HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989 12_Change of Ward Bounderies_1989.10.03CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA RESCLUTION NO, 82-12 A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A DATE POP A PUBLIC HEARING,,, RELATING TO A PROPOSED CHANGE OF WARD BOUNDARIES AND CIRECTING PUBLICATION OF NOTICE TO CITIZENS OF THE PROPOSED CHANGESa _, ,_,,.tee distribution of population within the existing Wards as created by Ordinance ant NNEREAS: Title 11 cf the Cklanoma statutes and Article 6 of the Cwasso Municipal Charter provide for periodic reviews 3T the Wa-d bounaarles: and 4HEREAS: it is the desire cf the City Council to Provide for a. more equal distribution of population within the Wards; 4CY, 74ERIFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASS1, OKLAHOMA; THAT: A Public Hearing be scheduled for the date of November 7, 1989 for the purpose of hearing comments from the public relative to the proposed changes to the existing Ward boundaries as shown on the map attached hereto and marked as - Exhl bit A '; ant THAT: The CITY Clerk tc os published, in a newspaper of local Wrculat"W, of the scheduled Public Hearing indicating tns subject matter, the date, time, and location of the Hearing, and notifying citizens that public comments 071 be accepted at that time; and TKAT: 7he City Clerk publish winn such notice the map attachea hereto and marked as -Exhibit A" in order that a7l may have knowledge of the proposed boundaries: and -PAT: The City Clew maintains, for public view, a map of a scale not less than 0=800' that indicates the proposed boundaries in a detail necessary for a to determine in which Ward helshe may reside in the event the Ccuncil were to enact such changes; and TKA7: The City Attorney prepare for Council review an OrWrance of Amendment that sets out the boundaries indicated cr the attached map (Exhibit A) and have such Crdinance avallatle for review by the general public Prior to the scheduled Public Hearing; ant THAT: Acticr on such Ordinance of Amendment be placed on the agenda of the regularly scheduled meeting of the Owasso CIO Council of November 7, 1989 mASSED AND APPROVED this 3rd day of October, 1989 Patricia K. Arlar. Mayor' A 7 T E 4Z jang/jo-K. ..- City Cler�­' AP.-INVED AS TO FORM: mpmmmmmrmy�r�mamrmmrmmmrmrtmmrmmrrmmmmmmmmmmrmmmm�rm w r > IF � I � ti• i a 1 � m,. J A �9� ��.., ®'T ��� � � �. w ,�- w m 75T ,1,�,/ a of al w � j a° 5rmrmmrmmr� ®mm�mgmrrmmrm`mmrmmm ®mmgmmm� mmsmmmmrm ®rmm� � ��- Resolution No. 89 -12 ^ I ® 1 "Exhibit "A" 34 ® Proposed ®` Ward Boundaries Affidavit Of Publication STATE OF OKLAHOMA, TULSA COUNTY, as: Bill R. Retherford, of lawful age, being duly sworn and authorized, says that he is the publisher of the ............ Owasso Reporter aweekly newspaper printed in the City of ...Tu 1.s .a Tulsa County, Oklahoma, a newspaper qualified to Publish legal notices, advertisements and publications as provided in Section 106 of Title 25, Oklahoma Statutes 1971 and 1983 as amended, and thereafter, and complies with all other requirements of the laws of Oklahoma with reference to legal publications. That said notice, a true copy of which is attached hereto, was published in the regular edition of said newspaper during the period and time of publication and not in a supplement, on the following dates: October 5th �x 1 P 8 .... Subscribed and sworn to before me ................. 5.t h ................ day of ... .to her ..... ............................ 198.9.. . ..6.�.�..c.. v? Notary Public My Commission expires:.... 13 , 19 91 .................... PUBLISHER'S FEE $1 i . 8 5 ems aoa.aaies % Published In the Owasso Reporter, Owasso, Tulsa County, Okla- homa October 5, 1969. CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA RESOLUTION NO. 89 -12 A RESOLUTION ESTAB- LISHING A DATE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING RELAT- ING TO A PROPOSED CHANGE OF WARD BOUN- DARIES AND DIRECTING PUBLICATION OF NOTICE TO CITIZENS OF THE PRO- POSED CHANGES. WHEREAS: A review of the existing Ward Boundaries bull was a disproportionate distribution of population within the existing Wards as created by Ordinance 336; and WHEREAS: TRle 11 of the Okla- homa statutes and Article 6 of the Owasso Municipal Charter provide for periodic reviews of the Ward boundaries; and WHEREAS: It is the desire of the City Council to Provide for a more equal distribution of popula- gon within me Wards; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUN- CIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA; THAT: A Public Hearing be scheduled for the date of Novem- bet 7. 1989 for the purpose of hearing comments from the public relative to the proposed changes to the existing we'd boundaries as shown on the map attached hereto and marked as'Exhibk A% and THAT; The City Clerk to be pub- lished. in a newspaper of local cir- culation, of the scheduled Public Hearing Indicating me subject mat- ter, the date, time, and location of the Hearing, and notifying citizens that public comments will be accepted at that thro; and THAT; The City Clark publish with such notice the map attached hereto and marked as "Exhibit A' In order that all may have knowl- edge of the proposed boundaries; and THAT: The City Clerk maintains. for public view, a map of a scale not less than 1'=890• that indicates the proposed boundaries In a detail necessary for any citizen to deter- mine in which Ward holshe may reside In the event the Council were to enact such changes; and THAT The City Anorney prepare for council review an Ordlance of Amendment that sets out the boundaries Indicated on the agached map (Exhibit A) and have such Ordinance available for review by the general public prior to the scheduled Public Hearing; and THAT. Action on such Ordinance of Amendment be placed on the agenda of the regularly scheduled meeting of the Owasso City Council of November 7, 1989. PASSED AND APPROVED this 3rd day of October. INS. Patricia K. Manor. Mayor ATTEST: Jane Buchanan City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ronald D. Colas City Attorney . . ,m d, „ i If Q ;,tp' i-- .4 _ l Exhibit •A' ems aoa.aaies % Published In the Owasso Reporter, Owasso, Tulsa County, Okla- homa October 5, 1969. CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA RESOLUTION NO. 89 -12 A RESOLUTION ESTAB- LISHING A DATE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING RELAT- ING TO A PROPOSED CHANGE OF WARD BOUN- DARIES AND DIRECTING PUBLICATION OF NOTICE TO CITIZENS OF THE PRO- POSED CHANGES. WHEREAS: A review of the existing Ward Boundaries bull was a disproportionate distribution of population within the existing Wards as created by Ordinance 336; and WHEREAS: TRle 11 of the Okla- homa statutes and Article 6 of the Owasso Municipal Charter provide for periodic reviews of the Ward boundaries; and WHEREAS: It is the desire of the City Council to Provide for a more equal distribution of popula- gon within me Wards; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUN- CIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA; THAT: A Public Hearing be scheduled for the date of Novem- bet 7. 1989 for the purpose of hearing comments from the public relative to the proposed changes to the existing we'd boundaries as shown on the map attached hereto and marked as'Exhibk A% and THAT; The City Clerk to be pub- lished. in a newspaper of local cir- culation, of the scheduled Public Hearing Indicating me subject mat- ter, the date, time, and location of the Hearing, and notifying citizens that public comments will be accepted at that thro; and THAT; The City Clark publish with such notice the map attached hereto and marked as "Exhibit A' In order that all may have knowl- edge of the proposed boundaries; and THAT: The City Clerk maintains. for public view, a map of a scale not less than 1'=890• that indicates the proposed boundaries In a detail necessary for any citizen to deter- mine in which Ward holshe may reside In the event the Council were to enact such changes; and THAT The City Anorney prepare for council review an Ordlance of Amendment that sets out the boundaries Indicated on the agached map (Exhibit A) and have such Ordinance available for review by the general public prior to the scheduled Public Hearing; and THAT. Action on such Ordinance of Amendment be placed on the agenda of the regularly scheduled meeting of the Owasso City Council of November 7, 1989. PASSED AND APPROVED this 3rd day of October. INS. Patricia K. Manor. Mayor ATTEST: Jane Buchanan City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ronald D. Colas City Attorney