HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018 05_Economic_Development_Strategic_Plan_2018.05.01CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA
WHEREAS, ever present fiscal constraints and competing demands for scarce resources
make it necessary to set priorities and develop a strategic approach to sustain and perpetuate
opportunities for Owasso citizens and secure the community's long -term growth and economic
vitality; and,
WHEREAS, on June 30, 2017, the City of Owasso approved a contract with TadZo
Consulting to conduct an in -depth analysis of the current economic base, facilitate robust
engagement of varying community partners to define strategic priorities, and develop specific
methods for implementing identified strategic initiatives; and,
WHEREAS, the planning process encompassed elected officials at the local, county and
state levels, members of the Owasso Economic Development Authority, Owasso Chamber of
Commerce, Tulsa Regional Chamber, real estate developers and brokers, healthcare facilities,
educational institutions, workforce development organizations, city staff, and many other
economic development resources partners; and,
WHEREAS, the Owasso Economic Development Strategic Plan encompasses nine
strategic initiatives aimed to strengthen Owasso's value proposition, grow and recruit businesses,
and market the community.
OKLAHOMA, THAT: the City Council hereby adopts the 2018 Economic Development Strategic
Plan. I
AND ADOPTED this l :t day of May, 2018,
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J/ 0 e Lombardi, City Attorney
City C )6yficil of the City of
Kelley, Mayor
REAL People • REAL Clurecler• REAL CammunRy QV ��`\ y
TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council Q
City of Owasso
FROM: Chelsea Levo Feary �p� o
Director of Economic Development
SUBJECT: Owasso Economic Development Strategic Plan
Resolution 2018 -05
DATE: April 27, 2018
As cities assume greater responsibility for their own economic development, the need to set
clear and attainable goals and objectives and to design policies and programs to achieve
them, increases in importance. Ever present fiscal constraints and competing demands for
scarce resources also make it necessary to set priorities and develop more rational approaches
to economic development. As Owasso continues to grow, staff recognizes the need to evaluate
the economic base in order to plan for our future.
On June 30, 2017, the City of Owasso approved a contract with TadZo Consulting to produce an
Economic Development Strategic Plan (EDSP) for Owasso in FY 2018.
Over sixty -five people were involved in the planning process, encompassing elected officials
and leaders at the local, county and state levels; members of the Owasso Economic
Development Authority (OEDA) and Owasso Chamber of Commerce; staff from the City of
Owasso and Tulsa Regional Chamber; real estate developers and brokers; healthcare industry
representatives; educational institutions professionals; workforce development practitioners; and
many other economic development resources partners.
Project Overview
The EDSP scope of work followed three phases to carry out a thoughtful and engaging planning
process customized to Owasso's needs, challenges and opportunities:
Where are you now? Where do you want to be? How will you get there?
Current Situation Strategic Priorities Strategic Plan
In Phase 1, "Where are you now ?" TaclZo conducted an economic development training
program customized for Owasso; a competitive assessment; an economic development
program review; and research and documentation of fundamental economic indicators.
On October 12, 2017, Tadzo gave a presentation during a joint meeting of the OEDA and the
City Council. Tadzo reviewed and discussed findings and results of Owasso's economic
Phase 2, "Where do you want to be ?" gave direction on priorities for the economic
development strategy. It included stakeholder input, target industry analysis, and a strategic
priorities work session.
Phase 3, "How will you get there ?" is when details of developing the written strategic plan
emerged from prioritized strategic initiatives from Phase 2. This phase included a draft strategy,
priority strategic initiative work sessions, implementation planning, finalizing the plan, and a
presentation of the plan.
Strategic Initiatives
The work done over the three phases included initiative- focused work sessions to define specific
tactics and teams for each strategic initiative. The Owasso Economic Development Strategic
Plan encompasses nine strategic initiatives, organized into three related categories:
The complete Economic Development Strategic Plan is composed of several documents to
support effective implementation and communications, including:
• Executive Summary
• Strategy Document (attached)
• Implementation Timeline
• Budget
• Metrics Document
Each of the nine strategic initiatives is led by Team Leads and has a team of volunteers
committed to the initiative. The Team Leads have defined and agreed to practices for
successful implementation that will keep all efforts on track and leverage accomplishments
among teams.
Organizing and Reporting
Team Leads agreed upon consistent team engagement and reporting to advance the work
detailed and developed by the teams for each strategic initiative:
• Team Leads will report monthly progress on initiatives
• Staff will present quarterly reports to the OEDA
• Staff will present an annual report to the Owasso City Council
• Staff will present to external groups, i.e. Owasso Chamber of Commerce Board, on
an as- needed or upon- request basis
The OEDA was involved in all three phases of the plan, through the steering committee,
workshops, strategic initiative participation, and one -on -one interviews with the consultant.
On February 8, 2018, Tadzo and city staff presented a draft of the completed strategic plan to
the OEDA during their regular meeting. The following month, on March 8, 2018, staff reviewed
the plan with the OEDA Trustees and discussion was held. Staff will present quarterly status
reports of the Economic Development Strategic Plan to the OEDA. The Trustees have oversight
of the plan and serve as advisors for the strategic initiatives.
Staff recommends approval of Resolution 2018 -05, formally adopting the Owasso Economic
Development Strategic Plan.
Resolution 2018 -05
Owasso Economic Development Strategic Plan
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REAL P¢ opl¢•REAL Characler•REAL Community E C O N O N
Owasso Economic
PlanPurpose .............................................................................................................................................. ............................... 1
Planning Process
StrategicInitiatives .................................................................................................................. ...............................
A. Strengthening Owasso's Value Proposition
A.1. Workforce Owasso
A.2. Incentive Guidelines & Policy
A.3. Industrial /Office Parks
A.4. Advocacy
B. Growing & Recruiting Business to Owasso
B.1. Medical Cluster Expansion
B.2. Expand & Attract Businesses
B.3. Entrepreneurship & Incubation
C. Marketing Owasso
C.I. Owasso Identity
C.2. Owasso's Online Presence
PlanComponents ...................................................................................................................................... .............................12
AccountableImplementation ................................... ...............................
A. Minimum Specifications for Successful Implementation
B. Organizing and Reporting
C. Communications
Acknowledgements................................................................................................................................... .............................14
February 2018 City of Owasso — Economic Development Strategic Planning TOC
Owasso Economic
Owasso is one of the most desirable communities for residents in the Tulsa region. Quality housing and robust
retail growth have been a focus for community leaders. To sustain growth of retail and lifestyle amenities, it is
important to intentionally work on a more developed community to accommodate opportunities for not only
living and playing in Owasso, but also quality employment opportunities. Employment in basic industries -
those industries that bring new wealth in a community by selling a product or service outside the region - pay
higher wages for skilled workers. Basic industries located in Owasso increases daytime population so that
more money is spent locally for retail, restaurants and local services.
The purpose of this plan for Owasso economic development efforts is to strategically invest resources so that
we sustain and perpetuate opportunities for Owasso citizens. By diversifying job opportunities Owasso will
suffer less negative impact from cyclical economic challenges.
We also value how the community can be involved and informed in these efforts. Our vision is for all pieces to
really work together — to communicate and collaborate. This plan is not a city government plan; it involves
teams of committed partners making a positive impact for growing Owasso's economy collectively.
The development of this strategic plan covered three phases: first, an in -depth analysis of the current situation;
second, robust engagement to define strategic priorities; and third, initiative - focused work sessions to define
specific tactics and teams for each strategic initiative. 65 people were involved in the planning process,
encompassing elected officials at the local, county and state levels; members of the Owasso Economic
Development Authority and Owasso Chamber of Commerce; staff from the city, Owasso Chamber, Tulsa
Regional Chamber; real estate developers and brokers; healthcare; educational institutions, workforce
development and many other economic development resources partners.
The Owasso Economic Development Strategy encompasses nine strategic initiatives, organized into three
related categories:
February 2018 City of Owasso — Economic Development Strategic Planning Page 1
Owasso Economic
During the planning process, the Competitiveness Assessment and subsequent focus groups with local
employers revealed gaps and liabilities in Owasso's asset offerings that are critical to Owasso's success in
growing and attracting businesses in Owasso. If these issues are not addressed, the work of the other two
strategic initiative categories will encounter more obstacles and waste resources.
A.1. Workforce Owasso
Network of employers, resources and service providers for recruiting and retaining a workforce of excellence
in Owasso, Oklahoma.
Local employers provided resounding input on the critical factor of attracting and retaining skill and unskilled
candidates to work at their Owasso operations. By convening "Workforce Owasso' it demonstrates not only
proactive efforts for listening to employer needs, it shows that Owasso is interested in acting on solutions that
support employer needs.
Nationally, talent is the leading driver for business growth and competitiveness through innovation.
Communities that are focused on helping local employers access talent, as well as partner on upgrading skills,
are growing through talent capacity. These communities are also gaining attention outside of the marketplace
as potential areas for new locations because they are addressing employer talent needs.
■ Engage employers
• Catalogue human resource contacts.
• Assemble team.
• Invite to participate.
• Champion for "Workforce Owasso" by industry sector.
• Frame value proposition for "Workforce Owasso ".
• Establish "Workforce Owasso ".
• Regular meetings with Workforce Owasso meetings
Employer- driven topics and dialogue of substance.
• Define meeting frequency, time of day, and length.
• Research workforce resources and service providers
• Assemble and document.
• Research other workforce programs.
• Open doors for school -to -work efforts.
• Workforce data mining
• Understand local, regional, state and national trends,
• What data do local employers want.
• Establish regular update schedule of data.
■ Identify needs and issues for local employers
Survey or other input mechanism.
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Owasso Economic
■ Online access to information for local employers
• Owasso Economic Development website with information and links to workforce resources and
• Additional other engagement tools for "Workforce Owasso' members: Sharepoint, private
Linkedln Group, database.
A.2. Incentive Guidelines & Policy
Establish incentive guidelines and policy.
Incentives can be a highly controversial topic for communities, while incentives only serve to "tip the scale" for
a business location decision when all factors are equal among competing communities. Strategic communities
utilize incentives as tools to close a deal — if it helps the community to achieve what economic growth they are
trying to influence AND only if needed.
The importance of this initiative is to thoughtfully consider how incentives will help Owasso advance efforts
towards what the community needs to achieve — for the short and long -term. Because we have limited
resources we want to make smarter investments, utilizing these limited resources for maximum return on
• Research
• Document current and past incentives awarded by Owasso. Assess successes and failures.
• Research what other cities and economic development organizations have done /are doing with
incentives. Understand best practices.
• Conduct retail market analysis to document gap analysis.
• Document incentive "tool box" (eligibility, application process, contacts, etc.) for Owasso projects,
including but not limited to:
• Federal incentive programs.
• State incentive programs.
• Workforce development hiring.
• Tribes.
■ Prepare summary document of all research to inform preparation of draft goals
■ Define draft goals for incentive projects
• What trying to achieve with incentives.
• Where are biggest gaps in available incentives (avoid duplication).
• Eligible areas to incent.
■ Consult private - sector on draft goals
■ Develop incentive criteria
• i.e. "but for this incentive the project will not occur" language
• Economic impact to measure return on investment
■ Identify funding sources
February 201 8 City of Owasso — Economic Development Strategic Planning Page 3
Owasso Economic
• Develop guidelines for eligibility
• Earned incentives versus claw- backs.
• Incentive level based on criteria.
• Pre - application worksheet.
• Project incentive application.
• Corresponding project evaluation relative to criteria.
• Approval of Incentive Guidelines /Policy
• Submit to Owasso Economic Development Authority for recommendation to City Council.
• Submit to City Council for approval.
• Marketing
• Eligibility presented on Owasso Economic Development website.
• Package with federal, state and other incentives in client proposals.
A.3. Industrial /Office Parks
Competitive sites ready for development and available buildings, all with complete information, to meet
target prospect needs for industrial and office operations.
Businesses need a place to locate. They will locate expansions and new operations where they can meet their
project timelines. This requires us to not only have complete information on available sites and building
documented, we also need to have sites and buildings ready to meet their needs. By working on industrial and
office parks proactively we will be better positioned to provide speedy client response and compete more
effectively for investment and employment projects.
• Identify real estate partners and their respective roles
• Land owners.
• Developers.
• Brokers.
• Economic development partners.
• Inventory land
• Determine priority development areas based on alignment to City Land Use Plan, access to
infrastructure, etc.
• Determine target industry needs
Review Target Industry Analysis report for Industry Intelligence of Owasso target industries.
• Research market trends.
• Assess priority sites for infrastructure needs
• Document available infrastructure.
• Document infrastructure needs corresponding to target industry needs.
• Develop infrastructure improvement plans
• Plan for extensions /build out.
• Budgets.
• Timelines.
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Owasso Economic
■ Funding sources
• Identify funding sources for infrastructure improvement plans.
• Cost analysis for improvements.
■ Land acquisition — TBD if private - sector does not choose to develop sites
■ Speculative building development
• Who's currently building spec in regional market.
• Document missed opportunities because of limited existing building stock in Owasso.
• Define alternative approaches to getting a spec building built.
• Develop spec building pro forma aligned to target industry needs.
• Market to regional developers; if no interest, expand marketing to external developers.
• Understand gaps for moving forward.
• Structure deal.
• Site certification
• Determine priority sites in partnership with landowners /developers.
• Define roles on application process.
• Complete and submit application.
• Online Property Database
• Prepare complete profiles of sites and buildings.
• Confirm information with brokers, developers, landowners.
A.4. Advocacy
Influence municipal revenue diversification in Oklahoma.
Oklahoma cities survive or die on sales tax as the sole revenue stream for operations. Oklahoma is the only
state in the nation where sites and towns must rely on sales tax as their primary revenue source. This state
policy causes short -sided focus towards sales tax generating businesses. As more Oklahoma cities recruit sales
tax generating businesses, it becomes a zero - sum -game versus a focus on wealth - generating industry growth
for local and state economies.
Leadership across the community is concerned about the implications of this policy for the long -term economic
health of Owasso and all Oklahoma cities. Current challenges with the state budget already draw attention to
fiscal policy issues necessitating an update. Including this initiative in the Owasso Economic Development
Strategy is a sign of true leadership to advance Owasso's future, so that we may be able to provide quality
services for residents and businesses as we grow.
• Review research related on subject
• What is status for effort.
• Who's involved.
• Future projections with current revenue model.
• History of Oklahoma model.
• Other state's funding models.
• Gather Intel
• Identify influencers.
• Identify adversaries.
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Owasso Economic Development Strategy
■ Create a policy document
■ Partner with advocacy groups and get buy -in
■ Hire consultant
■ Public input
■ Convert policy document into communication piece /messaging
■ Educate constituency on current tax model (and implications)
■ Create plan and strategy
• Decide State Question or Joint Resolution.
• Communications and outreach plan.
■ Create Owasso Political Action Committee with clear purpose to diversify municipal revenue model
• Establish structure.
• Fundraising.
• Invest in candidates that support revenue diversification.
• Drive legislative turnover.
The initiatives in this category focus on three different avenues to expand basic industry employment and
investment in Owasso by basic industries specifically.
B.I. Medical Cluster Expansion
Establish Owasso as a destination for medical treatments and R &D to grow high - paying, sustainable jobs in
Owasso. Position Owasso as nationally- recognized medical cluster and increase specialized services.
Owasso already has a strong and growing medical cluster anchored by two major hospitals. The medical
field will always be in demand and rely on skilled positions with higher- earning opportunities. Local schools
have programs in place (and developing more programs) to train workers for medical - related positions. May
communities, not just in the Tulsa region and throughout Oklahoma, but throughout the USA are targeting
medical expansions as well. This initiative is important to allocate thoughtful and dedicated efforts to make
Owasso stand out as a location for exceptional medical business growth. Owasso benefits beyond economic
growth with this initiative as residents will also have access to the expanding services and programs.
■ Inventory medical service lines in Owasso
• Document what is offered by Owasso medical institutions.
• Who is doing R &D.
• Define gap analysis.
• Define market opportunities.
• Leverage opportunities with partner hospitals (local and external).
■ Inventory strengths and national awards
■ Research best practices /examples
• Investigate Tulsa assets.
• RML consolidation from Ascension.
• Rule out duplication.
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Owasso Economic
• Stakeholder engagement
• Hospital plans.
• Site owner plans.
• Universities.
• Medical Cluster development area
• Define area.
• Inventory sites.
• Assess sites for development readiness.
• Infrastructure needs assessment.
• Funding for infrastructure.
• Targets
• Shared definition of terms, especially regarding what is meant by R&D.
• Pool of customers /market definition.
• Needs of desired businesses.
• Asset mapping
• Workforce.
• Access.
• Other assets to build case for Owasso.
■ Benchmark to competitors
■ Team learning
• Understand what we are selling.
• Work together for common messaging.
■ Marketing
■ Incentives
• Link to Strategic Initiative A.2. Incentives Guidelines.
B.2. Expand & Attract Businesses
Retain existing businesses and recruit diverse, high - growth companies of targeted' basic industries (metal
manufacturing, aircraft parts, office /headquarters, information technology, and medical) in order to grow
wealth and increase daytime employment in Owasso.
Taking care of existing businesses is like a business taking care of existing customers. Not only does this ensure
that recruitment of new businesses to Owasso builds on the current economic base, satisfied local businesses
can be important advocates and proof to prospective businesses considering an Owasso location.
The importance of proactively recruiting targeted businesses is essential to transforming and evolving the
growth of Owasso's economy. If a community only answers the phone and waits for companies to locate, they
may not be the types of companies or industries that positively contribute to the economy in the way Owasso
desires — especially as it relates to diversification and growth of better paying jobs. Being intentional in
positioning Owasso's assets for, and in front of, targeted industries is a better use of marketing and economic
development resources than a shotgun approach for recruiting any business that may choose to locate in
I Owasso Target Industry Analysis, December 2017
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Owasso Economic
■ Contacts database (CRM)
• Evaluate alternative tools.
• Training.
• Set up.
■ Inventory existing basic industry businesses and top sales tax generators in Owasso
• Research key contacts — local and external.
• Online research for data available on companies.
• Input into contacts database.
• Segment by industry sector.
• Survey existing businesses
• Develop questions to gather useful information.
• Design survey.
• Survey tool.
• Distribution.
• Analysis.
• Existing business outreach
• Local business outreach.
• External HQ outreach.
• Record interactions in contacts database.
• Organize partner team (i.e. Team Owasso) of business resources for expanding and recruiting
businesses in Owasso
• Who: real estate, workforce agencies (public and private), training and education, permitting,
regulatory, utilities, OEDA, Mayor, etc.
• Define roles and responsibilities.
• Confidentiality and ethics policy for economic development
• Utilize IEDC Ethics training and manual for drafting policy.
• Adopt by OEDA and City Council.
• Have all Team Owasso members sign.
• Real estate data
• Gather and verify real estate data on available sites and buildings. Market to local developers
and brokers benefit of sharing data for marketing of properties.
• Maintain in online real estate database.
• Verify and update on regular schedule.
• Proposal and marketing data
• Organize key data for proposal and marketing (i.e. website and target materials).
• Record update schedule for new data publication.
• Leverage partner resources.
• Supply chain research
• Identify suppliers to existing businesses /cluster opportunities to relocate to Owasso.
• Develop target marketing materials
• Industry business cases for each target industry.
• Supply chain documentation.
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Owasso Economic Development Strategy
• Market to Tulsa Regional Chamber and State /ODOC
• Share marketing materials so that they are informed on Owasso's targets and corresponding
assets to sell Owasso's value proposition.
• Invite to Owasso for tour of assets. Show what is happening in Owasso.
• Target geographies for marketing missions
Reference Target Industry Analysis for industry intelligence.
• Leverage state and regional marketing trips for potential target geographies.
• Engage lead generation firm for one -on -one appointments in target geographies.
• Familiarization (a.k.a. FAM) tours
• Research and develop target list of site selectors, national brokers and other key influencers to
invite for tour of Owasso.
• Leverage Tulsa Regional Chamber.
• Invitation.
• Consider smaller, tailored, one -on -one tours versus large groups.
• Host.
• Follow -up.
• Client proposals
• Customized cover letters and order of information based of priority location factors for the
• Investigate online proposal system.
■ Site visits
• Team training.
• Orientation and planning for each visit.
• Debrief process after each site visit.
■ Client follow -up
• Regular follow -up to advance sales process.
• Record interactions in contacts database.
■ Announcements of wins
• Menu of services to provide company.
• News release.
• Media announcements.
• Groundbreaking.
• Ribbon cutting.
B.3. Entrepreneurship & Incubation
Develop and implement a structured program of entrepreneurship resources, including an incubator in the
Redbud District, to foster start -up and fast - growing businesses in Owasso to stay here as they grow.
Entrepreneurs start businesses where they want to live. There are many reasons why people want to live in
Owasso and this resident - attraction strength is an opportunity to leverage for business development through
entrepreneurship. Often, where a company starts is where they continue to have a presence for the long run
... if they get the resources and assistance they need to expand and grow.
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Owasso Economic
The Competitiveness Assessment uncovered many entrepreneurship resources throughout the Tulsa region, but
none of these resources are located in Owasso. There is a connection link that is needed to maximize the value
of these resources for local businesses and entrepreneurs.
■ Monitor Redbud District revenue to better understand timeline for funding incubator.
■ Explore options of entrepreneurship program focus
• Identify potential entrepreneur clients.
• Identify their needs and challenges.
■ Develop and assemble portfolio of entrepreneurship resources
■ Test resources
• i.e. "pop -up" space for co- working, training, workshops.
■ Identify partners and resources to define entrepreneurship landscape in Owasso and region
■ Develop guidelines and directives for incubator
• Develop business plan for incubator
• Program and service offerings.
• Space requirements.
• Staffing requirements.
• Pro forma.
■ Identify sustainable funding models
• Vet funding sources.
• Document viability of financial model.
■ Hire initial staff
■ Space development for incubator
■ Marketing & communications strategy to attract participants
■ Incubator operations
• Individual entrepreneur needs assessment.
• Agreements for participating entrepreneurs.
• Graduation requirements and accountability.
• Continue to build -out support network.
In the era of robust information and immense competition in economic development, Owasso must tell its story
to get attention. And the story must be authentic and clear so that it is understood, believable and
memorable to stand out in the chatter of overwhelming media.
C.I. Owasso Identity
Define consistent identity for Owasso supported with relevant message and facts.
As a suburban community, it is valuable to leverage the known community of the region — Tulsa. Yet, there are
many suburbs clamoring for attention and Owasso needs to define compelling, authentic and unique attributes
to frame a cohesive and memorable identity for who Owasso is now and in the future.
February 2018 City of Owasso — Economic Development Strategic Planning Page 10
Owasso Economic Development Strategy
■ Define target audiences
■ Define messaging and Owasso's value proposition
• Convene partners for input.
• Agree on "who we are ".
■ Graphic imagery
• Hire graphic designer to assist with development of identity that matches messaging.
• Inventory all current images.
• Framework comparison to other community's identities.
• Document design guidelines.
■ Buy -in with partners, schools
■ Reveal new Owasso identity and messaging platform
C.2. Owasso's Online Presence
Establish effective online presence for Owasso with information available "24 X 7" to save staff time.
Owasso has no economic development- specific website and limited social media accounts and messaging. The
leading marketing tool for economic development marketing is a website that presents relevant data, case
studies of local businesses, maps and other points of interest that influence business location decision - making.
Not only is this the first place a business or site selector seeks information, it may be the only place information
is gathered before a desktop screen of the community is made. No information available online may result in
elimination of consideration.
A website also serves as a place to house the most current information for staff to present to businesses and
the community at- large. In turn, a website provides the information around the clock and saves time — for
businesses, site selectors and staff.
Regarding social media, increasingly businesses and site selectors are gathering news from these outlets. In
addition, as a means to share information, relationships develop based on the value of that information and
dialoguing. When a community is not participating in social media, there is a void that competitors can fill with
news about their communities.
■ Research economic development websites
• Navigation.
• Layout.
• Look.
■ Select web designer /web platform
■ Domain name
• Select options.
• Register domain name.
February 2018 City of Owasso — Economic Development Strategic Planning Page 11
Owasso Economic Development Strategy
• Site map
• Searchable real estate database.
• Site selection factors.
• Economic development programs, services and business resources.
• Integrate social media.
• Organize and upload content
Data subscriptions to leverage or purchase (i.e. StoteBook)
■ Schedule regular updates of website content
■ Social media policy and updates
The complete Owasso Economic Development Strategy is composed of several documents to support effective
implementation and communications, including:
For each of the nine strategic initiatives, teams are assembled, and Team Leads are committed to lead the
initiative. The Team Leads met to define and agree to practices for successful implementation that will keep
all efforts on track and leverage accomplishments among teams.
Team Leads devised the following fundamental practices to guide not only their specific team, but collectively
among teams:
■ Gather teams
■ Delegate
■ Research
■ Establish and adhere to meeting scheduled
• Keep on time and on budget
■ Communicate regularly and effectively
■ Report regularly and on time
■ Collaborate, understanding that each team and corresponding Team Lead are not "an island"
February 2018 City of Owasso — Economic Development Strategic Planning Page 12
Owasso Economic Develo
Team Leads agreed upon consistent team engagement and reporting to advance the work detailed and
developed by the teams for each strategic initiative:
■ Since all Team Leads work at the City of Owasso, store all strategy documents, including the
Implementation Timeline on shared drive.
■ Bring team members together to define roles based on skills and interests where they would like to
■ Identify additional team members to be invited to participate in strategic initiative.
■ Identify and invite Assistant Team Leads.
■ Monthly reporting by Team Leads to track progress.
There are a variety of audiences interested in the progress of economic development strategy implementation
in Owasso. On a regular basis, the Team Leads will communicate to corresponding audiences as to
accomplishments and progress forward with implementation. This practice enables celebration and education
along the way, as major wins in economic development occur infrequently, yet these milestones contribute to
the opportunities for major successes to be more viable.
Businesses 8. Residents
Social media
Annual Economic Summit
City Council Reports (staff memos)
Owasso Economic Development Authority Presentations
External Groups, such as Owasso Chamber of Commerce, Ad hoc presentations
Hospital Boards, etc.
Development and Real Estate Community Presentations
February 2018 City of Owasso — Economic Development Strategic Planning Page 13
Owasso Economic
The Owasso Economic Development Strategy is more than a simple document. It is a living and active plan
developed by an expansive list of engaged and committed leaders in our community. It is because of this
tremendous leadership that we are able to take on bold and critically important initiatives laid out in this
Lyndell Dunn, Mayor
Bill Bush, Councilor
Dr. Chris Kelley, Vice Mayor
Jeri Moberly, Councilor
Dr. Bryan Spriggs, Chair Jeri Moberly, Trustee
Doug Bonebrake, Councilor
Gary Akin, Trustee
David Charney, Trustee Skip Mefford, Trustee Dee Sokolosky, Trustee
Dr. Dirk Thomas, Trustee
Lyndell Dunn, Mayor
Chelsea Levo Feary, City of
Roger Stevens, City of Owasso
*Michael Gordon, Public Service
Company of OK
*Chris Phillips, Oklahoma Natural
Gas Company
Dr. Clark Ogilvie, Owasso Public
Brian Bigbie, INCOG
Renee Mowery, BROGRAN, LLC
Dr. Bryan Spriggs, OEDA Warren Lehr, City of Owasso
Bronce Stephenson, City of Owasso Julie Stevens, City of Owasso
Dr. Paul Loving, Owasso Planning
*Janet Smith, Public Service
Company of Oklahoma
Dr. Leslie Clark, Tulsa Tech
Brien Thorstenberg, Tulsa Regional
Keith Mason, Bailey Medical
Andy McMillan, Cherokee Nation
John Smaligo, Tulsa County
*Martie Oyler, Oklahoma Natural
Gas Company
Dr. Paula Willyard, Tulsa Community
Gary Akin, Owasso Chamber of
Brian Beam, Owasso Land Trust
Sherry Bishop, City of Owasso
Shelley Cadamy, Workforce Tulsa
Dustin Curzon, 36 Degrees North
Brian Emery, Mingo Aerospace
Pat Green, Tulsa Community
Linda Jones, City of Owasso
Candice Longnecker, Tulsa Tech
Julie Brugger, National Steak and
Cornell Cross, OCAST
Michele Dempster, City of Owasso
Amy Fichtner, Owasso Public
Tandy Groves, Bailey Medical
Julie Lombardi, City of Owasso
Dean Lowe
Ryan Byrd, Infinity Investigations
Cathy Curtis, Owasso Public Schools
Sen. JJ Dossett, Oklahoma State
Blake Gossett, RECO Enterprises
Brandon Irby
Nick Lombardi, Frisbie Lombardi
Geoff Lowe
February 2018 City of Owasso — Economic Development Strategic Planning Page 14
Jennifer Newman, City of Owasso
Morgan Pemberton, City of
Meg Ryan, Tulsa Regional
Jennifer Smith, Tulsa Regional
Sheila Stringer, Keller Williams
Bill Willson, Infinity Investigations
Rep. Monroe Nichols, Oklahoma
State Representative
David Phillips, St. John's Hospital
Scott Shortess, Advanced Plastics
Nick Sokolosky, First Bank of
Cheryl West, Bailey Medical
Teresa Willson, City of Owasso
Owasso Economic
Bob Parker, Owasso Land Trust
Andrew Ralston, Tulsa Regional
Janet Smith, Public Service Company
of Oklahoma
Zach Stoycoff, Tulsa Regional
Keith Whitfield, Aartvark Graphic
Mike Wilson, National Steak and
February 2018 City of Owasso — Economic Development Strategic Planning Page 15
This important project for Owasso was made possible, in part, by the generous sponsorship of Oklahoma
Natural Gas, a division of ONE Gas, Inc. and the Public Service Company of Oklahoma, an American Electric
Power Company.
CrAfi" Oklahoma
Natural GaS.,,
A Division of ONE Gas
An AEP Company
The Economic Development Strategic Planning project for the City of Owasso, Oklahoma was developed with
technical assistance and stakeholder engagement of TadZo. TadZo is an economic development and site
selection consulting firm. Businesses and communities want essentially the same things: economic vitality, wealth
creation, quality place and environment. TadZo works with communities to achieve these outcomes. TaclZo also
assist companies to identify communities with these attributes that support business strategy and competitive
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Allison Larsen, CEcD
(623) 233 -5333
Sandy Pratt, CEcD FM
Senior Consultant
(405) 735 -5456
The Intersection of Site Selection & Economic Development