HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018.05.08_Worksession MinutesOWASSO CITY COUNCIL, OPWA & OPGA .
Tuesday, May 8, 2018
The Owasso City Council, Owasso Public Works Authority, and Owasso Public Golf Authority met
in a joint regular meeting on Tuesday, May 8, 2018, in the Council Chambers at Old Central, 109
N Birch Street, Owasso, Oklahoma, per the Notice of Public Meeting and Agenda filed in the
office of the City Clerk and posted at City Hall, 200 5 Main (west side), at 6:00 pm on Friday, May
4, 2018.
1. Call to Order
Mayor /Chair Chris Kelley called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.
Mayor /Chair- Dr. Chris Kelley
Councilor /Trustee - Doug Bonebrake
Councilor /Trustee - Lyndell Dunn
Councilor /Trustee - Kelly Lewis
A quorum was declared present.
Vice- Mayor /Vice -Chair - Bill Bush
2. Consideration and appropriate action relating to a request for an executive session for the
purpose of discussing personnel matters of the City Attorney and City Manager as provided
for in Title 25, O.S. § 307(B)(1)
Councilor Bonebrake moved, seconded by Councilor Dunn to enter into executive session to
discuss the annual evaluation of the City Attorney and City Manager.
YEA: Bonebrake, Dunn, Lewis, Kelley
NAY: None
Motion carried: 4 -0
At 6:01 pm, the Council, along with Jim and Jeanine Rhea of Greenwood Performance
entered into executive session.
At 7:48 pm, the Council returned to open session.
3. Discussion relating to Community Development items
A. Proposed amendments to the Owasso Zoning Code
B. Annexation /Rezoning (OA 18 -02 /OZ 18 -03) - 10920 N Garnett Rd
Bronce Stephenson presented each item and discussion was held. It was further explained
that Item 3A would be placed on the June 19, 2018, Council agenda and Item 3B would be
placed on the May 15, 2018, Council agenda for consideration and action.
4. Discussion relating to proposed amendments to the Owasso Code of Ordinances
A. Part 11, Parks and Recreation, establishing a Special Events Permit- Larry Langford
B. Part 13, Public Safety, Section 13 -102 Fire Department Enforcement - David Hurst
Larry Langford presented Item 4A and discussion was held. It was further explained that an
item would be placed on the June worksession for additional discussion.
David Hurst and Johnny Peterson presented Item 4B and discussion was held. It was further
explain that an item would be submitted in June for Council consideration and action.
5. Discussion relating to Data Storage Area Network
Teresa Willson presented the item and discussion was held. It was further explained that an
item seeking a budget amendment and authorization to purchase would be placed on the
May 15, 2018, Council agenda for consideration and action.
Owasso City Council, OPWA & OPGA
May 8, 2018
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6. Discussion relating to Citizen Board & Committee Appointments
Warren Lehr presented the item and discussion was held. It was further explained that an
item would be placed on the June worksession agenda for additional discussion.
7. Discussion relating to City Manager items
• Presentation of FY 2018 -2019 Annual Operating Budget
• Monthly sales tax report
• City Manager report
Warren Lehr and Linda Jones presented the Proposed FY 2018 -2019 Annual Operating Budget
and discussion was held.
Linda Jones presented the monthly sales tax report and discussed was held.
Warren Lehr reported on the Spring Owasso C.A.R.E.S. day has been rescheduled to
Saturday, May 12, 2018; and the city's application for Surface Transportation Funding for the
E 96th St N and N 145 E Ave Intersection Improvement Project has been denied.
B. City Councilor /Trustee comments and inquiries
Councilor Bonebrake expressed appreciation for the city staff's participation with a city
information booth at the Gathering on Main Street events; Councilor Dunn advised that
Owasso would be represented at the U.S. Capitol during the Annual Tulsa Chamber D.C. Fly -
In; and Mayor Kelley commented on the successes of the Owasso High School Sports Teams
for this school year.
9. Adjournment
Councilor Lewis moved, seconded by Councilor Bonebrake to adjourn the meeting.
YEA: Bonebrake, Dunn, Lewis, Kelley
NAY: None
Motion carried: 4 -0
The meeting adjourned at 7:48 pm.
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