the ENGINEER. The ENGINEER will meet with the City staff initially and monthly thereafter and will be available for public meetings and City of Owasso presentations. 22. KEY PERSONNEL. In performance of the SERVICES hereunder, ENGINEER has designated Daniel Ashbaugh as Project Manager for the PROJECT. ENGINEER agrees that no change will be made in the assignment of this position without prior approval of CITY. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this AGREEMENT in multiple copies on the respective dates herein below reflected to be effective on the date executed by the Mayor of the City of Owasso. ATTEST: Secretary APPROVED: Walter P. Moore & Associates, Inc. By: Hollis R. Allen, Jr., Principal Date 03/13/2017 CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA City Clerk Mayor Date APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney THE CITY OF OWASSO, OK E. 116TH STREET NORTH FROM 129TH E. AVENUE to US HWY 169 Scope of Project AttachmentA SCOPE OF PROTECT. The PROJECT shall consist of civil engineering services to design and prepare construction plans and specifications for an arterial roadway along E. 116th Street North, beginning approximately 500' east of 129th East Ave and extending to approximately US Hwy 169. Improvements shall include redesigning the intersection and signalization with 135th East Ave and the pavement transitions to it from the north and south. The PROJECT will be designed to meet and match other roadway improvements on the west of the PROJECT limits currently being designed by other consulting firms. The PROJECT shall include: • Construction of concrete curbed roadway with underground storm sewer systems; at the 135th East Ave intersection, two through traffic lanes in all directions with dedicated left turn bays and raised, streetscaped medians; right turn lanes may be included based on the traffic study and availability of right of way; a transition to the existing two -lane road on the north leg of the intersection will be included; • along 116th Street North, two through lanes in each direction, raised medians, left turn lanes and median openings at major turn movement locations; • wide curb lanes for bike lanes or as directed by CITY; • a new traffic signal system at the 135th East Ave and 116th Street North intersection with street lighting on signal poles; • a 4' concrete wide sidewalk on one side of the arterial and an 8' wide concrete trail on the opposite side of the arterial; • streetscaping with irrigation systems within the raised medians in accordance with City guidelines. • replacement of Washington County Rural Water District #3 water lines, as necessary; • coordination with private utility relocations. • providing plans, specifications and bid documents for the bidding process. The CITY will advertise, bid and administer the PROJECT construction. THE CITY OF OWASSO, OK E. 116TH STREET NORTH FROM 129TH E. AVENUE to US HWY 169 Scope of Services AttachmentB The services to be performed by the ENGINEER under this AGREEMENT will consist of providing civil engineering services for the SCOPE OF PROTECT presented in Attachment A, as directed by the City by a notice to proceed or in a work order. Further, it is understood and agreed that the date of beginning, rate of progress, and the time of completion of the work to be done hereunder for each assignment are essential provisions of this AGREEMENT; and it is further understood and agreed that the work embraced in this AGREEMENT shall commence upon execution of this AGREEMENT and receipt of Notice to Proceed. It is further understood that all reviews and conceptual designs will be prepared in accordance with the City of Owasso design criteria and specifications for construction. B.1. Basic Services of ENGINEER. The basic services of the ENGINEER shall include, but are not limited to the following tasks: B.l.a) Attend an initial kick -off meeting and monthly design workshops, associated with the PROJECT, through the substantial completion of the PROJECT design, three public presentation meetings and one City Council meeting for project presentation. B.l.b) Coordinate all subconsultant designs for the PROJECT. B.1.c) Document all PROJECT design workshops, conferences and coordination and send documentation to the CITY within five (5) working days of the workshop. Documentation of City Council meetings is excluded from this requirement. If coordination meetings are held with other consulting firms which are responsible to document the meeting, review and confirmation of the documents prepared by others will suffice for this requirement. B.l.d) Perform all necessary geotechnical, traffic and hydrologic studies or investigations for the PROJECT unless expressly written in other areas of this AGREEMENT. B.1.e) Obtain "property reports" for all unplatted tracts of land along the project corridor. B.l.f) Furnish engineering data, where necessary, for the coordination of the PROJECT with other local projects or with state or federal authorities. B.l.g) Prepare all drawings in conformance with CITY drafting standards. B.l.h) Prepare designs in English units in accordance with the current Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) Design Manual, AASHTO Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and the City of Owasso Standards or as mutually agreed upon otherwise. B.l.i) Prepare and submit, on behalf of the City, applications for construction permits granted by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ).Plans shall also be submitted to ODOT DIV VIII for their review and approval. [:a B.1.j) Prepare construction documents utilizing the CITY and Oklahoma Department of Transportation standard drawings, details and specifications. 13.11) Provide Utility Relocation coordination for other private utilities within the PROJECT limits. B.1.1) Provide an engineer's opinion of probable costs for the PROJECT with each submittal. CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT PHASE (30%) B.2.a) Collect traffic data and prepare a Traffic Study to evaluate signal timing and lane configurations for the 116th Street North and Garnett Road intersection. B.2.b) Conduct geoteclurical investigations and provide a report of findings including a pavement section recommendation for concrete pavement only. B.2.c) Collect property report information for all unplatted parcels adjacent to the PROJECT corridor. B.2.d) Prepare preliminary hydraulic studies and a preliminary assessment of hydraulic conditions for major creek crossings along the project corridor for inclusion in the Conceptual Design Report. B.2.e) Prepare conceptual level plan and profile sheets in adequate detail to prepare an engineer's opinion of probable cost for the project and to show conceptual plan and profile of roadway geometrics and major stormwater collection systems. Proposed sidewalks, trails, CITY water lines, Washington County RWD #3 waterlines and the sanitary force main will be shown in plan view only. Right of way needs, and private utility relocation needs will be noted. Conceptual Plans will be prepared on the topographic survey base drawing prepared by the CITY. B.2.0 Prepare a Conceptual Design Report with a summary of all investigations and findings, along with the Conceptual Plan & Profile sheets and an engineer's opinion of probable cost. Deliverables will include three (3) bound Conceptual Design Reports, an electronic version of the Conceptual Design Report and five (5) full size sets of Conceptual (30 %) Plans. B.2.g) Meet with CITY to discuss comments and questions from CITY for the Conceptual Design Report. 13.21) Address comments and questions from CITY staff and submit a revised Final Conceptual Design Report and one (1) electronic copy of the revised Final Conceptual Design Report to the CITY. B.3 PRELIMINARY DESIGN PHASE (60 %) B.3.a) Finalize hydraulic studies and prepare a Hydraulic Report for the PROJECT. Submit three (3) bound copies of the Hydraulic Report and one (1) electronic (.pdf) copy. B.3.b) Coordinate with the utility companies to ensure all existing facilities are correctly indicated on the topographic survey, the PROJECT impact on those facilities and the anticipated needs for relocation of existing facilities. B.3.c) Prepare Preliminary Design Plans incorporating the comments and discussions presented in the Final Conceptual Design Report. Preliminary Design Plans shall include as a minimum: 1. Cover Sheet 2. Preliminary Summary of Pay Items & Pay Item Notes 3. Typical Section Sheet(s) 4. Roadway Summary Tables 5. Drainage Map 6. Summary of Hydrologic and Hydraulic Data 7. Summary of Inlet and Pipe Designs 8. Survey Data Sheet prepared by the surveyor of record 9. Right of Way Map(s) 10. Demolition Sheet(s) 11. Geometric Plan Sheet(s) 12. Roadway Plan & Profile Sheet(s) 13. Water Line Plan & Profile Sheet(s) 14. Sanitary Force Main Plan & Profile Sheet(s) 15. Traffic Signal Plan(s) 16. Preliminary Details for non - standard construction items 17. Preliminary Construction Sequencing Sheets 18. Pavement Marking Plan 19. Cross Sections B.3.d) Deliverables will include five (5) full size paper sets and one electronic (.pdf) version for half size Preliminary (60 %) Design Plans and an updated engineers opinion of probable cost. ENGINEER will coordinate and provide Preliminary Plans to the Washington County Rural Water District #3, as necessary. B.3.e) Meet with CITY to discuss comments and questions from CITY staff for the Preliminary (60 %) Design Plans. B.3.0 Based on comments from Preliminary Design review meeting, prepare and provide legal descriptions and right of way documents to CITY to begin right of way acquisition process. B.4 FINAL DESIGN PHASE (90%) BA.a) Coordinate with privately owned utilities for said companies to prepare relocation plans if required. ENGINEER shall establish relocation corridors for private utility companies. ENGINEER shall provide plans and information as needed to companies to assist in their plan preparation. ENGINEER will review relocation plans for compliance with PROJECT design. Field verification of relocations is not part of this AGREEMENT. A written letter verifying no impact will be required from utility companies within the PROJECT that do not require relocation. BA.b) Prepare landscape and streetscape plans based on approved Preliminary Design (60 %) plans. BA.c) Prepare Final Design (90 %) construction drawings based on review comments from the Preliminary Design Phase (60 %). Additional sheets to be prepared beyond the Preliminary Plan submittal include: 1. Summary of Pay Item Sheets & Notes (Traffic Signal) 2. Summary of Pay Item Sheets & Notes (Landscaping) 3. Summary Tables as needed 4. Stormwater Management Plan Sheet 5. Traffic Signal Detail Plans /Wiring Diagrams 6. Landscaping Design and Details 7. Irrigation Design and Details 8. Traffic Control /Traffic Signage during construction 9. Joint Layout Sheet(s) 10. Driveway Detail Sheet(s) 11. Intersection Detail Sheet(s) B.4.d) Prepare Draft versions of any necessary Special Provisions or Special Specifications for all construction activities associated with the PROJECT that are not covered in the standard specifications. Planting, irrigation and median topsoil specifications. B.4.e) Prepare Draft versions of all USACE and ODEQ permit applications. BA.f) Deliverables will include five (5) full size (22" x 34 ") paper sets and one (1) 11 "x17" electronic (.pdf) version of the Final Plans, an updated engineer's opinion of probable cost and draft versions of all ODEQ and USACE permit applications. ENGINEER will coordinate and provide Final (90 %) Plans to the Washington County Rural Water District #3, as necessary. B.4.g) Meet with CITY to discuss comments and questions from CITY staff for the Final (90 %) Design Plans. Address comments and questions from CITY staff, as requested, and submit an electronic version of the corrected Final (90 %) Design Plan. 15.41) Revise as necessary and submit to CITY all ODEQ and USACE permit applications. B.4.i) Completion of deliverables as stated for the FINAL DESIGN PHASE will be considered the "Substantial Completion' date for the PROJECT design for this AGREEMENT. B.4.j) Attend Public Meeting to discuss project with local residents and businesses. B.5 FINAL CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS PHASE (100 %) B.5.a) Finalize all construction documents in accordance with changes agreed upon by CITY and ENGINEER. B.5.b) Revise all Special Provisions or Special Specifications per City comments. B.5.c) Review all utility relocation plans with respect to all changes incorporated into the Final Construction Documents from previous plan submittals and submit to CITY for approval. B.5.d) Update any right of way documents needed to comply with changes in design or utility relocation plans. B.5.e) Provide an Engineer's opinion of Probable Cost in a format acceptable to the CITY. B.5.f) Provide one full size (22 "x34 ") paper set of Construction Plans, signed and sealed by the ENGINEER and subconsultants as required for CITY approval and use in advertising the PROJECT for bids. B.6 UTILITY RELOCATION SERVICES B.6.a) Coordinate with privately owned utilities for said companies to prepare relocation plans if required. ENGINEER shall establish relocation corridors for private utility companies. ENGINEER shall provide plans and information as needed to companies to assist in their plan preparation. ENGINEER will review relocation plans for compliance with PROJECT design. Field verification of relocations is not part of this AGREEMENT. A written letter verifying no impact will be required from utility companies within the PROJECT that do not require relocation B.6.b) Attend meetings with utility companies and CITY as necessary. ENGINEER to coordinate meeting locations with CITY and utility companies B.7 LIMITED BIDDING ASSISTANCE SERVICES B.7.a) ENGINEER shall provide Plans, Specifications and Contract documents for the bidding process. CITY will be responsible for the distribution of bidding documents to prospective bidders. B.7.b) Respond to questions from prospective Contractors during the bidding period. Document all responses to the CITY (email correspondence with the CITY is deemed adequate for documentation). B.7.c) Attend one Pre -Bid Conference. B.7.d) Assist the CITY in the preparation of any addenda from the Pre -Bid Conference. B.7.e) Prepare a tabulation of all bids (Bid Tab) with a Letter of Recommendation to Award. B.8 LIMITED CONSTRUCTION PHASE SERVICES (Hourly) B.8.a) Attend the Pre -Work Conference. B.8.b) Provide up to five (5) copies of Construction Plans to the Contractor. B.8.c) Review and approve contractor submittals for non- standard items called for in the construction plans. B.8.d) Respond to Request for Information (RFI) from the contractor as requested by the CITY. B.8.e) Visit PROJECT site, as requested by CITY, to address issues encountered during construction that are not addressed in the construction drawings. B.8.f) Assist the CITY in Change Order preparations. B.&g) Attend Substantial Completion meeting and assist in creating a punch list. B.8.h) Attend the Final Inspection. B.81) Prepare Record Drawings for the PROJECT. Record Drawings will be based on notes provided by the CITY to the ENGINEER for inclusion in the Record Drawing set. The provided notes will be incorporated into the Construction Plans, electronically, with appropriate notes and details lined thru to indicate where field changes were made. Field surveying of the "as- built' conditions is not considered part of this service. Deliverables shall include one (1) paper copy, an electronic version (.pdf), and Autocadd file drawings. AGREEMENT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE CITY OF OWASSO, OK E. 116TH STREET NORTH FROM 129TH E. AVENUE to US HWY 169 Responsibilities of the City Attachment C RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CITY. The CITY agrees: C.1 Reports, Records, etc: To furnish, as required by the work, and not at the expense of the ENGINEER: C.1.1 Records, reports, studies, plans, drawings, and other data available in the files of the CITY that may be useful in the work involved under this AGREEMENT including, but not limited to, bike lane details preferred by the CITY; streetscape features to be used at the arterial intersection C.1.2 Standard construction drawings and standard specifications C.1.3 ENGINEER will reasonably rely upon the accuracy, timeliness, and completeness of the information provided by CITY. C.2 Access: Provide access to public and private property when required in performance of ENGINEER's services. C3 Staff Assistance: Designate the City Engineer (or another individual designated in writing) to act as its representative in respect to the work to be performed under this AGREEMENT, and such person shall have complete authority to transmit instructions, receive information, interpret and define CITY'S policies and decisions with respect to materials, equipment, elements and systems pertinent to the services covered by this AGREEMENT. C.3.1 Furnish staff assistance in locating, both horizontally and vertically, existing CITY owned utilities and in expediting their relocation as described in Attaclunent B. Further, CITY will furnish assistance as required in obtaining locations of other utilities, including excavations to determine depth. C.3.2 Furnish legal assistance as required in the preparation of bidding, construction and other supporting documents. CA Review: Examine all studies, reports, sketches, estimates, specifications, drawings, proposals and other documents presented by ENGINEER and render in writing decisions pertaining thereto within a reasonable time so as not to delay the services of ENGINEER. C.5 Surveys: To provide all topographical and boundary survey information in a format usable by the ENGINEER for the PROJECT limits including sufficient information beyond the limits of the PROJECT so that ENGINEER can determine vertical alignments near the PROJECT limits. C.6 Permit Fees: To pay all fees associated with permits obtained through the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ) and the USACE. AGREEMENT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE CITY OF OWASSO, OK E. 116TH STREET NORTH FROM 129TH E. AVENUE to US HWY 169 Compensation Attachment D COMPENSATION. The CITY agrees to pay, as compensation for services set forth in Attachment B, the following fees, payable monthly as the work progresses; and within 30 calendar days of receipt of invoice. ENGINEER shall submit monthly invoices based upon work completed at the time of billing. Invoices shall be accompanied by such documentation as the CITY may require in substantiation of the amount billed. D.1 Total Compensation For the design work under this project the total maximum billing including direct costs and subconsultant services shall be $180,000.00 which amount shall not be exceeded without further written authorization by CITY. D.2 Subconsultants and Other Professional Associates: Services of subcontractors and other professional consultants shall be compensated for at actual cost. Use of sub - consultants must be authorized in advance by CITY. D.3 Other Direct Costs D.3.1 Travel and subsistence shall be compensated for at actual cost. Local travel by personal or firm automobile shall be compensated for at the rate currently allowed by the IRS. D.3.2 Printing expenses shall be compensated for as shown in ATTACHMENT E. D.3.3 Any other direct costs shall be compensated for at actual when authorized in advance by CITY. DA Additional Services: Unless otherwise provided for in any accepted and authorized proposal for additional services, such services shall be compensated for on the same basis as provided for in Attachment D. D.5 Terminated Services: If this AGREEMENT is terminated, ENGINEER shall be paid for services performed to the effective date of termination. D.6 Conditions of Payment D.6.1 Progress payments shall be made in proportion to services rendered and expenses incurred as indicated within this AGREEMENT and shall be due and owing within thirty days of ENGINEER'S submittal of his progress payment invoices. 14 D.6.2 If CITY fails to make payments due ENGINEER within sixty days of the submittal of any progress payment invoice, ENGINEER may, after giving fifteen days written notice to CITY, suspend services under this AGREEMENT. D.6.3 If the PROJECT is delayed, or if ENGINEER'S services for the PROJECT are delayed or suspended for more than ninety days for reasons beyond ENGINEER'S control, ENGINEER may, after giving fifteen days written notice to CITY, request renegotiation of compensation. 15 AGREEMENT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE CITY OF OWASSO, OK E. 116TH STREET NORTH FROM 129TH E. AVENUE to US HWY 169 Billing Rate Sheet Attachment E The Walter P Moore hourly rate schedule attached shall be used for any work requested to be conducted on a time and expense fee basis. CITY SHALL REPLACE THIS PAGE WITH ENGINEER'S RATES AND REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES IN AGREEMENT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE CITY OF OWASSO, OK E. 116TH STREET NORTH FROM 129TH E. AVENUE to US HWY 169 Schedule Attachment F F. SCHEDULE. The schedule for general engineering services for the PROJECT is provided as follows: F.1. Notice to Proceed: 3 /27/17 F.2. Submit Conceptual Report: 5/16/17 F.3. Hold Conceptual Review Meeting: 6/27/17 F.4. Submit Preliminary Plans: 8/31/17 F.5. Hold Preliminary Plan Review Meeting: 10/12/17 F.6. Submit Final Plans: 11/24/17 F.7. Hold Final Plan Review Meeting: 1/5/18 F.8. Submit PS &E: 1/29/18 F.9. Hold PS &E Review Meeting: 4/23/18 F.10. Route Mylars for Signature: 5/1/18 17 sd The City Wit out Limits. TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Owasso FROM: Roger Stevens Public Works Director SUBJECT: E 76th Street North and Main Street Intersection Improvements Bid Award and Approval of Change Order #1 DATE: March 17, 2017 BACKGROUND: McClelland Consulting Engineering, Inc. designed the intersection improvements at E 76th Street North and Main Street. The scope of work included adding a fifth lane to the south side of E 76 St N, so a protected left -turn lane could be created. Other improvements included a complete reconstruction of the E 76 St N and Main Street Intersection from asphalt to concrete, stamped brick crosswalks, landscaping and new underground public infrastructure. In January 2017, the engineering design was complete and ready for bid advertisement. BID ADVERTISEMENT: Advertisement for bids was published on February 1, 2017, and February 8, 2017. In accordance with state law, a mandatory pre -bid meeting was held on February 22, 2017. ANALYSIS OF BIDS: On March 7, 2017, Public Works received and opened three bids for the E 76 St N and Main Street Intersection Improvements. Below are the bids and engineering estimate. ➢ Engineering Estimate- $1,489,263.25 ➢ Grade Line Construction - $1,885,583.55 ➢ Daris Contractors - $2,109,916.95 Crossland Heavy Construction - $2,141,872.00 Grade Line Construction provided the lowest bid in the amount of $1,885,583.55 which is $396,320.00 more than the engineering estimate, additionally the sum is in excess of funds available to award the project. However, the contractor is willing to do an immediate change order, reducing the contract by $225,000.00 resulting in a new contract in the amount of $1,660,583.55. Change order #1 will also extend the contract by 30 days. PROJECT FUNDING: Funding is available in the Capital Improvements fund and Vision 2025 funds to complete the project at the amended contract price. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends award of the bid to Grade Line Construction in the amount of $1,885,583.55 and authorization for the Mayor to execute the agreement. Staff further recommends approval of Change Order #1 reducing the contract amount by $225,000.00 resulting in an amended contract amount of $1,660,583.55. ATTACHMENTS: Location Map Agreement Change Order # 1 E 76 St N and Main St Improvements J1�� 7i ''_ —A Olt ,p i v iY 4s y 'a 1 �Al9E��t3l© Ell Y e1 /r Irn OFI I i w R� I y: i -fig r� s 11 r i 1 i°cn%w� Fi r !J o TK _ d I 4, 00 m i t 1 � � Y,t 500 RIV. 1" = 376 ft Project Location 03/08/2017 This map represents a visual display of related geographic information. Data provided hereon is not a guarantee of actual Field conditions. To be sure of complete accuracy, please contact Owasso Public staff for the most up -to -date Information. SECTION 00300 AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is dated as of the 21 day of March, 2017, by and between The City of Owasso (hereinafter called OWNER) and Grade Line Constuction LLC. (hereinafter called CONTRACTOR). OWNER and CONTRACTOR, in consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, agree as follows: ARTICLE 1. WORK CONTRACTOR shall complete all Work as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents. The Work is generally described as follows: INTERSECTION WIDENING AND BEAUTIFICATION FOR 76TH STREET NORTH AND MAIN STREET CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA The project for which the Work under the contract documents may be the whole or only a part, is described as follows: The Base Bid will include the removal and econstruction of the newly configured intersection at 76`h Street North and Main Street, which includes the removal and reconstruction of the pavement, storm sewer infrastructure, and traffic signals. Additionally, a waterline on the south side of 76 "' Street N will be relocated outside the widening and a sanitary sewer line along Main Street will be replaced. Landscaping improvements will be made to the intersection that include but are not limited to ADA ramps and crossing, tree wells, irrigation system, and electrical conduit. ARTICLE 2. ENGINEER The project has been assigned to the Project Manager or his/her duly authorized representative, who is hereinafter called ENGINEER and who will assume all duties and responsibilities and will have the rights and authority assigned to ENGINEER in the Contract Documents in connection with the completion of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. ARTICLE 3. CONTRACT TIME 3.1 The Work will be substantially completed within one - hundred fifty (150) calendar days from the date of Notice to Proceed; and completed and ready for final payment in accordance with the General Conditions within one - hundred eighty (180) calendar days from the date of Notice to Proceed, which will be on or before , 3.2 Liquidated Damages. OWNER and CONTRACTOR recognize that time is of the essence of this Agreement and that OWNER will suffer financial loss if the Work is not substantially complete within the time specified in paragraph 3.1 above, plus any extensions thereof allowed in accordance with the General Conditions. They also recognize the delays, expense and difficulties involved in proving in a legal or arbitration proceeding the actual loss suffered by OWNER, if the Work is any such proof. OWNER and CONTRACTOR agree that as liquidated damages for delay (but not as a penalty) CONTRACTOR shall pay OWNER One Thousand Dollars ($1000.00) for each consecutive calendar day that expires after the time specified in paragraph 3.1 for substantial completion until the Work is substantially complete. After Substantial Completion, if CONTRACTOR shall neglect, refuse or fail to complete the remaining Work within the time specified in paragraph 3.1 for completion and readiness for final payment or any proper extension thereof granted by OWNER, CONTRACTOR shall pay OWNER One Thousand Dollars ($1000.00) for each consecutive calendar day that expires after the time specified in paragraph 3.1 for completion and readiness for final payment. ARTICLE 4. CONTRACT PRICE 4.1 OWNER shall pay CONTRACTOR for performance of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents in current funds the amount agreed upon in CONTRACTOR'S bid. 4.2 CONTRACTOR understands that the estimated quantities are not guaranteed and that the determination of actual quantities and their classification is to be made by the OWNER at the time of application for payment. 4.3 Contract Amount: One million, eight hundred eighty -five thousand, five hundred eighty -three and 55 /100 dollars ($1.885.583.55). ARTICLE 5. PAYMENT PROCEDURES CONTRACTOR shall submit Applications for Payment in accordance with the General Conditions on the Pay Estimate Forms included as Exhibit "A" to this Agreement. Applications for Payment will be processed by OWNER as provided in the General Conditions. 5.1 Progress Payments. OWNER shall make progress payments on account of the Contract Price on the basis of CONTRACTOR's Applications for Payment in accordance with the City of Owasso's Payment Schedule included as Exhibit "B" to this Agreement during construction as provided below. All progress payments will be on the basis of the progress of the Work. 5.1.1 Progress payments shall not exceed an amount equal to 95% of the WORK completed until such time as CONTRACTOR shall complete in excess of five percent (5 %) of the contract amount. 5.1.2 Upon completion in excess of fifty percent (50 %) of the total contract amount, OWNER shall pay an amount sufficient to increase total payments to CONTRACTOR to 95% of the Contract Price, less such amounts as OWNER shall determine in accordance with the General Conditions, provided that OWNER has determined that satisfactory progress is being made, and upon approval by the Surety. 5.2 Final Payment. Upon final completion and acceptance of the Work in accordance with the General Conditions, OWNER shall pay the Contract Price. ARTICLE 6. CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATIONS In order to induce OWNER to enter into this Agreement, CONTRACTOR makes the following representations: 6.1 CONTRACTOR has familiarized himself/herself with the nature and extent of Contract Documents, Work, locality, and with all local conditions and federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations that in any manner may affect cost, progress or performance of the Work. 6.2 CONTRACTOR has studied carefully all reports or explorations and tests of subsurface conditions at or contiguous to the site and all drawings of physical conditions in or relating to existing surface or subsurface structures at or contiguous to the site (except underground facilities) which have been identified in the Supplementary Conditions as provided in the General Conditions. Contractor accepts the determination set forth in the General Conditions of the extent of the "technical data" contained in such reports and drawings upon which Contractor is entitled to rely. Contractor acknowledges that such reports and drawings are not Contract Documents and may not be complete for Contractor's purposes. Contractor acknowledges that Owner and Engineer do not assume responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of information and data shown or indicated in the Contract Documents with respect to underground facilities at or continuous to the site. Contractor has obtained and carefully studied (or assume responsibility for having done so) all such additional supplementary examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies and data concerning conditions (surface, subsurface and underground facilities) at or contiguous to the site or otherwise which may affect cost, progress, performance or furnishing of the Work or which relate to any aspect of the means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures of construction to be employed by Contractor, and safety precautions and programs incident thereto. Contractor does not consider that any additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, studies, or data are necessary for the performance and furnishing of the Work at the Contract Price, within the Contract Times and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. 6.3 CONTRACTOR has made or caused to be made examinations, investigations, tests and studies of such reports and related data in addition to those referred to in paragraph 6.2 as (s)he deems necessary for the performance of the Work at the Contract price, within the Contract Time and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents; and no additional examinations, investigations, tests, reports or similar data are or will be required by CONTRACTOR for such purposes. 6.4 CONTRACTOR has reviewed and checked all information and data shown or indicated on the Contract Documents with respect to existing Underground Facilities at or contiguous to the site and assumes responsibility for the accurate location of said Underground Facilities. No additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests, reports, studies or similar information or data in respect of said Underground Facilities are or will be required by CONTRACTOR in order to perform and furnish the Work at the Contract Price within the Contract Time and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents, including the General Conditions. 6.5 CONTRACTOR has correlated the results of all such observations, examinations, investigations, tests, reports and data with the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. 6.6 CONTRACTOR has given OWNER written notice of all conflicts, errors or discrepancies that he has discovered in the Contract Documents, and the written resolution thereof by OWNER is acceptable to CONTRACTOR. 6.7 CONTRACTOR has obligated himself/herself to the OWNER to be responsible for the workmanship, labor and materials used in the project for one (1) year after the project has been accepted by the OWNER. 6.8 CONTRACTOR understands that (s)he will be exempt from all sales tax on materials and other items necessary for the completion of the project. The OWNER has issued him a Certification of Tax Exempt Project enclosed as Exhibit "C" of this Agreement. ARTICLE 7. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS The Contract Documents which comprise the entire agreement between OWNER and CONTRACTOR are attached to this Agreement, made a part hereof, and consist of the following: 7.1 This Agreement (pages 1 to 6 inclusive). 7.2 Exhibits "A ", "B ", "C" and "D" to this Agreement. 7.3 Advertisement for Bids (Section 00100). 7.4 Requirements for Bidders (Section 00110). 7.5 Instructions to Bidders (Section 00120). 7.6 Bid (Section 00200). 7.7 Bid Bond (Section 00210). 7.8 Bid Affidavits (Section 00220). 7.9 Statement of Bidders Qualifications (Section 00230). 7.10 Certificate of Non - Discrimination (Section 00240). 7.11 Performance Bond (Section 00410). 7.12 Maintenance Bond (Section 00420). 7.13 Statutory payment Bond (Section 00430). 7.14 Notice of Award (Section 00510). 7.15 Notice to Proceed (Section 00520). 7.16 Change Order (Section 00600). 7.17 General Conditions (Section 00700). 7.18 Project Specifications (Section 00800). 7.19 Special Provisions (Section 00900). 7.20 Project Drawings, consisting of Sheets 1 to XS9, inclusive, and Standard Drawings. 7.21 Addendum Numbers _1_ to 2, inclusive. 7.22 Documentation submitted by CONTRACTOR prior to Notice of Award (pages to inclusive). 7.23 Any Modification, including Change Orders, duly delivered after execution of Agreement. There are no Contract Documents other than those listed above in this Article 7. The Contract Documents may only be altered, amended or repealed by a Modification (as defined in the General Conditions). ARTICLE 8. MISCELLANEOUS 8.1 Terms used in this Agreement which are defined in the General Conditions shall have the meanings indicated in the General Conditions. 8.2 No assignment by a party hereto of any rights under or interests in the Contract Documents will be binding on another party hereto without the written consent of the party sought to be bound; and specifically, but without limitation, monies that may become due and monies that are due may not be assigned without such consent (except to the extent that the effect of this restriction may be limited by law) and unless specifically stated to the contrary in any written consent to an assignment, no assignment will release or discharge the assignor from any duty or responsibility under the Contract Documents. 8.3 OWNER and CONTRACTOR each binds himself/herself, his /her partners, successors, assigns, and legal representatives to the other party hereto, his/her partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives in respect to all covenants, agreements and obligations contained in the Contract Documents. 8.3 The Agreement (or remaining portions thereof) should continue in effect, be valid and binding upon both parties even if a provision or part of the Contract Documents should be held void or unenforceable by law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereby have signed this Agreement in duplicate. One counterpart has been delivered to CONTRACTOR, the other belongs to OWNER. All portions of the Contract Documents have been signed by OWNER and CONTRACTOR. This Agreement will be effective on March 21, 2017. OWNER: City of Owasso :A Lyndell Dunn, Mayor (SEAL) 04x1_ *31 Title Address for giving notices: CONTRACTOR: Grade Line Construction, LLC (SEAL) Title SECTION 00600 CHANGE ORDER PROJECT: Intersection Widening & Beautification for 76th Street North and Main Street CONTRACT DATE: March 21, 2017 TO CONTRACTOR: Grade Line Construction, LLC CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: 1 DATE: March 21, 2017 CONTRACT FOR: Intersection Widening & Beautification for 76th Street North & Main Street The Contract is changed as follows: Pay itemsl- $75,000 and 3- $150,000 of section "Streetscape 1000" are to be removed from the contract; reducing the contract amount by a total of $225,000.00 Not valid until signed by the Owner and Contractor The original Contract Sum was $ 1,885,583.55 Net change by previously authorized Change Orders $ 0 The Contract Sum prior to this Change Order was $1,885,583.55 The Contract Sum will be (increased) (decreased) (unchanged) by this Change Order in the estimated amount of $225,000.00 The new Contract Sum including this Change Order will be $ 1,660,583.55 The Contract Time will be (increased) (decreased) (unchanged) by L30----) days. The date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is 180 days from Notice to Proceed NOTE: This summary does not reflect changes in the Contract Sum Time which have been authorized by Construction Change Directive. CONTRACTOR R0. 3,a .2528' ADDRESS l Qsan ar_. 01c 7Y0I3 BY' -� �l DATE City of Owasso OWNER 200 South Main ADDRESS Owasso Ok 74055 M 1711111 SPECIAL PROVISIONS 0509 00900 - Page I of N V The City Wit out Limits. TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Owasso FROM: Earl Farris Project Administrator SUBJECT: Acceptance of Three Lakes Channel /Ator Heights Stormwater Drainage Improvements Project and Authorization for Final Payment DATE: March 17, 2017 BACKGROUND: The Three Lakes Channel /Ator Heights Stormwater Improvements were bid as one contract with two different locations. Three Lakes Channel: This portion of the contract is located at 11606 N Owasso Expressway (Goldie's Entrance). Originally the structure under the drive included three galvanized drainage pipes which flows water as part of the Three Lakes Channel. Erosion, as well as separation at a seam in one of the pipes caused a sink hole in the drive. Repairs included removing the existing structures and constructing two concrete drainage boxes with a new concrete driving surface and installing block matting to control erosion around the structure. Ator Heights Stormwater Drainage Improvements: This portion of the contract is located between East 14 Street North and North Elm Street, near Dogwood. The drainage structure at this location was also in need of repair due to voids caused by erosion around the piping and drainage structure itself (manhole). Some voids were around the piping that was underneath North Elm causing concerns of a collapse under a driving surface over time. To correct the situation, a drainage grate was added across East 16 Street North. Water collected was sent to existing drainage structures and a new structure was installed where settling had occurred and voids existed. Council awarded the contract to Magnum Construction on July 19; 2016, in the amount of $339,649.00. In January 2017, Magnum Construction completed all work required within the contract. City staff inspected the work and agrees that all requirements and standards have been met. FUNDING: Funding for this project is available in the Stormwater Management Fund. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends acceptance of the contract work Magnum Construction in the amount of $16,157.33 $323,146.60. A contract underrun of $16,502.40. ATTACHMENTS: Location Map Final Pay Request and authorization for final payment to resulting in a final contract amount of 0_:1 �kT il4'v rr 1--, THREE LAKES /ATOR DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS r!-' Ve� , P, I•.'. _ r 30.�IVr�,j N 11 ,L� 1'ii. _.r.�i L%S '•'. u • Fppp fiseh 9�piyy±. �f F r� T' E n: rr rte' +s •�� V `t��4 ✓ rY � � l HIGHWAY �-" �CG , N. I J I _ .w_ r,^.,�'''"'�' -•r . X33 r '•` •I 1" = 376 ft LOCATION MAP 12/19/2016 A i This map represents a visual display of related geographic information. Data provided hereon is not a guarantee of actual field conditions. To be sure of complete accuracy, please contact Owasso Public staff for the most up -to -date information. p-0 2- 7—oi7ol7e) .Z? -376 -1i( EXHIBIT r`A" ATOR HEIGHTS AND THREE LADES STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT - CITY OF OWA)SSO - PAY ESTIMATE NO. 6(Final) PERIOD: CONTRACTOR BID AMOUNT OF ORIGINAL CONTRACT: $ 339,649.00 CONTRACT ADJUSTMENTS: $ $ 339,649.00 ADJUSTED BID AMOUNT: TOTAL COMPLETE WORK: $ 323,146.60 MATERIALS STORED (per attached tabulation): $ 0.00 $ 323,146.60 LESS 5 %RETAINAGE: $ 0.00 TOTAL EARNED LESS S% Al E: $ 323,146.60 PERCENTAGE OF PROJECT COMPLETION: 100 LESS PREVIOUS PAYMENTS: $ 306,9,09.24 - - AMOUNT DUE THIS ESTIMATE: 16,157.33 The undersigned Contractor mrii0es that to the best of the Contractor's knowledge, information and bolief ae work wvcred by this Payment Estimate has been completed in accordance frith contract documents, timt all amounts have been paid by (tie Contractor for work which previous Payment Estimates were Issued and payments received from the Owner, and that current payment shown herein is now due. CONTRACTOR NAME: g Date: ?IVtaaeeuNTv Project Manager srareoFOxwtotnn E C EXPIAEIChSC.t4ao3a18 EXPISaSAPAIL 7, R91B State of Countyof., -andst Notary blip . . . Subscribed &sworntobetarometids TodayofM( 4k 20' 12 '' My Commission Expires: Recomme ed for Payment by Wa 20/'7 Chyd6wassA Date Approved for Payment by: City of Owasso Date AGREEMENT 0529 00300 - Page 7 of 13 CONTINUATION SHEET Page of Application and Certification for Payment, containing Contractor's signed Certification is attached. �( Application Number:(f g A' &A, Application Date: Period to: 2-3m-+ - ` t-' In tabulations below, amounts are stated to the nearest dollar. Use Column I on Contracts where variable retainage for line items may apply. A B C D E (cont)❑ ITEM 140. DESCRIPTION SCHEDULED OP WORK VALUE wORKCONIPLETED WORKCOMPLETED PROM PREVIOUS THIS PERIOD A,PP,L,IjCATION' t C� c(cont) F G H I R E) MATERIALS TOTAL CONMETP.D PRESENTLY STORED AND DATE STORED ( % (NOT IN DO (D +E +O BALANCE TO FINISH (C-G) RETAINAGE NOTE: At bottom of each column, run totals. AGREEMENT 0616 00300 -Page 11 of 15 Ator & Three Lakes Storm Drain Improvements 5BN Owasse, OK PERIODICAL ESTIMATE FOR PARTIAL PAYMENT 6 Ffnai CONTRACTDATE 7/19/2016 For lea period 21912017 to 31312017 indusNe. Desorption of Contract: Construction of stone drainage Improvements, at 1%o site locations. Final PayApp Mci Project No. Confractoes Name Magnum Construction, Inc. and Address P.O. Box 707 Broken Amow, OK 74013 -0707 Contract Price 5339.649.00 DETAILED ESTIMATE 11 WORK PERFORMED If Item No- Description of item UnR UnILPdce Work Completed Previous I Estimated Cast Applications Work Completed This Parlotl Amount Earned to Date %Cam lore Base Bid i. MObl3zalloNeemobfllzallon LS $ 25000.00 $ 25000.00 I 1.00 0.00 $ 25,000.00 100% 2. Erasion Control Plan LS S 1500.00 $ 1,600.00 1.00 0.90 S 1.500.00 100% 3. Canstmdlon StrXing LS 1 S 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 1.00 0.00 S 3000.00 100% 4. Traffic Control & Warning Signs LS S 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 1.00 0.00 $ 5'D00.00 100% 5. Site Grading met Excavation LS $ 26,900.00 S 26,900.00 1.00 0.00 S 26,90D.00 10D% 6. Doubts Reinforced Concrete Box LS 94,ND.W $ 94,000.1)(D 1.00 0.00 $ 94,000.00 100% 7. Trench Grate Concrete Channel LF S 900.00 S 23,40D.W 26.00 0.00 $ 23A00 00 100% 8. Concrete End Section for W° RCP EA $ 6.00.00 5 6,ON.W 1.E 0 .00 $ 6,00.00 100% S. 30° RGP Class III LF $ 150.00 $ 6,900,00 52.50 OAO S 7,875.00 114% 10. 6x6 Reinforced Concrete Juntlon Box EA $ 10.W.N $ 10,000.E 250 0.00 S 20750.00 208% it. 6'Dle. Standard Mention EA $ 3,500.00 $ 3500.00 1.0 ODD S 350.00 10D% 12. HES PC Concrete Pavemenl 6'TNck SY $ 60.00 $ 19,740.00 34106 0.00 S 20943.60 106% 13. PC Conuele SideNlk 4 -Thick SY S 55.00 S 1,705.00 30.00 000 1 S 1.650.0 97% 14. PC Concrete 6- senior Curb LF S 11.00 S 2068.0 1 236.00 9.00 S 2596.00 126% 15. Articulated Concrete Block System SY s 120.00 S 37,440.00 312.00 0.00 $ 37,440.00 100% 16. Pipe Rag Systern LF I S 1W.00 S 12,400.00 124.00 0,00 $ 12.400.00 100% 17. Turf RalmomemeN Mat with Sod SY $ 14.00 $ 6864.00 476,0 0.00 S 6664.00 100% t8. So6tl eermutla Sad SY S 4.00 S 2932.00 757.OD O.E $ 3,0280 103% 19. Removal of Ex. Paving. Pipe, Structures, and Obstructions LS $ 10,000.00 $ 10,00.00 1.E 0.00 $ 10.000.E 10% 20 Abandon Exk 21" RCP LS $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.W 1.00 Mon $ 3.000.00 100% 21. Remove & Reinstall Existing SI n lS S 7000.E S 7000.00 1.00 0.00 S 7.EOA0 100% 22, PC Concrete Drainage Flume LS $ 150.0 S 1,500.E 1.00 0.00 $ 1.550.00 100% 23. Pre set Allowance LS W S 30,o.W 30500.00 0.00 O.W S 0°b TOTAL $ 339,649.00 $ 323,146.60 95% CLAIM OR INVOICE AFFIDAVIT STATE OF OKLAHOMA ) COUNTY OF 7Z-,-4 Z-,-4 )SS ) The undersigned (Architect, Contractor, Supplier, Engineer or Supervisory Official), of lawful age, being first duly sworn, on oath says that this (Invoice, Claim or Contract) is true and correct. Afflant further states that the (work, services or materials) as shown by this Invoice or Claim have been (completed or supplied) in accordance with the Plans, Specifications, orders or requests furnished to the Affiant. Affiant further states that (s)he has made no payment, nor given, nor donated, or agreed to pay, give, or donate, either directly or indirectly, to any elected official, officer, or employee of the State, County, or City of money or any other thing of value to obtain payment or the award of this contract. Contractor or Supplier Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of MISTI NEUFE[p / NOTARYPUBLIC Nota Publ c TULSACOUNrr STATEOPOKLANOMq Commission # Coh1M1W0NNa1 -0003328 EXPIRESAPRIL72018 My Commission Expires: Architect, Engineer or other Supervisory Official Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of Notary Public Commission # My Commission NOTE: Strike out words not appropriate and sign appropriate signature line. Architect, Engineer approval is not required for Contractor or Supplier Affidavit. AGREEMENT 0616 00300 -Page 12 of 15 ARCHITECT'S / ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT In accordance with the contract documents, based on on -site observations and the date comprising the above application, the Arcliitect/Eneineer certifies to the Owner that to the best of the Architect/s/Eneineer's knowledge, information and belief, the Work has progressed as indicated, the quality of the Work is in accordance with the Contract Documents, and the Contractor is entitled to payment of the amount certified. AMOUNT CERTIFIED $ 16,157.33 (Attach explanation if amount certified differs from the amount applied for.) ARCHITECT / ENGINEER: Brian K. Kelloea. P.E.. C.F.M.. President �Kellogg Engineering Inc. By: 4'- el • �ic� _ Date: March 7, 2017 This certificate is not negotiable. The AMOUNT CERTIFIED is payable only to the contractor named herein. Issuance, payment and acceptance of payment without prejudice to any rights of the Owner or Contractor under this Contract. AGREEMENT 0616 00300. Page 10 of 15 ��nj/A Sd The City Wit out Limits. TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Owasso FROM: Earl Farris Project Administrator SUBJECT: FY 2015 -2016 Street Rehabilitation Program Additional Work Request DATE: March 17, 2017 BACKGROUND: Annually, the City of Owasso budgets money for the repair and maintenance of streets throughout the City of Owasso. In September of 2016, a construction contract was awarded to Lowry Construction in the amount of $1,474,882.68 including a $150,000.00 project allowance. Project allowances are commonly placed in construction contracts to cover unknowns as well as overruns of existing pay items. FY 2015 -2016 Street Rehabilitation Project List • Reconstruction of Atlanta from 76th Street North to 3rd Street • Reconstruction of 1st Street from Atlanta to the Railroad • Reconstruction of Broadway from Atlanta to the Bridge Box • Reconstruction of the Alley between 1st Ave and Broadway from Atlanta to Main Street • Reconstruction of the Alley between Main and Birch from 76th Street North and 1 It Ave • Construct a cul -de -sac at the north end of Carlsbad • Rehab and Overlay Various Streets in Three Lakes • Crack Seal and Fog Seal in Bailey Ranch, Sawgrass, Honey Creek II and Nottingham V. During construction, it became apparent to staff, that there could be surplus funds of approximately $115,000.00 remaining after construction is complete.. City staff identified two additional streets in need of repair within the area currently being completed within the FY 2015- 2016 Street Rehabilitation Project. Staff approached the contractor and received a verbal agreement to do additional work without a remobilization/ demobilization fee and to utilize pay items currently within the existing contract to complete additional work upon council approval. The two streets identified are: Broadway from Birch heading east to the City of Owasso property line as priority one; and Broadway from Main to Birch if funds are still available at the completion of priority one. FUNDING: No additional funding is requested, all costs will be included within the FY 2015 -2016 street rehabilitation contract utilizing remaining contract funds. Staff will however amend the time of the contract for an additional 45 days to completion. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval to add two additional street segments to the FY 2015 -2016 Street Repair Project - Contract 2 - Asphalt and authorization for Lowry Construction to include the additional work within the existing contract. ATTACHMENT: Location Map ADDITIONAL ROAD WORK 1" = 188 ft Location Map 03/07/2017 This map represents a visual display of related geographic information. Data provided hereon is not a guarantee of actual field conditions. To be sure of complete accuracy, please contact Owasso Public staff for the most up -to -date information. O. jvA City Wit out Limits. TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Owasso FROM: Julie Trout Lombardi City Attorney SUBJECT: Payment of Commissioners' Award, Commissioners' Fees, poundage and any other assessed court fees in Citv of Owasso v. Mary Lvnn Cook, et al. DATE: March 17, 2017 BACKGROUND: On October 18, 2017, the City Council approved Resolution 2016 -18 authorizing condemnation proceedings to acquire right -of -way from landowner Mary Lynn Cook, for the North Garnett Road Widening Project from 961h Street North to 106th Street North. A condemnation action was filed by the City of Owasso against the landowners on December 20, 2016, and a hearing to appoint commissioners was held on January 31, 2017. The Court entered an order on that date that appointed three commissioners and requested that their report determining the amount of just compensation due the landowner (the value of the land plus any additional damages to the remaining property) be completed and filed with the Court. The Report of Commissioners was completed and filed with the Court on March 8, 2017. The Report valued the taking of the land owned by Mary Lynn Cook at $252,000 ( "Commissioners' Award ") and assessed fees for the Commissioners' services ( "Commissioners' Fees ") in the amount of $5,400. The City may deposit the amount of the Commissioners' Award into the Court and immediately take possession of the land. The Commissioners' Fees and any additional administrative fees assessed by the Court must also be paid at that time. Thereafter, either the landowners or the City may object to the amount of the Commissioners' Award and request a jury trial on that issue. Whether or not objections are made by either or both parties, the landowners are entitled at any time to withdraw the Commissioners' Award deposited with the Court. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends authorization for payment to the District Court of Tulsa County of the Commissioners' Award in the amount of $252,000, Commissioners' Fees in the amount of $5,400, and such other fees and costs that may be necessary to take possession of the land. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution 2016 -18 Commissioners' Report filed March 8, 2017 CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA RESOLUTION 2016 -18 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, RESOLVING THE NECESSITY OF INSTITUTING AND PROSECUTING CONDEMNATION PROCEDURES TO OBTAIN RIGHT -OF- WAY AND A PERMANENT EASEMENT FOR THE NORTH GARNETT ROAD WIDENING PROJECT FROM 96TH STREET NORTH TO 106TH STREET NORTH. WHEREAS: The City of Owasso, by and through officers and agents thereof, has endeavored to obtain permanent right -of -way for the legal description of property, attached hereto and marked Exhibit "A," deemed necessary for the Garnett Road Widening Project from 961h Street North to 1061h Street from the landowner, Mary Lynn Cook; WHEREAS: In connection with such efforts to obtain the needed permanent right -of -way consensually, the City of Owasso, by and through officers and agents thereof, has made a bona fide good faith offer to purchase same; and, WHEREAS: The above - referred landowner has not accepted such offer and by reason thereof, condemnation proceedings, as provided for under the Constitution and Statutes of the State of Oklahoma, are necessary. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, THAT: Officers and agents of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, are hereby authorized to initiate, and prosecute to the conclusion thereof, condemnation proceedings against the above -named landowner to obtain the necessary permanent right -of -way and temporary easement as set forth in Exhibit "A" hereto, as well as any additional relief to which the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, may, by law, be entitled to. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 18th day of October, 2016, by the City Council of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. ndell Dunn, Mayor Attest: i/��/ // /�(/I��> G. O F p�v Jul nn M. Stevens, Deput City Clerk �',, sNc F. Z 1 0MCTAL a Approved As To Form: SEAL Juli Trout Lombardi, City Attorney AHV'Ok IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TULSA COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA THE CITY OF OWASSO OKLAHOMA, an Oklahoma Municipal Corporation, Plaintiff, V. MARY LYNN COOK, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF TULSA COUNTY, and DENNIS SEMLER, TREASURER OF TULSA COUNTY, Defendants. Case No.: CJ- 2016 -4631 Judge Rebecca B. Nightingale � ° E DISTRICT I L COURT MAR - S 2017 REPORT OF COMMISSIONERS DON NEWBERRY, Court Clerk STATE OF OKLA. TULSA COUNTY COME NOW, the undersigned Commissioners, heretofore appointed by the Court to inspect the real property described on Exhibit "A" hereto and consider the injury which Defendant, Mary Lynn Cook (hereinafter "Landowner "), has sustained, and may sustain by reason of the taking of right -of -way in fee simple, a permanent easement and a temporary easement in said real property by Plaintiff, the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, an Oklahoma Municipal Corporation, for the construction of the North Garnett Road Widening Project from 96s` Street North to 106" Street North and incident thereto as set forth in the Petition herein, and respectfully submit the following report: The undersigned Commissioners were and are disinterested freeholders of Tulsa County, Oklahoma, not interested in this or any like question, and pursuant to the Court order made on the day of a V 2017, took the oath prescribed by law and proceeded to inspect the real property described on Exhibit "A." Having inspected the real property and the plans and specifications proposed to be constructed in and on the real property by the City of d Owasso, the undersigned Commissioners have considered the injury which Landowner has sustained, and may sustain, by reason of the taking of right -of -way in fee simple, a permanent easement and a temporary easement in the real property as set forth on Exhibit "A" by the City of Owasso for the purposes of the 96h Street North road widening project and incident thereto. We hereby assess the damages for the taking of the real property as follows: M We further report that we have and truly executed our duties as Commissioners and are entitled to be paid the following sums for our services herein: We have each attache( for payment of Commissioner' fees. Dated this �, day of March, 2017 i report in support of this request ,���� CITY OF OWASSO GENERALFUND PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING 03/04117 Department Payroll Expenses Total Expenses Municipal Court 5,879.62 8,476.97 Managerial 19,974.63 28,090.32 Finance 15,884.20 24,388.85 Human Resources 8,796.48 14,335.29 Community Development 16,565.59 26,130.87 Engineering 17,439.04 26,601.63 Information Systems 14,168.21 21,596.35 Support Services 7,973.65 12,201.47 Cemetery 1,158.40 1,792.43 Police Grant Overtime 2,101.28 2,128.99 Central Dispatch 21,218.11 35,738.61 Animal Control 3,634.72 5,449.64 Emergency Preparedness 1,763.98 2,523.11 Stormwater /ROW Maint. 9,045.23 14,185.01 Park Maintenance 8,530.12 13,335.56 Culture /Recreation 5,186.76 8,436.92 Community- Senior Center 4,568.50 6,326.31 Historical Museum 664.40 745.98 Economic Development 3,446.85 5,211.84 General Fund Total 167,999.77 257,696.15 Garage Fund Total 7,204.84 11,144.98 Ambulance Fund Total 55185 621.86 Fire Fund 37 Total 144,532.52 217,700.12 Police Fund 38 Total 147,457.23 225,003.99 Streets Fund 39 Total 13,546.59 22,536.57 Stormwater Fund 27 Total Worker's Compensation Total 1,465.61 2,064.27 Strong Neighborhoods Total 3,869.47 5 667.08 CITY OF OWASSO HEALTHCARE SELF INSURANCE FUND CLAIMS PAID PER AUTHORIZATION OF ORDINANCE #789 AS OF 3/16/17 VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AETNA HEALTHCARE MEDICAL SERVICE 37,480.92 HEALTHCARE MEDICAL SERVICE 27,247.34 HEALTHCARE MEDICAL SERVICE 26,946.11 HEALTHCARE MEDICAL SERVICE 64,634.15 HEALTHCARE DEPT TOTAL 156,308.52 DELTA DENTAL DENTAL MEDICAL SERVICE 4,259.50 DENTAL MEDICAL SERVICE 7,621.10 ADMIN FEES 2,384.43 DENTAL DEPT TOTAL 14,265.03 VSP VISION MEDICAL SERVICES 2,530.79 VISION DEPT TOTAL 2,530.79 HEALTHCARE SELF INSURANCE FUND TOTAL 173,104.34 CITY OF OWASSO GENERAL FUND & HALF -PENNY SALES TAX FISCAL YEAR 2016.2017 Budgetary Basis Statement of Revenues & Expenditures As of February 28, 2017 FUND BALANCE (Budgetary Basis) Beginning Balance 5,910,949 5,910,949 Ending Balance $ 5,993,937 $ 3,645,273 MONTH YEAR PERCENT TO -DATE TO -DATE BUDGET OF BUDGET REVENUES: Taxes $ 2,749,740 $ 20,682,232 $ 31,574,550 65.50% Licenses & permits 15,071 108,456 255,700 42.42% Intergovernmental 72,986 699,596 1,100,156 63.59% Charges for services 38,112 361,135 531,165 67.99% Fines & forfeits 52,038 424,887 695,750 61.07% Other 25,367 130,145 128,322 101.42% TOTAL REVENUES $ 2,953,314 $ 22,406,451 $ 34,285,643 65.35% EXPENDITURES: Personal services $ (1,323,966) $ (11,268,329) $ (18,722,907) 60.18% Materials & supplies (100,388) (600,467) (1,148,652) 52.28% Other services (132,851) (1,484,304) (2,396,519) 61.94% Capital outlay (230,710) (1,319,579) (3,646,563) 36.19% Unfunded Budget - - (367,061) 0.00% TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ (1,787,915) $ (14,672,678) $ (26,281,703) 55.83% REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES $ 1,165,399 $ 7,733,772 $ 8,003,940 TRANSFERS IN (OUT): Transfers in - Sales Tax $ 1,346,806 $ 10,311,257 $ 16,132,400 63.92% Transfers out - RAN Financing - (169,966) (169,967) 0.00% Transfers out (2,191,203) (17,309,087) (26,232,049) 65.98% TOTAL TRANSFERS $ (844,398) $ (7,167,796) $ (10,269,616) 69.80% NET CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE $ 321,001 $ 565,976 $ (2,265,676) ENCUMBRANCES OUTSTANDING $ (482,988) FUND BALANCE (Budgetary Basis) Beginning Balance 5,910,949 5,910,949 Ending Balance $ 5,993,937 $ 3,645,273 O K L A H O '• Y:FanuEta or envvoxeesut eu,tni SCOTT A. T N Executive Director OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY redor October 7, 2016 Mr. Roger Stevens, Director of Public Works City of Owasso 301 West 2nd Avenue Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 Re: Permit No. SL000072160663 Morrow Lift Station & Garrett Creek Relief Line Improvement Project Facility No. S -21310 Dear Mr. Stevens: MARY FALLIN Governor Enclosed is Permit No. SL000072160663 for the construction of 58 linear feet of twelve (12) inch PVC, 5,600 linear feet of fifteen (15) inch PVC, 118 linear feet of eight (8) inch PVC, one (1) 690 -gpm lift station, 3,600 linear feet of twelve (12) inch PVC force main, one (1) backup power generator with an automatic transfer switch and all appurtenances to serve the City of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. The project authorized by this permit should be constructed in accordance with the plans approved by this Department on October 7, 2016. Any deviations from the approved plans and specifications affecting capacity, flow or operation of units must be approved, in writing, by the Department before changes are made. Receipt of this permit should be noted in the minutes of the next regular meeting of the City of Owasso, after which it should be made a matter of permanent record. We are returning one (1) set of the approved plans to you, one (1) set to your engineer and retaining one (1) set for our files. Respectfully, at� xk'l Ka bariti, P. E. Construction Permit Section Water Quality Division QRK/RC /ag Enclosure c: Rick Austin, Regional Manager, DEQ REGIONAL OFFICE AT TULSA Brian R. Kellogg, P.E., Kellogg Engineering, Inc. 707 NORTH ROBINSON, P.O. BOX 1677, OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA 73101 -1677 pentad an recycled paper with soy ink 0