HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018.04.03_City Council AgendaPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE MEETING OF THE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL Council Chambers, Old Central Building' 109 N Birch, O1r g Owasso, OK 74055 Tuesday, April 3, 2018 - 6:30 pm 1. Call to Order Mayor Lyndell Dunn 2. Invocation Andrew Rankin, Senior Pastor of Freedom Church 3. Flag Salute 4. Roll Call 5. Presentation of the Character Trait of Creativity Larry Langford, Owasso Character Council 6. Presentation of Proclamation Mayor Lyndell Dunn The City Council will present a proclamation declaring April 8 -14, 2018, as National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week in the City of Owasso. 7. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for approval of the Consent Agenda. (All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the City Council to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Councilor may, however, remove an item from the Consent Agenda by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non - debatable.) A. Approve minutes • March 13, 2018, Regular Meeting • March 20.2018, Regular Meeting B. Approve claims S. Consideration and appropriate action relating to items removed from the Consent Agenda 9. Consideration and appropriate action relating to Resolution 2018 -03, requesting assistance from the Tulsa County Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Urban County Program and approving an application identifying the preferred project for the for FY 2018 -2019 funding cycle Karl Fritschen Staff recommends approval of Resolution 2018 -03, 10. Consideration and appropriate action relating to Ordinance 1127, rezoning property referenced in application OZ -17 -09 from RS -3 (Residential Single - Family High Density) to RNX (Residential Neighborhood Mixed) on the southeast corner of E 89 St N and N Mingo Rd Morgan Pemberton Staff recommends approval of Ordinance 1127. Owasso City Council April 3, 2018 Page 2 11. Consideration and appropriate action relating to an agreement for the acquisition of right -of- way for the E 116 St N Roadway Improvements from Garnett Road to N 129 E Ave Roger Stevens Staff recommends approval of an agreement with Mary Beth Retherford for the acquisition of right -of -way and compensation for damages in the amount of $57,505 and authorization for payment. 12. Consideration and appropriate action relating to the award of a bid for the installation of dugout and bleacher covers and safety cap fence guards on softball and baseball fields located within the Owasso Sports Park Larry Langford Staff recommends awarding the base bid and Alternate #I to Phoenix Construction Disaster Services, Inc. for a total contract amount of $101,496. 13. Consideration and appropriate action relating to Article 13, Grievance Procedure, of the Collective Bargaining Agreement with the Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge 149, finalizing the Fiscal Year 2017 -2018 contract Michele Dempster Staff recommends approval of Article 13, which along with the Memorandum of Understanding and Resolution No. 2017 -14, approved by the Council on August 1, 2017, would finalize the Fiscal Year 2017 -2018 Collective Bargaining Agreement. 14. Report from City Manager • Monthly Public Works Project Status Report 15. Report from City Attorney 16. Report from City Councilors 17. Official Notices to Council (documents for acknowledgment or information only, no discussion or action will be taken) • Payroll Payment Report- Pay Period Ending Date 3/17/18 • Health Care Self- Insurance Claims - dated as of 3/29/18 18. New Business (New Business is any item of business which could not have been foreseen at the time of posting of the agenda) 19. Adjournment Notice of Public Meeting filed in the office of the City Clerk and the Agenda posted at City Hall, 200 S Main St, at 6:00 pm on Friday, March 30, 2018. Sherry Bisho , City Clerk The City of Owasso encourages citizen participation. To request on accommodation due to a disability, contact the City Clerk at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled meeting by phone 918- 376 -1502 or by email to Lstevens@cityofowcrsso.com The City of Owasso, Oklahoma CA1 ./�/y WHEREAS, emergencies can occur at any time that require police, fire or emergency medical services; and, WHEREAS, when an emergency- occurs the pr,'ompt�Tesponse of police officers, firefighters and paramedics,rs critical to the protection `of life and preservation of property; and a � � WHEREAS,, the safety of our police officers 'and firefighters IS,,, pendent upon the quality and aciuraoy of information,obtaine from clnzens Ao telephone the City of Owasso emerggf cy services, co,mmunt and WHEREAS, throughout 2Q17,`the eleveny City of Owasso 'Public Safety Telecommiinicatdrs collectively answered od ¢r 50,000 calls; and i IJ 1' n WHEREAS;?;> Public Safety, Te1ecommunieators are the first and most critical contact our citizens hove with emergency services;",and, =t WHEREAS, Public Safety Teleco „mmunicators "are thersingle vital link for our police officers and ftreflghters'Vb monrton g thelrbdttivitzs by radio, providing them information and insuring their safety, and,`�'_ WHEREAS, Public Safety Telecommunicators of the Owasso Emergency Services Dispatch have contributed substantially to the apprehension of criminals, suppression of fires and treatment of patients; and, WHEREAS, each dispatcher exhibits compassion, understanding and professionalism during the performance of their duties. NOW, THEREFORE, I, Lyndell Dunn, by virtue of the authority vested in me as Mayor of the City of Owasso, do hereby proclaim April 8 -14, 2018, to be in the City of Owasso, and do further encourage citizens to honor members of the Owasso Emergency Services Dispatch team whose diligence and professionalism keep our city and citizens safe. IN WITNESS THEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the City of Owasso to be affixed this 3" day of April 2018. Lyndell Dunn, Mayor OWASSO CITY COUNCIL, OPWA & OPGA MINUTES OF JOINT REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, March 13, 2018 The Owasso City Council, Owasso Public Works Authority (OPWA), and Owasso Public Golf Authority (OPGA) met in a joint regular meeting on Tuesday, March 13, 2018, in the Council Chambers at Old Central, 109 N Birch Street, Owasso, Oklahoma, per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted at City Hall, 200 S Main (west side), at 6:00 pm on Friday, March 9, 2018. 1. Cali to Order Mayor /Chair Lyndell Dunn called the meeting to order at 6:03 pm. Present Mayor /Chair- Lyndell Dunn Vice - Mayor /Vice- Chair -Chris Kelley Councilor /Trustee - Doug Bonebrake Councilor /Trustee - Bill Bush A quorum was declared present. Absent Councilor /Trustee -Jeri Moberly 2. Discussion relating to the Mayor /Chair Leadership Elections Process Mayor /Chair Lyndell Dunn presented the item and discussion was held. 3. Discussion relating to Community Development items A. FY 2018 -2019 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) B. Final Plat - Morrow Elementary School (approximately 12200 N 132 E Ave) C. PUD -18 -01 & OZ -18 -01 - McKnight Farm at Preston Lakes (northwest corner of E 86 St N and N 161 E Ave) D. Proposed Update to the Owasso Zoning Code Karl Fritschen presented item 3A, advising that a public input meeting will be held at City Hall on April 2, 2018, at 6:00 pm; discussion was held. Bronce Stephenson and Morgan Pemberton presented items 3B, 3C, and 3D and discussion was held. It was further explained that item 3A would be placed on the April 3, 2018, Council agenda for consideration and action; items 3B and 3C would be placed on the March 20, 2018, Council agenda for consideration and action; and item 3D would be placed on the April 10, 2018, Work Session for further discussion. 4. Discussion relating to Public Works items A. Roadway Dieting /Complete Streets B. Coffee Creek Lift Station and Force Main Improvements Roger Stevens presented items 4A and 4B and discussion was held. 5. Discussion relating to rates and fees A. Public Works and Utility Billing B. Parks, Police Records, and Cemetery Sherry Bishop presented items 5A and 5B and discussion was held. It was further explained that these items would be placed on the April 3, 2018, Council or OPWA agendas for consideration and action. The rates and fees related to the Cemetery would be placed on the April 10, 2018, Work Session for further discussion. Owasso City Council, OPWA & OPGA March 13, 2018 Page 2 6. Discussion relating to City Manager items • Monthly sales tax report • City Manager report Jennifer Newman presented the monthly sales tax report and discussed was held. Warren Lehr reported on the Tulsa Chamber D.C. Fly -In for 2018 scheduled for May 9 -11; various upcoming city events (event information can be found on the city's website); efforts of the Owasso FOP and Rib Crib in raising funds for a local family; and the city's participation in the Local Update of Census Addresses and Information. 7. Discussion relating to vacancies on the Citizen Sales Tax Watchdog Committee Mayor Lyndell Dunn presented the item and discussion was held. 8. Councilor /Trustee comments and inquiries Councilors commented on the Owasso Chamber's booth at the 2018 Tulsa Home and Garden Show and the 2018 Lady Rams Basketball's State Championship win. 9. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 7:35 pm. Lyndell Dunn, Mayor /Chair Juliann M. Stevens, Deputy City Clerk OWASSO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, March 20, 2018 The Owasso City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, March 20, 2018, in the Council Chambers at Old Central, 109 N Birch, Owasso, Oklahoma per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda filed in the office of the City Clerk and posted at City Hall, 200 S Main St, at 6:00 pm on Friday, March 16, 2018. 1. Call to Order Mayor Lyndell Dunn called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. 2. Invocation The invocation was offered by Mike Frantz, Pastor of Discovery Bible Fellowship Church. 3. Flag Salute Councilor Bill Bush led the flag salute. 4. Roll Call Present Mayor- Lyndell Dunn Vice - Mayor- Chris Kelley Councilor - Bill Bush Councilor - Jeri Moberly A quorum was declared present. Staff: City Manager - Warren Lehr City Attorney - Julie Lombardi Absent Councilor -Doug Bonebrake 5. Presentation of the Character Trait of Orderliness Randy Cowling, Executive Director Owasso Community Resources, presented the Character Trait of Orderliness for the month of March. 6. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for approval of the Consent Agenda. (All matters listed under "Consent" are considered by the City Council to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. Any Councilor may, however, remove an item from the Consent Agenda by request. A motion to adopt the Consent Agenda is non - debatable.) A. Approve minutes • March 9, 2018, Special Meeting • March 13, 2018, Regular Meeting B. Approve claims C. Approve a budget amendment in the General Fund, increasing estimated revenues and the appropriation for expenditures by $27,557 for the receipt and transfer of Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) grant funds to the OPWA for the purchase of a vehicle D. Declare vehicle parts as surplus to the needs of the City and authorize disposal (F- 350 truck parts removed for conversion to a wiidland fire apparatus) Ms. Moberly moved, seconded by Dr. Kelley to approve the Consent Agenda with claims totaling $1,117,928.29. Owasso City Council March 20, 2018 Page 2 YEA: Bush, Kelley, Moberly, Dunn NAY: None Motion carried: 4 -0 Consideration and appropriate action relating to items removed from the Consent Agenda None 8. Consideration and appropriate action relating to the final plat for Morrow Elementary School (approximately 12200 N 132 E Ave) Morgan Pemberton presented the item recommending approval of the Final Plat for Morrow Elementary School. There were no comments from the audience. After discussion, Mr. Bush moved, seconded by Ms. Moberly to approve the Final Plat for Morrow Elementary School, as recommended. YEA: Bush, Kelley, Moberly, Dunn NAY: None Motion carried: 4 -0 9. Consideration and appropriate action relating to Ordinance 1126 approving a Planned Unit Development as referenced in application OPUD 18 -01 and zoning application OZ 18 -01, for McKnight Farm at Preston Lakes (northwest corner of E 86 St N and N 161 E Ave) Morgan Pemberton presented the item recommending approval of Ordinance 1126 (OPUD 18 -01 and OZ- 18 -01). There were no comments from the audience. After discussion, Dr. Kelley moved, seconded by Ms. Moberly to approve Ordinance 1126, as recommended. YEA: Bush, Kelley, Moberly, Dunn NAY: None Motion carried: 4 -0 10. Consideration and appropriate action relating to an Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with GH2 Architects for the Redbud Park Project (Owasso Festival Market Place on Main) Larry Langford presented the item recommending approval of an Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with GH2 Architects, LLC of Tulsa, Oklahoma, for additional professional services for the Redbud Festival Park Project (Owasso Festival Market Place on Main) and authorization to execute the amendment. There were no comments from the audience. After discussion, Mr. Bush moved, seconded by Ms. Moberly to approve the amendment to the agreement with GH2 Architects, LLC, as recommended. YEA: Bush, Kelley, Moberly, Dunn NAY: None Motion carried: 4 -0 11. Consideration and appropriate action relating acceptance of the Sports Park Parking Lot and Roadway Project Larry Langford presented the item recommending acceptance of the Sports Park Parking Lot and Roadway Project and authorization for final payment to Ground Level in the amount of $40,889.89. Owasso City Council March 20, 2018 Page 3 There were no comments from the audience. After discussion, Ms. Moberly moved, seconded by Mr. Bush to accept the project and authorize final payment, as recommended. YEA: Bush, Kelley, Moberly, Dunn NAY: None Motion carried: 4 -0 12. Consideration and appropriate action relating to the award of a bid for mowing US Highway 169 Right -of -Way Tim Doyle presented the item recommending award of a mowing contract including the base project and alternate #l, alternate #2, and alternate #3 to Lot Maintenance of Oklahoma, Inc., of Tulsa, Oklahoma, in the amount of $6,932 per mowing and authorization to execute the contract. There were no comments from the audience. After discussion, Ms. Moberly moved, seconded by Dr. Kelley to award the base bid and alternates and authorize execution of the contract, as recommended. YEA: Bush, Kelley, Moberly, Dunn NAY: None Motion carried: 4 -0 13. Consideration and appropriate action relating to an agreement for acquisition of right -of- way for the Garnett Roadway Improvements Project from E 106 St to E 116 St N Roger Stevens presented the item recommending approval of an agreement with Vidal Palocios and Gabriela Rodriguez for the acquisition of right -of -way, easement, and compensation for damages in the amount of $25,495.20 and authorization for payment. There were no comments from the audience. After discussion, Mr. Bush moved, seconded by Ms. Moberly to approve the agreement and authorize payment, as recommended. YEA: Bush, Kelley, Moberly, Dunn NAY: None Motion carried: 4 -0 14. Consideration and appropriate action relating to the Video Surveillance System for the Owasso Public Safety Operations & Training Complex Project (Fire Station #4) Teresa Willson presented the item recommending approval for the purchase and installation of a video surveillance system from Digi Security Systems of Tulsa, Oklahoma, in an amount not to exceed $68,557.19. There were no comments from the audience. After discussion, Dr. Kelley moved, seconded by Ms. Moberly to approve the purchase and installation of the video surveillance system, as recommended. YEA: Bush, Kelley, Moberly, Dunn NAY: None Motion carried: 4 -0 15. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for an executive session, as provided for in Title 25, O.S. § 307(B)(3), for purposes of discussing the purchase of real property located at 120 E 2nd St Julie Lombardi presented the item, Mr. Bush moved, seconded by Ms. Moberly to enter into executive session. Owasso City Council March 20, 2018 Page 4 YEA: Bush, Kelley, Moberly, Dunn NAY: None Motion carried: 4 -0 At 7:11 pm, the Council, along with Julie Lombardi, Warren Lehr, Chris Garrett, and Scott Chambless entered into executive session. At 7:22 pm, the Council returned to open session. 16. Consideration and appropriate action relating to acceptance of an offer to purchase the property located at 120 E 2nd St Julie Lombardi presented the item recommending authorization for purchase and payment of the property located at 120 E 2nd St, Owasso, OK, for $190,000, and authorization for the City Manager to sign all necessary documents. There were no comments from the audience. Mr. Bush moved, seconded by Ms. Moberly to approve the purchase of property and authorize payment and execution of all necessary documents, as recommended. YEA: Bush, Kelley, Moberly, Dunn NAY: None Motion carried: 4 -0 17. Report from City Manager Mr. Lehr reported on various upcoming community events and advised that several Owasso High School students were spending their spring break visiting our city sister, Chaumont, France. 18. Report from City Attorney None 19. Report from City Councilors None 20. Official Notices to Council (documents for acknowledgment or information only, no discussion or action will be taken) Payroll Payment Report: - Pay Period Ending Date 2/17/18 - Pay Period Ending Date 3/3/18 Health Care Self- Insurance Claims: - dated as of 3/1/18 - dated as of 3/15/18 Monthly Budget Status Report - February 2018 21. New Business (New Business is any item of business which could not have been foreseen at the time of posting of the agenda) None Owasso City Council March 20, 2018 Page 5 22. Adjournment Ms. Moberly moved, seconded by Dr. Kelley to adjourn the meeting. YEA: Bush, Kelley, Moberly, Dunn NAY: None Motion carried 4 -0 and the meeting adjourned at 7:27 pm. Lyndell Dunn, Mayor Lisa Wilson, Minute Clerk Claims List - 413/2018 Fund Vendor Name Payable Description Payment Amount 01 GENERAL AEP /PSO ELECTRIC USE $381,97 AT &T CONSOLIDATED PHONE $27.76 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK Al ELECTRIC - SUPPLIES $279.90 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ACADEMY - SUPPLIES $15.98 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ALL SIGNS - SUPPLIES $43.50 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK AMAZON- SUPPLIES $186.05 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK GREY MAN TACTICAL -SUP $166.56 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK HOME DEPOT- SUPPLIES $33.57 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES- SUPPLIES $219.96 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK MIDWEST VET - SUPPLIES $22.10 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SAMS - SUPPLIES $67.96 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SAV ON -DOOR HANGERS $300.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SERENITY- CREMATION - $315.00 GEN ANIMAL CONTROL -Total $2,060.31 AEP IPSO ELECTRIC USE $23.24 CLEAN UNIFORM COMPANY UNIFORM SERVICE $17.12 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK STANDARD SPLY- SPRAYER $191.98 OWASSO TOP SOIL DIRT $65.00 SPOK, INC. PAGER USE $8.90 GEN CEMETERY -Total $306.24 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK BRAUMS- SUPPLIES $199 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK HOME DEPOT- SUPPLIES $37.43 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES- SUPPLIES $50.32 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK PARTY PERFECT - RENTAL $75.08 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SAMS- RETURN ($22.92) JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SAMS - SUPPLIES $406.70 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SUPPLIES $30.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WALMART- SUPPLIES $5.58 GEN COMM CTR DONATIONS -Total $586.18 AEP /PSO ELECTRIC USE $740.33 AT &T CONSOLIDATED PHONE $43.47 DRAKE SYSTEMS INC COPIER SERVICE $305.63 GRAND GATEWAY ECO. DEV. ASSC. SENIOR FARES $194.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK AMAZON- SUPPLIES $213.08 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK AMAZON- TISSUE $68.56 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK BEST BUY - ANTENNA $151.98 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES - LIGHTING $41.99 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES -PARTS $216.31 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES- SUPPLIES $105.87 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES -TOOLS $17.36 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES - TOWELS $12.34 1 Claims List - 4/3/2018 Fund Vendor Name Payable Description Payment Amount 01 GENERAL JPMORGAN CHASE BANK MILL CREEK - FLOORING $486.27 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK REASORS- CLEANER RENT $29.99 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK REASORS- RETURN ($16.30) JPMORGAN CHASE BANK REASORS- SUPPLIES $20.96 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK RED BUD SVC- FILTERS $55.36 GEN COMMUNITY CENTER -Total DELL - LAPTOP $2,687.20 BH MEDIA HOLDING GROUPS, INC CDBG $30.72 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK CDW GOVT -ADOBE $278.96 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK PIKEPASS -FEES $18.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TARGET - SUPPLIES $44.62 TULSA COUNTY CLERK CODE ENFORCEMENT $52.00 GEN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT -Total CONSOLIDATED PHONE $424.30 BH MEDIA HOLDING GROUPS, INC SPORTS PARK CANOPIES $23.04 GEN CULTURE & RECREATION - Total COPIER SERVICES $23.04 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OFFICE DEPOT- EQUIPMEN $34.99 GEN ECONOMIC DEV -Total $34.99 AEPJPSO ELECTRIC USE $96.02 AT &T CONSOLIDATED PHONE $15.72 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK AMAZON - LAPTOP $598.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK AMAZON- REFUND ($20.00) SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP LAPTOP SOFTWARE $680.00 GEN EMERG PREPAREDNESS -Total DELL - LAPTOP $1,369.74 CLEAN UNIFORM COMPANY UNIFORM SERVICE $52.28 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OFFICE DEPOT - SUPPLIES $29.19 OKLAHOMA FLOODPLAIN MANAGERS 2018 OFMA WORKSHOP $150.00 GEN ENGINEERING -Total $231.47 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK AMAZON- BATTERY $624.93 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK AMAZON- MONITOR $266.97 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK AMERICAN- AIRFARE $412.99 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK DELL - DESKTOP $1,029.77 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK DELL -DISK DRIVE $34.99 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK DELL - LAPTOP $1,523.35 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK GOFA -CAFR APPLICATION $505.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OFFICE DEPOT - SUPPLIES $16.66 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TRAVEL INS - INSURANCE $27.88 GEN FINANCE -Total $4,442.54 AEP IPSO ELECTRIC USE $2,575.46 AT &T CONSOLIDATED PHONE $608.85 BH MEDIA HOLDING GROUPS, INC ORDINANCES $1,987.50 DRAKE SYSTEMS INC COPIER SERVICES $539.29 2 Claims List - 4/3/2018 Fund Vendor Name Payable Description Payment JPMORGAN CHASE BANK AMAZON- PRINTER RIBBON Amount 01 GENERAL JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ADMIRAL EXP- SUPPLIES $83.97 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK MAILFINANCE -LEASE $1,110.66 MAILROOM FINANCE INC POSTAGE $1,000.00 MCAFEE & TAFT LEGAL - PERSONNEL $175.00 RICOH USA, INC COPIER RENTAL $199.49 RICOH USA, INC. COPIER SERVICE $138.82 TREASURER PETTY CASH ROGERS CO FILING FEE $17.00 TULSA COUNTY CLERK ORDINANCES $77,00 TULSA COUNTY ELECTION BOARD ELECTION 2/13/18 $6,355.03 GEN GENERAL GOVERNMENT -Total $14,868.07 AEP /PSO ELECTRIC USE $85.00 AT &T CONSOLIDATED PHONE $15.72 GEN HISTORICAL MUSEUM -Total $100.72 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK AMAZON- PRINTER RIBBON $35.25 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OFFICE DEPOT - BATTERY $129.99 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OK SAFETY -FEE $30.00 TULSA WORLD TULSA WORLD ADVERTSING $773.00 GEN HUMAN RESOURCES -Total $968.24 AT &T CONSOLIDATED PHONE $22.74 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ALDI - LAPTOP TABLE $12.99 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK BARRACUDA- RENEWAL $1,36100 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK BEST BUY - CAMERA $579.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK COX - INTERNET $1,250.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK GODADDY- RENEWAL $1,049.97 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK HOME DEPOT - SUPPLIES $19.14 RAMUNDSEN SUPERIOR HOLDINGS COGNOS ANNUAL $3,880.00 MAINTENANCE RAMUNDSEN SUPERIOR HOLDINGS PCARD MODULE TRAINING $400.00 GEN INFORMATION TECH -Total $8,576.84 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK BRADLEY LAW -LEGAL $3,806.25 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK DCAM CENTRAL- PRINTING $568.50 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK MEETING EXPENSE $100.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK PIKEPASS -FEES $9.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TRAVEL EXPENSE $86.94 GEN MANAGERIAL -Total $4,570.69 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OFFICE DEPOT - SUPPLIES $16.66 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WILLIAMS - PARKING $7.00 GEN MUNICIPAL COURT -Total $23.66 AEP /PSO ELECTRIC USE $1,569.41 ANDREA SMITH PARKS JANITORIAL $705.00 AT &T CONSOLIDATED PHONE $24.08 3 Claims List - 4/3/2018 Fund Vendor Name Payable Description Payment AEP /PSO ELECTRIC USE Amount 01 GENERAL CLEAN UNIFORM COMPANY PARKS STAFF UNIFORMS $27.66 GARY HEFNER MUSEUM EXTERIOR WALL $6,891.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK REPA ($49.79) JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ATWOODS -BOOTS $199.99 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK BROWN FARMS -SOD $190.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK CORNERSTONE -PARTS $9.49 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK CORNERSTONE - PARTS /REP $125.55 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK CORNERSTONE - SUPPLIES $66.79 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOCKE -PARTS $9.36 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES -AIR HOSE $15.48 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OREILLY- BATTERY $104.96 OWASSO TOP SOIL REPAIRS $125.00 PROTECTION ONE ALARM MONITORING ALARM SERVICE $73.94 INC VERDIGRIS VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP PARKS ELECTRIC $58.49 WASHINGTON CO RURAL WATER WATER SERVICE MCCARTY $36.00 DISTRICT PAR GEN PARKS -Total $10,232.20 AEP /PSO ELECTRIC USE $245.68 AT &T CONSOLIDATED PHONE $313.92 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK COW GOVT -CARD READER $149.37 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK COW GOVT- REFUND ($49.79) JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SAMS- PRISON BOARD $57.36 GEN POLICE COMMUNICATIONS -Total $716.54 PUBLIC SAFETY CORPORATION CRYWOLF ALARM PROGRAM $7,007.90 GEN POLICE SERVICES -Total COX - INTERNET $7,007.90 CLEAN UNIFORM COMPANY UNIFORM SERVICE $87.67 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ADVANCE AUTO - SUPPLIES $5.14 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ATWOODS -BOOTS $119.99 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ATWOODS- SUPPLIES $69.87 SPOK, INC. PAGER USE $44.50 GEN STORMWATER -Total $327.17 AT &T CONSOLIDATED PHONE $45.48 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK COX - INTERNET $69.95 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK INTERSTATE - BATTERIES $12.10 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK J QUINTON PLUMBING -RE $190.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOCKE- FASTENERS $16.03 GEN SUPPORT SERVICES -Total $333.56 TREASURER PETTY CASH CC REFUND- ARRINGTON $50.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH CC REFUND - GRAHAM $50.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH CC REFUND -LAO $100.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH CC REFUND -MCBEE $50.00 4 Claims List - 4/3/2018 Fund Vendor Name Payable Description Payment Amount 01 GENERAL TREASURER PETTY CASH CC REFUND -ODELL $50.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH CC REFUND - SHIELDS $50.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH CC REFUND- SULLIVAN $50.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH OC REFUND - BAILEY $100.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH OC REFUND - MCGILL $100.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH REFUND MOWING FEE $27.50 GENERAL -Total $627.50 GENERAL -Total $60,519.10 20 AMBULANCE SERVICE JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ARMSTRONG MED- SUPPLIE $255.29 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK JPMORGAN CHASE BANK JPMORGAN CHASE BANK JPMORGAN CHASE BANK JPMORGAN CHASE BANK JPMORGAN CHASE BANK JPMORGAN CHASE BANK JPMORGAN CHASE BANK JPMORGAN CHASE BANK MEDICLAIMS INC ARROW INTL- SUPPLIES $658.87 CAPITAL WASTE- DISPOSA $100.00 FULLERTON- OXYGEN $61.50 NAIL REG EMT -RE CERT $455.00 OREILLY- HEADLIGHT $23.24 STRYKER- REPAIR $385.00 SUMMIT - REPAIR $633.63 TELEFLEX MED - SUPPLIES $141.57 ZOLL - SUPPLIES $840.00 BILLING SERVICES $10,568.04 AMBULANCE -Total $14,122,14 AMERICAN MUNICIPAL SERVICES CORP. COLLECTION SERVICES $289.25 AMBULANCE SERVICE -Total $289.25 AMBULANCE SERVICE -Total $14,411.39 21 E -911 INCOG -E911 E911 ADMIN SVC FEES $8,409.38 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK AT &T -E911 MAPPING $355.35 E911 COMMUNICATIONS -Total $8,764.73 E -911 -Total $8,764.73 25 HOTEL TAX AEP IPSO ELECTRIC USE $21.61 HOTEL TAX ECON DEV -Total $21,61 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OFFICE DEPOT - SUPPLIES $58.98 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK PIKEPASS -FEES $9.70 STRONG NEIGHBORHOODS -Total $68.68 HOTEL TAX -Total $90.29 27 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT AEP IPSO ELECTRIC USE $488.50 ANCHOR STONE COMPANY CLEAN UNIFORM COMPANY JPMORGAN CHASE BANK JPMORGAN CHASE BANK JPMORGAN CHASE BANK JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ROCK $127.89 UNIFORM SERVICE $43.12 BROWN CO -JOINT $27.00 J QUINTON- REPAIR $175.00 LOWES- CONNECTOR $4.28 LOWES- COUPLING $12.20 Claims List - 4/3/2018 Fund Vendor Name Payable Description Payment Amount 27 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES- FITTINGS $4.27 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES- SUPPLIES $128.66 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK PIKEPASS -FEES $12.20 OWASSO TOP SOIL DIRT $130.00 TWIN CITIES READY MIX, INC CONCRETE $1,799.50 10 STORMWATER- STORMWATER -Total $2,952.62 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT -Total $2,952.62 34 VISION TAX DAVID C ROBERSON APPRAISAL SERVICES $900.00 TULSA COUNTY CLERK DEED & EASEMENT $30.00 VSN RECAP GARNETT TO 129 -Total $930.00 VISION TAX -Total $930.00 36 CAPITAL IMPROV GRANTS SCURLOCK INDUSTRIES OF MIAMI, OK GRATE & LID $232.30 VSN 202576TH /MAIN INTERS -Total $232.30 BH MEDIA HOLDING GROUPS, INC REDBUD PARK $110.70 GH2 ARCHITECTS LLC FESTIVAL PARK $103,009.31 VSN 2025 FESTIVAL PARK - Total $103,120.01 CAPITAL IMPROV GRANTS -Total $103,352.31 37 SALES TAX FIRE AEP /PSO ELECTRIC USE $2,664.89 AT &T CONSOLIDATED PHONE $165.25 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ADVANCE AUTO - BRUSHES $40.46 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK AMAZON -HARD DRIVE $94.99 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK AMAZON- SUPPLIES $219.44 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK BSHIFTER- TRAINING $125.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK CELLULAR DATA -EQUIP $475.80 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK DELL -DISK DRIVE $34.99 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK DELL - LAPTOP $1,523.35 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK DRY CLEANING- CLEANING $20.94 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK EMTEC -PEST CONTROL $85.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK FACAS ENG- UNIFORM $212.45 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK FIRE SCV- TRAINING $35.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK FMAO- TRAINING $35.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOCKE- FIXTURE $421.11 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LODGING EXPENSE $588.20 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES- HACKSAW $27.96 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OFFICE DEPOT- SUPPLIES $91.63 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OK POLICE SPLY - UNIFOR $304.98 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OREILLY- BATTERY $46.07 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK PIKEPASS -FEES $3.30 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SAMS- SUPPLIES $34,72 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK STANDARD SPLY -SVC $45.00 10 Claims List - 4/3/2018 Fund Vendor Name Payable Description Payment Amount 37 SALES TAX FIRE JPMORGAN CHASE BANK USPS- POSTAGE $7.25 SALES TAX FUND -FIRE -Total $7,302.78 SALES TAX FIRE -Total $7,302.78 38 SALES TAX POLICE AEP /PSO ELECTRIC USE $3,108.16 AT &T CONSOLIDATED PHONE $571.91 DRAKE SYSTEMS INC COPIER LEASE $465.01 FIREFIGHTER SELECTION, INC TESTING $647.05 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK 5.11 TACTICAL - UNIFORM $36.99 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ACADEMY -TOOLS $1,199.98 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK AMAZON- SUPPLIES $221.33 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK AT YOUR SERVICE -RENTA $80.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ATWOODS- SUPPLIES $519.96 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK CHARLEYS - SERVICE $225.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK DOLLAR GENERAL - AWARD/ $5.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK FAMILY ANIMAL- MEDICAL $106.15 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK GSM - UNIFORM $146.95 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK GT DIST- FIREARMS SUPP $469.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK HAMPTON - REFUND ($373.80) JPMORGAN CHASE BANK HOME DEPOT - SUPPLIES $23.83 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK INTERSTATE - SUPPLIES $25.30 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOCKE- REPAIR $19.35 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOCKE - SUPPLIES $9.73 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LODGING EXPENSE $6,287.85 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK MCALISTERS- AWARD /RECD $23.80 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OFFICE DEPOT- SUPPLIES $115.19 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK REASORS - AWARD /RECOG $79.83 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SAFEWARE- UNIFORM $10,104.70 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SAMS- SUPPLIES $152.44 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SKRAPPIE- AWARDS /RECOG $306.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SKRAPPIE- SUPPLIES $200.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK SOMES UNIFORMS- AWARD/ $841.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK THOMSON WEST -CLEAR AC $374.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TRAINING EXPENSE $269.68 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK UPS- POSTAGE $118.04 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK USCELL- REPLACEMENT $220.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK USPCA -DUES $50.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK WALMART- SUPPLIES $57.29 MATHEW GOODELL TUITION REIMBURSEMENT $1,038.00 OWASSO FOP LODGE #149 POLICE DEPT LEGAL DEFENSE FY18 $385.00 RICH & CARTMILL, INC NOTARY BOND $30.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH BOND FILING FEE $10.00 7 Claims List - 4/3/2018 Fund Vendor Name Payable Description Payment CIP 106/145TH INTERSECT -Total $287,79 BUILDING & EARTH SCIENCES, INC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Amount 38 SALES TAX POLICE TREASURER PETTY CASH NOTARY FEE -LYNN $10.00 TREASURER PETTY CASH REGIS FEE $150.00 SALES TAX FUND- POLICE -Total $28,329.72 SALES TAX POLICE - Total $28,329.72 39 SALES TAX STREETS AEP /PSO ELECTRIC USE $1,646.45 APAC- OKLAHOMA, INC. ASPHALT $588.64 CLEAN UNIFORM COMPANY UNIFORM SERVICE $90.77 CLEAN UNIFORM COMPANY UNIFORM SERVICE $178.67 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK BROWN CO -BROOM $49.25 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK BROWN CO -SAW BLADE $194.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK FULLERTON- RENTAL $180.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK GRAINGER -FUSES $51.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK HOME DEPOT -TOOL $99.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES -BROOM $9.98 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES -PARTS $40.81 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES- SHOVEL $25.79 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LOWES- SUPPLIES $24.61 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OFFICE DEPOT- EQUIPMEN $34.99 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK P &K EQUIP -PARTS $19.88 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK VANCE BRO -OIL $31.50 OWASSO TOP SOIL DIRT $40.00 SIGNALTEK INC CONTROLLER $114.40 SIGNALTEK INC MAINTENANCE $4,516.88 SPOK, INC. PAGER USE $121.30 TRAFFIC ENGINEERING SYSTEM TIMING UPDATE $1,964.80 CONSULTANTS,INC TRAFFIC ENGINEERING TRAFFIC LIGHT STUDY $2,830.10 CONSULTANTS,INC TWIN CITIES READY MIX, INC CONCRETE $3,517.50 SALES TAX FUND - STREETS -Total $16,370.32 SALES TAX STREETS -Total $16,370.32 40 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FELKINS ENTERPRISES, LLC SIGNAGE $10.00 CI - E 76TH ST WIDENING -Total $10.00 DOERNER, SAUNDERS, DANIEL & DETHEROW CONDEMNATION $336.50 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK GUARANTY ABSTR - ABSTRA $1,075.00 Cl - POLICE BLDG -Total $1,411.50 TULSA COUNTY CLERK DEEDS $287.75 CIP 106/145TH INTERSECT -Total $287,79 BUILDING & EARTH SCIENCES, INC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $5,228.65 WILLIAMS, SPURGEON, KUHL & PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $45,458.28 CIP FIRE STATION #4 -Total $50,686.93 Claims List - 4/3/2018 Fund Vendor Name Payable Description Payment CUMMINS -PARTS $237.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK Amount 40 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS LEMKE LAND SURVEYING SURVEY SERVICES $4,850.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK CIP SPORTS PARK DET POND -Total $85.00 $4,850.00 OFFICE DEPOT - RETURN BECCO CONTRACTORS INC FY 16 -18 STREET REHAB PRO $220,163.35 $16.38 CIP ST REHAB BECCO 16 -18 -Total ROUTE 66 CHEV -PARTS $220,163.35 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK JPMORGAN CHASE BANK AMAZON -PARTS $359.98 TECH RENEWAL REGIS JPMORGAN CHASE BANK DANA SAFETY -PARTS $379.71 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK FIREPENNY -PARTS $44.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK PRECISION- SERVICE $525.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK TURNKEY MOBILE -PARTS $830.39 PUBLIC SAFETY VEH -FIRE -Total $2,139.08 GRADE LINE CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION SERVICES - N $116,669.93 SRVC RD 106.116/135TH -Total $116,669.93 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS -Total $396,218.54 70 CITY GARAGE AEP /PSO ELECTRIC USE $378.86 AT &T CONSOLIDATED PHONE $27.76 AT &T MOBILITY WIRELESS SERVICE - $58.33 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK AMERIFLEX -HOSE $50.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK B &M WAREHOUSE- CREDIT ($330.00) JPMORGAN CHASE BANK BUMP213UMP -CORE RETURN ($22.00) JPMORGAN CHASE BANK BUMP2BUMP -PART RESALE $113.89 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK BUMP2BUMP- RETURN ($19.89) JPMORGAN CHASE BANK CUMMINS -PARTS $237.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK FULLERTON- RENTAL $240.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK HESSELBEIN - SUPPLIES $108.92 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK LENOX - TOWING $85.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OFFICE DEPOT - RETURN ($5.59) JPMORGAN CHASE BANK OFFICE DEPOT - SUPPLIES $16.38 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK ROUTE 66 CHEV -PARTS $160.00 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK UNITED FORD -PARTS $857.72 TREASURER PETTY CASH TECH RENEWAL REGIS $100.00 CITY GARAGE -Total $2,076.38 CITY GARAGE -Total $2,076.38 76 WORKERS' COMP SELF -INS CITY OF OWASSO IMPREST ACCOUNT WORKERS COMP CLAIMS $4,673.81 STATE OF OKLAHOMA WC OWN RISK PERMIT $1,000.00 WORKERS' COMP SELF -INS -Total $5,673.81 WORKERS' COMP SELF -INS -Total $5,673.81 77 GENERAL LIABILITY - PROPERT NEWTON, O'CONNOR, TURNER & MIKE DENTON $940.00 KETCHUM GEN LIAB -PROP SELF INS -Total $940.00 GENERAL LIABILITY - PROPERT - Total $940.00 Claims List - 413/2018 Fund Vendor Name Payable Description Payment Amount City Grand Total $647,931.99 10 6- REAL P..PIe • REAL Character •REAL Community TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Owasso FROM: Karl Fritschen, MRCP, AICP, RLA Planning Manager SUBJECT: Project Application and Resolution 2018 -03 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG FY 2018 -2019) DATE: March 30, 2018 BACKGROUND: The primary objective of the national Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program is the "development of viable urban communities by providing decent housing and a suitable living environment, particularly for persons of low and moderate incomes." All project proposals submitted for funding through the CDBG Program must document the achievement of at least one (1) of the following national objectives: ➢ Provide benefit to low and moderate income persons; ➢ Aid in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight; and ➢ Meet other community development needs having particular urgency or posing a serious or immediate threat to the health or welfare of a community. FY 2018 -2019 CDBG APPLICATION: On January 24, 2018, the Indian Nation Council of Governments (INCOG), provided information regarding the FY 2018 -2019 CDBG application cycle. A completed application, which includes public input, resolution, and cooperation agreement, is due April 3, 2018. Owasso is expected to receive an allocation of approximately $128,827 for the FY 2018 -2019 CDBG funding cycle, which does not require a local match. Staff anticipates an additional $125,000 from OPWA funds for the project for a total amount of $253,827. PAST CDBG PROJECTS: In the past, Owasso has utilized CDBG monies for sidewalk, sanitary sewer, street, and park improvements. In 2014, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) changed the income limits that determined a low to moderate income household. Owasso performed an income survey in the summer of 2015, qualifying the Hale Acres neighborhood near N Garnett Rd and E 116 St N for a five (5) year period. Since the Hale Acres neighborhood qualified for funding under the revised HUD income limits, the City has utilized the past two years CDBG funding cycles for replacement of the sanitary sewer lines in the neighborhood. PUBLIC INPUT: During the application phase for the CDBG grant, a public input meeting is required to solicit comments on possible projects. The required public notice is published in the newspaper at least fifteen (15) days prior to the public comment period. An opportunity for public comment was scheduled for the March 6, 2018, City Council meeting. Due to lack of a quorum, the meeting was not held. In order to meet the CDBG application timeline, staff spoke with INCOG regarding options. INCOG advised that should Owasso choose to utilize the funds on the same project (Hale Acres Sewer Improvements) as the previous two years, additional public input was not necessary. Staff desires to afford citizens an opportunity to provide input and is working to schedule a public input meeting. Staff created a new public notice using the required 15 days prior to the public input meeting. The public input meeting will be held on Monday, April 2, 2018 at 6:00 pm in the Community Room at City Hall. PROPOSED FY 2018 -2019 PROJECT: The proposed project for FY 2018 -2019 CDBG funding cycle is for the continued replacement of sanitary sewer lines in the Hale Acres neighborhood. The line replacement will remedy many years of inflow and infiltration in the collection system, originally placed in the 1960's. Phase III would consist of removing and replacing 1,700LF of sanitary sewer line pipe bursting the existing 8" clay line with HDPE pipe. The sewer line is in Block 1 of Hale Acres between E 112 St N and E 113 St N between 106 E Ave and N 1 10 E Ave. The project will be designed in -house by the Engineering Division of Public Works. Last year's project began in the for southwest corner of the neighborhood and worked north and east. A map has been provided indicating the general location of the proposed improvements. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Resolution 2018 -03, requesting assistance from the Tulsa County CDBG Urban County Program, approving an application identifying the installation of new sanitary sewer lines in the Hale Acres subdivision as the preferred project for the FY 2018 -2019 funding cycle, and authorizing the Mayor to execute all related documents. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution 2018 -03 CDBG Application ATTACHMENT E CITY OF OWASSO RESOLUTION 2018.0.x. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, APPROVING AN APPLICATION FOR THE 2018 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) TULSA COUNTY URBAN COUNTY RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended (24 U.S.C. 93- 383 et seq ;), (the "Act "), provides that Community Development Block Grant, ( "CDBG "), funds may be used for the support of activities that provide decent housing and suitable living environments and expanded economic opportunities principally for persons of low- and moderate - income; and, WHEREAS, CDBG Regulations 24 CFR 570.307(a) allow counties having a total combined population of 200,000 or more from the unincorporated areas and participating incorporated areas to qualify as an urban county; and, WHEREAS, Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, Public Law 93 -383, as amended, authorized the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, as a representative of the United States of America, to grant to Tulsa County funds and administrative responsibility for the Tulsa County CDBG Urban County program; and WHEREAS, a Cooperation Agreement between Tulsa County and the City has been executed for the purpose of participation in the Tulsa County Urban County Community Development Block Grant Program for Federal Fiscal Years 2017 -2019; and, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council that the City of Owasso desires to obtain assistance in addressing community development needs and hereby requests the Tulsa County CDBG Urban County program to provide assistance. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the City Council the City of Owasso affirms its commitment to take all action within its power to facilitate the receipt of the assistance of community development funds, and upon receipt to administer said grant by the rules and regulations established by the United States of America, the State of Oklahoma, Tulsa County and all empowered agencies thereof. ADOPTED this 3rd day of April _, 2018, at a (regularly or specially) scheduled meeting of the governing body, in compliance with the Open Meeting Act, 25 O.S. §§ 301 -314 (2001). Lundell Dunn, Mayor Signature , (S E A L) Attest: Subscribed and sworn to before me April 3 20 t R Clerk - Sherry Bishop TULSA COUNTY URBAN COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) �' , , APP11CrgTlt?N`1 =0R FY2p1 =8�F�7NT3S , _ , _ :� 1. Name of Unit of Local Government City of Owasso, OK Mailing Address PO Box 180 Physical Address 200 South Main Owasso OK Zip Code +4 74055 -0180 Phone Number 918.376.1515 Fax # 918.376.1597 FEW 73- 6069613 DUNS 013786215 Chief Elected Official Mayor Lyndeli Dunn Clerk Ms. Sherry Bishop 2. Name of Staff Contact Karl A. Fritschen Phone Number 918.376.9545 E -mail kfritschen @cityofowasso.com 3. Project Title, Detailed Description of Project (Attach additional detail as needed. Provide Map) Hale Acres Sewer Line Replacement Phase III (see map) The project for the 2018 /19CDBG funding cycle is continuation of the replacement of the failing clay sanitary sewer pipes in the Hale Acres subdivision located in the NE corner of the NE corner of Section 7, Township 21, Range 14 East in the City of Owasso, OK. This year's work shall be considered phase III of the entire replacement project in the neighborhood and will consist of removal and replacement of 1,700LF of sanitary sewer line pipe bursting the existing 8" clay line with HDPE pipe. The sewer line is in Block 1 of Hale Acres between 112th Street North and 113th Street North between 106th East Ave and 110th East Ave. The line replacement will remedy many years of inflow and infiltration in this area in Owasso's collection system that was originally placed the 1960s. (See Attached Map) Engineering, design, bid advertisement, and construction inspections will take place with City personnel, so the entire grant amount plus the City portion will be used solely for installation of the new pipe. Upon environmental clearance, the City will bid the project in accordance with competitive bidding laws and requirements and Davis - Bacon. Based on past CDBG projects, it is expected that this project will be bid in the winter of 2019. 4. Number of population served: 816 0 Census Tract /Block Group # Application Community Development mock Grant (CDBG) 2016 Tulsa County Urban County Page 2 of 2 x Household Income Survey 5 Project Budget Summary: CDBG Funds Other Sources Total Application Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) 2018 Tulsa County Urban County Page 3 of 2 Hale /Acres City of Owasso $ 128,827.00 $ 125,000M $ 253,827.00 2018 Hale Acres CDBG Sewer Replacement Project Prepared By: Owasso Public Works 31512018 PAY ITEMS UNIT PRICE PIPE BURST PIPE BURST ITEM NUMBER ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT PRUNIT ICE QUANTITY TOTAL 1 MOBILIZATION / DEMOBILIZATION LS S is,DOo.00 1 15,000.00 2 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION LS $ 2,500.00 1 2,500.00 3 CONSTRUCTION STAKING LS 530,000.00 1 51000,00 4 TRAFFIC CONTROL AND WARNING SIGNS LS 5 INSURANCE AND PERMITS LS S 5,000.00 1 :51000,00 6 - PRE CONSTRUCTION TV INSPECTION LF S 5.00. 1,700 9,500,00 7 REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL OF EXISTING SEWER LINE LF 5 z.OD 8 REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL OF EXISTING MANHOLE EA $ 150.00 5 750.00 9 8" PVC SDR -35 SEWER LINE, OPEN TRENCH LF $ 65.00 10 12" PVC SDR -35 SEWER LINE OPEN TRENCH LF $ 70.00 11 8" HDPE 8" TO 8" PIPE BURS LF $ 90.00 1,700 153;000.00 12 12" HDPE 8" TO 12" PIPE BURST LF S 110.00 I 13 STD. 4' DIA. DOG HOUSE DROP MANHOLE 0-6' DEEP EA 14 STD. 4' DIA. MANHOLE O-6' DEEP EA S 5.00 1,500 7;500,00 15 EXTRA DEPTH MANHOLE WALL VF $ 150.00 I 10 1,500.00 16 CONNECT TO EXISTING MANHOLE CORE EA 17 CONNECT TO EXISTING LINE EA S soo.00 I 1 500.00 18 CUT AND PLUG EXISTING SEWER LINE EA 19 4- SERVICE TAP OPEN CUT EA 5 400.00' 20 4" SERVICE TAP PIPE BURS EA 5 750.00 . 21 15,750;00 21 RECONNECT EXISTING SEWER LINE EA 22 CONCRETE (HES) 6" HICK DRIVEWAY SY S 70.00 23 ODOT AGGREGATE BASE TYPE W fBACKFILL AT DRIVEWAYS CY 5 32.00 24 CHAIN LINK FENCE REMOVE REPLACE LF S io.00 25 PRIVACY FENCE REMOVE AND REPLACE LF S 15.00 26 TREE REMOVAL GREATER THAN 4" UP TO 8" EA $ 1,000.00 _ 27 TREE REMOVAL GREATER THAN S" UP TO 12" EA $ 2,Ooo.00 28 TREE REMOVAL GREATER THAN 12" UP TO 24" EA S 3,000.00: 29 TREE REMOVAL GREATER THAT 24" UP TO 36" EA $ 5,000.00 30 TREE REMOVAL GREATER THAT 36" UP TO 48" EA S 9,000.00 ,- 31 SOLID SLAB SODDING SY 5 3.00 32 SEEDING Acre S 1,500.00 33 AS -BUILT PLANS LS $ 5,000.00 , 1 - 5,000,00 34 PROJECT ALLOWANCE LS 510,000.00: 1 30,000.00 i TOTAL 25,000;00 HALE ACRES SUBDIVISION 1" = 752 ft Sub Title 10129/2015 : -4 ; \�y /t IS map represents a visual display of related geographic Information. Data provided hereon is not a guarantee of actual field conditions. To be sure of complete accuracy, lease contact Owasso staff for the most up-to -date information. TULSA COUNTY URBAN COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) APPLICATION CERTIFICATION The Applicant hereby certifies that all of the information contained in this application for community development assistance through the Tulsa County CDBG Urban County Program is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and that all documentation supporting the information in this application is on file in the official offices of this unit of local government, available for review by Tulsa County /HUD during normal business hours. The Applicant also affirms that none of the activities set forth in this application have been initiated, nor shall they be initiated unless a grant has been awarded, a contract fully executed, and notice has been issued by Tulsa County that release of funds requirements have been met. Lyndell Dunn, Mayor 413118 Date [SEAQ Signature - "" ' ' State of Oklahoma County of _Tuley Attest: Subscribed and sworn to before me April ,1 , 2018 Sherry Bishop, City Clerk Application Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) 2018 Tulsa County Urban County Page 4 or 2 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) ATTACHMENT A 2018 TULSA COUNTY URBAN COUNTY BUDGET Name of Applicant:. City of Owasso Itemized Description of Funding Source Funding Source Funding Source Total Project Construction Activity CDBG Grant City Other Expenditures Install 1,700 LF of 8" PVC $128,827.00 $125,000.00 $ $253,827.00 sanitary sewer pipe from approximately N 106th E Ave to N 112th E Ave in the Hale Acres Subdivision Total Construction Activity $I28,827 $ 125,000.00 $ - $253,817.00 Professional & Non Construction Ena neerinWArchitect Funds $ Inspection Funds Other. Survey Other: Publishing Total Professional & Non Const. $ - $ _ $ _ $ Administrative Costs Public Administrative Funds $ - -__ $ Direct Administrative Funds $ - - -- Total Administrative Costs Total Project Costs $128,827.00 $125,000.00 $253,827.00 2018 Tulsa County CDBG Urban County If additional is space needed, attach additional sheet(s) Budget COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) TULSA COUNTY URBAN COUNTY DIRECT PROJECT BENEFICIARY INCOME SURVEY SUMMARY FORM Activity Name: ATTACHMENT B GUMI'LL I t I Hlb sta I ION 6Y PLACING THE TOTAL NUMBER OF HOUSEHOLDS OBTAINED FROM THE HOUSEHOLD SURVEY IN EACH APPROPRIATE COLUMN. Insert County Income Levels $34,400 $39,300 $44,200 $49,100 $53,050 $57,000 $60,900 $64,850 Number of People in Each Household 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Below or Above the County income Levels Below Above Below Above Below Above Below Above Below Above Below Above Below Above Below Above Total Number Of Households 19 1 2 27 F 7 35 3 33 2 26 2 11 1 0 3 1 1 0 0 Total Number of Occupied Households/Homes in Activity Target Area = Total Number of Persons In Activity Target Area = Total Number of Occupied Households/Homes Surveyed in Activity Target Area = Total Number of Persons Accounted for by the Survey in the Activity Target Area = Total Number of Households Below the Low and Moderate Income Level in the Activity Target Area = Percentage of Total Households Below the Low and Moderate Income Level in the Activity Target Area = 218 816 171 577 154 90.1% I hereby certify that the above information was obtained from the occupants of the addresses listed and the information is accurate: City-wide Low and Moderate Income Level (For use only when projects are of City -wide benefit.) Lyndell Dunn, Mayor_ . 4/3/18 Date [Seall Subscribed and sworn to before me April 3 20 18 My commission expires Commission ClerktNotary Signature Community Development Block Grant (COBS) 2017 Tulsa County Urban County Beneficiary Income Survey Summary — Attachment B HUD Census Data for Low and Moderate income Level for Block Groups, Enumeration Districts or Census Tracts as Provided by HUD (For use only when a projects target area boundaries are identical to BG, ED or Tracts) 2Q_. Attachment C COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) TULSA COUNTY URBAN COUNTY INDENTIFiCATION OF OTHER PROJECT FUNDING SOURCES Federal /State participation, if any (loans, grants, etc.) provide commitment letters. Agency Purpose Amount Present Status Comment Other sources and amount of project financing including applicant's local contribution, if any. Agency Purpose Amount Present Status Comment CITYQEQW Actd o = l7� ono x Lyndell Dunn, Mayor. Other Funding Sources — Attachment C Community Development Block Grant 2018 Tulsa County Urban County Page 1 of 4/3/18 Date ATTACHMENT D COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRAFT (CDBG) 2018 TULSA COUNTY URBAN COUNTY At this time the estimate length of the project for the funding amount is 1,700 LF based on historic figures. Pending engineering design will reveal the exact length. ATTACHMENT F COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) 2018 TULSA COUNTY URBAN COUNTY Engineering for the sewer.line will commence once the Application is executed and signed by all parties. Upon environmental clearance and contract execution the City will proceed to advertise the project for construction, At this time and based on historic similar CDBG projects, it is expected this will take place in early winter of 2019. Below is a rough timeline. April -May 2018: Resolution of Cooperation Agreement between City and County is executed. May — October 2018: In house engineering design September — October 2018: Environmental clearance and contract execution. January 2019: Bid project March 2019: Construction January 26,2018 10:05 AM hllps: / /www.eam.gov/ Page 1 of 1 SAM Search Results List of records matching your search for Record Status: Active DUNS Number: 013786215 Functional Area: Entity Management, Performance Information ENTITY Owasso, City Of Status:Active DUNS: 013786215 +4: CAGE Code: 51 HJ8 DoDAAC: Expiration Date: Jan 15, 2019 Has Active Exclusion ?: No Debt Subject to Offset ?: No Address: 200 S Main St City: Owasso State /Province: OKLAHOMA ZIP Code: 74055 -3437 Country: UNITED STATES January 26,2018 10:05 AM hllps: / /www.eam.gov/ Page 1 of 1 Form °� request for Taxpayer Glee Form to the (say.1 mber2014) Identification Number and Certification requester. DO not Depart send to the IRS. RnloflheTremal' Inlemal Revenue Service 1 Name (as shown on your Income lax return). Name is required an this line; do not leave this line blank. CITY OF OWASSO ci 2 auolnoss namichregerded entity name, if different from above err 4 Exempllons(codos appply only to C 0 Check appropriate box for federal lax classification; check only one of the following seven boxes: cerielnenllilan not lndnaduals; sea of Inch ❑ IndIvIduallsole proprlelm or ❑0Corporation ❑SCOrporallon ❑ Pnnnerehlp ❑Truedeslato lertainoneanp o slnelo•momber LLC ❑ Unified liaballycomparry. Enter the tax clusailleatlon (C =C corporation, S -S corporation, P.partnerohip) n Exempt payee codoOf mY) `o Note. For a aingfe- mombor LLC that Is cileregarded, do not chock LLC; check the appropriate box In the line above for Exemption from FATCAreporiing 19 the lax classification of the single - mombor ow "r. codopfony) O Other (ace lnsW011ons) 0- LOCAL GOVERNMENT A•sr..re.rrunn.w.coax.ewrwu. coal u !� 6 Address (number, street, and apt. or Butte no.) Roquestor's name and address(oplbnal) $' PO BOX 180 y e City, stale, and ZIP code or OWASSO OK 74035 7 Ust account manbor(s) hem (optional) UE IM Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) Enter your TIN In the appropriate box. The TIN provided must match the name given on line 1 to avoid I social security more or IjjI IC�III III II resident withholding. sole For Individuals, tillsrded entity, sea Pat IInstr Instructions or page .For However, other � —m _�IJ resident alien, sole proprietor, or disregarded entity, see the Pad I Insirucllons on page 3. For other entitles, It Is your employer Identification number (EIM. If you do not have a number, see How to get a TIN on page 3. or Note. If the account Is In more than one name, see the Instructions for line 1 and The chart on page 4 for Employer Identification numb., � guldellnes on whose number to enter. I � l e1 a col l l c l u l a l• I o l Under penalties of perjury, I cer0ly that: 1. The number shown on this form Is my correct taxpayer identification number (or I am walling for a number to be Issued to me); and 2. 1 am not subject to backup wllhholding because: (a) I am exempt from backup withholding, or (b) I Have not been notified by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that I aril subject to backup withholding as a result of a failure to report all Interest or dividends, or (c) the IRS has notified me that I am no longer subject to backup withholding; and 3. 1 am a U.S. citizen or other U.S. person (defined below); and 4. The FATCA code(s) entered on this form Of any) Indicating that I am exempt from FATCA reporting Is correct. Certification Instructions. You must cross out Item 2 above If you have been notified by the IRS that you are currently subject to backup withholding because you have felled to report all Interest and dividends on your lax return. For real estate transactions, Item 2 does not apply. For mortgage Interest pald, acqulsllion or abandonment of secured properly, cancellation of debt, contributions to an Individual retirement arrangement (IRA), and generally, payments other than Interest and dividends, you are not required to sign the certification, but you must provide your correct TIN. See the Generallnstructiontl U Section references are to the Intern (Revenue Code unless otherwise noted. Future developments. Information about developments effecting Form W -9 (such as legislation enacted a0orwe release IQ Is e1 snvw.frs.gov /Iw9. Purpose of Form An Individual orenlity(Form W -9 requester) who Is required to Olean INormallon return with the IRS must obtain your correct laxpaym IdentlOCallon number(TIN) which may bo your social security number (sSN), Individual taxpeyerklentifieallon nunber(fnf4, adoption IaxpayerldonllOCaOOn number(ATIN), or employer Identification number (EIN), to report on an Information return the amount paid to you, or other amount reportable on an Inrormallon return. Examples of Information miums Include, but are not limited to, the following: • Form 1099- INT(interest earned orpokl) • Form 1090 -Din (dNldends, Including those from stocks or mutual funds) • Form 1099 -MISC (various typos of Income, pdzes, awards, or gross proceeds) • Form 1099 -B (stock or mutual fund sales and cartaln other transactions by brokers) • Farm 1099.5 (proceeds tram real estate transaction) • Form 1099 -K (merchant card and third party network transactions) Date 10. • Form 1000 (home mortgage Interest), 1090 -E (student loan Interest), 1090 -T pulllon) • Form f O119 -C Owceled debt) • Form 1099 -A (acquisition or abandonment of secured property) Use Form W -9 only If you as a U.S. person (Including a resident elan), to provk10 your correct TIN. Ifyou do not rearm Form W -9 to the mquesferrWlh a TIN, You refight be sublect to backup Iwrhholding. See Whet Is backup wiftolding'I on page 2. By signing the filled -out form, you: 1. Certify that the TIN you ere giving Is correct for you are walling for a number lob• Issued), 2. Certify that you are not subject to backup withholding. or 0. Claim exemption from backup withholding It you em a U.S. exempt payee. If applicable, you am also cwWying that as a U.S. person, you alaceble share of arty partnership Income from a U.S. trade or bualnese Is not 9ub)eot to the withholding tax on foreign partners' share of effectively connected Income, and 4. Cathy that FATCA cadets) entered on this form (If any) Indicating that you am exempt from the FATCA reporting, Is "neat. Bee Mint Is FATCArepedW on page 2 for further Information. Cab No. 10231X Form W -9 (Rev. 12-2014) REAL Peopio •REAL Chaactar •REAL Commpnlry TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council Use City of Owasso FROM: Bronce L. Stephenson, MPA OPUD -9 / RS -3 (Residential Director of Community Development SUBJECT: Rezoning (OZ 17 -09) - SE Corner of E 891h St N and N Mingo Rd Land Use Plan Ordinance 1127 DATE: March 30, 2018 BACKGROUND: The Community Development Department received a rezoning request for property located on the southeast corner of E 89th St N and N Mingo Rd. The subject property is within OPUD -9 for the Bailey Ranch Golf and Community Development. The applicant is seeking a rezoning from RS -3 (Residential Single - Family High Density) to RNX (Residential Neighborhood Mixed). This item was originally scheduled to appear on the City Council meeting agenda for January 16, 2018. However, at the request of the applicant, it was continued until the City Council meeting on April 3, 2018. SURROUNDING LAND USE: Direction . Zoning Use Land Use Plan Jurisdiction North OPUD -9 / RS -3 (Residential Residential & Residential & 1 Lot, 1 Block Land Use Plan Single- Family High Density) Golf Course Parks /Recreation City of Owasso No AG (Agriculture) & City of Owasso Applicable Paybacks Ranch Creek Sewer Service Assessment Area ($610.33 per acre) Storm Siren Fee ($50.00 per acre) South OPUD -9 / RS -3 (Residential Utility & Public /Institutional Tulsa County & Single - Family High Density) Residential &Transitional City of Owasso East OPUD -9 / RS -3 (Residential Single - Family High Density) Golf Course Parks /Recreation City of Owasso West AG (Agriculture) Residential Transitional Tulsa County SUBJECT PROPERTY /PROJECT DATA: Property Size 7.76 acres Current Zoning ' RS -3 (Residential Single - Family High Density) Proposed Zoning RNX (Residential Neighborhood Mixed) Proposed Use Senior Housing Lots /Blocks 1 Lot, 1 Block Land Use Plan Transitional Within PUD? OPUD -9 'Within Overlay, District? '' No Water Provider City of Owasso Applicable Paybacks Ranch Creek Sewer Service Assessment Area ($610.33 per acre) Storm Siren Fee ($50.00 per acre) ANALYSIS: The subject property is a part of OPUD -9, also known as the Bailey Ranch Goff and Community Development PUD that was adopted in April 1991 with Ordinance 429. The general area covered by OPUD -9 is east of N Mingo Rd, reaching from E 96th St N to just south of E 861h St N. The PUD established various types of residential zoning as well as commercially -zoned areas within its boundaries. Within the PUD document, the subject property in this rezoning request was originally called out for Residential Patio Homes and was zoned RS -3 (Residential Single- Family High Density). The applicant is requesting a rezoning from RS -3 to RNX (Residential Neighborhood Mixed) with the intention of creating a senior housing development on the property. RNX zoning allows residential density of up to 12 units per acre, which would permit the density being sought by the proposed senior housing development. The PUD document permits the transfer of units between development areas as long as the overall density allowed within OPUD -9 is not exceeded. Rezoning the subject property from RS -3 to RNX essentially increases the number of units allowed to be developed on the property, which in effect decreases the number of units available to develop on the rest of the property within OPUD -9. The PUD document allows for a total of 2,335 dwelling units for both single- and multi- family residences within the entirety of OPUD -9. Currently, 939 units have been built, leaving a balance of 1,396 units still available to be developed. A zoning of RNX on the subject property, which is 7.76 acres in size, would only allow a total of 93 units to be developed on the property. This number of units would not cause the overall density within the PUD as a whole to go over the allowed amount. This rezoning request is seeking to allow a higher density of units than was originally called out for in the approved PUD document for the subject property. Therefore, as per the PUD requirements in the Owasso Zoning Code, a Minor PUD Amendment is being administratively processed concurrently with this rezoning request to approve the transfer of allowed units to the subject property. Any development of the property would have to follow all City of Owasso development standards. The RNX zoning district was added to the Owasso Zoning Code in 2016 with Ordinance 1087. According to the language in the Code: "RNX zoning was established to facilitate "uses that fall in- between typical single - family development and higher density multi - family developments... The typical uses allowed in [RNXj zoning are duplex, triples, multiplex, townhome, garden apartments, cottages, apartment /bungalow court, attached senior housing, condos, and similar type uses. These units can be owner - occupied or rental units. Any multi - family development shall be reviewed as a Planned Unit Development." The GrOwasso 2030 Land Use Master Plan identifies this property for transitional land uses. The types of land uses allowed in RNX districts are often utilized as a buffer between higher density uses and lower density uses, which makes them appropriate for property called out for transitional land uses. The subject property is adjacent to an apartment complex to the south (which is a higher residential density) and a neighborhood of patio homes to the north (which is a lower residential density). A residential development in this location with a zoning of RNX would act as a good land use transition between the existing residential developments and would align with the purpose of the transitional use area identified in the Land Use Master Plan. Considering this, Staff determined that a zoning of RNX is an appropriate zoning for the property and is in compliance with the GrOwasso 2030 Land Use Master Plan. Staff has had several productive discussions with members of the Fairways Homeowners' Association to discuss their concerns and explain the zoning process. As of now, a neighborhood meeting is being scheduled between staff, the development team and the residents of the Fairways subdivision to answer questions and provide information on the potential development of the property. The City of Owasso would provide sanitary sewer, Fire, Police, EMS, and water service to the property. Any future development that occurs on the subject property must adhere to all Owasso subdivision, zoning, and engineering requirements. PLANNING COMMISSION The Planning Commission considered this item at their regular scheduled meeting on January 8, 2018, voting 5 -0 to recommend approval. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Ordinance 1127, rezoning the subject property to RNX (Residential Neighborhood Mixed). ATTACHMENTS: Ordinance 1127 Zoning Map GrOwasso 2030 Land Use Master Plan Map OPUD -9 Documents CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA ORDINANCE 1127 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ZONING APPLICATION NUMBER OZ 17 -09 AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT WHEREAS, public hearings have been held regarding the request for rezoning of the property herein described, and WHEREAS, the Owasso City Council has considered the recommendation of the Owasso Planning Commission and all statements for or against the rezoning of the property referenced in OZ 17 -09. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, THAT TO WIT: Section 1. A tract of land described as follows: A TRACT OF LAND LOCATED IN THE WEST HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (W /2 SW /4) OF SECTION NINETEEN (19), TOWNSHIP TWENTY -ONE (21) NORTH, RANGE FOURTEEN (14) EAST OF THE INDIAN BASE AND MERIDIAN, TULSA COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA, ACCORDING TO THE U.S. GOVERNMENT SURVEY THEREOF, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, TO -WIT: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF W/2 SW /4 OF SAID SECTION; THENCE S 01 018'18" E ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID SECTION A DISTANCE OF 794.83 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE ALONG THE LARKIN BAILEY BOULEVARD RIGHT -OF -WAY TO THE FOLLOWING FOUR COURSES AND DISTANCES: (1) N 88 °44'25" E A DISTANCE OF 250.96 FEET; (2) A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 270.00 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 48 068'01" A DISTANCE OF 230.75 FEET, THE CHORD OF SAID CURVE BEARS S 66 046'35" E A DISTANCE OF 223.79 FEET; (3) S 42 117'34" E A DISTANCE OF 123.61 FEET; (4) A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 485.00 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 43 020'02" A DISTANCE OF 368.82 FEET, THE CHORD OF SAID CURVE BEARING S 63 05735" E A DISTANCE OF 358.14 FEET; THENCE S 13'31'49'W ALONG THE BOUNDARY OF TRACT ONE (1) OF THE BAILEY RANCH GOLF COURSE A DISTANCE OF 233.62 FEET; THENCE S 88 °55'45" W A DISTANCE OF 447.43 FEET; THENCE N 01 018'18" W ALONG THE EAST PROPERTY LINE OF A TRACT OWNED BY PSO A DISTANCE OF 101.66 FEET; THENCE S 88 °55'45" W ALONG THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF PSO TRACT A DISTANCE OF 346.50 FEET; THENCE N 0101818" W ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID SECTION A DISTANCE OF 471.85 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, SAID TRACT CONTAINS 7.76 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. The some is hereby zoned from RS -3 (Residential Single - Family High Density) to RNX (Residential Neighborhood Mixed). Section 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances, in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict only. Section 3. If any part or parts of this ordinance are deemed unconstitutional, invalid or ineffective, the remaining portion shall not be affected but shall remain in full force and effect. Section 4. The provisions of this ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days from the date of final passage as provided by state law. Section 5. There shall be filed in the office of the County Clerk of Tulsa County, Oklahoma, a true and correct copy of this Ordinance and correct map. PASSED AND APPROVED this 3m day of April, 2018 Lyndell Dunn, Mayor Attest: Sherry Bishop, City Clerk (SEAL) APPROVED AS TO FORM: Julie Lombardi, City Attorney Ordinance 1127 Page 2 of 2 Zoning Map OZ 17 -09 LEGEND Land Use Categories — Commercial - Industria9Regional Employment Neighborhood Mixed Use (Light Office, Commercial Shopping, Attached Housing, SF Housing, Apartments above retail) ParkslRecreabon - PublirJlreGtutional/Ouasi Public Residential (Single family detached housing) ® Transitional (Attached housing, duplexes, offices) ® US- 1690veda/District ® •Glenn- MurAddition Special District ® - -Dommimn Development District 0 rn Z AG CS RM -1 Subject Property �; 1 '1 3 r �� !� 1 i E-86 S ■_' E 86th St N 5 -01'. igayr Facciplain II Planned Trail/OnStmet Bikeroutel Complete Street Fxisfing trail A Fire Station Existing Public School 7 Future Public School *. Gvilian Airstrip E3 Future Palk and Riderrmnsk Stop © Hospital Q Public Park ' o Golf Course Amid ttt Cemetery r. �_ r is 0 rn Z AG CS RM -1 Subject Property �; 1 '1 3 r �� !� 1 i E-86 S ■_' E 86th St N GrOwasso 2030 Land Use Master Plan OZ 17 -09 LEGEND Land Use Categories ® Commercial -Industrial/Regional 6riployment Neighborhood Mined Use (Light Office, ® Commerdal Shopping, Attached Housing, SF 1-1cma g, Apadments above retail) ParkURecreation - PublirAnsUhtionaVOuasi Public Residents! (Single family detached (rousing) Transitional (Attached housing, duplexes, offices) ® US -169 Overlay District ® 'Glenn- MurAddiBon Special District ® —D.. t. Development District 100yr Floodplaen Planned TmitfOnStreet Dkenwtel Complete Street E)dsbng bail AL Fire Station Exisbrg Public School g Future Public School .t Civilian Airstrip 0 Future Pads and RidefTmnsd Stop © Hospital Q Public Park o Golf Course itt Cemetery REAL People -REALC aver -REAL CammuNty TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Owasso FROM: Roger Stevens Public Works Director SUBJECT: Right -of -Way Acquisition E 116 St N Roadway Improvements from Garnett Road to N 129 E Ave DATE: March 30, 2018 BACKGROUND: City staff is currently involved in the acquisition of right -of -way and easements for E 116 St N Roadway Improvements from Garnett Road to N 129 E Ave. Negotiations for the purchase of 29,916.32 square feet of right -of -way from Mary Beth Retherford have been successfully completed and staff is seeking City Council authorization to purchase the land. DESCRIPTION /PURCHASE PRICE: Mary Beth Retherford - The appraised value of the right -of -way within the vicinity ranges $1.00 to $2.00 per square foot. The property owner accepted an offer in the amount of $1.21 per square foot, for an amount of $36,105.00 contingent upon City Council approval. In addition to the cost for right -of -way, compensation for damages in the amount of $21,400.00 is included, for a total offer of $57,505.00. FUNDING: Funding for this purchase is included in the project from the Vision Recapture Fund. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of an agreement with Mary Beth Retherford for the acquisition of right -of -way and compensation for damages in the amount of $57,505.00 and authorization for payment. ATTACHMENTS: Agreement Letter Site Map February 22, 2018 Mary Beth Retherford PO Box 71 Owasso, OK 74055. RE: City of Owasso Garnett Road Widening Project 116`h — 126111 to Garnett Road Parcel 2 Dear Mrs. Retherford: We are in receipt of the February 10, 2018 letter outlining your counter offer of $57,505.00. 1 have presented your counter offer to Roger Stevens, Owasso Public Works Director and he has accepted the counter offer. The City of Owasso will increase the offer to $57.505.00 for the needed right of way for this project. This payment reflects a ROW value of $36,105.00 and $21.400.00 for fence replacement. The fence will need to be relocated within 90 days after City Council approves this payment. Also, a partial release of any mortgages will need to be obtained. I did send a copy of this letter to Barry Retherford in Hydro. If this offer meets with your approval, I would request that you acknowledge with your signature below. I will need to obtain this signed letter and the enclosed W -9 so the check can be processed. It will take about three weeks in order to obtain the check. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at the number listed above to discuss this project. Sincerely, Agreed: /l8 Mike Craddock Mary f3etb Retherford Date Terra Acquisition Services Cc Roger Stevens. Public Works Director mike @terraacquisition.com • 918.605.1436.8458 S. College Avenue • Tulsa, OK 74137 E 116 St \ Roadway Improvements - Land Acquisition 1" = 376 ft I Retherford Parcel I 03/16/2018 This map may represents a visual display of related geographic information. Data provided hereon is not guarantee of acutual field conditions. To be sure of complete accuracy, please contact the responsible staff for most up-to -date information. E R -14 -E 126th St N Project E 116th St N o Parcel Retherford Parcel -23566 Owner Mary Beth Retherford T Q w - - 21 E Retherford County Tulsa 5 N �° z N Sec. 5 T -21 —N, R -14 —E, I.B. &M. zt E N Legal Description: See Attached 11stn st TRACT AREA 352,748.5 S.F. = 8.098 ACRES PERMANENT RIGHT —OF —WAY 18,052.5 S.F. = 0.414 ACRES STATUTORY RIGHT —OF —WAY 6,847.5 S.F. = 0.158 ACRES COMBINED RIGHT —OF —WAY TOTAL 24,900.0 S.F. = 0.572 ACRES REMAINDER AREA AFTER ACQUISITION 327,848.5 S.F. = 7.526 ACRES PERPETUAL EASEMENT N/A S.F. = N/A ACRES TEMPORARY RIGHT —OF —WAY N/A S.F. = N/A ACRES EXHIBIT FOR LEGAL DESCRIPTION Eg w b W RI9 W Z z I II I Ed,eh 0.214 Jr Doc. No. 2009003 4 415.00' N 884634 E Mary Bath Retherfar> d 6222 -1181 �. 60.00 S 012335 £ 60.00' N 012335 u• u•� Sift 111SBt 86NOt 2yyyq 2655.105' N 88'46'33.6' E slr SOUiH LINE SE /4 - 20' xyo a r 415.00' S 68'46'34 "W Yff PYp ! WmhNatm Cw- - -�-' = - -- - —6" �a `°°° -- � ,�° ° — eC sae• Point of Commencement — --en r .a- — lssa —aaa —ea s..r cy.. —. -- -- _� — pan - +e>a '�"�ib7 SE comer ]aJ5-266i -- 21 N R Sec. 5, T 21 -N, R -14 -E pPoiinnt of Be inning t ! Prodeep k 9hagwatl Narot rn Roger k Eoani. p sharplea 2016095956 2013071065 Mg t- of -Woy Gay& rTacyConley EgSlo�y Y 4� o k? KEVIN M. d w NEWLUN _l � r 1289 0 100' ® PERM. R /W. ��� 43 ® TEMP_ R /W. oe SCALE 1" =100' OPERP. ESMT. Sheet 1 of 2 Kevin M. Newlun, P.L.S. OK 89 Benchmark Surveying and Land Services, Inc. PERMANENT RIGHT -OF -WAY P.O. Box 1078 OWASSO, OK 74055 PHONE:(918) 274 -9081 / FAX:(918) 274 -0807 Sec. 5, T -21 -N, R -14 -E, I.B. &M. C.A. NO. 2235 - EXPIRES: 06 -30 -2018 TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA Project E 116th St N Parcel Retherford Parcel -23586 Owner Mary Beth Retherford County Tulsa Sec. 5 T -21 —N, R -14 —E, I.B. &M. LEGAL DESCRIPTION PERMANENT RIGHT OF WAY A tract of land located in the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SE /4 SE /4) of Section Five (5) of Township Twenty —one (21) North and Range Fourteen (14) East of the Indian Base and Meridian (I.B.&M.), according to the U.S. Government Survey, thereof, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma; being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the SE corner of the SE /4 of Sec. 5, T -21 —N, R -14 —E, I.B. &M.; Thence S 88'46'34° W along the south line of said SE /4 a distance of 912.55 feet to the Point of Beginning; Thence S 88'46'34" W along the south line of said SE /4 a distance of 415.00 feet to the SW corner of the SE /4 of said SE /4; Thence N 01'23'35" W along the west line of said SE /4 SE /4 a distance of 60.00 feet; Thence N 88'46'34" E a distance of 415.00 feet; Thence S 01'23'35 E a distance of 60.00 feet to the Point of Beginning, and containing 0.572 acres, more or less I, Kevin M Newlun, P.L.S., Benchmark Surveying and Land Services, Inc., certify that the attached legal description closes in accord with existing records, is us representation of the real property as described, and meets the minimu standards for land surveying of the State of Oklahoma. KMN M. Signature Date Kevin M Newlun, PLS OK 1289 NEVUJN C.A. No. 2235 b512'89 Expires: 06 -30 -18 Sheet 2 of 2 Retherford Parcel- 23586.docx LEGAL DESCRIPTION PERMANENT RIGHT -OF -WAY A tract of land located in the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SE /4 SE /4) of Section Five (5) of Township Twenty -one (21) North and Range Fourteen (14) East of the Indian Base and Meridian (I.B. &M.), according to the U.S. Government Survey, thereof, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma; being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the SE corner of the SE /4 of Sec. 5, T -21 -N, R -14 -E, I.B. &M.; Thence S 88 046'34" W along the south line of said SEA a distance of 912.55 feet to the Point of Beginning; Thence S 88 046'34" W along the south line of said SE /4 a distance of 415.00 feet to the SW corner of the SE /4 of said SE /4; Thence N 01'2335" W along the west line of said SE /4 SE /4 a distance of 60.00 feet; Thence N 88 °46'34" E a distance of 415.00 feet; Thence S 01 °23'35" E a distance of 60.00 feet to the Point of Beginning, and containing 0.572 acres, more or less Basis of bearing is the Oklahoma State Plane Coordinate System. REAL People•REAL CM1arac •REAL CommuNry TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Owasso FROM: Larry Langford Director of Recreation and Culture SUBJECT: Sports Park Improvements Bid Award DATE: March 30, 2018 BACKGROUND: On November 5, 2014, The Tulsa County Vision Authority adopted a resolution that states Owasso is eligible to receive excess Vision 2025 funds totaling $6,882,761. On April 21, 2015, Owasso City Council approved Resolution 201 5 -08 recommending identified projects for these funds. Portions of these funds were designated to install dugout, bleacher and fence coverings on all softball and baseball fields located within the Owasso Sports Park. BID PROCESS: Advertisements for bids were published in accordance with state law for Sports Park improvements with base bid including bleacher and dugout coverings and six (6) additional alternates. Alternate #I - Safety Cap Fence Guard for all softball and baseball outfield fences Alternate #2 - One (1) 20' x 20' shade structure for 4 -plex south Alternate #3 - One (1) 20' x 20' shade structure for 365 field Alternate #4 - One (1) 20' x 20' shade structure for 4 -plex west Alternate #5 - One (1) 20' x 20' shade structure for 4 -plex center Alternate #6 - One (1) 20' x 20' shade structure for 4 -plex east A pre -bid meeting was held at the Owasso Community Center on Wednesday, March 14, 2018. Bids were opened publicly on Thursday, March 22, 2018 at 11:00 AM with two (2) bids received. The contractors and bids are as follows: BIDDER Phoenix Construction Disaster Services Penn Athletic Fields BASE BID $86,936 $88,572 ALT. #1 $14,560 $16,117 ALT. #2 $5,650 $7,615 ALT. #3 $5,650 $7,615 ALT. #4 $5,650 $7,615 ALT. #5 1 $5,650 1 $7,615 ALT. #6 1 $5,650 1 $7,615 BID ANALYSIS: Both bid packages were evaluated for completeness, and to determine if each bidder met all bid requirements and project specifications. Upon review of the bids, staff found that both bidders met all bidding requirements, and that the bids from Phoenix Construction Disaster Services, Inc. for the base bid and each alternate were the lowest and best bids. FUNDING: Funding for this project is included in the Vision 2025 funds. The city realized a savings of $46,780 from the most recent Sports Park improvement projects funded through Vision 2025. Staff proposes adding those funds to the original budgeted amount of $66,000, to provide $112,780 of available funding to complete the base bid and Alternate #1- Safety Cap Fence Guard for all softball and baseball outfield fences. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends awarding the base bid and Alternate #1 to Phoenix Construction Disaster Services, Inc. for a total contract amount of $101,496 for the installation of dugout and bleacher covers and safety cap fence guards on all softball and baseball fields located within the Owasso Sports Park. 6 0 11111.ople•REALChma W•ftEAL Community TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Owasso FROM: Michele Dempster Human Resources Director SUBJECT: Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) Lodge 149 Article 13 - Grievance Procedures DATE: March 30, 2018 BACKGROUND: The City and the FOP began negotiations for the 2017 -18 contract in February of 2017. After several sessions, tentative agreements were reached on all contract articles except Grievance Procedure. In order to continue the portions of the contract that the City and the FOP were in agreement on beyond the contract expiration date of June 30, 2017, the City Council passed Resolution 2017 -14 at the first Council meeting in August. Resolution 2017 -14 implemented the tentative agreements through June 30, 2018. The City and the FOP have continued discussions over the Grievance Procedure article, and have come to a tentative agreement, which has been voted on and approved by the FOP membership. Changes to the Grievance Procedure include: • Giving the City the option to utilize a panel of three arbitrators in lieu of one arbitrator. With the City being responsible for the increase in cost. • Increasing the number of names on the arbitrator selection list from seven to nine for a one arbitrator panel, and to fifteen for a panel of three arbitrators. • Requiring arbitrators to have National Academy of Arbitrators affiliation. • Allowing both the City and the FOP to reject one list of arbitrators per arbitration selection process. • Establishing procedures for written reprimands and documented verbal counseling to be submitted to arbitration through a written review in lieu of an in- person arbitration hearing. And even though the negotiations have not been easy at times, the City sincerely appreciates the FOP's willingness to continue discussions in a manner that facilitated open discussion of ideas and concerns of both parties, which Staff believes has resulted in changes and improvements to the Grievance Procedure process. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Article 13, Grievance Procedure, for the Collective Bargaining Agreement with the Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge 149, for fiscal year 2017 -2018, which along with the Memorandum of Understanding and Resolution 2017 -14, approved by the Council on August 1, 2017, completes negotiations with the FOP on the fiscal year 2017 -2018 Collective Bargaining Agreement. ATTACHMENT: Article 13 Grievance Procedure with Strikeouts ARTICLE 13 GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE Section 1. It is the intent of the parties to this Agreement to prevent grievances and to settle any which may occur as fairly and promptly as practical. Therefore, it is agreed that there should be time limits between the initiation of a grievance and its occurrence and between steps of the grievance procedure and the time in which each answer must be given. All time limits set forth in this Article maybe extended by mutual consent, but if not so extended, they must be strictly observed. If a party fails to pursue any grievance within the time limits provided, he shall have no further right to continue the grievance. Further, this article is not intended to limit the parties' right to grieve or arbitrate any matter which would otherwise be subject to arbitration by statute. Section 2. The Lodge or any employee covered under this Agreement may file a grievance within twenty (20) days of alleged occurrence, as hereinafter defined, and shall be afforded the full protection of this Agreement. Section 3. The Lodge President or his authorized representative may report an impending grievance to the Chief of Police in an effort to forestall its occurrence. Section 4. Except for documented verbal counseling or written reprimands, as defined in Section 5, of this article. Aany controversy between the Employe and the Lodge or any employee concerning the interpretation, enforcement or application of any provisions of this Agreement, concerning any of the terms or conditions of employment contained in this Agreement, shall be adjusted in the following manner: A. The grievance shall be discussed by the employee with the Chief or the Chief of Police's designated representative. Said employee's Lodge President, or his alternate, shall be present at said discussion. The answer shall be orally submitted by the Chief or his designated representative, within ten (10) calendar days to the employee(s) involved and to the Lodge President. B. If the grievance is not settled by the provision of Section 4A, it shall be submitted in writing by the Lodge to the Chief of Policewithin twenty (20) calendar days from the receipt of oral answer with a possible solution to said grievance. C. The Chief of Police shall submit his reply in writing to the employee involved and to the Lodge President or designate within ten (10) calendar days. If the grievance has not been settled within that time, both the grievance and solution recommended by the Lodge shall be sent to the City Manager for adjustment. Said grievance and recommended solution shall be submitted to the City Manager within (20) twenty calendar days of the Chief's reply. ARTICLE 13 GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE (continued) D. The City Manager shall submit his answer in writing to the Police Chief, the employee involved and the Lodge President or designate within ten (10) calendar days. If the City Manager and the Lodge President or designate have not settled the grievance within that time, it may then be submitted to arbitration. Grievances submitted to arbitration for adjustment shall proceed as follows: a) ffi C) 2. Within ten (10) calendar days from the receipt of such panel, a representative of the Lodge and the Employer shall meet and alternately strike names until one (1) or three (3) arbitrators remains who shall be selected as the impartial arbitratoro. The party requesting arbitration shall strike the first name. 3. Upon notification of the Federal Mediation and CondIiation Service of the selection of the arbitratorjs) and the arbitrators) isfare contacted, the date for the arbitration hearing shal I be requested to beset subject to the earliest availability of the selected arbitratorLsj. 4. The arbitrator(s) shall be requested to issue a written opi ni containing findings and recommendations with respect to the issues presented, within twenty (20) calendar days after the conclusion of the hearing. A copy of the opinion shall be mailed or delivered to the Lodge and Employer. 5. With respect to the interpretation, enforcement, or application of the provisions of thisAgreernent, the decision, findings, and recommendations of the arbitrators shall be final and binding on the parties of this Agreement. 6. The arbitrators authority shall be limited to the interpretation and application of the terms of this Agreement and /or any supplement thereto. The arbitrator shall have no jurisdiction to establish provisions of anew Agreement or variation of the present Agreement or to arbitrate away, in whole or in part, any provision or amendments thereof. This shal I not precludeindividual wage grievances. 7. The cost of the impartial arbitrator shall be shared equally between the Lodge and the Employer. If a transcript of the proceedings is requested, the party so requesting shall pay for it. M CQ C. D. 1. 2. 3. i. Arbitrators must have NAA affiliation (National Academy of Arbitrators). name. 0 61 0 7. date If parties cannot agree the arbitrator shall set the date. Section S 6. It is specifically and expressly understood that filing a grievance under this Articlewhich has as its last step, final and binding arbitration, constitutes an election of remedies and a waiver of any and all rights by both parties, the Lodge or other representatives of the party, to litigate or otherwise contest the last answer rendered through the Grievance Procedure in any court or their appeal forum. CITY OF OWASSO GENERALFUND PAYROLL PAYMENT REPORT PAY PERIOD ENDING 03117/18 Department Payroll Expenses Total Expenses 105 Municipal Court 5,753.69 8,610.12 110 Managerial 24,655.01 34,827.20 120 Finance 16,608.08 24,906.82 130 Human Resources 8,439.18 13,253.52 160 Community Development 17,943.57 28,258.82 170 Engineering 17,204.15 26,409.75 175 Information Systems 16,123.21 23,889.06 181 Support Services 8,678.96 12,996.83 190 Cemetery 1,319.67 1,988.63 201 Police Grant Overtime 4,128.32 4,182.33 215 Central Dispatch 22,932.62 39,413.26 221 Animal Control 3,975.40 5,854.76 280 Emergency Preparedness 2,115.38 3,375.55 370 Stormwater /ROW Maint. 8,401.61 12,297.17 515 Park Maintenance 7,456.52 12,050.93 520 Culture /Recreation 7,978.42 12,547.65 550 Community- Senior Center 4,895.80 6,704.13 580 Historical Museum 664.40 745.98 710 Economic Development 3,496.85 5,249.05 General Fund Total 182,770.84 277,561.56 185 Garage Fund Total 7,301.56 11 706.07 255 Ambulance Fund Total 553.85 621.86 250 Fire Fund 37 Total 158,908.60 237,590.72 201 Police Fund 38 Total 147,456.46 225,214.01 300 Streets Fund 39 Total 13,653.29 22,667.96 370 Stormwater Fund 27 Total 2,105.01 3,301.67 150 Worker's Compensation Total 3,268.98 3,908.34 720 Strong Neighborhoods Total 4,579.61 6,484.49 CITY OF OWASSO HEALTHCARE SELF INSURANCE FUND CLAIMS PAID PER AUTHORIZATION OF ORDINANCE #789 AS OF 3129/18 VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AETNA HEALTHCARE MEDICAL SERVICE 42,240.25 HEALTHCARE MEDICAL SERVICE 68,608.37 HEALTHCARE MEDICAL SERVICE 53,229.23 HEALTHCARE MEDICAL SERVICE 26,876.74 ADMIN FEES 13,839.41 HCC LIFE INSURANCE STOP LOSS FEES 45,564.09 HEALTHCARE DEPT TOTAL 250,358.09 DELTA DENTAL DENTAL MEDICAL SERVICE 3,485.10 DENTAL MEDICAL SERVICE 7,306.60 DENTAL MEDICAL SERVICE 8,588.36 DENTAL MEDICAL SERVICE 860.00 ADMIN FEES 2,655.40 DENTAL DEPT TOTAL 22,895.46 HEALTHCARE SELF INSURANCE FUND TOTAL 273,253.55