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2018.05.08_Worksession Agenda
This meeting is a work session for Council/Trustee discussion only. There is no opportunity for public comments at work session PUBLIC NOTICE OF A JOINT MEETING OF T1IE OWASSO CITY COUNCIL, PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY, AND . PUBLIC GOLF AUTHORITY Council Chambers, Old Central Building 109 N Birch, Owasso, OK 74055 Regular Meeting Tuesday, May 8, 2018 - 6:00 pm 1. Call Yo Order Mayor /Chair Chris Kelley G 2. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for an. executive session for the purpose of discussing personnel matters of the City Attorney and City Manager as provided for in Title 25,:O:S. § 307(8)(1) The City Council will meet in executive session with Greenwood Performance to discuss the annual evaluation of the City Attorney and City Manager. 3. Discussion relating to Community Development Items Bronce Stephenson A. Proposed amendments to the Owasso Zoning Code B. Annexation /Rezoning (OA 18 -02 /OZ 18 -03) —10920 N Garnett Rd 4. Discussion relating to proposed amendments to the Owasso Code of Ordinances A. Part 11, Parks and Recreation, establishing a Special Events Permit— Larry Langford B. Part 13, Public Safety, Section 13 -102 Fire Department Enforcement— David Hurst 5. Discussion relating to Data Storage Area Network Teresa Willson 6. Discussion relating to Citizen Board & Committee Appointments Juliann Stevens 7. Discussion relating to City Manager items Warren Lehr 00 • Presentation of FY 2018 -2019 Annual Operating Budget Monthly sales tax report • City Manager report 8. City Councilor /Trustee comments and inquiries Agenda File 9. Adjournment Notice of Public Meeting filed in the office of the Cltyegerk and the Agenda posted at City Hall, 2008 Main St, at 6:00 pm on Friday, May 4, 2018. // / , /. ` . /n // Clerk The City of Owasso encourages citizen participation. To requAlt an accommodation due to a disabiltty, contact the City Clerk at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled .meeting by phone 918 - 3761502 or by email to Lstevens@citvofowosso.com Am REAL People • ftEAL Character •REAL Commonity TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Owasso FROM: Bronce L. Stephenson, MPA Director of Community Development SUBJECT: Update to Owasso Zoning Code DATE: May 4, 2018 BACKGROUND: The Zoning Code is the document that guides the development process, and it sets standards that must be met when developing property in Owasso. The Zoning Code also establishes zoning districts, bulk standards, and design requirements. It is a responsible practice to continuously update the Zoning Code as often as possible to keep up with changing standards, technology, economically- driven changes in the development world, and changes in the community. ANALYSIS: The new Zoning Code utilizes a large part of the existing Zoning Code as a framework, but every section of the Code is being rewritten. A great deal of attention has been paid to the changing development trends occurring in Owasso. The major changes proposed to the Zoning Code are: • The addition of the RNX (Residential Neighborhood Mixed) Zoning District, which was passed by Council in 2016 with Ordinance 1087. • Permitted and prohibited uses for all Zoning Districts have been simplified into tables and re- categorized under definitions of uses in the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) guide. • The addition of a chapter specifically for Overlay Districts. • No new zonings of CH (Commercial Heavy) would be allowed in Owasso. • A new zoning category called DM (Downtown Mixed) to accommodate the downtown development. • The height requirements for Accessory Structures would be changed. • The Code would establish the Official Zoning Map of Owasso. • The addition of Temporary Use Permits and requirements for them. The City would regulate sno -cone stands and flower tents among other uses. They would be approved with Administrative Review rather than going to the Board of Adjustment. • Mechanical equipment would no longer be allowed to encroach into the side yard setback. • The addition of the PF (Public Facilities) zoning district, which is intended to set a standard zoning district for public /institutional /quasi - public uses that are distributed throughout Owasso. This includes uses like public parks, City /Municipal buildings or `' yards, public safety facilities, public schools, cultural areas, and utilities. A new chapter for site design standards, which includes site plan requirements, required screening, site access requirements, and architectural design requirements. For carports, language has been added to assist with determining a recommendation and decision when brought before the Board of Adjustment, whereas none currently exists. Several definitions have been added. dG'd41la4 Staff began the process of updating the Zoning Code about 18 months ago. Many cities utilize outside firms to write a new Code, but as with the GrOwasso 2030 Land Use Master Plan update, the proposed Zoning Code is being prepared in -house by Community Development Staff. The creation of the updated Zoning Code, when completed, will be the result of a long process that involved well over 1,000 hours of Staff time and input from the Planning Commission, Board of Adjustment, City Council, and the development community. Staff introduced the rough draft of the Zoning Code update at the August 8, 2017, City Council work session meeting, and Council provided input at the September 12, 2017, work session. The Planning Commission has been working on the update to the Zoning Code by holding work sessions and providing input throughout the process. The most recent draft of the document was reviewed by the Planning Commission at their February 12, 2018 meeting. The draft of the Zoning Code update was posted to the City of Owasso webpage for public review and comment on February. 12, 2018. A Public Input Meeting was held on March 29, 2018, from 6:00 -8:00 PM in the Community Room at City Hall. Input provided by the public at that meeting was summarized and provided to the Planning Commission at their meeting on April 9, 2018 as well as to City Council at the April 10, 2018 work session. Public Hearings on the Zoning Code update were held at the Planning Commission meeting on April 9, 2018, and the City Council meeting on April 17, 2018. Notices for the Public Input Meeting as well as the Public Hearings appeared in the Owasso Reporter on March 21 and March 28, 2018. There were no comments or concerns on the Zoning Code update provided by the public at these Public Hearings. Staff brought an updated draft of the proposed Zoning Code in two halves to the March 13, 2018, and April 10, 2018, City Council work sessions for discussion. Now, Staff is bringing the complete final draft of the Zoning Code update to City Council work session on May 8, 2018. It is anticipated that the Planning Commission will vote on the Zoning Code update at their meeting on June 11, 2018 before it will be brought to City Council for consideration and final action at the June 19, 2018 meeting. ATTACHMENT: Zoning Code Update — Final Draft Owasso Zoning Code .CITY OF OWASSO, OKLAHOMA ADOPTE6 BYORDINANCE NO XXXX ty CHAPTER 1 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.4 1.4.1 1.4.2 1.4.3 TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE, PURPOSES, INTERPRETATION, AND JURISDICTION ..................................... ..............................1 Titleand Citation .................................................................................................... ............................... 1 Purpose.................................................................................................................... ............................... 1 Interpretation.......................................................................................................... ............................... 1 Validityof Other Laws ........................................................................................... ............................... l Severability.............................................................................................................. ............................... l Jurisdiction............................................................................................................... ..............................1 TerritorialJurisdiction ........................................................................................ ............................... l Extra - Territorial Jurisdiction .............................................................................. ..............................1 AnnexedTerritory ................................. ............................................................. .........................._...1 CHAPTER 2 GENERAL PROVISIONS ............................................................................................ ..............................2 2.1 Zoning Districts Established ................................................................................... ..............................2 2.2 Official Zoning Map Established ........................................................................... ..............................2 2.3 District Boundary Description and Interpretation ............................................. ............................... 2 2.4 Limitation on Land Use .....................................:..................................................... ..............................2 2.5 Required Annexation for Utility Connection ...................................................... ............................... 3 2.6 Platting Requirements ...........................................................................................` ..........................;...3 CHAPTER 3 AGRICULTURE DISTRICT PROVISIONS ...............................:.................................... ..............................4 3.1 Principal Uses Permitted in the Agriculture District ............................................ ..............................4 3.2 Accessory Uses in the Agriculture District .......................................................... ..............................5 3.2.1 Accessory Uses Permitted .................. ............................................................. ..............................5 3.2.2 Accessory Use Conditions ............................:................................................... ..............................5 3.3 Bulk and Area Requirements in the Agriculture District .................................. ............................... 5 CHAPTER 4 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT PROVISIONS .........................................::............................ ..............................7 4.1 Purpose of Residential Districts ............................................................................. ..............................7 4.2 Residential Districts Described....! ........................................................................ ...............:..............7 4.2.1 RE (Residential Estate) District .......................................................................... ..............................7 4.2.2 RS -1, RS -2, and RS -3 (Residential Single - Family) Districts ................................. ..............................7 4.2.3 RD (Residential Duplex) District ....................................................................... ............................... 7 4.2.4 RNX (Residential Neighborhood Mixed) District...........,, .......................,........ ..............................7 4.2.5 RM (Residential Multi- Family) District ............................................................... ..............................7 4.2.6 RMH (Residential Mobile Home Park) D istrict ................................................. ..............................7 4.3 Residenilal Districts Max Gross Density .............................................................. ............................... 7 4.4 Principal Uses Permitted in Residential Districts ................................................. ..............................8 4.4.1 RE (Residential Estate) and RS (Residential Single - Family) Districts ............................................ 8 4.4.2 RD (Residential0uplex) DistrJ6# s ...................................................................... ..............................8 4.4.3 RNX (Residential Neighborhood Mixed) District ............................................. ..............................9 4.4.4 RM (Residential Multi - Family) District .............................................................. .............................10 4.4.5 RMH (Residential =Mobile Home Park) District ................................................ .............................10 4.5 Bulk and Area Requirements in Residential Districts ........................................ .............................11 4.5.1 Bulk and Area: Requirements for RE and RS Districts .............,..................... ............................... 11 4.5.2 Bulk and Area Requirements for RD, RNX, and RM Districts .... .................................................. 13 4.5.3 Mechanical Equipment (HVAC) .................................................................... .............................14 4.5.4 Bulk and Area Requirements for the RMH District ....................................... ............................... 15 4.5.5 Mobile Home Subdivisions ............................................................................... .............................15 4.5.6 Additional Mobile Home Requirements ...................................................... ............................... 16 4.6 Accessory Uses and Structures in Residential Districts .................................... .............................16 4.6.1 Accessory Uses Permitted ............................................................................... .............................16 4.6.2 General Conditions .......................................................................................... .............................16 4.6.3 Division of Lots .................................................................................................. .............................18 4.6.4 Home Occupations ......................................................................................... .............................18 4.6.5 Roomers and Borders ...........................::....................................._.................. .............................19 4.6.6 Storm Shelters ................................................................................................... .............................19 4.6.7 Carports ............................................................................................................ .............................19 Carport Encroaching into the Front Setback ............................................ .............................20 4.6.8 PODS and Temporary Moving and Storage Containers ............................ ............................... 20 4.6.9 One Single - Family Dwelling per Lot of Record .............................................. .............................21 4.6.10 Accessory Dwelling Units ............................................................................... ............................... 21 4.7 Yards ...................................................................................................................... ............................... 21 4.7.1 Compliance with Yard Requirements ........:................................................. ............................... 21 4.7.2 Permitted Yard Obstructions .......:................................................................. ............................... 21 4.8 Garage Sales ...................................................................................................... .............................._ 22 CHAPTER 5 OFFICE DISTRICT PROVISIONS ............................................................................... .............................23 5.1 Purpose of the Office District .............................................................................. ............................... 23 5.2 Principal Uses Permitted in the Office District ................................................. ............................... 23 5.3 Bulk and Area Requirements in the Office District ......................................... ............................... 23 CHAPTER 6 COMMERCIAL DISTRICT PROVISIONS ........ _ ................................... ............... .............................25 6.1 Purpose of the Commercial Districts ....................................,w:................. ............................... 25 6.1.1 General Purpose .............................. ............................... .............................................. 25 6.2 Commercial Districts Described... .... ..............................F , .. .............................25 6.2.1 CS (Commercial Shopping) District ............. y" ... ............................... .. 25 6.2.2 CG (Commercial General) District .............. .... ............................... 25 6.2.3 DM (Downtown Mixed) District ........................... .................... .............................25 6.2.4 CH (Commercial High Intensity) District...... 25 6.3 Principal Uses Permitted in Commercial Dismcts ....... ...........25 6.3.1 Permitted Uses in the CS (Commercial Shopping) Distract "' ........................ 25 6.3.2 Permitted Uses in the CG (Commercial General) Distract" .......................... 27 6.3.3 Permitted Uses in the DM (Downtown Mixed) District:. .................... ............................... 27 6.4 Temporary Commercial Uses z> ......... ......... . . ......................: ............................... 28 6.5 Bulk and Area Requirements incommercial Districts. ._ .................. ........._...................28 6.6 Locations of Sexually- Oriented BustnesseS ................ ............................... 29 6.6.1 Definitions ...... ............................... .....` .... .............................29 6.6.2 Prohibition ..... ............................... ...:.............. .............................30 CHAPTER 7 INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT PROVISIONS ........ ......................... .............................31 7.1 Purpose of IocustilahDtstricts ..... ..,:' . .........................:......................... ..................::........... 31 7.2 IndustrialDistotctsDescgbed ...... ....:................ .... ............... ..................... .._.......... ............... .31 7.2.1 IL (Industnal`Light, Research and Development) DisfrICt ..................... .. ................................... 31 7.2.2 IM pndus #nd/ Moderate).DsMct. .,:! : ...................................... ............................... 31 7.2.3 IH (Indusfrial Heavy) Dutnct........ ..................................... ............................... 31 7.3 Principal Uses Permuted in Industrial Districts' ............................................ .............................31 7.3 .1 t.. - ;Permuted Uses imthe'IL (Indbi4haTGght; Research and Development District ....................... 31 7.3 .2 �f ermr}fec Uses in &4M (Industrial Mo Yerate) District ........ ............................... ..32 7.3 3 Permitted Uses,in the IH (industrial Heavy) District ........................................ .............................33 7.4,„ Bulk and Ar6bl, quirements,in Industrial Districts.._ ....................................... .............................34 7.53 Accessory Uses R rmItted in>ftldustrial Districts .............................................. .._.........._...............34 7.S Accessory Uses P,erFnitted.............. ......... ..................................................................................... 34 7.5 .2 r„ Accessory Use Conditions ............................................................................. ............................... 34 CHAPTER 8 w PUBLIC FACILITIES DISTRICT PROVISIONS ............................................................ .............................35 8.1 Purpose of the P.Ublic Facilities District ............................................................... .............................35 8.2 Characterishcs of the Public Facilities District.....- .4 .......................................... .............................35 d Permit Requirements in the Public Facilities District ...... ............................... AllowDevelopment 35 8.4 a Standards in the Public Facilities District ............................................................... 35 CHAPTER 9 PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENTS ............................................................:............... .............................36 9.1 General Description .............................................................................................. .............................36 9. l.1 Introduction and Purpose ..................................................:............................ .............................36 9.1.2 Goals ................................................................................................................. .............................36 9.1.3 Applicability ...................................................................................................... .............................36 9.2 Standards of Development .................................................................................. .............................37 9.2.1 Density ............................................................................................................... .............................37 9.2.2 Land Use Percentages ........................................................ ............................... _...................... 37 9.2.3 Preservation of Trees and Other Natural Features ...................................... ......4........................ 37 9.2.4 Screening and Buffering .................................................................................. .............................38 9.2.5 Transition of Uses ............................................................................................ ............................... 38 9.2.6 Conceptual Landscape Plan ..........................................................:.............. ......................:......38 9.2.7 Adherence to City Landscape Requirements ............................................ ............................... 38 9.2.8 Site Development ............................................................................................ .............................39 Low - Impact Design (LID) Criteria ................................................................ .............................39 Grading and Site Disturbance .................................................................... .............................39 Adherence to City, State, and Federal Requirements ............................. .............................39 9.2.9 Parking and Circulation ................................................................................... .............................39 9.2.10 Open Space ..................................................................................................... .............................39 9.2.11 Common Areas ................................................................................................ .............................39 9.2.12 Amenities Required .......................................................................................... .............................39 9.2.13 Consistency with the Land Use Master Plan .................................................. .............................40 9.2.14 Compatibility with Surrounding Development .............................................. .............................40 9.3 Procedures for Obtaining Planned Unit Development Zoning ....................... .............................41 9.3.1 Pre - Application Meeting ................................................................................. .............................41 9.3.2 Submittal of Development Application ......................................................... .............................41 9.3.3 Technical Advisory Committee ...................................................................... .............................41 9.3.4 Neighborhood Meeting ..............................°.................................................. .............................41 9.3.5 Owasso Planning Commission ..................................................................:..... .............................41 9.3.6 Owasso City Council ........................................................................................ .............................42 9.4 Timeline, Expiration, and Amendments ............................................................. .::..........................43 9.4.1 Validation ................................................................................ a....................... .............................43 9.4.2 Zoning Ordinance ........................................................................................... .....::......................43 9.4.3 Expiration ........................................................................................................ ............................... 43 9.4.4 Conformance with Current Regulations ........................................................ .............................43 9.4.5 Extensions .......................................................................................................... .............................43 9.4.6 Amendments ................................................................................................... .............................44 9.5 Conceptual Development Plan ................... . ......................... ......................................................... 45 9.5.1 Conceptual Development Plan as the Preliminary Plat .............................. .............................46 9.6 Design and Intent Statement .............................................::................................ .............................46 9.6.1 Requirements ................................................................................................... .............................46 CHAPTER 10 OVERLAY DISTRICTS .....................'........................................................................... .............................48 10.1 General Description .............................................................................................. .............................48 10.1.1 Establishment of Overlay Districts. ............................................................................................... 48 10.1.2 Development Criteria ...................................................................................... .............................48 10.1.3 Applicability, y ...................................................................................................... .............................48 US -169 OVERLAY DISTRICT.... .............................................................................................................. 49 10.2 Purpose of the US -169 Overlay District ............................................................... .............................49 10.3 Designation,of the US -169 Overlay District ........................................................ .............................49 10.4 Uses In the US -169 Overlay District ...................................................................... .............................49 10.4.1 Permitted Uses..; ............................................................................................................................ 49 10.4:2 Restricted Uses .................................................................................................. .............................49 10.4.3 Prohibited Uses ................................................................................................. .............................51 10.4.4 Uses Permitted with a Specific Use Permit ..................................................... .............................51 10.4.5 Non - Conforming Uses ...................................................................................... .............................52 .10.4.6 Existing Uses ...................................................................................................... .............................53 Single - Family Residential .............................................................................. .............................53 Properties Outside the City Limits of Owasso ........................................... ............................... 53 Previously Approved Projects or Development ...................................... ............................... 53 10.5 Requirements In the US -169 Overlay District ..................................................... .............................53 10.5.1 Landscape Requirements ............................................................................... .............................53 10.5.2 General Requirements .................................................................................... .............................53 10.6 Building and Site Design Standards in the US -169 Overlay District ............... .............................53 10.6.1 General Design ................................................................................................ .............................53 10.6.2 Building Ent rance ........................ ........................................ ......................................................... 54 10.6.3 Boulevard Entrance ............ ............................................................................ .............................54 10.6.4 Off - Street Parking ............................................................................................. .............................54 10.6.5 Building Setback .............................................................................................. .............................55 10.6.6 Transit Stops ...................................................................................................... .............................55 10.6.7 Outdoor Space ................................................................................................ .............................55 10.6.8 Sidewalks ......................................................................................_................. ....,........................55 10.6.9 10.6.10 10.6.11 10.6.12 10.6.13 10.6.14 10.6.15 10.6.16 10.6.17 10.6.18 10.7 10.8 10.9 10.9.1 10.9.2 10.10 10.10.1 10.10.2 10.10.3 10.10.4 10.10.5 10.10.6 10.11 10.11.1 10.11.2 10.12 10.12.1 10.12.2 10.12.3 10.12.4 10.12.5 10.12.6 10.12.7 10.12.8 10.12.9 10.12.10 10.12.11 10.12,]2 10 12.10 10.123.6 10.12.19 10.12.18 10.12.19 10.12.20 10.12.21 10.12.22 10.12.23 10.12.24 CHAPTER 11 11.1 11.1.1 11.2 11.3 11.3.1 11.3.2 11.3.3 11.3.4 Exterior Materials ............................................ ............................... Multiple Buildings in Commercial Centers ... ............................... RoofPitch ........................................................ ............................... Electrical and Services Equipment...................................... ........ WallArticulation ............................................. ............................... Signage........................................................... ............................... Building Orientation ....................................... ............................... Commercial Drive - Through Lanes ................ ............................... Outdoor Display and Sales ........................... ............................... Screening of Refuse Collection and Loading Areas ................. DOWNTOWN OVERLAY DISTRICT ...................... ............................... Downtown Overlay District ............................... ............................... Purpose of the Downtown Overlay District .. ............................... Designation of the Downtown Overlay District ............. BoundaryMap ................................. ............................... Map Amendments ......................................... ...............::..,..........z Uses in the Downtown Overlay District........ ............. Use Restrictions ........................................................ .................. Allowed Uses...................... .. ............ ................. ...,,:................... Encouraged Uses .......... ............................... j , ........................ Prohibited Uses ............... ............................... a ;> Non - Conforming Uses .... ............................... ......... :::. ExistingUses ............................................... .....................,..t:..... Requirements in the Downtown Overlay District ....... Requirements........; .......................... General Requirements ..: ...................... Building and Site Design Standatds in#he pgWntown OverlaK Building Entrance ....................... `:% z.,.:... .............. _ Off - Street Parking ....................... ................. 4 Building Setback ........................ ........ Outdoor Space. . _ � �.�� .. �..�. ...... ..... ry ................... Exterior ly0"ertals ........... ti ..................... ............. Roof Pit ......... ....... ...................... Wall ArticulandnT , „ ......... ............. ............................... Excess Ri , t -of -Way (ROW) ................ Administrative Review ......................... ............ ............................... 55 ............ ............................... 55 ......... .. .... I........................... 56 ............ ............................... 56 ............ ............................... 56 ............ ............................... 57 ....................... 58 ....................... 58 ....................... 58 .................. 58 ........................ 59 ........................ 59 ........................ 58 ........................ 60 ....................... 60 ....................... 60 ........................ 60 ..................... 60 ....................... 61 ....................... 61 ........... 61 °.,.. .. ............... 62 ...................... 63 ...................... 63 .. ............................... 63 ... ............................... 63 .. ............................... 63 ............................ 64 ............................ 64 ........I ................... 64 ............................ 64 ............................ 64 ............................ 64 ............................ 64 ............................ 65 ............................ 66 ......I ..................... 67 ............................ 67 ............................ 67 ............................ 67 ............................ 67 ............................ 67 ........................... 67 .............4..........I... 68 ......... I .... I ............. 68 .................................................. ............................... 68 .................................................. ............................... 68 .................................................. ............................... 68 .................................................. ............................... 68 .................................................. ............................... 68 SITE DESIGN STANDARDS ................................ ............................... Purpose............................................................. ............................... Exclusions for Developed Industrial Parks .. ............................... PlattingRequired ............................................. ............................... SitePlan Required ........................................... ............................... Existing and Proposed Buildings .................. ............................... ExistingStreets ............................................... ............................... General Information .................................... ............................... LandscapePlan ........................................... ............................... ...69 ... 69 ... 69 ... 69 ... 69 ... 71 ... 71 ... 71 ... 72 11.4 Screening Required ............................................................................................... .............................72 11.4.1 Dumpsters and Recycled Material Bins ....................................................... ............................... 72 11.4.2 Mechanical Equipment .................................................................................. .............................72 11.4.3 Outdoor Storage Areas ................................................................................... .............................73 11.4.4 Outdoor Display Areas .................................................................................. ............................... 73 11.5 Site Access and Circulation Requirements ..................................................... ............................... 73 11.5.1 Street Access .................................................................................................... .............................73 11.5.2 Local Streets ..................................................................................................... .............................73 11.5.3 Arterial Streets ................................................................................................. ............................... 74 11.5.4 Driveway Connections to Adjacent Development ................................... ............................... 74 11.5.5 Mutual Access Driveways ............................................................................... .............................74 11.5.6 Width of Access ............................................................................................. ............................... 75 11.5.7 Spacing from Intersections .............................................................................. .............................75 11.5.8 Emergency Access Drives ..................................................... :...................................................... 76 11.5.9 Street Improvements ....................................................................................... .............................76 11.5.10 Sightiriangles ................................................................::................................. .............................76 Arterial Street Intersections ...................................:.........................:.:....... ............................... 76 Collector or Local Street Intersections ...................:.........................V..... ............................... 76 Objects in Sight Triangles ............................................................... ..... :..................................... 77 11.5.11 Sidewalk Improvements ................................................................................ ............................... 77 11.6 Building Architecture Design Standards ................................::......................... .............................77 11.6.1 Metal Buildings ................................................................................................. .............................77 Front Fagade ................................................................................................ .............................77 Sides.'.........'. .... * .............. **** ................ * ..................... * ......... ...................................... 78 Rear .......................................::::..........................................::......................... .............................78 Large Building Fagade ................................................................................. .............................78 11.6.2 Architectural Standards .................................................................................. .............................78 Roofs .....................................................................::....................................... .............................78 Entryways ........................................................................::............................. .............................79 11.6.3 Connectivity ......................................................,..................„...:...................... .............................79 11.6.4 Conversion from Residential to Non - Residential Use .................................... .......... ....................79 Applicability .................................................................................................. .............................79 Miscellaneous Requirements ....................................................................... .............................79 Driveways ...................................................................................................... .............................79 11.7 Sound Abatement ............................................................................................ .............................80 11.8 Accessory Uses-and Structures ........................................................................... .............................80 i1.8.1 Purpose ........................ .,,.........:; , .................................................................. ............................... 80 11.8.2 Specific Use Permit Required ...................::..................................................... .............................80 11.8.3 General- Dimensional and Placement Standards ......................................... .............................80 11.8.4 Commercial Accessory Structures Standards and Review Criteria ............ .............................80 11.9 Temporary Uses and Structures ........................................................................... .............................81 11.9.1 Purpose .... ............................... c:............--°--.................................................... .............................81 11.9.2 Temporary Uses Allowed ................................................................................. .............................81 11.9.3 Temporary Uses Not Allowed .......................................................................... .............................83 CHAPTER 12 OFF- STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS .................................................................. .............................84 12.1 Purpose .......... :...... .................................................................................................. .............................84 12.1.1 Parking Standards ............................................................................................ .............................84 12.1.2 Duty to Provide and Maintain Off -Street Parking ......................................... .............................87 12.1.3 Surfacing, ....................................................................................................................................... 87 12.1.4 Striping ............................................................................................................... .............................87 12.2 Off- Street Parking Requirements ......................................................................... .............................87 12.2.1 General Provisions ............................................................................................ .............................87 12.3 Design of Commercial Parking Stalls and Lots ................................................. .............................88 12.3.1 General Provisions ............................................................................................ .............................88 12.3.2 Standard Parking Stall Design ......................................................................... .............................88 12.3.3 Compact Parking Space Design ................................................................... .............................89 12.3.4 Motorcycle Parking .......................................................................................... .............................89 12.3.5 Oversized Vehicle Parking .............................................................................. .............................90 12.3.6 Parking Lot Design .......................................................................................... ............................... 90 12.3.7 Queuing Requirements ................................................................................... .............................92 12.4 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Compliance ........................................ .............................92 12.5 Residential Off - Street Parking Spaces (RS and RE Districts) .......................... ............................... 92 12.5.1 General Provisions .......................................................................................... ............................... 92 12.5.2 Parking Pads ..................................................................................................... .............................92 Adjoining Lots ................................................................. ..............K(_,,............ 12.5.3 Driveways (Including Ribbon Driveways or Paving Strips) .......................... ............................... 93 CHAPTER 13 NON - CONFORMITIES 13.1 General Description ............................................................ ............................... 13.2 Non - Conforming Uses of Unimproved Land ................... ............................... 13.3 Non - Conforming Buildings or Buildings and Land in Combination ........... 13.4 Non - Conforming Lots .......................................................... ............................... 13.4.1 Single Lots ......................................................................... ............................... 13.4.2 Adjoining Lots ................................................................. ..............K(_,,............ 13.4.3 Lots in Non - Residential Districts ..................................... .............,...'............. 13.5 Structural Non - Conformities .............. ............................... 13.6 Repairs .................................. ........... .. ................................ ....,.. „.. z =, WindEnergy Systems ............................................................ ............................... ............................107 CHAPTER 14 ENFORCEMENT ,'. 14.1 .................. ............................... ..... Duty of Community Development Director and.Ottier Officials... 14.2 Penalties for Violation ...... ............................... .......................... , r 14.3 Construction and Use Provided in Applications; Plans, and Permits CHAPTER 15 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.4.1 15.4.2 15.4.3 15.4.4 1y.r111 a1.t 16.1 16.1.1 16.1.2 16.1.3 16.1.4 16.1.5 16.1.6 16.1.7 >:' 16.2 16.2.1 16.2.2 16.2.3 16.2.4 16.2.5 16.2.6 14CF_ WC811K/ 17.1 17.1.1 17.1.2 17.1.3 17.1.4 17.1.5 17.1.6 17.1.7 17.2 17.2.1 ........ 94 ........ 94 ... 94 ........ 94 ........ 95 ........ 95 ........ 95 ........ 95 ........ 96 ........ 96 ............. 97 ............ 97 ... I......... 97 ............. 97 ............ 98 ...100 ...100 ...100 ...100 ... 100 ... 100 ... 101 ... 101 ...101 ...101 ...101 ...102 ...102 ... 102 ... 102 vgmitLxemprions ....................................................................................... ............................... 102 General Regtriremenfs for All Allowed Temporary Uses and Structures .... ............................103 Pernnt;and;Application Fees .......................................... ............................... ............................104 .,... PermitIssuecl ..................................................................... ............................... ............................104 TELECOMMUNICATION TOWERS AND WIND ENERGY SYSTEMS ...................... ............................105 Telecommunication Towers ................................................. ............................... ............................105 Specific Use Permit Required ...................................................................... ............................... 105 Replacement of Existing Poles .................................................................... ............................... 106 Placement on Existing Pol es ........................................................................ ............................... 106 Roof Mounted Telecommunication Antennas ......................................... ............................... 106 Mounted Telecommunication Antennas (Non -Whip) . ............................... ............................107 Distance Measurement ............................................................................... ............................... 107 Exceptions and Exemptions ............................................ ............................... ............................107 WindEnergy Systems ............................................................ ............................... ............................107 Purpose............................................................................. ............................... ............................107 17.2.2 Applicability ...................................................................... ............................... ............................108 17.2.3 Wind Energy System Requirements ................................ .........................:..... ............................108 Location ........................................................................ ............................... ............................109 Setbacks ........................................................................ ............................... ............................109 Design Standards ......................................................... ............................... ............................109 Permit Requirements .................................................... ............................... ............................110 17.2.4 Non - Use ............................................................................. ............................... ............................111 17.2.5 Private Covenants ........................................................... ............................... ............................111 CHAPTER18 SIGNS... .................................................................................... ...................................................... ... 112 18.1 Purpose .................................................................................... ............................... ............................112 18.2 Calculating the Area of a Sign .............................................. ............................... ..........................112 18.3 Signs Not Requiring Permits .................................................. ............................... ............................112 18.3.1 Non - Profit Signs ................................................................. ............................... ............................112 18.3.2 Grand Opening Signs ...................................................... ............................... ............................113 18.3.3 Sports Field Signs ............................................................... ............................... ............................113 18.3.4 Sport User Group Signs ...................................................... ............................... ...........................113 18.3.5 Real Estate Signs ............................................................... ............................... ...........................113 18.3.6 Open House Signs ........................................................... ................................ ............................113 18.3.7_ Business Signs ................................................................... .............................. . ..:.........................113 18.3.8 Flags .................................................................................. ............................... ............................113 18.3.9 Historical Markers ............................... ......................................................................................... 113 18.3.10 Legal Notices ..................................................................... ............................... ...........................113 18.3.11 Political Signs .................................................................... ............................... ............................114 18.3.12 Garage Sale Sign ....................:........................................ ............................... ............................114 18.3.13 Service Station Signs ......................::................................ ............................... ............................114 18.3.14 Awning or Canopy Lettering ..................::...................... ............................... ............................114 18.3.15 Contractor Signs......... .................................... .............................................................................. 114 18.3.16 Window Signs ..................................................................:. ............................... ............................114 18.3.17 Light Pole Banners and Bracket Signs ............................ ............................... ............................114 18.3.18 CommunitylnterestSigns ................................................ ............................... ............................114 18.3.19 City Banners orSignage ..............:................................... ...... :........................ .................'.........114 18.3.20 Sandwich Board Signs (-A-Frame Signs) ...:..................... ............................... ............................115 18.3.21 Vehicle Wrap Signs .......................................................... ............................... ............................115 18.4 Prohibited Si gns ...................................................................... ............................... ............................115 18.4.1 Location....._ ..::................................................................. ............................... ............................115 16.4.2 Type ........................:..........::...........................:.................. ............................... ............................115 Portable, Snipe, Mobile; Vehicular, or Banner Signs . ............................... ............................115 Billboards ....................................................................... ............................... ............................116 Gooseneck Reflectors .:............................................... ............................... ............................116 18.4:2.4 Spotlights and Searchlights ......................................... ............................... ............................116 Digital Signs and Message Boards .............................. ............................... ............................116 Moving and Flashing Signs .......................................... ............................... ............................116 Nuisances ...................................................................... ............................... ............................116 Placards, Leaflets, and Handbills ................................ ............................... ............................116 Corporate or Commercial Flags ................................ ............................... ............................116 Works of Art .......................................................... __ ............................................................... 116 Advertising Signs (Off - Premises) .......................... ........... ........................................................ 116 Roof Signs :...................................................................... ............................... ............................116 Balloons and Inflatable Signs .................................................................................................116- Feather Flag or Banner Flag .................................................................... ............................... 117 18.4.3 Content ............................................................................. ............................... ............................117 Obscene Matter ........................................................... ............................... ............................117 Traffic Safety .................................................................. ............................... ...........................117 18.5 Permitted Signs ........ .................... ..... _ ............................................................................................... 117 18.5.1 Digital Signoge ................................................................. ............................... ............................129 18.5:2 Determining Sign Measurement and Area ................... ............................... ............................129 Freestanding Signs ........................................................ ............................... ............................130 Multi -Faced Signs.... ................................................................................................. ................ 130 18.5.3 Determining Sign Height .................................................. ............................... ............................131 18.6 Unified Sign Plan ..................................................................... ..................•............ ............................131 Y11 18.7 Administrative Provisions ...................................................... ............................... ............................132 18.8 Permits Required ................................................................................................ ............................... 132 18.9 Permit Revocable .................................................................. ............................... ............................132 18.10 Construction, Inspection, and Maintenance Standards ............................. ............................... 132 18.10.1 Materials ............................................................................ ............................... ............................132 18.10.2 Letters, Bracing, Anchorage, and Supports .............................................. ............................... 133 18.10.3 Maintenance .................................................................... ............................... ............................133 18.10.4 Other Requirements ......................................................... ............................... ............................133 18.11 Permit Fees .............................................................................. ............................... ............................ 133 18.11.1 Permit Fees .................................................................................................... ............................... 133 18.12 Non - Conforming Signs .......................................................... ............................... ............................134 18.13 Validity ..................................................................................... ............................... ............................134 18.14 Sign Maintenance ...................................................._.......... ...............::.............. ............................134 CHAPTER 19 19.1 19.1.1 19.1.2 19.1.3 19.2 19.2.1 19.2.2 19.2.3 19.2.4 1925 19.3 19.3.1 19.3.2 19.3.3 19.4 19.4.1 19.4.2 19.4.3 19.4.4 19.4.5 19.4.6 19.5 19.5.1 19.5.2 19.5.3 19.5.4 19.6 19.6.1 19.6.2 Purpose................................ ............................... Concept Illustration ......... ............................... Purpose............................................ ......................... Standards in Non - Residential an lyDistricts.... Standards for Single - Family Residential Distracts ...... Subdivision Standards ............. Street Yard Interior Non- Resicleritial and Multi �Eai Entry lslandts Internal Islands Litter Control t , s ,. Sites1ess than Twd� cres Alternative Paring Lot Expansion of Uses;........ Yard Calculations °';,..... Buffer Yards ........ ................................ I.......... ....................................................... ............................... of Development Adjacent to Residential Districts and Uses. arcial rrncJ Office Uses ................................. ............................... .................................. ............................... ffer Yard Development ........................ Prohibit6d Uses .............................. ............................... PermittedUses .............................. ............................... Reductions in Required Buffer Yard Permitted......... Existing Vegetation ....................... ............................... Application toward Setback Requirement .............. Designation of Buffer Yard as Landscaped Area..., Buffer Yard on Property Line ........ ............................... Existing Fences .............................. ............................... Exemptions........................................ ............................... BuildingYards., ................................................................... Purpose and Applicability ............... ............................... YardTypes ........................................ ............................... can ....................... ............................... 149 ....................... ............................... 149 ....................... ............................... 149 Viii 19.6.3 Building Yard Calculations .......................................................................... ............................... 151 19.7 Mechanical Equipment and Service Area Screening .... ............................... ............................152 19.7.1 Mechanical Equipment and Service Areas .............................................. ............................... 152 19.7.2 Utilities ................................................................................ ............................... ............................152 19.7.3 Rooftops ............................................................................ ............................... ............................152 19.8 Tree Preservation Credits ...................................................... ............................... ............................153 19.8.1 Tree Preservation and Replacement ............................. ............................... ............................153 19.8.2 Grading Permit ................................................................. ............................... ............................153 19.8.3 Tree Preservation Credits ............................................................................. ............................... 153 19.9 Design Considerations .......................................................... ............................... ............................153 19.9.1 Overhead Power Lines ................:............................................................... ............................... 153 19.9.2 Sight Triangles ............................................................................................... ............................... 153 19.10 Specifications for Plant Materials ........................................ ............................... ............................153 19.10.1 Size Standards .................................................................. ............................... ............................153 19.10.2 Organic Ground Cover ............................................................................... ............................... 154 19.10.3 Inorganic Ground Cover ..............................................::. ...I........................... ............................154 19.10.4 Selection of Plant Materials ..... .. ............................... :............................. :.................................... 154 19.10.5 Landscape Maintenance ....................................................................::..... ............................... 155 19.10.6 Tree Trimming .................................................... :............. ........................... : ....... ........................... 156 19.11 19.11.1 Fencing Requirements ......................................................... ............................... Fences in Residential Neighborhoods .......................:156 �_ 157 .................: 1::... ................ 19.11.2 Fences in Flood and Drainage Areas .......................................................... ...... k........,.... 157 CHAPTER 20 OUTDOOR LIGHTING ....... ........................................................................ .... — .................................. 158 20.1 General Description .............................................................. ............................... ............................158 20:2 Light Measurement Technique ............................................. ............................... ............................158 20.3 General Standards for Outdoor Lighting :........................... ............................... ............................158 20.3. I All Zoning District except RS and AG ............................. ............................... ............................158 20.3.2 RM and RNX Zoning Districts .......................................::.. ............................... ............................159 20.3.3 AG and Other Residential Districts .....................::.......... .......:....................... ............................159 20.3.4 LED Lighting ......::> ......................................:..................... ............................... ............................159 20.4 Parking 'Lot Lighting ........................._..................................... .............•................. .................:..........159 20.5 Outdoor Sports Field /Outdoor Performance Area Lighting ........................... ............................160 20.6 Sign Lighting ............................................................................ ............................... ............................160 20.7 Lighting of Commercial Buildings and Landscaping ....... ............................... ...........................160 20.8 Site Plans .................................................................................. ............................... ............................160 20.9 Non - Conformities .............::..................................................... ......................I........ ............................160 CHAPTER 21 ACCESS GATES FOR GATED COMMUNITIES ....................... ............................... ............................161 21.1 Access Gate Requirements and Standards ...................... ............................... ............................161 21.1.1 Gates on Private Streets .................................................. ............................... ............................161 21.1.2 Distance between Gates and Public Streets ............................................ ............................... 161 21.1.3 Prohibition of Tire Damaging. Devices ............................ ............................... ............................161 21.1.4 Validity of Other Ordinances ...................................................................... ............................... 161 21.1.5 Establishment of Homeowners' Association .................. ............................... ............................161 21.1.6 Gate Width .......... .. .......................... ............................................................................................ 161 21.1.7 Back -Up System ...:............................................................. ............................... ............................161 21.1.8 Emergency Release ..................................................................................... ............................... 161 21.1.9 Access System .................................................................. ............................... ............................162 21.1.10 Design Standards for Streets ........................................... ............................... ..........................:.162 21.1.11 Gates to Remain Open in Event of Failure .................... ............................... ............................162 21.1.12 Minimum Covered Entry Height and Width .................. ............................... ............................162 21.1.13 Access and Easements Required ................................... ............................... ............................162 21.1.14 Inspections and Maintenance Required ....................... ............................... ............................162 DEFINITIONS........................................................................................................... ............................... ............................163 APPENDIX A OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION :................................... ............................... .::.........................178 APPENDIX B OWASSO BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT ..................................... ............................... ............................180 Table 2.1 Table 3.1 Table 3.2 Table 4.1 Table 4.2 Table 4.3 Table 4.4 Table 4.5 Table 4.6 Table 4.7 Table 4.8 Table 4.9 Table 4.10 Table 4.11 Table 5.1 Table 5.2 Table 6.1 Table 6.2 Table 6.3 Table 6.4 Table 7.1 Table 7.2 Table 7.3 Table 7.4 Table 8.1 Table 9.1 Table 10.1 Table 10.2 Table 10.3 Table 10.4 Table 11.1 Table 12.1 Table 12.2 Table 18.1 Table 18.2 Table 18.3 Table 18.4: Table 19A Table 19.2 Table 19.3 LIST OF TABLES ZoningDistricts ........................................................... ............................... Uses Permitted in the AG District ............................ ............................... Bulk and Area Requirements in the AG District ... ............................... Residential Densities ................................................. ............................... Principal Uses Permitted in the RE and RS Districts ............................. Principal Uses Permitted in the RD District ............. ............................... Principal Uses Permitted in the RNX District .......... ............................... Principal Uses Permitted in the RM District ............ ............................... Principal Uses Permitted in the RMH District ......... ............................... Bulk and Area Requirements for RE and RS Districts ..................;k.,. Bulk and Area Requirements for RD, RNX, and RM Districts, .,, ... Area Requirements for RMH Park Developments......... . ,...... Individual Mobile Home Lot Requirements ................... , Accessory Uses and Structures Permitted in Residential Districts:`;.;. Principal Uses Permitted in the Office District ........................ Bulk and Area Requirements in the Office District . ........................... Permitted Uses in the CS District .................. ........:::: .. ............................ . r "? Additional Permitted Uses in the CG District Uses Allowed By Right in the DM District..... Bulk and Area Requirements in Commercial Districts,. Principal Uses Permitted in the IL District..... ....... Additional Principal Uses Permitted in the IM District.:' Additional Principal Uses Permitted in the IH District.... ....... Bulk and Area Requirements InlntlustrlaLDistricts................... Development Standards in the PF District Required Amenities ..................... .... .....::. Prohibited Uses in the US -169 OvedayDlstrict , Uses Permitted in the US -169 OverlayD�$t i Ewifh an SUP ............ Uses Encourageif in�he,Da mown Overlay District .......................... Prohibited in the D'gVtntown Overlp} sDistrict ............................... Parking Parking Sign Re, Sign Require Sign Requirer Sign Requirer Buffer Yard RE Building Yard of .... 4 -.6 8 8 9 .10 .11 .11 .. 13 .. 15 .. 16 .16 .23 .24 .26 _27 .28 .28 .32 .33 .33 .34 .35 .40 .51 .52 .61 .61 .75 .85 igncnrena... :. ......................................... .............................88 foi the AG, RE, RS -1, RS -2 and RS -3 Districts ............... ............................... 118 for fhe RD�,RNX RM,_and RMH Districts ......................... ..............................1 18 for =the O District ..:......................................................... ..............................1 19 foithe >CS and IL Districts ................................................ ............................... 121 for the" CG and IM Districts ............................................. ............................... 123 forthe IHjsDist rict ............................................................... ............................... 125 Iments............................................... ............................... ............................147 scaping Requirements ........................ ............................... ............................151 '1`edits ... _ ................................................. ............................... ............................153 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 4.1 Typical Yard Locations on Single - Family Lots ..................................................... ............................... 12 Figure 4.2 Common Lot Configurations ................................................................................. ............................... 12 Figure 4.3 Yard and Setback Locations for Duplex Lots ...................................................... ............................... 13 Figure 4.4 Yard and Setback Locations for Zero Lot Line and Townhome Units ................ ............................... 14 Figure 4.5 Placement of Exterior Mechanical Units on Residential Lots ............................. ............................... 15 Figure 4.6 Placement of Permanent Accessory Structures on RS Lots ................................ ............................... 17 Figure 9.1 Planned Unit Development Process ..................................................................... ............................... 43 Figure 9.2 Conceptual Development Plan ............................................................................ ............................... 46 Figure 10.1 US -169 Overlay District Boundaries ...................................................................... ............................... 50 Figure10.2 Building Entrances ................................................................................................... .............................54 Figure 10.3 Encouraged Off - Street Parking Areas .................................................................. ............................... 54 Figure 10.4 Wall Articulation in the Downtown Overlay District .................:......::................. ............................... 57 Figure 10.5 Downtown Overlay District Boundaries ................................................................ ............................... 60 Figure 10.6 Wall Articulation in the Downtown Overlay District ......... :, . ..............:.............. ............................... 65 Figure10.7 Overhanging Signs ........................................................:::.....................:.:.............. ............................... 66 Figure 11.1 Dumpsters and Recycled Material Bins ............................................................... ............................... 72 Figure11.2 Driveway Spacing .................................................................................................. ............................... 74 Figure 11.3 Mutual Access Driveways ................................ :...................................................... ............................. 75 Figure11.4 Width of Access ......................................................:......................::....................... ......:........................ 75 Figure 11.5 Spacing of Intersections and Points of Access .......................:........................... ....::.....:................... 76 Figure11.6 Sight Triangles ....................................................................................................... ............................... 76 Figure11.7 Fa4ade Coverage ................................................................................................. ............................... 78 Figure12.1 Compact Parking Spaces .......... : ............................................. ............................................................ 89 Figure12.2 Parallel Parking .............................::..................................................................... ............................... 90 Figure12.3 Angled Parking ..........................................>........................................................... ............................... 91 Figure12.4 Driveway Ribbons ......................................... ...... ;,., ............................. ,.............................................. 93 Figure 17.1 Wind Energy System Total Height ........ .......................... ....................... 1_.:........................................ 108 Figure 17.2 Wind Energy System Minimum Blade Height.........., . ........ ...:.:.......................................................... 109 Figure 17.3 Wind Energy System Setbacks .................................................... ........................... I........................... 109 Figure 18.1 Light Pole Banners and Bracket Signs ......:............................. ......:........................ ............................ 114 Figure18.2 Portable Sign ........................................................................................................ ............................... 115 Figure18.3 Snipe Signs ............................................................................... ............................... ............................ 115 Figure18.4 Gooseneck Reflectors ......................................................................................... ............................... 116 Figure18.5 Area Marker Sign ................................................................................................. ............................... 127 Figure18.6 Awning Sign ........................................................................................................ ............................... 127 Figure18.7 Bulletin Sign ...... ...................... ............................................................................................................ 127 Figure18.8 Business Sign ........ .......................... ........... ........................................................................................ 127 Figure18.9 Canopy Sign ........................................................................................................ ............................... 127 Figure18:10 Pole Sign ......... :.................................................................................................................................... 128 Figure18.11 Monument Sign .................................................................................................... ............................... 128 Figure18.12 Marquee Sign ..................................................................................................... ............................... 128 Figure18.13 Projecting Sign ..................................................................................................... ............................... 128 Figure18.14 Wall Sign ............................................................................................................... ............................... 128 Figure 18.15 Sign Area and Dimensions .................................................................................. ............................... 129 Figure 18.16 Calculating Sign Area for Freestanding Signs ................................................... ............................... 130 Figure18.17 Multi -Faced Signs ................................................................................................ ............................... 131 Figure18.18 Sign : Height... ....................................................................................................................................... 131 Figure19.1 TyplcaiPlanting Yards ......................................................................................... ............................... 136 Figure19.2 Tree Descriptive Terms ......................................................................................... ............................... 138 Figure 19.3 Typical Sizes of Landscaping Plants ................................................................... ............................... 138 Figure19.4 Entry Islands .......................................................................................................... ............................... 143 Figure19.5 Internal Islands ..................................................................................................... ............................... 143 figure19.6 Pedestrian Island ................................................................................................. ............................... 144 Figure19.7 Bioswale ............................................................................................................... ............................... 145 Figure 19.8 Alternative Parking Lot Design ............................................................................ ............................... 145 Figure 19.9 Trash Enclosures and Dumpster Areas ............................................................... ............................... 152 Figure 19.10 Mechanical Equipment Screening on Roofs ..................................................... ............................... 152 Figure 19.11 Trees and Power lines ......................................................................................... ............................... 153 Figure20.1 Floodlights ................................................................................ ............................... ............................158 CHAPTER 1 TITLE, PURPOSE, INTERPRETATION, AND JURISDICTION 1.1 Title and Citation. The Title of this Code shall be known and cited as the "Zoning Code of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma ". 1.2 Purpose. This Code classifies and regulates the use of land, buildings, sites, and structures within the City Limits of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. The regulations in this Code are necessary to: a. Promote the health, safety, and general welfare of the citizens of Owasso; b. Promote productive and enjoyable harmony belvJeen people and the built environment; c. Achieve a balance between population, dhd reso `tXCes so as to permit high standards of living and a wide sharing of omenities; d. Encourage the most appropriate use oftdnd by dividing th&C-ity into zones; e. Regulate therein the use of the land- , f. Encourage the development of the coiprpun)ty in accordance vvtth the Land Use Master Plan; and g. Maintain and stabilize prgpprty values. 1.3 Interpretation. 1.3.1 Validity of Other Laws. Where this Codeimposes greaterrstriction upon the use of structures or land, upon height or bdlk of sfructui r s of faquires larger open space or yards than are imposed by other ordlhgr e's, laws, or''re ulations, the provisions of this Code shall not be controed to prevent:fie enforcement of other ordinances, laws, or regulations, iaieh pres re restrii limitations. 1.3.2 Severabrlit se any portion of this; bode shall be invalid or unconstitutional, as declared b n, the remainder of the Code shall not be invalid, but shall remain in TUfI „foreland effect. 1.4 Juisdiction:' <s 1.4.1 Territorial Jurisdiction. ThI '- e shall be in full force and effect and shall apply to all lands within the incorporated Limits of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. 1.4.2 :.:Extra- Terrtor al Jurnscifction. The City shall have the authority to guide and provide input on . development fof-' I lands within the City of Owasso fenceline. 1.4.3 Arir3exed Termftry When any territory is brought into Owasso City Limits by annexation or otherwise, such ,t J to shall be deemed to be in the AG (Agriculture) district, provided, however =that✓ ih`e Owasso City Council may annex and rezone properties given previous zoning in Tulsa County or Rogers County in one ordinance. Additionally, rezoning canoe requested with annexation if the rezoning request is in compliance with the adopted Land Use Master Plan and all statutory notice requirements are met. 2.1 CHAPTER 2 GENERAL PROVISIONS Zoning Districts Established. The zoning districts set forth in Table 2.1 below are established: Table 2.1 -Zoning Districts AG I A riculture RE Residential Estate RS -1 Residential Single-Family Low Density RS -2 Residential Single-Family Medium Density RS -3 Residential Single-Family High Density A �y RD Residential Duplex RNX Residential Neighborhood Mixed ..0 RM Residential Multi-Family RMH Residential Mobile Home Park 4 O Office CS Commercial Shopping, CG Commercial General DM Downtown Mixed CH Commercial High Intensity IL Industrial Light, Research and Development IM Industrial Moderate IH Industrial Heavy PIP Public Facilities, For previously existing zoning districts that are no longer described in this Code, refer to the zoning district that most ,closely matches the district in question, The Community Development Director or their designee shall make a determination. Appeals of this determination may taken to the Owasso Board of Adjustment (BOA). 2.2 Official Zoning Map Established. The locations and boundaries of the various districts as defined herein shall be shown and delineated on the Official Zoning Map of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma, dated or the most recently updated. The Official Zoning Map shall be faintained by the City of Owasso, and any changes to zoning shall be done,pnly through an ordinance. The Official Zoning Map shall be kept by the City Clerk and any subsequent changes shall be maintained and updated by the Community Development Director or their designee. 2.3 District Boundary Description and Interpretation. Any update to a zoning district's boundary lines shall be designated by legal description and reflected on the Official Zoning Map. When a legal description is used, the boundary line shall be deemed to extend to the centerline of abutting streets (if applicable) and shall be so designated on the Official Zoning Map. When the Official Zoning Map is referenced, district boundary lines shall be established by dimensions, property lines, recorded lot lines, or the centerline of the abutting street, alley, or railroad right -of -way. In situations where the exact locations of district boundary lines are in question, the Owasso Board of Adjustment (BOA) shall make a final determination as to their location, and the legal description shall be used to assist in such a determination. 2.4 Limitation on Land Use. No land or building shall be used and no building, structure, or improvement shall be made, erected, constructed, moved, altered, enlarged, or rebuilt which is designed, arranged, or intended to be used or maintained for any purpose or in any manner except in accordance with the provisions of the Owasso Zoning Code, except as provided by the Chapter titled "Non- Conformities" in the Owasso Zoning Code. Nothing in this Code shall be deemed to require a change in the plans, construction, or designated use of any building, where a Building Permit was lawfully issued prior to the effective date of this Code, and pursuant to such Permit, construction is diligently carried to completion. Upon completion, such building or use shall be deemed non- conforming and may continue as regulated by the Chapter titled "Non- Conformities" in the Owasso Zoning Code. 2.5 Required Annexation for Utility Connection. Connection to any City of Owasso utility shall only be provided to properties within Owasso City Limits, or as approved by the Owasso Public Works Director or their designee. Any property within Owasso's Fenceline that requests utility connection without annexation, shall sign a "Consent to Annex" form. 2.6 Platting Requirements. For the purposes of providing a roper arrangement of streets (as outlined within the Owasso Subdivision Regulations) antl for assuring the adequacy of open spaces for traffic, utilities, and access of. einergen? yrehicles, commensurate with the intensification of land use customarily incident to a chgnge of zoning, platting requirements are established as follows, a. For any land that has been rezoned upon application no Built -ding Permit shall be issued until that portion of the tract qn whi,,,,,0i'e Permit is sought has been included within a subdivision plat or repto #`as th" case may be, subijiltted to the Owasso Planning Commission for their review" i"nd recommendation, approved by the Owasso City Council, and filed in the office of the County Clerk where the property is situated; , b. Plats shall be submitted in ,:qcco rd' 01 e with the adapted Owasso Subdivision Regulations; c. In some instances a Plat Waiver'(as in the Owasso Subdivision Regulatibnsj n *. pe granted which would satisfy the platting requirement for issuanbbe bf a Building Permit and,, d Right'bf -way shall be dedicated c5S determined by the City Engineer in cases where parcels abut =public streets.::;`, CHAPTER 3 AGRICULTURE DISTRICT PROVISIONS 3.1 Principal Uses Permitted in the Agriculture District. Principal uses permitted in the AG (Agriculture) district, by right or with a Specific Use Permit (SUP), are set forth in Table 3.1 below: Table 3.1 - Uses Permitted In the AG District Use Allowed By RI ht Allowed with SUP Air Transportation X Animal Production and A uaculture X A uaculture x Beef Cattle Ranching and Farming X Bed and Breakfast X CemeteryX Chicken Egg Production X Crop Production X Cultural Center `. X Dairy Cattle and Milk Production X Forestry and Logging X Golf Course (including Miniature and Pitch -N -Putt X Golf Driving Range X Gun Club, Recreational X Manufactured Home X Museum, Historical Site, and Similar Institutions X Nurse Horticulture and Greenhouse. X ' Other Animal Production X Other Poultry Production .. X Performing Arfs, S ectatorSports, and Related Industries X Place of Worship X Poultry Hate he X Riding Stable X RV Recreational Vehicle Parks and Recreational Camp X School. Public and Private X Sheep and` °Goat Farming X Shooting Ran" e X Single-Family Dwelling X Su ort Activities#,o1AA riculture and Forestry X Tin Home Develo sent with PUD X Turke Production X All uses shall be defined by the most recent version of the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) guide. Any use not listed in Table 3.1 shall not be allowed in the AG (Agriculture) district. For any proposed use (by right or SUP) the Community Development Director or their designee shall determine the category that the proposed use would fall within. The SUP uses allowed in the AG (Agriculture) district shall follow the process outlined in the Section titled "Specific Use Permits" of the Owasso Zoning Code and are subject to the requirements, safeguards, and conditions that may be imposed by the Owasso City Council. Further, SUP uses in the AG (Agriculture) district shall conform to the bulk and area requirements of the district, unless modified by the Owasso Planning Commission or the Owasso City Council. 3.2 Accessory Uses in the Agriculture District. 3.2.1 Accessory Uses Permitted. Accessory uses customarily incident to a principal use permitted in an AG (Agriculture) district are permitted in such district. In addition, home occupations are permitted as accessory uses. A home occupation is an occupation, profession, or trade customarily carried on by occupants of a dwelling unit as a secondary use that is clearly incidental to the principal use of the dwelling unit for residential purposes. Home occupations are allowed as an accessory use in the AG (Agriculture) district, subject to the following provisions: a. Location. Home occupations shall be conducted only within the principal structure. b. Area. The maximum floor area utilized for home` occupation purposes shall not exceed twenty -five (25) percent of the tofal,`flgor area of the principal structure. c. Employees. The home occupatoorL 'shall occur only: within the private residence of the family or person occupying the dwelling Rp person shall be employed in the home occupation -other than a,,member,ot tithe immediate family residing on the premises. d. Merchandise. The home occupation 'shall snot involve the retail sale of merchandise manufactured off the premises:,. e. Visibility of Merchandise , No, merchandise shall be displayed in such a manner as to be visible f�oTn ou #S4dea f. Outdoor Storage. No ou }door storage shall be allowed in connection with any home occupation. gig. MaintengnbeadfNon- Commetcial� Character. No alteration of the non - comma"48al character of the p mises may be made, including the removal of garage doors , h Si ns: No signs, display, or advertisiog on the premises shall be permitted. i Disturbances .,;jJp rnechprncal or electrical equipment or other activities shall e allowed w9ich create a nalsbe, dust, odor, or electrical disturbance. 1. Traffic` afid Parkma No home occupation shall generate more than fourteen (14) tops per day to and from the premises, and all parking needs generated shall be accommodated by off - street parking that does not alter the non - commercial'character of the premises. 3.2.2 Acbessory Use Conditions. An accessory building constructed as an integral part of the prihdiNal buildings,' I be made structurally a part thereof and shall comply with the requirer.Yients a pli- le to the principal building. Accessory ht #Idings shall meet the minimum yard or building setback requirements. 3.3 Bulk and Area Reguirements in the Agriculture District. Bulk and area requirements in the AG (Agriculture) district are set forth in Table 3.2 below: 5 Table 3.2 - Bulk and Area Requirements In the AG District Lot Dimensions Lot Width )Minimum) 200 feet Lot Area Minimum 2 acres Front Yard and Any Yard Abutting a Right of Way Arterial Minimum 35 feet Not an Arterial Minimum 25 feet Other Requirements Side Yard Minimum 15 feet Rear Yard Minimum 40 feet Building Height Maximum N /A` *Any structure height greater than fifty (50) feet shall require an SUP. CHAPTER 4 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT PROVISIONS 4.1 Purpose of Residential Districts. The residential districts are designed to: a. Achieve the residential objectives of the Land Use Master Plan; b. Protect the character of residential areas from encroachment of commercial and industrial activities; c. Achieve a suitable environment for families by permitting appropriate neighborhood facilities in residential areas, such ^tis churches, schools, and certain cultural and recreational facilities; d. Permit a variety of dwelling types and densities fo meet the varying housing needs of families; and e. Regulate residential development to fdal ate the planrnr".' for an economical provision of streets, utilities, and atherpdblic facilities. 4.2 Residential Districts Described. 4.2.1 RE (Residential Estate) District. The RE (Residentidl Es#afe) district is design6' to permit the development and conservation of single family detached dwellings in a suitable environment on large parcels dflgnd at a low populdtion,density. 4.2.2 RS -1, RS -2, and RS -3 (Residential SrngleFomily) Districts :The RS -1, RS -2, and RS -3 (Residential Single - Family) districts are design d to perriAJhe development and conservation of single - family detached dwelin- rn suitable environments in a variety of densities to meet the varying single- rd/,hily bJ60ting needs of individuals and families. 4.2.3 RD (Reside ntialf7uplexF'District. Th sidential Duplex) district is designed to permit a more intense et compd le use of tracts in or near single - family residential and other neighborhoods which, because of size ; kopography, or adjacent land use are not ideally suit _f use 4.2.4 RNX (Residential Nergt3borhood_ Mixed) 6isfrict. The RNX (Residential Neighborhood Milted) district is a resrdentiaFzonmg ,category that allows a mixture of neighborhood - level uses at d density- no,greater than twelve (12) units per acre. This category allows for uses that fall 1n ,between =typical single - family development and higher density multi- r family developmer` 1s. These tan be owner- occupied or rental units. Except for single - family detached housing, these residential developments are required to be reviewed as a Planned Unit D lopment (PUD). 4.2.5 RMfResidential Mullr Familvl District. The RM (Residential Multi- Family) district is designed to permit the de,,V lbpment and preservation of multi - family dwelling types, such as apartrneirts, gatddh apartments, and townhouses, in suitable environments in a variety of densities,, #"ffer alternative housing types for individuals and families. Except for single - family= detached housing, these residential developments are required to be reviewed as a Planned Unit Development (PUD). 4.2.6 RMH (Residential Mobile Home Park) District. The RMH (Residential Mobile Home Park) district is designed to accommodate mobile homes as a functional dwelling unit in appropriate locations while requiring certain regulations that insure a suitable living environment and safeguard surrounding single - family residential neighborhoods. These developments are required to be reviewed as a Planned Unit Development (PUD). 4.3 Residential Districts Max Gross Density. The maximum density of each residential zoning designation is illustrated in Table 4.1 below: Table 4.1 - Residential Densities Use Zoning District Max Gross Density Residential Estate RE 1.8 DU /AC Residential Single-Family RS -1 3.2 DU /AC Residential Single-Family RS -2 4.8 DU /AC Residential Single-Family RS -3 6.2 DU /AC Residential Mobile Home RMH 7.0 DU /AC Residential Duplex RD 10.3 DU /AC Residential Neighborhood Mixed RNX 12.0 DU /AC Residential Multi-Family RM X12.0 DU /AC 4.4 Principal Uses Permitted in Residential Districts. 4.4.1 RE (Residential Estate) and RS (Residential Sinale - Family) Districts. Principal uses permitted in the RE (Residential Estate) and RS (Residential Single - Family) districts, by right or with a Specific Use Permit (SUP), are indicated.in Table 4:2 below: Table 42 - Principal Uses Permitted in the RE and RS Districts Use Allowed B Ri ht Allowed with SUP Child Day Care Center X Community Center X Group Home X Library X Manufactured Home X Park X Place of Worship X School Public and Private X Single-Family Single-Farnily Dwelling X Telecommunication Tower (Only All'ovded In RE X Tiny Home Development with PUD X All uses shall be defined by the most recent version of the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) guide. Any use not listed in Table 42 shall not be allowed in the RE (Residential Estate) and RS (Residential Single - Family) districts. For any proposed use (by N.' ght, or SUP) the Community Development Director or their designee shall determine the ategory that the proposed use would fall within. Uses allowed with an SUP in the RE (Residential Estate) and RS (Residential Single - Family) districts shall follow the process outlined in the Section titled "Specific Use Permits" in the Owasso Zoning Code and subject to the requirements, safeguards, and conditions that may be imposed by the Owasso City Council. Further, SUP uses shall conform to the bulk and area requirements of the RE (Residential Estate) and RS (Residential Single - Family) districts. 4.4.2 RD (ResidentialrDuolex) Districts. Principal uses permitted in the RD (Residential Duplex) district, by, right or with a Specific Use Permit (SUP), are indicated in Table 4.3 below: Table 4.3 - Principal Uses Permitted In the RD District Use Allowed By Right Allowed with SUP Child Day Care Center A artment /Bun alowCourt with PUD X Community Center Child Day Care Center - - X Duplex Dwelling X Fire Station Condos. with PUD X Library Cottages with PUD X Park X X Place of worship Garden Apartments wit D X School Public and Private Library X Single-Family Dwelling X X Tiny Home Development with PUD X X Telecommunication Tower .:glace of Worship X All uses shall be defined by the most recent version of the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) guide. Any use not listed in Table.4.3 shall not be allowed in the RD (Residential Duplex) district. For any proposed use (by right or SUP) the Community Development Director or their,'designee shall determine the category that the proposed use would fall within. Uses allowed with an SUP in the RD (Residential Duplex) district shall follow the process outlined in the Section titled "Specific Use Permits" in the Owasso Zoning Code and are subject to the requirements, safeguards, and conditions that may be imposed by the Owasso City Council. Further, SUP uses shall conform to the bulk and area requirements of the RD (Residential Duplex) district. . .... 4.4.3 RNX (Residential Neighborhood Mixed) District Principal uses permitted in the RNX (Residential Neighborhood Mixed) district, by right or with a Specific Use Permit (SUP), are indicated in:Table 4:4 below: ig Table 4.4 - Principal Uses Permitted in the RNX District Use Allowed By Right Allowed with SUP A artment /Bun alowCourt with PUD X Child Day Care Center - - X Community Center X Condos. with PUD X Cottages with PUD X Duplex, Tri lex, and Mult1 with PUD X Garden Apartments wit D X Library X Multi -Family u to 12 DU /AC; with PUD X Park X .:glace of Worship X -hoot Public and Private X Senior Housin (independent Uvin with PUD X Single-Family Single-F6mily Dwelling X Telecommunication Tower X Tiny Home Develo ment with PUD X Townhouse with PUD X All uses shall be defined by the most recent version of the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) guide. Any use not listed in Table 4.4 shall not be allowed in the RNX (Residential Neighborhood Mixed) district. For any proposed use (by right or SUP) the Community Development Director or their designee shall determine the category that the proposed use would fall within. Uses allowed with an SUP in the RNX (Residential Neighborhood Mixed) district shall follow the process outlined in the Section titled "Specific Use Permits" in the Owasso Zoning Code and are subject to the requirements, safeguards, and conditions that may be imposed by the Owasso City Council. Further, SUP uses shall conform to the bulk and area requirements of the RNX (Residential Neighborhood Mixed) district. If a use that is typically approved by an SUP is approved through a Planned Unit Development (PUD), no additional SUP shall be required. 4.4.4 RM /Residential Multi - Family) District. Principal uses permitted in the RM (Residential Multi - Family) district, by right or with a Specific Use Permit (SUP), are indicated in Table 4.5 below: Table 4.5 — Principal Uses Permitted In the RM District Use Allowed By Right Allowed with SUP A artments with PUD X ' Attached /Detached Senior Housing with PUD),' X Bungalow Court with PUD X ,. Child Day Care Center X <' CommuNty Center X Condos with PUD)X' Cottages with PUD X Garden Apartments with PUD X Library X Assisted Living Facility with PUD X Park X Place of Worship X Residential Duplex, Triplex, and Multi, `lex with PUD X School Public or <Private X Senior lnde ehdent Uvih with PUD X TelecommUrication Tower: X Townhotnes with PUD X All multi - family dwellings shall be located within an approved Planned Unit Development (PUD). If a use that is typically. approved by an SUP is approved through a PUD; no- additional SUP shall be required.. All uses shall be defined by the most recent version of the North American Industry Classification System (NAILS) guide. Any use not listed in Table 4.5 shall not be allowed in the RM (Residential Multi - Family) district. For any proposed use (by right or SUP) the Community Development Director or their designee shall determine the category that the proposed use would fall within. Uses allowed with an SUP in the RM (Residential Multi - Family) district shall follow the process outlined in the Section titled "Specific Use Permits" in the Owasso Zoning Code and are subject Yo the requirements, safeguards, and conditions that may be imposed by the Owasso City Council. Further, SUP uses shall conform to the bulk and area requirements of the RM (Residential Multi- Family) district. 4.4.5 RMH (Residential Mobile Home Park) District. Principal uses permitted in the RMH (Residential Mobile Home Park) district, by right or with a Specific Use Permit (SUP), are indicated in Table 4.6 below: E Table 4.6 - Principal Uses Permitted in the RMH District Use Allowed By Right Allowed with SUP Child Day Care Center RS -3 X Community Center -100 feet X Ubrary Lot Area (Minimum) X Mobile Home with PUD X 7,000 Park X square feet Place of Worshi square feet X School Public and Private X Telecommunication Tower Minimum X All mobile home developments shall be located within an approved Planned Unit Development (PUD). All uses shall be defined by the most recent version"of the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) guide. Any use not listed in Table 4.6 shall not be allowed in the RMH (Residential Mobile Home Park) district. For any proposed use (by right or SUP) the Community Development Director or their designee shall determine the category that the proposed use would fall within. Uses allowed with an SUP in the RMH (Residential Mobile Home Park) distii(;tshall follow the process outlined in the Section titled "Specific Use Permits" in the Owasso Zoning Code and are subject to the requirements, safeguards, and conditions that may be imposed by the Owasso City Council. Further, SUP uses shall conform to the bulk and area requirements of the RMH (Residential Mobile Home Park) district. 4.5 Bulk and Area Requirements in Residential Districts:._ 4.5,1 Bulk and Area Reauirements for RE and RS Districts. Bulk and area requirements for RE (Residential Estate) and RS (Residential'Single- Family). districts can be found in Table 4.7 below: Table 4.7- Bulk and Area Require ents for RE and RS Districts RE RS -1 RS -2 RS -3 Lot Width Minimum 150 feet -100 feet 75 feet 65 feet Lot Area (Minimum) ?4 OA 13,500 91000 7,000 s uare' square feet square feet square feet Arterial Front Yard Setback Minimum 35 feet 35 feet 35 feet 35 feet Non- Arterial Front Yard Setback feet 30 feet 25 feet 25 feet Minimum Arterial Comer Yard Setback Minimum 20 feet 20 feet 20 feet 20 feet Non - Arterial Corner Yard Setback Minimum 15 feet 15 feet 15 feet 15 feet Rear Yard Setback 25 feet 25 feet 25 feet 20 feet Side Yard Setbacks Minimum 15/15 feet 5/5 feet 5/5 feet 5/5 feet I1 Figure 4.1 below illustrates yard locations for a typical residential single - family lot: Figure 4.1 Typical Yard Locations on single - Family Lots NCNA919NLROM rw +urteucow FP TYM TYPICAL WDBLOCK LOT I � � FawFrAm I � TYPICALCORNER LOT A — RWYAW J LL _ J— Figure 4.2 below illustrates common°ibt configurations: o I I I IE 4.5.2 Bulk and Area Requirements for RD. RNX, and RM Districts Bulk and area requirements for RD (Residential Duplex), RNX (Residential Neighborhood Mixed), and RM (Residential Multi - Family) districts can be found in Table 4.8 below: Table 4.8 - Bulk and Area Rec ulrements for RD, RNX, and RM Districts RD RNX RM Lot Width (Minimum) One- and Two - Family 60 feet N/A N/A Multi-Family N/A Lot Area (Square Feet) One- and Two - Family 6,900 square feet N/A N/A Multi-Family N/A Arterial Front Yard Setback Minimum 35 feet 35 feet 35 feet Non - Arterial Front Yard Setback Minimum 25 feet 25 feet 25 feet Arterial Corner Yard Setback Minimum 15 feet 20 feet 20 feet Non - Arterial Corner Yard Setback 15-feet 15 feet 151eet Minimum Rear Yard Setback Minimum 20 feet 20 feet 20 feet" Side Yard Setbacks Minimum 5/5 feet N/A 20/20 feet ** ' *Any multi - family developments In the RNX or RM Districts must be located within an approved Planned Unit Developmenit(PUD). * *If lot abuts another residential district,, side and rear setbacks shall be an additional five (5) feet per story the first story. Figure 4.3 below illustrates typical yard and setback locations for a duplex lot: Figure 4:3 Yard and= ^Setback Locations for Duplex Lots i60' Min. TOR 161F CORNER LOT 13 Figure 4.4 below illustrates yard and setback locations for zero lot line and townhome units: Fiaure 4.4 Yard and Setback Locations for Zero Lot Line and Townhome Units Rear Lot Line Side Lot Line V Front =-w Front Lot Setback Line Configuration of Zero Lot Line Style homes Tow hw� FrM Ilnll i \ i Side Setback LI Applies to End Units Front No Setback Setback Conff uration of Required 8 Between Units Townhome Units 4.5.3 Mechanical Eauipment (HVAC). No Mechanical /HVAC equipment shall be allowed closer than five (5) feet to any property line within all residential districts. No encroachment into the side setbacks shall be allowed. Side yard setbacks will be measured 'from the point of the wall that is nearest to the property line of the adjacent property (see Figure 4.5). 14 Figure 4.5 Placement of Exterior Mechanical Units on Residential Lots YES Example of Incorrect Placement of Equipment in the Side Yard Bulk and Area'`R' buiremenfs for the R H District. Mobile home park developments shall be approvew my wifYi�0, Planned Unit Development (PUD). Mobile home park development requirements can be found in Table 4.9 below. All interior private {eets must comply with Owasso Engineering Design Criteria. Table 4.9 -Area Requirements for RMH Park Developments Tract Area Minimum 5 acres Tract Width Minimum 200 feet Setbacks shall be determined by measuring from the existing Front Yards and Any 'rL - -- IrL - -- expansion or widening has been dedicated, as determined by Street (Minimum) the City Engineer). Where right -of -way has not been dedicated, the setbacks shall be from the future ri ht -of -wa line. I I Ell M)WEPOOIPWM HOVSE iOO1PFM I M=Ef PRIM 9 I i i LT -- L�I - =- YES YES NO YES Example of Incorrect Placement of Equipment in the Side Yard Bulk and Area'`R' buiremenfs for the R H District. Mobile home park developments shall be approvew my wifYi�0, Planned Unit Development (PUD). Mobile home park development requirements can be found in Table 4.9 below. All interior private {eets must comply with Owasso Engineering Design Criteria. Table 4.9 -Area Requirements for RMH Park Developments Tract Area Minimum 5 acres Tract Width Minimum 200 feet Setbacks shall be determined by measuring from the existing Front Yards and Any property line (where sufficient right -of -way for future roadway Yards Abutting a Public expansion or widening has been dedicated, as determined by Street (Minimum) the City Engineer). Where right -of -way has not been dedicated, the setbacks shall be from the future ri ht -of -wa line. Side Yards Minimum 5 /10 feet 4.5.5 Mobile Home Subdivisions. A mobile home park development containing a tract area of five (5) acres or more may be subdivided to permit individual ownership of mobile home spaces, provided the resulting lots shall comply with the bulk and area requirements set out below and a subdivision plat incorporating the bulk and area requirements is submitted to and approved by the Owasso City Council and filed of IR record in the office of the County Clerk where the property is located. Mobile home lot requirements can be found in Table 4.10 below. Any residential development proposing private streets shall comply with Owasso Engineering Design Criteria. Table 4.10 - Individual Mobile Home Lot Requirements. Lot Width Minimum 40 feet Lot Size Minimum 4,000 square feet All RE & RS Districts Setbacks shall be determined by measuring from the existing Front Yards and Any property line (where sufficient right -of -way for future roadway Yards Abutting a Public expansion or widening has been dedicated, as determined by Street (Minimum) the City Engineer). Where right -of -way has not been dedicated, All RE & RS Districts the setbacks shall be from the future right -of -way line. Abutting an Arterial 35 feet Minimum Swimming Pool Abutting a Non - Arterial 25 feet Minimum Side Yards Interior 5/10 feet Minimum Rear Yard Minimum 10 feet 4.5.6 Additional Mobile Home Requirements. All mobile homes and manufactured housing units must be completely skirted. All housing units must be certified and display applicable federal certifications. Accessory buildings must set back a minimum of ten (10) feet from the residential unit. 4.6 Accessory Uses and Structures in Residential Districts. 4.6.1 Accessory Uses Permitted. The following uses set forth in Table 4.11 below are permitted accessory uses in residential districts: Table 4.11 -Accessory Uses and Structures Permitted in Residential Districts Uses Districts Accessory DWellf I ng Unit All RE & RS Districts Carport All RE & RS Districts Home Occu a_`6n Must Meet Re uirements !< , All R Districts Management Office, Private Recreation, Lauc%tory, and Stora emFacilitiesAssociated ;w ., °u #'- mil 6evelo ment RD, RM, RMH, RNX RecredfiondFVehicle (Allowed Only bl-%. I;nporary Use for Guests Staying ` ^ }br a Maximum of 14 Days) All RE & RS Districts Roomers and Boarders Four Persons Maximum All RE & RS Districts Storm Shelter All RD s icts Swimming Pool All R Districts Accessory uses compatible with a principal use, as determined by the Community Development Director or their designee, shall be permitted in a residential district. 4.6.2 General Conditions. A detached accessory building shall not be located in the front or side yard. Permanent accessory buildings may be located within a rear setback, so long as at least five (5) feet from property line is maintained and no structure imposes on any easements (see Figure 4.6). Some accessory uses will require a Building Permit. Temporary accessory buildings may be placed in utility easements, but shall not encroach to within five (5) feet of any property line. Any temporary or accessory structures placed within utility easements shall be moved at owner's expense. 16 Figure 4.6 Placement of Permanent Accessory Structures on RS Lots iROHI YANG -- -- @O MAPp� � iROV1YM0 -- HOUSE I I I I HOUSE I I I I HOUSE ACCESSORY ACCESSORY IPEM YMD I I PEPRYMO �I'—rm-'-II—� . vrcrASVn� __ �_-uxensw�+n u� YES NO One recreational vehicle or boat may be parkez provided that the vehicle Is pa[ked upon a hard -s "Off- Street Parking RequiremenlStanc{a[ds" in the Accessory uses located in resit purposes other than legitimate titled "Home Occuoations" in the In the RS a detacl a. The of c. For strubt the strucf d. For strucf minimum e In all cas< I I I I Nvx rANo ummfMEi.c,rt NO a lot as an accessory use, (Refer to the Section titled ;Zoning Code.) "be used for commercial ascribed in the Subsection nily) and•RNX (Residential Neighborhood Mixed) districts, may be'located in a required rear yard provided that: of accessory buildings on any one (1) property shall be nbindfipn o(gll structures do not cover more than twenty (20) I of the minimum required rear yard; into or less than fifteen (15) feet in height at the roof peak, >e at least five (5) feet off the property line; ter than fifteen (15) feet in height at the roof peak, the off the property line shall be ten (10) feet; nent structures may not be placed on any utility easement; f Thes°:totdl gross floor area for any accessory building or combination of all buildings located in the rear yard, required rear yard, and or both, shall not exceed five hundred (500) square feet. Buildings in excess of the five hundred (500) square feet shall require approval from the Owasso Board of Adjustment (BOA) for a Special Exception. In the RE (Residential Estate) district, standard setbacks shall apply to all structures. For structures greater than fifteen (15) feet in height at the roof peak, the minimum distance off the property line shall be ten (10) feet. In all cases, permanent structures may not be placed on any utility easement. The BOA, upon application and after notice and public hearing, may grant a Variance or Special Exception, as the case may be. 17 4.6.3 Division of Lots. A lot shall not be divided into two (2) or more lots, unless all lots resulting from such division conform to all the applicable regulations of the zoning district in which it is located. When a new lot resulting from a Lot Split is non - conforming with this Code, it shall be attached to another lot in order to become conforming. Any single lot of record that is split into two (2) or more lots shall follow the Lot Split procedures outlined in the Owasso Subdivision Regulations. Applications for a lot tie shall be processed in the applicable County's jurisdiction. 4.6.4 Home Occupations. An occupation, profession, or trade customarily carried on by occupants of a dwelling unit as a secondary use that is clearly incidental to the principal use of the dwelling unit for residential purposes is allowed as an accessory use in residential districts, subject to the following provisions: a, Location. Home occupations shall be conducted only within the principal structure. b. Area. The maximum floor area utilized for home occupation purposes shall not exceed twenty -five (25) percent of the total floor area of the principal structure. c. Emplovees. The home occupation shall be engaged in only by the family or person occupying the dwelling as a private residence. No person shall be employed in the home occupation other than a member of the immediate household residing on the premises. d. Merchandise. The home occupation shall not involve retail sales transactions on the premises. e. Visibility of Merchandise. No merchandise shall be displayed in such a manner as to be visible from the outside. f. Outdoor Storage. No outdoor storage shall be allowed in connection with any home occupation. g. Maintenance of Residential Character. No alteration of the residential character of the premises may be made, including the removal of garage doors. h. Signs. No signs, display, or advertising on premises shall be permitted. i. Disturbances. No device of any kind or other activities shall be allowed that create noise, dust, odor, or electrical disturbance that is affiliated with a home based'business. This shall not be interpreted to include the operation of hobby equipment, yard maintenance equipment, or other activities that are normal to day to day living and enjoyment of personal property. No noises q..;;_ shall be allowed to create a public nuisance or disturb the peace as per the Owasso Code of Ordinances. j. Traffic and Parking. No home occupation shall generate more than ten (10) vehicle trips per day to and from the premises. All parking needs generated shall be accommodated by off - street parking which does not alter the residential character of the premises. k. Customers. Home -based business shall be operated in a discreet manner and not be of a type that generates significant customer traffic (see above Subsection titled "Traffic and Parking "). I. In -Home Daycare. In -home daycares are permitted as a home occupation but shall be regulated by the State of Oklahoma. The following shall not be considered a home occupation: IF a. Barber shop or hair salon with more than one (1) chair; b. Tea room or restaurant; c. Bed and breakfast; d. Auto repair; e. Assisted living facility; f. Doctor or dentist office; g. Child care center for eight (8) or more children under the age of eighteen (18); h. Inn or tourist home; and f i. Cabinet, metal, or machine shop. 4.6.5 Roomers and Borders. In a dwelling unit oc, more rooms may be rented as a permitted persons who are non - members of the famil ! window display or sign board shall be used - 4.6.6 Storm Shelters. Storm shelters shall not be ci drainage easement, roadway easement, or ipiedl as a private, residence, one (1) or rCessory use to mot more than four (4) Dccupying said prerijises. However, no advertise such use ` Storm shelters may be constructed in the street yard is maintained. Storm shelters may be construct2 (5) feet from the side lot line on alt, in the rear or side yard behind the�,il (5) feet in height forany,projection In ground storm shelters Shall not be the most r`epe'nt version af, the Fei maps. any public u right -of -way. that a five (5) foot side side yard qnd shall be set back five eFior lots. Storm shelters constructed n`b# the,house shall not exceed five in the 100 -year floodplain as defined by n.rgency Management Agency (FEMA) 4.6.7 Carports. Carports srnay be„ constructed in a residential district if the following requirements are met: a Mini"UM front -- aid setback requirements are met for the zoning district in which it is located. Carports may be placed in the side or rear yards but shall be placed at .least fve�) feet from the property line and out of any utility easements ^The surface and driveway leading to the carport area shall be paved as outlined in the Chapter titled "Off- Street Parking Requirements" in the Owasso Zonliag Code; b Jhe area of. he carport shall count towards the allowable lot coverage which shall not,exceed the maximum lot coverage established for the zoning district in wht 1tJs located; c. No part of the carport canopy or appurtenance may extend beyond the front property line, into any utility easement, or onto public right -of -way; d. The carport shall only be used for the storage of operable automobiles and shall not be used for the outside storage of other personal property, including but not limited to materials, goods, supplies, furniture, appliances, or inoperable automobiles. Storage and parking of recreational vehicles including watercraft and trailers must comply with the Chapter titled "Off- Street Parking Requirements" in the Owasso Zoning Code; IFS e. The carport shall be constructed in a manner that is architecturally compatible with the home and other carports on the some block as the subject property. If the subject properly is located in a neighborhood with an active Homeowners' Association (HOA) or architectural review board (ARB), the applicant shall get approval from said body prior to submitting an application to the City; f. Guttering shall not be directed towards adjoining property; g. Eaves may encroach no more than one (1) foot into a side yard, but in no instance may said eave overhang onto adjoining property; h. A Building Permit shall be required prior to construction of the carport, and the carport shall comply with all applicable building, zoning, and development codes; i. The carport shall not be enclosed or the Building_ Permit shall be revoked and the owner cited for non - compliance; j. All carports shall be located over a paved:hard surface; and k. Carports shall be required to be open.,on three (3) sides. Carport Encroaching into the Front Setback. Carports encroaching into the front setback may be approved as a Special Exception by the Owasso Board of Adjustment (BOA). Prior to taking a Special Exception for a carport to the BOA, the carport requirements listed above must be satisfied, aside from meeting the front setback requirement. Additionally, the following questions and site conditions shall be considered, evaluated, and repo rt °ed to the BOA as the basis for the recommendation: a. Are there other carports in the front" yard setback within three hundred (300) feet ofthesubject property? b. Does the main residential structure on the property have a functional garage? c. Is there adequate room on the side or in the backyard of the property to accommodate either a one (1) or two (2) car carport? d. Is the carport necessary to alleviate a physical condition on or adjacent to the subject property that is causing properly damage to parked vehicles? e. Are outbuildings, carports, and similar structures governed privately by a currently functioning Homeowners' Association, neighborhood board, or architectural review board? (If yes, the applicant shall get an approval letter from said body prior to submitting an application to the City for a x., Special `Exception.) f. For corner lot situations, no part of the carport shall be situated to cause sight line issues with adjoining streets. It shall be the determination of the Community Development Director or their designee to evaluate these situations independently on a case -by -case basis. g. Carports shall be required to be open on three (3) sides. h. Input or concerns from adjoining neighbors. 4.6.8 PODS and Temporary Movina and Storage Containers. PODS and temporary moving and storage containers shall not be located in the front yard setback for any period longer than fourteen (14) days. Said structures shall be set on a hard surface. In no case shall said containers be stored on a public street. 4.6.9 One Single - Family Dwelling per Lot of Record Not more than one (1) residential structure may be constructed on a lot in a RE (Residential Estate), RS (Residential Single - Family), or RD (Residential Duplex) district except in the case of a lot which is in an approved Planned Unit Development (PUD). 4.6.10 Accessory Dwelling Units. Accessory dwelling units, as defined in the Chapter titled "Definitions" in the Owasso Zoning Code, may be placed in the rear yard of any platted lot of record in a residential district under the following conditions: a. Said structure shall adhere to all current Building Code requirements; b. Only one (1) such structure shall be allowed per Lot of Record; c. There must be one (1) off - street parking space provided; d. Unit shall maintain a minimum distance of five (Sj #eet from any side lot line; e. The structure shall be of a type that shall accommodate no more than two (2) occupants; f. No Building Permit shall be issued forte residential accessory dwelling unit unless there is a principal residential structure on the property; e g. No structure shall be placed on any ut hty ea semerit or within any peJ}2lic right -of- way; and h. The structure shall adhere to the size require'mets outlined in the Section titled "Yards" in this Chapter. Some neighborhoods may have restncfiuV covenants prohibiting accessory dwelling units. The City does not enforce >local private covenantsuf the property owners should verify whether accessory dwellings ,pi. allow d�1n t teir neighborhoods. 4.7 Yards. 4.7.1 Complionce pi h Yard Reavirements =Yards shall be open and unobstructed from the ground to fh' 'sky, except as otherwise provided. Yard, in this Code, shall reference the front yard, side.yard, and ieor yard, as detejTtiined by building setback lines. 4.7.2 Permitted Yard Obstrkfibns `Obstructions are permitted in required yards as follows: �a Cortjes ca s, eaves, and similar architectural features may project into a required'yard. Aifiached porch or patio covers shall not be allowed in required yards; b. Fire escapes'ray protect into a required yard; c. Fences hedges, plant materials, and walls may be located in any yard, provided that on any corner lot on which a front and side yard is required, no :wall fence ;; sign, structure, or any plant growth which obstructs sight lines at etevations'between two (2) and six (6) feet above the crown of the adjacent roadway shall be placed or maintained within a sight triangle. Sight triangles are'fomed by measuring from the point of intersection of the front and exterior side lot lines a distance of twenty -five (25) feet along said front and side lot lines. The points are connected to form a "sight triangle' on the area of the lot adjacent to the street intersection. For more information on sight triangles, refer to the Chapter titled "Site Design Standards" in the Owasso Zoning Code; d. Fences and walls within yards shall not exceed a height of eight (8) feet. Any fence or wall which projects into or encloses a required front yard shall not exceed a height of four (4) feet and shall not impact the sight triangle. The Owasso Board of Adjustment (BOA), with a Variance, may modify these limitations; 21 e. Swimming pools, hot tubs, tennis courts, covered patios, satellite dishes, and protective shelters shall be located in the rear yard and shall have a minimum setback of five (5) feet from any side yard or rear lot lines. A minimum five (5) foot setback shall be maintained for any pool and no portion of any pool wall shall encroach into any easement. All above - ground pools shall be a minimum of ten (10) feet from any property line and shall not encroach into any easement. Diving boards, slides, or other appurtenances may not be placed within any required setback or within any easement. Pool decks and patios built at -grade shall not be required to meet the setback requirement. Pool equipment such as pumps and filters may not be placed within easements. The Community Development Director or their designee may modify the provisions of this Code in certain circumstances where it may be necessary to ensure the safety and privacy of adjoining neighbors, but they cannot modify the requirements to allow less than the minimum setback. The BOA may, upon application and after public hearing, permit with a Variance the aforementioned accessory uses in'the front yard provided: a. The minimum front yard requirement is adhered to; and b. A minimum setback of five (5) feet from any side lot line is met; f. Mobile home hitches; g. Customary accessory structures, such as clotheslines, barbecue pits, and playground equipment; and h. Carports (seethe Section titled "Carports in this Chapter). 4.8 Garage Sales. Garage /yard /estate /moving sales or auctions that comply with City of Owasso requirements are allowed on residentially zoned lots and do not require a Permit. For information on garage sale signs, please see the Chapter titled "Signs" in the Owasso Zoning Code. r�\ a E,. 22 CHAPTER 5 OFFICE DISTRICT PROVISIONS 5.1 Purpose of the Office District. The O (Office) district is designed to preserve and promote the development of efficient office facilities and to maximize compatibility with other land uses by: a. .Establishing bulk and area controls; b. Requiring off - street parking and loading facilities; and c. Establishing the districts necessary to meet the need for a variety of office types. 5.2 Principal Uses Permitted in the Office District. Principal uses permitted in the O (Office) district, by right or with a Specific Use Permit (SUP), are indicated in Table 5.1 below: Table 5.1 - Principal Uses Permilted In the Office Dlshict Use Allowed By Right Allowed. with SUP -Arnbulatory Health Care Service X -Broadcasting (Except Internet X Child Day Care Service X Data Processing, Hosting, and Related Services X Educational Services X Electronic and Precision Equipment Repair and Maintenance X Funeral Home and Funeral Services X General Office X Hair, Nail, and Skin Care Services X -Hospital X -Independent Artists,: Writers, and Performers X Medical Office X -Monetary Authorities= Central Bank ? X Professional, Scientific; and Technical Services (Except Veterinary Clinic X Reli ious, Grantmakin , Civic,. Professional, and Similar'Or anizations X Veterina 'Clinic Without Outside An'Imal'RU Boardin X All uses shall be defined by the most recent version of the North American Industry Classification System (NAILS) guide. Any use not listed in Table 5.1 shall not be allowed in the O (Office) district. 'Foy= any proposed use (by right or SUP) the Community Development Director or their designee shall determine the category that the proposed use would fall within. Uses allowed with an SUP in the O (Office) district shall follow the process outlined in the Section titled "Specific Use Permits" in the Owasso Zoning Code and are subject to the requirements,- sa;Peguards, and conditions that may be imposed by the Owasso City Council. Further, SUP uses shall conform to the bulk and area requirements of the O (Office) district. 5.3 Bulk and Area Requirements in the Office District. Bulk and area requirements in the O (Office) district are indicated in Table 5.2 below: 23 Table 5.2- Bulk and Area Requirements in the Office District Frontage )Minimum) Arterial and Freeway Service Road Non - Arterial 75 feet 50 feet Front Setback (Minimum) Rear Setback Minimum 20 feet 20 feet Setback from Abutting AG or R District Boundaries Minimum 20 feet Building Height Maximum' 36 feet 'Any building requesting a height greater than fhlrty -six (36) feet shall require an SUP. Buildings adjacent to a residential use or residential districts may require a greater setback as determined through the SUP. 24 CHAPTER 6 COMMERCIAL DISTRICT PROVISIONS 6.1 Purpose of the Commercial Districts. 6.1.1 General Purpose. The commercial districts are designed to: a. Achieve the objectives of the Land Use Master Plan; b. Meet the needs for commercial services and goods for the citizens of Owasso; and c. Preserve and promote the development of efficient: ^commercial facilities and encourage a compatible relationship between,`-commercial facilities and other land uses and thoroughfares by: I . Differentiating the types and purposes of cottnercial activities; 2. Establishing bulk and area controls; 3. Requiring off- street loading'- and parking fgcilities and 4. Protecting the character of c6inmerclal districts and their suitability for commercial uses. 6.2 Commercial Districts Described. 6.2.1 CS (Commercial Shopping) Distnct The CS (Commercial Shopping) district is designed to accommodate convehier% neighborhood ;community, and regional shopping centers that provide a wide range of refpil and personal service uses. z 6.2.2 CG (Commercial General) Distri ct . ercrpl,General) district is designed to accommodgte coTYirraercial uses of ci slightly higher intensity than CS (Commercial Shopping) zoning. Typically, CG ( Commercial General) zoning should be used at nodal intefs etions and atoK g highly traueled corridors. 6.2.3 DM (DowntoyJii «Mixed) 11 rict. The D (Downtown Mixed) district is designed to accommodate certain types of high - density commercial, mixed -use, office, and residential development DM (Downtown Mixed) zoning also supports the implementatlpn of tfe Downtown Overlay District and Tax Increment Financing Districts. The D1 (Downtown Mixed) zoning should typically only be applied within the Downtown Overlay b4iict. 6.2.4 CH /Commercial High Intensityi District. The CH (Commercial High Intensity) district is designed to accommodate high- density commercial development. The CH zoning sh'gIl not be approved for any additional properties beyond the date of the passage 6.3 Princij5'd Uses Petrfiitted in Commercial Districts. The following uses shall be allowed `1,w. only in thCcorresponding district according to the tables below. Uses not listed shall not be allowed. The Community Development Director or their designee shall determine whether proposed uses meet the intent of this Code. All uses shall be defined by the most recent version of the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) guide. Any challenges or appeals to determinations made by administrative officials shall be brought before the Owasso Board of Adjustment (BOA). 6.3.1 Permitted Uses in the CS (Commercial Sh000ind District. Permitted uses in the CS (Commercial Shopping) district, by right or with a Specific Use Permit (SUP), are indicated in Table 6.1 below: 25 Table 6.1 - Permitted Uses in the CS District Use Allowed By Right Allowed with SUP Administrative and Support Service X Ambulatory Health Care Service X Amusement, Gambling, and Recreation Industries (Except Gambling Establishment and Outdoor Shoaling Range) X Automobile Dealer X Automotive Parts, Accessories, and Tire Store X Automotive Repair and Maintenance X Broadcasting (Except Internet X Building Material and Garden Equipment and Supplies Dealers (Except Wholesale Nursery and Lumber Yard X Clothing and Clothing Accessories Store X Commercial Campground as Accessory Use to Principal Use X Credit Intermediation and Related Activities X Data Processing, Hosting, and Related Services Educational Services Electronic and Precision Equipment Re air and WnT efjtance y X Electronics and Appliance Store s s`' €' X '= Food and Beverage Store ` -k } _= 'r X Food Service and Drinking Place '> X Furniture and Home Furniishing Store a, X Gasoline Station X General Merchandise Store `< X Health and Personal Care Store 4 X Hospital X Independent Artists, Wdters,,.and Performers r s X Microbrewery X Miscellaneous Store Retailer X Mixed -Use Development Retail and Residential X Monetary Authorities ;Central Bank X Motion Picture and Sound Recording Industry X Museum, Historical Site, and Similar Institutions X Other Infgrmation Services Includes Libra; . X Other MotorVehice Dealer Boat, RV, etc.) Personal and Household: Goods Po air and Maintenance X Personal and Laundry Service (Except Cemetery and Crematory) X Postal Service X Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services (Except Veterinary Clinic X Religious, Grantmakin , Civic, Professional, and Similar Organizations X Rentalland Leasing Service (Except Commercial and Industrial Machine." and E ui ment Rental and Leasing) X Social Assista4ce X Sparring Goods, Hobby, Musical Instrument, and Book Stores X Transit and Grouncl Pcfssen er Transportation X Traveler Accommodation X Veter na Clinic with Inside Kennel and Boarding) X Veterinary Clinic with Outside Kennel and Boarding)X *Mixed-use buildings with a residential component shall meet all applicable Building Code requirements. All uses shall be defined by the most recent version of the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) guide. Any use not listed in Table 6.1 shall not be allowed in the CS (Commercial Shopping) district. For any proposed use (by right or SUP) the Community Development Director or their designee shall determine the category that the proposed use would fall within. 26 Uses allowed with an SUP in the CS (Commercial Shopping) district shall follow the process outlined by the Section titled "Specific Use Permits" in the Owasso Zoning Code and are subject to the requirements, safeguards, and conditions that may be imposed by the Owasso City Council. Further, the SUP uses shall conform to the bulk and area requirements of the CS (Commercial Shopping) district, unless alternative standards are proposed and approved. 6.3.2 Permitted Uses in the CG (Commercial General) District. Principal uses permitted in the CG (Commercial General) district, by right or with a Specific Use Permit (SUP), include all the uses allowed by right in the CS (Commercial Shopping) district as well as those included in Table 6.2 below: Table 62 - Additional Permitted Uses in the CG District Use Allowed By Right Allowed with SUP Administrative and Support Service 1, X Amusement, Gambling, and Recreation Industries (Except "Gambling Establishment and Outdoor Shooting Range) X Automobile Dealer X' Automotive Repair and Maintenance X Commercial and Industrial Machinery and Equipmernt;(Except Automotive and Electronic ) Repair and Maintenance X Commercial Campground as Accessory Use to Principal Use X Electronic and Precision Equipment Re air and Maintenance X Hospital X Microbrewe X Mixed -Use Development Retail and Residential X Other Motor Vehicle Dealer Boat, RV, etc. X Performing Arts, Spectator Sports, and Related Industries X Rental and Leasing Servllt Except CommercraltgRd`Industrial Machine and E ui ment Rental and Leasin > X RV Recreational' Vehicle Park and R creafloHWamp X Transit and Ground Passenger Trans ortatton .y X Truck or Wei hin "Station O eration Truckin Ter nijal X Veterinary Clinic with Outside Kennel and Boarding'' X Warehousin , Self -Stora e with PUD and.Commercial Component) X lwolesalerNUise and Lumber Yard' X All uses shall be defined by the most recent version of the North American Industry Classification System (NAILS) guide. Any use not listed in Table 5.2 shall not be allowed _• ( ). y proposed use (by right or SUP) the m the CG Commercial General district. For an community Development Director or their designee shall determine the category that proposed use would fall within. Uses allowed with an SUP in the CG (Commercial General) district shall follow the process outlined by the Section titled "Specific Use Permits" in the Owasso Zoning Code and are subject to the requirements, safeguards, and conditions that may be imposed by the Owasso City Council. Further, SUP uses shall conform to the bulk and area requirements of the CG (Commercial General) district. 6.3.3 Permitted Uses in the DM (Downtown Mixed) District. All uses zoned DM (Downtown Mixed) that are located in the Downtown Overlay District must meet the requirements as set out in the Section titled "Downtown Overlay District" in the Owasso Zoning Code. Principal uses allowed by right in the DM (Downtown Mixed) district include all the uses included in Table 6.3 below: 27 Table 6.3 - Uses Allowed By Right in the DM District Art Dealer Baked Goods Store Less than 5,000 Square Feet Beer, Wine, and Liquor Store Book Store and News Dealer Clothing Store Less than S,ODD Square Feet Confectionery and Nut Store Less than 5,000 Square Feet Cosmetic, Beauty Supply, and Perfume Store Less than S,OOD Square Feet Fitness and Recreational Sports Center Florist Food Health Supplement Store Fruit and Vegetable Market Furniture Store Less than 5,000 Square Feet Grocery Store Hair, Nail, and Skin Care Services Less than 5,000 Square Feet Hobby, Toy, and Game Store Less than S,OOD Square Feet Jewelry, Luqqaqe, and Leather Goods Store Wicrobrewery Mixed -Use Development Commercial, Office,.and Residential Musical Instrument Supplies Store Less than 5;000,5 uare Feet Office Supplies, Stationery, and Gift Store Less than 5,000 Square Feet Optical Goods Store Less than 5,000 Square Feet Pet and Pet Supplies Store Less than 5,000 Square Feet Pharmacy and Drug Store LessJhan 5,000 Square Feet Photofinishing Sewing, Needlework, and Piece Goods Store Less than 5,000 S uare Feet Shoe Store Less than 5,000 S uare Feet Specialty Food Store Su ermarket and Other Grocery Fxce'a Convenience) "Store S orfin Goods oyes .. ss than 5,000 Square Feet Tobacco Store.> tress tha 5, )O S uare Feet) Used Merchandise Store lLess than 5,000 Souare Feet 6.4 Temporary Commercial Uses. For information on temporary uses and Temporary Use Permits (TUPs), re'fer to the Section titled "Temporary Uses and Structures" in the Chapter titled "Site Design Standards" and the Chapter titled "Specific Use and Temporary Use Permits" in the Owasso Zoning Code. 6.5 Bulk and Area Reautremenfs.in Commercial Districts. Bulk and area requirements in the commercial districts are indicated in Table 6.4 below: Table 6.4 - Bulk and Area Reclulremen ts In Commercial Districts Requirements CS CG DM Frontage (Minimum) ArteriaLapd Freeway Service Road Non=Ad6rial 125 feet 50 feet 150 feet 50 feet N/A N/A Front Setback (Minimum) 25 feet 25 feet 0 feet Side YardSetback Minimum 0 feet 0 feet 0 feet Setback from Abutting Residential Use or Residential District Minimum 20 feet* 20 feet* 0 feet Buildin Hei ht Maximum N /A ** *For uses requiring a Specific Use Permit (SUP), buildings adjacent to residential uses or residential districts shall require a greater setback as determined through the SUP process. "Any building requesting an eave height greater than thirty -six (36) feet shall require an SUP. 6.6 6.6.1 Locations of Sexually- Oriented Businesses. Definitions. As used in this Section, the terms "sexual conduct" and "specified anatomical areas" shall mean as follows: a. Sexual conduct includes the following: 1. The fondling or other touching of human genitals, pubic region, buttocks, or female breasts; 2. Ultimate sex acts, normal or perverted, actual or simulated, including intercourse, oral copulation, or sodomy; 3. Masturbation; and 4. Excretory functions as part of or in co with with any of the activities set forth in 1 -3 above. b. Specified anatomical areas includes 1. Human genitals, pubic rec point immediately above ti 2. Human male genitals in a and opaquely covered. For the purpose of this Code, a. Adult Amusement or distinguished or charactenze`d describing, or relating to 5x1 defined herein, including l u„t exotic dancers, strippers entertammeYrt b. Adult'7ov or Novelfv Store. A p6mdi of its stock or display and ofh,, materidK related to erotic entertainment. ottocks, and ferrOle breasts below a of the areola; 'nible turgid state, eveh`if:.completely businesses are defined as follows: \muserraent or entertainment which is nphasis ori��rts or materials depicting, uG }_ or s fid anatomical area, as ed to topless or bottomless dancers, If emale: impersonators, or similar rblishment having as greater than a 10% in toys, novelties, costumes, accessories, I conduct, specified anatomical areas, or Adult Bookstore. An est'ablishnoent having as a significant portion of its stock in fi bi books film, magazines, and other periodicals which are distinguished or chargcterized by an emphasis on depicting or describing sexual conduct or specified anotonii' -al areas. d. Adult Mini Motion Picture Theater. An enclosed building with a capacity of less than Ify (50) persons used for presenting material distinguishing or characterii by an emphasis on depicting or describing sexual conduct or specifiedbadfomical areas. e. A uIt,, O' el. A motel wherein material is presented, as part of the motel services, via closed circuit TV or otherwise, which is distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on depicting or describing sexual conduct or specified anatomical areas. f. Adult Motion Picture Arcade. Any place to which the public is permitted or invited wherein coin or slug- operated or electronically, electrically, or mechanically controlled still or motion picture machines, projectors, or other image - producing devices.are maintained to show images to five or fewer persons per machine at one time, and where the images so displayed are distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on depicting or describing sexual conduct or specified anatomical areas. RE g. Adult Motion Picture Theater. An enclosed building with a capacity of fifty (50) or more persons used for presenting material distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on depicting or describing sexual conduct or specified anatomical areas. h. Massage Parlor. Any place where for any form of consideration or gratuity, massage, alcohol rub, administration of fomentation, electric or magnetic treatments, or any other treatment or manipulation of the human body occurs as part of or in connection with sexual conduct or where any person providing such treatment, manipulation, or service related thereto exposes specified anatomical areas. i. Model Studio. Any place other than university or college art classes where, for any form of consideration or gratuity, figure models who display specific anatomical areas are provided to be observed, sketched, drawn, painted, sculptured, photographed, or similarly depicted by persons paying such consideration or gratuity. j. Sexual Encounter Center. Any building or structure which contains, or is used for commercial entertainment where the patron directly or indirectly is charged a fee to engage in personal contact with or to allow personal contact by, employees, devises, or equipment or by personnel •provided by the establishment which appeals to the prurient interest of the patron, to include, but not be limited to bath houses, massage parlors, and related or similar activities. 6.6.2 Prohibition. No person shall cause or permit the establishment of any of the sexually - oriented businesses as defined in this Section in an area zoned other than CG (Commercial General). In addition, no person shall cause or permit the establishment of any of the sexually- orented businesses as defined in this Section within one thousand (1000) feet of any other sexually- oriented business, or within one thousand,,(1'000) feet of a place of worship, day care, school (type which offers a compulsory education curriculum), public or private park, or within one thousand (1000) feet of,areas zoned residential or within one thousand (1000) feet of a non- arterial street which provides access to a residential district. Provided further that the Owasso Planning Commission and /or the Owasso City Council may permit by a Specific Use Permit (SUP) a sexually- oriented business as defined in this Section in an IL (Industrial Light, Research and Development), IM (Industrial Moderate), or IH (Industrial Heavy) district, subject to the distance limitations set forth herein. All businesses that meet the definition of a sexually- oriented business shall not have any items displayed in the windows in public view. All exterior windows and doors shall be opaque so as to prohibit the viewing of any items from outside the store. Persons under the age of eighteen (18) shall not be permitted in any sexually - oriented business: Every sexually- oriented business shall display signage prohibiting persons under the age of eighteen (18) within the business. The establishment of a sexually- oriented business shall include the opening of such business as a new business, the relocation of such business, the enlargement of such business, in either scope or area, or the conversion of an existing business location of any of the uses described in this Section. Nothing in this Code is intended to make legal any business or activity that is expressly declared illegal under the provision of this Code or under any City, State, or Federal laws. 1011 CHAPTER 7 INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT PROVISIONS 7.1 Purpose of Industrial Districts. The industrial districts are designed to: a. Achieve the objectives of the Land Use Master Plan. b. Meet the needs for industrial service and to create regional employment for the citizens of Owasso. c. Preserve and promote the development of efficient industrial areas and to minimize the adverse effects of industrial uses;, an other land uses and thoroughfares by: 1. Differentiating the types and purposes of lnctustrial activities; 2. Establishing bulk and area controls;° 3. Requiring off- street loading and parking facilities 4. Provide for landscaping and screening o #.more mterjse, industrial uses; and _ 5. Protecting the character of indusfral' districts and ttiet particular suitability for industrial uses 7.2 Industrial Districts Described. ' 7.2.1 IL (industrial Light, Research antl b4W�omentl Dlstnet - °`n;. The IL (Industrial Light, Research and Development) district is designed to provide an environment conducive to the development andaconsorvatlari` of modern industrial and scientific research facdi d,to provide are>�s. %'suitable for Ornanufacturing, wholesaling, warehousing and ofiherlight industrial defivities. 7.2.2 IM tindustri Moderate) District The Ity1r(Industrial Moderate) district is designed to group Loge hbr, a wide range of industri4buses. 7.2.3 IH (industrial Heavy) District. The IH ( Industrial Heavy) district is designed to provide areas formanufacfuniig and either industrial activities. 7.3 Pririapal'U §es Permit%d:1n Industrial Districts. All uses shall be defined by the most 'recent version of:the No, American Industry Classification System (NAICS) guide. 7.3.'=1 ,.. Permitted Uses 1n fhe. IL lindus#%ial Light, Research and Development) District. Principal uses permitted in the (L (Industrial Light, Research and Development) district, by right or vnth a Specific Use Pe rrlif (SUP), are indicated in Table 7.1 below: 31 Table 7.1- Principal Uses Permitted in the IL District Use Allowed by Right Allowed with SUP Air Transportation X Ambulatory Health Care Service X Amusement, Gambling, and Recreation Industries X Apparel Manufacturing X Broadcasting (Except Internet X Building Material and Garden Equipment and Supplies Dealer X Computer and Electronic Product Manufacturing X Construction of Buildings General Contractor X Credit Intermediation and Related Activities X Data Processing, Hosting, and Related Services X Food and Beverage Store X Food Service and Drinking Place X Furniture and Related Product Manufacturing X Gasoline Station X Hospital X Miscellaneous Manufacturing X Motion Picture and Sound Recording Industries X Motor Vehicle and Parts Dealer X Performing Arts, Spectator Sports, and Related Industries X Personal and Laundry Service X Place of Worship X Printing and Related Support Activities X Publishing Industries (Except Internet X Rental and Leasing Service s X ai Re r and Maintenance Service X Specialty Trade Contractor X Sporting Goods, Robb; , Musical Instrument; and Book Stores X Support Activities for Trans" oration X Telecommunications X Transit and Ground Passenger Transportation X Truck Transportation X Warehousing and 'Storage X Waste Manaciement and Remediattoh Service X Wholesale Electronic Market and Agents and Brokers X All uses shall be defined by the most recent version of the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) guide. Any use not listed in Table 7.1 shall not be allowed in the IL (Industrial Light, Research and Development) district. For any proposed use (by right or SUP) the Community Development Director or their designee shall determine the category that the proposed use would fall within. Uses allowed with. an SUP in the IL (Industrial Light, Research and Development) district shall follow the process outlined by the Section titled "Specific Use Permits" in the Owasso Zoning Code and are subject to the requirements, safeguards, and conditions that may be imposed by the Owasso City Council. Further, SUP uses shall conform to the bulk and area requirements of the IL (Industrial Light, Research and Development) district. 7.3.2 Permitted Uses in the IM (Industrial Moderate) District. Principal uses permitted in the IM (Industrial Moderate) district, by right or with a Specific Use Permit (SUP), include all the uses allowed by right in the IL'(Industrial Light, Research and Development) district plus the uses included in Table 7.2 below: 32 Table 72 - Additional Principal Uses Permitted in the IM District Use Allowed b RI ht Allowed with SUP Air Transportation X Ambulatory Health Care Service X X Amusement, Gamblin , and Recreation Industries X X Beverage and Tobacco Product Manufacturing X Chemical Manufacturing X X Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing X Furniture and Related Product Manufacturing X Hospital X X Leather and Allied Product Manufacturing X Merchant Wholesaler, Durable Goods X X Merchant Wholesaler, Nondurable Goods X Miscellaneous Manufacturin X Support Activities for Transportation X Textile and Textile Product Mill X Truck Transportation z`;_,_, X Waste Management and Remediation Se a: ce X Wood Product Manufacturing ` ` X ` All uses shall be defined by the most recent version- of the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) guide. Any use not listed in Table 7.2 shall not be allowed in the IM (Industrial Moderate) district. For any proposed use (by right or SUP) the Community Development Director or their designee shall determine the category that the proposed use would fall within. Uses allowed with an SUP in the IM (Industrial Moderate) district shall follow the process outlined by the Section titled "Specific Use Permits" in the .Owasso Zoning Code and are subject to the requirements, safeguards, and conditions that may be imposed by the Owasso City Council. Further, SUP uses shall conform to the bulk and area requirements of the IM (Industrial Moderate) district. 7.3.3 Permitted Uses in the IH (Industrial Heavy) District. Principal uses permitted in the IH (Industrial Heavy) district, by right or with a,Specific Use Permit (SUP), include all the uses allowed by right in the IM (Industrial Moderate) district plus the uses included in Table 7.3 below: N, Table 7.3 -Additional Principal Uses Permitted in the IH District Use Allowed By Right Allowed with SUP Air Transportation X Chemical Ma <, ctudn X Fabricated M .. Product Manufacturing X od Man uf . "ring X eQ a it En ineedn Construction X Le . Allied Product Manufacturing X Machih6ry Manufacturing X Nonmetallic Mineral Product Manufacturing X Paper Manufacturing X Petroleum and Coal Products Manufacturing X Plastics and Rubber Products Manufacturing X Primary Metal Manufacturing X Support Activities for Transportation X Textile and Textile Product Mill X Transportation Equipment Manufacturin X Truck Transportation X Waste Mana ement and Remediation Service X Wood Product Manufacturing X 33 All uses shall be defined by the most recent version of the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) guide. Any use not listed in Table 7.3 shall not be allowed in the IH (Industrial Heavy) district. For any proposed use (by right or SUP) the Community Development Director or their designee shall determine the category that the proposed use would fall within. Uses allowed with an SUP in the IH (Industrial Heavy) district shall follow the process outlined by the Section titled 'Specific Use Permits" in the Owasso Zoning Code and are subject to the requirements, safeguards, and conditions that may be imposed by the Owasso City Council. Further, SUP uses shall conform to the bulk and area requirements of the IH (Industrial Heavy) district. Buildings, structures, or equipment abutting residential use or residential district shall require a greA setback as determined through the SUP process. ;t 7.4 Bulk and Area Requirements in Industrial Districts. Bulk arid' Area Requirements in the industrial districts are indicated in Table 7.4 below: Table 7.4 - Bulk and Area Requirements In Industrial Districts Requirements IL IM IH Frontage Minimum 150 feet 200 feet 200 feet Setback from Abutting Street (Minimum) Setbacks shall be determined by measuring from the existing property line (where sufficient (ght -of -way for future roadway expansion or widening has been dedicated, as determined by the City Engineer). Where right -of -way has not been dedicated, the setbacks shall be from the future right -of -way line._a Arterial and Freeway Service Road 50 feet 50 feet 50 feet Non - Arterial 25 feet 25 feet 25 feet Setback from Abutf`ing Agriculture, Residential, or Office 75 feet 75 feet 100 feet District Bounds Lines Minimum Buildin Hei ht Maximum without SUP)* 50 feet 50 feet 50 feet 'Any buildings, structures, or equipment taller than fifty (50) feet shall require a Specific Use Permit (SUP). 7.5 Accessory Uses Permitted in Industrial Districts. 7.5.1 Accessory Uses Permitted. Accessory uses customarily incidental to a principal use permitted in an industrial district are permitted in said district. 7.5.2 Accessory Use Conditions. Accessory buildings shall meet the minimum building setback lines of the applicable district. An accessory building erected as an integral part of the principal building shall be structurally a part thereof, shall have a common wall therewith, and shall comply with the requirements applicable to the principal building. Accessory storage of materials, equipment, or products within two hundred (200) feet of an abutting residential or agriculture district shall be screened with a screening wall or fence along the lot line or lines in common with the abutting residential or agriculture district. 34 CHAPTER 8 PUBLIC FACILITIES DISTRICT PROVISIONS 8.1 Purpose of the Public Facilities District. The PF (Public Facilities) district is intended to accommodate a wide range of public /institutional /quasi - public uses distributed throughout the community and establish a zoning district for said uses. The PF (Public Facilities) district shall only be used for municipal government, state government, federal government, public schools, or public utilities. Such uses would include public parks, City /Municipal buildings or yards, public safety facilities, public schools, cultural areas, public service uses, utilities, State /Federal uses and, facilities, and other public uses. The PF (Public Facilities) district is consistent with and implements the City's public /institutional /quasi- public land use category shown on the adopted Land Use Master Plan. 8.2 Characteristics of the Public Facilities District. The characteristics of uses found within the PF (Public Facilities) district would be facilities that provide a public benefit or service to the entire community. The Official Zoning Map of the City of Owasso shall denote all uses in the Public Facilities zoning district with the letters PF. 8.3 Allowed Uses and Permit Requirements in the Public Facilities District. Services and structures providing public services shall be allowed within the PF (Public Facilities) district. The Community Development Director or their designee shall determine what uses, as defined by the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) guide, would meet the criteria of the district. 8.4 Development Standards in the Public Facilities District. All applicable development regulations listed shall apply to any PF (Public Facilities) district development proposal. Each development shall be required to plat f�Te property and submit a Site Plan for approval. Due to the wide variety of possible public uses and facilities, approvals shall be made on a case by case basis, with review by the Technical Advisory Committee. Table 8.1 below summarizes the setback requirements for structures in the PF (Public Facilities) district: '4o Table 8.1 - Development Standards in the PF District Setbacks Front Minimum 20 feet Street Side Minimum 20 feet Interior and Rear Minimum 10 feet Height Maximum N/A Ej CHAPTER 9 PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENTS 9.1 General Description. 9.1.1 Introduction and Purpose. A Planned Unit Development (PUD) is a special zoning overlay that provides alternatives to conventional land development. Upon approval, it becomes a supplement to the existing zoning of the subject property. A PUD is also a means of encouraging creative development of land and promotes project design that is often unseen in conventional development. A PUD shall not be seen as a tool to circumvent the Owasso Zoning Code and Owasso Subdivision Regulations, but rather as a tool for intelligent, well- planned, and quality developments that fit within Owasso's existing neighborhoods and the context of the surrounding area. A PUD provides flexibility to allow for development on properties with unique physical characteristics by promoting innovative design and providing guidelines which ensure that development is beneficial to the City of Owasso's future growth. While great flexibility is given to provide special restrictions which will allow development not otherwise permitted, procedures are established herein to ensure against misuse of the increased flexibility. 9.1.2 Goals. Because a Planned Unit Development (PUD) allows greater'fl2Ably than otherwise would be allowed with the base zoning, there are specific goals that need to be accomplished with each - application. All PUDs shall be evaluated on their ability to accomplish the following: a. Maintain and enhance the quality of life in Owasso; b. Provide opportunities for urban infill; c. Maintain and promote a sense of community; d. Encourage development that otherwise could not occur on the site; e. Preserve and provide meaningful open space; f. Promote.,connectivity and compatibility with surrounding development; g. Inspire unique and thoughtful development; h. Support the development of strong neighborhoods; L Provide amenities beyond conventional development; and Preserve the physical characteristics of the land. 9.1.3 AbrAcability. A Planned Unit Development (PUD) may be submitted for any parcel of land` located within any general zoning district or combination of zoning districts within Owasso City Limits. In all cases, the PUD will be reviewed as to the proposed location and character of the uses and the unified treatment of the development of the tract. The regulations of the general zoning district or districts remain applicable except as specifically modified pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter. Approval of a conceptual development plan is required prior to development of a PUD. The conceptual development plan shall be submitted concurrently with a request for rezoning. Conceptual development plans are subject to recommendation by the Owasso Planning Commission and approval by the Owasso City Council. All PUD applications shall require a concurrent zoning application that accommodates the proposed use, unless the zoning that would support the proposed use is already in place. 36 This Chapter shall complement the other Sections of the Owasso Zoning Code. In instances where the requirements are conflicting, the Community Development Director or their designee shall determine the correct action. 9.2 Standards of Development. 921 Density. By its very nature, a Planned Unit Development (PUD) is designed to develop parcels of land with unique or unusual natural or man -made conditions. In order to promote development that makes use of and preserves such unique features, it may be necessary to cluster density within developments. If clustering of density is proposed, then: a. Additional amenities shall be provided; b. The design shall promote and maintain useable open space; and c. A layout shall be provided that complements the existing conditions of the site. All PUDs shall calculate density based upon tae gross area of the tract, which may include floodplains, rights of way, or easements to provide an overoill, ,gross density for the project that shall be expressed in units,per acre Th-0 gross de'ri ty calculations shall be provided within the PUD's design and intent statem ent. a. Single - Family Residential Densities. A residential PUD shall not exceed a gross density above five (5), dwelling units per' acre for single - family residential developments. Should c5 deveelopment propose ,.a density higher than five (5) units per acre, written justrflcafion;shall be provii- d.explaining the rationale of the decision and additional ari enifaes shall be povided to mitigate the increased density. b. Neiclhborhood-'Mixed -Use Reside`nfiial Densities: Neighborhood mixed -use densities �5half`be? consistent . I ith the Chapter titled "Residential District Provisions" and sh6d11 not exceeda maximum density of twelve (12) units per acre.-,.gross density,,, All neighborhood mixed -use developments shall be accoftiplished through a PUD ".: °; Multi - Family Residential Densities. Multi- family densities shall be consistent with the,Chapter" "Rifled Rgf8en #tc District Provisions" in the City of Owasso Zoning Code dnd should -,not exceed a maximum of twenty -five (25) units per acre gross den3i}y, Anyrproposed development that contains over twenty -five (25) units per acre shall p74vide an explanation of why the higher density would be approprict #e and how the additional density would be mitigated through additional amenities, setbacks, or other treatment. All multi - family residential developmers shall be accomplished through a PUD. 9.2.2 Land::Use Percentages. In any residential Planned Unit Development (PUD), at least twenty (�O) perC�nt of the gross area of the tract shall be devoted to open space, common --` tare "a`sj or amenities. Rights -of -way and utility easements on individual lots shall not apply to open space calculations. If at least twenty (20) percent open space cannot be achieved, the project may be required to provide additional amenities in order to mitigate the reduction in open space. Because all PUD projects are unique, the Community Development Director or their designee shall determine if additional amenities are required in relation to the amount of open space provided. 9.2.3 Preservation of Trees and Other Natural Features. Planned Unit Developments (PUDs) shall be designed to preserve and enhance the existing physical characteristics of the land and its natural vegetation. Projects that require clear cutting or denuding of large tracts of land for development are discouraged. Trees in excess of eight (8) inches in caliper shall be preserved and worked into the overall design of the project, 37 unless the applicant can provide substantial justification to remove said trees. Tree preservation credits shall be applied to all landscaping plans if found to meet the requirements of this Code, and additional landscaping shall be required for projects that remove excessive healthy vegetation. 9.2.4 Screening and Buffering. Screening is an important part of any Planned Unit Development (PUD) proposal, especially when incompatible uses are proposed within the PUD or exist in adjoining developments. Screening may be employed in the form of: a. Fencing. Wood fencing shall have metal posts placed on the inside b. Walls. Stone, brick, split -faced block, or similar decorative materials shall be used. c. Berms. Berms may be used in combination with vegetation or fencing to achieve the desired result. d. Vegetation. Vegetation provides a screening mechanism that can be efficient and aesthetically pleasing. In many cases, leaving the natural vegetation as a means of screening achieves the desired results. New vegetation may be planted that also achieves the intent of this Section. Materials and sizes of vegetation shall be provided with the required conceptual development plan and conform to the Chapter titled "Landscaping, Screening, and Fencing Requirements" in the Owasso Zoning Code. Buffer yards shall be provided at all boundaries of the PUD where higher intensity or higher density uses adjoin existing tracts that are of a lower intensity or density. An example of this may be 5000 square foot lots adjoining an existing single - family development containing 20,000 square foot lots. Buffers shall vary in size depending on the use or the density of the development, but shall be a minimum of twenty (20) feet in width. Vegetation and screeningis required in buffer yards. All residential PUD shall contain decorative fencing along adjacent arterial roadways and shall also contain language covering the long -term maintenance of the fencing. If wood fencing is to be used, decorative columns of rock, brick, split face block, or similar permanent material shall be Gad at regular intervals. 9.2.5 Transition of Uses. Great care shall be given as to the location of the more intense uses or densities within the Planned Unit Development (PUD). Transition should be achieved when possible by placing less intense uses along the perimeter of the PUD area with more intense uses near the center of the PUD. For example, if a PUD is proposed in an area that abuts mostly acreage lots, the PUD should place larger lots meeting RE or RS -I standards along the perimeter and move towards smaller lots within the core of the PUD area or along arterial streets. If transition cannot be achieved; a large and well- vegetated buffer should be provided. 9.2.6 Conceptual Landscape Plan. Each Planned Unit Development (PUD) shall require a conceptuallandscape Plan at the time of submittal. The conceptual Landscape Plan shall depict general locations for landscaping, but shall not be required to go into great detail. Trees, however, shall be shown on the Landscape Plan. More detailed Landscape Plans may be required in the later stages of the development process in conformance with the City of Owasso's adopted landscape requirements, or if the Community Development Director or their designee or the Owasso Planning Commission and /or the Owasso City Council deems it necessary. 9.2.7 Adherence to City Landscape Requirements. All adopted landscape requirements shall be met by any Planned Unit Development (PUD). A PUD shall provide landscaping that exceeds the City of Owasso's minimum requirements in order to meet the goals, purpose, and criteria outlined in the PUD Ordinance. 9.2.8 Site Development. Low - Impact Design (LID) Criteria. All Planned Unit Development (PUD) proposals are encouraged to incorporate low- impact design techniques. Utilizing low - impact design techniques can greatly reduce infrastructure costs and can be incorporated into common areas and open space. Some low- impact design possibilities are: a. Bio- retention areas (e.g. rain gardens); b. Green roofs; c. Permeable paving or driveways; d. Cisterns; e. Vegetated swales; and f. Impervious surface education All PUDs are encouraged to define applied. denuded of all vegetation a and grading plans that into and vegetation of the PUD minimum of a fifty (50) foot stream or creek bank and sh possible. „ Adherence>d Citv plans shcj Table 9.1 - Required Amenities Category Amenity Feature Sports field, tennis court, basketball court, volleyball court, disc golf Active Recreation course, skate facility, bike path, hiking trail, or golf facility. Stocked fishing pond, nature preserve area of at least 2 acres, horse shoe pit, wildlife viewing area (if adjacent to preserved Passive Recreation habitat), camp ground, equestrian facility, meditation area, walking path or trail, pedestrian boulevard, or open green space. Dog park, picnic area, pavilion, outdoor amphitheater, clubhouse, Public Gathering Areas gazebo, BBQ area, dock area, community garden, or park area. Family Recreational Areas Tot lot, splash pad, swimming pool, or playground. For any detached single - family residential development that proposes a gross density of more than five (5) residential dwelling units per acre, one (1) additional amenity from any category shall be required for each additional two,(2) units per acre. Multi- family developments shall provide one (1) type of,.amenityf(Olm, each category, with any additional amenities recommended by Staff. The applicant may propose an amenity not shown on the list to the Community Development Director or their designee. The Community Development Director or their designee shall determine if the proposed amenity,is appropriate for the type of development proposed. Amenities may be combined <j,F��a° one (1) or more park /recreation areas (i.e. pool with a club house or a parka tJ1 a basketball court, playground, and walking trails). 1� Park and recreation areas shall .be placed within the development so they are convenient and accessible. Any standing water feature or pond shall be re- circulated through a fountain, waterfall, or other aeration device. This requirement applies to any storm retention pond that. maintains a pool elevation of water. All amenities will have long -term maintenance requirements that shall be managed by future Homeowners' Associations (H2OAs). Appropriate language should be included that clearly states that maintenance shall be covered by the applicant or developer until the turnover date as described in the Section titled "Standards for Single - Family Residential ,bistricts" in the City of Owasso Zoning Code. The applicant or developer shall create such legal entities as appropriate to undertake and be responsible for the ownership; 'operation, construction, and maintenance of private roads, parking areas, common usable open space, community facilities, recreation areas, buildings, lighting, security measures, and similar common elements in a PUD. Said responsibilities and ownership of these areas shall. be clearly articulated in the covenants and /or the deeds of dedication for the development. Amenities approved as a part of any PUD should be installed prior to the completion of the entire project. At least one (1) amenity shall be installed by the time twenty - five (25) percent of the lots are developed and all amenities should be installed or completed prior to seventy -five (75) percent of the lots being developed. No Building Permit shall be issued if a development does not meet these amenity requirements. 9.2.13 Consistency with the Land Use Master Plan. Any proposed Planned Unit Development (PUD) shall be developed in accordance with the adopted City of Owasso Land Use Master Plan. The PUD shall meet the goals, objectives, and action strategies stated within the Plan. 9.2.14 Compatibility with Surrounding Development. Each Planned Unit Development (PUD) shall be designed in a manner that is compatible with the surrounding development 40 in the area. If the proposed development is not in character with the surrounding area, the PUD shall show how the development can be screened or employ techniques that will mitigate the incompatibility. 9.3 Procedures for Obtaining Planned Unit Development Zoning. 9.3.1 Pre - Application Meeting. A pre - application meeting is required prior to submitting a formal application for the proposed Planned Unit Development (PUD) project. This step offers the applicant or developer a chance to meet with City of Owasso Staff to discuss ideas related to the development of a PUD on a piece of property. City Staff from different departments shall be available to discuss the project, answer questions, and provide information to the applicant or developer. 9.3.2 Submittal of Development Application After submittal off completed Planned Unit Development (PUD) application packet with all required information, the Community Development Director or their designee shall pro%101'e a sprofessional review of the project and shall assist the applicant or develop6MrK understanding the PUD process. The Community Development Director or their designee shall requjre sufficient detail in the conceptual development plan to pfbvide an opportuntty;for the reviewing bodies to make informed decisions and`Qvpluate compliance with 'tfie applicable 9.3.3 approval criteria. The Community Development recommendations regarding chat project more consistent with 44i Chapter. Upon completion of a x the next available Owasso Plannin Technical Advisory Committee. Owasso's Techncai Advisory C (PUD) proposaland all' C_ portit The Technccd] Advisory regarding ufijlites, engine All Technical Ad hsorv"C adjoining properf owner: to any concerns from the Director or -` #heir designee shall provide °s or additions-,t,6-,.the PUD that would make the Coals, purpose an`d, standards outlined in this �esstul application'�ihe PUD shall be placed on rass'o Planning Commission, the City of review the Planned Unit Development hall provide comments to the applicant and project design. rtents shall be addressed by the applicant Owasso Planning Commission or the Owasso neighborhood meeting between the applicant and rongly encouraged to introduce the project and listen ens. If such a meeting is held, City Staff will be present to answer procedutal and City - related questions, but will otherwise observe and report on the discussions held at the meeting. Neighborhood rtppetings should be held at least fourteen (14) calendar days prior to the protect bQtno heard by the Owasso Planning Commission. As an alternative to the neighbbhood meeting, the applicant may choose to mail adjoining property owners a copy of the proposed concept and keep a log of all reported comments and concerns. It is also suggested that the applicant or developer provides the Homeowners' Associations of surrounding neighborhoods with a copy of the proposed development plans. 9.3.5 Owasso Planning Commission. In regards to Planned Unit Developments (PUDs), the function of the Owasso Planning Commission is to listen to public concerns, afford the applicant or their designee an opportunity to make a formal presentation regarding the project, review the project for conformity with the requirements of this Code, and to offer suggestions regarding the project design as it relates to impacts on adjoining 41 properties. It shall be the duty of the Planning Commission to review each PUD prior to Owasso City Council consideration. At the Owasso Planning Commission meeting, the applicant or their designee shall be present and shall present a conceptual development plan and such other narrative or other graphic information pertinent to the City's initial review and evaluation of the potential of the proposed PUD. At the Planning Commission meeting, the applicant or their designee and interested citizens will have the opportunity to discuss the merits of the PUD proposal. The Planning Commission will assess the proposal in light of Code guidelines and will take action after weighing the recommendations of the Staff, the applicant's presentation, and the community's response. The Planning Commission shall review each application using the following process: a. The Owasso Planning Commission shall review each PUD application for conformity to the City of Owasso Zoning Code. b. The Owasso Planning Commission shall study the proposed PUD application, taking into account the recommendations of the Staff, the review criteria, and other applicable standards in this Code. 'if the Planning Commission determines that the Code is not being met in certain areas, then they may make suggestions to the applicant and transmit the suggestions to the Owasso City Council as part of their report. The Planning Commission shall hear from the general public and engage the applicant or developer in discussion of the project; c. The Owasso Planning Commission shall discuss any potential issues that they determine the project has and offer suggestions that may help the project meet the goals, purpose, and criteria identified in this Chapter. This information shall be transmitted to the Owasso City Council; and d. The Owasso Planning Commission shall have ninety (90) days to act on a PUD application from the time of submittal to the Community Development Department. If after ninety (90) days the Planning Commission cannot render a decision with all requested documents and information provided by the applicant, the applicant may proceed to the Owasso City Council for consideration. Delays by the applicant in providing materials or documents to City Staff shall not be counted towards the ninety (90) days. Requests for changes and /or additional materials by the Planning Commission shall not be '.' counted towards the ninety (90) days. The ninety (90) day review period shall only consist of time when an application is complete, the item is placed on the agenda, and all requested materials or information have been provided. 9.3.6 Owasso City Council: The Owasso City.Council shall make the final decision on any Planned Unit Development (PUD) application. A final PUD plan shall be approved along with an ordinance. The approved ordinance and PUD plan shall dictate any future development on the subject property, unless the PUD is amended or expires. The Owasso City Council shall use the information provided by City Staff, the recommendation from the Owasso Planning Commission, input from the public, and input from the applicant to make a decision as to approve or deny a proposed PUD. The Owasso City Council may add conditions to the project that they determine are necessary to meet the intent of this Chapter. Should the Owasso City Council require more information, the item can be tabled to a future meeting. If any major changes are made to the plans or new information is brought forward after review by the Owasso Planning Commission, the Owasso City Council may ask that the project return to the Planning Commission for review. 42 All conditions imposed by the Owasso City Council shall become binding and shall be met before the project may proceed. All PUDs approved in accordance with provisions of this Code in its original form, or by subsequent amendments thereto, shall be referenced on the Official Zoning Map of the City of Owasso, and a list of such PUDs, together with the category of uses permitted therein, shall be maintained in the Community Development Department. Fiaure 9.1 Planned Unit Development Process I Pre - Application Meeting wffh Planning Staff I I Submittal of Application Packet with Fees I I Application Reviewed a Public Hearing Scheduled I Notification Prepared for Newspapers, Property Posted with a Sign Technical Advisory Committee Staff review Owasso Planning Commission Hearing Owasso City Council Hearing Approval Denial Ordinance Prepared 9.4 Timeline. Expiration, and Amendments. 9.4.1 Validation. A Planned Unit Development (PUD) shall be validated once any portion of the property has been platted and -irded or a Building Permit is approved. 9.4.2 Zonina Ordinance. Because a Planned Unit Development (PUD) is a zoning action approved by the Owasso City Council through ordinance, the City shall file the ordinance approving the designation of a PUD on a tract of land, with the County Clerk's office uponplatting and recording any portion of the PUD. 9.4.3 Expiration. For any Planned Unit Development (PUD) in which there has been no Bull _ Permit issued nor any portion of the property platted after five (5) years since Sao Permit the Owasso City Council, the PUD shall be considered null and void and shall be`bfought back before the Owasso Planning Commission and the Owasso City Council for consideration prior to any development on the property. The underlining zoning of the PUD shall not expire, only the PUD overlay shall expire. 9.4.4 Conformance with Current Regulations. Expired Planned Unit Developments (PUDs) shall be required to meet the most recently adopted regulations, ordinances, and development standards. 9.4.5 Extensions. An extension may be granted by the Community Development Director or their designee for Planned Unit Developments (PUDs) that are nearing the five (5) year expiration date. PUDs may be extended one (1) time for a maximum of two (2) additional years, provided a letter is submitted to the Community Development 43 Director or their designee asking for the extension no less than two (2) months prior to the five (5) year expiration date. Said letter must indicate the following: a. Reason for the extension; b. That there are no changes to the original PUD approved by the Owasso City Council; and c. Expected date by which a portion of the PUD will be platted. It shall be the developing party's responsibility (or an individual who has legal authority to sign documents on their behalf) to ask for and sign the letter of extension. If no extension has been sought and granted, said PUD shall be considered expired. If no portion of the property has been platted nor any Building Permit received by the Community Development Department, within the two (2) year extension period, said PUD shall expire and a new PUD application must be submitted. 9.4.6 Amendments. There may be instances when a change or amendment to the original Planned Unit Development (PUD) is necessary or desired. In these situations, the magnitude of these amendments is considered. There are two (2) types of amendments that can occur with a valid PUD: a Major Amendment and a Minor Amendment. If amendments have been made, then a determination shall be made by the Community Development Director or their designee as to whether or not said amendments constitute a major or minor plan change. a. Maior Amendment. A Major Amendment is described as a significant change that increases the density, intensifies the use, redistributes uses, or creates inconsistencies with the character of the PUD that was initially approved. A Major Amendment shall proceed through the entire PUD process as outlined in this Chapter. The Community Development Director or their designee shall determine if the changes to the PUD meet the criteria for a Major Amendment, is an appropriate change, and will maintain the spirit of what was approved in the original PUD. Modifications from the previously approved PUD plan shall be deemed by the Community Development Director or their designee to be a. Major Amendment if said modifications cause one (l) of the following to occur: l: Increase the total number of dwelling units by more than ten (10) percent; 2. Reduce the amount of common open space by ten (10) percent from what was originally approved; 3. Substantially change the location of any multi - family or non - residential areas as shown on the approved PUD; 'Example: An approved 100 acre PUD shows 20 acres for office, 10 acres for commercial, and 70 acres for residential single- family. If the amendment proposes to move the commercial area to another location within the PUD, then it would be deemed to be a Major Amendment. 4. Eliminate a proposed use that was approved with the original PUD that substantially changes the character of the project; 5. Complete elimination of a recreational feature that was identified in the approved PUD, without replacing it with an in -kind feature; or 6. Change the location of the access points into the PUD or connections to adjoining residential development; 44 9.5 Modifications in the location or design of minor streets, cul -de- sacs, alleys, or facilities for water and for disposal of stormwater and wastewater internal to the development shall not be considered as a Major Amendment. An appeal of the Community Development Director or their designee's decision that the changes to the PUD construe a Major Amendment shall be made in writing by filing a notice of appeal to the Owasso Planning Commission within ten (10) days of the Community Development Director or their designee's decision. Said appeal shall be heard at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission, at which time the applicant may defend their proposal. Appeals shall not require public notificgtiop. b. Minor Amendment. Small changes that still me fl'he intent of the ordinance, do not increase the density in excess of ten [11)) percent, are consistent with surrounding development, and do not pgsdia threat. to the health, safety, or welfare of the citizens of Owasso cafi"-6e adminiA66tiyely approved as a Minor Amendment. Minor Amendhobhts may also iiielpde relocation of landscape areas, parking areas, drive aisles, or other similar; changes that are minor in scope. _ Minor Amendments shall be approved ad migisffatively. Depending upon the nature of the amendment, the Community Development Director or their designee may require,. the PUD to go` ;6pfore the Technical Advisory Committee for review. Conceptual Development Plan. Ttfie r6061fed conceptual ct velopment plan shall be a rendered plan that clearly aOrculates the ouprall concept of the Planned Unit Development (PUD). Figure 9.2 illusttate�h' accptdb(e conceptual development plan rendering The conceptual development plan shall include the entire PUD area, and it may anctbdeife'Plans of srrgller areas to provide more specificity if the The concepual,developrr a. Name ofthe;pr'opo e. Vicinity streets H plan shall)'9 lude, at a minimum, the following: owner and developer; of the document: no smaller than 1:100, a north arrow, date of ling the location of the development in relation to major feet, schools, and other landmarks; the development lies shall be depicted; of the property; h. Total acreage of the tract, total acreage of the proposed area to be improved, and acreage of open space; i. Location and name of abutting subdivisions and City Limit lines for Owasso; j. Wooded areas, wetlands, waterways, floodplain and floodway, ponds, and other natural features; k. General location of all proposed streets; I. Proposed density of the development depicted in gross density figures (gross units per acre of the entire development); 45 m. Location and identification of all land uses in the PUD shall be depicted; n. Identification of all amenity locations, detention areas, open space areas, etc.; o. General location of parking areas for non - single - family residential areas; p. Depiction of any proposed walking trails, pathways, and buffer yards, including fences; q. Notation on the plan of how wide the buffer yards will be and how they will be landscaped; and r. Location and type of amenities provided. 9.5.1 Conceptual Development Plan as the Preliminary Plat. Should a conceptual development plan be provided that goes into sufficient detail necessary for submittal of a Preliminary Plat, then the plan may be used as the Preliminary Plat for the Planned Unit Development (PUD). If the conceptual development plan is, to be used as the Preliminary Plat, it must contain all of the required elements for preliminary plat approval outlined in the Owasso Subdivision Regulations. If the PUD is approved with a conceptual development plan that is sufficient to be used as a Preliminary Plat, the applicant may proceed to the Final Plat stage. It is not required that the entire development be platted; only the portion the applicant intends to develop initially. Additionally, the conceptual development plan can be used as the actual Site Plan for the development if it has Technical Advisory Committee comments that have been addressed. If the 'conceptual development plan is, unchanged, additional Technical Advisory Committee review will not be required. Figure 9.2 Conceptual Development Plan sFi9o( r 7.71 //�sF�sa� SF80 SF80 C09 SF90' ., L400 SF�IS � I SF100: 9.6 Design and Intent Statement. 9.6.1 Reauirements. The design and intent statement shall clearly articulate the vision for the proposed development and shall identify key elements of the project that justify using a Planned Unit Development (PUD) approach over conventional zoning. 46 At a minimum, the design and intent statement shall include some basic elements, listed below: a. Overall project statement of proposed use and intent; b. List of the proposed land uses including residential densities; c. List of all parties involved (applicant, owner, agent, plan preparer): d. Thorough narrative explaining why the development is appropriate and how it complies with the requirements of this Chapter. The applicant should explain how the PUD is consistent with the goals, purposes, and standards listed in this Chapter; e. Statement regarding the compatibility of the pro surrounding area. The statement should add screening, types of materials to be used, an Iqu f. Table showing how the proposed PUD will'differ with an outline of what Sections ofA e Owasso Regulations that the PUD seeks reljef from; g. Outline of the covenants that will go,`uern the prolt the development of a Homeowners Asspcifion the common areas; d development with the buffer zones, transition, Dotage of structures; bulk standards, or Subdivision ;rty and information about and how they will govern include a phasing plan; 47 CHAPTER 10 OVERLAY DISTRICTS 10.1 General Description. It is the purpose and intent of an overlay district to provide enhanced standards to protect and enhance the unique characteristics of specific areas and /or corridors while providing for development opportunities. These characteristics may include natural scenic beauty, manmade features, or other features. Overlay districts may also be used to protect or facilitate a particular design theme established through specific architectural styles or periods, or to protect or facilitate Site Plan conventions such as setbacks that are both minimums and maximums. The purposes of any overlay district may include: a. Promoting the safe and efficient use of specific roadways by controlling access and other traffic measures; b. Encouraging the redevelopment of an area consistent with a particular design theme; c. Minimizing the detrimental impact on hillsides, watercourses, and other significant natural features; d. Giving special attention to landscaping; buffering, signage, lighting, and building setbacks in those areas identified as needing special attention; and e. Giving special attention to the existing architectural style or to the style that is planned, so as to create an easily identifiable area in those areas identified as architecturally significant. 10.1.1 Establishment of Overlay Districts. The Owasso City Council of the City of Owasso may adopt overlay districts as needed in order to implement specific purposes, intents, and design standards based upon the adopted Land Use Master Plan for the area being regulated, which shall be applied as additional standards to other regulations required by the City. Such overlay districts shall be made a part of the Zoning Code. Upon adoption, the boundaries of such overlay districts shall be shown on the Owasso Zoning Map. 10.1.2 Development Criteria. The development criteria for each overlay district shall be those standards as set out in each overlay district. All overlay districts shall adhere to the requirements of the Chapter titled "Outdoor Lighting" in the Owasso Zoning Code. 10.1.3 Applicability. Where any Section of this Chapter is found to be in conflict with other Chapters of the Zoning Code, the regulations found herein shall apply. Any overlay district acts as an additional layer of zoning over the base zoning district. The overlay language and regulations shall supersede the base zoning regulations where conflict may arise.., M 10.2 10.3 US -169 OVERLAY DISTRICT Purpose of the US -169 Overlay District. The purpose of the US -169 Overlay District is to: a. Encourage sustainable development that will become a long term asset to Owasso; b. Protect an area that represents a significant opportunity for business and corporate investment, which is important to the long term economic health of Owasso; c. Establish uses and regulations that promote the development of this area as a corridor that promotes an environment of business, learning, and growth; d. Protect the area around Tulsa Technology Ceritrer from uses that may have a detrimental impact on the facility and tki'e Qty'sability to attract quality development; e. Establish regulations that protect the' investment of, existing and new businesses and corporations from.Lneftractive, non - compatible uses; f. Ensure the area is visually pleasing, susta�nakil`e, and developed in a coordinated fashion; g. Ensure a high quality of development `,fhat will ultimately generate an economically- enhancedtand pedestrian- friertdIy area for Owasso; and h. Follow the principals of the'06a11ty of Life Initiative ,, Designation of the US -169 Overlay District. The U$ ,1.69 Ove`rtl`y District covers an area roughly one - quarter (14) mile to one half r side of US -169 from 86th St N to 126th St N #t iS depicted in F9gur 10.1 and defined on the official Owasso Zoning Map. 10.4 Uses in the, >` 169 Overic 10.4.1 Permitted Uses...The bt designated US 169 O%ei Chapter All appfipab placement; ;and laridsc f tanned Unit` DeYelopm 4 conflict with those�f the zoning distri6 of properties fully or partially within the District shal("?ri'ot be affected except as noted in this regulations, for use, yard, area, lot dimensions, utility ,Ig shdll'be those specified for each district, including PLID) stipulations. Where any of the above regulations 1,69 Overlay District, the more restrictive shall apply. icted Uses Fdrproperty zoned AG (Agriculture) in the US -169 Overlay District, existing agricuifbral uses shall be permitted and shall be subject to all applicable Jards and regolptions. No Specific Use Permits (SUPS) shall be issued for any land c1AG ( Agrculture) and no new agriculture uses or businesses shall be allowed. In each zoning district, all uses respective to that district shall be permitted by right or with issuance th the is of an SUP, except for those listed below. Within the US -169 Overlay District, unless otherwise restricted, any use permitted by right in a particular zoning district, or with an SUP in the underlying zoning district, shall be permitted. All uses shall be defined by the most recent version of the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) book. Upon annexation, all tracts of land shall be zoned commercial, office, or in conformity with the existing adopted Land Use Master Plan in effect at the time of the annexation. New residential development of any kind shall be developed as a Planned Unit Development (PUD). 49 50 Figure 10.1 US -169 Overlay District Boundaries 6i EI [ nOmtlx C,IOp SrX EII "i3 lll. IN flN IPSIN N 4m:•i.rr.. I,YA Sr Ir.' J Slx 1111 EI,IN31 I tIN MSIX ! I I __ .E.rJIN51v " ftOW 5511 EIIW Sl11 _ _ .._. 15111 - - -. rnL 1 I� 1 [5nu55N G g. :nl 'Jf ° f5J5mnx I _ LSUlm51X hn - [11111`0 Ir4t 91N '� eSnrJ ftM 5_ .I:E Io nXS J11 fi .. x Elo raAN: x[r15 Q.55x {wf 51N [lWmi,x •. � ' °x5 -- - EhFJ:9lf fnmvN Ylxi • C91PSi [fIN5, r5 � x x It • > _ f r.5xJ3,rr d "• 3 x Ex"J4t 011, J •srx x ulav n nmp slx mm E,Smv ,p• o:rl �� ure 511. . efF' i, avant. I4N // h ESeN"` e5p"t E[Gn i1x. jjl/ 50 10.4.3 Prohibited Uses.' The following uses shall be prohibited in the US -169 Overlay District: 10.4.4 Table 10.1 -Prohibited Uses in the US -169 Overlay District Animal and Poultry Raisin Any New A ricultural Use or Business Bindery Bottled Gas Sales Casino/Gaming Center Chick Hatchery Cemetery Cesspool Cleaning Concrete Construction Service Drag Strip Fuel Oil Sales Not Including Gas Station or Convenience Store Halfway House Industrial Uses in the IH Industrial Heavy) Distdcf Industrial Uses in the IM Industrial Moderate) "District Juvenile Delinquency Center Landfill Mini-Storage Warehouse as a Mmobf. Use Oil Well Drilling and Cleanin Fstablishml't Outdoor Kennel Not Part of a Veterina or_Groomin' Business Outdoor Storage of Any Kind as the Pr nci al Use ' Portable Building Sales Power Plant Pre - Release Center Race Track Animal or Vehicle Sexually-Oriented Business ` Shooting Range Outdoor ToAdemli Truck . US -169 Overf' "`a moist compliance wii ft! Use Permit.. The following uses shall be permitted in the the issuance of a Specific Use Permit (SUP), subject to ns of this Section: 51 Table 10.2 -Uses Permitted in the US -169 Overlay District with an SUP Agricultural Implement Sales Aircraft Sales Appliance Store and Repair Any Retail Use with Primarily Outdoor Sales Auctioneer Auto Rental Auto Sales f5 Acre Maximum Parcel Size Auto Wash Boat and Recreational Vehicle Sales Bus Station Cabinet Maker Cam er Sales Construction Equipment Sales Disinfecting Service Exterminating Service:•: Fence Construction Company Go-Kart Track n_ Golf Driving Range Janitorial Service Lumber Yard Monument Sales Motorcycle Sales Motor Vehicle Repair A Outdoor Recreation inclm d `%wwement Park Park and Ride Lot Plastic Material Sales Retail Greenhouse Truck Rental . •��: Vending Sales and Service Woodw.qrking Shop 10.4.5 Non - Conforming Uses Existing but no z conforming properties, which existed as of the date these regulations became of ytive, shall be allowed to continue in the same manner after the adoption of s ese regulations. However, such non - conforiing properties shall be subteet;to these regulations if feasible when; a. A property is annexed into the City; b. A property owner requests any zoning change; c. The principle use on the property is discontinued for a period of six (6) calendar months; d. The property,./ is destroyed or significantly altered by sixty (60) percent or greater; or e. Enlargements or improvements are made to the property that increases the gross-square footage by twenty -five (25) percent. When any change as identified above occurs, the property owner must demonstrate that the change to the property shall not significantly impair the safe and efficient flow of traffic within the subject area. The Community Development Director or their designee may require the property owner to provide a site specific traffic study to determine the potential impacts of the proposed changes as part of the site development plan. 52 10.4.6 Existing Uses. Sinale- family Residential. The US -169 Overlay District shall not affect existing single - family residential uses, neighborhoods, or platted residential developments. Said uses may continue to exist in perpetuity until such time as they may be redeveloped or rezoned for another use. Properties Outside the City Limits of Owasso. The US -169 Overlay District covers areas that are currently outside of Owasso City Limits. Unless these properties are annexed into Owasso City Limits, they shall not be required to comply with the regulations of this Chapter. If annexed, these properties shall be subject to the regulations set forth in this Chapter. If the subject property lies outside of Owasso City Limits, the County regulations in which the property Ties shall apply. Previously Approved Proiects or Development Arty project or development that was approved or had plans submitted prior t,, the effective date of this Code shall not be required to comply with these reguldtions unless. they meet any of the criteria from this Chapter. Previous approvals remain valid unless the approval date lapses or unless changes are made, the previous approvals. This shall refer to Site Plans, building plans, Planned Unit DeveloprTlents (PUDsj;nr Specific Use Permits (SUPS) submitted prior to the effective datef�the US -169 `Overlay District, and they shall only be required to comply With tlaYe zoning regulationsah affect at that time. An approved plat shall not constitute approval of a project. The Community evelo menttirector or their des'` Tiee shall determine if a project Y P P. g p l meets these criteria. 10.5 10.5.1 Landscape Requirements. Dev Overlay District shall comply with Fencing RequiretYterfisj' an the O, 10.6 im of Owasso procedures Provisions" inthe�fyoas -" Architectural details shrubs an< U shall be redevelopment in the US -169 �e titled tC ndscaping, Screening, and Code with the following additional perennial flowers at the base; and :losed with an edging material such as or similar material. development in the US -169 Overlay District shall follow City J requirements described in the Chapter titled "General i`fijng Code, except as noted in this Chapter. for drawings shall be submitted to the Community at the time of Site Plan submittal. Architectural plans shall outlined in this Section and shall consist of: E renderings or drawings of building elevations plus typical cross > clearly define the character of the project and to ensure these are met; and b. Exterior building materials inventory to indicate compliance with this Chapter. The Community Development Director or their designee shall review the proposed building materials for compliance. Building and Site Design Standards in the US -169 Overlay District. General Design. Developments in the US -169 Overlay District shall be evaluated using the following criteria: a. Compatibility. Adjacent buildings shall relate in similarity of architectural style, roof style, and configuration. 53 b. Proaortions. Windows, doors, columns, piers, projections, ribs, awnings, cornices, parapets, eaves, and other building components shall be proportional to the overall scale of the building. Windows should be greater in height than width, unless otherwise required by a specific design feature or architectural style. 10.6.2 Buildina Entrance. Primary building entrances shall be clearly defined and shall be recessed or framed by a sheltering element such as an awning, arcade, overhang, or portico (in order to provide weather protection for pedestrians). Public entrances flush with the building wall with no cover are not allowed (see Figure 10.2). I Figure 10.2 Building Entrances a YES NO 10.6.3 Boulevard Entrance.. For developments containing total floor area in excess of fifty thousand (50,000) square,feet, the principal access into the site shall be a boulevard incorporating a_ten (10) foot wide landscaped center median that complies with the Chapter titled "Landscaping, Screening, and Fencing" in the Owasso Zoning Code. 10.6.4 Off - Street Parking. Off - street parking areas, are encouraged to be located to the side or rear of buildirZgs or in the interior ofd block whenever possible (see Figure 10.3). Loading areas shall be locdt'ed behind the main building and screened in accordance' with the Chapter titled "Landscaping, Screening, and Fencing" in the Owasso Zoning Code. All parking lots, drives, aisles, and other elements shall comply with the Chapter titled "Off- Street Parking Requirements" in the Owasso Zoning Code. Figure 10.3 Encouraged Off - Street Parking Areas lOi0i0i0�0� g,0 d d Mo 0 0 :.o eo o M® 10.6.5 Building Setback. It is the intent of this Chapter to enhance and preserve the character of the US -169 Overlay District by promoting parking area placement to the rear of lots or along the sides of buildings and bring visually pleasing building architecture to the street. Therefore, front building setbacks may be reduced to ten (10) feet. 10.6.6 Transit Stops. All transit stops shall be covered to offer shade and shelter from the elements. 10.6.7 Outdoor Space. Each site with a building larger than ten thousand (10,000) square feet shall be designed to include public pedestrian walkways internally and throughout the development, linking all areas and buildings facilities open to the public, and shall include one (1) or more plazas or co`uftyards with benches or patios /seating areas (see the Chapter titled "Landscaping Screening and Fencing Requirements" in the Owasso Zoning Code). For smgle,developments containing total floor area in excess of eighty thousand (KO'00) sq'Obte feet, at least one (1) outdoor space or site amenity shall be requiredon the site'oean adjacent land, in addition to the required plaza or courtyard area. All features. shall be accessible, useable spaces. Outdoor space or site amenities may include but are not limited to: a. Window shopping walkway; b. Water feature; c. Clock tower; d. Seating walls; e. Benches; f. Courtyards or plazas; g. Fountains or r h. ScuJI1 or public,'art. The Commuiuty. Development Director =nor their designee may approve any other such deliberately shaped "'area or focal `feature or amenity that, in the judgment of the Communrty Develppment Director or%eir designee, adequately enhances such carrtmuntfy, and public space9: "' 10.6 $ Sidewalks.Yrll buildings, parking areas, public, spaces, amenity features, and adjoining developments of similar use shall be linked with sidewalks. Sidewalks shall be provided along public streets that provide access to the development. Sidewalks `shall c onstructed %n accordance with the standards for sidewalks as set forth in the C #y of Owasso Enairleering Standards. 10.6.9 Exterior Materials Exterior building materials shall include brick, split -faced concrete block stone, stucco, synthetic stucco, cement - board, or wood siding. Metal may be used as accent- material, and cumulatively may not exceed twenty (20) percent of the area of--, y individual exterior wall. All windows and doors to customer service areas along building frontages at the ground floor level on any retail building shall be transparent. 10.6.10 Multiple Buildings in Commercial Centers. In order to achieve unity between all buildings in a commercial development consisting of more than one building, all buildings in such a development, including pad site buildings, shall employ a consistent architectural style or theme and be constructed of similar exterior materials. Design criteria for large and multi -phase developments shall be provided for review. 55 10.6.11 Roof Pitch. Flat roofs and roofs with a pitch of less than 3:12 require a parapet wall. Eaves a minimum of one (1) foot from the building face shall profile a pitched roof. Roofing for pitched roofs greater than 6:12 shall be wood, tile, slate, architectural asphalt shingles, or low- reflectivity metal (flat or matte finish). Applied mansard roofs shall not be permitted. 10.6.12 Electrical and Services Eouioment. HVAC and similar types of incidental machinery or equipment shall be screened from view in accordance with the Chapter titled "Landscaping, Screening, and Fencing Requirements" in the Owasso Zoning Code. Utility meters, aboveground tanks, satellite dishes, and antennas shall also be screened from view. Wall- mounted mechanical equipment that extends six (6) inches or less from the outer building wall shall be designed to blend in with the color and architectural design of the subject building. Unless a waiver is authorized by the Owasso City Council, all electrical and telephone lines and wires, including but not limited to street lighting, shall be placed underground. Feeder and other major transmission lines may remain overhead. All utility installation shall conform to the City's adopted Technical Standards and Specifications. 10.6.13 Wall Articulation. Facades shall have a recognizable "base" consisting of but not limited to: a. Walls; b. Ledges; c. Sills; d. Integrally textured materials; such as stone or other masonry; e. Integrally colored and patterned materials; or f. Planters. Facades shall also have a recognizable "top" consisting of but not limited to: a. Cornice treatments with integrally textured materials (other than colored "stripes" or "bands") b. Sloping roofs with overhangs and brackets; or c. Stepped parapets. All sides of a building and any accessory structure shall utilize materials and design characteristics consistent with those of the front facade. In order to prevent large flat expanses of featureless exterior walls, structures having single walls exceeding fifty (50) feet in length shall incorporate one or more of the following features at least every fifty (50) feet'in length (see Figure 10.4): 56 Figure 10.4 Wall Articulation in the US -169 Overlay District a. Changes in color, graphical patterning, changes in texture, or changes in material; b. Projections, recesses, and reveals expressing structural bays or other aspects of the architecture with a minimum,change of plane of twelve (12) inches; c. Windows and fenestration; d. Gable projections; e. Horizontal or vertical breaks; or f. Other similar techniques. Community Development Director or their designee may approve variations or fiate treatments, so long as the intent of the Code is met. 10.6.14 Si nq dcjf Signs shall be permitted in the US -169 Overlay District in accordance with the Chapter titled "Signs" in the Owasso Zoning Code, with the following exceptions: a. Pole signs of any type over twenty -five (25) feet in height are prohibited. Pole signs shall only be allowed on parcels having frontage on US -169; b. All signs not having frontage on US -169, shall be of monument form and constructed of materials that complement the main building(s); c. All signs not attached to buildings shall be set in a landscaped bed; d. Maximum height for signage shall be twenty (20) feet for properly with frontage on all arterial roads other than US -169; e. In all other cases, the maximum height for signage shall be ten (10) feet; 57 f. Digital signs shall have an eight (8) second delay and shall only display static images (moving video and moving graphics are prohibited within the overlay); and g. New multi- tenant developments are encouraged to use the Unified Sign Permit (USP) process. 10.6.15 Building Orientation. All primary buildings on lots or tracts with frontage on US -169 are encouraged to be oriented towards the highway. If any such building is on a lot or tract with a second frontage, it shall have equally detailed and prominent fagades, constructed of equally high quality materials, facing both the highway and the secondary street. All buildings are encouraged to be oriented towards the front of the lot, with parking lots towards the rear or alongside buildings. 10.6.16 Commercial Drive - Through Lanes. Drive- through facilities associated with commercial uses shall be architecturally integrated with the building. 10.6.17 Outdoor Disolay and Sales. All outdoor display or sales areas shall be shown on the Site Plan and shall encompass less than twenty (20) percent of the area of the building footprint. Said display area shall be landscaped to provide` definition of the area. Any allowed use that requires primarily outside sales shall not be required to meet these criteria. 10.6.18 Screening of Refuse Collection and Loodina Areas. Refuse collection areas in the US- 169 Overlay District shall be screened in accordance with the Chapter titled "Landscaping, Screening, and Fencing Requirements" in the Owasso Zoning Code. In order to reduce the visual and acoustic impacts of these functions on adjacent properties and public streets, non - enclosed service, storage; and off- street loading areas shall be screened with opaque sight - obscuring walls or fences that are made of durable materials and are between six (6) feet and eight (8) feet in height. Screening materials shall be the same as, or of equal quality to, the materials used for the primary building and,landscaping. 58 DOWNTOWN OVERLAY DISTRICT 10.7 Downtown Overlay District. It is the intent of the Downtown Overlay District to provide enhanced standards to protect and enhance the unique characteristics of the Main Street, 76th St, and Downtown Owasso area. Overlay districts may also be used to protect or facilitate a particular design theme established through specific architectural styles or periods, or to protect or facilitate Site Plan conventions such as setbacks that are both minimums and maximums. 10.8 Purpose of the Downtown Overlay District. The purpose of the Downtown Overlay District is to: a. Encourage sustainable development that will become a long term asset to Owasso;` b. Promote economic growth and redevelopment cn the Downtown Owasso area; c. Encourage residential development as`'part of commercic(Igavelopment and to replace blighted properties oritFie fringe of fhe Downfopii�Owasso area with new and higher- density residenttalp., d. Encourage the development of office spate through standalone and mixed - use development. Office space is encouFd§ed at a higher- density and multi- story structures; e. Giving special attention to landscaping, bufferlpg, signage, lighting, and building setbacks in those ateas ic�ent�fi @d.as needirig'special attention; f. Giving special attention I style or to the style that is planned, so as ;tp create anasiiy Identifiable area in those areas identified as archjfecturdlly significant g Promote the history`.of Owasso h. Encourage high quality, attractive ; =and unique architecture; i Implement the,DoWntown Development District as described in the GrOwasso 2030 Land Ue�t>!aster Plan apt1m2001 Downtown Master Plan; j Creafie GtwI rant grfs and entertainment district; k. Create an =area where development can be accomplished at a higher - density thdrr; allowed in any other commercial and residential districts of Owasso rE 1 Attract newiusinesses and retain small businesses in the Downtown Owasso urea; m ReYiWI &i Main Street and create a true Main Street environment; 4u" n Establish regulations that protect the investment of existing and new businesses from unattractive, non - compatible uses; o. Ensure the area is visually pleasing, sustainable, and developed in a coordinated fashion; p. Ensure a high quality of development that will ultimately generate an economically- enhanced and pedestrian - friendly area for Owasso; q. Follow the principals of the Quality of Life Initiative and the GrOwasso 2030 Land Use Master Plan; and r. Encourage locally -owned and Made In Oklahoma businesses. 59 10.9 Designation of the Downtown Overlay District, 10.9.1 Boundary Map. The boundaries of the Downtown Overlay District are depicted in Figure 10.5. All properties within the depicted boundaries are subject to the rules and regulations of this Chapter. Figure 10.5 Downtown Overlay District Boundaries Y , I 10 A- I 10.9.2 Map Amendments. No change in the boundary of the Downtown Overlay District shall be authorized, except by the Owasso City Council pursuant to the procedures outlined in this Code. 10.10 Uses in the Downtown Overlay District. The base zoning districts of properties fully or partially within the Downtown Overlay District shall not be affected except as noted in this Chapter. All applicable regulations for use, yard, area, lot dimensions, utility placement, and landscaping shall be those specified for each district, including Planned Unit Development (PUD) stipulations. 10.10.1 Use Restrictions. In the AG (Agriculture) district, only existing agricultural uses shall be permitted to continue and be subject to all applicable standards and regulations. No Specific Use Permits (SUPS) shall be issued for any land zoned AG (Agriculture) and no new agriculture uses or businesses shall be allowed. In each zoning district, all uses respective to that district shall be permitted by right or with the issuance of an SUP, except for those listed below. 60 10.10.2 Allowed Uses. Any by right use or those uses allowed with a Specific Use Permit (SUP) shall be permitted in the Downtown Overlay District, unless otherwise restricted in this Chapter. All uses shall be defined by the most recent version of the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) book. 10.10.3 Encouraaed Uses. The following uses are encouraged in the Downtown Overlay District: Table 10.3 - Uses Encouraged in the Downtown Overlay District Antique Store Art Gallery Arts & Crafts Studio Bake /Artisan Foods Book Store _ Boutique Cafe & Sidewalk Cafe Coffee Shop Entertainment Venue Farmers Market Microbrewery Mixed -Use Development (Ground Floor Retail with Offices or Residential Above Office Space Personal Services Salon, Barber Shop, Florist, Health Store, etc. Pub /Bar & Grill /Wine Bar' Restaurant Preferred Locally orOkiahoma -Owned Restaurant Retail Use Small Comer Store with Basic Goods Small Theatre or Music -Venue Yo a /Fitness ludio Imo. 10. 10.4 Prohibited User. The following uses are prohibited in the Downtown Overlay District: Table 10.4 - Prohibited Uses in the Downtown Overlay District Agricultural Implement Sales Aircraft Sales, Animal and Poolt ' Raisin r e Any. New A ricultural Use or Busirress Appliance Storearid Repair Arena Auctione Auto Rental Auto Sales Auto WashANW Bait Shoff' inde , ?% $_oQt4 Recreational Vehicle Sales BM Gas Sales Cabinet Maker Camper Sales Casino/Gaming Center Cemetery Cesspool Cleaning Chick Hatchery Concrete Construction Service Construction Equipment Sales Convenience Store Disinfectinq Service Drag Strip fi Table 10.4 Continued Drive -In Theatre Exterminating Service Fair rounds Fence Construction Company Fuel Oil Sales Gas Service Station Gas Station Go -Kart Track Golf Driving Range Halfway House Industrial Uses, Except in the IH (Industrial Heavy) and IM Industrial Moderate Zoning Districts Janitorial Service Juvenile Delinquency Center Kennel As Prima Use Landfill Lumber Yard Mini-Storage Warehouse As Prima .Use Monument Sales Motor Vehicle Repair and Tire Shop Motorcycle Sales Oil Well Drilling and Cleaninq Establishment Outdoor Kennel Not a Part of Veterinary or Grooming Business Outdoor Recreation (Inc ludin' :Amusement Park Outdoor Storage of An y Kind as the Principal Use Plastic Material Sales Portable Building Sales Portable Storage Power Plant Pre - Release Center Race Track Animal or Vehicle Sewall - Oriented Business Shootin 'Ran e Qutdoor Taxidermist U tes and Service Sho d 10.10.5 Non- Conforming Uses. Non - conforming properties and /or uses, which existed as of the date these regulations became effective, shall be allowed to continue in the same manner after the effective date of this Chapter. However, such non- conforming properties and /or uses shall be subject to these regulations if feasible when: a. A property owner requests any zoning change; b. The principle use on the property is discontinued for a period of six (6) consecutive calendar months; c. The property is destroyed or significantly altered by sixty (60) percent or greater; or d. Enlargements or improvements are made to the structures on the property that increase the gross square footage by twenty -five (25) percent. 62 10. 10.6 Existing Uses. a. Single- Family Residential. The Downtown Overlay shall not affect existing single - family residential uses. Said uses may continue to exist in perpetuity until such time as they are redeveloped or rezoned for another use. b. Previously Approved Protects or Development Any project or development that has approved development plans or had plans submitted and under review prior to the effective date of this Code shall not be required to comply with these regulations. Previous approvals remain valid unless the approval date lapses or changes are made to previous approvals. This shall refer to Site Plans, building plans, Planned Unit Developments, (PUDs), or Specific Use Permits (SUPS) submitted prior to the effective deice of this Chapter. Said project shall still be required to comply with the;'.,, ning regulations in effect at that time. An approved plat shall not constitute, approval of a project. The Community Development Director or th &ir designee shall determine if a project meets these criteria. 10.11 Requirements in the Downtown Overlay Distiict 10.11. l Landscape Requirements. Whenever posSiblE the Downtown Overlay District shall comply"") Screening, and Fencing Requirements" in the unique developments shall provide a Landsca Community Development Direetoror their desi 10. 11.2 General Requirements All devet procedures and requirements de the Owasso Zoning Code, except 10.12 10.12.1 and 2 o Zoning Code. 'Smaller and that shall be approved by the :rlay District shall follow "General Provisions" in Architectural detdl9Tand /or be submitted to the Community Development Qepar'tment at the time of Site Plan submittal. Architectural plans shall depict architgctural details outlined i this Chapter and consist of: a. PreliMIhary renderings or drawinj_qsq of building elevations plus typical cross - sections to, clearly" define the character of the project and to ensure these provisions dre`rpet and b Clearly descnb'ed exterior building materials to indicate compliance with this Chaster; -,The Conirmunity Development Director or their designee shall review the propoed building materials for compliance. i10ildina Entrance ;Primary building entrances in the Downtown Overlay District shall be:learly defined and shall be recessed or framed by a sheltering element such as an awning, arcatlg;'overhang, or portico (in order to provide weather protection for pedestrians). Public entrances flush with the building wall with no cover are discouragedAwnings are encouraged. Awning standards include: a. Awnings for a building fapade shall be of compatible color, look, shape, and height; b. Canvas or acrylic materials are encouraged. Aluminum, wood, or plastic awnings are prohibited; c. The store name may be painted on the awning (subject to review and approval by the Community Development Director or their designee); d. Awning hardware shall not be visible; 63 e. Awnings shall provide vertical clearance of no less than eight (8) feet above sidewalks; and f. Awnings are not allowed to hangover vehicular traffic ways. 10.12.2 Off - Street Parking. Off street parking areas in the Downtown Overlay District are encouraged to be located to the side or rear of buildings or in the interior of a block whenever possible. Properties along Main Street shall be required to build along the front property line. Loading areas shall be located behind the main building and screened in accordance with the Chapter titled "Landscaping, Screening, and Fencing Requirements" in the Owasso Zoning Code. All parking lots, drives, aisles, and other elements shall comply with the Chapter titled "Off- Street Parking Requirements" in the Owasso Zoning Code. 10.12.3 Building Setback. It is the intent of this Chapter to enhance and preserve the character of the Downtown Overlay District by promoting parking area placement to the rear of lots or along the sides of buildings and bring visually pleasing building architecture to the street. Therefore building setbacks along .public street frontage may be eliminated with a zero (0) foot setback when possible. Provisions for public sidewalks shall always be made. Pudic spaces for dining and display are encouraged between the building frontages and the public sidewalk, as long as a six (6) foot clear path of travel is maintained at all times. Side setbacks shall not be required, so long as buildings meet all Building Codes and fire rating standards. 10.12.4 Outdoor Space. Outdoor seating areas, fountains, plazas, courtyards, and other elements are encouraged to create a unique, interesting, and walkable Downtown Owasso Area. 10.12.5 Sidewalks. All buildings, parking areas; public spaces, amenity features, and adjoining developments of similar use shall be linked with sidewalks. Sidewalks shall be provided along public streets that provide access to the development. Sidewalks " shall be constructed in accordance with the standards for sidewalks set forth in City of Owasso Engineering Standards. 10.12.6 Exterior Materials. Exterior building materials shall include brick, glass, split -faced concrete block, stone, stucco, synthetic stucco, cement - board, or wood siding. Metal may be used only as accent material and cumulatively may not exceed ten (10) percent of the area of any individual exterior wall along any public street. Pre- fabricated or engineered metal buildings are not allowed, though metal can be used as a construction material if covered with one of the allowed materials. These provisions shall not apply to roofs. 10.12.7 Roof Pitch. Flat roofs and roofs with a pitch of less than 3:12 require a parapet wall. Roofs and screening' shall comply with the regulations set forth in the Chapter titled "Landscaping, Screening, and Fencing Requirements" in the Owasso Zoning Code. Eaves a minimum of one (1) foot from the building face shall profile a pitched roof. Roofing for pitched roofs greater than 6:12 shall be wood, tile, slate, architectural asphalt shingles, or low- reflectivity metal (flat or matte finish). No roof shall cause water to drain or flow directly onto any public way or sidewalk. Rainwater shall be collected and piped into storm drain systems or cisterns. Bio- swales, rain gardens, or other low- impact design (LID) techniques are highly encouraged. 10.12.8 Mechanical Eauipment MAC). HVAC and similar types of incidental machinery or equipment shall be screened from view in accordance with the Chapter titled "Landscaping, Screening, and Fencing Requirements" in the Owasso Zoning Code. Utility meters, aboveground tanks, satellite dishes, and antennas shall also be screened from view. Wall- mounted mechanical equipment that extends six (6) inches or less from the outer building wall shall be designed to blend in with the color and architectural design of the subject building. Unless a waiver is authorized by the 64 Owasso City Council, all electrical and telephone lines and wires, including but not limited to street lighting, shall be placed underground. Feeder and other major transmission lines may remain overhead. All utility installation shall conform to the City's adopted Technical Standards and Specifications. All utility service lines shall be located underground when feasible. This shall not apply to existing uses or single - family homes. 70. 12.9 Wall Articulation. Fagades in the Downtown Overlay District shall have a recognizable "base" consisting of, but not limited to: a. Walls; b. Ledges; c. Sills; d. Integrally textured materials (such as stone or other masonry); e. Integrally colored and patterned materials; or f. Planters. Fagades shall also have a recognizable "top" consisting of but not limited to: a. Cornice treatments with integrally textured materials (other than colored "stripes" or "bands'); b. Sloping roofs (with overhangs and brackets); or c. Stepped parapets. U , All sides of a building and any accessory structure shall utilize materials and design characteristics consistent with those of the front fagade. In order to prevent large flat expanses of featureless exterior walls, structures having single walls exceeding twenty -five (25) feet in length shall incorporate one (1) or more of the following features at least every twenty -five (25) feet in length (see Figure 10.6) : M: Figure 10.6 Wall Articulation in the Downtown Overlay 65 B�aPVq Nob'. MOSM1L dvegpa mrypp InM M Ertw louden YJMbIn0E0 dlfe'� 65 a. Changes in color, graphical patterning, changes in texture, or changes in material; b. Projections, recesses, and reveals; c. Expressing structural bays or other aspects of the architecture with a minimum change of plane of twelve (12) inches; d. Windows and fenestration; e. Gable projections; f. Horizontal /vertical breaks; or g. Other similar techniques. 10.12.10 Sianage. Signs shall be permitted in accordance with the Chapter titled "Signs" in the Owasso Zoning Code, with the following exceptions: a. Pole signs are not allowed in the Downtown Overlay District; b. Signs are encouraged to be attached to buildings and located on the face of buildings; c. All signs not attached to buildings should be of monument form and constructed of materials that complement the main building (s): d. Maximum height for signage not attached to a building shall be six (6) feet; e. Full video message boards and signs are prohibited within the Downtown Overlay District; f. Larger and multi- tenant developments shall be.allowed to use the Unified Sign Permit (USP),process and are encouraged to do so; g. Signage overhanging the public sidewalk shall be allowed where building faces are adjacent, to property lines. Signs shall be at least eight (8) feet above the sidewalk and shall require a Sign Permit (see Figure 10.7); and h. Sandwich board signs, also known as a -frame signs, are allowed only on the sidewalk in front of the business in the Downtown Overlay District during b0siness hours and do not require a Permit. They are allowed on public sidewalks and right -of -way, but must allow for a clear path of travel at all times, shall not interrupt pedestrian activity, and shall meet all ADA requirements. Figure 10.7 k Overhanging Signs 66 10.12.1 1 Building Orientation. All primary buildings on lots or tracts with frontage on streets in the Downtown Overlay District, especially Main Street and E 761h St N are encouraged to be oriented towards the street. If any such building is on a lot or tract with a second frontage, it shall have equally detailed and prominent facades, constructed of equally high quality materials, facing both the primary street and the secondary street. All buildings are encouraged to be oriented towards the front of the lot, with parking lots towards the rear or alongside buildings. 10.12.12 Commercial Drive - Through Lanes. Drive -thru facilities are discouraged in the Downtown Overlay District. If drive -thru facilities are constructed as a part of the principal use, they shall be architecturally integrated with the main building. 10.12.13 Screening of Refuse Collection and Loading Areas Refuse collection areas in the Downtown Overlay District shall be screened in accordance with the Chapter titled "Landscaping, Screening, and Fencing Requirement'" m the Owasso Zoning Code. In order to reduce the visual and acoustic impacts of ttiee.functions on adjacent properties and public streets, non - enclosed service, storage .and off - street loading areas shall be screened with opaque sight opscuring walls and %er fences that are made of durable materials and are betty -b h six (6J feet.and eight' {s) feet in height. Screening materials shall be the same as'or.Of,equal quality to the materials used for the primary building and landscaping. 10.12.14 Mixed -Use Developments. Buildings in the''Downtown Overlay District are encouraged to contain ground floor retail or restaurant spaces. Multi -story buildings with a mix of uses like office, =refail /commercial, and ,'residential are encouraged. Residential uses above commercal space m s,,gre encouraged and shall be allowed by right in this district, subject to eeting adopted Fire Code and Building Code a requirements. 10.12.15 Sidewalk Utilization , Sjdewalk cafes ariclrroom for sidewalk retail sales outside of businesses is encouraged:in the Downtown Overlay District. A minimum of six (6) feet of public travel path shag be maintained at all times, and sidewalk business shall not impede this`,ff9vel area at?any time Bi}Sjnesses shall be required to carry insurance for sidewalk space that halds the City o>-' wasso harmless and submit Site Plans for outside activity toherfy forapproval. r 10.12 16 PdQfk a n ,Parking in the Downtow O�' erlay District shall be designed in accordance 1 iith the Owasse Zoning Code. The Community Development Director or their designee may waive or alter parking requirements on unique lotrofi a case -by -case basis. Multi- family developments shall provide at least one (1) parking space per unit and " are .,encouraged to fneet current parking standards. The Community Development Director or he signee shall determine parking requirements for multi - family Public pdikind' is encouraged with any new developments and can be counted towards parking requirements (except residential parking minimums). Developers shall work with the City to review and design public parking arrangements. If on- street parking is present or permitted on adjacent streets, said parking spaces may be considered to meet or augment parking requirements. An inventory of such spaces shall be made and reviewed against the parking needs of other businesses in the vicinity. 10. 12.17 Multi - family Development. Individual multi - family developments in excess of six (6) units shall proceed through the rezoning and Planned Unit Development (PUD) process in accordance with the Owasso Zoning Code. For developments of six (6) units or less, the project shall only be required to rezone to the appropriate district 67 (unless already zoned commercial) and proceed through an administrative Site Plan review. All additional standards shall be met. 10. 12.18 Residential Development. Residential redevelopment is encouraged, including mixed -use, multi - family, townhome, triplex, and duplex development. One (1) and two (2) family residential developments shall be allowed on any lot zoned for residential use. Development of up to six (6) dwelling units shall be allowed by right on any commercially zoned lot. 10.12.19 Stormwater Detention. Stormwater detention shall only be required on new development that increases the impervious area. All detention requirements shall be determined by the Owasso Public Works Department. These requirements shall not be applicable to residential dwellings up to six (6) units. 10.12.20 Floor Area Ratio (FAR). There shall be no Floor Area Ratio (FAR) requirements in the Downtown Overlay District. 10.12.21 Building Height. Any commercial, multi - family, or mixed use building in the DM (Downtown Mixed) district must be at least two (2) stories in height unless site conditions do not allow or approval from the Community Development Director or their designee is obtained. 10.12.22 Amenities. Smaller multi- family developments shall not be require d`ta' meet the amenity requirements established in the Chapter titled "Planned Unit Developments" in the Owasso Zoning Code. Amenities should be placed internally when possible in larger multi- family developments (workout room, rec room, pool area, etc.) unless said amenities are made available to the public. Commercial developments are encouraged to provide public amenities whenever possible (benches, fountains, play areas, plaza areas, etc.) 10.12.23 Excess Right- of.Nay (ROW). When development occurs along public rights -of -way that have excess right -of -way (example: non - arterials with 70' right -of -way width), closing of -the public right -of -way shall be encouraged where possible. An alternative is to provide public parking stalls in these areas. Closing of right -of -way shall be subject to approval of the Owasso Public Works Department. 10.12.24 Administrative Review. Unless _cited - within this Chapter or another Section of the Owasso Zoning Code, review of these guidelines shall be performed at the administrative level. The Community Development Director or their designee may approve variations *to the regulations set forth in this Chapter or alternate treatments, so long as the intent of the Code is met. 68 CHAPTER 11 SITE DESIGN STANDARDS 11.7 Purpose. The purpose of this Chapter is to provide standards that will ensure properties are developed in safe, attractive, and orderly fashion subject to the following: a. Provide and maintain an orderly system of property development; b. Provide attractive sites that maintain high property values to themselves and surrounding properties; c. Ensure that development protects the health, safety, and welfare of Owasso citizens and visitors; d. Provide for 'green' design opportunities; and e. Ensure access is provided to developnenf5'in a safe andefficient manner. 11.1.1 Exclusions for Developed Industrial Parks. (t is recognized that cerfatrrequirements of this Code may be too onerous for`' ing in - Cleveloped ustrial parks. Consequently, the Community Developmentpirectororfheir desig nee- mqy approve modifications or variances to this Code to ac'cor irntldate applicants 66ilding in a developed industrial park. 11.2 Platting Required. All proposeddevelopments shall occur on platted property and /or a legal Lot of Record. Platting & property shall follow the'procedures outlined in the most recently adopted Owasso Subdiv3iorn Regulations.. `Nb Building Permit shall be issued in the City of Owasso, unless. the subject development is on an approved Final Plat and /or legal lot of record, or it,, RiattyJaive11r "proved by the Owasso City Council (see the Seeh4n titled Subdivision Plat Requirement and Waiver" in the Owasso Subdr' vision Reaulationsl 11.3 Site Plan 9446ired. A Sit districts excepf Those wit development Site Phis as ,getermined by the? C f' "An shall be prepared; l a. A binding, marg'ir margin of��fit less Ian shall bb submitted for all developments in all zoning a non Planh' d Unit Development single - family residential ry be require' for remodels or expansions of existing sites, rnuhlty Development Director or their designee. All Site n1- 11, mform1ty =with and show the following: two (2) inches at the left side of the Site Plan and a in,one (1) inch at the right side; b. If more thrin two (2) sheets are required, an index sheet of the same dimensions shall be filed showing the entire development; c All drawings "' shall be drawn to scale (minimum scale 1 " =100', 1 " =20' preferred) al Date,Af preparation of the Site Plan, north arrow, and bar scale (written and graph "ic presentation); e. Location of all floodplain boundaries and notation of FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) with which the site is associated; f. Location and size of existing water, sanitary sewer, stormwater systems, natural gas, telephone, cable, electric, and any other utility adjacent to or proposed to serve the site; g. Location and dimensions of required building setbacks, landscape setbacks, and /or easements; 69 h. Zoning (include Planned Unit Development (PUD) if applicable) and land uses of the subject property and adjacent properties; L Location and size of all existing and proposed parking areas including driving, maneuvering lanes, and loading areas or berths; j. Location and dimension of all existing and proposed curb lines, driveways, and neighboring street intersections within one hundred and fifty (150) feet of project; k. Proposed stormwater detention facilities and structures; I. Outdoor Lighting Plan (included on the Site Plan or on as a separate sheet, if necessary) with the following: 1. Locate all illuminating devices and include a description of each device, fixture, lamp, support, reflec {tor; pole, foundation /footing, and other devices, including but not limited to manufacturers or electric utility catalog specification sheets. There should also be a table included on the plan that indicates the fixture classification (i.e. cutoff fixture, wall pack, flood light; etc.); and 2. For projects that adjoin a residential district or that will impact nearby residential developments, a Photometric Plan (a point -by -point foot - candle array in a printout format indicating the location and aiming of illuminating devices) is required. The Community Development Director or their designee shall determine if a Photometric Plan or lighting plan be required for any development; m. Existing and proposed right- of- way and easements; n. Parcel /lot dimensions (tie to street monument); o. Existing and proposed rights -of -way improvements (curb /gutter /sidewalk/ driveways); p. Existing and proposed driveway locations and widths; q•. Raised islands, existing and proposed traffic signals, and other traffic control * devices; r. For projects abutting US -169, show the location of the white vinyl fencing if g there is none along that section of frontage. White vinyl fencing is required in areas where none exists. The Owasso Public Works Department has a standard fence detail that shall be utilized for all required fencing. sN Pedestrian walkways or sidewalks (including ADA ramps) where required; t. Location and length of queuing areas for drive- through service areas; u. Location of proposed retaining walls (include detail and cross- section); v. Show and label screening /buffering from adjacent residential uses (see the Chapter titled "Landscaping, Screening, and Fencing Requirements" in the Owasso Zoning Code); w. Location, height, and material of fences; x. Location of any outdoor display areas for seasonal merchandise (if applicable); y. Location of any outdoor storage areas; FIE 11.3.1 z. Show all sight triangles in accordance with the Section titled "Sight Triangles" in this Chapter; aa. Location, height, and material of fences (see the Chapter titled "Landscaping, Screening, and Fencing Requirements" in the Owasso Zoning Code); bb. Location, height, size, and type of any proposed ground sign (signs are approved by separate Permit); cc. Show all phases of development for each lot /Site Plan (if applicable); dd. Building architectural elevations that indicate materials; ee. Locations of any proposed outdoor speakers, ff. Location, design, and architectural detail of;tumps enclosure (with materials that match or complement thesndin struo }ure); and gg. A narrative statement explaining the t of development (i.e. eating place, convenience goods intensive outdoor recreation, etc.) Existing and Proposed Buildinas. Site Plaras, must shove. the followiri information regarding all existing and proposed buildings'and structu "res: a. Location; b. Dimension and square`6ota c. Building height; d. Proposed building finished flG e. Dimension ,building(s) to proF f. Label each builair with the g. Address address; 11.3.2 Existing Streets. streets-,adj,acen AW a Riahf =df= of the b>jilding(s) show and dittdhdes between buildings; d use; and construction, the City will provide the following information regarding existing to the Owasso Major Street and Highway Plan) and b. Existing proposed, and'anticipated street names and classifications; :. c. Existing and /dr proposed access points; d, Acceleration and deceleration lanes (required on arterial streets); e Traffic Island'and other traffic control devices; and f Proposed curb cuts, service drives, and drainage survey indicating that stornwater flow will not be adversely affected. 11.3.3 General Information. Site Plans must show a data table that shall include the following information: a. Site area (gross and net); b. Current and proposed zoning (note the Planned Unit Development (PUD) if applicable); c. Gross building area; d. Square foot and percent of impervious area (show calculation); and 71 11.3.4 11.4 e. Parking required and provided (including ADA accessible). Landscape Plan. Site Plans must show a Landscape Plan (submitted as a separate sheet) that shall include: a. Location of all plant material, special paving areas, or other features; b. Plant schedule keyed to the Landscape Plan showing quantities, common and scientific names, size of the plant material (i.e. container size or trunk caliper for trees), and any special notes; c. Planting details and details for any special site features (i.e. arbors, patios, columns, etc.); and d. A note indicating that the owner is responsible for the survival of all plant material and will replace any dead plant material.- Screenina Reauired. 11.4.1 Dumosters and Recycled Material Bins. Dumpster and recycle bin areas shall be screened in accordance with the Chapter titled "Landscaping, Screening, and Fencing Requirements" in the Owasso Zoning Code., Additionally the following standards shall apply: a. A concrete approach loading pad shall be constructed in front of all refuse enclosures. Such pad shall be at least twelve (12) feet wide by twelve (12) feet long, and a minimum of six (6) inches thickness of concrete; and b. An unobstructed approach path of not less than fifty (50) feet in length shall be required to allow a thirty -five (35) foot long collection truck to access the refuse structure, unless the Community Development Director or their designee determines that the property is dkAtrained by unique size or location. A turn- around area of sufficient length shall be provided to allow the collection truck, to exit without backing out onto public right -of -way (see Figure: 11.1). Figure 11.1 Dumpsters and Recycled Material Bins Correct installation with pipe bollards i 50' clear approach to enclosure prevent damage to enclosure Collection vehicle must i— be able to turn around and A, 3s•cdiecnon buck? exit without backing onto public streets •••' ' ' . C2, Correct K Incorrect enclosure installation angled installation Inadequate approach path Minimum enclosure for collection truck of12'x12' 11.4.2 Mechanical Equipment. Mechanical equipment shall be screened in accordance with the Chapter titled "Landscaping, Screening, and Fencing Requirements" in the Owasso Zoning Code. All rooftop mechanical equipment shall be screened from all sides. 72 11.4.3 Outdoor Storage Areas. When permissible outdoor storage is utilized, such storage shall be visually screened from properties zoned office or residential, public streets, and alleys by an opaque fence not less than six (6) feet in height or by a building structure. Outside storage areas shall be placed on an all- weather surface. An aggregate base course (ABC) may be used so long as separator fabric is placed beneath the ABC to reduce weeds and grass. The required screening fence may be part of the Landscape Plan requirement outlined in the Chapter titled "Landscaping, Screening, and Fencing Requirements" in the Owasso Zoning Code. 11.4.4 Outdoor Display Areas. In all districts where the outside display of merchandise for sale is permitted, such display shall be allowed only as an accessory use to the primary use on the same lot or tract of land. In all districts where the outside display of goods is perrrijtted, such display of goods for sale incidental to a retail use shall not be required to rescreened in accordance with the provisions in this Chapter. In all districts where the outside display of goods is permitted,, such display shall conform to all of the following requirements a. Where outside display is located adldeent to a building an unoccupied area of not less than four (4) feet in width shall be provided for pedestran access between any outside display and vehiel'e overhang areas of any adjacent parking lot; b. In no instance shall outside .display of merchandise be located within, nor encroach upon, a fire lane rJpneuvering aisle; unimproved surface, or landscaped area; c. Outside display shall be situd}ed so cis nofto create a visibility obstruction to moving v,4506les within a parking'Idt d. The Bred devoted to outside di §play shall not exceed five (5) percent of the totd,41bor area of -the building gccupied by the use to which such outside dispjay?jsaccessory;' e. Outside display shall-not block or imjue access to a fire connection; # Outside displa shall be'�prohibl y' fed in any right -of -way except where allowed by crlicense agreement with the City; and g. Any par 'I" stalls covered by outdoor display areas shall not be included in the parking alculatio is for the proposed use. 11.5 Site Access and Circulation Reauirements. The purpose and intent of this Section is to prayj e an orderi End consistent means of establishing vehicular and pedestrian access, and circulation throughout the City. It is recognized that each developing propertyJs unique; and as such access controls may vary. Factors such as lot width, shape or nature "of the use will dictate appropriate access control measures. 11.5.1 Street Access. No use shall be permitted to take direct access to a public right -of- way except as permitted in this Section. Access shall only be allowed where plats show access being allowed. In some cases, full access shall not be allowed. In these cases, a right -in /right -out arrangement may be more appropriate. The Community Development Director and /or Public Works Director or their designee shall determine if full access to any street shall be allowed or more limited access shall be designed. 11.5.2 Local Streets. All residential uses other than multi - family may take direct access to local streets. Non - residential uses and multi - family developments shall take direct access to an arterial or, in some cases, a collector street. Lesser street classification access by non - residential uses is only appropriate for meeting minimum health, 73 safety, and welfare requirements or when there is no additional opportunity for accessibility. The Community Development Director and /or Public Works Director or their designee shall determine if access to any street shall be allowed or alternative access shall be provided. 11.5.3 Arterial Streets. When a multi- family use or non - single - family residential use takes access to an arterial street, the point of access shall be directly across from an existing point of access, or spaced at least one hundred fifty (150) feet from any intersecting street or other point of access to the arterial, or spaced as determined by the Community Development Director and /or Public Works Director or their designee (See Figure 11.2). Figure 11.2 Driveway Spacing Double Frontage Situation asoremens� n Single Frontage Situation F- Measurement -� 11.5.4 Driveway Connections to,,..Adiacent Development. Driveway connections to adjacent non- residential development shall be provided and clearly identified on any submitted. Site Plan. Mutual - access easements may be required by separate instrument if not platted. All driveway connections shown on a Site Plan shall be constructed and stubbed if development has not yet occurred on adjacent lots or previous development does. not provide mutual access. Future development of adjacent property shall complete a connection to any existing stub street. Residential subdivisions shall meet all Manual Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) requirements. The Community Development Director or their designee may waive the requirement for a driveway connection in those cases where unusual topography or site conditions would render such an easement of no useable benefit to adjoining properties or unsafe conditions are present. The Community Development Director or their designee may approve the closure of driveway access in those cases where adjoining parcels are subsequently developed with a residential use or in a manner inappropriate to the connection. 11.5.5 Mutual Access Driveways. For developing commercial and industrial lots that have a common boundary, a mutual access driveway shall be established between the properties for the purposes of consolidating driveways and avoiding multiple curb cuts on arterial streets. The Community Development Director or their designee may waive the requirement for said cases where unusual topography or site conditions 74 would render such an easement of no useable benefit to adjoining properties or create a safety concern (see Figure 1 1.3j. Figure 11.3 Mutual Access Driveways --- - - - - -- - - - - - -- I I I I I I Developing I Future Commercial Commercial Tract CTii Tract I - -- � / / / / //i -- MUIUOI ACCBfS I / /��/ //� DrIvCwOY I 11.5.6 Width of Access. The width of access driveways or drive approaches shall be determined by the authority having jurisdiction over the roadway from which access is being taken. However, in no case shall an individual driveway or drive approach width be greater than thirty -five (35) feet. Driveways with center medians shall have a fifteen (15) foot ingress and a twenfy --two (22) foot maximum egress width. Medians shall not extend into the-flight-of-way (see Figure 11.4). Figure 11.4 Width of Access 35W 22 fed J i15� feet 11.5.7 Soacirica from intersections. All points of access shall be separated from public right - of- way'and private access intersections according to Table 11.1 below unless site dimensions prohibit such spacing. Table 11.1 - Seacing from Intersections Street Classification Minimum Distance from Corner Local 150 Feet* Collector 150 Feet* Arterial 300 Feet* `The Community Development Director or Public Works Director or their designees shall determine if site conditions warrant additional separation of drives from intersections or if a reduction in distance is warranted. 75 Driveway /drive approach spacing shall be measured from back of curb or edge of pavement to the center line of the proposed driveway /drive approach. Figure 11.5 illustrates the measurement for driveway placement. Figure 11.5 Spacing of Intersections and Points of Access .0 lws.' owromanl Fo�ca pivu I Oavebp'rq cvnc*bi 11.5.8 Emeraency Access Drives. Emergency access drives shall be at least twenty -four (24) feet in width. Emergency access shall be on an all- weather surface and provided as per the most recently adopted International Fire Code. 11.5.9 Street Improvements. Where a site is to be occupied by a multi - family or non- residential use, the developer shall improve any abutting public right -of -way up to the center -line of the road according to City standards. 1 1.5.10 Sight Trianales. Arterial Street Intersecfions. No obstruction greater than two (2) feet above the street surface shall be located within a sight triangle. A sight triangle is formed at the intersection of two (2) streets by two (2) curb lines or edges of the streets and extending for a distance of twenty -five (25) feet each way and then a distance of ten (10) feet by seventy (70) feet each way from the point of intersection of the curb lines or the edge of the street (see Figure 11.5). 11 k9 2 Collector or Local Street Intersections. No obstruction greater than two (2) feet the street surface shall be located within a sight triangle that is formed at "`vh the intersection of two (2), streets by two (2) curb lines or edges of the streets and T extending for a distance of twenty -five (25) feet each way from point of = intersection of the curb lines or edge of the street (see Figure 11.6). 2 Figure 11.6 Siaht Trianales Atlrtal St a t T b i 76 Obiects within Sight Triangles. Objects within sight triangles must be restricted to give the users of the street or driveway an unobstructed view of oncoming vehicles and pedestrians. No structures, berms, vegetation, or other visual obstruction with a height equal to or greater than two (2) feet above the street surface elevation is allowed within a sight triangle, except for the following: a. Public utility poles; b. Official warning signs or signals; or c. Other signs that conform to this Code, are mounted at a height equal to or greater than ten (10) feet above the street surface, and have supports that do not obscure the view of oncoming vehi lgs and pedestrians. 11.5.1 1 Sidewalk Improvements. Sidewalks shall be accordance with City of Owasso design star All Site Plans shall show the location of prop of Occupancy (C /O) shall be approved unt The Community Development Director may permit exceptions from the sid4 following circumstances: a. Sidewalk construction may be delayed c developments that are,..not being built Permit is issued for the site b. Where extraordinary tope; result in exceptional practi+ an exception from or me granted c. Within bb industrial district shall not , %be require to a segttdn line road; all public right -of -way in . No Certificate installed. designees under the portions of large commercial until such time as a Building itions exist that would iships upon the owner, requirements may be there is no established sidewalk pattern, However, sidewalks shall be constructed d. Sidewalks spay be escrowed in, certain situations where road widening projects hau,been dppraved#pr funding. Escrowed sidewalks are approved on :p�case by case basis, grid the price per linear foot shall be determined by the Ow`,gsso Public =Works Department. Building Archrtectute Design - Standards. This Section is intended to promote high standards in architectural design and creative, innovative, aesthetically pleasing structures. Building design determines much of the image and attractiveness of the streetscapes n Jc aracter of the community. Massive, duplicative, or generic projects that do pot contribute to, or integrate with, the community in a positive manner`can be dairimental to a community's image and sense of place. The City's goal is to.,;c[eate and maintain a positive ambiance and community image and identity by' providing for building design treatments that shall enhance the visual appearance of applicable development, improve the quality of life in the City, and maintain high property values. The provisions of this Section shall apply to all development, renovation, or redevelopment of all multi - family and non - residential structures. 11.6.1 Metal Buildings. The following metal building requirements may be modified with approval from the Community Development Director or their designee if alternative architectural treatments are appropriate. Front Facade. Any side of a building facing a public right -of -way shall be considered a front fagade. The front fapade of buildings within a commercial or 77 office district or those within a residential district approved with a Specific Use Permit (SUP) may only contain a maximum area of ten (10) percent metal. For buildings in industrial districts metal may comprise a maximum of one -third (1 /3) of the total front facade. Sides. For buildings within commercial or office districts or those within a residential district approved with a Specific Use Permit (SUP), the sides of the building shall be at least half (1 /2) brick, glass, rock, wood, or material other than metal. In computing the area for each wall, the portion of the wall containing windows, window frames, doors, and signs shall not be considered a non -metal material. For industrial buildings, metal may comprise three - quarters (3/4) of the total side facade, unless said side faces a public or private street or residential use (future or current). Then, only one -third (1 /3) of that side may be metal (see Figure 11.7). Figure 11.7 Exterior 50% Non -Metal Coverage, Window Excluded in Calculation Rear. The rear facade of a building in a commercial or office district may be completely comprised of metal. However, if said side faces a residential use (future,br current), then it shall be at least half (1/2) brick, glass, rock, wood, or material other than metal. Large Building Facade. Structures having single walls exceeding fifty (50) feet in length shall incorporate pne or more of the following features at least every fifty (50) feet in length; a. Changes in color, graphical patterning, texture, or material; b. Projections, recesses, and reveals expressing structural bays or other aspects of the architecture with a minimum change of plane of twelve (12) inches; c. Windows and fenestration; d. Gable projections; e. .Horizontal or vertical breaks; or f. other similar techniques. 11.6.2 Architectural Standards. Roofs. Roof tops shall contribute to the unified appearance of each development and shall be designed considering the perspective from higher areas, ground level, other buildings, and roadways. In the event that any portion of any roof is visible to an observer standing on ground level at any place along the property lines of the subject property, no roofs of metal construction shall be permitted unless the roof is of a standing seam type of construction or a functional and architectural equivalent thereof. In the case where a structure is 78 proposed adjacent to previously- existing pitched roofed structures, any new construction incorporating flat roof shall meet these standards to achieve compatibility with the surrounding area. Entryways. Each applicable establishment shall have clearly defined and highly visible customer entrances featuring one (1) of the following: k. Integral planters or vying walls that incorporate landscaped areas and /or places for sitting. Where additional stores are located'n the applicable establishment, each such store shall have at least one exterior custom' d"r entrance'that shall conform to the above entrywa ,,requirements 11.6.3 Connectivity. fhe site - design slia(I provide direct pedestrian and vehicular connection qr d safe stre# crossings tb;alI adjacent uses. 11.6.4 Applicability The;'stdhdards in this Subsection shall apply when a residential use is converted to a "' resid �itial usp, even in those cases where no additions, alfetdtforts, or modifications are mdde to the structure. Miscellaneo0s;., ReauireMents. No structure designed for, intended for, or previously or presently used for residential purposes shall be used for or occupied by any non residential use unless it is harmonious with the existing neighborhood and complies with the following: a. The site_,- design requirements found in this Chapter; Building Code; Fire Code; d. National Electrical Code; and e. All other currently adopted and enforced City Codes. No commercial occupancy shall be permitted until Site Plan approval has been received. 11.6.43 Driveways. All driveways and drive approaches shall be constructed to non- residential standards. When a Site Plan is submitted to convert a dwelling to a non - residential use, the applicant shall locate the driveway /drive approach for use by one or more of the adjoining sites. Where this can be met, an interconnecting driveway easement shall be submitted by the applicant. 79 11.7 Sound Abatement. Special attention shall be given to any use that would or could create excessive noise, such as movie theatres, vet clinics, places of worship, auto repair shops, animal boarding, concert hall, and entertainment venues. Excessive noise can come in several forms, including animal noise, music, machinery, or mechanical sounds. Any use that produces amplified music or excessive noise shall be required to provide sound attenuation measures. Construction materials that achieve sound baffling or sound absorption shall be required for any project creating excessive noise. The proposed engineered materials shall be approved by the Community Development Director or their designee. Any outdoor speakers shall be subject to approval by the Community Development Director or their designee. 11.8 Accessory Uses and Structures. 11.8.1 Purpose. The purpose of this Section is to regulate the placement and maintenance of structures and uses that are accessory to the principal use on the property upon which they are located. a. Unless otherwise stated, accessory uses and structures are subject to the same regulations as the principal use, as well as the regulations in the district where the principal use is located; b. The accessory use shall be subordinate to and serve the principal use or principal structure; c. An accessory building shall comply with the requirements applicable to the principal building; d. The accessory use shall contribute to the comfort, convenience, or necessity of occupants of the principal use served; e. When applicable, the accessory use or structure shall meet the standards of this Section; f. All accessory uses shall be contained within the principal structure unless clearly defined on an approved Site Plan; and g. All outdoor sales /storage areas shall be shown on the approved Site Plan (not to include seasonal items such as pumpkin sales, Christmas trees, etc.) and screened accordingly. Businesses that are non - compliant prior to the passing of this Code shall not be subject to these regulations. 11.8.2 Specific Use Permit Required. Accessory structures not part of an approved Site Plan for the principal structure on the property that are greater than one - hundred (100) square feet in size shall be approved with a Specific Use Permit (SUP) and evaluated against the criteria outlined in this Section. 11.8.3 General Dimensional and Placement Standards. No accessory structure shall be constructed, placed, or maintained on any public utility, drainage, or roadway easement. Mobile, moveable, or non - permanent accessory structures may be placed within a rear or side yard utility easement, but shall maintain a distance of five (5) feet from the property line. 11.8.4 Commercial Accessory Structures Standards and Review Criteria. Accessory structures placed in parking lots shall meet the following requirements: a. A Site Plan shall be submitted indicating the location, size, and height of the structure. The Community Development Director or their designee shall have the responsibility of approving the use or structure; b. Architectural drawings shall be submitted for review; 80 c. For structures in excess of one hundred (100) square feet, materials and color shall complement the main structure(s) on the property; d. All exposed cooling units, compressors, machinery, etc. (including rooftop units) shall be screened on all four (4) sides; e. Structures shall be placed behind the front setback; I. Any water discharged from the operation of condensing or similar units shall not drain into parking areas or sidewalks. Said discharge must drain into a grass or landscaped area or in a storm drain; g. No petroleum waste or by- products shall be of the operation of the use. If said waste is removed immediately, and disposed of pr result in the termination of the use on the pr( h. Structures shall not block drive aisle visibility issues for motorists or pedest6c, I. Structures which are solid and hd� screened on any side facing a pubic fencing, landscaping, or a combinati j. All signage in conjunction with the pr out in the Chapter titled;. „'Signs” in the up four (4) J of or discharged as part id it shall be cleaned up, Repeated violations may parking, or create more walls /sides shall be :an be accomplished with must meet requirements set ling Code; k. All required Permits (e_,g Plfimping, Electrical); shall be obtained for the operation of the structure ,and I. Recycle bins and donation pins (for ajothing;Joys, or'other merchandise) shall be located ,within fifteen (15) %et =of the principgi"structure and are prohibited in the front setback, and shall nod take up any parking spaces. These uses should 6e placet �jp the utilrty or refuse area behind the principal structures. Donation bins shplL not be pldced without the express permission of the The Community'^ structures and u rn tt e forrn,of..a l 11.9. Temporary Uses'. Purpose. This Se, duration, provid( qnd that a T to;; the definition Zoning,Code.) E approval The�f subject to ikTefo 11.9.2 vent Director oraheir designee shall approve all accessory quiring Specific Use Permit (SUP). The approval shall come indicate conditions as part of the approval. allows'for the establishment of certain temporary uses of limited 2it the temporary use complies with the standards of this Section y Use Permit (TUP), if required, is properly obtained. (Refer also amporary use in the Chapter titled "Definitions" in the Owasso shall be valid for one (1) calendar year from the date of Permit ing temporary uses are permitted with approval of a TUP and g provisions and any additional conditions as set out herein. Temporary Uses Allowed. The following temporary uses are allowed in non - residential districts, provided that they comply with the general standards of this Chapter: a. Retail sales of products (including but not limited to Christmas tree sales, nursery products, sno -cone stands, beverage stands, food trucks, agricultural produce, etc.) in any non - residential district for a period not to exceed the number of days specified in the Temporary Use Permit (TUP). Display of products need not comply with the yard and setback requirements of this Code. Approvals for retail temporary uses and structures shall follow the procedure outlined in the Chapter titled "Specific Use and Temporary Use Permits" in the Owasso Zoning Code. 81 b. Temporary office space and equipment storage when accessory to an approved construction project shall not require a TUP, but shall adhere to the following restrictions. 1. Such uses shall be located on the site no more than thirty (30) days prior to the start of construction and removed no more than thirty (30) days after completion of such project; 2. Shall meet any applicable Fire or Building Codes and shall submit permits for any electrical, mechanical, and plumbing work; and 3. A Site Plan depicting the location of the structure shall be submitted for review to the Community Development Department. c. Sales offices on residential development sites are permitted in any zoning district until all lots or houses are sold or leased. Said structures shall not require a TUP. However, the use of the sales office for sites outside of the project is prohibited. d. Tent sales shall not require a TUP and are allowed under the following circumstances: 1. All businesses wanting to have a tent sale must submit a Site Plan to the Community Development Director or their designee; 2. All submitted Site Plans for tent sales must be accompanied by a permission letter from the owner of the property where the tent sale will be located. All tent sales must be directly affiliated with the permanent principle use on the site. 3. A business within the City of Owasso will be permitted to have a maximum of two (2) tent sales per calendar year; 4. No single tent sale may last longer than four (4) days; 5. Any signage associated with a tent sale must comply with the City's Sign Ordinance; 6. No,omplified sound is permitted in association with a tent sale; 7. Tent sales are only permitted for the products and /or services normally sold by the business; 8. Under no circumstances may a tent sale be located within nor encroach upon a fire lane, public sidewalk, public street, or placed in any location that creates a hazard to traffic or public safety; 9. Any lighting associated with a tent sale must comply with the Ordinance regulating the City's lighting; 10. Any tent in excess of four hundred (400) square feet must comply with the International Fire Code adopted by the City of Owasso; and 11. Tent sales are only permitted in non - residentially zoned districts. e. Expansion or replacement facilities consisting of transportable buildings that are pre- constructed and arrive at the site ready for occupancy and are readily removed and installed at other sites shall not require a TUP. Such facilities shall include but are not limited to the following: 1. Expansion of existing religious assembly facilities, health care facilities, and government offices following the approval of filed plans and applications for the permanent alteration /expansion of these facilities; 82 2. Temporary classroom space for existing schools; 3. Temporary office space for construction and security personnel during the construction of an approved development for which a Grading or Building Permit has been issued; 4. Temporary space for recreational uses provided in connection with an approved residential development under construction; 5. Temporary space for a non - residential use following the destruction of a building by fire or other catastrophic event; 6. Temporary office space (one (1) per site) for hiring, membership solicitation, apartment office /leasing and )general office use following the issuance of a Building Permit for the Construction; and 7. Temporary buildings are allowed for perigdSpot to exceed one (1) year. However, the Community `Developrrlent Director or their designee may grant addifiont�i one (1) year` extensions up to a maximum of three (3) extensibn"s. Said buildings shall also adhere to fkre,[ollowing rCctuirements � ;, 1. Meet any applicable fire or building Codes and submit its for any electrical, mechanical, and plumbs; ork; and 2. Submit a site plgr depicting the locatfort of the structure for review to the Community f &46pment Departmen3: _ 1 1.9.3 Temporary Uses Not Allowed. Pop Up anc off premise tent sales are prohibited within Owasso City Limits. Tents associated with Communitywide events such as carnivals, the Harvest Festival,.and the Gathenna on'' a are exempt. 83 CHAPTER 12 OFF - STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS 12.1 Purpose. The purpose of this Chapter is to provide standards that will protect the health, safety, and general welfare of the public and achieve the following: a. Provide and maintain an orderly system of parking lots that provide safe and adequate access to drivers and vehicles; b. Create a network of public and private streets, driveways, aisles, and parking lots that provide a safe means of travel within Owasso; c. Provide for 'green' design opportunities; and d. Augment existing regulations. 12.1.1 Parkina Standards. The standards and diagrams provided within this Chapter are designed to create an ingress and egress system that provides Owasso citizens and visitors with a safe environment on public roads and in private parking areas. Any deviation from these requirements must be approved by the Community Development Director and the Public Works Director or their designees, or through a Variance or an appeal to the Owasso Board of Adjustment (BOA). Provided parking calculations found within this Chapter are designed to provide a minimum number of parking stalls that will meet customer demand for certain types of businesses as well as provide adequate parking for employees and other persons integral to operating those specific businesses. All off - street parking lots for any use shall be'designed based upon the criteria listed in this Chapter. Any parking lots that are expanded or altered (excluding routine or regular maintenance) shall meet the requirements of this Chapter. Any expansion of any current business by more than twenty five (25) percent shall trigger a requirement to meet the requirements set forth in this Chapter. All parking within the City of Owasso shall be on hard - surface. No parking on grass or yard areas shall be allowed within any residential, office, industrial, or commercially - zoned district. All required parking for any use shall be provided on the same lot as the use. Off -site parking arrangements shall not be allowed unless the parking lot is contiguous to the subject property qnd evidence of a shared parking agreement shall be provided to the City of Owasso. The regulations found within this Chapter are designed to be in accordance with and supplement the other Chapters of the Owasso Zoning Code. Wherever these regulations may be in conflict with other Chapters of the Owasso Zoning Code, the more restrictive shall apply. Failure to maintain parking lots, parking spaces, driveways, or any vehicle drives, loading areas, storage areas, or parking areas as outlined in this Chapter shall constitute a Zoning Code violation and shall be subject to enforcement. No person shall park or place an automobile, trailer, vessel, or any other type of vehicle upon a public or private street, parking lot, or any public or private property for the purpose of displaying such automobile, trailer, vessel, or any other type of vehicle for sale, hire, rental, or other advertising purposes, unless said property is zoned by the City for such purpose and the vendor is duly licensed to transact such business at that location. This prohibition shall not apply to the sale of a vehicle on private residential property belonging to the owner of any such vehicle. 84 Table 12.1 - Parking Requirements by Type of Use Use Parking Bicycle" AGRICULTURAL. Agricultural Implement Sales 1 space per 500 square feet of sales area N/A ANIMAL RELATED Kennel 1 space per 750 square feet, plus 1 space per employee N/A Veterinarian 1 space per 250 square feet of gross area N/A EDUCATIONAL /CHILD CARE Child Care/Day Care 1 space per 400 square feet Required College/University/Junior Colle e 1 space per 6 students Required Elementary School 2 spaces per classroom Required Extra School Stadium 1 space per 4 seats, Required Fraternity or Sorority 1 space per bed within the building Required High School 5 spaces per classroom Required Ubrary i space per 500is uare feet Required Middle School 2 space. eir classroom Required Trade School 1 5 ace per 2 studenls�e lus 1 s ace ° er employee Required FINANCIAL Automatic Teller Machines Not required for d[Lyethru; 2 spaces required for walk-up N/A Banks and Financial Institutions 1 s d4b, er 400 s uare feet N/A FOOD /BEVERAGE . Coffee Shop 1 s ace er 100 s uare'feet;of customer service area Required Ice Cream/Yogurt Shop 1 space per 100 square feet of customer service area Required Restaurant 1 space per 100 square feet-,- includin outdoor areas Required Restaurant Drive -In 1 space" er 100s uare feet of diniin - ,area indoor /outdoor Required Restaurant w /Drive -Thru I space per square feet, inc(o4ling outdoor areas Required Restaurant Take -Out Only) 1 space p er 100 s uare feet of custb - er service area Required Tavern/Bar/Nightclub 1 space per 100" gross s uare feet Required INDUSTRIAL Equipment Rental I space per 300 gross square feet N/A Manufacturing 1 space per 750 square feet N/A LODGING Bed and Breakfast t, space per questr6om, plus 2 spaces for p6mary residence N/A Boarding or Rooming Houses 1 s ace:' per bedroom, plus 2 spaces Required Hotel /Motel 1 space per 1.5 guest rooms, plus 1 space pe",OW square feet of meeting /restaurant area, plus 1 space per employee of largest shift N/A MEDICAL /CARE Assisted Livin ,,,Facility 1 s ace: er 3 beds, plus 1 space per em to ee of largest shift N/A Funeral Home';: +' , 1 space per 4 seats of assembly area N/A Halfway Houses /Sober Living 1 space per 2 beds, plus 2 spaces Required Hospital 1.25 spaces per 2 beds, plus 1 space for each. employee of largest shift N/A Medical Office 1 space per 200 gross square feet N/A Social Assistance 1 space per 250 square feet Required OFFICE Professional Office I space per 250 gross square feet N/A Radio/TV Studio 1 space per 250 gross square feet N/A Research and Development 1 space per 500 square feet N/A OTHER Airport 1 space per 100 square feet of wolfing area N/A RECREATION /ENTERTAINMENT Amusement 1 space per 600 square feet of site area Required Arcade /Game Room 1 space per 300 square feet Required Athletic /Recreation Facility (Indoor) 1 space per 3 persons at max capacity, plus 1 space per employee of lamest shift Required Athletic /Recreation Facility Outdoor 1 space per 5 seats Re uired LE Auditorium /Arena 1 space per 5 seats Required Billiard Parlor 2 spaces per billiard table Required Bowling Alley 2 space per lane, plus 1 space per employee of largest shift Required Campground 1 space per campsite N/A Community Center 1 space per 250 square feet Required Dance Hall 1 space per 100 gross square feet Required Day Use Area Minimum of 5 spaces Required Golf Course 40 spaces per 9 holes, plus 1 s ace per 300 square feet of clubhouse Required Golf Drivinq Ran e 1 space per tee, plus 1 space per 300 square feet of sho Required Mini Golf Course 2 spaces per hole Re uired Museum/Gallery 1 space per 400 square feet Re uired Skating Rink 1 space per 500 s uarefeet Re uired Swimming Pool 1 space per 200 square feet -of facility Required Theater 1 space per 1,5 seats Required RESIDENTIAL Mobile /Manufactured Home 2 off - streets aces- can include: ara a N/A Residential Du Iex/Tri lex 2 off - streets aces per unit fcan include ara a N/A Residential Single-Family 2 off - street s aces can include ara` a N/A Residential Multifamily 2- Bedroom Unit 2 s aces er u`t Required 3-Bedroom Unit 2.Ss aces , eraunit Required 4- Bedroom Unit and Above 0.75 spaces per bedroom Required Studio or 1- Bedroom Unit 1 space per unit Required RETAIL & PERSONAL SERVICES Convenience Stores 1 space per 200 square feet, plus 1 s ace,ad'acent to each as pump Required Drug Store 1 s` ace. er.300 square feet Required Furniture Store 1 space per 500 square feet N/A General Retail 1 space per 300 'ro` ss_'uare feet Required Grocery Store 1 space per 250 gross square feet Required Gym/Workout Facility/Health Club I space per 200 square feet Required Hardware /Home Improvement Store 1 s' ace per 250 gross square feet N/A Liquor Store 1 space er 300 square feet Required Nurse /Greenhouse 1 S ' 'ce er 500 square feet N/A Outdoor /Uncovered Retail 1 space p6P 00 square feet of sales area N/A Personal Services 1 s ace. er 200 square feet of gross area N/A Wholesale Retail 1 space per 500 square feet of gross area N/A UTILITY Utility Office 1 space per 200 square feet of customer area, plus 1 space per employee of largest shill N/A VEHICLE Car /Vehicle Wash 2 spaces plus bas for each wash unit and 1 bay per vacuum NIA Vehicle Rental 1 space per 300 square feet of office area, plus 1 space per rental car N/A Vehicle Sales 1 space per 400 square feet gross area N/A Vehicle Service/Repair 1 space per 300 square feet (repair bays shall not be counted N/A WAREHOUSE /PARCEL /FREIGHT Self - Stora a /Mini - Stora e 1 space per 300 square feet of office area N/A Warehouse 1 space per 1500 square feet, plus 1 space per employee of largest shift N/A WORSHIP Place of Worship - Multi Use 1 space per 4 seat in assembly area, plus 1 space per 150 square feet in other areas Required Place of Worship - Single Use 1 space per 4 seats in assembly area Required *The Community Development Director or their designee may modify parking requirements if site conditions warrant. * *If bicycle parking is required, then at least one (1) bike rack must be provided. 86 12.1.2 Duty to Provide and Maintain Off - Street Parking The duty to provide and maintain the paved off - street parking spaces herein required shall be the responsibility of the operator and owner of the use or business on a site and /or the owner of the land on which the use or uses exists. Each standard parking space shall have adequate space for ingress and egress. No land shall be used or occupied, no structure shall be built, altered, used, or occupied, and no use shall be operated unless the off - street parking spaces required herein are provided in at least the amount specified and maintained in the manner herein set forth. 12.1.3 Surfacing. All parking stalls shall be constructed of concrete or asphalt. 'Green' design alternatives to concrete or asphalt such as permeable paving systems shall also be allowed upon approval by the Community Development Director or their designee. Documentation of how permeable paving systems would be installed shall be provided for review and approval. Permeable paving systems include but are not limited to systems such as pavers, 'grosscrete'> permeable asphalt, and other approved applications. All private parking lot surfaces shall be maintained in such a way`as to ensure a safe and flat travel surface. Potholes, large craeks, and pieces of pavibdjhat are missing shall be replaced and /or repaired. Curbing ,shall be repaired or repfticed whenever 4I it becomes broken. Failure to maintain parkiots ih;a'safe manner shall constitute a Zoning Code violation and shall be subject to 4hf6f cement. Vehicles, trailers, RVs, and equipment shall only- parked upon a hard surface (concrete, asphalt, pavers) unless an,alternate treatment has been approved by the Community Development Director or theirdesignee 12.1.4 Striping. All parking spaces shall i meet�ADA pequiremen #s -Drive lanes, no- parking areas, and all other required components sfi`al1 bed ally striped or delineated. All striping shall be clearly maintained , n, 1, visible. If sniping is faded or becomes removed, it shdtbe r'eplac�ed in the layout as approved. Failure to meet these criteiia shall be'h`a ",ndled as a Zoning Code violation and shall be subject fo enforcemeht All required stnprng ,,shall be- yellow or whit surface markings at least four (4) inches in width One -way ortytb- wdy'drives and required turning areas shall be identified with directional tirrowS. 72.2 Off- Street ParkmgReauirements. 12.2 i`.r General Provisions If not -otherwise specified within this Chapter, all parking calculations shall be #based on gross square footage of the building or the use. Off- s # reef parking spaaps for motor vehicles shall be provided in at least the amount sh&'n in Table 121>above. A minimum of four (4) parking spaces shall be provided for any business lfa classification is not specified within this Chapter, the Community Development Dirctor or their designee shall calculate parking requirements for that use based upon' national and regional parking standards. All existing parking situations shall not be required to comply with these standards. However, any additions or new development that increase the square footage of the building by twenty -five (25) percent or increase the number of parking spaces by twenty -five (25) percent shall be required to comply with these standards. If a lot has multiple uses, each use shall provide the minimum number of parking spaces as outlined in this Chapter. Bicycle parking shall be provided as shown in Table 12.1 above. Bicycle parking shall be provided in a bike rack or other structure affixed to the ground that holds a bicycle vertical and allows a lock or chain to be connected from the bike to the 87 rack. A minimum of two (2) bicycle spaces shall be provided for any business requiring bicycle parking. 12.3 Desian of Commercial Parkina Stalls and Lots. 12.3.1 General Provisions. Plans must adhere to the following requirements: a. Any applicant submitting a Site Plan for approval must submit plans showing the off - street parking areas required by this Code; b. These plans must show location, arrangement, and dimensions of the off - street parking, turning spaces, drives, aisles, and ingress and egress in a manner satisfactory for the safety and convenience of pedestrian and vehicular traffic; c. A title block will accompany the Site Plan showing scale, date, north arrow, name and address of the property owner, and .name and address of the company preparing the Site Plan; d. Parking lot lighting shall comply with Outdoor Lighting requirements as described in the Owasso Zoning Code; e. Parking lots shall comply with Landscaping, Screening, and Fencing requirements as described in the Owasso Zoning Code; f. Parking lots shall be designed to meet all applicable ADA guidelines; and g. Parking lots and parking stalls shall be fully installed and striped prior to issuance of any Certificate of Occupancy (C /O). Parking lots and parking stalls are encouraged to be designed to incorporate low - impact design (LID) principles, and 'green' building materials and techniques are encouraged to be used as well. All parking is required to be placed on paved surfaces. No parking in grass or yards shall be allowed. Alternative parking treatments may be proposed on Site Plans, and approval of said alternative parking treatments shall be based on site conditions and whether adequate paved parking has already been provided. Overflow parking areas on gravel may be considered. Parking areas are encouraged to be built at the rear of lots or beside buildings with buildings brought to the front of lots, especially when abutting an arterial, a frontage road, or a highway. For all approvals not requiring Owasso City Council or Owasso Planning Commission approval, the Community Development Director or their designee shall be the approving authority for parking design. The Owasso Fire Marshall shall have approving authority for any and all plans dealing with fire safety. Any appeals of a City Official's decision shall be taken to the Owasso Board of Adjustment (BOA). 12.3.2 Standard Parking Stall Design. All parking lots in the City of Owasso shall be designed according to the criteria contained within this Chapter. All parking stalls and parking lot aisles shall meet the minimum standards contained in Table 12.2 below. Table 12.2 - Parking Space Desigin Criteria Angle Width Aisle Width One-Way Aisle Width Two-Way 900 9 feet 24 feet 24 feet 600 9 feet 18 feet 23 feet 450 9 feet 13 feet 22 feet 300 9 feet 11 feet 22 feet 00 Parallel 8.5 feet 12 feet 24 feet 88 Each standard parking space shall be at least nine (9) feet wide and twenty (20) feet long. A parking space may be reduced to eighteen (18) feet long if a minimum two (2) foot overhang is provided. The overhang area shall not encroach into any required sidewalk area and shall not interfere with any required landscaping. See Table 12.1 for all parking space design criteria. Wheel or bumper guards shall be located so that no part of any vehicle extends beyond the parking area, intrudes on pedestrian ways, or comes in contact with walls, fences, or planting areas. 12.3.3 Compact Parkina Space Desian. Compact parking is an option for new development but is not required. For any parking lot, ups_ <fo ten (10) percent of the parking stalls may be constructed as compact parking §paces. Compact parking spaces shall be designed according to the following standards: a. Compact parking spaces shall be a minimum oCeight and a half (8.5) feet wide and a minimum of seventeen (17) feet long, , b. All compact parking areas shall provide`a landscape sfrlo or raised area with stamped concrete at least eight g6cl "b half (8.5)�feet wIdeO6nd three (3) feet deep at the front of each space; and:, c. Signage shall be provided for each ;cprrtpaet space statir g= that only compact cars shall use said spaces. The rcir'of the compact parking spaces shall align with all other parking spaces in the;tow (see Figure 12.1). 12.3.4 Motorcycle Parking. Motorcycle parking is encouraged to be provided for all businesses Peking spaces designed to be used only as motorcycle spaces shall be designed according to following standards: a. Signage and appropriate striping shall be provided for all motorcycle parking areas; b. Any business that provides a motorcycle parking space may reduce the number of required automobile parking space by one (1) up to a maximum of ten (10) spaces; c. Motorcycle parking spaces shall be provided in vehicular parking lots and no sidewalks shall be used for the parking or storage of motorcycles. Motorcycles shall not be parked in bicycle parking areas; IN d. A motorcycle parking space shall be designed at a minimum of four (4) feet in width and nine (9) feet in length; and e. Motorcycle parking spaces should be clustered together and shall be designed so that the rears of the stalls are in line with standard parking stalls in the aisle. 12.3.5 Oversized Vehicle Parking. Any use which requires heavy traffic of oversized vehicles such as recreational vehicles or tractor trailers shall provide pull -thru parking areas for these vehicles. Aisles of sufficient size and means of ingress and egress shall be designed to accommodate these vehicles. Said parking areas shall be provided with signage and properly delineated. Each oversize parking space should be designed to be a minimum of ten (10) feet in width and a minimum of seventy (70) feet in length. Trucks (over two (2) tons), trailers (over eighteen (18) feettin.,length), tractor trailers, and heavy equipment shall not be parked in parking stalls`?designed for standard vehicles. These types of oversized vehicles shall only be parke&,lh' designated areas designed specifically for them, or within designated loading`' areas behind the building. Active loading and unloading shall not be applicable. 12.3.6 Parking Lot Design. Adequate access drives shall be provided for all parking spaces not abutting a public street or alley. Ingress and egress driveways shall be designed to meet City of Owasso Public Works Design Standards. Parking lots may encroach into required setbacks provided that no vehicle is placed within a sight triangle or other area that may cause a public safety concern. All parking lots shall comply with the standards outlined in Table 12.1 above and designed in accordance with Figures 12.2 and 12.3 below. All drive aisles shall meet the standards set forth in Table 12.2 above. 24' s. Figure 12.2 Parallel Parking 24• 90 Figure 12.3 Angled Parking SINGLE ROW & AISLE DOUBLE ROW & AISLE A 90° PARKING m� LAYOUT 20' 'y` 24' ` 20' ` 24' ' �` 20' SINGLE ROW & ONE WAY AISLE DOUBLE ROW & ONE WAY AISLE 6 00 PARKING iR' au' LAYOUT ROW & ONE WAY AISLE 21' N 13' 45° PARKING LAYOUT MAY AISLE 30° PARKING LAYOUT nn1 io1 a onus o a 12.3.7 Queuing Requirements. for all food and /or beverage service uses, a minimum of five (5) queuing spaces shall be required from the point of service. The point of service shall mean the location where a driver comes face to face with an employee of the business and remits payment and /or is provided with goods purchased. All other non -food or beverage related commercial services with a drive -thru shall maintain a queue of two (2) spaces per lane. Each queuing space shall be at least eight (8) feet in width and at least twenty (20) feet in length. A proper turning radius shall be provided at all corners and turns in a queuing line. Queuing lines or spaces shall not be used for thru- traffic and shall not be calculated into any required driveways or aisles for any parking lot. These lanes shall be designed to not impact traffic -flow in a parking lot. All queuing lanes shall be clearly striped or shall be surrounded by curbing. 12.4 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Compliance. All new parking lots and parking stalls shall be designed in accordance with ADA requirements, ADA requirements shall be set by the State of Oklahoma in adopted Building Codes. The required number of accessible parking spaces shall be provided and the spaces provided shall meet the accessible standards. All required ADA parking stalls shall be striped and shall be provided with signage in accordance with State Building Codes. Said parking stalls shall be maintained to meet these standards at all times. The number of required parking spaces shall be consistent with adopted State Building Code standards. 12.5 Residential Off- Street.Parkina Spaces (IRS and RE Districts), 12.5.1 General Provisions. In a residential district, no part of a front yard, side yard, or rear yard shall be used as a parking space for a motor vehicle, boat, trailer, or other vehicle except upon a hard- surfaced driveway or parking pad, except for trailers six (6) feet or less in length in rear or side yards. No parking in yards or in grass shall be allowed. All driveways and parking areas shall be fully paved, have driveway ribbons; or use permeable material as defined in this Chapter. Curbs cuts for all residential driveways shall meet City of Owasso standards. Driveways shall be a minimum'of ten (10) feet and a maximum of thirty -five (35) feet in width. All driveways or other improvements that require cutting or modifying a City sidewalk, curb, gutter, storm water conveyance system, or street shall require approval from the Public Works Director or their designee. All curb cuts or association modifications shall follow City of Owasso Design Standards. 12.5.2 Parking'Rads. One (1) additional parking pad may be constructed on lots that have the required two (2) off - street parking spaces. The parking pad shall be designed to cover the entire undercarriage of the vehicle placed upon it. Parking pads shall not be accessed by driving over existing curbs. The maximum size of any parking pad is twelve (12) feet by thirty (30) feet. The additional parking pad may be constructed with any concrete, asphalt, permeable paving system, or with clean washed gravel upon approval by the Community Development Director or their designee. In any application that uses gravel, the area shall be constructed on a stable base, shall have an underlayment or filter fabric beneath all gravel, and shall have edging that keeps all gravel in the parking area. These areas shall be properly maintained with sufficient gravel and shall be kept free of weeds and other vegetation. Grass shall not be allowed to grow in the gravel area because it will appear that the vehicle is 92 parking in the yard. All gravel shall be kept off sidewalks and out of public rights -of- way. 12.5.3 Driveways tlncludina Ribbon Driveways or Paving Striosl Driveways can be constructed with concrete or hard - surfaced paving strips placed for vehicle wheel travel. These ribbons can be constructed of concrete, asphalt, pavers, or other materials approved by the Community Development Director or their designee. The areas outside the ribbons can be filled with landscaping, grass, mulch, gravel, or other approved materials. All areas containing grass or vegetation shall be maintained according to City Code. Areas containing mulch, gravel, or other material shall contain proper edges or barriers to keep the material in the specified area and shall be maintained free of grass and weeds (s a Figure 12.8). Figure 12.4 c- ..� Driveway Ribbons 18" 1, , 18„ Access to the driveway shall be limited to properly approved curb cuts or other approved access points. All portions of the driveway, sidewalk, and driveway apron located within the right-of- way shall be constructed of contiguous concrete or asphalt and shall meet all City standards. 93 CHAPTER 13 NON - CONFORMITIES 13.1 General Description. Within the districts established by this Code or amendments that may later be adopted, there may exist uses, structures, and lots which were lawful before this Code was adopted or amended but which would be prohibited under the terms of this Code or future amendment to this Code. These uses, structures, and lots, herein referred to as "non- conformities," may continue as regulated by this Chapter. A use lawfully existing prior to the effective date of this Code, or amendment thereto, which does not comply with parking, screening, or bulk and area requirements, but which is otherwise lawful, shall not constitute a non- conforming use with the meaning of the following two Sections. 13.2 Non - Conforming Uses of Unimproved Land. When at the effective date of this Code or amendment thereto a lawful use of land exists, which w ©uld not be permitted by the terms of this Code or amendment thereto, such use shall be deemed a non- conforming use of unimproved land. The non- conforming use of land may be continued provided: a. No such non - conforming use shall be 'changed to another non= conforming use, nor enlarged or increased, nor extended to occupy a greater area of land than was occupied at the effective date of this Code or amendment thereof; b. No such non - conforming use shall be moved in whole or in part to any portion of the lot or parcel other than that occupied by such use at the effective date of this Code or amendment thereof; c. No additional structure (other than fences) shall be erected in connection with such non- conforming use of land; and d. If any such non - conforming use of land ceases for any reason for a period of more than ninety (90) days (except when government action impedes access to or use of the premises); any subsequent use of such land shall conform in all respects to the regulations of the district in which located. 13.3 Non- Confor "mina Buildings or Buildings and Land In Combination. When at the effective date of this Cade or amendment thereto, there exists a lawful use of a building, or use of a principal building and land, or use of land and accessory structures, such structures covering more than ten (10) percent of the lot area, and such use would not be permitted by the terms of this Code or amendment thereto, .such use shall be deemed non - conforming and may continue subject to the following provisions: a. No building devoted to a non - conforming use shall be enlarged or extended, except in changing the use of the building to a use permitted in the district in which it is located; b. A non - conforming use of a portion of a building may be extended to the remaining portions of the building if such portions were manifestly arranged and designed for such use but such use shall not be extended to occupy any land outside the building; c. A non - conforming use of a building or building and land in combination, if superseded by a permitted use, shall not thereafter be resumed; d. A non - conforming use of a building or building and land in combination, if discontinued for twelve (12) consecutive months or for twelve (12) months during any eighteen (18) month period (except when governmental action 94 impedes access to or the use of the premises), shall not thereafter be resumed; e. Where non - conforming use status applies to a building and land in combination, termination of the use of the building within the meaning of item (d) above shall eliminate the non - conforming status of the use of the land; A non - conforming use of a building or of a building and land in combination when located within a residential district shall not be changed unless changed to a use permitted in the district in which located. A non- conforming use of a building or of a building and land in combination, when located within a district other than a residential,:dis Exception, be changed upon approval of the" Boar after finding that the proposed use will,not�esr incompatibility with the present and future %use of`ptt change of a use to another use contained within the constitute a "change of use" within therrieaning of this g. Should the structure containing= ;a non -c partially destroyed to the extent of more ft seventy -five (75) percent of its current. ;rf damage, the restoration of the structure she after adherence to the procedural require the contemplated restoration.is necessary conforming use, and will not resift in any it present and future use` of proximate containing a non - conforming, use be d, me more than. seventy -five (75} ;iaere, of its 13.4 Non- Confarinina Lots. (50) ict, may as a Special of Adjustment (BOA) I in any increase of Jmate properties. The game use unit shall not eetion; and use` be- „.damaged or percenifbut less than : ement cost at the time of subject to the BOA's findings, ; for a Special Exception, that he continuance of the non - se; of incompatibility with the rties Should the structure or destroyed to the extent of icement cost at the time of shall not thereafter continue or be 13.4.1 Single Lots. "In any ',district in which single- family dwellings are permitted, notwithstanding limitafiotls imposed by other provisions of this Code, a single - family dW6Iling;dnd custorbotry acces`soryjf.Uildings may be erected on any single lot of _record at the 6ffective.�date of adoption or amendment of this Code. Such lot must be in separate, ? ershio and not of continuous frontage with other lots in the same ownership. This provision shall ripply even though such lot fails to meet the requirements for area orwidth (or both) .tl "at are generally applicable in the district, provided that yard din%ensions and other requirements not involving area or width (or both) of the lot shall conform tot(a °regulations for the district in which such lot is located. 13.4.2 Adjoining Lots. ,df two (2) or more adjoining lots with continuous frontage are in a single ownership at any time after the adoption or amendment of this Code and such lots individually are too small to meet the yard, width, or area requirements of the district in which they are located, such groups of lots shall be considered as a single lot or several lots of minimum permitted size and the lots in one ownership shall be subject to the requirements of this Code. 13.4.3 Lots in Non - Residential Districts. In districts other than residential districts, any use permitted by right may be located on any lot of official record as of the effective date of this Code, irrespective of its area or width, provided the other requirements of the use district are complied with. W" 13.5 Structural Non - Conformities. A structure, lawfully existing at the effective date of the adoption or amendment of this Code, but which would be prohibited by the terms of this Code by reason of restrictions on floor area, density, intensity, height, yards, its location on the lot, or other requirements concerning the structure, shall be deemed non - conforming and may continue, subject to the following provisions: a. No such non - conforming structure may be enlarged or altered in any manner which increases its non- conformity, but any structure may be altered to decrease its non - conformity, provided that the addition of a mezzanine or similar alteration which does not increase the cubic content of the structure shall not constitute an'increase in non - conformity "; b. Should such structure be damaged or partially destroyed by any means to the extent of more than fifty (50) percent of its current replacement cost at a time of damage, the restoration as a non - conforming structure shall be subject to the findings of the Owasso Board of Adjustment (BOA), after adherence to the procedural requirements for a Special Exception, that its restoration to a conforming structure cannot reasonably be made in view of the nature and extent of the non - conformity and the nature and extent of the damages; and c. Should such structure be moved for any distance whatever, it shaft thereafter conform to the provisions of the district in which located. 13.6 Repairs. On any building containing a non - conforming use or any non- conforming structure, ordinary repairs and maintenance may be made provided that the cubic content of the building is not increased and structural non - conformity is not increased. If a non - conforming structure or a structure containing a non - conforming use becomes physically unsafe or unlawful due to lack of repairs and maintenance; and a final order of, vacation or demolition is entered by any duly authorized official by reason of physical condition, it shall not thereafter be used, restored, repaired, or rebuilt except in conformity with the provisions of the district in which located. IA 96 CHAPTER 14 ENFORCEMENT 14.1 Duty of Community Development Director and Other Officials It shall be the duty of the Community Development Director or their designee to enforce this Code. If the Community Development Director or their designee shall find that any of the provisions of this Code are being violated, they shall notify in writing the persons responsible for such violations, indicating the nature of the violation and ordering the action necessary to correct it, and they shall take such other action to ensure compliance with or to prevent violation of its provisions as is-authorized. 14.2 14.3 All departments, officials, and employees of the City of.,Owasso, Oklahoma vested with the duty or authority to issue Permits or Licenses shrill , comply with the provisions of this Code and shall issue no Permit or License,ifor, any use, purpose, excavation, construction, structure, building, or sign in conftiot with the;: provisions of this Zoning Code or the Owasso Municipal Code. Penalties for Violation. Any person, firm, or corporation violating an'y,provisions of this Code or failing to comply with any of ij requirern3lats incluirg� violations of conditions and safeguards established in cghnectton with grants of Variances or Special Exceptions, shall be deemed guilty of ah otfen`se shall be fined in accordance with the City of Owasso Code of Ordinances. 'Each day's violation thereof shall constitute a separate offense.-"',, Nothing herein contained shall pre iept, the City of :�Qwasso, Oklahoma or its authorized officials from taking other legal detion, as authorized by law; to remedy violations. a Construction an&:�Use_ Provided t" rications Plans. and Permits. Permits, Variances, or $ ecial ce Lions issued on the basis of p fix, p approved plans and applications`' dfhorize only the uses arrangement, and construction set forth in such approved 'plans and applications DevtYrtion from such approvals shall be deemed a violation of this�Code and Jbunishabie as. authorized by City Code. 97 CHAPTER 15 ZONING CODE AND ZONING MAP AMENDMENTS 15.1 General Description. The regulations, restrictions, prohibitions, and limitations imposed and the districts created by the Owasso Zoning Code may from time to time be amended, supplemented, changed, modified, or repealed by ordinance, but no change shall be made until the Owasso Planning Commission, after notice and public hearing, makes a recommendation to the Owasso City Council, after which the City Council takes final action to approve and an ordinance is recorded. 15.2 Policy on Zoning Map Amendments. It shall be the policy of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma that, in consideration of proposed amendments to this Code, amendments will be adopted to recognize changes in the Land Use Master Plan, to correct error, or to recognize changed or changing conditions in a particular area or in the jurisdictional area generally. Zoning map amendments must be in compliance with the Owasso Land Use Master Plan and should employ sound planning and land use practices. The Official Zoning Map for the City of Owasso shall be kept by the City Clerk. 15.3 Zoning Text Amendments. The Owasso Planning Commission, upon its:gwn motion, may, or at the direction of the Owasso City Council shall, hold a public hearing, giving notice thereof of a proposed text amendment. After holding the public hearing, the Planning Commission shall make a recommendation to the Owasso City Council. 15.4 Zonina Map Amendments. 15.4.1 Application. An amendment to the Zoning Map shall be initiated by the filing of an application with the Community Development Department, and shall , be accompanied by an application fee. Costs of notice and ordinance publishing shall be billed to the applicant. After the application is received, the item shall be set for public hearing with the Owasso Planning ,Commission and the Owasso City Council. 15.4.2 Notice Reauired. The Owasso Planning Commission shall give twenty (20) days' notice of a public hearing on a proposed map amendment by publication in a newspaper of general circulation and shall include a map of the area to be affected which indicates street names or numbers, streams, or other significant landmarks in said area. Twenty (20) days' notice of public hearing shall be given by mailing notice to all property owners within a three hundred (300) foot radius of the exterior boundary of the subject property, or as determined by Oklahoma State Statute. In addition, twenty (20) days' notice of public hearing shall be given by posting a sign on the property sought to be zoned. The notice shall contain: a. Date, time, and place of the public hearing; b. Legal description of the property and the street address or approximate location of the property; c. By whom the public hearing will be conducted; d. Proposed use of the property; and e. Present zoning district classification of the property and the proposed zoning district classification. 0 15.4.3 15.4.4 Owasso Planning Commission Action on Zoning Map Amendments After notice and public hearing, the Owasso Planning Commission shall vote to either: a. Recommend to the Owasso City Council that the application be approved as submitted or as amended, or be approved subject to modification. An application recommended for approval or approval subject to modification, shall be transmitted, with the report and recommendations of the Owasso Planning Commission, to the Owasso City Council within fifteen (15) days of the date of Planning Commission action; b. Recommend to the Owasso City Council that the application be denied. An application recommended for denial shall be transmitted, with the report and recommendations of the Owasso Planning Commbsion, to the Owasso City Council within fifteen (15) days of the date of Planning Commission action; or c. In the event that the Owasso Planning Commission arrives at a tie vote it shall be transmitted, with a report and notation „df the tie -Vote, to the Owasso City Council within fifteen (15) days from the date of Planning;,ommission action. shall hold a hearing on each application frcansmitted cl shall approve an ordinance approving the applicaton cis or shall deny the application. The Owasso City Council d after the, public hearing submitted amended, 0 CHAPTER 16 SPECIFIC USE AND TEMPORARY USE PERMITS 16.1 Specific Use Permits. 16.1.1 Purpose. This Section provides a discretionary approval process for Specific Use Permits (SUPS), which are required for uses that have unique or widely varying operating characteristics or unusual site development features. The uses classified as specific uses tend to more intensely dominate the area in which they are located than do other permitted uses in the district. Care should be taken to integrate specific land uses with other uses in the area and to prevent adverse impacts on the community at- large. The procedure encourages public review and evaluation of a use's operating characteristics and site development features. This review process is intended to provide assurance to the community that such uses will be compatible With their locations and surrounding land uses and will further the purposes of this Code. 16.1.2 Relationship to Site Plan Reauirements. A conceptual Site Plan.shall be submitted with a Specific Use Permit (SUP) application. The formal Site Plan`fih'at is submitted later shall be in substantial compliance with the conceptual Site Plan _approved by the Owasso Planning Commission and Owasso City Council. 16.1.3 Procedure. The following review procedure shall be followed for Specific Use Permits (Sups): a. A pre - application conference shall be held with the Community Development Department prior to submitting an application; b. Application submittal; c. The Community Development Department Staff shall make a determination of application completeness; d. Notice published twenty (20) days prior to public hearing; e. Staff reportT f. Public hearing at the Owasso Planning Commission; g. Recommendation is made by the Planning Commission to the City Council; h. Public hearing at the Owasso City Council; and 1. Decision, findings, and final action. With the exception of the following modifications, the standard development review procedures for amendments to the Official Zoning Map shall apply. 16.1.4 Owasso Planning Commission Review and Recommendation. The Owasso Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing on the proposed application and: a. Recommend approval; b. Recommend approval with modifications and /or conditions; or c. Recommend denial. The Planning Commission may recommend conditions on the use as part of the approval to assure adequate mitigation measures are associated with the use. The conditions shall become a part of the Specific Use Permit (SUP) approval and shall be included as part of the Site Plan. The recommendation shall be referred to the Owasso City Council for final action. U61 16.1.5 Owasso City Council Review and Action. Upon receipt of the Owasso Planning Commission's recommendation, the Owasso City Council shall: a. Approve; b. Approve with modifications and /or conditions; c. Deny the application; or d. Request that the application be further reviewed by the Owasso Planning Commission. 16.1.6 Indication on the Official Zoning Map Required. A zoning change is not required for Specific Use Permits (SUPs); however, the location of each approved SUP shall be indicated on the Official Zoning Map as follows: SUP XX -XV (the number of the request for an SUP). 16.1.7 Aoproval Criteria. A Specific Use Permit (SUP) ma`y I ire app,,foved only if the Owasso City Council finds that all of the following cnterid"hnve been rnef;, a. The proposed use is consistent with,the most recent version., of the Land Use Master Plan and all applicable provisions of this Code and,,-. pplicable State and Federal regulations; b. The proposed use is consistent with the rputpose and intent o,Hhe zoning district in which it is located; c. The proposed use is conststeni,with any applic'dbe SUP standards; d. The proposed use is compatible with adjacent",, es in terms of scale, site design, and operating chbrracteristics hhours of opei:6tion, traffic generation, lighting, noise, odor, dust and, other., 6xterh (allirn cts); e. Any signiii66nit averse impacts = anticipated to result from the use will be mitig4t6d" or offset #o the maximum extent practicable; f Facilities and services (includi age and waste disposal, water, gas, electricity, police, and fire protection, and roads and transportation, as applicablej;yl�l be available to sere the subject property while maintaining adequate levels of service #of eSisting development; and 'g. AdegQd e assurances of continuing maintenance have been provided. Conditions of Approval "-,-,-shall recommend conditions for the Specific Use Permit (SUP) if the use is °expected >'to have adverse effects on surrounding land uses or residents. Potential conditions may include screening, landscaping, height, setback, sifie layout, or other conditions as determined by Staff. Following approval,; a Site Plan meeting the conditions specified in the SUP shall be required of the ;applicant and shall be submitted and processed. Any of the conditions irnpo "sed by the SUP shall be considered as conditions precedent to the granting of'aBuilding Permit for the specific use allowed. The SUP is valid only for the use for which it was approved. Any changes or alterations of the use, other than what the SUP allows, shall constitute a violation of the Owasso Zoning Code and be subject to penalties as described in the Chapter titled "Enforcement" in the Owasso Zoning Code. 16.1.9 Amendments. No approved Specific Use Permit (SUP) may be modified, physically expanded, hours of operation extended, or otherwise altered unless amended in accordance with the procedures applicable to initial approval of a SUP as set out in the Owasso Zoning Code. rim 16.1.10 Lapse. Approval of a Specific Use Permit (SUP) shall become invalid under the following circumstances: a. The conditions of approval are not met; b. The applicant does not obtain a Building Permit or Certificate of Occupancy (C /O) (if required) within one (1) year; c. No development or construction of the approved SUP is begun within one (1) year; d. The approved use is not in operation for more than one (1) year; or e. Any changes that were not a part of the approved SUP are made to the use or structure. An applicant may file an application to renew the SUP. Such renewal shall occur in the same manner as for original approval as provided in this Section. SUPS are only valid for the use for which they are. approved. No change, alteration, or variation from the approved Permit shall be permitted, unless the applicant obtains a new SUP. Any extension requests or modifications to the approved plans for SUP;s shall be submitted to the Community Development Director. The Director or their designee shall approve or deny the extension or modification request. 16.2 Temporary Use Permits. 16.2.1 Purpose. This Section provides a discretionary approval process for Temporary Use Permits (TUPs), which are required for uses that are temporary in nature and are usually found in a commercial parking lot. The uses.cldssified as temporary uses tend to more intensely dominate the area in which they' are located than do other permitted uses in the district. Care should be taken to integrate specific land uses With other uses in the area and to prevent adverse impacts on the community at- large. The procedure encourages public review and evaluation of a use's operating characteristics and site development features. This review process is intended to provide assurance to the community that such uses will be compatible with their locations and surrounding land uses and will further the purposes of this Code. 16.2.2 Permit Required. All temporary uses and structures shall obtain a Temporary Use Permit (TUP) pursuant to the procedures set forth in this Section. A TUP shall be reviewed, approved, or revoked only in accordance with the regulations of this Section. TUPs shall be valid for a time period no longer than one (1) calendar year from the date of Permit approval. Thereafter a new TUP must be acquired to be in compliance with the requirements of this Code. 16.2.3 Permit Exemptions. Notwithstanding the "Purpose" subheading above in this Section, the following temporary uses are deemed approved in any district and do not have to obtain a Temporary Use Permit (TUP), provided that the proposed temporary use complies with the general requirements below: a. Any event utilizing City property, public streets, or public rights -of -way that is determined to not require a Special Events Permit, provided that the applicant shall coordinate the event with the City of Owasso and comply with any conditions required; b. Garage /yard /estate /moving sales or auctions that comply with City of Owasso requirements; and c. Temporary uses that occur wholly within an enclosed permanent building. 102 16.2.4 General Requirements for All Allowed Temporary Uses and Structures All temporary uses or structures shall meet the following general requirements, unless otherwise specified in this Code: a. Permanent alterations to the site are prohibited; b. Unless otherwise stated in this Code or in the terms of the Temporary Use Permit (TUP), the temporary use shall expire as indicated on the Permit. The maximum duration for any one Permit is one (1) calendar year after approval of the TUP; c. The temporary use or structure shall not violate approval that apply to a principal use on the sit( d. The temporary use standards of this Section do operator from any other required Permits, such,c e. A letter from the record property use; f. If the property is undeveloped, it shall conta temporary use or structure to oceur;`gs well movement that may be associated with the applicable conditions of exempt the applicant or alth Department Permits; n ssion for the temporary ent land area to allow the paved parking and traffic ary use; g. If the property is developed, the temporary! use shall be located in an area that is not actively used, by an existing approved principal use which would support the proposed' temporary use without. encroaching or creating a negative impact on e*stmg ;buffers, open space, landscaping, traffic movements, pedestrian circulation or parking space availability; h. Temporary structures shall iae located riot Jo, interfere with the normal operatiogs o, a permanent use to`cated on the property; i. Adequate sanitary facilities,:-, utility, drainage, refuse management, f._ emergency services and access`;and similar necessary facilities and services shall'Z eavailable to serve employees, patrons, or participants as determined by Comrimynity,BbVelopment, Pub`iia Works, and Health Department Officials; A Site Plan hall be sub'itted to the Community Development Department indicating placement of structures; k. All City�gf_Owassq requirements for food trucks, mobile food vendors, and itinerant vendors sh(JIF e met; and I. Unless othewise approved by the Community Development Director or their designee ohly one (1) temporary use shall be allowed per lot of record. All "sbeh temporaryuses shall obtain a Temporary Use Permit (TUP) and shall comply with the == following additional standards: a The desfgn and installation of all practicable temporary traffic control devices including signage will be used to minimize traffic congestion; b. Where a tent or similar structure is to be used, the applicant shall comply with the requirements of the Fire Marshal and demonstrate that the tent is flame resistant by providing a certificate of flame resistance or other assurance that the structure has been properly treated with flame retarder and has been maintained as such; c. Signage and lighting for the temporary use shall comply with the Chapters on "Signs" and "Outdoor Lighting" in the Owasso Zoning Code. . 103 d. Sign shall be placed on the structure itself and not on public right -of -way or the principal user's property; e. Sign shall not be spray painted; and f. All other applicable requirements in the Chapter titled "Signs" in the Owasso Zoning Code shall apply. 16.2.5 Permit and Application Fees. Fees for Temporary Use Permits (TUPs) are established on the City of Owasso's official Fee Schedule and shall be paid upon application. 16.2.6 Permit Issued. Upon finding that the proposed temporary use satisfies the above requirements, a Temporary Use Permit (TUP) shall be issued and will contain the following: a. The start and end date of the use; b. Signature from the Fire Marshall's Office; c. Signature from the Community Development Director or their designee; d. Proof of a valid and current Health 'Department License for food vendors; and e. Any required Permits or other documentation from the City Clerk's Office. 104 CHAPTER 17 TELECOMMUNICATION TOWERS AND WIND ENERGY SYSTEMS 17.1 Telecommunication Towers. 17.1.1 Specific Use Permit Required A Specific Use Permit (SUP) shall be required for all telecommunication towers or telecommunication facilities or equipment. All SUP requests for telecommunication towers may be so authorized by the Owasso Planning Commission and City Council, subject to the following additional requirements: a. Aesthetic Protection. Telecommunication facilities shall be so located to ensure that historically significant landscapes are `protected. The views of vistas from architecturally and /or historically significant structures should not be impaired or diminished by the placement of'teieGpmmunication facilities. b. Setback from Residential Property Se #back shalt`' be equaI to the tower height, plus fifty (50) feet. c. Array Height. The antenna array -shall not exceed fhe tower eight by more than ten (10) feet. d. Guy Wires. All guy wires and guy anchor shall be set back a minimum of twenty (20) feet from any property line. e. Tower Type. The tower IS of monopole design, or one of equal or lesser impact, if located within three;ttundred and fi feet of any RS (Single - Family Residential) district f. Co- Location. A telecommUhicatjon- towE6f ri)<ust be designed and built so as to be capable >of use by at least three wireless communication providers such as cellular ar "fPb providers Wing antenna arrays of nine (9) to twelve (12) antehhbs each within fifteen �lx�) vertical feet of each other with no more tha' h -three (3) degrees twist andiway at the top elevation. The owner. of tfae.tower and the pfs?perty on which the tower is located must certify to tfie, Clty that the antenna is available for use by at least two (2) other wireI ss- telecornii�Ur#icption providers on a reasonable and non - discrirmnatory "basis and at a cost not exceeding the market value for the use of the fadjlitieS. If the properly on which the tower is proposed to be located is to be leased, the portions'of the actual or proposed lease that demonstrate compliance with the requirements of this paragraph shall be submitted with the Building Permit application. g 'Security Fencing The base of the tower shall be enclosed by opaque security feracinoWth a minimum height of eight (8) feet. h. Compliance with Applicable Regulations The tower is constructed and operated in compliance with the current Federal Communications Commission (FCC) standards and other applicable Federal and State standards. i. Distance from Other Towers. New telecommunication towers must be a minimum distance of five thousand (5000) feet from any other telecommunication tower, unless in a by right district. j. Removal of Tower. Upon the discontinuance of use of any such tower for a period of thirty (30) days, said tower is to be removed by the applicant /owner. 105 17.1.2 Replacement of Existing Poles. Telecommunication towers erected to replace existing poles are permitted in all zoning districts, provided that: a. The pole replaced is a functioning utility pole or light standard within an established utility easement or public right -of -way, recreational facility light pole, or telecommunication tower; b. The pole replaced does not obstruct a public sidewalk, public alley, or other public right -of -way; c. Pole appearance and function, except for antenna, are not significantly altered; and d. Replacement tower height, including antenna array, does not exceed: 1. The height of the original utility, light standard, or recreational facility light pole by more than ten (10) feet; and 2. The height of the original telecommunication tower and antenna array. 17.1.3 Placement on Existina Poles. Placement on existing poles is permitted in all zoning districts provided that: a. Telecommunication antennas are permitted, on existing utility, lighting, telecommunication towers, and sign structures at or exceeding fifty (50) feet in height; b. The antenna does not exceed the height of the structure by more than ten (10) feet if anon -whip type or fifteen (15) feet if a whip type; c. Telecommunication antennas located on existing structures are not subject to the five thousand (5000) feet separation requirement; and d: If any additions, changes, or modifications are to be made to the monopole, the Community Development Director or their designee shall have the authority to require proof, through the submission of engineering and structural data, that the addition, change, or modification conforms to structural wind load and all other requirements of the current Building Code adopted by the .City of Owasso. 17.1.4 Roof Mounted Telecommunication Antennas. Roof - mounted telecommunication antennas are allowed on non- residential buildings in all districts provided that: a. Non -whip antennas d'o, not exceed the height of the building by more than ten (10) feet and is screened from view from any adjacent public roadway; b. Whip antennas do not exceed the height of the building by more than fifteen (15) feet and are located no closer than fifteen (15) feet to the perimeter of the building; c. Prior to the installation of a roof mounted antenna, the Community Development Department shall be provided with an engineer's certification that the roof will support the proposed antenna and associated roof - mounted antennas and equipment; and d. Roof mounted antennas and associated equipment may either be screened with enclosures or fogades having an appearance that blends with the building on which they are located or by locating them so they are not visible from an adjacent public roadway. 17.1.5 Mounted Telecommunication Antennas [Non- Whip). Building Mounted Telecommunication Antennas of the non -whip type are allowed on non - residential buildings in all zoning districts provided that: 106 a. The antenna is mounted flush with the exterior of the building so that it projects no more than thirty (30) inches from the surface of the building to which it is attached; b. The antenna's appearance is such as to blend with the surrounding surface of the building; c. Associated equipment shall be placed either within same building or in a separate building that matches the existing building in character and materials or blends with landscaping and other surrounding material adjacent to the separate building housing the equipment. Associated equipment for roof mounted antennas may be located on the..roof of the building if it is screened from view from any adjacent public roadway; and x: d. When an application is made for a Budding Permit to locate a telecommunication antenna on an existing budding or other structure, the Community Development Department., d11 be provided with color photo simulations showing the site of the existing structure with a photo - realistic representation of the proposed antenna and the existing A cture as it would appear viewed from the closest r "esidential property. The nt shall also submit photographs of the same vietiYs showinL, `e''urrent appearance of the site without the proposed antenna. 17.1.6 Distance Measurement. Distances in this Section *all be measured along a single straight line between the center,of the tower base,and the nearest point on any property line of identified histonc property or single family residential or a more restrictive zoning district or use s of applying restrictions set forth in this Section, "single- family residential or more strictive "zoning district or use" excludes property that is:l'� a. Used as public ofsecondary educational facility; b Used =cis a public college or university educational facility; C. Own d by the U S.;�the State of ,Qklahoma, Tulsa County, Rogers County, or the Gty b Oyvgsso, and not used! for RS -3 (Residential Single- Family High Density) ortnar restq¢tive residential uses; d Used;;as a cem "efery; or e. Occupie ;by non residential, non - conforming uses. 17.17;. Exceptions and E7femptions.:;'A telecommunication tower that fails to meet the requirements of this-,,,'Section may be authorized by obtaining a Specific Use Permit (�UP) through the Owasso City Council. Towers erected by a public agency for Police, Fire, EMS, 911, or other similar public emergency core m0nication shall be exempt from the requirements of this Section. 17.2 WindEnergySvstems. 17.2.1 Purpose. The purpose of this Section is to provide standards that will protect the health, safety, and general welfare of the public and achieve the following: a. Provide design criteria that establish minimum requirements for wind energy systems and commercial wind energy systems as defined herein to ensure the safe installation of wind towers in the City of Owasso; and b. Promote energy savings and the use of green infrastructure. 17.2.2 Applicability. The requirements of this Code shall apply to all small wind energy systems and commercial wind energy systems proposed after the effective date of this Code. 107 Wind energy systems for which a required Permit has been properly issued prior to the effective date of this Code shall not be required to meet the requirements of this Code; provided, however, that any such system shall be installed and functioning within twenty -four (24) months of the date of the Permit. Any system that has been installed, but not used for two (2) consecutive years may not be subsequently used without meeting the requirements of this Code. No pre- existing system shall be altered in any manner that would increase the degree of non - conformity with the requirements of this Code and no alterations shall be made to a non - conforming pre- existing system during its life which exceeds fifty (50) percent of its fair market value. If such system is destroyed or damaged to the extent of more than fifty (50) percent of its fair market value at the time of destruction or damage, it shall not be reconstructed except in conformity with this Code. 17.2.3 Wind Energy System Requirements. The not -to- exceed height of wind energy system structures shall vary with the size of the lot: a. For property sizes less than one (1) acre in size the total height shall not exceed fifteen (15) feet; b. For property sizes between one (1) acre and two (2) acres, the total height shall not exceed sixty (60) feet; c. For property sizes between two (2) and five (5) acres, the total height shall not exceed eighty (80) feet; and d. For property sizes greater than five (5) acres, the total height shall not exceed one hundred (100) feet. Figure 17.1 Wind Energy System Total Height ' Location. No wind energy system shall be located in any front or side yard. Setbacks. The following setbacks will be adhered to: m a. Property lines. A wind energy system shall be set back from the nearest property line, public road right -of -way, and communication and electrical line not less than one and a half (1.5) times the total height of the wind turbine. b. Inhabited Structures. A wind energy system shall be set back from the nearest inhabited structure not less than one and a half (1.5) times the total height of the wind turbine. Desian Standards. The following design standards will be adhered to: a. Monopole or Freestanding Design. The design of the wind energy system shall have no guide wires or attachment app q.enances other than the main pole structure. b. Minimum Blade Height. For towers in excess of thirty (30) feet in height, the minimum height of the lowest extent ofa turbine blade shall be thirty (30) feet above finished grade (see Figure 17.2) and shall be separated from any structure (i.e. house, shed, barn, recreational element) not less than 1.5 times the blade height frorsaid structure ,(see Figure 17.3). Figure 17.2 Wind Energy System Minimum Blade Height 109 c. Access. No tower shall have a climbing apparatus within twelve (12) feet of the ground. All access doors or access ways to towers and electrical equipment shall be lockable. d. Noise. No wind energy system shall exceed sixty (60) dBA as measured at the nearest property line or fifty (50) dBA as measured at the nearest neighboring inhabitable building. Should a wind tower produce an undulating pattern of noise or vibrations, which cause distress to nearby residents, said tower may be deemed a nuisance and worked as a code violation. e. Visual Appearance. Wind energy systems shall be finished in a rust - resistant, non - obtrusive finish and color that is non- reflective. No wind energy system shall be lighted unless required by the FAA. No advertising signs of any kind or nature whatsoever shall be permitted on any wind energy system. No transmission equipment shall be installed on the tower. All equipment shall be screened with either a six (6) foot opaque fence or with evergreen vegetation not less than six (6) feet in height. f. Electrical Interconnections. All .electrical interconnection or distribution lines shall be underground and comply with all applicable codes and public utility requirements. g. Signal Interference. Efforts shall be made to site wind energy systems to reduce the likelihood of blocking or reflecting television and other communication signals. If signal interference occurs, both the wind energy system owner and the individual receiving interference shall make reasonable efforts to resolve the problem. No wind energy system shall cause permanent and material interference with television or other communication signals. h. Over -speed Controls. Every wind energy system shall be equipped with both manual and automatic over -speed controls. I. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). All wind towers shall meet Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations. Documentation shall be provided that indicates the proposed wind tower meets FAA regulations. Permit Requirements. Applications for wind energy systems shall be approved with a Specific Use Permit through the Owasso City Council following the procedures outlined in the Section titled "Specific Use Permits" in the Chapter titled ?'Specific Use Permits and Temporary Use Permits" in the Owasso Zoning Code. However, wind energy systems that are fifteen (15) feet or less in height, an Administrative Permit may be approved by the Community Development Director or their designee. All applications shall include the following information upon request: a. Site Plan. A Site Plan shall be drawn to scale based off a survey showing the location of the proposed wind energy system and the locations of all existing buildings, structures, and property lines along with distances. b. Elevations. Elevations shall be provided of the site drawn to scale showing the height, design, and configuration of the wind energy system and the 110 height and distance to all existing structures, buildings, electrical lines, and property lines. c. Engineering Specifications. Standard drawings and an engineering analysis of the systems tower including weight capacity shall be provided. d. Foundations and Geotechnical. A standard foundation and anchor design along with existing soil conditions and specifications for the soil conditions at the site. e. Tower Specifications. Specific information on the type, size, rotor material, rated power output, performance, safety, and noise characteristics of the system including the name and address of the rpanufacturer, model, and serial number. f. Safety Measures. Emergency and n provided as part of the application fc g. Electrical Connection. A line drawint system in sufficient detail to estdblisl- applicable electrical codes shall, be the provider of electrical serviCe",6fr ti intent to install an interconnected els will not be connected to the electrici' rural "MUtdown procedures shall be a Wnd energy system. of the electnaCil,components of the that the installation conforms to all provided along with" evidence that e property has been `notified of the ctrCcity generator (unless -'the system 17.2.4 Non -Use. Any wind energy sysfern ;which complies is not used for two (2) years, excluding repairs, shall six (6) months. Failure to remove Ifip syste j shall be 17.2.5 Any small wind energy system o conforming and which is not us removed within'tberfbllowing six deemed a v i g l ' c t on o f f his Code. installation oU_,Wind e covenants and this C+ systems. terms of this Code which Dved within the following t,a violation of this Code. al itiii5d, energy system which is non - (1) year, "excluding repairs, shall be Failure to remove the system shall be or deed restrictions may prohibit the :ity of Owasso does not enforce private private covenants. CHAPTER 18 SIGNS 18.1 Purpose. The purpose and general intent of this Chapter is as follows: a. To establish standards and guidelines for the design, erection, construction, and installation of signs and other visual communication devices so that the City of Owasso may appear orderly and to prevent the needless clutter in appearance within the City by signs unreasonable in number, location, area, and illumination; b. To provide for the appropriate use and location of signs in a manner that will not adversely affect or impact property values, compatibility of land use, community appearance and identity, and to otherwise promote the general welfare, public safety, convenience, and order of the City of Owasso; c. To provide for the issuance, revocation, inspection, and identification of signs within the City; and d. To provide for the removal of any sign that is in violation of or non- conforming with the intent and purpose of this Code. 18.2 Calculatina the Area of a Sian. The area of a sign shall be computed to include the entire area within a sign, whether such sign is a parallelogram, triangle, circle, or semi- circle, including all of the display area of one side and any part of the surface of any cornice, hood, awning, wall, or similar ornamental or structural feature that blends with the sign in such a manner as to appeak to be the background of the sign, and including all of the elements of the matter displayed, regardless of the angle at which such sign is placed in relationship to the building frontage; provided, however, that the area of a wall sign shall be computed to include only the area in which characters, letters, illustrations, insignia, or logos are depicted. 18.3 Signs Not lteauiring Permits. A Permit shall not be required for the following types of signs, provided that said signs shall be subject to all other provisions of this Code. 18.3.1 Non - Profit Signs. Signs in connection with a non - profit, community or neighborhood center, public facility, place of worship, or educational institution are exempt from the Sign Permit fee but shall adhere to the following restrictions: a. Signs are limited to a period not exceeding thirty (30) days and must be removed after this period expires. There is no limit as to the number of thirty (30) day increments in any one calendar year, however the sign must be removed within three (3) days after the event is over; b. Applicants shall provide evidence of their tax exempt status; c. Signs most be approved by the Director of Community Development or their designee and contain a Site Plan indicating the location(s) of said sign(s) and the time duration of the sign shall be provided; d. Only two (2) signs shall be allowed per lot of record except as approved by the Community Development Director or their designee; e. All other restrictions of this Section shall still apply; f. Signs may be placed in the ground, attached to a pylon or ground sign, or affixed to the building; g. Signs may not be placed within sight triangles as described in the Chapter titled "Site Design Standards" in the Owasso Zoning Code; 112 18.3.2 f j 18.3.4 h. Signs shall not be placed in the public right -of -way under any circumstance; i. Banners are attached to buildings and do not exceed forty (40) square feet in area; and All signage for special events (carnivals, trail days, Gathering on Main, etc.) are exempt. Grand Opening Signs. Grand opening signs are allowed as follows: a. The signor signs shall not be displayed more than fourteen (14) days; b. There shall be only one (1) grand opening sign grand opening must occur within thirty (30) ds first opens to the public at a particular locatldri3 c. Signs otherwise prohibited may be alit do not endanger the public health, S! Community Development Director on Sports Field Signs. Temporary signs at Gty < Permit and will not be required to follow the 'p Sport User Group Signs. Sign Permits are not under contract with the City of Owasso to owned property. 18.3.5 Real Estate Signs. One (1) real estai for residentially zoned areas or thin zoned areas which is "double -facei the premises uponwhich such signs 18.3.6 Open Housg__gns. One {l) direct square feef,'6''area locaeei on the sale is located:does not require a P be placed at fhe enhance to the provided that the'sigt drinbunces_ r, or weltc designee. per business, and this the time the business signs as long as they Don approval of the s fields `do?not require a Code. for sport user groups that are youth sports leagues on City- ceeding eight (8) square feet in area :fare feet fov commercial or industrial rtises ;only the sale, rental, or lease of does not require a Permit. or open house sign not exceeding two (2) fe property of the premises upon which the -Additionally, one (1) open house sign may vision in which the house for sale is located, 3dress of the house and the time and date 18.37 Business Signs'.: :One (1) non- illuminated, non - activated nameplate or occupational sign not exceeding , two (2) square feet in area and attached flat against a building, providing only the name, address, and occupation of the building tenant or owner .does not require a Permit. 18.3 .8 F(js_ An official fag of the United States, the State of Oklahoma, or Native American Tribe thdt'is made of cloth or a cloth -like material and is designed to be flown tfrorn a pale 'does not require a Permit. This shall not include banners, signs, streamers, balloons, or feather flags that are colored in such a way as to look like the official flag , y the United States, the flag of the State of Oklahoma, or Native American Tribe flags. 18.3.9 Historical Markers. Non - illuminated, non - reflective memorial signs or signs bearing the name of the building and date of erection do not require a Permit, provided that said signs do not exceed twelve (12) square feet in area and are either carved into, embossed on, or permanently embedded in masonry, bronze, or other non- combustible materials, in such a way that they are an architectural detail of a building. 18.3. 10 Legal Notices. Legal notices and identification, informational, or directional signs constructed by government agencies or in compliance with their regulations do not 113 require a Permit. 18.3.11 Political Signs. Political signs, not exceeding sixteen (16) square feet in area, which make known.the name of and information concerning a political campaign of any nature do not require a Permit, provided that: a. That no political sign shall be placed in or on the public right -of -way; and b. That no political sign shall be placed or erected in or on any private property Without the express permission of the owner or occupant of such property. 18.3.12 Garage Sale Sian. Garage sale signs do not require a Permit. A maximum of two (2) signs not to exceed four (4) square feet each shall be permitted to advertise a garage sale. Any such sign shall not be placed or located'forther than the nearest major arterial roadway from the site of the sale and shall be removed immediately at the conclusion of the garage sale each day. 18.3.13 Service Station Signs. Signs that are attached to gasoline pumps or other similar dispensing or servicing devices are allowed, as well as signs and required regulatory information that are an integral part of the - service station operation. In no way does this Section allow snipe signs and pennants at service stations. Signs that display gas prices up to twenty (20) square feet are permitted. 18.3.14 Awning or Canopy Lettering. Non - illuminated vinyl or plastic lettering affixed to any awning or canopy, and conforming to the provisions of the Section related to awnings /canopy type signs do not require a Permit. 18.3.15 Contractor Signs. Contractor signs not exceeding sixteen (16) square feet in area in residential districts and signs not exceeding thirty -two (32J "Noluare feet in all other districts placed within the area or lot to be constructed do not require a Permit. Contractor signs are limited to one(]) sign. per lot of record. Such signs shall not be constructed or located that it will obstruct the view of Figure 18.1 ' traffic or within the public right -of -way. Contractor signs Light Pole Banners and shall be removed from the site within seven (7) days after Bracket Signs construction is complete. 6 SF MAX EACH SIDE 18.3.16 Window Signs. Signs that are posted on windows and not designed to be read from a point off the property do not require a Permit. Flashing signs are not permitted. 18.3.17 Light Pole Banners and Bracket Signs. Banners which are attached to light;; poles which do not accommodate a traffic signal or electrical distribution do not require a Permit. The light poles must be private poles located on private property. Utility poles in the public right -of -way shall not have any siguldge posted at any time. Said signs shall be in a metal type bracket and the sign shall be no greater than eight (8) square feet (2 foot wide by 4 foot long). A maximum of two such signs may be placed on a light pole and only fifty (50) percent of the total light poles on the property may have said signs (see Figure 18.1). 18.3.18 Community Interest Signs. Any other sign that the Community Development Director or their designee deems of a public or community wide interest does not require a Permit. 18.3.19 City Banners or Signage. Banners or signs displaying information from the City of Owasso (including character banners, event banners, or parade banners) do not require a Permit. 114 18.3.20 Sandwich Board Signs (A -Frame Signs). Sandwich board signs, also known as a -frame signs, are allowed only on the sidewalk in front of the business in Commercial Districts during business hours and do not require a Permit. They must allow for a clear path of travel at all times, are not allowed on a public sidewalk or right -of -way, and shall not interrupt pedestrian activity. 18.3.21 Vehicle Wrao Signs. Signs that are shrink - wrapped on personal vehicles do not require a Permit. 18.4 Prohibited Signs. The following signs classified by location, type, and content are prohibited. 18.4.1 Location. No sign shall be permitted to extend into, above; or be placed in or on any portion of a public street, avenue, or alley. No sign shall'be painted, pasted, posted, printed, or nailed to or on any curb, sidewalk, tree, light pole in a public right -of -way, utility pole, hydrant, or bridge or in any manner displayed within the public property or public right -of -way lines of any street, avenue, or alley except legal notices, identification, informational, or directional signs erected by a government agency and in compliance with their regulations.; The exceptions to this are areas covered by an overlay district, identified on the Official Zoning Map. of the City of Owasso. No sign shall be constructed so as to obstruct any fire escape, fire department connection, required exit, window, or door opening intended as a means of ingress or egress, nor shall any sign be placed in such a manner as to interfere with any opening required for ventilation. No sign shall be constructed in a manner that interferes with any surface or underground utility structure. Furthermore, placement shall not interfere with natural or artificial drainage or surface or underground wafer. No, sign shall be constructed or displayed that is deemed to be hazardous, a danger, a traffic hazard; causes the potential impediment to rescue personnel in the event of an emergency, or which constitutes a public nuisance. 18.4.2 Type. Any sign not specifically permitted in a zoning district, including temporary signs, shall be prohibited within such zoning district. Portable, Snipe, Mobile, Vehicular, or Banner Signs. Portable, snipe, mobile, vehicular, or freestanding banners (unless approved elsewhere in this Code) shall not be allowed within Owasso City Limits (see Figures 18.2 and 18.3). Figure 18.2 Portable Sign Figure 18.3 Snipe Signs Signs painted on any vehicle or trailer which is regularly parked on any street or private property, when one of the purposes of so locating such vehicle is to display, demonstrate, and advertise or attract the attention of the public, are not allowed within the City. It is not a violation of this Chapter merely to have a common logo of a business sign painted on a company vehicle regularly 115 engaged in the business of the owner. When it is determined by appropriate authorities that a vehicle is being regularly parked in a manner that violates this Chapter, the City of Owasso will issue a single notice of warning to the owner of the vehicle, who will be provided an opportunity for an informal hearing by the Community Development Director or their designee. Billboards. Billboards are not permitted within Owasso City Limits. Gooseneck Reflectors. Gooseneck reflectors and Figure 18.4 lights (see Figure 18.4) shall be permitted only on Gooseneck Reflectors ground signs, roof signs, wall signs, and works of art, provided that the reflectors shall be equipped with proper glass lenses concentrating the illumination upon the area of the sign or work of art so as to prevent glare upon the street or adjacent property. Gooseneck Reflectors are not allowed on pole signs. Spotliahts and Searchlights. Lights designed to shine up into the sky to draw attention to a place or business are prohibited within Owasso City Limits unless approved by the Community Development Director or their designee. 18,4.2.5 Digital Signs and Message Boards. Digital signs not meeting the requirements listed herein shall not be allowed. No such signs shall be permitted in any residential district. Such signs must have an eight (8) second delay between any screen change or image, must not display full video at any time, and shall not be directed toward any adjacent residential district within five hundred (500) feet. Moving and Flashing Signs. No moving or flashing signs shall be permitted in any district. Nuisances. No sign shall be permitted that emits audible sound, vapor, smoke, odor pprficles, or gaseous matter. `r Placards. Leaflets, and Handbills. No placards, leaflets, handbills, or similar signs shall be placed on the exterior wall or window of any building, attached to utility poles; public property, or plgft-d on. vehicles in any district. ' Corporate or Commercial Flags. No corporate or commercial flags shall be permitted in any zoning district that exceeds thirty -five (35) feet in height and /or fifteen (15) square feet in..area, including those corporate or commercial flags containing logos. Additionally, corporate or commercial flags shall be limited to one (1) flag per business entity. Works of Art. All works of art are subject to approval from the Community bevelopment Director or their designee. Advertising �S cns(Off - Premises). It shall be unlawful for any person to construct, .erect, or maintain any off - premises advertising sign in any zoning district in the City. Roof Sians. It shall be unlawful for any person to construct, erect, or maintain any roof sign in any zoning district in the City, except as allowed in the Downtown Overlay District. All roof signs must adhere to City of Owasso Building Code standards and regulations. Balloons and Inflatable Signs. Street banners, pennants, ribbons, balloons, inflatables, streamers, strings of light bulbs, spinners, or other similar materials and devices, illuminated or non - illuminated, that are used to attract the attention of clients, potential customers and /or the general public are prohibited, except 116 when allowed for a special event by the Community Development Director or their designee. Feather Flag or Banner Flag It shall be unlawful for any person to construct, erect, or maintain any feather flag or banner flag in any zoning district in the City. 18.4.3 Content. Obscene Matter. No person shall display upon any sign or other advertising structure an obscene, indecent, or immoral matter as determined by the Community Development Director or their designee. Traffic Safety. No sign shall be erected or constructed in any district within the City that states "stop ", "go ", "slow ", "danger or qpy' other similar term which could reasonably be confused with traffic signs No sign shall be erected or constructed in any", nct yrhich would, by its color or nature, tend to be confused with or obstruct, sight of traffic, signs or traffic signals by motorists or pedestrians, or which would:othenvise constitute a hazard to the safe and efficient operation of vehicles orvvould create a corXcition which might endanger the safety of any person. 18.5 Permitted Signs. Tables 18.1, 18.2, 18.3, 18 4 18 S and 18.6 below identify permitted signs for each zoning district and the restrictions tbYepch sign type. Examples of each type of sign can be seen in Figures 18 5, 18.6;'18,7, 18.8, 18.9, 18.10, 18.1 1, 18.12, 18.13, and 18.14. Additional requirements as outlined �n:.,the Chapter titled "Overlay Districts" in the Owasso Zoning Gode;:,mgy, be applicable. �. 117 Table 18.1 - Sign Requirements for the AG, RE, RS -1, RS -2, and RS -3 Districts T e Requirements • Maximum cumulative sign area per property of one hundred (I OD) square feet. • Must be setback at least fifteen (15) feet from ROW. Area Marker • Such signs shall not be constructed or located that it will obstruct the view of traffic or within the public right -of -way. • Such signs shall be removed within ninety (90) days after the sale of the last lot in the subdivision or three (3) years from the date of initial construction, whichever comes first. • Maximum area of twelve (12) square feet. • Maximum of one (1) sign. • Must be setback at least ten (10) feet from the property line. Bulletin • Such signs shall be permitted only in connection with a non - profit, community or neighborhood center, public building, church building, or educational institution. • If illuminated, illumination shall be constant and indirect lighting directed.away from onyradjoining residential use. • Such signs shall not be constructed or located that it will obstruct the view of traffic orWthin the public ri ht,,,of -wa . • Maximum area of twelve (12) square feet. Wall • Maximum of one (1) sign. Wall • Such signs shall be permitted only in connection with a non - profit, community or neighborhood center, public building, church building, or educational institution. • If illuminated, illumination shall be constant and indirect lighting: directed away from any adjoining residential use. • Such signs shall not project higher than ten 10 feet above round level when affixed to a xed din . tp;,t�FX Table 18.2 - Sign Requirements for the RD, RNX, RM, and RMH Districts T e Requirements • Maximum cumulative sign area per property of one hundred (100) square feet. • Must be setback at least fifteen.(1,5) feet from ROW. Area Marker • Such signs shall not be constructed or located that it will obstruct the view of traffic or within the public right -of -way. • Such signs shall be removed within ninety (90) days after the sale of the last lot in the subdivision or three (3) years from the date of initial construction, whichever comesAiirst. • Maximum area of twelve (12) square feet. • Maximum of one (1) sigh , • Must be setback at least %- h,(10) feet from the property line. Bulletin • Such signs shall be permittetftply in connechor ith a non - profit, community or neighborhood center, public building, church building, or educational institution., • If illuminated, illumination shall b�Pe aLahstanY;;aPd indirect lighting directed away from any adjoining residential use. • Such signs shall not be constructed%o'I)RGgfed that it will obstruct the view of traffic or within the public right-of-way. • Maximum area of twelve (12) square'** Wall • Maximum of one (1) sign. • If illuminated, illumination shall be constant and indirect lighting directed away from any adjoining residential use. • Such signs shall be attached to a wall that fronts or faces upon a street right-of-way. 118 Table 18.3 - Sign Requirements for the O District Type Re uirements, • Maximum cumulative sign area per property of one hundred (100) square feet. Area • Must be setback at least fifteen (15) feet from ROW. Marker • Such signs shall not be constructed or located that it will obstruct the view of traffic or within the public right -of -way. • Such signs shall be removed within ninety (90) days after the sale of the last lot in the subdivision or three (3) years from the date of initial construction, whichever comes first. Awning/ • All such structures shall be constructed and erected so that the lowest portion thereof shalfnot be less than eight (8) feet above the level of the public Canopy sidewalk and fifteen (15) feet above a public drive or alley. " All such structures must be suspended from the building and not resting upon ,fhe'sidewalk. • Maximum area of twelve (12) square feet. • Maximum of one (1) sign. Bulletin . Must be setback at least ten (10) feet from the property line. • If illuminated, illumination shall be constant and indirect lighting directed aw4y4rom ahy, 6djoining residential, use. • Such signs shall not be constructed or located that it will obstruct the view of traffc;orwithin the Public ri hf -of -wa . • Maximum area of two (2) square feet. Business • Maximum of one (1) sign. r • Such signs shall be unilluminated. • Such signs shall only include the professional/occupation I name late and comiDanv to "o<of the occupant. • Maximum of one (1) sign. • If illuminated, illumination shall be constant and shall be directed away fromdhy adjoining residential use within two hundred (200) feet. • Digital, LED, full message boards, or similar signs must have an eigtaf:(8) ;second delay =before any screen change, must not display full video at any time. , r ^` • Digital, LED, full message boards, or similarsigns shall not be direct rd any adjacent residential district within five hundred (500) feet. • Such signs shall not be constructed or,loc06ted that it wali<obstruct the view of traffic or within the public right -of -way. • Such signs shall only include the profes$ oval / occupational nameplate kJnd company logo of the occupant. • Such signs shall be limited to twenty (26)'4.6, at in height and sixty (6 feet in area. Pylon/ • Shopping centers that are located on a tracf or lot bound by two (2) or =,fiore public streets are allowed one (1) additional ground sign, pole, or surface Pole mounted with a maximum square footage of tifty;(50) feet,gt a secondary entrance facing a different public street than the original ground sign. • If illuminated, such signs in diteat �ew;of traffc signals shall not betr , green, or amber in color. • All such structures shall be bonstructed =arrd.erected °so that the lowest portion thereof shall not be less than eight (8) feet above the level of the public sidewalk and fifteen (f$j�4eet above a public drive or al) ey. • If the lot or tract haS affront footage in excess of one hundred (100) feet, additional area may be allowed on each side of the sign equal to thirty (30) percent of the front footage in excess of the first,one hundred (100) feet of said tract or lot up to a maximum of one hundred and fifty (150) square feet. • No portion of such signs shall, extend beyond tl�e'properfy line. +the • Structural components of sohsigns, including pole(s) or structure(s) to which said sign is attached, may not exceed twenty -five (25) percent of the width of the sign cabinet. tig 554, fly Table 18.3 - Sign Requirements for the O District Continued Type Requirements • Maximum of one (1) sign. • Maximum height of eight (8) feet. • If illuminated, illumination shall be constant and shall be directed away from any adjoining residential use within two hundred (200) feet. • Digital, LED, full message boards, or similar signs must have an eight (8) second delay before any screen change, must not display full video at any time. • Digital, LED, full message boards, or similar signs shall not be directed toward any adjacent residential district within five hundred (500) feet. • Such signs shall not be constructed or located that it will obstruct the view of traffic or within the public right -of -way. Ground/ • Such signs shall only include the professional /occupational nameplate and company logo of the?occupant. Monument • Such signs shall be limited to one hundred (100) square feet in area. • Shopping centers that are located on a tract or lot bound by two (2) or more public streets are allowed one (1) additional ground sign, pole, or surface mounted with a maximum square footage of fifty (50) feet at a secondary entrance faep a different public street than the original ground sign. • If illuminated, such signs in direct view of traffic signals shall not be red, green, or amIberl color. If the lot or tract has a front footage in excess of one hundred (100) feet, additional a'r'ea may be allowed on each side of the sign equal to thirty (30) percent of the front footage in excess of the first one hundred (100) feet of said tract or lot up to a maximum of one hundred and fifty (150) square feet.' • No such sign shall be located in the sight triangle. • No portion of such signs shall extend beyond the property line. • Maximum of one (1) sign. • All such structures shall be constructed and erected so that the lowest portion thereof shall not be less than eight (8) feet above the level of the public Marquee sidewalk and fifteen (15) feet above a public drive or alley. • Such structures must be suspended from the building and not resting upon the sidewalk. • No marquee shall display any advertising, matter, except those goods -and services offered for sale upon the premises or public service messages of a community wide interest. • Maximum of one (1) sign. • If illuminated, illumination shall be constant and shall be directed away from any adjoining residential use within two hundred (200) feet. • Digital, LED, full message boards, or similar signs must have an eight (8) second delay before any screen change, must not display full video at any time. • Digital, LED, full message boards, or similar signs shall not be directed,toward any adjacent residential district within five hundred (500) feet. • Such signs shall only include the professional /occupational nameplate and company logo of the occupant. Wall • Such signs shall be attached to a wall that fronts or faces a street right -of -way. • Wall signs may be,permitted on the exterior of any wall facing other commercial or industrial districts. Wall signs may not be placed on the side or rear wall if said wall abuts to a residential district. • Such signs shall be limited to ten (10) percent of he wall to which it is attached or one hundred and fifty (150) square feet, whichever is less. For each one hundred (100) foot increment the structure,is,aet back from the public right -of -way, the maximum area may be increased by fifty (50) percent, provided that no sign shall emceed four hundred =and fifty (450) square feet. • Each leasable space in a building or multi -unit complex is allowed one (1) wall sign for each leasable space up to a maximum of ten (10) percent of store fronts ace. I' ikze Table 18.4 - Sign Re" uirements for the CS and IL Districts Type Requirements= • Maximum area of one hundred (100) square feet. • Maximum of one (1) sign. Area • Must be setback at least twenty -five (25) feet from ROW. Marker • Such signs shall not be constructed or located that it will obstruct the view of traffc or within the public right -of -way. • Such signs shall be removed within ninety (90) days after the sale of the last lot in the subrJt�jsion or three (3) years from the date of initial construction, whichever comes first. Awnings/ • All such structures shall be constructed and erected so that the lowest portion thereof shall nbti,be less than eight (8) feet above the level of the public Canopy sidewalk and fifteen (15) feet above a public drive or alley. ;'` • Such structures must be suspended from the building and not resting upon the sidewalk. • Maximum area of twelve (12) square feet. 2r: • Must be setback at least ten (10) feet from the property line.' �� :' , Bulletin • Maximum of one (1) sign. • If illuminated, illumination shall be constant and indirect lighting directed away ftom`.dpy adjoining residentiahuse. • Such signs shall not be constructed or located that it will obstruct the view of trafi`�oi; within the Public right-of-way. • Maximum area of two (2) square feet. Business • Maximum of one (1) sign. • Such signs shall be unilluminated. • Such signs shall only include the professional/occupational nameplate dhW&bmpany l0 0 of? the occupant. • Maximum of one (1 ) sign.' • If illuminated, illumination shall be constant and shall be directed away from any adj6hrSg ,residential use within two hundred (200) feet. • Digital, LED, full message boards, or similar signs mustyhave an eight,)i Bond delay before any screen change, must not display full video at any time. • Digital, LED, full message boards, or similar lgns`shdll tloixbe directed foWard any adjacent residential district within five hundred (500) feet. • Such signs shall not be constructed or loC`gted that it willbbstruct the view of traffic or within the public right -of -way. • Such signs shall only include the professidnal /occupatiohal nameplate dod company logo of the occupant. • Such signs shall be limited to twenty (20)'feet in height' one hundrede 1,00) square feet in area. If the lot or tract has a front footage in excess of one hundred (100) feet, additional area may be allowed tzheach side of thessign equal to thirty (30) percent of the front footage in excess of the first one ,Rf Pylon/ hundred (100) feet of said tract or lot up to a max:1fmiJJ on rhu ldred dnd fifty (150) square feet. • Shopping centers located on:p trac#4or lot boundzlay two (2) ormorej3ublic streets are allowed one (1) additional sign, or surface Pole ground pole, mounted with a mammurtx sgdare fodtdge of fifty (�dj.feet at a secondary entrance facing a different public street than the original ground sign. • If illuminated, such signs!n direct view of traffic signals sfibll not be red, green, or amber in color. • All such structures shalCsbe constructed and erected so ihdt,;ihe lowest portion thereof shall not be less than eight (8) feet above the level of The public sidewalk and fifteen T above a public dole or aileyu ;" • If more than one (1) establishment is located on' Vtract or lot, one (1) ground sign, pole, or surface mounted sign may be installed to display names of stores, occupations, or busihesses located on the tact or lot. The size of the sign shall not exceed one hundred (100) square feet in area. • No portion of such signs shallktend beyond t operty line. • Structural components of sucf'si ns, including the pole(s) or structure(s) to which said sign is attached, may not exceed twenty -five (25) percent of the width of the si n cabinet 121 Table 18.4 - Sign Requirements for the CS and IL Districts Continued Type Requirements • Maximum of one (1) sign. • Maximum height of eight (8) feet. • If illuminated, Illumination shall be constant and shall be directed away from any adjoining residential use within two hundred (200) feet. • Digital, LED, full message boards, or similar signs must have an eight (8) second delay before any screen change, must not display full video at any time. • Digital, LED, full message boards, or similar signs shall not be directed toward any adjacent residential district within five hundred (500) feet. • Such signs shall not be constructed or located that it will obstruct the view of trafficor within the public right -of -way. • Such signs shall only include the professional /occupational nameplate and company logo of the occupant. Ground/ • If the lot or tract has a front footage in excess of one hundred (100) feet, additional area may be allowed on each side of the sign equal to thirty (30) Monument percent of the front footage in excess of the first one hundred (100) feet of said tract or lot up to a rnaximum of one hundred and fifty (150) square feet. • Shopping centers located on a tract or lot bound by two (2) or more public streets are allowed one'(, f);�additional ground sign, pole, or surface mounted with a maximum square footage of fifty (50) feet at a secondary.ehtrance facing a differenfpoblic street than the original ground sign. • If illuminated, such signs in direct view of traffic signals shall not be red, green, or amber in color. • If more than one (1) establishment is located on a tract or lot, one (1) ground, pole, or surface mounted sign may be installed to display names of stores, occupations, or businesses located on the tract or lot. The size of the sign shallnot exceed one hundred (100) square feet in area. . No such sign shall be located in the sight triangle or shall be permitted to exceed a'height of more than thirty -six (36) inches above the road level of any street, avenue or alley. . No portion of such signs shall extend beyond the property line. • Maximum of one (1) sign. • All such structures shall be constructed and erected so that the lowest portion thereof shall not be less than eight (8) feet above the level of the public Marquee sidewalk and fifteen (15) feet above a public drive or alley. • Such structures must be suspended from the buifdih'g,and not resting upon the sidewalk. • No marquee shall display any advertising matter, except those goods and services offered for sale upon the premises or public service messages of a community wide interest. • Maximum area of three (3) square feet. • Maximum of one (1) sign. • Projecting signs shall be permitted beneath a,canopy or marquee and erected over a public sidewalk and shall be hung at a right angle from the Projecting building. • A sign erected beneath a canopy o.. grxquee shall.not extend.beYond a point within two (2) feet of the front edge of the canopy or marquee and shall maintain a minimum - clearance eight (8) feej:between the bottom of the sign and the public sidewalk. • Such si ns shall not be ^constructed or located that it wiltiobstruct the view of traffic or within the public right-of-way. • Maximum of one O'sigh. • If illuminated, illumination shall be constant and shall be directed away from any adjoining residential use within two hundred (200) feet. • Digital, LED, full message boards, or similar signs must have an eight (8) second delay before any screen change, must not display full video at any time. • Digital, LED, full message boards, or similar signs shall not be directed toward any adjacent residential district within five hundred (500) feet. • Such signs shall only include the professional / occtpational nameplate and company logo of the occupant. • Such signs shall be attached to :a'wall that fronts or faces upon a street right -of -way. Wall • Wall signs may be permitted on the exterior of any wall facing other commercial or industrial districts. Wall signs may not be placed on the side or rear wall if said wall abuts to a residential district. • Such signs shall be limited to ten (10) percent of the wall to which it is attached or one hundred and fifty (150) square feet, whichever is less. For each one hundred (100) foot increment the structure is set back from the public right -of -way, the maximum area may be increased by fifty (50) percent,_ provided that no sign shall exceed four hundred and fifty (450) square feet. . Each leasable space in a building or multi -unit complex is allowed one (1) wall sign for each leasable space up to a maximum of ten (10) percent of store fronts ace. 122 Table 78.5 -:Si n Requirements for the CG and IM Districts Type Requirements • Maximum area of one hundred (100) square feet. • Maximum of one (i) sign. Area Marker ' Must be setback at least twenty -five (25) feet from ROW. • Such signs shall not be constructed or located that it will obstruct the view of traffic or wrfhin'the public right -of -way. • Such signs shall be removed within ninety (90) days after the sale of the last lot in the SutSCiivision or three (3) years from the date of initial construction, whichever comes first. Awnings/ • All such structures shall be constructed and erected so that the lowest portion thereof shall npt =be less than eight (8) feet above the level of the Canopy public sidewalk and fifteen (15) feet above a public drive or, alley. Such structures must be suspended from the building and not resting u on.the sidewalk. • Maximum area of twelve (12) square feet. • Must be setback at least ten (10) feet from the property line. Bulletin • Maximum of one (1) sign. • If illuminated, illumination shall be constant and indirect lighting directed away trpm anyo joining residential use. • Such signs shall not be constructed or located that it will obstruct the view of traffte ,r within the public right-of-way. • Maximum area of two (2) square feet., Business • Maximum of one (1) sign. • Such signs shall be unilluminated. • Such si ns shall only include the rofessional /occu ational narn late "i7htt om an log' o o 44he oceu ant. • Maximum of one (1) sign. rt. • If illuminated, illumination shall be constant and shall be directed away.fto'm any adjoin irlg residential use within two hundred (200) feet. • Digital, LED, full message boards, or similar signs usi have an eight 18j'second delay before any screen change, must not display full video at any time. �r .r'' • Digital, LED, full message boards, or sirnigr, signs shall rto'tabe directedttoward any adjacent residential district within five hundred (500) feet. • Such signs shall not be constructed o�1locpted that it w li obstruct the`vew of traffic or within the public right -of -way. • Such signs shall only include the professional(occuprt�dhal nameplatep "(ad company logo of the occupant. • Such signs shall be limited to twenty (20) feef!in helgr�f'and one hundred(t 00) square feet in area. If the lot or tract has a front footage in excess of one hundred (100) feet additional area maybe ailowe& on<<each side df the sign equal to thirty (30) percent of the front footage in excess of the first Pylon/ one hundred (100) feet of said traataT lot up to aniaxim0 ooh x(ji ndred and fifty (150) square feet. Pole • Shopping centers that arb;located on a #ract or lotrbound by two (2) or more public streets are allowed one (1) additional ground sign, pole, or surface mounted wi #h ar- maximum square; footage of f fty (50) feet at a secondary entrance facing a different public street than the original ground sign. t • If illuminated, such sl hs in direct view of traffic °signals shdll5`hot be red, green, or amber in color. • If more than one (1) es #ablishment is located dn.a tract or lot, one (1) ground sign, pole, or surface mounted sign may be installed to display names of stores, occupations orti4sinesses located a it e tract or lot. The size of the sign shall not exceed one hundred (100) square feet in area. • All such structures shall be donstructed and eredted so that the lowest portion thereof shall not be less than eight (8) feet above the level of the public sidewalk and fifteen ('15) het above a JiOblic drive or alley. • No portion of such signs shall exnd beyondhe property line. • Structural components of such signs, inclUdmg the pole(s) or structure(s) to which said sign is attached, may not exceed twenty -five (25) percent of the width of the sign cabinet. 123 Table 18.5 - Sign Requirements for the CG and IM Districts Continued Type Requirements • Maximum of one (1) sign. • Maximum height of eight (8) feet. • If "Illuminated, illumination shall be constant and shall be directed away from any adjoining @residential use within two hundred (200) feet. • Digital, LED, full message boards, or similar signs must have an eight (8) second delay before any screen change, must not display full video at any time. e Digital, LED, full message boards; or similar signs shall not be directed toward anyeadjacent= residential district within five hundred (500) feet. • Such signs shall not be constructed or located that it will obstruct the view of traffic or withih%e public right -of -way. Ground/ . Such signs shall only include the professional /occupational nameplate and company logo oft#'koccupant. Monument • Shopping centers that are located on a tract or lot bound by two (2) or more public.streets are allowed one$ additional ground sign, pole, or surface mounted with a maximum square footage of fifty (50) feet at a secondary entrance facing a difterent'public street than the orMg'f at ground sign. • If illuminated, such signs in direct view of traffic signals shall not be red, green, or ambegfNcolor. • If more than one (1) establishment is located on a tract or lot, one (1) ground, pole o13rface mounted sign may be installed to display names of stores, occupations, or businesses located on the tract or lot. The size of the sign shl9 of exceed one hundred (100) square feet in area. • No such sign shall be located in the sight triangle or shall be permitted to exce600eight of more than thirty -six (36) inches above the road level of any street, avenue or alley. • No portion of such signs shall extend beyond the property line. • Maximum of one (1) sign. • All such structures shall be constructed and erected so that the lowest portion thereof shall not be less than eight (8) feet above the level of the Marquee public sidewalk and fifteen (15) feet above a public drive or alley. • Such structures must be suspended from the building and not resting upon.the sidewalk. • No marquee shall display any advertising matter except those goods and services offered for sale upon the premises or public service messages of a communi iy wide interest. • Maximum area of three (3) square feet. Maximum of one (1) sign. • Projecting signs shall be permitted beneath a canopy or marquee an&erected over a public sidewalk and shall be hung at a right angle from the Projecting building • A sign erected beneath a canopy or marquee shall not extend beyond a point within two (2) feet of the front edge of the canopy or marquee and shall maintain a minimum clearance of eight (8) feet between the bottom of the sign and the public sidewalk. • Such si ns shall not be.c6hstructed or located thatiit will obstruct the view of traffic or within the public right-of-way. • Maximum of one (1) sign.' • If illuminated, illumination shall be constantand shall be.'directed away from any adjoining residential use within two hundred (200) feet. • Digital, LED, full message boards, or similar signs:must haan eight (8) second delay before any screen change, must not display full video at any time. • Digital, LED, full message boards, or similar signs shall not be directed toward any adjacent residential district within five hundred (500) feet. • Such signs shall only includerthe professional /occupational nameplate and company logo of the occupant. Wall • Such signs • shall be attached to a wall that fronts or faces upon a street right -of -way. • Wall signs may be permitted on the exteriorof'any wall facing other commercial or industrial districts. Wall signs may not be placed on the side or rear wall if said wall abuts to a residential district. • Such signs shall be limited to ten (10) .percent of the wall to which it is attached or one hundred and fifty (150) square feet, whichever is less. For each one hundred (100) foot increment the structure is set back from the public right -of -way, the maximum area may be increased by fifty (50) percent, provided that no sign shall exceed four hundred and fifty (450) square feet. e Each leasable space in a building or multi -unit complex is allowed one (1) wall sign for each leasable space up to a maximum of ten (10) percent of store fronts ace. 124 Table 18.6 - Sign Requirements for the IH District Type Re' uirements' • Maximum area of one hundred (100) square feet. • Maximum of one (1) sign, Area Marker ' Must be setback at least twenty -five (25) feet from ROW. • Such signs shall not be constructed or located that it will obstruct the view of traffic or within the public right -of -way. • Such signs shall be removed within ninety (90) days after the sale of the last lot in the subdivision or three (3) years from the date of initial construction, whichever comes first. Awnings/ • All such structures shall be constructed and erected so that the lowest portion thereof shalt not be less than eight (8) feet above the level of the Canopy public sidewalk and fifteen (15) feet above a public drive or alley. Such structures must be suspended from the building and not resting upon the sidewalk. • Maximum area of twelve (12) square feet. • Must be setback at least ten (10) feet from the property line. Bulletin • Maximum of one (1) sign. • If illuminated, illumination shall be constant and indirect lighting directed away tfpin d iy adjoining residential use. • Such signs shall not be constructed or located that it will obstruct the view of trdfficor within the public ri ht -of -wa . • Maximum area of two (2) square feet.'." Business • Maximum of one (1) sign. • Such signs shall be unilluminated.-" • Such signs shall only include the rofessional /occu ational n(& late�'ahCixcom an Io o:at= =.the occupant. • Maximum of one (1) sign. • If illuminated, illumination shall be constant and shall be directedYywayfrorr any odlolning residential use within two hundred (200) feet. • Digital, LED, full message boards, or similar signs nest have an e1�jit; second delay before any screen change, must not display full video at any time. • Digital, LED, full message boards or si ilor`signs shall ndt bed ire cted.`toward any adjacent residential district within five hundred (500) feet. • Such signs shall not be constructed or)ocated that it will obstruct the Liew of traffic or within the public right -of -way. • Such signs shall only include the professldhgi /occupatidnal no eplate 'nd company logo of the occupant. • Such signs shall be limited to twenty (20) feetJn 1,1eight and one hundr'e;Ft (100) square feet in area. If the lot or tract has a front footage in excess of one hundred (100) feet, additional area maytj�e;aliowed qn egch side'of the sign equal to thirty (30) percent of the front footage in excess of the first one hundred (100) feet of,sd traot br lot up to c rr awmom of olie hundred and fifty (150) square feet. Pylon/ • Shopping centers thatlar,e'located'ot ,attract drr)ot bound by two (2) or more public streets are allowed one (1) additional ground sign, pole, or Pole surface mounted with ^;&"maximum square fggtage of.fiffy (50) feet at a secondary entrance facing a different public street than the original ground sign. • If illuminated, such 'signs in direct view of irafficsignals shallnot be red, green, or amber in color. • All such structures shall be constructed and erected so that the lowest portion thereof shall not be less than eight (8) feet above the level of the public sidewalk and fiftee%1 (15) feet above a public drive or alley. • If more than one (1) establithment is locate d'on' a tract or lot, one (1) ground sign, pole, or surface mounted sign may be installed to display names of stores, occupations, or businesses located'* the tract or lot. The size of the sign shall not exceed one hundred (100) square feet in area. • No such sign shall be located lh the sight;tfidngle or shall be permitted to exceed a height of more than thirty -six (36) inches above the road level of any street, avenue or alley. • No portion of such signs shall extend kieyond the property line. • Structural components of such signs, including the pole(s) or structure(s) to which said sign is attached, may not exceed twenty -five (25) percent of the width of the sign cabinet. 125 Table 18.6 - SI n Requirements for the IH District Continued Type Requirements • Maximum of one (1) sign. • Maximum height of eight (8) feet. e If illuminated, illumination shall be constant and shall be directed away from any adjoinir? , sidential use within two hundred (200) feet. e Digital, LED, full message boards, or similar signs must have an eight (8) second delay °be are any screen change, must not display full video at any time. e Digital, LED, full message boards, or similar signs shall not be directed toward any,¢djacentresidential district within five hundred (500) feet. • Such signs shall not be constructed or located that it will obstruct the view of traffic or withinptle public right -of -way. a Such signs shall only include the professional /occupational nameplate and company logo of the occupant. Ground/ Monument a Shopping centers that are located on a tract or lot bound by two (2) or more public streets are= ;gllowed one (1) additional ground sign, pole, or "s surface mounted with a maximum square footage of fifty (50) feet at,a ,,secondary entrance facing a different public street than the original ground sign. • If illuminated, such signs in direct view of traffic signals shall not be red, grden, or amber in color. • If more than one (1) establishment is located on a tract or lot, one (1) ground; pole, or surface mountedasign may be installed to display names of stores, occupations, or businesses located on the tract or lot. The size of the sign shall not exceed one hundred (100) square feet in area. • No such sign shall be located in the sight triangle or shall ermitted to exceed .,a height of more than thirty -six (36) inches above the road level of any street, avenue or alley.;;::a:. - e No portion of such signs shall extend beyond the property line n, • Maximum of one (1) sign. • All such structures shall be constructed and erected so that the, lowest-portion thereof shall not be less than eight (8) feet above the level of the Marquee public sidewalk and fift een (15) feet above a public drive or alley. . b • Such structures must be suspended from theuilding and not resting -upon the sidewalk. • No marquee shall display any advertising matter, except those goods and services offered for sale upon the premises or public service messages of a. community wide interest. e Maximum area of three (3) square feet. e Maximum of one (1) sign. Projecting • Projecting signs shall be permitted beneath a canopy or marquee and erected over a public sidewalk and shall be hung at a right angle from the building e A sign erected beneath a canopy or marquee shall not extend beyond a point within two (2) feet of the front edge of the canopy or marquee and shall maintain a minimum clearance of eight (8) feet between fine bottom of the sign and the public sidewalk. e Such signs shall not be,cgnstructed or located that it will obstruct the view of traffic or within the public ri ht -of -wa . • Maximum of one (1) sign: • If illuminated, illumination shall be constant =and shall be directed away from any adjoining residential use within two hundred (200) feet. • Digital, LED, full message boards, or similar signs must have an eight (8) second delay before any screen change, must not display full video at any time. • Digital, LED, full message boards, or similar signs shall not be directed toward any adjacent residential district within five hundred (500) feet. • Such signs shall only include, a professional /occupational nameplate and company logo of the occupant. Wall • Such signs shall be attached a wall that fronts or faces upon a street right -of -way. w... • Wall signs may be permitted on the exterior of any wall facing other commercial or industrial districts. Wall signs may not be placed on the side or rear wall N said wall abuts to a residential district. • Such signs shall be limited to ten (10) percent of the wall to which it is attached or one hundred and fifty (150) square feet, whichever is less. For each one hundred 100 foot increment the structure is set back from the public ri ht -of -wa ,the maximum area may be increased b fi ( ) p right-of-way, Y Y fifty (50) percent, provided that no sign shall exceed four hundred and fifty (450) square feet. • Each leasable space in a building or multi -unit complex is allowed one (1) wall sign for each leasable space up to a maximum of ten (10) percent of store fronts ace. 126 Figure 18.5 Area Marker Sign /..._. Figure 18.7 Bulletin Sign i Figure 18.6 Awning Sign Figure 18.9 Canopy Sign Figure 18.8 Business Sign Vj. lV` Y }itr is 127 Figure 18.10 Pole Sign Figure 18.13 Projecting Sign Figure 18.11 Monument Sign Figure 18.12 Marquee Sign Figure 18.14 Wall Sign 128 18.5.1 Diaital Sianace. This Subsection shall reference all LED, digital, video, electronic or similar type signage. The following conditions shall apply to all digital signage: a. All digital signage shall be counted towards the allowable signage area; b. Only static images shall be allowed; c. No video or motion shall be allowed; d. A minimum of eight (8) second delay between static images shall be required; e. Brightness shall be turned down during non - daylight hours; and f. No digital signage facing any residential district shall be allowed within five hundred (500) feet. Any nuisance caused by digital signage shall be subject to Code Enforcement. 18.5.2 Determinina Sian Measurement and Area. For a sign which is framed, outlined, painted, or otherwise prepared and intended to provide a background for a sign display, the area and dimensions shall include the entire portion within such background or frame and shall be based upon the outer dimensions of the frame or cabinet (see Figure 18.15). For a sign comprised of individual letters, figures, or elements on a wall or similar surface of the building or structure, the area and dimensions of the sign shall encompass a regular geometric shape (rectangle, circle, trapezoid, triangle, etc.), or a combination of regular geometric shapes, which fomi, or approximate, the perimeter of all elements in the display, the frame, and any applied background that is not part of the architecture of the building. When separate elements are organized to form a single sign, but are separated by open space, the sign area and dimensions shall be calculated by determining the geometric form, or combination of forms, which comprises all of the display areas, including the space between different elements (see Figure 18.15). Flaure 18.15 Sign Area and Dimensions INDIVIDUAL LETTERS �O PLACE JOES PLACE �i CABINETS DOES w PLACE PLACE Jo S 72' 1.5 5. JOES 1.5, II DRY CLEANERS 129 Minor appendages to a particular regular shape, such as an apostrophe, as determined by the Community Development Director or their designee, shall not be included in the total area of a sign. Freestanding Signs. For a freestanding sign, the sign area shall include the frame, if any, but shall not include: a. A pole or other structural support unless such pole or structural support is internally illuminated or otherwise so designed to constitute a display device, or a part of a display device. b. Architectural features which contain no lettering or logos, that are either part of the building or part of a freestanding structure, and are not an integral part of the sign, and which may consist of landscaping, building, or structural forms complementing the site in general (see Figure 18.16). Figure 18.16 Calculating Sign Area for Freestanding Signs Open Space (Part of Sign Area)'G"r =;.'» Sign Area Minor Protrusion (Not Included in Sign Area) Sign Area #1 Sign Area #2 Sign Area #1 Air under Sign Not I - -.1 Base under Sign Not Counted In Sign Area Counted as Sign Area Multi -Faced Signs. The sign area for a sign with more than one face shall be determined by adding together the area of all sign faces visible from any one point. When two (2) identical sign faces are placed back -to -back or at an angle of forty -five (45) degrees or less, and when such sign faces are part of the same sign structure, the sign area shall be determined by the measurement of one of the faces. Where the two (2) sides of a multi -faced sign are not of equal size, the larger of the two (2) sides is used to determine sign area (see Figure 18.17). 130 Figure 18.17 Multi -Faced Signs 45- "IAIDER WEN S S S S)GN I I G G G /r N N N a / � 40 2 SIDED FIAT SIGN 2 SIDED ANGLED SIGN 2 SIDED SIGN OVER 45• W OR UNDER wwtN'A ImDNr' =SroN ARFA WIDDH•NDG1R =SMAREA WERHAHRGIR =SGNAREA WIDM�s IlEglrt' =SIGN ARFA 18.5.3 Determining Sian Height. The height of a freestanding sign shall be measured from the base of the sign or supportive structure at its point of attachment.to the ground, to the highest point of the sign, except as.;provided in the following-,paragraph. A freestanding sign on a man -made base, including a graded earth mound, shall be measured from the Figure'18.18 grade of the nearest pavement or top of any Sign Height pavement curb. Where a freestanding sign or sign structure is mounted along a roadway that has a higher grade level as compared to the grade level directly below the . freestanding sign or sign structure, then the freestanding sign or structure's height will be measured from the roadway grade level to the highest point of the freestanding.sign or sign structure (see Figure 18.18). Clearance for,freestanding and projecting signs shall be measured as the smallest vertical distance between finished grade and the lowest point of the sign, including any framework or other embellishments. IHF Kut rrlr wu 18.6 Unified Sian Plan. A Unified Sign Plan (USP) is an application requesting approval of a r �a comprehensive Sign, Permit establishing the size, location, and design of signage on ;,property being developed as a unit. The purpose of a Unified Sign Plan is to provide for the establishment of signage criteria that is tailored to a specific development or location and which, may vary from the provisions of this Code. The intent of this Section is to provide for some flexibility in the sign criteria of this Code that promotes superior design through architectural integration of the site, buildings, and signs. National or international franchises shall be given reasonable consideration with respect to company standard logos and lettering styles that are an integral part of the franchise image and identify. The consideration shall not be without restriction and shall be within the boundaries of sound zoning practice and planning and in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Unified Sign Plan. All Unified Sign Plans are subject to the following restrictions: a. All Unified Sign Plans shall include the location, size, height, construction material, color, type of illumination, and orientation of all proposed signs; 131 b. All Unified Sign Plans shall be reviewed by the Owasso Planning Commission and shall conform to all conditions imposed by said Commission prior to the issuance of a Sign Permit; c. Unified Sign Plans shall include all signage to be located within the perimeters of the subject site whether in excess of the provisions of the current sign code or not; d. Unified Sign Plans may not propose a total sign square footage exceeding three (3) square feet of signage per every one (1) linear foot of street frontage of the subject property; and e. Unified Sign Plans may not include any prohibited sign. 18.7 Administrative Provisions. Except where otherwise provided, the administrative provisions herein described shall govern all signs located within the City of Owasso. 18.8 Permits Required. No person shall construct, structurally alter, rebuild, enlarge, extend, relocate, attach to or support by a building or structure any sign unless a Permit for such sign has been issued by the City of Owasso, or unless such sign is specifically exempted from Permit requirements. It shall be unlawful to change, modify, alter, or otherwise deviate from the terms or conditions of a Sign Permit. After a sign has been constructed, the applicant shall notify the Community Development Director or their designee, who shall inspect such sign and approve the same if it is in compliance with the provisions of this ;ode. The Community Development Director or their designee may, from time to time as they deem necessary, inspect all signs or other advertising structures regulated by this Code, for the purpose of ascertaining whether it is secure or whether it is in need of removal or repair. 18.9 Permit Revocable. All rights and privileges acquired under the provisions of this Section or any amendment thereto are .mere licenses revocable by the Community Development Director or their designee for violation of the provisions of this Code. 18.10 Construction, Inspection, and Maintenance Standards. Provisions related to construction requirements shall be as follows. 18. -10.1 Materials. a. Awnings. Awnings may be constructed of cloth or metal. All frames and supports shall be constructed of metal. b: Canopy. Canopies must be constructed of fireproof material. c. ,Pylon Sian /Pole Mounted. All ground signs /pole mounted, shall have a surface or facing of non - combustible materials or material approved by the Community Development Director or their designee, provided that combustible structural trim may be used thereon. d. Ground Sign /Surface Mounted. All ground signs /surface mounted, shall be constructed of materials approved by the Community Development Director or their designee. e. Marauees. All marquees, including the anchors, bolts, supports, rods, and braces thereof, shall be constructed of non - combustible materials and approved by the Building Inspector. f. Wall Signs. All wall signs shall have a surface or facing of non - combustible 132 materials. Provided that combustible structural trim may be used thereon. However, the surface or facing and structural trim of a wall sign which is attached to a stone, brick, or masonry wall may be of exterior grade plywood having a thickness of not less than one half (1 /2) inch. No plywood sign shall be illuminated or in any manner be operated or serviced by electricity. 18.10.2 Letters, Bracing, Anchorage, and Supports. a. Awnings. Every awning shall be securely attached to and supported by the building. Ground Sian /Pole Mounted. All letters, cut out or irregular form, maintained superimposed upon any ground sigi securely built or attached to the sign s of standardized, changeable lettering ground signs /pole mounted shall be se upon foundations, posts, standards; support the sign. _ figures, chd6dcter, or representation in in conjunction with, attached to, or /pole mounted shall be safely and ructure Thrsoes not exclude the use securely mounted on sign forms. All c`urely built, co6sft,f acted, and erected �r supports designed, to adequately c. Ground Sign /Surface Mounted Al): lerfter "s, figures, characters, or representation in cut out or irregular fotm, - `maintained in conjunction with, attached to or superimposed upon any ground sign /surface mounted shall be safely and securely; built, or attached to the sign structure. All ground signs /surface mounted sh all lie securely built, constructed and erected upon foundations, posts, standards, orS uppofts designed;to.gadequately support fhe sign. d. Marquees Marquees s the building to which they are 'attached ` d=no columns<oposts shall be permitted as support. e. WaltSidns. All wa1(signs shall U safely and securely attached to the building 18.10.3 Maintenance All signs affixed or attached to the ground or surface and the premises surrounding„ fhe sarfte shall be maintained by the owner or occupant thereof tn,,cyplean salgitary, and inoffensive condition, free and clear of all obnoxious siibstances,'rubbish, dnd"weeds. Furthermore, all signs or other advertising structures governed by this.Code upon inspection by the Community Development Director or their designee and: upon d finding that a sign is damaged or in need of repair, the ,Community Development Director or their designee may order the repair or removal ofsaid sign. 18.10.4 Other. Reauirements: All signs governed under this Code shall be designed and constructed according to the City Building Code. 18.11 Permit P ei *k 18.1 1.1 Permit Fees. Before being granted a Permit, every applicant hereunder shall pay to the Community Development Director or their designee the following Permit Fee for each sign regulated under this Code. Furthermore, a Permit shall not be issued until a certificate of public liability insurance in the amount of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) and a certificate of employer's liability and worker's compensation insurance in an amount that is in conformity with the statutory requirements of the laws of the State of Oklahoma. A double Permit Fee shall be charged for failure to make application for a Sign Permit as required. 133 All fees are exclusive of required Electrical and Building Permit Fees. Fees for all signs are included in the Community Development Fee Schedule as adopted by the Owasso City Council. Any application requesting a Permit to install a sign with internal or external lighting will be required to purchase an Electric Permit in addition to the above referenced Fee Schedule. If a Permit is requested for signs in different categories as outlined above, whether for one or more businesses, the full cost for the Permit in each category shall be charged unless a Unified Sign Plan (USP) is submitted. 18.12 Non - Conforming Signs. A sign lawfully existing at the effective date of the adoption or amendment of this Code but which would be prohibited under the terms of this Code or amendment thereto shall be deemed non- conforming. Said signs shall remain non - conforming and may continue subject to the following provisions: a. Temporary signs shall be removed within ninety (90) days of the passage of this Code. Temporary signs include but are not limited to banners, portable, snipe, and mobile signs; b. Permanent, non - conforming signs may not be moved, altered, or enlarged in any way without conforming to the provisions of this Code; and c. Permanent, non - conforming signs that are damaged or partially destroyed by any means to the extent of more than fifty (50) percent of its current replacement costs at the time of damage shall not be replaced or reconstructed without conforming to the provisions of this Code. 18.13 Validity. If any Section, Subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this Code is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any "court of competenf jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent provision and such holding shall not ,affect the validity of the remaining portions thereof. 18.14 Sian Maintenance. All signs permanent, temporary, or otherwise shall be maintained in good working order at all times. Torn,or tattered temporary signs shall be replaced or removed immediately. Lighted signs shall have all bulbs and fixtures in working order. 134 CHAPTER 19 LANDSCAPING, SCREENING, AND FENCING REQUIREMENTS 19.1 Purpose. The purpose of this Chapter is to provide standards that will protect the health, safety, and general welfare of the public, enhance property values, improve the appearance of the community, and preserve natural resources, trees, and native plants. Planting yard regulations are established herein to minimize potential conflicts between abutting developments, enhance the appearance of buildings and parking lots, and create a unified and attractive streetscape. These requirements will be applied to all new development, redevelopment,; "and building expansion projects including streetscaping of rights -of -ways. These:rrlinimum requirements will: a. Maintain and increase property values; b. Further enhance the quality of life for OW also residents "and visitors; c. Reduce soil erosion and increase inflik Pion in permeable lclnd areas essential to storm water management and'aquifer recharge; d. Mitigate air, dust, noise, heat, and chemical pp)iution; e. Reduce the "heat island" effect of imperious surfaces (such as parking lots) by cooling and shading he surface area and breaking up large expanses of pavement; f. Establish landscape theme, throughput the City ,that promotes the overall character and identity of th'e� commune #y„ g. Promote innovative and post conscious approaches to the design, installation, &nd rpaintenance of{andscaping while encouraging water and A i. Screen Buffer uncompHrnentary land uses ensure the long term health of plant or uses from public view and adjoining Concept Illustration. Landscape requirements are based on the illustration shown below, which depjc s the different yard areas referenced in the subsequent Sections of this Chapter. Figure 19.1 is meant to provide a visual reference for each of the required planting y0rds. 135 a 19.1.2 General Provisions. Figure 19.1 Typical Planting Yards Reslftn Adja=t WA Buffer `a in m' to CmmglttglBuMeA (5,0011 Lt.) Building Yard -1l IM na Lot Y $Slog! a. Retention of Existinc Vecietation. Existing healthy trees, shrubs, and ground cover shall be retained and incorporated into the Landscape Plan to the maximum extent possible. b. Design and Installation. Landscape materials shall be installed in conformance; with an approved Landscape Plan prepared in accordance with this Chapter. c. Irrigation. Irrigation is required to be installed in all landscape areas. d. New Development. This Section shall apply to all new development unless specifically exempted by the Subsection titled "Exemptions" below. e. Change of Use or Enlargement of Existing Development. This Section shall apply to all applications for Building Permits for projects that involve one or more of the following: 1. An increase in the number of stories in an existing building on the lot; 2. An increase in the impervious area by more than two thousand (2,000) square feet; 136 3. An increase of thirty (30) percent or more in the square footage of building area or parking lot; 4. Where an existing parking area is altered or expanded to increase the number of spaces to a total of more than twenty (20), interior landscaping shall be provided on the new portion of the lot in accordance with this Chapter; and 5. A change in the use of a property that has no landscaping beyond sod or turf grass shall be required to install landscaping as per this Section if the building or parking lot is expanded by more than twenty - five (25) percent. The Community Development Director or their designee shall be allowed some degree`of flexibility with regards to these requirements should there be unusual, circumstances, but the spirit of the regulations shall be maintained. f. Requirements for Downtown Development. Due to the ubjque nature of downtown development, landscapiri' shall be reviewed an 'd,approved on a case -by -case basis as determined b 'the Commodity Develop'rnent Director or their designee. g. Community Development Review. All requirements from this Chapter shall be met prior to issuance of any Certificate of Occupancy (C /O). Any deviation from the approved Landscape Plan, Site Plan; or from the requirements set forth in this Chapter shall require p proval Community Development Director or their designee AlterrSative plesigns, materials, or methods may be brought to the Commurnt Development., Director or their designee for consideration, but the intent of the'r gulati01ns shall be met with each project. Any decs.on' me by ' unity Development Director or their designe,' " ay e appealed to fifie Owasso Board of Adjustment (BOA). h Exetn[itions. The ,mellowing development types are exempted from the requ�eeftnents of this=�Chapter. 1. Individual single- family and two- family dwellings on separate lots, wheresuch`re'18e *tuse is the primary use on the lot; 2: New single family detached and two- family subdivisions with four (4) ofrfewer lots,rnd four (4) or fewer dwellings; and Temporary uses approved pursuant to this Chapter. 19.1 .3 Interpretation of Landscaping Terms. Where necessary to interpret the precise me ning of techn'J86l landscaping terms used in this Section, reference shall be mdde>, -to American' Nursery and Landscape Association.. The definitions in the Chaptertitled 'Definitions" in the Owasso Zoning Code shall apply to the regulation and control. of landscaping within this Section. Figure 19.2 illustrates common tree descriptions °dnd shall be used to interpret any issues relating to the planting, care, and maintenance of trees. Figure 19.3 and the Subsection titled "Size Standards" below shall be used to interpret plant sizes as part of the requirements of this Chapter. 137 Figure 19.2 Tree Descriptive Terms RmrzLNE RBI' /I "GBH Figure 19.3 Typical Sizes of Landscaping Plants I —UNU M blp'J UAV - --- - - --- -- ! Gt�AMEUr•YTCF� V ♦� . iocGCUwil - �`eu�� i GiJI t . - .. 6Cb1UV (LVER . e�el41ni5 'rYPiLPL I,WDSCa7!A16 H'�B'Y 19.2 Landscape Plan. 19.2.1 General Reauirements. These following standards shall apply to all areas where landscaping is required: a. Required landscaping shall not include artificial plants or trees or other artificial vegetation; b. Landscape areas shall be kept free of trash, litter, and weeds; c. Materials other than plants may be proposed to meet some of the landscape requirements. Hardscaping, xeriscaping, and water features may be 138 proposed as a part of any Landscape Plan, so long as the plan meets the intent of the Chapter; d. No Site Plan submitted to the Community Development Department prior to the effective date of these landscape regulations shall be required to conform to the landscape regulations herein, except those that meet the requirements of the Subsection titled "Change of Use or Enlargement of Existing Development" above; and e. All Landscape Plans shall be reviewed by the Community Development Department as part of the Site Plan review process,,. Upon completion of the review, the Community Development Director or their designee shall: 1. Approve the Landscape Plan as complying with the requirements of this Chapter and rules and regulatidns 2. Approve the Landscape Plan: :'iwith con ditIdris., that bring it into compliance with the requirements of this Chapter and rules and regulations; or 3. Reject the Landscape Plan as'fgiling to comply with t uirements of this Chapter, 19.2.2 Plan Requirements. Landscape Plans shall accompapy any application for Site Plan approval and be submitted in `.conformance with the requirements listed below. Landscape Plans shall inicude: m The date, scale, north arrow,, projecVngme, and the name of the owner and designer; b. The location of,property lines and dimensions of -the tract; C. The ,gpptoximate center line of existing water courses, the approximate location of significant drainage:features, the location and size of existing and proposed streets and alleys, existing and proposed utility easements, and overhead .utility dries on or adjdoent to the lot, existing and proposed fire hydrants on aFad7a "P t, the lot, and existing and proposed sidewalks on or adjacent toI ....lot; d. The locadtion, sj �qnd type (tree, shrub, ground cover, berms, or grass) of propose tl . Iondscaping and the location and size of the proposed landscapeciareas; ' e. Planting details and /or specifications; f„ The location size (caliper and height), condition, and common name of any existing tree for which tree protection credit is requested shall be indicated. T, method of protecting the existing trees which are to be retained from da`mpge during construction shall be described; g. A description of the type of irrigation system to be used and, if necessary, drawings of such system; and h. The schedule of installation of required landscaping and appurtenances, which shall specify installation of all required materials except trees, prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy (C /O) (for multi- family, commercial, and industrial developments) or first Building Permit (for single - family and two - family developments) and further specify installation of required trees shown in the Landscape Plan within one hundred and twenty (120) days after issuance of such Certificate of Occupancy (C /O) or first M, Building Permit. For single - family and two- family developments, this Section refers to the required subdivision entrance landscape areas. 19.2.3 Installation Timeline. With the exception of trees, all required landscaping materials shall be installed and approved prior to the issuance of a final Certificate of Occupancy (C /O) for multi - family, commercial, and industrial developments or issuance of the first Building Permit for single - family or two- family developments. The installation of trees may be delayed up to but no greater than ninety (90) days due to seasonal weather, provided that a signed letter from the applicant is submitted stating the date when the tree planting will be completed. It is recommended that planting of trees occur from October 1st to December 151h, or from March l :t to May 15th. 19.2.4 Violations. Failure to maintain required landscaping, to replace dead or destroyed plant material as part of the approved Landscape Plan, or to adhere to an approved Landscape Plan shall constitute a zoning violation subject to any and all remedies set forth in the Chapter titled "Enforcement" in the Owasso Zoning Code. 19.2.5 Variances. Variances to this Chapter may be granted with approval from the Owasso Board of Adjustment (BOA). Minor alterations that would qualify as a Minor Variance may be approved by the Community Development Director or their designee. 19.3 Street Yards. 19.3.1 Purpose. The purpose of street yards is to provide continuity of vegetation along the street right -of -way, creating a pleasing view from the road, and establishing a transition from vehicular thoroughfares, pedestrian areas, or the built environment. Minimum dimensions shall apply and shall be measured horizontally. Widths shall be measured from the respective right -of- way /property line. Where street yards turn'at street corners, the length measurements determining plant quantities shall not be required to overlap. Table 20.1 below summarizes the street yard requirements. 19.3.2 Standards in Non- Residential and Multi- Family Districts. All development in the non- residential and multi- family districts, including churches, schools, and civic type uses, shall provide a street yard adjacent to all highways, frontage roads, arterial and collector streets, internal drives, and entrances through non - residential districts to residential subdi °visions. The street yard shall comply with the following standards: a. Width. The street yard shall be a minimum width of twenty (20) feet for multi- family development, and ten (10) feet for all other development subject to this Section, exclusive of street right -of -way and sidewalk. However, the Community Development Director or their designee may reduce the width of the required street yard during Site Plan review if the reduction is required for public improvements. b. Tree Requirements. Within the street yard; one (1) shade tree shall be planted for every fifty (50) linear feet. The number of required trees shall be calculated based on the linear frontage of the required street yard, inclusive of driveways, and shall be rounded to the nearest whole number. Trees may be grouped together or evenly spaced in the street yard. In the event that overhead power lines are present that would interfere with the growth of a shade tree, the applicant may exchange them with ornamental frees at a two (2) to one (1) ratio. c. Parking Lot Screening. Parking lots and drives abutting a street yard that is less than thirty (30) feet in width in all developments shall be screened with either 140 19.3.3 plant material, berms, walls, or a combination thereof. If shrubs are used for screening they may be placed within the street yard but are in addition to the required number of trees. In no case shall shrubs used for screening be more than four (4) feet from the edge of the parking lot. Shrubs shall be at least eighteen (18) to twenty four (24) inches in height at the time of planting and shall be of a type and species that will attain a minimum height of three (3) feet, one (1) year after planting at which time they will form an opaque screen. Shrubs shall be maintained to a height of no more than four (4) feet during their life span. As an alternative to the shrub requlremenf,;a berm or masonry wall may be used lieu of the required shrubs lia berm is used the number of required shrubs may be reduced by flfly.(50) percent. The berm or masonry wall must be at least three (3)'fe&Elout no more than five (5) feet in height. Masonry walls sh6ll be of deCOiative and /or textured design. Standard smooth faced CMU block,", is-,nof allowed as a screening wall material..= "" 2. All loading and service areas;:including driveway pavement that serve them, shall be screened from," all abditing properties 'and/or public rights -of -way by a wall, fenc%, ,.hebge, berm, or other durable landscape barrier. Non - living screen .barriers shall be no less than six (6) feet tall at the time of installation Loving screen barriers shall reach a height of no less than six ..(6) feet two (2),.years after installation. All n" material shall pro wcje a yedr'iqud opaques�feen. 3. All screening matengFshaq,be placed in•such a way as to not obscure the ,.,vision of mot onsts and "}}iGst be out`of' }he sight triangles as defined 1n xhe ° "flgpter titled Design Standards" in the Owasso Zoning Cdde. Landscape plataf that are within the sight triangles shall not reach a malure height of,, nore than eighteen (18) inches. Subdivision Standdrds A Landscape Plan is required for the arterial entrances) to 'single family dupleX� or townhdthe residential developments. The location and types dfCandscaping"shall be reviewed by the Technical Advisory Committee to ensure that,.nZotonsts ,yjsibility is not impaired and that utility lines are not encroached dpon All 1'rdscaping shown on the approved Landscape Plan shall be planted 'prior to the issuance of any final inspection for any dwelling unit within the subdivision. A Homeowners' Association (HOA) shall be required to provide perpetual maintenance of the landscaped areas. Street Yard All.single- family, duplex, or townhome residential developments and no fesidential developments in single - family residential districts (including churches "schools, and civic type uses) shall provide a street yard adjacent to all highways, frontage roads, arterial and collector streets, and entrances. The street yard shall comply with the following standards: a. At least one (1) shade tree and one (1) ornamental tree and three (3) large shrubs per fifty (50) linear feet of frontage along an arterial street shall be planted. The number.of plants shall be calculated solely on the linear footage and shall be rounded to the nearest whole number. The plant material may be grouped together or evenly spaced. If the material is grouped, at least one (1) tree per fifty (50) linear feet of frontage is still required; 141 b. Any non- residential use allowed in a residential district by a Specific Use Permit (SUP) shall meet the non- residential landscaping requirements set forth in the Section titled "Standards in Non - Residential and Multi - Family Districts" above; c. As a general rule all required landscape material shall be located outside the arterial street right -of -way. Landscape material may be placed five (5) feet inside of street right -of -way in order to miss obstacles or due to physical limitations of the property. If landscape material is located five (5) feet into the arterial street right -of -way, the sidewalk may be serpentine to allow landscape material to be placed in pocket areas as long as the tree -to- pavement distance of at least four (4) feet is maintained; and d. For landscape material that is to be installed along an arterial street, a fence and a landscape easement of at least ten (10) feet in width shall be provided and shown on the recorded plat. Wood fencing shall utilize galvanized steel posts and the smooth side of fence shall face towards the street. Smooth faced CMU block is not a permitted fencing material. A berm may substitute for a fence. Said berm shall be no less than four (4) feet in height with side slopes no greater than a three (3) to one (1) ratio. Landscape Reserve. If a' landscape reserve" is designated on the plat next to an arterial street, the building setback line for lots adjacent to the landscape reserve may be measured from the planned right -of -way. 19.4 Interior Parkins Lots. 19.4.1 Non - Residential and Multi - Family Districts. In all non - residential (commercial, office, industrial), multi - family, and mixed -use districts, landscaped areas shall be established and maintained in off - street parking areas as follows: a. In non - residential districts, at least one (1) shade tree and six (6) small shrubs shall be planted for every fifteen (15) parking spaces. In multi - family districts, at least one (t) tree and (8) small shrubs shall be planted for every ten (10) parking spaces; b. The number of required trees shall be rounded up to the nearest whole number. Landscape material shall be planted inside or within fifteen (15) feet r of the edge of the back of the curb around the perimeter of the parking lot, but shall not be placed in the street yard required in the Section titled n., "Standards in Non - Residential and Multi - Family Districts" above; c: These requirements can be met by placing a portion of the required shrubs within landscape islands; and d. For development sites greater than two (2) acres, interior areas of parking lot pavement shall contain landscape planting islands. 142 19.4.2 Entry Islands. Landscape islands with a planting area measured at least nine (9) feet in width (measured face of curb to face of curb) and a minimum length of eighteen (18) feet in length shall be provided on each side of all drives that provide access from the street to the property (see Figure 19.4). Length of said islands may be required to be longer than eighteen (18) feet depending upon the size and intensity of the use. Flaure 19.4 Entry Islands 19.4.3 Internal Islands. Planting islands shall be, located at each terminus of each single row of parking. When a single row of parking contains more than fifteen (15) parking spaces, planting islands shall be located at intervals between each terminus. The intervals shall be such that planting islands within a single row of parking shall be separated b no more than fifteen 15 p Y ( J paCking spaces (see Figure 19.5). Figure 19.5 Internal Islands All Parking Rows Musf Terminate In a Landscaped Entry Maximum 15 Landscaped Island Drive Spaces In Row s i 143 Planting islands shall contain at least one (1) shade tree. In addition, planting islands shall be landscaped with shrubs, lawn, ground cover, and other appropriate material not to exceed three (3) feet in height. Such planting islands shall have a minimum area of one hundred and fifty (150) square feet. In double rows of parking, a planting island required for one row may be combined with a planting island required for another row, in which case the minimum area shall be three hundred (300) square feet. 19.4.4 Litter Control. In parking lots that contain two hundred (200) or more parking spaces, for every row of parking provided, at least one (1) trash receptacle shall be provided. The receptacle shall be affixed to the ground and shall be of a decorative nature. The receptacle shall be designed to keep trash from blowing out and shall be regularly emptied and maintained by the property owner. Trash receptacles may be placed within landscape islands. 19.4.5 Sites Less than Two Acres. For development sites less than two (2) acres, interior parking lot areas of pavement shall contain the following: a. Entry Islands. Entry driveway islands shall be provided in acco'r'dance with the Subsection titled "Entry Islands" above.. b. Internal Islands. There shall be no requirements for planting islands for every fifteen (15) parking spaces, however no parking space shall be located more than sixty (60) feet from a landscaped yard (as depicted in Figure 20.1), and landscape islands shall be placed at the beginning and end of each row of parking stalls. Said islands shall contain at least one.hundred (100) square feet. 19.4.6 Pedestrian Island. For parking lots in excess of two hundred and fifty (250) spaces, a pedestrian landscape island (see Figure 20.6) containing a sidewalk shall be installed for the entire length of a parking aisle. Said island shall align with the main entrance to the building, shall be bounded on both ends by perpendicular landscape islands, shall be a minimum of at least ten (10) feet wide with a five (5) foot unobstructed sidewalk in the middle OR twelve (12) feet wide with a five (5) foot unobstructed sidewalk along one side. Curb stops or additional width may be required to maintain the five (5) foot clearance. Figure 20.6 provides an example of a pedestrian island. The walkways shall be built with ADA accessible ramps at intervals throughout. Figure 19.6 Pedestrian Island 144 19.4.7 Landscaping Protections. All parking lot landscaped areas and islands shall be protected by a raised six (6) inch concrete curb or shall be designed as raingardens with inlets for stormwater. Pavement shall not be placed closer than four (4) feet from the trunk of a tree. 19.4.8 Alternative Parking Lot Island Design. Parking lot islands as described in the Subsection titled 'Internal Islands" above may be constructed as rain gardens in order to reduce costs associated with detention and storm water infrastructure. Figures 19.7 and 19.8 provide examples of such techniques. y. Figure 19.7 Bloswale Figure 19.8 Alternative Parking Lot Design 1 OF.NN� __ nTYfe'v/aWVe[LT VAIf31 r[efav [eCt+n Yt.i +M! 03a 1bMK q Ys.wren I �y � - ��armtim Yar l 145 19.4.9 Expansion of Uses. The expansion of an existing use, structure, or parking lot that meets the criteria set forth in the Subsection titled "Change of Use or Enlargement of Existing Development" above shall be required to bring the entire site into compliance with this Section. 19.4.10 Yard Calculations. Landscaping as required within a planting yard shall be counted for only that planting yard and shall not be used in calculating the minimum quantity for any other planting yard. Table 19.1 below summarizes the parking lot yard requirements. 19.5 Buffer Yards. 19.5.1 Purpose. Buffer yards are intended to ensure that an area of appropriate size and density of plantings is planted or preserved between zoning districts and /or uses. Buffer yard widths shall be measured from the respective property line, except where buffer yards are permitted to straddle property lines, as set forth in the Subsection titled "Reductions in Required Buffer Yard Permitted" below. Where buffer yards turn at property corners, the length measurements determining plant quantities shall not be required to overlap. Table 19.1 below summarizes the buffer yard requirements. Ad kt�, 2Y' s V'O 146 a -C � .6 T C U O c azr `m D) a�o_.°>0 m� -00 300 N a a _ r m C m U a' E •0 0 CL N O N O U ^ fl.— t'S 6 tV a) C Ca. _ :�U�Oa) �00 NUU N` m O a `o m C� CCL O C 0)L 7 L U p CD T Q .0 .7 O C N U) c O a) 22 0 3 E 3 m a^ `o = a .Oy0 m O)O o c_ Q) v `.gyp w >0, UU O OON mow jaO o 3 a 0( C•�0 E a) 0� 0 ca —° � a O m � a O' ( c s N 2 U C C C- F 0 �c� �� O �O > `c c -0, ) 0- N a) O (D CL 3 O w stir 0 -1 0aa�t a a) '< Q W z o(D c 0 O Z z z z E € a) N O O a = C O . E Uzi , H E 2=a w 12 O E O H. 0 c—Ed� °(D i o`0 a m o 0 o c 0 al m a o o HmE0) 3•aro .Co O a) a)—c N c- G 0c0 0 m C�v1) - -. ` N 006 T a) w�: O a) a O _ -!N al 'C a Q-a O. U Q - a p >O �6 p Qf ' N 0 pQ -or 0 p 7 a 0 c O) a) 0) o 0 �^ c '-^ N 3 0 0 ._ h > O N' m N a) '. c ] S o C E _ 0 --- L a U m o °- NBC >- �. t L7 p. 0 c U A. oL Z a O E .-aNN N. a�°c_,"U a) C O 12 N 3 0 0 a) -i G] aC a) N ._>O .OQ "- LL CV C hz. Z' O Oz Z U O N }O' a 0 0 O ' T �', m 'w= 0 cca'0 •co -..1 c�cc „c €�',r�n0 4a N 30 -0 4)0-0-60) a) O oN g mo „oU €m.U�o •E ,oha � -c -0 E aOOE aaim `c ai o aT 'o SL •c: E $ c �- m -0 JD -- ” D ' .c o c a. 0) `CNUo0)N•c�U-= N O C omoo >C_30 Eaaa? N C A- C o N O O N .. O a) O C•� 3 c aN N E 0. -eo, a1 c`No -a 0 �a -0 c� a c `ca .3Ln�aai E yam o 0) E a) — 0 R E a .r= N E F L � a) C $ U O a c cC) °oa O opE p c a c ac 0 CL a) z i LL o p m 3 a? 00 LL C `o G `o m a v O �O 0 N E O) `y c Y Oc c d > U a > c CN w CY al Y v aQ L O V d r N u 1 y m J to m a 19.5.2 Bufferina of Development Adiacent to Residential Districts and Uses. Commercial and Office Uses. Whenever a non- residential use in a CS (Commercial Shopping), CG (Commercial General), or O (Office) district is proposed adjacent to residential district or a residential use, the non - residential use shall provide a landscaped buffer of at least ten (10) feet in width within the non - residential property. Any non - residential use that abuts a single - family or two- family development shall provide a screening fence or wall at least six (6) feet in height along the entire property frontage abutting the residential use. The buffer shall provide landscaping utilizing one of the following methods: a. One (1) medium or large evergreen tree or two (2) ornamental trees, plus ten (10) medium shrubs for every thirty (30) linear feet or portion thereof of adjacent exposure to the adjoining lot; b. One (1) medium to large evergreen tree plus five (5)'Iarge shrubs for every thirty (30) linear feet or portion thereof of adjacent exposure to the adjoining lot; c. One (1) large evergreen tree plus one (T) large shade tree or two (2) ornamental trees for every thirty (30) linear feet or portion thereof of adjacent exposure to the adjoining lot; d. Installation of a berm with a height of no less than four (4) feet (with a three (3) to one (1) ratio side slopes maximum) planted with one (1) medium or large evergreen or shade tree or two (2) ornamental trees, plus five (5) small or medium shrubs for every thirty (30) linear feet or portion thereof of adjacent exposure to the adjoining4ot; or e. One (T) medium or large evergreen tree, plus (5) five medium or large shrubs for every forty (40) linear feet or portion thereof of adjacent exposure to the adjoining lot:. If the fence or wall is constructed with brick, stone, split faced block, or similar material then the shrub requirements listed above may be reduced fifty (50) percent subject to approval by the Community Development Director or their designee. Specific Use Permit (SUP) uses adjoining residential uses shall be required to T provide a landscape buffer using one of the above methods as determined by the Community Development Director or their designee, Owasso Planning Commission, orzOwasso City Council. Industrial Uses. Whenever -a non - residential use in the IL (Industrial Light, Research and Development), IM (Industrial Moderate), or IH (Industrial Heavy) districts is proposed adjacent to property with residential use, the non - residential use shall provide a landscaped buffer of at least twenty (20) feet in width within the non- residential property. Any non - residential use that abuts a single - family or two - family development shall provide a screening fence or wall at least eight (8) feet in height along the entire property frontage abutting the residential use. The buffer shall provide landscaping utilizing one of the following methods: a. Two (2) medium or large evergreen trees, plus eight (8) large shrubs for every forty (40) linear feet or portion thereof of adjacent exposure to the adjoining lot; Ili b. One (1) medium to large evergreen tree and one (1) large shade tree for every thirty (30) linear feet or portion thereof of adjacent exposure to the adjoining lot; c. Installation of a berm with a height of no less than four (4) feet (with a three (3) to one (1) ratio side slopes maximum) planted with one (1) medium or large evergreen tree, plus five (5) medium shrubs for every forty (40) linear feet or portion thereof of adjacent exposure to the adjoining lot; or d. Two (2) medium or large evergreen trees, plus,-three (3) medium or large shrubs for every forty (40) linear feet or rf, ion thereof of adjacent exposure to the adjoining lot. If the fence or wall is constructed with brick, stone, split, faced block, or similar material then the shrub requirements may, be,.reduced'fiifty;_(50) percent subject to approval by the Community DevelopmbhtDirector or their designee. Specific Use Permits (SUPS) in industrial., districts that adjoin resident #al uses shall be required to provide a landscape buffer using onb ;bf the abo "s methods as determined by the Community Development Director or their designee, Owasso Planning Commission, or Owasso City Councih , 19.5.3 Standards for Buffer Yard Development. Prohibited Uses. The constfuctloh. of any build! g,'.or the placement of any mechanical equipment within the`IandsGape buffer yara,,is not permitted except for equipment necessary for theaprovision of:utalities. Sighs may be placed within the buffer yard consistent with the Chapter tffled "Signs" in the Owasso Zoning Code. Active fectegtional uses sC)etj >as play fields swimming pools, racquetball and tennis courts; or other active;. structured recreational uses, or circulation drives a', r ng lots; ha11 not b"ermitted in the buffer yard. Permitte seS. The"48110 wing other +,uses may be permitted in a buffer yard provided that. none„of the require&-olant material is eliminated, the intended 'screening is accompllsfaetl ;,the total width of the buffer yard is maintained, and Lot of ths'Sectibn are met: a. Passive recreation; b. Sculptufe, outdobrfurniture, picnic areas, golf courses, or pedestrian, bike or equ trails c. Storm wafer detention or retention basins; and d. Parks and open space. Reductions 1n`Reauired Buffer Yard Permitted. Where a dedicated buffer yard exists ofi; an abutting property, a reduction or elimination in a buffer yard for a property' rto be developed may be approved by the Community Development Director or their designee, subject to the following: a. The adjoining property owners have provided a written agreement restricting the use of the dedicated buffer yard to uses provided for in this Section; b. Maintenance of the existing buffer yard is consistent with the requirements of this Section; and 149 c. The "net" buffer yard satisfies the minimum buffer yard requirements of this Section. The net buffer shall include the cumulative total for both required buffers. Existing Vegetation. Existing healthy vegetation may be counted toward required landscaping. In order to do so, the Landscape Plan shall indicate the type, number, and size of existing plants which are sufficient to comply with the respective buffer yard. It shall not be necessary to indicate the total inventory of existing plants. Only plants required to meet the provisions of this Chapter shall be required to be listed. Application toward Setback Requirement. Buffer ,yard areas shall be counted towards the required building setbacks. Designation of Buffer Yard as Landscaped Area Buffer yards shall be designated as landscaped areas on the application for development approval and as landscape easements when shown on a subdivision plat. The buffer yard shall be recorded with the title of the property as a landscape buffer yard easement. Buffer Yard on Property Line. When platting abutting lots, the applicant may dedicate a buffer yard that straddles the_property line, provided the cumulative buffer width is maintained for both yards. Existina Fences. It is the responsibility of the developing property to provide the buffer yard. Existing perimeter fences that may be present in an existing single - family neighborhood, for example, do not relieve the developing property owner(s) from providing the required buffer yard. If existing fences are present on adjoining properties the fencing'requirement may be waived, if the developing property owner can secure in writing letters from adjoining property owners supporting the continuance of the existing fence. However, this does not relieve the applicant from future repairs or maintenance should said fence be damaged or need replacement. 19.5.4 Exemptions. Certain uses are exempt from the buffer requirements as described in this Section. Exemptions include, but are not limited to the following: a. Lots or parcels on which the uses or buildings demonstrate compatible design elements and are linked to adjacent lots or buildings by a common system of sidewalks or other pedestrian walkways across property lines; b. Lots or parcels separated by a public street right -of -way greater than thirty (30) feet in width; c. Lots or parcels separated by a railroad right -of -way; and d Between similar land uses if one (1) of the following scenarios exists: 1. In instances where similar or compatible land uses are immediately adjacent to one another and the installation of a buffer yard between the uses would negate the effectiveness of the development of those properties or impede the flow of traffic and pedestrians; or 2. In instances where similar or compatible land uses are immediately adjacent to one another and the change in the topography is such that the installation of a buffer yard between the uses would negate the effectiveness of the requirement for a buffer yard. In such cases the developer would be required to provide a coordinated 150 landscape development plan that shows the quantity and location of the proposed landscaping. If the developer is exempted from the required buffer yard, this exemption does not relieve the developer from providing the required plant material as if the property were developed as individual parcels. Should a developer not agree to all of the above conditions, all Buffer Yards associated with development must be installed per the current requirements of this Section. 19.6 Building Yards. 19.6.1 Purpose and Applicability. The purpose of building yards is to aesthetically and visually enhance the appearance of buildings. Building yards shall be provided along the portion(s) of the building facing any adjacent off - street parking area, excluding loading /unloading areas. Minimum dimensions shall apply, and be measured, horizontally. Widths shall be measured from the respective front wall of the building. Where building yards turn at building corners, the length measurements determining plant quantities shall not be required to overlap. Building yards shall be of different types, based upon the size of the structure? around which the building yard is to be located. The width of the building yard and the density of plantings shall increase as the size of the structure around which the building yard is to be located increases. Entrance walkways to buildings may cross building yards. The width of the entrance walkway shall not be calculated as part of the length of the building yard for purposes of determining the total required landscaping, provided, however, that the width deducted for the entrance walkway shall not exceed the width of the entrance to the building. Table 19.2summorizes'the buildingyard requirements. 19.6.2 Yard Types. There shall be three (3) different categories of building size for purposes of determining the building yard type , : a. Category 1. Buildings 3,000 squd" feet to 9,999 square feet of building footprint. The Community Development Director or their designee may allow buildings that fall within this category alternative compliance to the required building yards. Such alternatives may include providing foundation plantings along the sides and back of the building, spreading the required amount of building bti5', yard plant material to other areas on the site, or in some instances providing y. � large planters. Buildings less than three thousand (3,000) square feet.are t._ exempt. b. Category 2. Buildings 10,000 square feet to 99,999 square feet of building footprint. c. Cateaory 3. Buildings 100,000 square feet of building footprint and over. 19.6.3 Building Yard Calculations. Table 19.2 identifies the building yard requirements based on the size of the structure around which the building yard is to be located. Table 19.2- Building Yard LandscaDina Require ents Building Width Required Required .Required Small Yard (Minimum) Shade Trees Ornamental or Medium Evergreen Shrubs Cate o Minimum Trees Minimum Minimum 1 4 feet N/A 1 er 30 linear feet 8 per 30 linear feet 2 6 feet 1 per 50 linear feet 1 per 50 linear feet 12 per 30 linear feet 3 8 feet 1 per 50 linear feet 1 per 50 linear feet 16 per 30 linear feet 151 19.7 Mechanical Equipment and Service Area Screenin 19.7.1 Mechanical Equipment and Service Areas. Mechanical equipment, trash enclosures, dumpsters, loading docks, and service yards located at ground level shall be screened with visual barriers from all adjacent properties, public roadways, parks, or other public areas. Trash enclosures and dumpster areas shall be constructed of material that is architecturally compatible with that of the main structure and shall be a minimum of six (6) feet in height (see Figure 19.9). Figure 19.9 Trash Enclosures and Dumpster Areas 19.7.2 Utilities. Utility sub - stations shall be screened with either opaque fencing or large evergreen shrubs reaching a height of no Jess than six (6) feet at maturity. Where possible, transformers and other above ground utility boxes shall be screened. All screening materials shall meet the utility company standards. 19.7.3 Rooftops. The architectural design of buildings shall incorporate design features which screen, contain, and conceal all rooftop heating, ventilation, air conditioning units, or similar units around all sides (see Figure 19.10). This can be accomplished using parapets or screening boxes around the individual units, or a combination of the two. Rooftop Screening Equal to Equipment Height I` Materials Match Pdry ma FaSade Figure 19.10 Mechanical Equipment Screening on Roofs 152 19.8 Tree Preservation Credits. 19.8.1 Tree Protection and Replacement. The purpose of this Section is to establish incentives for the preservation of existing trees within Owasso and to provide guidelines for the protection of, trees during construction, development, or redevelopment. 19.8.2 Grading Permit. No clear - cutting of land is allowed without a Grading Permit from the Public Works Department. Clear- cutting should be avoided at all costs as the preservation of existing trees provides a benefit to the community. 19.8.3 Tree Preservation Credits. For every existing tree that is, preserved in an area where landscaping is required by this Chapter, the developer shall be given credit in accordance with the following table. Only trees in good condition having been protected in accordance with the Subsection :trfled ''landscape Maintenance" below shall be considered for credit. The Table 19.4 below references the caliper of the tree measured at Diameter Breast Height'JDBH): Table 19.3 -Tree Preservation Credits Diameter Breast Height Credit Less than 2 inches No credit 2 to 3 inches 1 tree 4 to 16 inches 2 trees 17 to 30 inches 3 trees Larger than 30 inches 4 trees 19.9 Design Considerations. 19.9.1 Overhead Power Lines. The presence of overhead po:, -wer lines requires street yard trees to be ornamental trees. LargO'er, shade tree: varieties are encouraged where overhead power lines are not present or in situations where the crown of the tree will not interfere with the power lines (see Figure 19.11). il Figure 19.11 Trees and Power Lines 19.9.2 Sight Triangles. Corner lots and situations where driveways and alleys intersect with street rights -of -way shall be kept free of landscaping and plant materials that interfere with the vision of motorists or pedestrians (see the Section tilled "Sight Triangles" in the Chapter titled "Site Design Standards" in the Owasso Zoning Code). 19.10 Soecifications for Plant Materials: 19.10.1 Size Standards. The minimum allowable plant size for new installations shall be as set forth herein. Due to the variation between genus and species, the caliper or height necessary for newly installed plant materials may vary. As a general rule, the caliper or diameter of trees is typically described as the Diameter Breast Height (DBH). The 153 height of shrubs shall be a minimum of eighteen (18) inches as measured at ground level to the top of the densest portion of the top of the shrub or hedge. a. Shade Trees. Shade trees shall measure a minimum two (2) inches in caliper DBH, and eight (8) to ten (10) feet in height at the time of planting. b. Ornamental Trees. Ornamental trees shall measure a minimum one and a half (1.5) inches in caliper DBH for single -stem trees or one (1) inch in caliper DBH for multi -stem trees, and six (6) to eight (8) feet in height at the time of planting. c. Shrubs. Shrubs, normally planted for screening - purposes (e.g. parking lot screening, ground mechanical equipment) shall measure eighteen (18) to twenty -four (24) inches in height at the time of planting. Shrubs planted for screening purposes shall form the required density to block visibility within three (3) years from the date of installation. 19.10.2 Organic Ground Cover. Organic ground cover shall provide one hundred (100) percent coverage on the ground within three (3) years of installation, except that seeding, grass, or turf shall provide one hundred (106) percent coverage upon installation. Organic mulch (e.g. cedar mulch) shall be used around plantings to maintain soil moisture and prevent the growth of weeds. 19.10.3 Inorganic Ground Cover. Inorganic ground cover consisting of river rock or similar materials may be used provided they do not exceed twenty (20) percent coverage of the required landscape planting area. Pea gravel is prohibited in any parking lot island or street yard. 19.10.4 Selection of Plant Materials. All plant material except ground cover shall be those plants that are accustomed to growing and thriving in USDA plant hardiness zones 6b or 7a and are capable of withstanding extended periods of heat and /or drought. Consideration shall be given to the environmental conditions of the site, such as soil, topography, climate, microclimate, pattern of sun movement, prevailing winds, precipitation, and air movement to ensure that plant materials will be established successfully. Tree selection for street yards, or other locations within utility rights -of- way, shall consider the presence or planned addition of overhead utility lines. Such trees shall bi small and medium trees that are pest and disease - resistant and are slow growing. a. Substitution of Plant Material. The Community Development Director or their designee shall have the authority to approve the installation of comparable substitution plant materials to satisfy the requirements of the approved Landscape Plan when the approved plants and landscape materials are not available at the time that installations are to occur, or when other unforeseen conditions prevent the use of the exact materials shown on the approved Landscape Plan. Significant changes that require the replacement and relocation of more than twenty -five (25) percent of the plant materials shall require a new Landscape Plan and approval through the plan review process. b. Mix of Genus and Species. Except for Street Yard trees, a mix of genus and species of trees, shrubs, ground covering, perennials, and annuals is encouraged in order to avoid potential loss due to infectious disease, blight, or insect infestation. Street Yard trees should retain a reasonably uniform pattern along both sides of a street within the same block or corridor. 154 19.10.5 c. Discouraged Plants. While it is the purpose of this Chapter to promote attractive urban environments through landscaping, the regulations are not intended to diminish the creativity of the designer in selecting their planting pallet. It is expected that Landscape Plans will be prepared by individuals with a strong knowledge of local plant material. The following trees are not recommended to be planted: 1. Cottonwood (Populus deltoides) 2. Bradford Pear (Pyrus calleryana 'Bradford') Osage Orange (Macluro pomifera) (Ulmus americana) Box Elder (Acer negundo) Norway Maple Landscape Maintenance. T successor owner and their a responsible for maintenance owbef,, and /or subsequent or s, shall, jointly and severally [ the property in perpetuity as lured for all planting areas. All and orderly manner at all times. ng, pruning, fertilizing, watering, maintenance of landscaping. weeds, and other materials or >hall be the responsibility of the owner and /or tenant of the „landscaping is installed to maintain all required plantings in attractive state, or to replace dead, diseased, or in "residential subdivisions, the maintenance of street trees in :urbs and sidewalks which are within the street right -of -way of the respective Homeowners' Association, or the abutting ce of a Homeowners' Association. If after three (3).,yedrs following installation of required screening plant materials the plants have not formed an effective screen, or if an effective screen is not maintained, :the Community Development Director or their designee may require that another type of screen be added or additional plantings be installed. Landscaped areas shall require protection from vehicular encroachment. The Community Development Director or their designee shall inspect all landscaping and no Certificate of Occupancy (C /O) or similar authorization will be issued unless the landscaping meets the requirements of this Chapter. All required plant material shall be maintained in a healthy, growing condition as is appropriate for the season. Plant materials which exhibit evidence of insect pests, disease, and /or damage shall be appropriately treated. Dead plants shall be promptly removed and replaced within the next planting season after removal. If 155 replacement is necessary, all plants and other non - living landscape materials shall be equal in size, density, and appearance as originally required at the time of the approval of the development permit. 19.10.6 Tree Trimming. Utility crews and companies are encouraged to do directional pruning of branches interfering with utility lines to prevent damage, disfigurement, and heavy suckering and to reduce future pruning needs. Utility tree trimmers are encouraged to remove branches to laterals in order to direct tree growth away from utility lines. 19.11 Fencing Requirements. All residential uses (including but not limited to single - family attached and detached, duplexes, multi - family, mobile homes, etc.) that back up to any arterial road shall be screened with a solid opaque fence to provide screening of the rear yards of the residential property. Parks, swimming pools, and other amenities included within a residential subdivision and adjacent to an arterial may be bordered with a decorative fence, approved by the Community Development Department, in lieu of a screening fence. All multi - family residences, mobile home parks, and all industrial uses that adjoin any arterial or collector street or highway, shall be screened with a solid opaque fence that provides screening of all yards. Screening fences shall not be less than six (6) feet nor more than ten (,10) feet in height; provided that such fences shall not be permitted in any stormwafer drainage easement, established floodplain, sight triangle areas, nor block ingress and egress. All non - single- family and non - duplex uses shall be .screened from any adjacent single - family and duplex uses by a screening wall or fence. Such screening wall or fence: a. Shall be constructed, designed, and arranged fi % provide visual separation of uses, irrespectiVe -of vegetation; b. Shall not be less than six (6) feet in height; c. Shall be constructed with all braces and supports on the interior, except when both sides are of the same design and appearance; d. Shall be constructed prior to the occupancy of the building or initiation of the use required to screen: and e. Shall be of the type of materials compatible with the surrounding area. All new wooden screening fences, including replacements for existing wooden screening fences that are required by the Zoning Code or are constructed as perimeter fencing for new subdivisions, shall have the vertical support posts constructed of permanent building materials that may include but not be limited to a minimum of schedule forty (40) galvanized steel posts with an outside diameter equal to or larger than two and three - eighths (2 3/8) inch, masonry columns at least one (1) foot square, or PVC fencing using dual extruded PVC posts. Required screening fences, as well as privacy fences that are not required by this Code, shall be constructed with all braces and supports on the interior. The Community Development Department may permit alternative support posts as part of any Site Plan or Landscape Plan review, as long as the materials used meet or exceed the wind load capabilities of the materials listed above. Footings shall be constructed of concrete or equivalent, materials. Any existing fence otherwise lawful at the time of construction and thereafter maintained may continue throughout its useful life; however, the replacement of such fence or other repair of more than thirty (30) consecutive linear feet shall require the replacement or repair to conform to the standards listed herein. Unless otherwise approved by the Community Development 156 Department, all fencing shall be uniform in height. Replacement fencing /screening, excluding support posts, shall retain its original height and material and the top elevation shall match the adjoining elevation. The exterior of required screening fences shall be uniform for the entire length of the development. 19.11.1 Fences in Residential Nefahborhoods. Fences or vegetation having a screening effect shall not be permitted or allowed by the owner to grow on any corner lot within the sight triangle of a corner lot. Fences shall not be constructed in the street right -of -way. 19.1 1.2 If additional fences are constructed on the residential .l6f, such fences adjoining any arterial, collector, or minor street, shall be not less than siz (b) feet or more than eight (8) feet in height. Fences adjoining a highway shall be riot, less than six (6) feet or more than ten (10) feet in height. Fences in residential areas may be constructed' on property lines;tin side yards, and rear yards. However, no fences higher than thirty -six (36)„ inches may be constructed in any front yard as defined by this code. If the owner of a corner lot constructs a fence yithin a side yard and'rear yard in accordance with the Section titled "Yards" in thel:- 0hapter titled "Residential District Provisions ", and if the rear portion, of these yards bf the corner lot abut the side yard of a neighboring lot, then anys6bh, fence built between the building setback line and the property line must be s8l the neighboring lot to have a cle_c distance of seventy -five (75) feet the street right of way�from the ne the rear portion ofttie corner lot will if the two (2)11 a s form a':common No fences, other than any 100 -year floodp[, ted as to allow ;the driver of a vehicle on of the.street arigl ;all traffic thereon, for a directian. from the point of entrance into ig lot. For the purpose of this Subsection, �med to abut a neighboring side yard only )ry along the majority of their length. Tae Areas. No fencing shall be allowed in the floodway. i split rail, chdip;link, or barbed wire shall be constructed in reo. No fences other than open split rail, chain -link, or voted rn drainage easements that are not in the 100 -year owner has "been given the written approval of the Public their investigation of the consequences to the drainage. 157 CHAPTER 20 OUTDOOR LIGHTING 20.1 General Description. Outdoor lighting shall be designed to provide the minimum lighting necessary to ensure adequate safety, night vision, and comfort. Outdoor lighting shall be designed to ensure maximum light levels that do not create or cause glare onto nearby properties and public street rights of way; and to minimize uplight. 20.2 Liaht Measurement Technique. Light level measurements shall be made at the property line of the property upon which the light to be measured is being generated. If measurement on private property is not possible or practical, light level measurements may be made at the boundary of the public street right -of -way that adjoins the property. Measurements shall be made at finished grade (ground level) with the light- registering portion of the meter held parallel to the ground pointing up. Light levels are specified, calculated, and measured in foot - candles (FC). 20.3 General Standards for Outdoor Llahtina. _ 20.3.1 Aff Zoning Districts except RS and AG. Unless otherwise specified in the following Subsections, the maximum light level shall be 0.5 maintained foot - candles at any property line adjacent to a residential single - family district or use, and two 2.0 maintained foot - candles at any public, non - arterial street right -of -way, unless otherwise approved by the Community Development Director or their designee. It is recommended that adequate lighting be provided during °hours of operation. Unless shielded, all flood lights shall- be installed such that the fixture shall be aimed down at least forty -five (45) degrees from vertical, or the front of the fixture is shielded such that no portion of the light bulb extends below the bottom edge of an external shield. Flood lights and display lights shall be positioned such that any such fixture located within fifty (50) feet of a public street right -of -way is mounted and aimed perpendicular to the right -of -way, with a side -to -side horizontal aiming tolerance not to exceed fifteen (15) degrees from perpendicular to the right -of -way (see Figure 20.1). 158 All parking areas shall be illuminated for safety. All wall fixtures, including wall packs, shall be ninety (90) degree cutoff fixtures. Service connections for all freestanding fixtures shall be installed underground. The applicability of this provision may be reviewed on an individual basis for developments with structures totaling less than four thousand (4,000) square feet of floor area. All light fixtures installed by public agencies, their agents, or contractors for the purpose of illuminating public streets shall use the current standards provided by the IES or AASHTO for road lighting, and are otherwise exempt from these regulations. No wood poles may be used for any freestanding 20.3.2 RM and RNX Zoning Districts. Unless otherwise sp, the maximum light level shall be 0.5 maintainer adjacent to a residential single - family district, -and public, non - arterial street right -of -way unless;dthe Development Director or their designee: It, is rec be provided for every residential project. Unless fully shielded, all flood lights shall be test aimed down at least forty -five, (� shielded such that no portion of external shield. Flood lights and such fixture located within fifty (Si aimed perpendicular to the ri tolerance not to exceed fifteen Nothing in this -S66.t h-shall be excessive glare to be visible from degrees fr liaht bulb All wail fixtures, including wall packs, Service installed shall following Subsections, at any property line d foot- candles at any =d by the Community iat "ddoquate lighting such that the fixture shall be :al, or the front of the fixture is s!elow the bottom edge of an ppsitioned in a way that any t rfght -of -way is mounted and ide -to -side horizontal aiming endicular to the right -of -way. so as ro allow any fixture that causes -way (see Figure 20.1). cutoff fixtures. Tres in non - single- family areas shall be this provision may be reviewed on an All light fixtures,Jnstallbd, by public agencies, their agents, or contractors for the purpose of illuminating public streets shall use the standard provided by the IES for road lighting, and are otherwise exempt from these regulations. "No wood poles may_ be used for any freestanding fixtures. The applicability of this provision may be reviewed on an individual basis. 20.3.3 AG` =bnd OtherResidential Districts. The requirement listed above that service conneaiions for all" freestanding fixtures in non - single - family areas shall be installed underground 'gibes not apply to properties located within AG (Agriculture), RE (ResidentidlEstate), RS (Residential Single - Family), RD (Residential Duplex), and RNX (Residential Neighborhood Mixed) districts. 20.3.4 LED Lighting For all districts, the use of LED lighting is strongly encouraged 20.4 Parking Lot Lighting. Any light pole adjacent to residential districts shall not be higher than twenty (20) feet and shall be shielded. Any light pole higher than thirty (30) feet must be LED. The applicability of this provision may be reviewed on an individual basis. All non - cutoff fixture open- bottom lights shall be equipped with full cutoff fixture shields that reduce glare and limit uplight. 159 All parking lot lighting requirements listed in this Section may be modified by the Community Development Department upon a finding that the developer has provided a method by which glare from lighting elements will not cross any property line, and lighting elements will not be visible from any point off the subject property. 20.5 Outdoor Sports Field /Outdoor Performance Area Liahting. The hours of operation for the lighting system for any game or event shall not exceed (2) two hours after the end of the event. A Photometric Plan shall be provided to the Community Development Director or their designee for review and approval. 20.6 Sian Lighting. Lighting fixtures illuminating signs shall be aimed and shielded so that direct illumination is focused exclusively on the sign. The lighting of any signs must also comply with the Chapter titled "Signs" in the Owasso Zoning Code. 20.7 Lighting of Commercial Buildings and Landscaping. Lighting fixtures shall be selected, located, aimed, and shielded so that direct illumination is focused exclusively on the building fagade, plantings, and other intended site features and away from adjoining properties and the public street right -of -way. Ornamental and decorative accent lighting fixtures will be considered on an individual basis. 20.8 Site Plans. The applicant for any Site Plan approval required for work involving outdoor lighting shall submit documentation at time of Site Plan submission that the proposed lighting plan complies with the provisions of this Code. The Site Plan must include a point -by -point foot - candle array in a printout format indicating the location and aiming of illuminating devices. The printout shall indicate compliance with the maximum maintained foot - candles required by this Code. The Community Development Director or their designee may require a Photometric Plan for the development that shall contain but not`be limited to the following, all or part of which may be part of or in addition to the information required elsewhere in this Code: a. Description of the illuminating devices; b. Fixtures; c. Lamps; d. Supports; e. Reflectors; f. Poles; g. Raised foundations; Other devices including but not limited to manufacturers or electric utility catalog specification sheets and /or drawings; and Photometric Plan indicating fixture classification (cutoff fixture, wall pack, floodlight, etc.). 20.9 Non - Conformities. Any lights existing prior to the adoption of this Code are considered legal and non - conforming. Any new outside light fixtures placed upon properties within Owasso must meet the requirements of this Ordinance. 160 CHAPTER 21 ACCESS GATES FOR GATED COMMUNITIES 21.1 Access Gate Requirements and Standards. 21.1.1 Gates on Private Streets. Gated access will only be considered and allowed for private streets in approved Planned Unit Developments (PUDs), apartment projects, or other subdivision plats approved by the Owasso City Council. Only local streets that would not otherwise provide access to other neighborhoods will be considered eligible for gates. No collector roads that would connect one arterial to another arterial will be considered eligible for gates. All plats submitted with private streets and gated access shall require the approval of the Owasso Planning Commission and the Owasso City Council. The City of Owassp priarjo the issuance of any Building Permits, shall approve streets and gradin' lans for""h subdivision, and those plans shall show the locations and details of all gates. 21.1.2 Distance between Gates and Public Streetsr' Any gate shall be located a sufficient distance from a public street to allow hvo:(2) cars to line up at the, gate so as to completely clear the right -of -way of the abutting publiC3treet without irr ering with vehicles utilizing the public street. A turn around :lane sha11 be provided "for vehicles unable to enter the gated development. 21.1.3 Prohibition of Tire Damaging Qeuices. Road spikes "barbs, or other fire damaging devices are prohibited. Spikes ihstaTledlkTngates shall also:be prohibited. 21.1.4 Validity of Other Ordinances. Use of.,controlled "access does-not negate other City of Owasso ordinances. 21.1.5 Establishment of NorneoWners' AssocratiDh.� A Homeowners' Association (HOA) or a similar entity,shdf be established and t}tp name, addresses, and emergency contact numbers pfdvided to the^Owasso Fire Department and Owasso Police Department. The Homeowners' Association shall be responsible for the following: a. Maintenarice:and repairs of the private streets and fire lanes, and to provide b. Maintenance testing and repairs of all functions of the gates; c. Accompanying the °;Fre Department officers during annual inspection and testing of the „openin' stems; and d. Maintaining.a service agreement with a qualified contractor to insure year round maintenance. 21.1.6 Gote'Width. Th_ minimum gate opening width, including clearance for all improvements related to the gate, shall not be less than fourteen (14) feet per lane if there is to he mg"ress and an egress gates. 21.1.7 Back -Up System. A battery back -up system shall be provided for each gate. These batteries will be trickle charged to maintain electrical energy, and in the event of loss of normal electrical current, cause the gate to open until reset by the Homeowners' Association. An emergency release or hitch pin shall be installed on the control arm. 21.1.8 Emergency Release. An emergency release shall be installed on the gate. This emergency release, when removed, will detach the gate from the opening device and allow the gate to swing or slide open freely with manual intervention. 111 21.1.9 Access System. The gate shall be equipped with access systems as approved by the Owasso Fire Department and Owasso Police Department. 21.1.10 Design Standards for Streets. All streets in the development shall meet the requirements of the Subdivision Regulations and the Engineering Design Standards of the City of Owasso unless an alteration is approved by the Public Works Director or their designee. 21.1.11 Gates to Remain Open in Event of Failure. Should any problem occur in the operation of the gate or any violation of any Section of this Code, the gate shall remain open and accessible until the problem is resolved and the gate is repaired and tested. 21.1.12 Minimum Covered Entry Height and Width. When a covered entry structure is requested, the minimum height shall be no less than sixteen (16) feet. The width shall be no less than twenty (20) feet. 21.1.13 Access and Easements Required. Any developer, Homeowners' Association, or other responsible property owners proposing any gated community must provide the City of Owasso (including Fire, Police, Public Works, and Community;bevelopment) access assurance prior to installation of any approved gate. The access shall be provided by an easement to be dedicated to the City of Owasso in the deed of dedication of the plat for utilities and essential City services in the streets and common areas as designated on the subdivision plat. 21.1.14 Insoections and Maintenance Required. The developer, Homeowners' Association, or other responsible property owners shall provide -for annual inspection of each gate to insure that each gate is tested to meet all of the construction requirements prior to it being approved for operation or continued operation, at any point the gate fails to meet the standards. The verification of the access agreement and a copy of the latest inspection form will be kept on file with the Owasso City Clerk including the contractor's name, address, and 24- hour -a -day telephone number(s). The developer, Homeowners' Association representative, or responsible property owner's name, address, and telephone number shall be a minimum requirement for approval of the annual inspection of the gate. Nf � Y *��ut 162 DEFINITIONS Purpose. The purpose of this Chapter is to define words, terms, and phrases contained within this Code, unless otherwise specifically defined elsewhere herein. In the interpretation of provisions in this Code, the rules of this Chapter shall be observed and applied, except when the context clearly indicates or requires otherwise. In case of a conflict between this Chapter and the text of this Code, an interpretation shall be made by the Community Development Director or their designee. For the purpose of this Code, certain terms and words are hereby defined. Terms not defined herein shall be construed in accordance'tiith ada ted Building Codes, the City Code of Ordinances, or their customary usage dnd meaning. The "Glossary of Zoning Development and %Planning Terms'? by the American Planning Association was used to determi"e meaning of terms,that are defined in this Chapter, subject to approval:. ,of interpretation bysthe Community Development Director or their designee. ` Any definition that is not provided within this :Ctfgpter shall be determined by the Community Development Director or their designee. Any appeals of their decision must be taken to the Owasso -Board of AdiustmenNiOAI. Abutting: In the context of a screening-,,�'ar enclosure, ;;reguiremenf, abutting shall mean contiguous or separated there from only by p`non.arierial'street ,ln other instances, abutting shall mean contiguous. Accessory Dwellma Unif A subordate residential unit incorporated within, attached to, or detached from a single family residential unit dnd having its own sleeping and sanitation facilities. This term shall :refer to guest suites, tiny homes, accessory apartments, garage apartments, and similar fype, uses 'Such subordinate units shall not be otherwise segregated in ownership from the principal resident161_unitand shall'not be used for rental purposes. :essory-Uses or Structure: A structure or use that: a.= fs subordinate in area;,extent, artd purpose to the principal use; b:, ;Cpntributes to the c - i-nfprt, convenience, or necessity of the principal use; and C . Is located on the sam6_1 6 nd in the same zoning district as the principal use. Active Recreation: A developed space or area catering to team - oriented sports played on fields or courts`6r,a. motonzea_sport activity. Said recreation would include but not be limited to tennis facilities, ball fields ATcourse, basketball courts, etc. Advertising Face Each side of a sign that is designed, constructed, located, and positioned for the purpose of displaying off - premises advertising material. Alley: A permanent public way providing a secondary means of access for service and emergency vehicles and not intended for general traffic circulation. Amenity: Any tangible benefit to a piece of a property, especially those that increase its attractiveness or value or that contributes to the comfort or convenience of the nearby residents. Tangible amenities might include park areas, swimming pools, tot lots, playgrounds, disc golf course, walking trails, bike paths, tennis courts, basketball courts, picnic areas, or similar facilities that allow people to recreate, gather, and socialize. The Director of Community 163 Development or their designee shall determine if an amenity meets the intent of this language. In most cases, parking should be provided for the amenity. American Flag: The flag of the United States of America that is typically either made of cloth or a cloth -like material and is designed to be flown from a pole. This shall not include banners, signs, or feather flags that are colored in such a way as to look like the American Flag. Antenna: Any structure or device used to collect or radiate electromagnetic waves, including both directional antennas, such as panels or dishes, and omni - directional antennas, such as whips, but not including satellite earth stations. Antenna Array: A structure attached to a telecommunication tower that supports telecommunication antennas. Applicable Law: All applicable Federal State, and City laws, codes, rules, regulations, orders, and ordinances, as the same be amended or adopted from time to time. Applicant: Any person submitting an application. Arborist: A qualified professional who has studied the science or art of cultivating trees, especially for ornamental use. Area Marker: An off - premise sign that designates or 'identifies /advertises a subdivision or development in another location. Area of Special Flood Hazard: Land in a floodplain within a community subject to a one (1) percent or greater chance of flooding in any given year. Arterial: A street designated on the Major Street Plan as a primary arterial or secondary arterial. Awning: Any structure made of cloth or metal with a metal frame attached to a building and projecting over public property when so constructed to permit its being lowered to a position over public property and to permit its being raised, to a position flat against building when not in use. Banner: A sign with or without characters, letters, illustrations, or ornamentations applied to cloth, paper, flexible plastic, or fabric of any kind with only such non -rigid material for background. Base Flood: The flood having a one (1) percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year. Board of Adjustment: The Board of Adjustment of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. Building: ,A structure which is permanently affixed to the land, has one or more floors and a roof, and is bounded by either another building with a common party wall, open air, or the lot lines of a lot. Building Heiaht: The vertical distance measured form the average ground elevation at the building wall to the highest horizontal point of the structure. Building Official: The officer or other designated authority charged with the administration and enforcement of this Code or a duly authorized representative. Buildina Setback: The horizontal distance from the point of measurement, such as the centerline of an abutting street or the boundary line of an abutting zoning district, to the nearest building wall. Caliper: A standard trunk diameter measurement for trees taken six (6) inches above ground for up to and including four (4) inch caliper size and twelve (12) inches above ground for larger sizes. 164 Canopy: A roof -like structure of a permanent nature that projects over a public way. Care Home: Premises used for the housing and caring for the aged or infirmed. Includes convalescent homes, homes for the aged, and nursing homes. Cemetery: Land used or intended to be used for the interment of human remains and dedicated for cemetery purposes. Includes crematories, mausoleums, and mortuaries when operated in conjunction with and within the boundary of such cemetery. Certificate of Occupancy (C /O): An official certificate issued by the City through the enforcing official which indicated conformance with the zoning regulations. Authorizes legal use of the premises for which it is issued. Child Care Center: Any place, home, or institution which under the age of sixteen (16) years apart from their parents, periods of time for compensation; provided, however, the include or apply to bona fide schools or churches and othe( for children within an institutional building. Program rnusf "o week, as per DHS licensing requirements. Ci : The City of Owasso, Oklahoma. City Council: The governing and legislative body of the Cluster Housing Development: A reside units on a limited portion of land with the space areas. Commercial Wind Energy System: A wind end (1) wind turbine and tower. A wind energy'' consumption of power. Common Wall: A wall.corr mon to but dividii openings and extends 4from its footing below exterior surface of the roof:, Contractor Sian: Signs that other related,b,LAiness.when Copy Area "The net geom outer extremities of all letters Cornice Any horizontal mer from the'eXterior walls at the development c fining land areas or four (4) or more children ins. or custodians for regular erm" '.',child center' shall not is or public institutions caring thirty IY or more hours per Oklahoma. attached or detached iced into common open ;isting of more than one will be used for off -site s buildings; such a wall contains no ground grade to the height of the leer, contractor, lending institution, or construction. area enclosed by the smallest rectangles encompassing the 'es, characters, and delineations contained in a sign. structural or nonstructural, of any building, projecting outward line, including eaves and other roof overhang. Critical Root Zone (CRZ): A circular region measured outward from a tree trunk representing the essential area "`of = =rte roots that must be maintained in order for the tree's survival. The critical root zone is one foot (1) of,, ratlal distance for every inch of tree DBH with a minimum of eight (8) feet. Crown: The upper mass`or head of a tree, shrub, or vine, including branches with foliage. Curb Level: The mean level of the established curb at the frontage of a lot. Where no curb has been established, the City Engineer shall establish such curb level or its equivalent for the purposes of this Code. DBH (Diameter at Breast Height): The tree trunk diameter measured in inches at a height of four and a half (4.5) feet above ground level. Deciduous: Plants that lose their leaves annually. Deciduous Tree: A tree which sheds or loses foliage at the end of the growing season. Density, Gross: The total number of dwelling units divided by the total project area, expressed as gross dwelling units per acre. Density, Net: Expressed as dwelling units per acre or dwelling units per net acre. Can be found by either: a. Dividing the total number of dwelling units existing on a housing site by the net area in acres; or b. Multiplying the net area in acres times 43,560 square feet per acre and then dividing the product by the required minimum number of square feet per dwelling unit. Development: Any man -made change to improved or unimproved real estate, including but not limited to buildings or other structures, mining, dredging, filling, grading, paving, excavation, or drilling operations. Display Surface: The surface of a sign upon, against, or through which the message is displayed or illustrated. Display Surface Area: The net geometric area enclosed by the, display surface of the sign including the outer extremities of all letters, figures, characters, and delineations, but not including the structural supports for free - standing signs if said structural supports are not arranged to become a part of the attention attracting aspects of the sign, provided that as applied to wall or canopy signs having a non - illuminated background, display surface area shall mean copy area. Drip Line: A vertical line from a tree canopy or shrub branch extending from the outermost edge to the ground. Dust Free Surface: Surface constructed of double bituminous cone ?ete or asphaltic concrete. Dwelling: A building or structure used in whole or in part for human inhabitation. Dwellina. Apartment: A room or suite of rooms with toilet and culinary accommodations, used or designated for use as a residence by a family. Dwelling, Apartment /Bungalow Court: A group of three (3) or more attached or detached one (1) story residential dwellings having a common court or yard. Each dwelling will have a separate entrance. Dwelling, Condo: A multiple dwelling development containing individually -owned dwelling units with:jointly owned and shared areas and facilities. Dwelling, Duplex: A residential structure containing two (2) dwelling units, sharing a common wall(s), each of which has direct access to the outside, and is designed for occupancy by no more than two (2) families. Dwellina. Manufactured: A factory- built, single - family structure that is manufactured under the authority of The National Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards Act, is transportable in one or more sections, has undergone at least partial prefabrication or preassembly under indoor factory conditions, excluding dwellings utilizing only prefabricated or preassembled supplements such as roof trusses, floor trusses, plumbing trees, or wiring harness. Included are the following sub - classes: a. Pre -Cut: A manufactured dwelling involving no preassembly but all components have been cut and fabricated and then assembled on -site; b. Panelized: A manufactured dwelling partially preassembled into roof, wall, floor, and ceiling components (which may range from exposed wood to having all finishing completed) which are assembled on -site, and constructed to national building code standards; 166 c. Sectionalized or Modular: A manufactured dwelling partially preassembled into two (2) or more sections, none of which are habitable individually, permanently joined together and that utilize customary residential siding and roofing materials. They are built to national building code standards and are either: 1. Wood frame units designed to be transported by flat -bed truck and installed on conventional permanent foundations, or 2. Chassis /under- carriage units designed to be towed or structurally capable of being towed on wheels and installed on permanent foundations after all hitches, running gear, and chassis have been removed; and d. Mobile Home: A structure, transportable in one (1) or more;'sections, which is built on a permanent chassis; designed to be used with or without a permanent foundation when connected to the required utilities; has a permaneht:, hitch or, other device allowing transport of the unit other than for the purpose of delivery to a "p'ermanent site; and has wheels or axles permanently attached to its body or frame '»,lt,does not include recreational vehicles or travel trailers. Dwelling. Multi - Family: A building containing three (3) ,-or more dwelling units. Ipbl,uded are all forms of manufactured multi - family dwelling but excluding mobile homes. Also.'known as a multiplex. Dwelling, Single- Family: A building, otherthan a mobile home,_oontaining one (1) dwelling unit designed for occupancy by not more than one „(l) family, and'cert• ified as complying with the Building Code of this jurisdiction whether con slru6te on or off site. Dwelling, Townhouse/Townhome: A one (1) fpfnily dwellmd,unit,with a "private entrance, which is part of a structure whose dwelling units are atf ach6 horizaln , n a linear arrangement, and having a totally exposed frodfv666rear wall to be used for access, light, and ventilation. Dwelling, Triplex: A residential structure designed-exclusively for, or occupied exclusively by, no more than three (3) fdmies living independently of °each other in individual units. Dwelling Unit: One IIJ 'room or `rooms connected together, constituting a separate, independent housekeeping estdblishment for owre or renter occupancy, and containing independent cooking" nd sleepipg fcicilfties ands anitary facilities. Oklahoma Fair Housing Law standards shall "apply Dwelimg Unit per Acre fDUyACI: Dt! /AC is a measure of the gross density of a residential development. It is calculated, by dividing =the total sum of dwelling units by the total acreage of the development. Eaves The prgjecting lower edges of a roof overhanging the wall of a building. Egress: A means or place of going out; an exit. Exterior Insulation Firiishina5vstem EIFS: A non -load- bearing exterior wall cladding system that consists of an lnsuldtfgr' board attached either adhesively or mechanically, or both, to the substrate; an integrally reinforced base coat; and a textured protective finish. Energy Efficient: Delivering more services for the same energy input or the same services for less energy input. Establishment: A place of business or company of record. Evergreen: Plants that retain their foliage throughout the year. Evergreen Screen: A dense vegetative screen that grows to a minimum of eight (8) feet in height at maturity and retains foliage year round. It is used for purposes of visual mitigation between zoning districts and /or uses. 167 Evergreen Tree: A tree which holds green leaves, either broadleaf or needle- shaped, throughout the year. Facade: That portion of any exterior elevation on the building extending from grade to top of the parapet, wall, or eaves and the entire width of the building elevation. Facade. Front: Those building facades which face and are most closely parallel to the front lot line. The front exterior of a building that faces the primary street. Corner buildings may have two (2) front facades. Famil : One (1) or more persons occupying a single dwelling unit, provided that unless all members are related by blood, marriage, or other domestic bonds, no such family shall contain over three (3) persons, but further provided that domestic servants may be housed on the premises without being designated as a family. Feather Flag: A wind device that contains a harpoon -style pole or staff driven into the ground for support that is used for the purposes of, advertising. For the purposes of this Code, a feather flag is considered a temporary sign. Also known as a flag banner. Fence, Line: A fence of non -solid construction, no less or more than five (5) feet in height, whose purpose it is to delineate property lines or boundaries. Flag: Any fabric, banner, or bunting containing distinctive: colors, patterns, or symbols. Used as a symbol of a government, political subdivision, or other entity. Flood or Flooding: A general and temporay condition of partial or complete inundation of normally dry land areas from the unusual and rapid accumulation or runoff of surface waters from any source. Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM): The official map of a community on which FEMA has delineated both the special hdzard areas and the risk premium zones applicable to the community. Floodplain: The land area adjoining a watercourse or drainage way which would be inundated by the floodwater of the regulatory flood based on =full urbanization of the watershed. Floodwav: The channel of a watercourse or drain way and those portions of the adjoining floodplain which are reasonably required to carry and discharge the regulatory flood. Floodwav Fringe: Those portions of the floodplain which are not reasonably required to carry and discharge the floodwater of the regulatory flood. Floor Area: The sum of the gross horizontal areas of the several floors (including basements) of a building, measured from the exterior faces of the exterior walls or from the centerline of walls separating two (2) buildings. Provided that for the purpose of determining compliance with the permitted floor area, the floor area of enclosed required off - street parking areas shall not be included. Floor Area Ratio: The floor area of a building or buildings on a lot divided by the lot area. Foster Home: A dwelling used in whole or in part as living quarters for a household including one (1) or more minor children, placed by a licensed child placement agency, who are not members of the family occupying said dwelling but are under their supervision. Further, provided that a maximum of five (5) children are allowed to reside in the home including any natural children living in the home, if any children in the home are age two (2) or younger. If no children are under two (2) years, the maximum number of children residing in the home is six (6). Frontage: The lineal measurement of a lot boundary which abuts a public street or the lineal measurement of the building setback line when the boundary of the lot abuts a non - arterial street or cul-de -sac. 168 Garage Sale: Also known as estate sale, moving sale, yard sale, auction or other similar type event. Such events shall be allowed up to three (3) times a year, lasting no longer than three (3) days per event. Garden Apartment: An apartment building generally having a low- density (twelve (12) units per acre or less) of population and having substantial landscaped open space adjacent to the dwelling units. Ground Cover: A prostrate plant growing less than two (2) feet in height at maturity that is used for: Ornamental purposes; Alternatives to grasses; and Erosion control on slopes. Halfway House: A building used in whole or in part as a for persons unrelated by blood or marriage who arE alcoholism or other forms of drug abuse. Hard Surface Parking: Any asphalt or concrete surf; approved surface, but excluding rock, gravel, grass, or c Topping a tree so severely Home -Based Business: A business carried that the use is limited in extent and is incid, residential purposes and does not change Home Occupation: incidental and sub( Horticulture: The L flowers, nursery stoc Kennel: The use or dogs or both. dwelling quarters rehabilitation for or other resident thereof, provided use of the dwelling unit for unit which is clearly Juction for income of trees, and cultured sod. average frequency occur in any year. watershed and an( act of coming in; an entrance. vegetables, occurrence is based on )s of rainfall Iwellirg;in which a permanent occupant of the dwelling provides the is Those receiving care are not all related to the occupant or to each loge and are not the legal wards or foster children of the attendant are and who are not dependents of the occupant do not reside on the )f this'Ordinance, such activities shall meet all requirements for home gin;, are the primary clients of the use, the home must meet all state ii Low Impact Design (LID): Systems and /or practices that use or mimic natural processes that result in the infiltration, evapotranspiration, or use of stormwater in order to protect water quality and associated aquatic habitat. Liaht Pole Displays: A display that is mounted on a freestanding pole. Loading Berth, Off - Street: A space of at least ten (10) feet in Width and 30 feet in length and having a vertical clearance of at least 14 feet, designed and located on a lot for the temporary parking of commercial vehicles while loading or unloading merchandise or materials. Loft: The floor placed between the roof and the floor of the uppermost story within a single - family detached dwelling, the floor area of which is not more than one -third (1/3) of the floor area of the story or room in which it is placed. Loft Apartment: A dwelling unit that is typically found in previously - non = residential buildings. Lot Area: The total horizontal area within the lot lines of a lot. Lot Line: Any boundary of a lot. Lot line, front: The boundary of a lot which abuts a public street. Where the lof abuts more than one (1) street, the owner may select the front lot line. Lot Line, Rear: The boundary of a lot which is most distant from and most nearly parallel to the front lot line. Lot Line, Side: Any boundary of a lot which is not a front lot line or d rear lot line. Lot of Record: A lot which is a part of a subdivision, the plat of which has been recorded in the office of the County Clerk of the County in which the lot is located, or a parcel of land the deed of which is recorded in the office of the County Clerk of the County in which the parcel is located. Lot Width: The average horizontal distance between the side lot lines. Marquee: A roof -like structure of a_ permanent nature that projects from the wall of a building and may overhang a public way. Changeable lettering may be a part thereof. Masonry Material (as on a building facade): Masonry that are laid up unit by unit and set in mortar. Includes materials like brick; natural or manufactured stone; structural clay tile; indented, hammered or split -face concrete masonry unit, or a combination of these materials. Masonry-Like Construction Materials (as on a building facade): Masonry-like construction materials include fiber reinforced cement exterior siding, stucco, synthetic stucco, dryvit, Exterior Insulated Finish Systems (EIFS), or similar exterior cladding; and concrete tilt wall, pour -in -place concrete wall, and pre -cast wall that are at least two (2) inches thick and that are profiled, .sculptured, fluted, exposed - aggregated, or have other non - smooth architectural concrete finish. Microbrewery: An establishment in which beer or malt beverages are made on the premises and then sold or distributed, and which produces less than 15,000 barrels (465,000 gallons) of beer and malt beverages per calendar year. Where allowed by law, microbreweries may include tasting rooms and direct sales to consumers in addition to other methods of distribution. Mini - Storage: A building containing small partitioned storage spaces which are separately and individually rented or leased for the storage of personal goods or merchandise, but excluding commercial warehousing. Minor Variance: A small variation from the requirements of the Zoning Code. A Minor Variance approval is essentially a certificate of permission, because it allows the property owner to obtain 170 a Building Permit even though their property does not comply precisely with the requirements of the Zoning Code or Subdivision Regulations. Mixed -Use Development: A single building containing more than one (1) type of land use or a single development of more than one (1) building and use, where the different types of land uses are in close proximity, planned as a unified complementary whole, and functionally integrated to the use of shared vehicular and pedestrian access and parking area. Mobile Food Unit: A temporary food or drink service establishment that is vehicle- mounted, designed to be readily movable, and operates at a fixed location for a temporary period of time in connection with a fair, carnival, circus, picnic, concert, public exhibition, or similar transitory gathering. Must be accessory to the principal permitted We','such as a fair or carnival. Also known as food trucks. N/A: Not Applicable. Non - Combustible Material: thousand and two hundred that temperature. Any material that will not ignite at or t (1200) degrees Fahrenhe�dntl will not agencies in classifying business establishments for the publishing statistical data related to the U.S. business ecc Non - Conforming Use: A non - conforming i seJs a use of land, bb combination thereof, that is non- conformiri 'Jo this permitted or districts identified in this Code. Non - Living Materials: Landscaping stone, bark, and similar materials..;., have received the Nuisance: An Obstruction: Any dam, refuse,fill,'structure .o'rmatter;th< watercourse, or regulatory-, ,,flood -1 direction of the flow of water ;,,either wate('zor that is placed where the damage oflife or property. Opaque: No} able to be seen`'throuc Derature of one burn or glow at I used by Federal statistical collecting, analyzing, and >, or other structures, or any fic uses listed by the zoning plants such as river rock, of this;Code, non - profit organizations are those that of property. ibankmer t' levee, dike, pile, abutment, projection, conduit, culvert, building, wire, fence, rock, gravel, in, along, across, or projecting into any channel, area which may impede, retard, or change the ;If or by catching or collecting debris carried by such of water might carry the same downstream to the Outdoor Sales: t7se of property for the display and sales of products and services, primarily outside of a budding ; or irricture, including but not limited to manufactured homes, burial monuments, swimming-pools, and portable storage sheds, including related repair activities and sale of parts. Materiai'sold is usually stored outdoors and typically a building is on -site in which sales may be consummated or products displayed. Outside Animal Run: An outdoor fenced area used to immediately restrict an animal or animals to a limited amount of space, such as a room, pen, run, cage, compartment, or hutch. Overlay District: The application of an additional layer of development standards, regulations, or exceptions that modifies existing land use regulations. It acts as a supplement to the underlying zoning designation. 171 Over -speed Control: A mechanism used to limit the speed of blade rotation to below the design limits of the WECS. Parking Duration: The length of time an individual vehicle remains in a given parking space. Duration is a function of the driver's trip and purpose, and it increases with increasing city size. Parkina Space, Off - Street: A space on a lot intended and reserved for the parking of an automobile. Such space has a driveway connecting the space with a street or alley and permitting safe ingress or egress of an automobile. Pavement: Surface constructed of double bituminous concrete or asphaltic concrete. Pennant: Any lightweight plastic, fabric, or other material, whether or not containing a message of any kind suspended from a rope, wire, or string, usually in series, designed to move in the wind. Permanent Accessory Building: A building separate from the main structure that is set on a permanent -type foundation with plumbing, electrical, or gas service connections. Place of Assembly: A building or structure, or group of buildings or structures, intended primarily for the conducting of organized assembly. May include, but is not limited to religious facilities, assembly halls, and fraternal /social clubs. Accessory uses may include meeting rooms and childcare provided for persons while they are attending assembly functions. Planning Commission: The City of Owasso; Oklahoma Planning Commission. Planned Unit Development: A discretionary type of development for a tract of land under single ownership or control, based upon an approved development plan permitting flexibility of principal land uses, lot sizes, and accessory uses not otherwise available under conventional development standards. Plantina Yards: The required installation of 'landscaping and /or screening material between zoning districts and certain individual uses. The four types of planting yards are as follows: a. Buffer Yard: A planting yard comprised of a strip of land containing landscaping and /or screening materials, having a varying minimum width, located along side and rear property lines between zoning districts and /or,between certain individual uses. b. Building Yard: A planting yard comprised of a strip of land containing landscaping materials located along the front and /or sides of a building and having a varying minimum width. c. Parking Lot Yard: A planting yard comprised of a strip or strips of land containing landscaping materials located around and within a parking lot and having a varying width. d. Street Yard: A planting yard comprised of a strip of land containing landscaping materials located along the parallel to a public street, or streets and having a varying minimum width. Point of Service: The location where a driver comes face to face with an employee of the business and remits payment and /or is provided with goods purchased. In locations with two (2) service windows, the first in line shall be considered the point of service. Pole Sian: A sign that is supported by one (1) or more poles, uprights, or braces in the ground that is not a part of or attached to the building Pop -Up Tent: A tent or other similar structure set up temporarily on a piece of property that sells, solicits, or peddles items. This shall not include seasonal garden tents, sno -cone stands, etc. that are approved with a Temporary Use Permit (TUP). 172 Private Club or Recreational Facility: Recreation facilities open only to bona fide members and guests of the private organization operating the facility. Queuing: A place where a vehicle awaits service in a line designated only for that use. Recreational Vehicle (RV): A unit designed as temporary living quarters for recreational, camping, or travel use that may be self - propelled or towed by an automotive vehicle. Recreational vehicle shall include motor homes, travel trailers, truck campers, camping trailers, converted buses, house boats, or other similar units as determined by the Community Development Director or their designee. A recreational vehicle may or may not include individual toilet and bath. _. Regulatory Flood: A flood having a one (1) percent chance of any given year based upon the full potential urbanization;. considering the Land Use Master Plan, adopted Floodplain a watershed Master Drainage Plan where adopted. Screen or Opaque Screen: Vegetation, fence, wall, berm, or c these which partially or completely block the view of.. provide or all of a site from an adjacent property or right -of -way. Setback: A horizontal distance determining the location use district boundary line, or another use. Where the term modifying word or words such as "parking area ", the setb not be limited to buildings. Senior Housing: A multi - family structure, conf'rc profit corporation, eighty (80) percent of whas over. Senior Housing, Assisted,Liying ` =A, home or chronically or incurably jp<persons in which five family are provided wjilazfood and shelter or cc clinics, or similar instituti2ii)sclevotecl', b narily to equaled or exceeded in contributing watershed ement Policies and the of any or all of [ion of a portion Jing with respectto a street, 'is used in conjunction with a in its application include but ional body, or non - (65) years of age or ential complex licensed for the aged or more of such persons not of the immediate compensation, but not including hospitals, agnosis and treatment of the sick. Senior Housing, Attached Typically ono.( I) and twd (2) bedroom apartments or condominiums designed to meet the >needs of<pbrson`s sizfy five °(x5) years of age and older. Senior Hc6Aha Independent Livi ng: A residential complex containing multi - family dwellings designed `for and principolly;:occupiedby senior citizens. No nursing care or institutional care is provided on -site. These offer: minimal,eonvenience services, but focus on attracting elderly residentsto as to provide a social support system among the residents. Shrub Large ,An upright plar'f rowing to a mature height of more than six (6) feet for use as natural ornamentation or, scr, -ring. Shrub. Medium An; upright plant growing to a mature height of less than six (6) feet for use as natural ornamentatleh- pCsereening. Shrub. Small: An upright plant growing to a mature height of less than four (4) feet for use as natural ornamentation or screening. Side Elevation: The side of any building or structure, typically not facing a public street. Sight Triangle: A triangle at an intersection, formed by the two (2) roads or rights -of -way and a third line, which must be kept clear of obstructions such as hedges so that people in a road can see cars approaching on the other. Sian: A sign includes any device that displays or includes any letter, work, model, banner, flag, pennant, insignia, propeller balloon, device, or representation that is used as or is in the nature of 173 an advertisement or announcement or that directs attention to an object, product, place, activity, person, institution, organization, or business. Does not include display of official notice. Sian. Bulletin: A sign or board constructed in connection with a non - profit, community or neighborhood center, public building, church building, or educational institution on its premises for announcement purposes. Sian, Business: A sign that directs attention to a business or profession conducted, or to products, services, or entertainment sold or offered upon the premises where such sign is located, or to which it is attached. Sian, Directional: A sign providing directions to the general public to a specific site or address in the City. Sian, Flashina: Any sign that incorporates in any manner apparent movement achieved by electrical pulsation, contains intermittent lighting, or by other means such as sequential light phasing. Sian. Ground / Pole Mounted: A sign that is supported by one or more poles, uprights, or braces in the ground and that is not a part of a building. Sian. Ground / Surface Mounted: A sign that is mounted .flush withthe ground or is supported by one or more poles, uprights, or braces in the ground.and that is not a part of a building. Sian. Heiaht: The vertical distance measured from the curb level to the highest point of the sign. Sian, Illuminated: Any sign designed to give forth any artificial light, or designed to reflect such light deriving from any source that is intended to cause such light or reflection. Sian. LED: An LED sign is a flat panel display which uses an array of light- emitting diodes as pixels to create a video display. Sian, Moving: Any sign, 'or part of a. sign, whether illuminated or unilluminated, that does not remain stationary at all times, regardless of any power source that may affect movement. This includes vehicular signs, streamers, and pennants. Sian. Political: A sign that makes known the name or information about a person running for an office or any other information concerning a political campaign or election issue of any nature. Sian, Roof: A. sign constructed upon or above a roof or parapet of a building whether extending beyond the highest point of the building or not. Sign, Sandwich Board (A- Frame): An advertising or business ground sign that is not secured or attached to the ground or surface upon which it is located; constructed in a manner as to form an "A" or tent -like shape, hinged or not hinged at the top. Sian, Snipe: A temporary sign that is made of any material, attached to a utility pole, tree, fence post, stake, stick, mailbox or any similar object, whether in the public right -of -way or not. Sian, Structure: The supports, uprights, bracing, and framework for a sign or outdoor display. Sian, Temporary: A sign that is not intended to be used or installed permanently and /or that the Community Development Director or their designee deems to not be constructed or erected in a manner consistent with the stated purpose of this Code. Sian, Vehicular: A vehicle, whether motorized or a trailer, which is mounted above the ground as a sign or part of a sign, or any sign attached to or painted on such a vehicle which is mounted above the ground or which is parked so as to be visible from a street when such vehicle is not actually used for transportation in the day -to -day affairs of its owner. Sign, Wall: A sign painted, attached to, or constructed against the wall of a building or structure with the exposed face of the sign in a plane approximately parallel to the plane of the wall. 174 Significant Stands of Trees or Shrubs: A massing or group of trees or shrubs which are: a. In good condition and are established on the site; b. Which may be among the earliest grown species of the area; or c. Which have been identified by the community in a particular area. Small Wind Energy System: A wind energy conversion system consisting of a wind turbine, a tower, and associated control or conversion electronics which will be used primarily to reduce on -site consumption of utility power. Special Exception: A design element or structure that may not conform to the dimensional or spatial requirements of the base zoning district in which it is located-but may be allowed under certain circumstances with approval from the Owasso Board of Adtustment (BOA). State Statute: An act of a legislature that declares, proscri bes or commands something; a specific law expressed in writing. Street Tree: A tree planted along apublic street or roadway behind or within'the right -of -way. Street Wall: The wall or part of the building nearest to tho;street line Structure: Anything constructed or erected with a fixed Ibogtion, on the ground, or tached to something having a fixed location on the ground, and ihcfudes buildings, walks, fences, and signs. Substantial Damage: Damage of any ogre sustained by a structure whereby the cost of restoring the structure to its before-damaged,, coed fiamwould equal of :exceed fifty (50) percent of the market value of the structure before the'damage occurred. Substantial Improvement Any repair, reconstruction or improvement of a structure, the cost of which equals or exceeds fifty „ "(S0j.percent of the rrtclYket value'of the structure either: a. Before the impro., ment of repair is started or b. If the structure helS been damaged and is being restored, before the damage occurred. For the purposes of this deffnifion '"',substantial improvement' is considered to occur when the first alteration affects the.external dimensiorrs'ot the tructure. The term does not, however, include either a. Any project for improvement' of a structure to comply with the existing state or local T�ealfh, sanitary, or sdfeEty cod specifications which are solely necessary to assure safe living conditions; or b. An- of a structure listed on a National Register of Historic Places or a State Inventor -of Historic Places. Telecommunications Antenna: An antenna used to provide a telecommunications service. Telecommunications ; ;fie transmission, between or among points specified by the user, or information of the user "5'choosing, without change in the form or content or information as sent and received. Telecommunications service: The offering of telecommunications for a fee directly to the public or to such classes of users as to be effectively available directly to the public, regardless of the facilities used. Telecommunications Tower: A structure more than ten (10) feet tall, built primarily to support one (1) or more telecommunications antennas. 175 Temporary Accessory Building: A building separate from the main structure that is capable of being moved around on the property that has no permanent plumbing, electrical, or gas connections. Temporary Use. A use established for a limited duration with the intent to discontinue such use upon the expiration of the time period, which may include: a. A temporary building or structure without any foundation or footing (such as and similar to a sno -cone stand, drink stand, hot dog stand, or a food truck stationed at one (1) location); b. Mobile Food Units; c. Short-term, temporary retail uses, also known as pop -up shops or pop -up retail; and d. Temporary outdoor activities that are carried out primarily out -of -doors for a fixed period of time, including flea markets; fireworks, displays, speeches, farm stands, seasonal sales, swap and shop market, racing meets, circuses, carnival, concerts, and parades. Temporary uses usually do not involve the construction or alteration of any permanent building or structure, although the authorization of the temporary use does not necessarily preclude such construction. Tiny House: A single - family dwelling of maximum four hundred (400) square feet and less than eight hundred 800 square feet built within Owasso City Limits after the date of passage of this Zoning Code. This house is a permanent structure that is constructed on- or off -site. Too Plate: The horizontal timber directly carrying the trusses of a roof or the rafters. Total Height: The distance measured from ground level to the blade extended at its highest point. Tree, Ornamental: A small to m6dit M tree, growing to a mature height of fifteen (15) to forty (40) feet and characterized by specific aesthetic qualities, such as colorful flowering, interesting bark, or brilliant fall foliage. Tree, Shade: A large tree growing to a height of forty (40) feet or more at maturity, usually deciduous, and characterized" by its ability to provide shade. Variance: A relaxation of a restriction of the Code, granted by the Owasso Board of Adjustment (BOA), where by reason of exceptional narrowness, shallowness, shape, topography, or other extraordinary or exceptional situation; condition, or circumstance of a particular property, the literal enforcement of the Code would result in unnecessary hardship. Veterinary Clinic: A building used exclusively for the care and treatment of animals, including incidental overnight boarding of animals within the enclosed building but excluding outside animal runs oCboarding services. Vines: A woody plant that spreads as it grows over the ground, walls, or trellises. Wainscot: A decorative building material applied to lower portions of an exterior wall. Wall: The exterior surface of a building or structure. For purposes of this Code, other than size limitations, a wall shall be determined to include mansard -type or sloped roof structures. Whip Antenna: An omni- directional dipole antenna of cylindrical shape that is no more than six (6) inches in diameter. Wind Energy Conversion System: A wind- driven machine that converts the kinetic energy of the wind into a usable form of electrical or mechanical energy. The WECS includes all parts of a system except the tower and the transmission equipment. 176 Windmill Rotor: That portion of the windmill which includes the blades, hub, and shaft. Windmill Tower: The supporting structure on which the rotor, turbine, and accessory equipment are mounted. Work of Art: The term "work of art" shall apply to all mural paintings or decorations, inscriptions, mosaic, painted glass, and similar art forms of a permanent character intended for permanent or commemoration that are applied to, constructed, or placed upon the exterior walls of any building. For the purpose of this Code, "work(s) of art ", whether singular or in aggregate, shall be deemed to exist when its size exceeds sixteen (16) square feet. For the purpose of this Code, a "work of art" which in any way relates to the business conducted IP erein shall be considered as a wall sign. Xeriscape: Landscaping with native plants that utilize the existing `environmental conditions to the best advantage, conserving water and protecting the native envftp ment. Yard: An open unoccupied space on a lot between a buit' ng and a lot hh,e, Yard. Front: A yard extending along the full length of the font lot lines betweerrthe side lot lines. Yard Required: The minimum permitted distance of ;open unae�bupied space„ between a building and a lot line. Yard Rear: A yard extending along the full length of the rear lot line between the side lot lines. Yard. Side: A yard extending along a side zot line between the ffoiat, yard and the rear yard. Zero Lot Line: A common lot line on which a wall of a structure may-"bb- constructed. Zero Lot Line Development: Single- family dwellings arrarigd, on individual lots as detached structures with one or more side walls on a side propO""I �Iine. 177 APPENDIX A OWASSO PLANNING COMMISSION ARTICLE I. Name. The name of this Commission shall be the Owasso Planning Commission hereinafter referred to as the "Commission ". ARTICLE 11. Membership. Section 1. Number. The Commission shall consist of five (5) members. Section 2. Qualification. Members shall reside within Owasso "City Limits and shall be nominated by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council of Owasso. Section 3. Code of Ethics. Any member to whom some private benefit, direct or indirect, financial or beneficial or otherwise, may come as a result of a public action concerning the Planning Commission, shall not be a participant in that action. The possibility, not the actuality of a conflict, shall govern. The individual experiencing a conflict of interest shall declare their interest, abstain from voting on the matter, and refrain from any deliberations on;� the mater. The individual shall not discuss the matter with a fellow official for the purpose of influencing a decision thereon. ARTICLE Ili. Officers. There shall be the following officers: chair and vice - chair. Section 1. Election of Officers. Election of said officers shall be held annually at the first meeting of the Commission after July 1 of each year. The term of each office shall be one (1) year commencing Immediately upon the election of each officer. Any vacancy in office shall be filled by the Commission for the unexpired term only. - Section 2. Duties and Powers. a. Chair. The Chair shall have the following duties: 1. Preside at all meetings; 2. Assist in preparing the agenda; 3. Follow the agenda; and 4. Allot all sides of a case to be heard. b. Vice- Chair. The Vice -Chair shall preside at all meetings in the absence of the Chair. ARTICLE IV. Committees. The Commission may establish any, and as many, standing committees as it deems desirable. A motion to establish a standing committee and its membership shall receive a vote of three (3) members. The duties are subject to be reviewed by a standing committee and may also be outlines and passed by an affirmative vote of three members. ARTICLE V. Meetings. Section 1. Time and Place. The meetings of the Commission shall be held in the City Council meeting room at Old Central, unless otherwise provided by the Commission for particular meetings. The meetings shall be held at 6:00 p.m. on the Monday following the first Tuesday of each month as needed unless otherwise set by the Commission. Special meetings may be held on call of the Chair at such time and place as may be designated. 178 Section 2. Quorum. Three (3) members shall constitute a quorum. ARTICLE VI. Votes. In making any recommendation, adopting any plan, or approving any proposal, action shall be taken by not less than three (3) members of five (5) members regardless of the number of members absent. ARTICLE VII. For the purposes of rulings from the chair or other parliamentary decisions, Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall control. ARTICLE VIII. Absences of Members. When a member fails to attend three (3) consecutive regular or special meetings, or if a member fails to attend fifty (50) percent of the regular or special meetings held during any six (6) month period, the Commission may request the Owasso City Council to replace that member. ARTICLE IX. Amendment of Bylaws. Any proposed presented in writing to the members of require an affirmative vote of three (3) m these by -laws shall be t a meeting and shall 179 APPENDIX B OWASSO BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT ARTICLE I. Name. Oklahoma State Statute provides for the creation of a Board of Adjustment (BOA) of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. The name of this Board shall be the Owasso Board of Adjustment, hereinafter referred to as the "Board ". ARTICLE II. Membership. Section 1. Number. The Board shall consist of five (5) members. Section 2. Qualifications. Members shall reside within Owasso City Limits and shall be nominated by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council of Owasso. Section 3. Term. Each member shall serve without pay for a term of three (3) years, and vacancies shall be filled for an unexpired term of a Board member in the manner set forth for appointments to a full term. Upon written charges and after a public hearing, members may be removed by the appointing City Council for any one (:T) of the following causes: a. Failure to attend three (3) consecutive regular or special meetings or failure to attend one -half (1 /2) or fifty (50) percent of the regular or special meetings held during any six (b) month period. b. Actions and conduct unbecoming to a Public Official of the City of Owasso, Oklahoma. c. Repeated acts and conduct detrimental to. the peace, health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Owasso. Section 4. Code of Ethics. Any member to whom some private benefit, direct or indirect, financial or otherwise, may come as a result of a public action concerning the Board, shall not be a participant in that action. The possibility, not the actuality of a conflict, shall govern. The individual experiencing a conflict of interest shall declare their interest_, abstain from voting on the matter, and refrain from any deliberations on the matter. The individual shall not discuss the matter with a fellow official for the purpose of influencing a decision thereon. ARTICLE III. Officers. There shall be the following officers: Chair and Vice - Chair. Section 1. Election and Officers. The Board shall conduct an annual meeting each year on the regular meeting date in June which, in addition to their regular business, shall be for the purpose of conducting an election of officers to serve for a term of one (1) year from the date of election. Any vacancy in office shall be filled by the Commission for the unexpired term only. Section 2. Duties and Responsibilities. a. Chair. The Chair shall be responsible for presiding at the meeting of the Board and insuring that all requirements of the ordinances of the City of Owasso and the laws of the State of Oklahoma are met. The business of the Board shall be conducted in an orderly manner keeping in mind at all times that each member of the Board is an equal. This position shall be in the nature of a moderator and as a spokesperson to the public for Board statements, policy, or procedures for the conduct of Board business. 180 b. Vice- Chair. The Vice -Chair shall serve as Chair in the absence of the Chair and at those times comply with the responsibilities and duties of the Chair. c. Board Members. Each Board member is an equal and shall be responsible for the conduct of Board business in a dignified and orderly manner to demonstrate and reflect the high character and moral integrity of each of the Board members. At all times Board members shall maintain strict impartiality and concern themselves solely with the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of the City of Owasso. ARTICLE IV. Notice of Public Hearing. The Owasso Board of Adjustment (BOA) shall give notice and then conduct a public hearing before acting on any appeal from a determination of a City of Owasso Administrative Official, interpretation or before granting any Special Exception or Variance, Ten (10) days' notice of a public hearing Suit be given as;follows for a Special Exception, Variance, or appeal frorA,,` determination °of: the Community Development Department, a. By publication in a newspaper of general circulation; and b. By mailing written notice to all property, owners within a three hundred (300) foot radius of the exterior boundary of;fhe subject property. The notice shall contain: a. The legal description �,of the property and< the street address or approximate location of the property;' b. Thep ning classificq #ion of the property and the nature of the c. "fife date, time,�¢ind place bf4he hearing. The responsibility of gw'ing proper arict'timely notice and paying all costs thereof shall be that of thejapplicant. Any action taken by the BOA on an application at a public hearing shall'becoi'tae qulll,,and void if the applicant fails to comply with requirements set forth herein. ARTICLE Y. Meetings. Sec tiQn_l. Time and Place' " -. The meetings of the Board shall be held in the City Council Chambers at City Hall, unless otherwise provided by the Board for particular meetings. The meetings shall be held at 6:00 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each wmonth as needed. Special meetings may be held on call of the Chair at such tihip -and plaae as may be designated. Section 2. Quortiih. Three (3) members shall constitute a quorum. ARTICLE VI. Motion otes. Section 1. Motions. All items of public business coming before the Board on application shall be determined by motion, second, and vote of the Board unless the Board fails to receive a motion or a second to a motion. Delegation of authority for the performance of purely administrative functions and such other items as the Board may determine may be acted upon by the simple agreement of all members present. Section 2. Votes. The approval of applications coming before the Board shall require three (3) affirmative votes of those members present; unless three (3) affirmative votes 1131 are cast the application shall be considered denied. On administrative questions (i.e., interpretations), a majority vote of the members present at the meeting shall be decisive. The vote shall be by roll call. ARTICLE VII. Parliamentary Procedure. For purposes of rulings from the chair or other parliamentary decisions, Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall control. ARTICLE VIII. Meeting Procedure. Section 1. Ooenina Procedure. a. The Chair, or in the absence of the Chair the Vice - Chair, shall call the meeting to order noting the time and date, and shall call the roll indicating those members absent. Before order of business shall be conducted on any Board of Adjustment application, or any item that requires publication, the Chair shall check to assure that all requirements of Notice of Public Hearing have been completed. Application shall be continued if said Notice is not complete. b. Each agenda item shall be announced by the Chair in the order that it appears on the published agenda unless otherwise agreed to by a majority vote of the Board members. present. Section 2. Public Hearing Procedure. a. The Chair shall then call on persons on the Board's staff for a detailed statement and history of the item under consideration. b. The Chair shall call on applicant or applicant's representative for presentation of the application. In the absence of a statement by the applicant or applicant's representative,. the staff's statement may be considered by the Board. c. After presentation of the application as above set out, the Chair shall provide all persons present an opportunity to speak for or against the application. The order of speaking opportunity shall be determined by the Chair. The Board may by majority vote at any time call a halt to speaking opportunity when it appears the statements are repetitious. d. Any members of the Board may at any time during the presentation of an agenda item ask.questions of the applicant, persons on the Board's staff, t.„ other Board members or interested parties without being recognized by the Chair, however, each member shall conduct themselves in a businesslike manner when asking such question or questions. In the event disorder should erupt among Board members during the questioning process, any Board member may move to grant the Chair the temporary right to require recognition before speaking. Amy member of the Board shall be entitled to make a motion that the presentation has become repetitious, call for a second and vote on the question at any time after allowing proponents and opponents an opportunity to present all issues having merit in relation to the application. ARTICLE IX. Amendment of Bylaws. Any proposed amendment to these by -laws shall be presented in writing to the members of the Board at a meeting and shall require an affirmative vote of three (3) members. 182 ARTICLE X. Fees. Application fees for a Board of Adjustment application shall be paid to the City of Owasso. The amount of the fees shall be established by resolution adopted by the Owasso City Council. ARTICLE XI. Appeals from the Community Development Department or City of Owasso Official. Section 1. General. An appeal to the Owasso Board of Adjustment (BOA) may be taken by any person aggrieved or by an officer, department, board, or bureau of the City affected, where it is alleged there is error in any order, requirement, decision, or determination of the Community Development Department or other City Department in the enforcement of this Code. Section 2. Notice of Appeal. An appeal shall be determination complained of by filing a n, thereof with the Community Developmen- the Owasso Board of Adjustment (BOA).:;;,; The Community Development Department, upon to the Secretary of the Board and the'Ciiy, Clerk < constituting the record of said matter. Upon receipt of the record, the Secretary" shpil made upon the appeal and shall set the matter tc Section 3. Owasso Board of Adfustment-Aetion. The Boarc The Board may reverse or affirm requirement, decision, or dete," order, requirement, decision or`, jE end shall have ail the powers of th> The Board shall make =ifs, decision v the decision shall be rn_writinq and Tel from ten (10) days from the 1, specifying the grounds ind,with the Secretary of of notice, shall transmit copies of all the papers cause an investigation to be _public hearing. 'shall hold the public hearing. xt; Ar..may modify the order, d from and may make such ught to be made, and to that om the appeal is taken. thirty (30) days after the final hearing, and of record in the office of the City Clerk. The cont rig vote;.of three (3) mehibers of the Board shall be necessary to reverse any or1e requirement, decision, or determination of the Community Stay of Pi6iceedi 1, An appeal stays all proceedings in furtherance of the action appegled from;. unless the Building Inspector from whom the appeal is taken certifies' to the Owasso Board of Adjustment (BOA), after the notice of appeal shall haave been filed with them, that by reason of facts stated in the certificate a stay would in their opinion cause imminent peril to life or property. In such case, proceedings shall not be stayed other than by a restraining order gfgnted by tho; 'bard or by the Court of proper jurisdiction on due and sufficient ARTICLE XII. Interpretatibn. Where a question arises as to the zoning district classification of a particulat use, or the applicability of any adopted City Codes or Standards, the Owasso Board of Adjustment (BOA), upon written request of the Community Development Director or their designee, shall determine the classification of the use or zoning district in question or whether Staff interpretation of the Code is appropriate. ARTICLE XIII. Variances. Section 1. General. The Owasso Board of Adjustment (BOA), upon application and after notice (when notice is required) and public hearing, may grant Variances from 183 the terms of this Code only upon a finding that the Variance will not cause substantial detriment to the public good or impair the spirit, purposes, and intent of this Code or the Land Use. Master Plan, where by reason of exceptional narrowness, shallowness, shape, topography, or other extraordinary or exceptional situation, condition, or circumstance peculiar to a particular property, the literal enforcement of this Code will result in unnecessary hardship. The Board shall act only within the confines as outlined in Oklahoma State Statute. Section 2. Application. A request for a Variance shall be initiated by the filing of an application with the Community Development Department and shall be set for public hearing in accordance with the rules established by the Board and Oklahoma State Statute. Section 3. Owasso Board of Adiustment Action. The Board shall hold the public hearing and, upon the concurring vote of three (3) members, may grant a Variance only upon a finding that: a. The application of the Code to the particular piece of property would create an unnecessary hardship; b. Such conditions are peculiar to the particular piece of property involved; c. Relief, if granted, would not cause substantial detriment to the public good or impair the purposes and intent of the Code or the Land Use Master Plan; and d. The Variance, if granted, would be the minimum necessary to alleviate the unnecessary hardship. The Board, in granting. a Variance, shall prescribe appropriate conditions and safeguards, and may require such evidence and guarantee or bond as it may deem necessary to enforce compliance with the conditions attached. Section 4. Time Limitations on Variances. A Variance which has not been utilized within one (1) year from the date of the order granting the Variance shall thereafter be void. For the purpose of this provision, utilization shall mean actual use or the issuance of a Building Permit, when applicable, provided construction is diligently carried to completion. ARTICLE XIV. Administrative Variances. Section 1. Minor Variances_ A Minor Variance is a small variation from the requirements of the Zoning Code. A Minor Variance approval is essentially a certificate of permission, because it allows the property owner to obtain a Building Permit or Certificate of Occupancy (C /O) even though their property does not comply precisely with the requirements of the Zoning Code or Subdivision Regulations of the City of Owasso. Prior to the submission of request for a Minor Variance, the applicant shall meet with the Community Development Director or their designee to discuss the nature of the request. The Community Development Director or their designee shall consider the information provided and make the determination as to whether the request is minor in nature for it to be processed as a Minor Administrative Variance or Special Exception. Section 2. Minor Administrative Variances for Encroachments into Setbacks. A Minor Administrative Variance can be granted for encroachment into a building 184 setback of up to two (2) feet. A request for a Minor Administrative Variance shall be submitted in the some manner as other Variance requests requiring Board approval, including application, supporting materials, and fee. An administrative hearing shall be held by the Community Development Director or their designee who shall determine, based on the evidence provided, whether to approve or deny the Minor Variance request. Notice of hearings regarding requests for Minor Variances shall be done in the same manner as other Variance requests requiring Board approval, with notices sent to adjacent property owners. Notices shall be mailed at least ten (10) days prior to the hearing and contain: a. A legal description of the subject property b. The nature of the Variance request; and , c. The date, time and place of the Appeals to administrative Variance c Board of Adjustment (BOA). ARTICLE XV. Special Exceptions. Section 1. General. The Owasso Board of Adjustment notice and public hearing subject to the pi hereinafter set forth, may grant the following a. The change of a r "Non- Conformities" b. The restoration of a conforming use as pr the Ov✓as'sp,Zoning Cc c. The. restoration`;,, of a Z in the `Char use MITOT address (if any); by the Owasso upon application; and after al and substantive standards Exceptions: gyided in the Chapter titled tructure containing a non - titled "Non- Conformities" in destroyed non - conforming structure as "Non- Conformities" in the Owasso Zoning in the °Section titled "Accessory Dwelling Units" in sidential District Provisions" in the Owasso Zoning e. The constructiorrof an accessory building as described in the Section titled "Yards?' in the Chapter titled "Residential District Provisions" in the Owasso Zoning Code. Section 2 ;'- .;Application Air, quest for a Special Exception shall be initiated by the filing of an application witii. -the Community Development Department and shall be set for public hearin°g;;6y said Department in accordance with the rules established by the Owassa;Bbard of Adjustment (BOA). Section 3. Procedure. Submit application to the Community Development Department. The Community Development Director or their designee shall consider these factors when evaluating a request for a Special Exception: a. Will the placement of the structure impact parking and circulation patterns? b. What is the nature of any protests to the request? c. Will the placement of the structure impact any above or below ground utilities? 185 Section 4. Board of Adjustment Action. The Owasso Board of Adjustment (BOA) shall hold the public hearing and may, upon the concurring vote of three (3) members, grant the Special Exception after finding that the Special Exception will be in harmony with the spirit and intent of the code and will not be injurious to the neighborhood or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. The Board, in granting a Special Exception, shall prescribe appropriate conditions and safeguards and may require such evidence and guarantee or bonds as it may deem necessary to enforce compliance with the conditions attached. Section 5. rime limitations on Special Exceptions. A Special Exception which has not been 'utilized within one (1) year from the date of the order granting the Special Exception shall thereafter be void, provided that the Board has not extended the time for utilization. For the purpose of this provision, utilization shall mean actual use or the issuance of a Building Permit, when applicable, provided construction is diligently carried to completion. ARTICLE XVI. Appeals to the District Court. Section 1. Procedure. An appeal of any action, ruling, decision, judgment, or order of the Owasso Board of Adjustment (BOA) may be taken by any person or persons aggrieved, or any taxpayer or officer, department, board, or bureau of the City to the District Court, by filing with the City Clerk and with the Secretary of the Board within ten (10) days from the date of such action a notice of appeal, which notice shall specify the grounds of such appeal. No bond or deposit for costs shall be required for such appeal. Upon filing of the notice of appeal, the City Clerk shall transmit to the Court Clerk of the County the original or certified copies of all the papers constituting the record in the case, together with the order, decision, or ruling of the Board. Said case shall be heard and tried de nova in the District Court of Tulsa County or Rogers County, Oklahoma. An appeal shall be from the action of the District Court as in all other civil actions. Alt issues in any proceedings under this Section shall have preference over all other civil. actions and proceedings. Costs shall not be allowed against the Board unless it shall appear to the Court that it acted with gross negligence, in bad faith, or with malice in making the decision being appealed. Section 2. Stay of Proceedings. An appeal to the District Court stays all proceedings in furtherance of the action appealed unless the Chair of the Board certifies to the Court Clerk, after notice shall have been filed, that by reasons of facts stated in the certificate, a stay would cause imminent peril to life or property. - In such case, proceedings shall not be stayed other than by a restraining order granted by the District Court. 186 REAL People • RFAL Character •REAL Community TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Owasso FROM: Bronce L. Stephenson Director of Community Development SUBJECT: Annexation /Rezoning (OA 18 -02 /OZ 18 -03) -10920 N Garnett Rd DATE: May 4, 2018 BACKGROUND: The Community Development Department received a request for an annexation of property located at 10920 N Garnett Rd. The subject property is currently zoned AG (Agriculture) in Tulsa County and is approximately 9.75 acres in size. The applicant has also submitted a concurrent rezoning request to change the property from AG (Agriculture) to OM (Office Medium) upon annexation into Owasso City Limits. SURROUNDING LAND USE: Direction Zoning Use Land Use Plan Jurisdiction North CG (Commercial General) Commercial Commercial City of Within Overlay District? No Water Provider City of Owasso Owasso South RE (Residential Estate) Residential Residential City of Owasso East RS-3 (Residential Single- Residential Residential City of Family High Density) Owasso West RE (Residential Estate) Residential Residential City of Owasso SUBJECT PROPERTY /PROJECT DATA: Property Size 9.75 acres +/- Current Zoning AG (Agriculture) Proposed Zoning OM (Office Medium) Land Use Plan Transitional Within PUD? No Within Overlay District? No Water Provider City of Owasso Applicable Paybacks Storm Siren Fee ($50.00 per acre) Ranch Creek Sewer Service Assessment Area ($610.33 per acre) Meadowcrest Sewer Relief Area ($867.00 per acre) ANALYSIS: The subject property is currently zoned AG (Agriculture) in Tulsa County. The applicant requests the property be rezoned to OM (Office Medium) if the annexation request is approved. The GrOwasso 2030 Land Use Master Plan identifies this property for transitional land uses, which typically includes attached housing and offices. Therefore, staff concludes that the OM (Office Medium) zoning would be appropriate for the subject property. The Technical Advisory Committee reviewed the annexation request on April 18, 2018. No issues were found with the annexation of the property. It was determined that the City would be able to provide EMS and utility services to the site. Any development that occurs on the subject property must adhere to all subdivision, zoning, and engineering requirements of the City of Owasso. PLANNING COMMISSION: The Planning Commission will consider this item at their meeting on May 7, 2018. ATTACHMENTS: Aerial Map Zoning Map GrOwasso 2030 Land Use Master Plan Map Aerial Map OA 18 -02 /OZ 18 -03 Zoning Map OA 18 -02 /OZ 18 -03 I GrOwasso 2030 Land Use Master Plan OA 18 -02 /OZ 18 -03 E 112th St N LEGEND Lana Use Cat"odes - fMirsfiYRM4+.�1 E�frymnnl NephbxhoW h4.tb l'sc (L#)h ixse, Cafm g. Apld w),Ananc�vf l/<umrq, c,F n;wtsnq,aptnmmt; afwnc fawlJ) ® P.v1- yRecte�Run - P;rt�clm,>:aernx.nt�:ts, Plafc RciJCTb:L �Sintye f.mdy ylxlMvf Inuvtgf . ,_ TrJh4lnlndf 1Atlxtwy nGf:,flq. Mtpkct ,. UlI[esl //, uS.7G9 V.enay pslrrzl Q'fjlmn.l,IV atNFfm $pe[IY psucf "Gay.�vow�n Lbvt�aPlnen Dyne Ifpp Fi. ppn PIa -A Tryl'On.Stfwfc B*t W, fanplau Stlwd F KNrg uad j Fne Slaw., � �SRIn✓)PUfA24U1Oa _ Foufe putO Schaaf .!. Canlun Au" ® Fu1VC Paft,rb R"ft,a] sbw m mcwwj Q RtAC PA r (inp Care Ott Ceflwmry AML REAL Peopla • REAL Chaader •REAL Community TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Owasso FROM: Larry Langford Director of Recreation and Culture SUBJECT: Proposed Special Events Permit DATE: May 4, 2018 BACKGROUND: Special events can provide many opportunities for citizens and visitors to gather and participate in memorable and fun - filled experiences. These occurrences bond our community by bringing a variety of people together to celebrate their lives with common purpose. These activities not only create wonderful memories, they provide the unity desired to develop relationships, encourage inclusivity and promote good will within our community. In January 2014, staff began developing standards and guidelines to help provide direct communication between event organizers and city staff and set expectations for everyone involved in the process. An application was created to gather pertinent information allowing staff to understand the scope of the event, provide guidance, allocate resources, and emphasize public safety. Over the last 4 years, staff has managed this tool as a guideline without any charges or financial requirements. As our community grows, the number of events have increased and grown larger in scale. This requires more city staff coordination and places greater demand on limited city resources. It is important that the City of Owasso implement protocol to assist in a balanced approach in regulating time, place, and the manner of special events in order to protect public health, safety, and resources and to reduce any adverse impacts on the public places. DISCUSSION: Staff has placed on item on the May work session to discuss a proposed ordinance to establish the requirement of a special events permit with a corresponding fee structure. REAL People - REAL Charzcter • REpL Community TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Owasso FROM: David Hurst Fire Chief SUBJECT: Proposed Amendment to Code of Ordinances Part 13, Public Safety - Fire Department Enforcement DATE: May 4, 2018 BACKGROUND: The City of Owasso Code of Ordinances Part 13, Public Safety, Section 13 -102, "Fire Department to Enforce the Code" establishes the Fire Department's authority to enforce the current fire prevention code. Enforcement is made through the Fire Marshal's office under the supervision of the Fire Chief. Staff would like to amend Section 13 -102 for clarification on fire code enforcement, providing language for the issuance of citations for code violations. Currently, the Owasso Fire Marshal and Deputy Fire Marshal review building and sprinkler plans, perform required yearly building inspections, and assess other code compliance areas. While most of the commercial properties and construction contractors comply with the code, there are unfortunately some who do not and are often repeat offenders. An item has been placed on the May work session agenda for discussion. PROPOSED AMENDMENT: Staff is proposing an amendment to Part 13, Public Safety, Section 13 -102 Fire Department Enforcement by replacing the current language with the following: "The Fire Chief of the Owasso Fire Department and designees may be authorized to issue a citation for violations of the Fire code as adopted in Section 13 -101 of the Owasso Code of Ordinances and for violations of such other provisions within the Owasso Code of Ordinances that may be appropriate. The citations shall state the date, location, and violation and shall direct the defendant to appear in the Owasso Municipal Court on a designated day and /or pay the required fine by the designated court date. The citation shall state that if the defendant fails to appear within the time specified or pay the fine, a warrant for failure to appear or failure to pay may be issued, which may result in the defendant being arrested." ATTACHMENT: Current Section 13 -102 Public Safety SECTION 13.102 FIRE DEPARTMENT TO ENFORCE CODE A. The fire prevention code shall be enforced by the fire department of the city. under the supervision of the fire chief of the fire department. 8. The chief of the fire department may detall such members of the fire department as inspectors = may from time to time be necessary. (Prior Code. Sec. 81 21 sd REAL Peapla' REAL Cha..W `REAL CommuNty TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Owasso FROM: Teresa Willson Information Technology Director SUBJECT: Budget Amendment Storage Area Network DATE: May 4, 2018 PROPOSED ACTION: This is related to a budget amendment for the purchase and installation of a Storage Area Network system due to increased need for additional capacity. DETAILS: The Information Technology Department requested the approval for the purchase of two Storage Area Network systems by NetApp in September of 2014. These systems provide physical C servers, virtual servers and storage for critical systems utilized by various City departments. The systems are configured to provide redundancy in the event one system needs to be taken offline due to catastrophic failure, maintenance or other scenario. In the event one system is down, the other is configured to function independently, providing continuity of service. Since the installation of the NetApp systems, the growth of the City's data needs have outpaced expectations. The significant growth experienced can in part be attributed to the increased collection and retention of video, images, and large format documents. There are several sources of this data. The Police Department utilizes a significant portion of data for the storage of evidence in many forms. In addition to the Police Department, other areas, such Public Works and Community Development work with large files from design drawings to plats and other plans submitted from developers. The need for storage is anticipated to continue to grow for the City. Research shows that data storage needs continue to increase across almost all industries as technology continues to provide a more critical role in society. This is especially true for law enforcement agencies as digital evidence, surveillance videos and document archival needs continue to expand. During the last 4 years, the city's data storage needs have increased by over 400 %. 400% growth in 4 years is not outside industry standards, but has increased at a rate faster than staff had predicted. Many analysts expect data storage levels to increase by an average of 50 times from 2010 to 2020. This level of growth has created a substantial challenge for IT departments in both public and private sectors. Due to the increases in data storage, IT staff is currently monitoring and clearing what files it can to ensure the storage needs of the City can be met. It will soon not be possible to clear files without risking critical data. PROPOSAL: To resolve the need for additional storage, staff can consider two approaches, adding storage to the existing NetApp system or acquiring an additional NetApp with the necessary storage. Staff evaluated both approaches to our storage needs and concluded that if purchasing a new system, it would be necessary to be consistent with NetApp for the systems to work congruently. Based on vendor quotes, an additional 96 terabytes of raw storage would cost approximately $58,000, for the existing system. Annual maintenance on NetApp systems is per GB of storage. As the storage size increases, so does the maintenance. The current year maintenance is over $17,000.00, and is anticipated to increase next year to approximately $21,000 or more, based on the additional storage and percentage annual increase. This system is in year 4 of service and the expectancy for service is 5 to 7 years. Eventually, the City would like to consider a third party support agreement at a reduced rate. However, without a third NetApp in place, there is a greater concern about failure of the aging system and the resulting risk for redundancy for disaster recovery. This approach would provide storage without any additional capability, installed on systems that are nearly 4 years old. A new NetApp system with 111 TB Storage, including Installation and 3 years support would be approximately $89,000. The new NetApp price includes 3 years support, at $16,293.57. The benefit of a new NetApp is threefold. 1. A new NetApp will allow staff to further distribute critical infrastructure across multiple locations in an effort to increase redundancy for disaster recovery. Having a new NetApp in place allows staff to eventually move one system a greater physical distance away for offsite storage and disaster recovery. 2. A, new NetApp Will increase the available performance � of the storage system 'by providing nearly double the available IOPS, Input /output operations per second. This would allow staff to deploy additional virtual servers while maintaining a high performance level. Adding shelves to the existing NetApp controllers will add additional storage but will not provide much of an increase for TOPS or system performance. We will not be able to use that increase storage for high load systems like virtual servers. It could only be used for document and static video storage. 3. The new NetApp is a newer generation with several performance and stability enhancements. This includes solid state data caching which can substantially increase available IOPS and performance. Staff estimates for the City's digital storage needs did not anticipate the recent significant growth in utilization. Therefore, there was not a request in the FY2017 -18 budget for this purpose. There is not sufficient budget remaining in Information Technology to provide a solution to this urgent need for additional systems in response to the growing demand for digital storage. Staff intends to recommend a budget amendment for the purchase and installation of a new NetApp system based on the benefits outlined above and has placed a discussion item on the May work session agenda. 041 eope- REAL Comm unity TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Juliann M. Stevens City Clerk SUBJECT: Board and Commission Appointments DATE: May 4, 2018 BACKGROUND: In order to continue citizen participation and city staff involvement on the various boards, committees, trust, and commissions, an item has been placed on the May workession agenda to begin discussion of the annual appointment process. The purpose of this memorandum is to provide background information for each board or committee and identify terms which are vacant or set to expire June 30. AUDIT COMMITTEE - The purpose of the audit committee is to oversee the audit of financial C statements, ensure the auditor is independent of city management and review internal controls and policies. The Audit Committee consists of five voting members and two non - voting ex- officio members (City Manager and Finance DiFector). ' With the exception of the City Council Representative who` serves a one -year term, appointments are for three year terms: Doug Bonebrake (Seat 1, City Council Representative) Guy Nightingale (Seat 3, Business Person) * In accordance with the City Ordinance, Seat No. I shall be held by a City Councilor who is serving the second year of their three -year term. Councilors Bush and Dunn are eligible for this committee. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT - This is a quasi- judicial body whose function is to hear and decide cases relating to zoning variances and appeals of the Building Inspector's interpretation of the building codes. Appeals of decisions made by this board must be taken to District Court. The Board of Adjustment contains five citizen members. Appointments are for three -year terms: Joe Ramey (Citizen Representative) CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS COMMITTEE - This committee reviews capital improvement requests and conducts a public meeting to discuss current projects, completed projects, and recommends additional projects proposed to be funded by the third -penny sales tax. This committee meets as necessary and is comprised of citizens, representatives of other boards and commissions, and city staff. Appointments are for one year terms: VACANCY (Citizen Representative) Bill Bush (City Council Representative) Chris Kelley (City Council Representative) Paul Loving (Planning Commission Representative) Dirk Thomas (OEDA Representative) Jeff Davis (Citizen Representative) Shawn Reiss (Citizen Representative) Jason Drake (Citizen Representative) Rob Haskins (Citizen Representative) Jim Hunter (Citizen Representative) Chris Garrett, Assistant City Manager Warren Lehr, City Manager Linda Jones, Finance Director OWASSO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY - The duties of this authority are to plan, implement, and promote projects and programs that will directly benefit the economic well being of the community. The Authority is comprised of seven Trustees: five At -Large representatives, one representative of the Chamber of Commerce, and one City Councilor. With the exception of the Chamber Representative and the City Council Representative serving one year terms, member appointments are for five year terms: Dee Sokolosky (At Large Representative) Gary Akin (Chamber Representative) VACANCY (Council Representative) PERSONNEL BOARD - This board meets when there is business to be addressed relating to appeals of personnel decisions made by the City Manager. Meetings are called by the Chairperson when a petition from a City employee is received in the Office of the City Clerk per the Personnel Policy Manual. The Personnel board contains three citizen members. Appointments are for three -year terms: Bruce McCarty (Citizen Representative) PLANNING COMMISSION - The purpose of this commission is to review and recommend to the City Council actions relating to zoning, platting, subdivision construction, annexation, commercial site plans, and other related planning functions. Appointments are for three -year terms: David Horton (Citizen Representative) David Vines (Citizen Representative) SALES TAX WATCHDOG COMMITTEE - The purpose of this committee is to maintain citizen oversight of the collected third penny sales tax, ensure the proper use of revenues generated, and report findings to the public. This committee generally meets twice per year on the fourth Monday of March and September. Members are appointed for the life of the sales tax or until resignation or events cause a termination as defined in the committee policy. Appointees may not serve in any elective or other Council appointed position with the City of Owasso. The following representative positions are vacant due to resignation or termination due to attendance requirement: VACANCY - Education Appointment VACANCY - Service Business Appointment VACANCY - Recreation Appointment Education appointment is an individual employed by and actively engaged in an Owasso school, either as an administrator or a teacher, and who resides in the service area Service Business appointment is an individual who operates a business providing direct services to the public within the service area Recreation appointment is an individual who is an active member of an organized group promoting the development of amateur sports and recreation in the service area INCOG ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY COMMITTEE - This INCOG committee works with state and federal governmental agencies to implement clean water, air quality, and energy programs for the region. Appointments to the committee are for one -year terms: Roger Stevens (Public Works) INCOG TRANSPORTATION POLICY COMMITTEE - This regional transportation committee facilitates a cooperative effort with federal, state, and local governments and other transportation agencies to assess the area's transportation requirements. Appointments to the committee are for one -year terms: Doug Bonebrake (City Council Representative) Warren Lehr (City Manager, Alternate) INCOG TRANSPORTATION TECHNICAL COMMITTEE - This committee works closely with the INCOG Transportation Policy Committee to develop comprehensive, multi -modal plans that address the transportation needs and goals of the region. Appointments to the committee are for one -year terms: Roger Stevens (Public Works) Dwayne Henderson (Public Works, Alternate) REGIONAL METROPOLITAN UTILITY AUTHORITY - The Authority is a joint venture of Tulsa, Broken Arrow, Owasso, Jenks, and Bixby. The purpose of the Authority is to fund regional municipality utility efforts. Appointments to the Authority are for one -year terms: VACANCY Roger Stevens (Public Works Director) l REAL v¢ople • REALCM1a2clen REAL Community TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Linda Jones Finance Director SUBJECT: FY 2018 -2019 Annual Operating Budget DATE: May 4, 2018 BACKGROUND: Pursuant to statutory and Charter provisions, recommended annual operating budgets for the City of Owasso, Owasso Public Works Authority (OPWA), and Owasso Public Golf Authority (OPGA) have been developed. The budget proposal will be presented to City Council on May 8, 2018 and printed copies will be made available for public viewing at City Hall, the Owasso Library, and on the City's website by May 11, 2018. The City Council is required to hold a public hearing on the proposed budget. The proposed Budget Summary must be published in the newspaper with a notice of public hearing which gives taxpayers an opportunity to give input on the budget prior to its adoption. The Public Hearing has been scheduled for June 5, 2018, with the legal notice to be published by May 31, 2018. Once the City's budget is adopted, it can only be amended by vote of the Council. While Trustees for the OPWA and OPGA also adopt a budget, due to fluctuations in revenues state law does not restrict Trusts to the amount adopted as the budget. Adoption of the Budget has been scheduled for June 19, 2018. ATTACHMENT: FY19 Budget Presentation