HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018 03_CDBG Application_2018.04.03REAL PeoPle • REAL Character •REAL Community TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Owasso Karl Fritschen, MRCP, AICP, RLA Planning Manager Project Application and Resolution 2018 -03 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG FY 2018 -2019) March 30, 2018 BACKGROUND: B utACtiL � Gd gy,632x18 The primary objective of the national Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program is the "development of viable urban communities by providing decent housing and a suitable living environment, particularly for persons of low and moderate incomes." All project proposals submitted for funding through the CDBG Program must document the achievement of at least one (1) of the following national objectives: ➢ Provide benefit to low and moderate income persons; ➢ Aid in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight; and ➢ Meet other community development needs having particular urgency or posing a serious or immediate threat to the health or welfare of a community. FY 2018 -2019 CDBG APPLICATION: On January 24, 2018, the Indian Nation Council of Governments (INCOG), provided information regarding the FY 2018 -2019 CDBG application cycle. A completed application, which includes public input, resolution, and cooperation agreement, is due April 3, 2018. Owasso is expected to receive an allocation of approximately $128,827 for the FY 2018 -2019 CDBG funding cycle, which does not require a local match. Staff anticipates an additional $125,000 from OPWA funds for the project for a total amount of $253,827. PAST CDBG PROJECTS: In the past, Owasso has utilized CDBG monies for sidewalk, sanitary sewer, street, and park improvements. In 2014, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) changed the income limits that determined a low to moderate income household. Owasso performed an income survey in the summer of 2015, qualifying the Hale Acres neighborhood near N Garnett Rd and E 116 St N for a five (5) year period. Since the Hale Acres neighborhood qualified for funding under the revised HUD income limits, the City has utilized the past two years CDBG funding cycles for replacement of the sanitary sewer lines in the neighborhood. PUBLIC INPUT: During the application phase for the CDBG grant, a public input meeting is required to solicit comments on possible projects. The required public notice is published in the newspaper at least fifteen (15) days prior to the public comment period. An opportunity for public comment was scheduled for the March 6, 2018, City Council meeting. Due to lack of a quorum, the meeting was not held. In order to meet the CDBG application timeline, staff spoke with INCOG regarding options. INCOG advised that should Owasso choose to utilize the funds on the same project (Hale Acres Sewer Improvements) as the previous two years, additional public input was not necessary. Staff desires to afford citizens an opportunity to provide input and is working to schedule a public input meeting. Staff created a new public notice using the required 15 days prior to the public input meeting. The public input meeting will be held on Monday, April 2, 2018 at 6:00 pm in the Community Room at City Hall. PROPOSED FY 2018 -2019 PROJECT: The proposed project for FY 2018 -2019 CDBG funding cycle is for the continued replacement of sanitary sewer lines in the Hale Acres neighborhood. The line replacement will remedy many years of inflow and infiltration in the collection system, originally placed in the 1960's. Phase III would consist of removing and replacing 1,700LF of sanitary sewer line pipe bursting the existing 8" clay line with HDPE pipe. The sewer line is in Block 1 of Hale Acres between E 112 St N and E 113 St N between 106 E Ave and N 1 10 E Ave. The project will be designed in -house by the Engineering Division of Public Works. Last year's project began in the far southwest corner of the neighborhood and worked north and east. A map has been provided indicating the general location of the proposed improvements. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Resolution 2018 -03, requesting assistance from the Tulsa County CDBG Urban County Program, approving an application identifying the installation of new sanitary sewer lines in the Hale Acres subdivision as the preferred project for the FY 2018 -2019 funding cycle, and authorizing the Mayor to execute all related documents. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution 2018 -03 CDBG Application TULSA COUNTY URBAN COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) Name of Unit of Local Government City of Owasso, OK Mailing Address PO Box 180 Physical Address 200 South Main Owasso, OK Zip Code +4 Phone Number 74055 -0180 918.376.1515 Fax # 918.376.1597 FEW 73- 6069613 DUNS 013786215 Chief Elected Official Mayor Lyndell Dunn Clerk Ms. Sherry Bishop 2. Name of Staff Contact Karl A. Fritschen Phone Number 918.376.1545 E -mail kfritschen @cityofowasso.com 3. Project Title, Detailed Description of Project (Attach additional detail as needed. Provide Map) Hale Acres Sewer Line Replacement Phase III (see map) The project for the 2018/19CDBG funding cycle is continuation of the replacement of the failing clay sanitary sewer pipes in the Hale Acres subdivision located in the NE corner of the NE corner of Section 7, Township 21, Range 14 East in the City of Owasso, OK. This year's work shall be considered phase III of the entire replacement project in the neighborhood and will consist of removal and replacement of 1,700LF of sanitary sewer line pipe bursting the existing 8" clay line with HDPE pipe. The sewer line is in Block 1 of Hale Acres between 112th Street North and 113th Street North between 106th East Ave and 110th East Ave. The line replacement will remedy many years of inflow and infiltration in this area in Owasso's collection system that was originally placed the 1960s. (See Attached Map) Engineering, design, bid advertisement, and construction inspections will take place with City personnel, so the entire grant amount plus the City portion will be used solely for installation of the new pipe. Upon environmental clearance, the City will bid the project in accordance with competitive bidding laws and requirements and Davis - Bacon. Based on past CDBG projects, it is expected that this project will be bid in the winter of 2019. 4. Number of population served: ❑ Census Tract/Block Group # Application Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) 2018 Tulsa County Urban County Page 2 of 2 Household Income Survey Hale /Acres 5 Project Budget Summary: CDBG Funds $ 128,827.00 Other Sources City of Owasso $ 125,000.00 Total Application Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) 2018 Tulsa County Urban County Page 3 of 2 $ 253,827.00 2018 Hale Acres CDBG Sewer Replacement Project Prepared By: Owasso Public Works 3/512018 PAY ITEMS UNIT PRICE PIPE BURST PIPE BURST ITEM NUMBER ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT UNIT PRICE QUANTITY TOTAL 1 MOBILIZATION / DEMOBILIZATION LS $ i5,0oo.00 1 15,000.00 2 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION LS $ 2,500.00 1 2,500.00 3 CONSTRUCTION STAKING LS $ io,000.00 1 5,000.00 4 TRAFFIC CONTROL AND WARNING SIGNS LS 5 INSURANCE AND PERMITS LS $ 51000.00 1 5,000.00 6 PRE CONSTRUCTION TV INSPECTION LF S 5.00 1,700 8,560.o0 7 REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL OF EXISTING SEWER LINE LF $ 2.00 8 REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL OF EXISTING MANHOLE EA $ 150.00 5 750.00 9 8" PVC SDR -35 SEWER LINE, OPEN TRENCH LF $ 65.00 10 12" PVC SDR -35 SEWER LINE, OPEN TRENCH LF $ 70.00 11 8" HOPE 8" TO 8" PIPE BURST LF $ 90.00 1,700 153,000.00 12 12" HDPE 8" TO 12" PIPE BURST LF $ 11o.00 13 STD. 4' DIA. DOG HOUSE DROP MANHOLE 0-6' DEEP EA 14 STD. 4' DIA. MANHOLE 0 -6' DEEP EA $ 5.00 1,500 7,500.00 15 EXTRA DEPTH MANHOLE WALL VF S 1so.00 10 1,500.00 16 CONNECT TO EXISTING MANHOLE CORE EA 17 CONNECT TO EXISTING LINE EA $ 5oo.00l 1 500.00 18 CUT AND PLUG EXISTING SEWER LINE EA 19 4" SERVICE TAP OPEN CUT EA S 400.00 20 4" SERVICE TAP PIPE BURST EA $ 750.00 21 15,750.00 21 RECONNECT EXISTING SEWER LINE EA 22 CONCRETE (HES) 6" THICK DRIVEWAY SY $ 70.00 23 ODOT AGGREGATE BASE, TYPE W BACKFILL AT DRIVEWAYS CY $ 32.00 24 CHAIN LINK FENCE REMOVE REPLACE LF $ 1o.00 25 PRIVACY FENCE REMOVE AND REPLACE LF S is.00 26 TREE REMOVAL GREATER THAN 4" UP TO 8" EA $ 1,000.00 27 TREE REMOVAL GREATER THAN 8" UP TO 12" EA $ 2,000.00 28 TREE REMOVAL GREATER THAN 12" UP TO 24" EA $ 3,0oo.o0 29 TREE REMOVAL GREATER THAT 24" UP TO 36" EA $ 5,000.00 30 TREE REMOVAL GREATER THAT 36" UP TO 48" EA $ 8,000.00 31 SOLID SLAB SODDING SY $ 3.00 32 SEEDING Acre $ 1,soo.00 33 AS -BUILT PLANS LS $ 5,000.00 1 5,000.00 34 PROJECT ALLOWANCE LS $1o,000.00 1 30,000.00 TOTAL 2500000 o L. Z 0 N_ M� W M N N W OG V a w J x T U N V U l6 N N d E 0 u 6 N 1� N r ° a v c 0 u Ol G m u m w 0 d d C 10 m 0 N C O Ol c a 0 a L C) ❑ N � � o N m C) 0 0 c � J F a L°5 o m p� a N °b � d � w � ° E � m N o. a 'a m � N � � N N y°j W C � v 3 LO 00 h $� II 1 o - n J m `- E o N N t6 L N Q r tl H-17 IXEM i 111 St 1 I Owasso CDBG Sanitary Sewer Replacement CITY OF OWASSO Location Map 1 Original Sewer tines Legend 200 S. Main Street Replaced Lines — FY 18 -17, 17 -18 P.O. BOX 180 proposed Line Replacement — FY 18 -19 O Owasso, OK 74055 North 918.376.1500 T IIS MAP IS FOR INFORMATION PLIRPOSF ONLY AND IS NO F INTIRNDED 1 "0 Ii12 PRESENT AN ACCURATE AND TRUE SCALE USE' OF THIS MAP IS WIT410CIT WARRANTY OR RFF`RRSFNTATION BY CITY OF OWASSO OP ITS ACCURACY. 2/12/3015 ��I1111111111111111 111111111111111 I�1 (Hale Acres FY 16 -17 C®BG Sewer Line Realacement Project Y/I FTI r] I I I I I 4h St I 3 Owasso CDBG Sanitary Sewer Replacement Locations CITY OF OWASSO k Existing Sewer Line Legend O 111 Main Street \ . � Proposed Line Replacement — FY 76 -17 P.O. O $OX 180 proposed Line Replacement — FY 17 -78 Owasso, OK 74055 North 918.376.1500 p l'FIIS MAP IS FOR INPCIRM1I A "1 "ION 'RLJE PUIIZP)S I ON LIS AND IS NO]- IN "fl l -i-il) 9 "O J9 WARCSGNTAN A r.PRFS .N A" TRCIG CCALG. USG ASSO IS MAP IC WFI"IAC' "_ 3/7/2017 tl WARRANTY OR RGPR FC L- NTATION RV CITY OF OW.4 SSO OF ITC AC;G'URACY. TULSA COUNTY URBAN COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) APPLICATION CERTIFICATION The Applicant hereby certifies that all of the information contained in this application for community development assistance through the Tulsa County CDBG Urban County Program is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and that all documentation supporting the information in this application is on file in the official offices of this unit of local government, available for review by Tulsa County /HUD during normal business hours. The Applicant also affirms that none of the activities set forth in this application have been initiated, nor shall they be initiated unless a grant has been awarded, a contract fully executed, and notice has been issued by Tulsa County that release of funds requirements have been met. State of Oklahoma County of TU ls�i Attest: U, . "V, OFFICIAL SIA:A . ?K(.AHOMtA i Subscribed and sw rn t before me 12018 Put Application Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) 2018 Tulsa County Urban County Page 4 of 2 3 if Date F- z .,........ W U N h Q V m U h� Z Z Q � �0 OU YZ 0 m m F- L Ll Z a.. 0 00 J U W W —� i~ Z N O U w 0 W 0 O > Y � � u c�i G O Q U 'O p O O NU o U U U rr., W Rf O V CL C R O i-' MML�fll 0 0 o O i. y N W h O p� 0 i pp m N O SS HW O N� � � O c y O LL � LL U u 0 0 � 0 0 0 bCll v N U � �U w o, o o h � v° C7 0l r U 00 N IJ9 a Q r. 6's w W 0 O > Y � � u c�i G O Q U 'O p O O NU o U U U rr., W Rf O V CL C R O i-' MML�fll L L u a 0 ■o IN O Fq 0 0 � h W Ln N fR 0 0 0 0 0 V) GIs N 0 0 h N W 06 Ge I s4 611 es ^a ww 3. L V U �A 0 u O O U U U C U. N Cd 0 U C 2 9 m T c U m N W � m N �] a 0 +7 U � � � � U U u � O O U •�, p u � H awe L L u a 0 ■o IN O Fq 0 0 � h W Ln N fR 0 0 0 0 0 V) GIs N 0 0 h N W 06 Ge I s4 611 es ^a ww 3. L V U �A 0 u O O U U U C U. N Cd 0 U C 2 9 m T c U m N W � m N �] MV W z Y MJ W H Z W a O W W ❑ } Z C� G 0 U } Z U Z m iL- r z U J L� r G O LL C� C �W Y. D W O z } Q U W z W m W d' CL I— W�/ w rte, z CW G U H Q 6 R z V Q 0 N 00 I��[ .i°-0, II II II 11 It II 0 m m m m f0 d0- 2S?dp <<<<<< W 0 N 0 N 0 2) 0) 2)01 01 2) I- H H IR Fes- F- .,T..T.� «rT•r Q Q Q Q Q Q .C.C.S v m m E N d T -- O O > > O D O M J J D O y U) N N O a O L o o =O ? _ C C = -6 , 0 a O O N« L a N N o O 0 va O o O O as o aQmm N ac o o ° U O J J ° Ov�� m ° o o o H m ° m m E 9 4 N Z Z L L 0 xx o� 0 E w E o z Z o1 00 H U N a r m U U (6 .N L O ca E O C w 'O C m a N N N a) N N a a (0 a) O w c m Q 7 U O E O (D C m 9 U N 3 C O ca E O a) O 9 CIS d w Im w a) N U >. N L E a) U O f0 O o0 D N = 0 0 ox o _. �4�( =E m^ i va N o 0 J O Q N N p l0 O` N U m O F' f m 0 C6 c m M c.2 (D o c a) o o� o O m M > i °oo Q o m I I N I � O � m N N Q a O O M m M O 0 M N M Q v o 0 m M m M N Q M 3 r» o 3 r N m Q N v O — 6M9 � m� O N N N J O = T a > U C O � L v W U c Y =O c O d m > N c ° Q 4) o O U O N J v 0 E Z m E O o m G O O C _ Z m -° 0 N 00 I��[ .i°-0, II II II 11 It II 0 m m m m f0 d0- 2S?dp <<<<<< W 0 N 0 N 0 2) 0) 2)01 01 2) I- H H IR Fes- F- .,T..T.� «rT•r Q Q Q Q Q Q .C.C.S v m m E N d T -- O O > > O D O M J J D O y U) N N O a O L o o =O ? _ C C = -6 , 0 a O O N« L a N N o O 0 va O o O O as o aQmm N ac o o ° U O J J ° Ov�� m ° o o o H m ° m m E 9 4 N Z Z L L 0 xx o� 0 E w E o z Z o1 00 H U N a r m U U (6 .N L O ca E O C w 'O C m a N N N a) N N a a (0 a) O w c m Q 7 U O E O (D C m 9 U N 3 C O ca E O a) O 9 CIS d w Im w a) N U >. N L E a) U O f0 aN `w `o N m LL N = 0 0 ox o _. �4�( =E m^ N C O U N N p W ` O co J u a o H O Q N N p l0 O` N U !0 U U o W O F' f m 0 C6 c m M c.2 (D o c a) d U > c 2 1 O o > 3 Ew U ° C � N N O U o 0 o a a v c L l0 J E N O a v 3 w _T p i3 LL i ;Y= ; co L � Q U I c Z. t0 N (7 T E Y C E U > 0 M c � 2 v 0 E-2' OTE v C E > 0 a N O U � U � � m Z �F U E� c 0o v U N m W v El i 0 M W 0 U_ F- z } 9z 0 10 U Oz mm h W z CW yLL G r az O=) Jp W U w Q 0 cn } J_ I-- _ F- z O U N L r .N _ N E E O N ;a O L Q U �F+ ui _ N C R O G _ cc c 0 a R a R d (D LL T c co C 0 i-. c 0 U U O U) c ca U .Q Q co O) r_ U 0) c �U C cu C U N O 0 0 c 0 E ca a) U 0 co a) L Mu d d 0 U E 0 U N w c fl O 00 E 6 CD O Q 7 C a. d N i a O V c a 3 0 a d N O Q 7 a T V C d Q T c co C 0 i-. c 0 U U O U) c ca U .Q Q co O) r_ U 0) c �U C cu C U N O 0 0 c 0 E ca a) U 0 co a) L Mu d E 0 U N 7 R C d N L a c fl O 00 E 6 CD O Q 7 a. Q V d O V O a 00 7 a) M 0 E (7 T Q �pU I � � w E a 2 a:::) J O T O W C y 1 0 OI N O cOU E F s E 02 o O U N a ATTACHMENT D COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) 2018 TULSA COUNTY URBAN COUNTY At this time the estimate length of the project for the funding amount is 1,700 LF based on historic figures. Pending engineering design will reveal the exact length. ATTACHMENT E CITY OF OWASSO RESOLUTION 2018 - 03 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA, APPROVING AN APPLICATION FOR THE 2018 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) TULSA COUNTY URBAN COUNTY RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended (24 U.S.C. 93- 383 et seq.), (the "Act'), provides that Community Development Block Grant, ( "CDBG'), funds may be used for the support of activities that provide decent housing and suitable living environments and expanded economic opportunities principally for persons of low- and moderate - income; and, WHEREAS, CDBG Regulations 24 CFR 570.307(a) allow counties having a total combined population of 200,000 or more from the unincorporated areas and participating incorporated areas to qualify as an urban county; and, WHEREAS, Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, Public Law 93 -383, as amended, authorized the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, as a representative of the United States of America, to grant to Tulsa County funds and administrative responsibility for the Tulsa County CDBG Urban County program; and WHEREAS, a Cooperation Agreement between Tulsa County and the City has been executed for the purpose of participation in the Tulsa County Urban County Community Development Block Grant Program for Federal Fiscal Years 2017 -2019; and, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council that the City of Owasso desires to obtain assistance in addressing community development needs and hereby requests the Tulsa County CDBG Urban County program to provide assistance. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the City Council the City of Owasso affirms its commitment to take all action within its power to facilitate the receipt of the assistance of community development funds, and upon receipt to administer said grant by the rules and regulations established by the United States of America, the State of Oklahoma, Tulsa County and all empowered agencies thereof. ADOPTED this � day of r1 2018, at a (regularly or specially) scheduled meeting of the governing body, in compliance with the Open Meeting Act, 25 O.S. §§ 301 -314 (2001). (Type) Nye* and Title of C�ief VTocted Official SigIfturd of Chief Elected Official (S E A L Att st: n �,1 Subscribed and sworn to b fore me r't Qr 3 20 (S QOA_IAHOMPA� �`f �OFFICIAL O Clerk Sign re SE L ATTACHMENT F COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) 2018 TULSA COUNTY URBAN COUNTY Engineering for the sewer line will commence once the Application is executed and signed by all parties. Upon environmental clearance and contract execution the City will proceed to advertise the project for construction, At this time and based on historic similar CDBG projects, it is expected this will take place in early winter of 2019. Below is a rough timeline. April -May 2018: Resolution of Cooperation Agreement between City and County is executed. May — October 2018: In house engineering design September — October 2018: Environmental clearance and contract execution. January 2019: Bid project March 2019: Construction SAM Search Results List of records matching your search for Record Status: Active DUNS Number: 013786215 Functional Area: Entity Management, Performance Information ENTITY Owasso, City Of Status:Active DUNS: 013786215 +4: CAGE Code: 51 HJ8 DoDAAC: Expiration Date: Jan 15, 2019 Has Active Exclusion ?: No Debt Subject to Offset ?: No Address: 200 S Main St City: Owasso State /Province: OKLAHOMA ZIP Code: 74055 -3437 Country: UNITED STATES January 25, 2018 10:05 AM https: //w .sam.gov/ Page 1 of 1 Form W'9 Request for Taxpayer Give Form to the (Rev. December 2014) Identification Number and Certification requester. Do not Departmentofihe Treasury send to the IRS. otemai Revenue Service 1 Name (as shown on your Income tax retum). Name Is required on this line; do not leave this line blank. CITY OF OWASSO of 2 Business name/dlsragarded angry name, If different from above u rn b °- 3 Check appropriate box for federal tax classification: check only one of the following seven boxes: 4 Exemptions (codes apply only to certain entitles, not Individuals; see ° ❑ IntlNlduaVSOle proprietor or ❑ G Corporation ❑ S Corporation ❑ Partnership TrosVestale P instructions on page 3): csingle - member LLC ❑ Limited liability company. Enter the tax classification (C=C corporation, S -S corporation, P= partnershlp)► Exempt payee code Of any) p Note. For a single- member LLC that Is disregarded, do not check LLC; check the appropriate box In the line above for Exemption from FATCA reporting the in classification of the aingle- member owner. code (if any) y ❑✓ Other (see instructions) ► LOCAL GOVERNMENT from••mucaunumunw . aaww•un usl !� 6 Address (number, street, and apt. or suite no.) Requester's name and address (optbnap 2L PO BOX 180 m e City, state, and ZIP code OWASSO OK 74055 7 Ust account number(s) hem(optlonap Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) Enter your TIN In the appropriate box. The TIN provided must match the name given on line 1 to avoid I social security number l backup withholding. For individuals, this Is generally your social security number ( However, for a —m _ resident alien, sole proprietor, or disregarded entity, see the Pen I Instructions on page 3. For other entities, It Is your employer identification number (EIN). If you do not have a number, see Haw to gets TIN on page 3. or Note. If the account Is In more than one name, see the Instructions for line 1 and the chart on page 4 for I Employer Identification number guidelines on whose number to enter. 7 3— 6 1 0 1 6 1 9 1 6 1 1 3 Certification Under penalties of perjury, l certify that 1. The number shown on this form Is my correct taxpayer Identification number (or I am walling for a number to be issued to me); and 2. 1 am not subject to backup withholding because: (a) I am exempt from backup withholding, or (b) I have not been notified by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that I am subject to backup withholding as a result of a failure to report all Interest or dividends, or (c) the IRS has notified me that I am no longer subject to backup withholding; and 3. 1 am a U.S. citizen or other U.S. person (defined below); and 4. The FATCA code(s) entered on this form Of any) Indicating that I am exempt from FATCA reporting is correct. Certification Instructions. You must cross out Item 2 above If you have been notified by the IRS that you am currently subject to backup withholding because you have failed to report all Interest and dividends on your fax return. For real estate transactions, Item 2 does not apply. For mortgage Interest paid, acquisition or abandonment of secured property, cancellation of debt, contributions to an Individual retirement arrangement ORA), and generally, payments other than Interest and dividends, you are not required to sign the certification, but you must provide your correct TIN. See the Instructions on page 3. 1 1 n Signature of U.S, person 1• General Section references are to the Internal Revenue Code unless otherwise noted. Future developments. Infonnatlon about developments affecting Form W -9 (such as legislation enacted after we release It) is at www.lrs.govyfw9. Purpose of Form An Individual or entity (Form W -9 requester) who Is required to file an Information return with the IRS must obtain your correct taxpayer identification number (TIN) which may be your social security number (SSN), individual taxpayer Identification number (ITIN), adoption taxpayer Identification number (ATIN), or employer Identification number (EIN), to report on an Information return the amount paid to you, or other amount reportable on an Information return. Examples of Information returns Include, but are not limited lo, the following: • Form 1099 -INT (Interest earned or paid) • Form loge -DIV (dividends, Including those from stocks or mutual funds) • Form 1099 -MISC (various types of Income, prizes, awards, orgross proceeds) • Form 1099 -8 (stock or mutual fund sales and certain other transactions by brokers) • Form 1099 -5 (proceeds from real estate transactions) • Form 1099 -K (merchant card and third party network transactions) Date ► • Form 1098 (home mortgage Interest), 1098 -E (student ban Interest), 1098 -T (tulllon) • Form 1099 -C (canceled debt) • Form 1099 -A (acquisition or abandonment of secured property) Use Form W -9 only If you are a U.S. parson (Including a resident alien), to provide your correct TIN. If you do net return Form W -9 to the requester with a TIN, you might be subject to backup withholding. See What Is backup withholding? on page 2. By signing the filled -out form, you: 1. Certify that the TIN you are giving Is correct (w you are waiting for a number to be Issued), 2. Certify that you are not subject to backup withholding, or 3. Claim exemption from backup withholding If you are a U.S. exempt payee. If applicable, you are also certifying that as a U.S. person, your allocable share of any partnership Income from a U.S. trade or business la not subject to the withholding lax on foreign partners share of effectively connected Income, and 4. Certify that FATCA code(s) entered on this form Of any) Indicating that you are exempt from the FATCA reporting, Is correct. See What Is FATCA reporting? on page 2 for further Information. Cat No. 10231X Form W-9 (Rev. 12 -2014)