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1986 07_3% Tax Increase_1986.08.19
L2111-ION NO. 86-07 AGREEMENT FOR ADMINISTRATION OF THE USE TAX ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OFqwAsso, OKLAHOMA WHEREAS, said statutes authorize the Commission to enter into and ma arrangements with any City or town for the collection of taxes levied by sul city or town, for an agreed consideration. E IT IS THEREFORE UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED BY THE PARTIES HERETO AS FOLLOWS: © It is agreed by the parties that Cityes/Townls tax received and col- lected pursuant to this Agreement may be deposited in the State Treasury, in N 4 any manner which, in COTWission's judgment, is convenient to accomplish the purposes of the Agreement, The Commission agrees to require reports of City's'Town's use tax, record such collections and maintain the funds in such a manner that the Commission can determine the total amount due the municipal- ity each month, K I notice shall include a verified copy of the street or Physical boundaries of the newly annexed or deannexed territory. All City/Town limit lines shall be designated by street names, or other physical boundaries, shown in map form, and certified to the Coanission. IN I WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have set their hands and affixed their official seals the day and year first above written. APPROVED AS TO FOR-1\4: y Attorney ATTEST: Ity Clerk ATTEST: 9 CITY OF OWA�SO, OKLAHOMA 7 Mayor STATE OF OKLAHOMA TAX COMMISSION Director