HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017.12.19_OPGA AgendaPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO PUBLIC GOLF AUTHORITY Council Chambers, Old Central Buildingiv' h�� y� 109 N Birch, Owasso, OK 74055 0�� G` CP Regular Meeting fit• Tuesday, December 19, 2017 - 6:30 pm 1. Call to Order Chair Lyndell Dunn 2. Roll Call 3. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for approval of the Consent Agenda. (Ail matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the Trustees to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Trustee may, however, remove an item from the Consent Agenda by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non -debatable.) A. Approve minutes: • December 5, 2017, Regular Meeting • December 12, 2017, Regular Meeting B. Approve claims 4. Consideration and appropriate action relating to Items removed from the Consent Agenda 5. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a bid for the purchase of golf carts Corey Burd Staff recommends award of a bid and approval of a lease to purchase contract with Yamaha Golf -Cart Company for a seventy-four (74) Yamaha (EFI) golf cart fleet with annual payments of $43,130.16. 6. Report from OPGA Manager 7. Report from OPGA Attorney 8. Official Notices to Authority (documents for acknowledgment or information only, no discussion or action will be taken) • Payroll Payment Reports - Pay Period Ending Date 12/9/17 • Monthly Budget Status Report - November 2017 9. New Business (New Business is any item of business which could not have been foreseen at the time of posting of the agenda) 10. Adjournment Notice of Public Meeting filed in the office of the City Clerk and the Agenda posted at City Hall, 200 S Main St, at 6:00 pm on Friday, Dec e r 15, 20" u iann Stevens, Dept'. ity" Clerk OWASSO PUBLIC GOLF AUTHORITY MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, December 5, 2017 The Owasso Public Golf Authority met in regular session on Tuesday, December 5, 2017, in the Council Chambers at Old Central, 109 N Birch, Owasso, Oklahoma, per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk posted at City Hall, 200 S Main St, at 6:00 pm on Friday, December 1, 2017. 1. Call to Order Chair Lyndell Dunn called the meeting to order at 7:14 pm. 2. Roll Call Present Absent Chair- Lyndell Dunn None Vice -Chair - Chris Kelley Trustee -Doug Bonebrake Trustee - Bill Bush Trustee -Jeri Moberly A quorum was declared present. Staff: Authority Manager- Warren Lehr Authority Attorney - Julie Lombardi 3. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for approval of the Consent Agenda. (All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the Trustees to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Trustee may, however, remove an item from the Consent Agenda by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non -debatable.) A. Approve minutes: • November 21, 2017, Regular Meeting B. Approve claims Mr. Bonebrake moved, seconded by Dr. Kelley to approve the Consent Agenda with claims totaling $16,376.37. YEA: Bonebrake, Bush, Kelley, Moberly, Dunn NAY: None Motion carried: 5-0 4. Consideration and appropriate action relating to items removed from the Consent Agenda None 5. Report from OPGA Manager None 6. Report from OPGA Attorney None 7. Official Notices to Authority (documents for acknowledgment or information only, no discussion or action will be taken) 0 Payroll Payment Reports- Pay Period Ending Date 11/25/17 OPGA December 5. 2017 Page 2 8. New Business (New Business is any item of business which could not have been foreseen at the time of posting of the agenda) None Adjournment Mr. Bonebrake moved, seconded by Ms. Moberly to adjourn the meeting. YEA: Bonebrake, Bush, Kelley, Moberly, Dunn NAY: None Motion carried 5-0 and the meeting adjourned at 7:15 pm. Lyndell Dunn, Chair Lisa Wilson, Minute Clerk OWASSO CITY COUNCIL, OPWA & OPGA MINUTES OF JOINT REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, December 12, 2017 The Owasso City Council, Owasso Public Works Authority, and Owasso Public Golf Authority met in a joint regular meeting on Tuesday, December 12, 2017, in the Council Chambers at Old Central, 109 N Birch Street, Owasso, Oklahoma, per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted at City Hall, 200 S Main (west side), at 6:00 pm on Friday, December 8, 2017. 1. Call to Order Mayor/Chair Lyndell Dunn called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. Present Mayor/Chair - Lyndell Dunn Vice-Mayor/Vice-Chair- Chris Kelley Councilor/Trustee - Bill Bush Councilor/Trustee -Jeri Moberly A quorum was declared present. Absent Councilor/Trustee - Doug Bonebrake 2. Discussion relating to Economic Development Strategic Planning Update Chelsea Levo Feary presented the item and discussion was held. 3. Discussion relating to Community Development items A. Annexation- 7300 block of East US-169 Service Rd (OA-17-08) B. Annexation -west of the NW corner of E 106 St N & N Garnett Rd (OA-17-09) C. Planned Unit Development - A New Leaf - south and east of the SE corner of E 86 St N & N Memorial Drive (OPUD-17-03) Bronce Stephenson presented items 3A, 3B, and 3C and discussion was held. It was further explained that each item would be placed on the December 19, 2017, Council agenda for consideration and action. 4. Discussion relating to the FY 18 Street Rehabilitation Priority List Roger Stevens presented the item and discussion was held. It was further explained that an item would be placed on the December 19, 2017, Council agenda for consideration and action. 5. Discussion relating to bids for the lease/purchase of Golf Carts Larry Langford and Corey Burd presented the item and discussion was held. It was further explained that an item would be placed on the December 19, 2017, OPGA agenda for consideration and action. 6. Discussion relating to proposed amendments to the Code of Ordinances - Part 1, General Provisions and Part 2, Administration & Government Julie Lombardi presented the item and discussion was held. It was further explained this item would be placed on the January work session agenda for additional discussion. 7. Discussion relating to a proposed proclamation recognizing National School Choice Week Mayor Lyndell Dunn presented the item and discussion was held. Owasso City Council, OPWA & OPGA December 12, 2017 Page 2 8. Discussion relating to City Manager items • Warren Lehr advised that neither the City nor the Indian Nations Council of Governments (INCOG) received a response from the INCOG letter related to the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program and discussion was held. • Linda Jones presented the monthly sales tax report and discussion was held. • Mr. Lehr reported on various city events. 9. City Council/Trustee comments and inquiries Councilor Moberly commented on the December 2017 INCOG Board of Director meeting. 10. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for an executive session for the purpose of discussing confidential communications between the City Council and the City Attorney concerning litigation styled, Patrick D. Ross vs. City of Owasso, CV-2013-00898, District Court of Tulsa County, as provided for in Title 25, O.S. § 307(B)(4) Julie Lombardi presented the item, Councilor Bush moved, seconded by Councilor Moberly to enter into executive session. YEA: Bush, Kelley, Moberly, Dunn NAY: None Motion carried: 4-0 At 7:42 pm, the Council, along with Julie Lombardi, Warren Lehr, and Chris Garrett entered into executive session. At 8:08 pm, the Council returned to open session. 11. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 8:08 pm. Lyndell Dunn, Mayor/Chair Juliann M. Stevens, Deputy City Clerk Claims List - 1211912017 Fund Vendor Name Payable Description Payment Amount 55 OPGA JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ATWOOOS-COUPLER $18.99 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK - TIMMONS-FUEL $853.32 YAMAHA GOLF CAR COMPANY REPAIRS $99.34 CART OPERATIONS -Total $971.65 AGSOURCE HARRIS LABORATORIES SOIL TESTS $251,10 AMERICAN BACTERIAL SOLUTIONS LLC POND TREATMENT $550.00 AT&T CONSOLIDATED PHONE $12.00 AT&T LONG DISTANCE PHONE $0.34 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK HARRELLS-CHEMICALS $1,635.11 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOCKE-SPLICE KITS $75.50 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES-REPAIR $38.94 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES-SUPPLIES $84.95 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OK TURFGRASS-REG FEE $315.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OREILLY-FILTERS $260.68 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OREILLY-PARTS $97.04 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OREILLY-RETURN ($79.38) JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OREILLY-SPARK PLUGS $9.96 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OWASSO TOP SOIL -SOIL $250.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK UNITED RENTALS -RENTAL $86.25 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK UNITED RENTALS -TOOLS $88.55 ONEOK, INC OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS NATURAL GAS USAGE $65.04 TCF NATIONAL BANK MAINT CART LEASE $1,160.00 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP ENV CHARGE $18.67 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP SHOP TOWELS $34.98 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP SUPPLIES $91.90 UNIFIRST HOLDINGS LP UNIFORM SERVICE $26.52 VERIZON WIRELESS WIRELESS CONNECTION $40.95 COURSE MAINT -Total $5,114.10 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK HOBBY LOBBY -SUPPLIES $31.47 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK MURPHY-SUPPLIES $51.45 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SAMS-SUPPLIES $%52 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK UNITED LINEN -RENTAL $70.62 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WALMART-SUPPLIES $9.88 FOOD & BEV - Total $222.94 AT&T CONSOLIDATED PHONE $95.98 AT&T LONG DISTANCE PHONE $0.50 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK AMUNDSEN-ICE MACHINE $254.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK MURPHY-SUPPLIES $427.04 ONEOK, INC OKLAHOMA NATURAL GAS NATURAL GAS USAGE $242.46 GOLF ADMIN -Total $1,019.98 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WALMART-SUPPLIES $20.26 1 Claims List - 12/19/2017 Fund Vendor Name Payable Description Payment Amount 55 OPGA OKLAHOMA GOLF ASSOCIATION HANDICAP SERVICE $60.00 GOLFSHOP •Total $80.26 BGR DAILY ACCT. REIMB GOLF PETTY CASH $552.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ACUSHNET-MERCHANDISE $5,148,06 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ACUSHNET-REFUND ($1,851.20) JPMORGAN CHASE BANK CALLAWAY-MERCHANDISE $640.72 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK CUTTER 8. BUCK-MERCHAN $39.01 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OAKLEY-MERCHANDISE $217.33 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK PUKKA -MERCHANDISE $816.48 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SAMS-FOOD $600.54 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TEXOMA-MERCHANDISE $199.84 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WALMART-FOOD $88.73 OPGA •Total $6,451.51 OPGA •Total $13,860.44 OPGA Grand Total $13,860.44 2 sd REAL Reeele • REAL Caam t REAL Commun ty TO: The OPGA Chairman and Trustees City of Owasso FROM: Corey Burd Bailey Ranch Golf Club - Director of Golf SUBJECT: Recommendation for OPGA Golf Car Lease to Purchase DATE: December 15, 2017 BACKGROUND: During the FY 2013 OPGA budget year, examination and analysis of our golf cart fleet at the time led us to 4-year lease/purchase our current fleet of golf carts. Bailey Ranch Golf Club cars are at the end of our 4 year lease. An industry standard for the life of a golf car fleet is four (4) to five (5) years. Higher end facilities change out their fleet every two (2) years. Leasing to purchase enables us to project expenses more accurately on an annual basis because the carts are under warranty throughout the lease. The FY 2018 OPGA budget allows for expenditure of $45,000 for golf cars. BID PREPARATION: During bid preparation and research the decision was made to stay with gasoline golf cars. Gasoline is more reliable, efficient, and has become the choice for powering golf cars for a larger part of the market. Gasoline provides a better return on our investment and allows for more options at the end of the lease. Consideration was also given to the cost of fuel versus electricity and found that gasoline is the more cost effective alternative. Bid requests were advertised per state statute and posted per City of Owasso policy. BID ANAYLSIS: Four bids were received and opened on November 8, 2017. Bidder Base Bid Net Trade Value Alternate #2 Alternate #3 Outright Purchase (Value less balloon) Lease w/Trade Lease w/out Trade Justice $394,500 $52,800 - net trade $5,046.65 per mo. $6,218.81 per mo. Golf Car EFI 60,559.80 -annual $74,625.72 - annual EZGO $332,694 $39,200 - net trade $400.2.31 per mo. $4,855.03 per mo. non EFI 48,027.72 -annual $52,350.36 - annual EZGO N/A $39,200 - net trade $5338.00 per mo. N/A Lithium Battery 64,056.00 - annual $371,083 $93,900- net trade $3,594.18 per mo. $4,977.98 per mo. Yamaha EFI 43,130.16 - annual 59,735.76 - annual Upon review of the bids, staff found Yamaha offered the most for fleet trade-in and met all specifications. The Yamaha golf car has the same Electronic Fuel Injected (EFI) motors that our current fleet has. This motor has proven to be reliable and provides an industry leading 35 MPG, which is more cost efficient and environmentally responsible. The EFI option is more user friendly by not requiring the patron to use the manual choke lever which can sometimes be difficult to operate for those not familiar with gasoline cars. Perhaps one of the most exciting innovations in the current model is the introduction of the QuieTech cart. This is a gasoline cart that has the some output of noise as an electric cart from 25 feet away. Noise pollution has been the number one detriment of switching to gasoline carts 4 years ago even though our EFI fleet produces considerably less noise than carburetor or diaphragm carts. With this new technology patrons and neighbors will notice a considerable reduction in noise. LEASE TO PURCHASE CONTRACT: Under the terms of the lease, total payments over the 48 months will be $172,530.24. The interest amount included in those payments will be $36,935,24 (4.2% interest rate). A residual payment of $152,345 ($2,059 per cart) will be due at the end of the lease to secure full ownership or the fleet may be returned with a minimum estimated equity of $74,000 available to apply towards a new lease/purchase. FUNDING: The FY 2018 OPGA budget includes $45,000 for golf car operations. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends award of a bid and approval of a lease to purchase contract with Yamaha Golf -Cart Company for a seventy-four (74) Yamaha (EFI) golf cart fleet with annual payments of $43,130.16. ATTACHMENTS: Yamaha Lease/Purchase Proposal Golf Cart Quotation rap r YAYANA m tiI i I �!' " T. pF " ,, �j , k OR/VEo LN15 1 �r• m- PROPOSAL Expressly prepared for: i Proudly Presented By: Blake W. Bowman, PGA .r "*tn eu; - (918) 38479464 0"MAHA revs pur-Heai-t- Table of Contents Letter of Introduction....................................................................................3 TheYamaha Story.........................................................................................4 CompanyProfile............................................................................................5 ImportantLinks.............................................................................................6 OurPartners..................................................................................................7 Proposed Equipment and Accessories..........................................................8-10 YamaTrack Information.................................................................................11 Warranty Statement for Driven Golf Car........................................................12 Warranty Statement for Transportation and Utility Vehicle ..........................13 ServiceDetails...............................................................................................14 Equipment Maintenance Schedule...............................................................15 Terms and Conditions for Returning Vehicles or Trades................................16 References....................................................................................................17 Lease Proposal Details & Acceptance............................................................18 Conditional Sale Proposal Details & Acceptance...........................................19 :.Ih;, rt.: *YAMAHA Revs ourHearr.. Thursday, November 9, 2017 Mr. Corey Burd Bailey Ranch Golf Club 10105 Larkin Blvd. Owasso, OK 74055 On behalf of the entire team at Yamaha Golf -Car Company, I would like to express my most sincere gratitude for the opportunity to submit this proposal for a new fleet of Yamaha golf cars at Bailey Ranch Golf Club. Consistently ranked among the most beloved and recognized brands in the world, Yamaha prides itself on providing superior engineering and efficiency in its vehicles, and our quality and image align seamlessly with that of your fine facility. We simply believe Yamaha will be the easiest and best decision you ever make. Since the launch of 'The Drive' model golf car in late 2006, Yamaha has been on a steady climb to the top of the industry, gaining more than 15% market share over that span. The legacy and growth continues with the Drivel, an evolution which maintained all the popular features of 'The Drive', while enhancing golfer comfort and connectivity and lowering the cost of ownership for your facility. • Industry - Leading Factory Direct Fleet Service Classy Body Styling & Premium Accessories • Ergonomic Engineering that Emphasizes Player Comfort and Functionality • Lowest -Maintenance and Cost of Ownership Golf Car in the Industry Our primary goal at Yamaha is to look out for the best interests of your Club while maintaining your out-of- pocket maintenance costs and eliminating down time. I want to emphasize how confident we are you and your members' needs and expectations will be met and far exceeded with our world class vehicles and the personal touch of excellence from our Industry -Leading Service. In closing, please know that Yamaha is not only committed to earning your trust and your business on this deal, but building a long-term partnership as your golf car and utility fleet provider for years to come. Most sincere regards, � Blake W. Bowman, PGA � G District Sales Manager (918) 384 - 9464 blake—bowman@yamaha-motor.com rv'FAr., Fn ;..9 pjl It -,qob G' 0"MAHA The Yamaha Story OUR CARS The best cars in the industry and the only company with four power options: Drivel PowerTech AC Electric Drivel DC Electric Drive 2 Carbureted Gas Drivel QuieTech EFI, an Industry First OUR STATS 2,164+ Courses have switched to Yamaha in the past 7 years # 1 Rated in Satisfaction, Customer Support, and Reliability * 97% Brand Loyalty ** 94% Customer Retention Rate OUR AFFORDABLE GPS SOLUTION Track and control your fleet. Drive Profits. Reduce Costs. Work Smarter. +YAMATRACK • Golf OrAMtudes and Pomeptions Heseamh Study Published by NGF, 2015. "Golf Car Fleet Study Published by Golf 0ataTech, LLC, 2015. YGC funded the o.h studies cpedoaul by NGFaed Golf DacaTcch, ❑F. - d�nugny r7s�C ^ri1s i `.3+,c;Gia5 *"MAHA �eysyoui-Hea�' Company Profile Yamaha Golf -Car Company (YGC) is a for -profit subsidiary of Yamaha Motor Corporation, USA. We are an American company with nearly 1,700 American employees between our factory in Newnan, GA and our Southeastern Headquarters in Kennesaw, GA. For more information, please visit us on the web at: www.yamahagolfcar.com Our Team President: Tom McDonald Division Manager, Finance & Operations: Matt Hunt Division Manager, Direct Sales: Brooks West, PGA Division Manager, Marketing: Kevin Norcross, PGA Regional Sales Manager: David Stewart, PGA District Sales Manager: Blake Bowman, PGA Inside Sales Manager: Jorge Romero Factory Service Provider: Tim Young Manufacturing Facility Corporate Headquarters Yamaha Motor Manufacturing Corporation Yamaha Golf -Car Company 1000 GA Hwy. 34 East 1270 Chastain Rd. NW Newnan, GA 30265 Kennesaw, GA 30144 Parent Corporation & In -House Leasing Division Yamaha Commercial Finance, USA 655 Katella Avenue Cypress, CA 90630 T, 1..� s r ynY�oj *YAMAHA 'Heys vur-Hea2" Important Links Yamaha Golf -Car Company Website: https://www.vamahagolfcar.com Yamaha Golf -Car Company Social Media Outlets: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Yam ahaGoIfCarCompan V Twitter: https://twitter.com/yamahagolfcars YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3Znm5q v-eavvxTM8upr e Instagram: https://instagram.com/yamahagolfcar Google+ https://Plus.google.com/+Yamahagolfcarcompanv WIV no Nok 91 dWk Yamaha Pro -Am (RSM Classic): https://rsmclassic.com/hospitality-packages/pro-am-packages/ Tellico Village Video Testimonial: https://vimeo.com/169796142 *"MAHA �e ysyu�Hea�s - Our Partners Affiliate Member Official Golf Car Silver Sponsor: °xLLISM.f y^ c� CLUB MANAGERS ASSOCIATION oFAMERICA X EWGA ccsaA16� 0ut,' INTERNATIONAL Member: Ii � VEHICLE TRANSPORTATION �``/. 'u& LT T E ASSOCIATION ® Title Sponsor, Pro -Am. Section Sponsor: rsn� ❑ =l• Alabama - NW Florida Section, PGA Carolinas Section, PGA Georgia Section, PGA Gulf States Section, PGA New England Section, PGA North Texas Section, PGA Northern California Section, PGA Southern California Section, PGA South Central Section, PGA South Florida Section, PGA South Texas Section, PGA Tennessee Section, PGA OYAMAHA revs nu�Hearr" Proposed Equipment and Accessories 2018 Yamaha Drive' QuieTech EFI (Fleet) Golf Car Standard Vehicle Equipment Description Yamaha -Built 357 cc EFI Gas Engine QuieTech System, Complete w/ Fully -Independent Rear Suspension TruTrack II Fully -Independent, Automotive -Style Front Suspension HybriCore Chassis Removable Modular Body Panels -� Sentry Wraparound Protection System w/ 5 MPH -Rated Bumpers Rack -and -Pinion Steering and Drum Brakes Enhanced Automotive -Style Dash ClimaGuard Top with Dual Rain Gutters Installed Options Description Dual Sand Bottles w/ Handles, Driver Side Custom Club Logo on Front of Car Polycarbonate Clear, Hinged Windshield Color -Matched Custom Number Decals (2 per car) Brushed Aluminum Wheel Covers (4) USB Charging Ports Clip -On Information Holder Color: Glacier White OR/VEM 0"MAHA )Ze!�s n Proposed Equipment and Accessories 2018 Yamaha Adventurer 1 EFI Utility Vehicle Standard Vehicle Equipment Description Yamaha -built 357 cc EFI Gas Engine TruTrack II Fully -Independent, Automotive -Style Front Suspension HybriCore Chassis Thermoplastic Olefin Body Panels 5 MPH -Rated Bumpers Roto-Molded Linear Polyethylene Cargo Box Rack -and -Pinion Steering and Drum Brakes Black SunTop Installed Options Description Steel Range Cage Easy -Picker Range Picker Adapter 0"MAHA T�evs pu�Hearr- Proposed Equipment and Accessories (cons.) 2018 Yamaha Adventurer 2 EFI Utility Vehicle Standard Vehicle Equipment Description Yamaha -built 357 cc EFI Gas Engine TruTrack II Fully -Independent, Automotive -Style Front Suspension HybriCore Chassis Thermoplastic Olefin Body Panels 5 MPH -Rated Bumpers Roto-Molded Linear Polyethylene Cargo Box Rack -and -Pinion Steering and Drum Brakes Black SunTop Installed Options Description Clear, Hinged Windshield Wheel Covers Drop -In Beverage Cooler (2) 0"MAHA �elvsyu�Hearr_" +YAMATRACK BACK OFFICE • Manage your tee sheet in the clubhouse, in the cloud, or wherever you choose. • Manage your entire operation, including the golf shop, cart barn, restaurant, and maintenance building from your favorite mobile device with our web -based system. • Integrated leasing with Yamaha's in-house financing, enabling a seamless transaction. • Built-in point of sale system allows you to manage your customer's information and inventory easily. PLAYER APP CAR CONTROL • Set geo-fence zones to control speed and car location on the golf course (DC only) • Use the shutdown feature to prevent losses by day, and the lockdown feature for better security overnight (DC only). • Monitor amp hours and car battery conditions automatically to improve fleet rotation and maximize battery life (DC only). • Monitor pace of play to assist with scheduling rounds and optimize marshal activity. If you have a Yamaha fleet, then we've already built your mobile app for you. Activating the app for your course is easy and convenient, and the mobile -based software allows your players to navigate their round no matter where they are on the course or in the game. The YamaTrack Player App assures player support is just around the corner, so they can spend more energy on their game. Customize your golf Accurate course diagrams and the Food and beverage ordering from course's mobile player GPS Precise Distance to Pin the course means a satisfying app with your unique club feature enables players to gauge meal or refreshing beverage is logo. their shots for more holes -in -one never far away. than ever before. AFFORDABILITY Offered at the low price of $28.00 per car per month � r i"t. lGuVi -Y iiicA �(if Y'i�+. Vcb *YAMAHA ZeVs Limited 4-Year Warranty for Drivel Golf Car Yamaha Golf -Car Company hereby warrants that any new Yamaha DRIVOGas or DRIVE' Electric golf car purchased from Yamaha, or an Authorized Dealer or Distributor In the United States will be free from defects in material and workmanship for FOUR years from date of purchase, subject to the stated limitations. DURING THE PERIOD OF WARRANTY, any authorized Yamaha golf car service technician, dealer, or distributor will, free of charge, repair or replace, at Yamaha's option, any part adjudged defective by Yamaha due to faulty workmanship or material from the factory. Parts used in warranty repairs will be warranted for the balance of the vehicle's warranty period. All parts replaced under warranty become property of Yamaha Golf -Car Company. Frame Limited Lifetime to Original Owner Battery-Trojan'Ta75' with i 4 Years or 25,000 amp -hours HydroLink Watering System i whichever camas first 'oaleiea conapbn an Ne nenpape Transaxte 4Years Pedals 3Years Brakes (excluding ohms l patio) 4Years Elecbte Motor 4Years Electrical wires, witches and relays 3Years Motor controller l Charger 4Years Suspension Steering components 4Years Charger Corti 4Years Seats 21fears Charger Receptacle - 4Years Sun Top 4Years Throttle Position Sensor 2 Years Burnpersi Body Parls Floor Mats 1 3Years 2Years Exhaust/Intake/Generator 47YYY Scorecard Holders 2Years Gas Fn ins 4 Ba Carder 3 Years Throltlo Cables/ Controls 3 3Years _ Battery iWindshield Guteh exeludin drive bel 4 Sand Bottle I Sand Bottle / Cooler 3 Years I I Information Holder I Boa Cover 3 Years I All Remaining Parts I1 Veers EXCLUSIONS from this Warranty shall Include any failures caused by: • Abnormal strain, neglect, or abuse, including lack of proper maintenance, and use contrary to the Owner's Manual instructions. • Accident orcollision damage. • Installation of parts or accessories that are not original equipment. • Fading,rust, or deterioration due to exposure or ordinary wear and tear. • Modifications or alterations that affect the car's condition, operation, performance, or durability, or which makes the car serve a purpose other than use as a two -person, golf course vehicle. • Damage due to Improper transportation. • Acts of God, i.e. lightning, hail damage, flooding, fire, etc. This Umited Warranty does not cover any parts replaced due to normal wear or routine maintenance, including oil and air filter elements, brake shoes, tire wear, spark plugs, starter and clutch drive belts. Any charges incurred in transporting a golf or or charger to and from an authorized Yamaha golf car dealer for service or in performing field service are also excluded from this warranty. Gasoline powered golf car starting batteries on vehicles equipped with a golf course GPS device, or any other device with a parasitic current draw, unless the vehicle is equipped from the factory with an optional deep cycle starting battery, are also excluded from this warranty. THE CUSTOMER'S RESPONSIBILITY under this warranty shall be to operate and maintain the golf or and charger as specified in the appropriate Owners/Operators Manual, and give notice to an authorized Yamaha golf car dealer of any and all apparent defects within ten (10) days after discovery, and make the vehicle or charger available at that time for Inspection and repairs by the dealers authorized representative. WARRANTY TRANSFER: Any transfer of warranty must take place within the first three years of the original In-service date of the vehicle. The vehicle must be re- registered by an authorized Yamaha Golf -Car Dealer within 30 days of transfer. A fee maybe charged for the transfer of the warranty. Yamaha Golf -Car Company makes no other warranty of any kind, expressed or implied. All Implied warranties of merchantability and fitness of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose which exceed the obligations and time limits stated in this warranty are hereby disclaimed by Yamaha Golf -Car Company and excluded from this Warranty. Some states do not allow limitations on how long implied warranty lasts, so the above limitation may not only apply to you. Also excluded from this Warranty is any incidental or consequential damages including loss of use. Some states do not allow the exclusion or [Imitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above exclusion may not apply to you. This Warranty give you specific legal rights, and you may also have other dghts, which vary, from state to state. t have read and agree to the above condidonsset forth In the Golf -ear Warranty(Initial) OYAMAHA T1g)ys vurHeav-r" Limited 2-Year Warranty for Transportation and Utility Vehicles Yamaha Golf -Car Company hereby warrants that any new Yamaha utility vehicle or any multi passenger cars or specialty vehicles purchased from Yamaha, or an Authorized Dealer or Distributor in the United States will be free from defects in material and workmanship for TWO years from date of purchase, subject to the stated limitations. DURING THE PERIOD OF WARRANTY, any authorized Yamaha golf car service technician, dealer, or distributor will, free of charge, repair or replace, at Yamaha's option, any part adjudged defective by Yamaha due to faulty workmanship or material from the factory. Parts used in warranty repairs will be warranted for the balance of the vehicle's warranty period. All parts replaced under warranty become property of Yamaha Golf -Car Company. Frame 2 Years Battery -Troroldnk Watering Irry tgS NydroLlnk Waterlog System 4 Years or 23,500 amp4loum whichever comesflrst TYtaledconam an the ned Pane Transaxle 2Years Pedals 2Years Brakes (excluding shossl pads) 2Years ElecWC Motor 2Years Electrical wires, switches, and relays 2Years Motor Controller/Charger 2Years Suspension / Steering components 2 Years _ Charger Cord 2 Years Seats 2 Years Charger Receptacle 2 Years Sun Top 2 Years Throttle Position Sensor 2 Years Bumpers Body Parts Floor Mats 2 Years 2Years Exhaust l Intake l Generator 2Years Scorecard Holders 2Years _ Gas Engine 2Years Ba Carder 2Years _ Throttle Cables/Controls 2Years Windshield 3Years _ Battery Clutch excl ding drive bell t Years 2Years Head Light 2 Years Tall Light 2 Years All Remaining Parts t ears EXCLUSIONS from this Warranty shall include any failures caused by: • Abnormal strain,neglect, or abuse, including lack of proper maintenance, and use contrary to the Owner's Manual instructions. • Accident or collision damage. • Installation of parts or accessories that are not original equipment. • Fading, rust, or deterioration due to exposure or ordinary wear and tear. • Modifications or alterations that affect the cars condition, operation, performance, or durability, or which makes the car serve a purpose other than use as a two -person, golf course vehicle. • Damage due to improper transportation. • Acts of God, i.e. lightning, hall damage, flooding, fire, etc. This Limited Warranty does not cover any parts replaced due to normal wear or routine maintenance, including oil and air filter elements, brake shoes, tire wear, spark plugs, starter and clutch drive belts. Any charges incurred in transporting a golf car or charger to and from an authorized Yamaha golf car dealer for service or In performing field service are also excluded from this warranty. Gasoline powered golf car starting batteries on vehicles equipped with a golf course GPS device, or any other device with a parasitic current draw, unless the vehicle is equipped from the factory with an optional deep cycle starting battery, are also excluded from this warranty. THE CUSTOMER'S RESPONSIBILITY under this warranty shall be to operate and maintain the golf car and charger as specified in the appropriate Owners/Operators Manual, and give notice to an authorized Yamaha golf car dealer of any and all apparent defects within ten (10) days after discovery, and make the vehicle or charger available at that time for inspection and repairs by the dealers authorized representative. WARRANTY TRANSFER: Any transfer of warranty must take place within the first three years of the original in-service date of the vehicle. The vehicle must be re- registered by an authorized Yamaha Golf -Car Dealer within 30 days of transfer. A fee may be charged for the transfer of the warranty. Yamaha Golf -Car Company makes no other warranty of any kind, expressed or implied. All implied warranties of merchantability and fitness of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose which exceed the obligations and time limits stated In this warranty are hereby disclaimed by Yamaha Golf -Car Company and excluded from this Warranty. Some states do not allow limitations on how long Implied warranty lasts, so the above limitation may not only apply to you. Also excluded from this Warranty is any incidental or consequential damages including loss of use. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above exclusion may not apply to you. This Warranty give you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights, which vary, from state to state. I have read and agree to the above conditions set forth in the Golf -Car Warranty (Initial) rrn((roa'Cjo'j�tgCYr '�C�IAnJ`ofK�7 ''=+BA'dArp I�rnsYtm%j{ojS�c,_3`i<TJns OYAMAHA revs vu�Hears- Service Details Yamaha Golf -Car Company's factory -supported service is the clear leader in the industry. Factory -supported dealers' and technicians' vehicles are fully equipped with the parts and tools necessary to provide on -site repairs and get your golf car back out on the course in the event that it should become disabled. Our service providers are trained extensively on the mechanical aspects of Yamaha golf cars and are routinely re-trained throughout the course of their tenure. The timely response and attentive manner of our service providers are two key factors in the success and customer satisfaction that we have been able to achieve at Yamaha. The service provider for Bailey Ranch Golf Club is Tim Young. Tim has been with Yamaha for many years and has received countless positive reviews from the customers he services. His goal is to be your partner and look out for the best interests of your fleet and your Club, while minimizing your down time. For your convenience, Tim Young's contact information is listed below. Please refer to your owner's manual for maintenance requirements and recommended service intervals. For further reference, a quick service check guide is included on the following page with tips to ensure your fleet runs as expected. Factory Service Provider Tim Young (405) 388 - 5699 johnyouung@yamaha-motor.com s O"MAHA j�ays�rHearr " Equipment Maintenance Schedule While Yamaha Golf -Car Company maintains a network of reliable service providers that are willing and able to assist you at any time, the following are best practices that will ensure that your golf car fleet stays in optimum working condition, cutting down on the need of service assistance: Daily Safety Checklist: • Visually inspect all equipment for damage. Be sure all nuts, bolts, and screws are tight. • Insure that all warning and instruction labels are on equipment and in good condition. • Check equipment for proper and safe operation. • Maintain a proper tire pressure of 18 psi for gas cars, and 22 psi for electric cars. • Check drive unit, transmission, engine, and fuel system (gasoline equipment) for leaks. Daily Performance Inspection: • Forward/Reverse Switch: Check for proper operation. • Brakes: Be sure brakes function properly. • Parking Brake: When latched, the parking brake should lock the wheels and hold the vehicle stationary. • Reverse Buzzer. The reverse buzzer will sound as a warning when the forward/reverse handle or switch is in the reverse position. Daily Maintenance: • Remove trash from bag well, floorboard, dash compartment, and drink holders. • Wash exterior of equipment, including seats and bag well. Do not pressure wash. • Wash engine compartment. Avoid all electrical components and connections. Do not pressure wash. • Keep equipment clean with damp cloth. • Change or repair flat tires. • Fuel. Check fuel level. • Engine: Check for proper engine oil level. • Battery: Check battery post; wires should be tight and free of corrosion, and battery should be fully charged. Monthly Maintenance: • Engine: Check engine cooling air intake; clean if necessary. Visually inspect the unshrouded area around the engine exhaust for grass and debris; clean if necessary. • Tires: Check air pressure and adjust as necessary. I have read and understand the above Equipment Maintenance Schedule (Initial) O"MAHA revs purNea2" Terms and Conditions for Returning Vehicles or Trades Sole Responsibility, if applicable: Bailey Ranch Golf Club agrees to accept sole responsibility for any loss or damage to its returned cars beyond ordinary wear due to normal use. The returned cars must meet the following conditions: 1.) All cars must be free of all liens and encumbrances. 2.) All cars must be capable of running at least nine (9) holes of golf. 3.) All cars must be the same quantity and year model as originally evaluated. 4.) All cars must be clean, and free of trash, scorecards, pencils, tees, etc. 5.) All cars must have a working charger. 6.) All cars must have four (4) serviceable tires that retain proper air pressure. 7.) All cars must steer properly in all directions. 8.) All batteries must be free of corrosion, and properly filled with water. Furthermore, Bailey Ranch Golf Club understands and agrees to further charges being assessed if the below conditions are found upon Yamaha Golf -Car Company's inspection of the returned cars: 1.) Severely damaged or missing chargers 2.) Inoperable cars 3.) Minor damage (damage to bodies, bumpers, or seats) 4.) Major damage (frame damage, wrecked cars, etc.) I have read and agree to the above terms and conditions for returning vehicles and/or trades (initial) 1v 0"MAHA revs pur-Hearr� References Local Yamaha Customers 1) Battle Creek Golf Club, Broken Arrow, Oklahoma 2) The Canyons at Blackjack Ridge, Sand Springs, Oklahoma 3) Elk City Golf & Country Club, Elk City, Oklahoma 4) Lew Wentz Golf Course, Ponca City, Oklahoma 5) Springdale Country Club, Springdale, Arkansas Regional Yamaha Customers 1) Stonebridge Meadows Golf Club, Fayetteville, Arkansas 2) The Hermitage, Nashville, Tennessee 3) Rolling Hills Country Club, Cabot, Arkansas 4) Cimarron National Golf Club, Guthrie, Oklahoma 5) Ballantrae Golf Course, Pelham, Alabama National Yamaha Customers Dee Roadman, PGA (918) 355 .4850 Brian Talley, PGA, (918) 810. 2272 Alex Alvarez, PGA, (580) 225. 3556 Rod Alexander, PGA, (580) 767. 0433 Roy Hobbs, PGA, (479) 751. 5185 1) Shinnecock Hills Golf Club, Southampton, New York #4 on Golf Digest "Top 100 Courses in the U.S.A." 2) Crystal Downs, Crystal Downs, Michigan #12 on Golf Digest "Top 100 Courses in the U.S.A." 3) Cog Hill, Lemont, Illinois #64 on Golf Digest "Top 100 Public Courses in the U.S.A." 4) PGA West, La Quinta, California Stadium Course -#4 on Golf Digest "100 Toughest Courses.." and #89 on Golf Digest "Top 100 Public Courses..." 5) Four Seasons Resort at Aviara, Carlsbad, California #44 on Golf Digest "Top 100 Golf Resorts" 3 �.q �. �YOY .,����I �f 1^�. �. 'i�^'✓ e 1 d`;:�1 � ::iC=;. 0"MAHA j&.�s v Heart Lease Proposal Details and Acceptance Golf Car Pricing: • Final Payment on current lease is October 01, 2017. First payment on new lease is December 01, 2017. Fleet Cars 68 48 Months Adventurer) 1 48 Months Adventurer II 5 48 Months $48.57 $3,594.38 36 Months 36 Months 36 Months • The above Pricing details reflects a Municipal Lease for forty eight (48) months for $48.57 per carper month. • Early Roll Option: Upon entering into the last year of the lease with Yamaha Commercial Customer Finance, if all terms and con- ditions of the lease have been satisfactorily met, Yamaha Golf -Car Company will grant customer the option of rolling into a new fleet of Yamaha golf cars. The new agreement must be with Yamaha Commercial Customer Finance and will be subject to their credit approval process. The new payment will be based upon current fleet condition, product pricing, and interest rates at that time. The preceding quotation does not include any applicable taxes or insurance and is subject to the final approval of Yamaha Commercial Customer Finance and Yamaha Golf -Car Company; additional documentation to follow. This quotation is valid for seven (7) days and is subject to change beyond that date. Furthermore, this proposal consti- tutes the entire understanding and agreement amongst the parties, whether oral or in writing. Neither party has made any further representations or promises to the other with respect to the subject matter of this agreement, except as set forth in this agreement. This agreement supersedes any previous agreements made between parties and is confi- dential in nature. Accepted by: If this proposal is acceptable under the above terms, please sign and date below: Bailey Ranch Golf Club Accepted by: Date: Date: Yamaha Regional Sales Manager Accepted by: Date: 11/9/17 Yamaha District Sales Manager ^... ........ *YAMAHA_ revs ourHear�"" dibonal Sale Proposal Details and Acceptance Golf Car Pricing: • Final Payment on current lease is October 01, 2017. First payment on new lease is December 01, 2017. Fleet Cars 68 48 Months Adventurer) 1 48 Months Adventurer II 5 48 Months $48.57 $3,594.38 36 Months 36 Months 36 Months • The above Pricing details reflects a Municipal Lease for forty eight (48) months for $48.57 per carper month, with a purchase option of $2,100.00 per car due at the end of the lease. • Early Roll Option: Upon entering into the last year of the lease with Yamaha Commercial Customer Finance, if all terms and con- ditions of the lease have been satisfactorily met, Yamaha Golf -Car Company will grant customer the option of rolling into a new fleet of Yamaha golf cars. The new agreement must be with Yamaha Commercial Customer Finance and will be subject to their credit approval process. The new payment will be based upon current fleet condition, product pricing, and interest rates at that time. The preceding quotation does not include any applicable taxes or insurance and is subject to the final approval of Yamaha Commercial Customer Finance and Yamaha Golf -Car Company; additional documentation to follow. This quotation is valid for seven (7) days and is subject to change beyond that date. Furthermore, this proposal consti- tutes the entire understanding and agreement amongst the parties, whether oral or in writing. Neither party has made any further representations or promises to the other with respect to the subject matter of this agreement, except as set forth in this agreement. This agreement supersedes any previous agreements made between parties and is confi- dential in nature. Accepted by: If this proposal is acceptable under the above terms, please sign and date below: Date: Bailey Ranch Golf Club Accepted by: Date: Yamaha Regional Sales Manager Accepted by: " Date: 11/9/17 Yamaha District Sales Manager 4--- "MAHA GOLF CAR QUOTATION CONTRACT TYPE: MUNICIPAL Both parties agree: CCF may in respect of any typographical error, clerical error or other omission in sales literature, quotations, or other documents or information issued by CCF, carry out corrections and the documents after correction shall govern. August 24, 2017 For: Dealer: Blake Bowman - Yamaha Sal Course: Bailey Ranch Golf Club Quote Summary: Terms Rate: 4.200% Term: 48 months Starting: 01/01/2018 74 Cars: Per Car Retail: 3,891.08 Wholesale: 0.00 Residual: 2,058.72 Payment: 48.57 Actual # of Payments: 48 Quote No. 117794 Quoted By: Guillermo Quiroz Contact: Blake Bowman Phone: 9183849464 Totals Retail: 287,940.00 Sales Tax: 0.00 Total Financed: 287,940.00 Wholesale: 0.00 Dealer Funding: 287,940.00 Residual: 152,345.00 Retail Residual #Cars Model Per Car Per Car Special Comments 68 DR2A EFI 3,605.00 2,090.00 City of Owasso 1 YT1A 6,975.00 1,350.00 5 YT2A 7,165.00 1,775.00 QUOTE VALID UNTIL 9/24/2017 Due Funding/ Service Principal Mon # Date Payment Residual Charge Adjustment Balance Total Financed ........... 287,940.00 1 01/01/18 3,594.38 287,940.00 979.03 2,615.35 285,324.65 2 02/01/18 3,594.38 0.00 970.13 2,624.26 282,700.40 3 03/01/18 3,594.38 0.00 961.21 2,633.17 280,067.23 4 04/01/18 3,594.38 0.00 952.26 2,642.12 277,425.11 5 05/01/18 3,594.38 0.00 943.28 2,651.10 274,774.01 6 06/01/18 3,594.38 0.00 934.26 2,660.12 272,113.89 7 07/01/18 3,594.38 0.00 925.22 2,669.16 269,444.72 8 08/01/18 3,594.38 0.00 916.14 2,678.24 266,766.49 9 09/01/18 3,594.38 0.00 907.03 2,687.35 264,079.14 10 10/01/18 3,594.38 0.00 897.90 2,696.48 261,382.66 11 11/01/18 3,594.38 0.00 888.73 2,705.65 258,677.01 12 12/01/18 3,594.38 0.00 879.53 2,714.85 255,962.16 13 01/01/19 3,594.38 0.00 870.30 2,724.08 253,238.08 14 02/01/19 3,594.38 0.00 861.04 2,733.34 250.504.73 15 03/01/19 3,594.38 0.00 851.74 2,742.64 247,762.10 16 04/01/19 3,594.38 0.00 842.42 2,751.96 245,010.13 17 05/01/19 3,594.38 0.00 833.06 2,761.32 242,248.81 18 06/01/19 3,594.38 0.00 823.67 2,770.71 239,478.11 19 07/01/19 3,594.38 0.00 814.25 2,780.13 236,697.98 20 08/01/19 3,594.38 0.00 804.80 2,789.58 233,908.40 , YAMAHA Dealer: Blake Bowman - Yamaha Sal Quote No: 117794 Course: Bailey Ranch Golf Club Quote Date: August 24, 2017 Due Funding/ Service Principal Mon # Date Payment Residual Charge Adjustment Balance 21 09/01/19 3,594.38 0.00 795.31 2,799.07 231.109.33 22 10/01/19 3,594.38 0.00 785.80 2,808.58 228,300.75 23 11/01/19 3,594.38 0.00 776.25 2,818.13 225,482.61 24 12/01/19 3,594.38 0.00 766.67 2,827.71 222,654.90 25 01/01/20 3,594.38 0.00 757.05 2,837.33 219,817.57 26 02/01/20 3,594.38 0.00 747.40 2,846.98 216,970.59 27 03/01/20 3,594.38 0.00 737.72 2,856.66 214,113.94 28 04/01/20 3,594.38 0.00 728.01 2,866.37 211,247.57 29 05/01/20 3,594.38 0.00 718.26 2,876.12 208,371.45 30 06/01/20 3,594.38 0.00 708.49 2,885.89 205,485.56 31 07/01/20 3,594.38 0.00 698.67 2,895.71 202,589.85 32 08/01/20 3,594.38 0.00 688.83 2,905.55 199,684.30 33 09/01/20 3,594.38 0.00 678.95 2,915.43 196,768.86 34 10/01/20 3,594.38 0.00 669.04 2,925.34 193,843.52 35 11/01/20 3,594.38 0.00 659.09 2,935.29 190,908.23 36 12/01/20 3,594.38 0.00 649.11 2,945.27 187,962.96 37 01/01/21 3,594.38 0.00 639.09 2,955.29 185,007.67 38 02/01/21 3,594.38 0.00 629.05 2,965.33 182,042.34 39 03/01/21 3,594.38 0.00 618.96 2,975.42 179,066.92 40 04/01/21 3,594.38 0.00 608.85 2,985.53 176,081.39 41 05/01/21 3,594.38 0.00 598.70 2,995.68 173,085.70 42 06/01/21 3,594.38 0.00 588.51 3,005.87 170,079.83 43 07/01/21 3,594.38 0.00 578.29 3,016.09 167,063.74 44 08/01/21 3,594.38 0.00 568.03 3,026.35 164,037.40 45 09/01/21 3,594.38 0.00 557.74 3,036.64 161,000.76 46 10/01/21 3,594.38 0.00 547.42 3,046.96 157,953.80 47 11/01/21 3,594.38 0.00 537.06 3,057.32 154,896.48 48 12/01/21 3,594.38 0.00 526.66 3,067.72 151,828.77 49 01/01/22 152,345.00 516.23 151,828.77 0.00 Totals: 172,630.24 36,935.24 287,940.00 OWASSO PUBLIC GOLF AUTHORITY PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING DATE 12109/17 Department Payroll Expenses Total Expenses 600 Golf Shop Operations 2,651.25 4,154.91 605 Cart Operations 1,888.43 2,116.33 610 Golf Course Operations 8,930.95 14,377.08 670 Food & Beverage 2,904.32 4,395.50 690 General & Administration 3,580.75 5,301.29 FUND TOTAL 19,955.70 30,345.11 CITY OF OWASSO OWASSO PUBLIC GOLF AUTHORITY Statement of Revenues & Expenses As of November 30, 2017 OPERATING REVENUES: Golf shop fees Merchandise sales COS - merchandise Cart Rental Food & beverage COS - food & beverage Other Revenue TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES OPERATING EXPENSES: Golf Shop Cart Operations Golf Course Maintenance Food & Beverage Golf Administration TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) Transfer from General Transfer from OPWA TOTAL OTHER REVENUES NET INCOME (LOSS) ENCUMBRANCES OUTSTANDING Month To -Date November 30, 2017 Year To -Date Percent Budget of Budget $ 23,001 $ 216,796 $ 538,200 40.28% 5,975 50,164 135,000 37.16% (4,532) (37,952) (104,000) 36.49% 7,071 66,144 125,000 52.91% 7,917 63,621 161,376 39.42% (4,237) (28,885) (67,215) 42.97% (1) 595 700 84.99% $ 35,193 $ 330,482 $ 789,061 41.88% $ (12,505) $ (55,146) $ (141,375) 39.01% (8,150) (51,219) (115,127) 44.49% (72,365) (336,569) (719,509) 46.78% (12,311) (57,973) (139,962) 41.42% (22,290) (102,704) (222,970) 46.06% $ (127,620) $ (603,612) $ (1,338,943) 45.08% $ (92,428) $ (273,130) $ (549,882) $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 649,882 7.69% - - 326,201 0.00% $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 976,083 5.12% $ (42,428) $ (223,130) $ 426,201 $ (81,627) FUND BALANCE (Budgetary Basis) Beginning Balance (3,343,985) (3,343,985) Ending Balance $ (3,648,742) $ (2,917,784)